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Exhibitions in Morocco
Solaire Expo Maroc 2023
Under the auspices of the Moroccan Ministries of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development and Higher Education, Scientific Research & Innovation, the 11th “Solaire Expo Maroc” is being organized in Casablanca from 21-23 February 2023. The exhibition is an annual event, one of the most important in the region and gathers, in a total surface of 5,000 sq.m., local and international exhibitors in the solar energy and energy efficiency sectors. The Moroccan energy policy prioritizes the development of the alternative sources of energy and energy security. With the high solar radiation potential (2,600 kWh/m2/year) and its connection with the Spanish electrical energy network (with two lines of 400kV/700 MW), Morocco offers interesting investment opportunities in the area of thermodynamic and photovoltaic systems.
For more information, please visit: https://solaireexpomaroc.com/ For the current tenders in renewable energy sources, interested parties can visit the website of the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy: https://www.masen.ma/fr
Halieutis 2023
Under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, operators in the fishing, seafood processing and aquaculture sectors will meet in Agadir for the 6th edition of the Halieutis Fair, from 1-5 February, 2023. Morocco, with a coastline of more than 3,500 km and an annual catch of about 1.5 million tons, is the leading fish producer in Africa, as well as the leading producer and exporter of sardines in the world. The country aims at the sustainable development of the said sector, through its national strategy under the name "Halieutis." The visitors come from various sectors, such as Fish Transformation, Logistics, Naval Construction, Institutional organization, Equipment Packaging Conditioning, IT, Specialized Press, Production Sea-borne Services and Aquaculture. The dynamic rise of the fishing and aquaculture sector of Morocco can offer significant potential for related Greek products, as well as investment opportunities for Greek businesses.
For more information, interested parties can visit http://www.salonhalieutis.com/ For the current tenders and the establishment of aquaculture units, interested parties can visit the website of ANDA (Agence Nationale pour le Développement de l’Aquaculture): https://www.anda.gov.ma
Source: Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Morocco, Economic & Commercial Affairs Office