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Myostatin Gene and Endurance ...
The future may hold surprises for Arabian horse breeders!
Written by Dr. Saria Almarzook Equine Researcher - Berlin, Germany
2020 was not the year of Covid-19 only, but also a year of scientific achievements. Not just about health issues, but also in the field of genetic modifications applied in horses. Recently, Moro et al. (2020) surprised everyone in the equine research community by generating the first myostatin (MSTN) edited horse embryos in Argentina, using CRISPR technology and somatic cell nuclear transfer. The first knockedout horse embryos may win the gold equestrian medals at the endurance competitions!
BUT, why myostatin? Will the modified horses have better endurance performance? Is it important for Arabian horses?
Humans invested in endurance to improve labor capability and athletic performance of horses. Today, endurance is one of the most popular types of equestrian athletic performances, and a trait of great economic value. According to Bergero et al. (2005), the endurance performance of horses is identified as a low-intensity long-term trial.
Horses vary in their ability to perform endurance, due to variability of genetic background, psychological and morphological differences, health conditions, and training programs (Metayer et al. 2004). These factors are related to each other, where morphological traits including, for example, the general body size (muscular mass), can be highly affected by the genetic factors. However, through training, muscle cells are stimulated to store more energy, so that the muscle mass increases, which can affect, positively, the endurance performance. Arabian and Arabian-cross horses are the best competitors for long distance riding, and the most used in the endurance sport, considering their muscle composition and their metabolism pattern (Hinchcliff et al. 2013; Metzger et al. 2015; Almarzook et al. 2019).
Candidate Genes for Endurance Performance
In classical animal breeding, endurance horse breeders would base their mating decision on pedigree information and genetic predictors, attempting to have the progeny of the best performing ancestors.
Candidate genes are genes that likely contribute to a trait due to the known or predicted function of the gene product. Endurance, genetically, is a complex quantitative trait, which is regulated by multiple genes. Candidate genes counted for athletic and physical performance in human are approximately 230 genes, 93 of them are thought to be endurance-related genetic markers (Bray et al. 2009; Schröder et al. 2011; Ahmetov et al. 2016; Maciejewska-Skrendo et al. 2019).
Horse breeds that differ in their endurance performing also differ in many physiological and metabolic parameters (Bergero et al. 2005; Castejon et al. 2006; Joyner & Coyle 2008), morphology and gaiting (Metayer et al. 2004; Cottin et al. 2010), skeletal muscle fiber types (fast/low twitch fibers) and muscle composition (Rivero et al. 1993; Rivero & Barrey 2001). Pathways contributing to endurance performance provide a list of candidate genes that can be tested for association with this trait.
In horses, although the development of equine genetics, only a small set of genes related to physical performance were genotyped in some horse breeds (Hill et al. 2010a; Silva et al. 2015). However, Arabian horses provide a valuable model to investigate genes that have an effect on the endurance trait. One of the most frequently investigated genes for its potential effect on the performance of endurance horses is the Myostatin.
The Myostatin (MSTN) gene is located on the horse chromosome 18. Myostatin encodes the growth differentiation factor 8 (GDF-8), which belongs to the TGF-β protein family affecting growth, differentiation and regulation of muscle proliferation, as well as controlling the muscle fiber’s growth (Carnac et al. 2006). Additionally, Myostatin is involved in performance relevant functions such as regeneration of skeletal muscles, bone formation, glucose metabolisms and adipocyte proliferation. In different species, like in Bully Whippet dogs and Belgian Blue Cattle, mutations which result in an inhibition of myostatin cause increased muscle mass (Mosher et al. 2007).
In horses, MSTN referred to as a speed gene, has been identified and associated with race performance in different breeds, particularly speed short racing breeds.
By sequencing the MSTN gene, studies suggested a significant association between multiple variants of this gene - mainly an intronic variant and a promoter insertion of 227 base pairs of nucleobases - and the racing performance phenotypes, speed over short distances, body composition and muscle fiber proportions in different racehorses, e.g. Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse breeds (Binns et al. 2010; Dall’Olio et al. 2010; Hill et al. 2010a; Hill et al. 2010b; Tozaki et al. 2011; Hill et al. 2012; Tozaki et al. 2012; Dall’Olio et al. 2014). Further studies showed that the detected promoter insertion was in high linkage disequilibrium with the intronic variant, which refer that the correlation between the mutated positions can be functional and highly related to racing performance in different horse breeds. While studies in Arabian horses showed that the MSTN intronic regions were conserved and the above mentioned variants were homozygous for the reference genotype (Stefaniuk et al. 2016; Almarzook et al. 2019). In Arabian horses, one variant was detected within the promoter region of the MSTN gene, however, this variant has not been tested for its association with the endurance performance due to limited sample size. A group of alleles (haplotype) in the second MSTN exon was identified by Baron et al. (2012) in a cohort of Arabian horses. Generally, recent studies in Arabian horses demonstrated obviously that MSTN exons were conserved and identical to the reference (Stefaniuk et al. 2016; Almarzook et al. 2019). Although only a few studies were conducted and opinions are more divergent, but generally speaking, these findings implied that MSTN observed genetic differences can be potential predictors of racing performance and morphological traits of different horse breeds performing different racings forms (Hill et al. 2010b; Tozaki et al. 2011; François et al. 2016).
Genetic Modification in Horses
Genetic modification has been applied in the equine world for almost two decades. The first cloned horse, Prometea, which was the progeny derived from fibroblast cell (from skin biopsies) of an Arabian-Thoroughbred male and one Haflinger female (Galli et al. 2003). In 2016, in the Argentine Open Polo Tournament, six horses, all cloned from the same mare, won the competition.
Recently, researchers at the Argentinian companies, Kheiron S.A (www.kheiron-biotech. com) and ViaGen (www.viagen.com), could modify the horse DNA by knocking out the Myostatin gene (which results in a gene loss) in order to increase the horse`s muscle mass, using CRISPR technique (Moro et al. 2020). CRISPR differs very considerably from Cloning, where CRISPR generates horses that have been deliberately altered, not by copying an original living form.
In horses, the increased muscle mass is considered to be the most important factor determining the maintenance of energy homeostasis during endurance exercising and racing, which is attributable to thousands of years of genetic selection for stamina. High muscle mass compared to the total body weight can significantly enhance the endurance horse`s athleticism. Therefore, the inhibition of MSTN in horses using the CRISPR technique can be the first step to win the Gold in the endurance competitions soon!
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Dr. Saria Almarzook photo by: Zoran Mircetic