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EGNA Law Firm Mavridis & Associates new office in Serbia

Our law firm EGNA LAW FIRM NAVRIDIS & ASSOCIATES, after the absolutely successful and continuous presence of forty years in Greece and more than ten years in six countries in the Balkan area, has taken the decision to further expand its activity by choosing this time the country of Serbia, and for this reason it has already opened a new office in Belgrade at 7, Kneza Mihaila Street, in a very beautiful and commercial area in the center of the city.

Choosing Belgrade was by no means accidental, as it is the capital of a country that is a highly attractive environment for business development and investment.

Our intention is to always meet the constantly evolving legal conditions and needs prevailing at an international level, developing our legal network and establishing us as one of the largest and most successful Greek law firms with international activity.

As always, maintaining the highest standards of services and infrastructure is our main purpose, so that our clients are always satisfied with the legal services we provide them.


EGNA LAW FIRM NAVRIDIS & ASSOCIATES A: 21, Voukourestiou Str. 10671 Athens T: +30 210 3601020 F: +30 210 3604298 E: navridis@navridis.com W: www.navridis.com

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