2013 U.S. Nationals Preview

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U.S. N at ionals Preview Trying New Things In Tulsa by Kara Larson

The pinnacle of the show season—U.S. Nationals—once again held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is inching closer and closer, awaiting the top horses in the country and the trademark green shavings to fill Ford Truck Arena. As we look forward to red roses and good times with horse friends, the show and Tulsa offer the U.S. Nationals crowd new and exciting changes.

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Facilit Facilit y yA A nd nd Show Show Improvement Improvement ss

Beginning Beginningwith withupgrades upgradesmade madetotothe thefairgrounds, fairgrounds, Bill BillHughes Hughesweighs weighsininon onthe thesubject. subject.“Another “Another $500,000 $500,000ininimprovements improvementstotothe thefacility facilitywere weremade made from fromlast lastyear, year,including includingthe thewash washracks racksand anda abrand brand new newventilation ventilationsystem systemininthe theExpo Expobuilding, building,which which maximized maximizedthe thereturn returnand andimproved improvedthe theair airquality, quality, sosothat’s that’sgoing goingtotobebea alot lotbetter. better.They Theyalso alsoput puta a new newventilation ventilationsystem systemininthe theExplorer Explorerbarn, barn,which which again, again,will willimprove improveour ourair airquality. quality.We Wehave havebrand brand new newbleachers bleachersbeing beinginstalled installedby byOctober October10th 10th inin the theMustang MustangArena, Arena,and andall allofofour ourarena arenapanels panelshave have been beensandblasted sandblastedand andnewly newlypowder powdercoated. coated.They Theyeven even bought boughta aKaiser Kaiserdrag, drag,which whichisisgreat, great,because becausewith withour our two, two,ititshould shouldhelp helpususa alot lotwith withthe thefooting.” footing.”

There Thereisisalso alsogoing goingtotobebemore morefun funtotobebehad hadatatthe theshow. show. Specifics Specificson onthat thatwill willcome, come,but butfor forBill, Bill,the thegreat greatefforts efforts made madetotomake makeU.S. U.S.Nationals Nationalsa amore moreexciting excitingshow showcome come from fromthe thepeople peoplereally reallyhoping hopingtotomake makea adifference. difference. “We “Wehave havean anexcited excitedgroup groupthis thisyear. year.The TheArabian Arabian Horsemen’s Horsemen’sDistress DistressFund Fundisisgetting gettingtogether togetherwith withususon on Friday Fridaynight nightasaswe wehave haveour ourexhibitor exhibitorparty, party,sosoititwill willbebe a anice nicepresentation. presentation.While Whilepromoting promotingthe theArabian Arabianhorse horse totothe thepublic, public,ititwill willbebea agreat greattime timetotosee seethe thehorses horsesand and showcase showcasethem themwhile whilegetting gettingeverybody everybodytogether.” together.”Bill Bill continues, continues,“It’s “It’smore moreoriented orientedtoward towardtrying tryingtotoget getpeople people in—do in—doclinics, clinics,get getpeople peopleexcited, excited,help helpthe thebreeder. breeder.I I sound soundlike likea abig bigpolitician, politician,but butI Ifeel feellike likewe’re we’retaking takingthe the right rightstep stephere, here,moving movinginina aforward forwarddirection, direction,and andwe’re we’re all allworking workingtogether.” together.” AAcouple couplemore morechanges changestotothe theshow showare areininthe themoving moving ofofboth boththe theshow showoffice officeand andshow showphotographer, photographer,Mike Mike Ferrara, Ferrara,totothe theexhibit exhibithall hallwhich whichwill willgenerate generatemore more traffic traffictotothe thevendors vendorsatatthe theshow. show.Also Alsoininthe theexhibit exhibit area, area,there therewill willbebefour fourstalls stallsholding holding“Legends “LegendsOf OfThe The Breed.” Breed.”These Theseinclude includethree threeperformance performancehorses horsesand andone one breeding breedinghorse, horse,something somethingthat thatJohn JohnRyan Ryanisisworking working on ontotoshow showthe theroots rootsofofthe thebreed breedand andgive givepeople peoplethe the opportunity opportunitytotosee seean anold oldgreat. great. Award Awardpresentations presentationsare arealso alsosomething somethingthat thathas hasbeen been discussed discussedatatlength lengthasasofoflate. late.Bill Billshares, shares,“To “Tobetter better facilitate facilitatethe thewin winphoto, photo,we’re we’removing movinga abackdrop backdroptotothe the end endofofthe thearena arenatotospeed speedup upthe thefamily familyshots. shots.Rather Rather than thanwaiting waitingfor forthe theentourage entouragetotoget getdown downtotothe thecenter center 88A | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

ofofthe thering ringand andholding holdingup upthe thewhole wholeclass, class,this thiswill willhelp help ususout outimmensely immenselywhile whilestill stillallowing allowingthe thewin wintotofeel feelasas special specialasasititis.” is.” InInregards regardstotoclasses, classes,the themoving movingofofthe thetwo twoAEPA AEPA (Arabian (ArabianEnglish EnglishPerformance PerformanceAssociation) Association)classes—the classes—the AEPA AEPA$100,000 $100,000Arabian ArabianSaddle SaddleSeat SeatFuturity Futurityand and AEPA AEPAHalcon HalconFurniture Furniture$50,000 $50,000Half-Arabian Half-ArabianSaddle Saddle Seat SeatFuturity—from Futurity—fromScottsdale Scottsdaletotothe theU.S. U.S.Nationals Nationals show showlast lastyear yearwill willagain againbebeheld. held.For For4-year-olds, 4-year-olds,the the classes classesare areunique uniqueininthat thatthey theyare arecomprised comprisedofoftwo two sections—an sections—anindividual individualpattern patternbybyeach eachteam, team,where wherethe the ten tenhighest highestscoring scoringhorses horseswill willmove moveon ontotothe thesecond second section sectionofofthe theclass, class,an anEnglish EnglishPerformance Performancecomparative comparative rail railclass. class.AHA AHAwill willaward awarda aNational NationalChampion, Champion, Reserve ReserveNational NationalChampion, Champion,and anda aTop TopTen. Ten. Bill BillHughes Hughesshares sharesone onemore morenew newfacet facettotothe theshow. show.“A “A ranch-sorting ranch-sortingexhibition exhibitionininthe theMustang Mustangarena arenawill willbebe offered offeredthis thisyear, year,and andwe’ll we’llbebegiving givingout out$5,000. $5,000.There There will willbebetwo twowinning winningteams teamsand anda abig bigpresentation. presentation.AA perfect perfectuse useofofold oldcow cowand andreining reininghorses, horses,it’s it’sgoing goingtoto show showthe theversatility versatilityofofthe theArabian Arabianhorse.” horse.”

2013 2013U.S. U.S.Nationals Nationals As AsBill Billconcludes concludeshis histhoughts thoughtsand andmoves movesinto intothe thefinal final phase phaseofofpreparing preparingfor forU.S. U.S.Nationals, Nationals,he heshares shareswhat what he hebelieves believesthe theheart heartand andsoul soulofofthe theshow showmight mightbe. be. “It’s “It’stwo twothings—our things—ourexhibitors exhibitorsand andour ourhorses. horses.It’s It’s their theirshow, show,not notmine. mine.ItItbelongs belongstotothe thepeople peopleout outthere there competing competingand andshowing showingoff offtheir theirhorses. horses. We Wecan’t can’tdo doeverything everythingpeople peopleask askofofus, us, but butwe wetry trynot nottotosay sayno noand andwe wetry trytoto do doeverything everythingwe wecan—sometimes can—sometimesyou you do doititright rightand andsometimes sometimesyou youdon’t, don’t,but but hey, hey,you youhave havetototry. try.And Andthat’s that’swhat what we’re we’redoing doingininthe theshow showimprovements, improvements, new newand andfun funevents, events,and andininconnecting connecting with withthe thecommunity communityofofTulsa Tulsatotopromote promote our ourhorse.” horse.” But ButBill Billdoes doesask askone onething thingofofthe theU.S. U.S. Nationals Nationalsexhibitors exhibitorsininexchange. exchange.“I“Ihope hope that thatpeople peoplethis thisyear yearwill willactually actuallytake take

a alook lookatatwhat’s what’saround aroundTulsa—there Tulsa—thereare arecasinos, casinos,two two great greatmuseums, museums,world-class world-classgolf golfcourses. courses.It’s It’snot notout outinin the themiddle middleofofthe theboonies, boonies,which whichisissometimes sometimeswhat whatitit isisportrayed portrayedas. as.There Thereare area alot lotofofthings thingsout outthere thereififyou you just justgive givethe thecity citya achance.” chance.”

“It’s “It’smore moreoriented orientedtoward towardtrying trying to toget getpeople peoplein—do in—doclinics, clinics,get get people peopleexcited, excited,help helpthe thebreeder...I breeder...I

feel feellike likewe’re we’retaking takingthe theright rightstep step

here, here,moving movingin inaaforward forwarddirection, direction, and andwe’re we’reall allworking workingtogether.” together.”

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Charit y and Fun With these changes undoubtedly having a positive effect on the feel of U.S. Nationals as a whole, Becky Nash shares what she has been spearheading in her efforts to make the show a fun and unique event. “We’ve really got four big things happening at U.S. this year. One starts before the show even begins. It is an incredibly cool community outreach program that we started this year. We reached out to the Tulsa Junior League and proposed to them a combining together of our horses and their volunteer organization in an effort to help their charity groups, as well as inform the people of Tulsa about our show.” As this endeavor took off between the two groups, Becky marvels at the drive of these women—some 450 volunteers. “It’s like a built-in network of great, organized women that are involved in the community. With them, we have come up with five different charitable groups in Tulsa that we’re going to go visit. We’re going to take the horses out before the show even starts. So, the week that everyone is kind of setting up and getting going, we’re going to do that.” From this outreach comes an incredible result—over 1,000 kids in Tulsa will experience the Arabian horse. Becky continues, “Those involved (professional, working moms, college educated women) are there to help serve the community and we’re inviting them to the show with their families, and also inviting them to the Wednesday night event that is new this year. The thought behind this is, if this works at Nationals, why couldn’t it work in every other major metropolitan area that has a Junior League?” For instance, in working with Region 9, we’re trying to figure out the same thing everybody else is trying to figure out— how do we get more people to the show, and more importantly, how do we get more people involved with the Arabian horse to start showing? This could be a great solution.” Becky shares, “I’m a good example—I didn’t start riding until I was in my late thirties. I was working all the time and thinking how am I going to do this, I don’t know

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anything about showing… but I saw these beautiful horses and luckily, I lived in a neighborhood that was across the street from Battaglia Farms in Austin, so I got involved that way.” These same principles could apply to the Junior League members and people like them around the country. “The thought is, if you can expose women who are in their twenties or thirties to the horse and get them involved in it, it can happen anywhere. We’re working with them; we’ve got some volunteers lined up and if it works well for both sides, then we can make it more of a national scope.”

The second new event, taking place on Wednesday night, is an exciting sales presentation that offers the previously drab night a much-needed facelift. Becky ref lects back to her difficulties in buying a horse at U.S. Nationals years ago, “When we weren’t with a very big trainer, we came to Nationals really wanting to buy a horse and we could barely get people to talk to us. We had a pocket full of money, we were ready to purchase something, and it was really hard to buy a horse—believe it or not.” She feels this sale will not only add excitement to the show, but provide a great place for prospective buyers to find a quality Arabian horse. Not only is it difficult to break into the inner circles of the industry, but going

2013 U.S. Nationals

around the country to find the perfect horse is not an ideal situation for most either. “When I get ready to buy a horse, I do a lot of research and then give the list of available horses to my trainer. I’ll do a lot of the legwork before involving him because he’s working

“...we have come up with five different charitable groups in Tulsa that we’re going to go visit. We’re going to take the horses out before the show even starts.”

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hard and doesn’t have time to sit and call people. It also costs a lot of money to travel to see and vet check horses at their farms. As Becky considered an event that would be exciting while pulling great sale horses together in one big venue, it gained momentum and actuality. “We chose Wednesday night because it is kind of a slow night with the Exhibitor Party in the commercial vendor area being the only other thing going, and that needed a bit of a punch in the arm anyway. Held in the pavilion with Josh Quintus and Mike Neal as announcers, we’re offering 25-30 slots for sale with all types of horse—western, halter, English, reining, etc. “We’ve got a lot of people who are very interested and I feel that the final product is going to be very exciting. Not only will it be a great opportunity to buy a horse, but the $500 needed to have a slot, will be given directly to the Horsemen’s Distress Fund. You get to see great horses, have a good time, and help the Arabian community, which is something that I’m very passionate about.” Also new at U.S. nationals this year, comes an exciting event that showcases stallions and allows people to mingle and enjoy themselves among friends and the Arabian horse. “The Stallion Bar is something that Leslie Sommer and her sister Carey came up with and I think it’s a very cool and fresh idea. We extended an invitation to breeders, whether they will be at the show or not, of purchasing a stallion bar for $750. All they have to do is come up with a signature cocktail for their stallion and a decoration theme which they’re coming up with right now, and we provide the rest—the bar, the bartender, the alcohol.” As stallion owners figure out what expresses what their stallion is all about in beverage form, all the U.S. Nationals exhibitors have to do is show up, and if they desire, make a contribution to the Horsemen’s Distress Fund. “This event has created an amazing response, causing us to increase our number of bars from 5 to 8 because of the demand. We’ve also had calls asking if

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they can give away hats and neat things, and of course, we said yes! Their stallion will also be presented in the arena or, if the horse is not present, a video of the stallion will be shown if they choose to do so.” The final new event is an idea that originated from J.T. Keller, beginning Wednesday night and ending on Saturday night—a Calcutta for the Open Arabian Western Pleasure class. “We’re auctioning off the final 16 riders and horses on Wednesday for the final on Saturday night, and there are some amazing prizes in the works for this class. We’ve got some great sponsors, and really good people who have stepped up to the plate. The Arabian Horse Times is helping to get the word out, Bill

2013 U.S. Nationals Addis is going to be our auctioneer, and Arabian Horse Global is going to have it all on the live feed. Markel Insurance, has also generously given us much needed funds that will help underwrite all of this.” At the end of the day, Becky simply asks for your support and attendance in these new events. “We’re hoping everybody comes and fills the stands. Even if you’re not buying a horse, maybe you can look into a stallion you want to breed to or just have fun with your friends.” With the new, the old ‘tried and true’ remains, as the always successful Wine Walk

will be taking place again this year on Friday between the afternoon and evening sessions. “It’s always been something that people love—it’s lots of fun and it’s toward the end of the show, so it’s a nice time to wind down. All you have to do is buy your cup, sample the wine, enjoy food and your friends, and of course, it all goes to the Horsemen’s Distress Fund.”

“We’re hoping everybody comes and fills the stands. Even if you’re not buying a horse, maybe you can look into a stallion you want to breed to or just have fun with your friends.”

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Fine ccommodat FineDining, Dining,AA ccommodations ions& &Shopping Shopping SinceSince opening in 1983, the Polo GrillGrill Restaurant in in opening in 1983, the Polo Restaurant Tulsa’s UticaUtica Square has been attracting attention. Tulsa’s Square has been attracting attention. Whether you’re looking for exquisite cuisine, expansive Whether you’re looking for exquisite cuisine, expansive winewine lists, lists, inviting facilities, or impeccable service, Polo Polo inviting facilities, or impeccable service, GrillGrill offersoffers a unique dining experience. a unique dining experience. Strongly motivated by thebyincreasing expectation of local Strongly motivated the increasing expectation of local guests, as well visiting guestsguests from from an increasingly guests, as as well as visiting an increasingly widerwider geographic market, the Merrifields strivestrive to offer geographic market, the Merrifields to offer only the can be seen theincountless onlybest the for bestall, forwhich all, which can be in seen the countless achievements Polo Polo GrillGrill has been recognized for onforlocal, achievements has been recognized on local, regional, and national levels.levels. The press oftenoften refersrefers to Polo regional, and national The press to Polo GrillGrill as “the most awarded restaurant in Oklahoma,” and as “the most awarded restaurant in Oklahoma,” and as such, it is the of theofWine Spectator Award for for as such, it iswinner the winner the Wine Spectator Award nine nine consecutive years, the Best of Award of Excellence for for consecutive years, the Best of Award of Excellence the past and AAA Travel Guide has awarded the the the eleven, past eleven, and AAA Travel Guide has awarded restaurant a Four Diamond rating for eleven consecutive restaurant a Four Diamond rating for eleven consecutive years.years. Additionally, Polo Polo GrillGrill is theisonly in in Additionally, the restaurant only restaurant Oklahoma to become an award-winning member of theof the Oklahoma to become an award-winning member Distinguished Restaurants of North America (DiRoNA). Distinguished Restaurants of North America (DiRoNA). As proprietor/chef, Robert Merrifield has also As proprietor/chef, Robert Merrifield has been also been widely recognized. Featured on the Food Network, widely recognized. Featured on the Food Network, by the Beard Foundation as “Rising StarsStars of of byJames the James Beard Foundation as “Rising American Cuisine,” and named a “Celebrated Chef ” American Cuisine,” and named a “Celebrated Chef ” by the PorkPork Producers Council, Merrifield byNational the National Producers Council, Merrifield offersoffers talent, execution, and accolades to your dining talent, execution, and accolades to your dining experience at Polo Grill.Grill. www.pologrill.com experience at Polo www.pologrill.com


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Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar in Tulsa is is Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar in Tulsa an ongoing celebration of exceptional food and wine, an ongoing celebration of exceptional food and wine, featuring the finest primeprime steaksteak and our featuring the finest and award-winning our award-winning winewine collection—the Fleming’s 100. Fleming’s calls calls you you collection—the Fleming’s 100. Fleming’s to stop in forina for drink afterafter the horse showshow and sample to stop a drink the horse and sample theirtheir collection of 100 wines by the glass, including 30 30 collection of 100 wines by the glass, including selected especially for you own own WineWine Manager. selected especially for by youtheir by their Manager. ThenThen stay and enjoy an exceptional menu of steak, stay and enjoy an exceptional menu of steak, rooms feature complimentary high high speedspeed Internet chopschops and seafood served by our service rooms feature complimentary Internet and seafood served by award-winning our award-winning service Our Our access, signature comfort bedding, spacious work teamteam in a comfortable, contemporary atmosphere. access, signature comfort bedding, spacious work in a comfortable, contemporary atmosphere. area,area, mini-refrigerators and microwaves. Come to our mini-refrigerators and microwaves. Come to our new Courtyard Bistro open for breakfast and dinner Located in the heart of midtown at 21st Street and new Courtyard Bistro open for breakfast and dinner Located in the heart of midtown at 21st Street and featuring Starbucks® Coffees. TakeTake advantage of our Utica, Fleming’s proudly resides in theinfashionable featuring Starbucks® Coffees. advantage of our Utica, Fleming’s proudly resides the fashionable

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2013 U.S. Nationals indoor pool, whirlpool and fitness room, or enjoy the outdoors in our beautiful courtyard with gazebo. Among Tulsa hotels, you’ll find that Courtyard Tulsa Central is close to it all, but far above the rest! http://www.marriott.com/meeting-event-hotels/groupcorporate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=Arabian%20 Horse%20Association^tulcy%60araaraa|araarab%6089%6 0USD%60false%6010/17/13%6010/26/13%609/26/13&a pp=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes


With quality stores, restaurants, and beautifully manicured gardens and trees, Utica Square has a villagelike design that stands in history as Tulsa’s first shopping center when it opened in 1952. It was developed to be inviting to the customer without alienating neighboring residents—a risky concept at the time.

that a high concentration of quality merchants would greatly improve the retail industry in Tulsa. Utica Square began to attract the best local merchants as well as many popular national merchants. This dynamic mix proved to be the key to Utica Square’s success and is the reason why this trend continues today. So, whether you’re a frequent shopper or visiting from out of town, you can’t help but be touched by Utica Square’s charm and beauty. The many clocks will remind you of times past, while the chimes ref lect the songs of the season. And the garden’s bronze fountain and statue are favorites of the young and old alike. Utica Square promises a shopping experience like no other. Come see why we call Utica Square a special place. http://www.uticasquare.com n

And since its purchase by Helmerich & Payne in 1964, Utica Square has earned a reputation as the area’s finest shopping center. This can be attributed to their vested interest in the Tulsa community. Mr. Helmerich felt

Volume 44, No. 4 | 95A

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