2023 AEPA Brochure

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IXL Noble Express
x Bonita Afire
Proudly bred &
Maroon Fire Arabians
For breeding information or progeny available, contact Shea Stables, 810-329-6392 or Ashton Kiesner, 865-556-0412 www.AfireBeyV.com
Coltrane Nat King Cole CA (Coltrane x HA Serenata)

Multi-Futurity Program Nominated For breeding information call Lori Conway at 352-234-7987

Proudly owned by Conway Arabians Lori & Peter Conway ConwayArabians.com Coltrane IXL Noble Express x Brassmis, by Brass Colette CA (Coltrane x MD Roullette) Nat King Cole CA (Coltrane x HA Serenata)
Arabian Horse Times | 3 | A.E.P.A Futurity
Comin In Hot (Coltrane x Siree)

2022 AEPA Spotlights


Arabian and Half-Arabian English Pleasure Horses

Cover Story

There’s no denying the amazing staying power of the top Arabian sires of English Arabian horses in America today. At 20 years of age, the leading AEPA sire is Afires Heir, son of Afire Bey V, bred by Marty Shea and now owned (since last August) by Joseph Kinnarney. Joe won the inaugural 2007 AEPA Championship with Sin City (by Baske Afire) and was 2022 Leading AEPA Owner by payout ($111,000). Afires Heir has been the Leading AEPA Sire seven times, more than any other Arabian stallion.

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Ritida with Tim & Marty Shea

All-time Leading Breeders of AEPA winners to date is Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. Their partners, Marty and Tim Shea are second and tied in numbers at 20 winners each, respectively. By payout and by points they are also first and second.

Seven years after his passing, Maroon Fire Arabians’ legendary sire, Afire Bey V continues to exert an extraordinary influence at the National shows in America. Many of his immediate sons and daughters still compete regularly in National competition and bring home impressive numbers of national championships and reserves. Afire Bey V grandget and great grandget currently almost completely dominate the Arabian English show ring. Of the 2022 AEPA Leading Sires, after the number one Afire Bey V son Afires Heir, those remaining on the list, Black Daniels (a son of IXL Noble Express+ [also a Maroon Fire Arabians stallion]), and the balance of the top listings including SF Aftershoc, HA Toskcan Sun, VJ Royal Heir and Prosuasion . . . all are Afire Bey V grandsons.

Dave and Gail Liniger of Maroon Fire Arabians and Marty and Tim Shea of Shea Stables were also represented by many winning horses owned or bred by them at the 2022 Youth, Mid Summer and U.S. National Championship shows. These national winners accumulated 14 National Championships, 13 Reserve National Championships and 129 Top Ten awards. Of the farm’s many great broodmares, 29 were represented at the 2022 National Championship shows, 11 with two or more national winning offspring to their credit. Stellar examples

included broodmares LBC Nobelinda with five winning get shown this year, Rimone GW with three, and the amazing Dutch Harness mare, Ritida with eight sons and daughters among the winners, half of them claiming one or more national championships.

Of this year’s 20 AEPA English Pleasure Arabian and Half-Arabian winners, all the purebreds and well over half of the Half-Arabians had Afire Bey V and/or IXL Noble Express+ represented in their pedigrees. Now, the Maroon Fire Arabians’ junior sire, Inception (IXL Noble Express+ x Bonita Afire, by Afire Bey V) has joined his illustrious sire and grandsire as both a four-time National Champion (unanimously) and as a sire. His first (2018), second (2019) and third (2020) foal crops are making their initial, successful forays in the national arenas. In 2022 Inception had four get win seven national awards. RGT Rubberband Man (x RGT Glory Days), bred by Rick and Laura Gault and owned by Stephanie Roberts, won three top tens at two national shows and was a National Champion at the 2022 Youth and Mid Summer National Championships. And Bourbon Street SHF (x Merry Magnifire, by VCP Magnifire), owned and bred by Tom and Elizabeth Moore, was 2022 U.S. Reserve National Champion in the English Pleasure Futurity. Other top ten national winners included KT Square One (x Completely By Surprize), bred by Joel and Ashton Kiesner and owned by Texie Lowery, and In Quest (x Quintara Afire, by Afire Bey V), bred by Maroon Fire Arabians and owned by Shan and Molly Wilson and Chris Courtney. n

Inception (IXL Noble Express x Bonita Afire)
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Afires Heir (Afire Bey V x Brassmis)
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Multi-Program Nominated Sire | For breeding information contact Ashton Kiesner 865-556-0412 Mamage x KW Sapphire, by Baske Afire Proudly owned by Franklin Farm, LLC 2022 Colt (KW Micah x DD My Dance)
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Owned by Joel & Ashton Kiesner

Take Afires Heir, for example.

He already owns a perfec show record. Not just accomplished, but perfect: four straight U.S. National Championships in English Pleasure (one in junior competition, three in open), all unanimous. Two championships at Scottsdale, unanimous. He never entered the ring that he didn’t win, and if there was more than one judge, they all agreed on his excellence.

Add in his career as a sire, which has inspired English enthusiasts to predict that he might replicate *Bask’s influence in the discipline. It has not been unusual to see his sons and daughters make up as much as half of a championship line-up, and in AEPA competition alone, he has sired 58 titlists to date. In the last 10 years, his youngsters have won the AHT $100,000 Saddle Seat Futurity six times, and in both 2016 and 2021, one was champion and another reserve. Perhaps more importantly, most of his get have continued to build their resumes, accounting for U.S.

National Championships in nearly all of the English divisions, several topping the prestigious open competition.

And as if all that weren’t enough, he’s happy in the environment he has known since 2004 at Kiesner Training Center, where everyone knows him. So what do you get for a horse like that? When his longtime owners, Bill and Shirley Reilich, made him available, only a new owner. And from the stallion’s point of view, it would be nice if it were one already “in the family,” so that he might not be ruffled by a change in his routine. He didn’t have to look far. One of his biggest fans was already a barn client and a friend, someone he’s known since he arrived. From the beginning, breeder and exhibitor Dr. Joe Kinnarney responded not only to the formidable reputation the stallion developed, but also to him personally, to the critical mix of talent and willing personality that made him who he was. Kinnarney has had several Afires Heir’s offspring in his program, fielding such national champions as Sin City, Futurama, Enchanted Heir, Movin On Heir WA, and most recently, KT Heir Lord. Generally, they start with Joel Kiesner, and when they are ready, Joe rides or drives them. And there are more growing up out in the pasture, as well as three of the stallion’s daughters in his broodmare band.

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Fast forward 17 years, from a 3-year-old Afires Heir (left), and countless achievements, to a reflective moment (above) with new owner and lifetime fan, Dr. Joe Kinnarney.

So it seemed appropriate that given the chance to own Afires Heir himself, Kinnarney was front and center. It was, he says, a natural result of his own history in the breed. “I’ve been in Arabians since as far back as the 1970s,” he reflects. “I remember when *Bask was the most influential horse in the breed, and so now, to own a stallion with that stature is very special.”

One of the keys to success for “Captain,” as Afires Heir is known around the barn, is his user-friendly personality. Despite all the awards, Joel observes that the stallion’s greatest legacy may be how happy he has made people, and as a signature achievement, that is as valuable as his electric, exciting show ring persona. “He has sired so many show horses that people have exhibited successfully and enjoyably,” Kiesner observes. “That is a contribution in itself.”

progeny, which reveals an intriguing fact: Afires Heir daughters are being seen often now as the dams of some of the English division’s top competitors, a rare and valuable attribute for a stallion. Astute horsemen often point out that as incandescent as a top sire is, often supplying the brilliance in his get, it is the dam line that anchors a pedigree. Characteristically thorough, Captain has both sides covered.

Perhaps the stallion’s biggest challenge is reproducing a son as good as he is, but with several national champion sons on the ground, his team enjoys looking forward to the future. Already he has a daughter writing history. Heirs Noble Love’s show record, with ten national championships (four in open English Pleasure) is even more stellar than her sire’s, and her breeding career looks like a capsule version of his, with a growing list of nationally decorated

Now there is a special appreciation in the air when he is in the barn. “I’ve always had a relationship with him,” Joe says. “I don’t think he knows the change, but I certainly do. To have this great horse who made so many of my dreams come true, and to be able to do that for others, was one of the thoughts [when I bought him].” It won’t change his breeding strategy, he adds; he’s already been using the stallion for years. But it is definitely a new chapter in his life. “We’ll move on together, and I think it will be fun for all of us.” u

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For breeding information contact
Kiesner 865-556-0412
V x Brassmis | Multi-Program Nominated Sire | Proudly
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Afire Bey
owned by Dr. Joe Kinnarney

Check out the photo of Prosuaded By Love’s victory pass in the 2022 AEPA $100,000 Saddle Seat Futurity, and the first thing you notice may not be his elevated trot or rhythmic high hocks—although both are pretty close to a 10 on the scale of English performance. Instead, what you see first is the kind, confident expression in his eyes. He’s enjoying his triumphal procession out of the ring. It’s not arrogance; he just knows he’s good, and even the demanding class has not dented his delight at showing off.

For those who observed him as a foal, the image just reconfirms what he told them then. Owner/breeder Karlton Jackson remembers that moment as if it were yesterday. “Most of the foals, when I see them at a week or a month old, are so timid that they don’t want to get more than a few feet from their surrogate mother,” he says, adding that in his small breeding program, they breed via embryo transfer. “The first time we all saw him, instead of staying close to the mare, he got 10 or 15 feet away and looked around as if to say, ‘there is a big, wide, wonderful world out there.’ He started trotting around the mare, and then stopped, with a perfect pose sideways, and looked around as if to say, ‘Hey, look at me! I’m something special.’ He just had that attitude of ‘I’m special and I know it and everyone else should too.’”

by MARY KIRKMAN Prosuaded by Love Prosuasion Heirs Noble Love
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Prosuaded By Love ~ 2022 U.S. National Champion AEPA Ames Foundation $100,000 Saddle Seat Futurity & 2021 U.S. National Champion English Pleasure Futurity
He just had that attitude of ‘I’m special and I know it and everyone else should too.’
Times | 15 | A.E.P.A
~ Karlton Jackson (About Prosuaded by Love)

Already the colt’s pedigree told the story: by Prosuasion (winner of six national championships in the English division) and out of Heirs Noble Love (who accounted for 10), he comes with gilt-edged English bloodlines. And he exhibits the willing demeanor often seen when a horse finds that doing his job comes easily. “He’s an all-around good guy,” trainer Joel Kiesner reports. “We bred him only once the first year because we didn’t want to interfere with his showing, but he handled it so well that we have a few more due for next year.”

Even Joel, who rarely watches videos of his classes because he over-analyzes the slightest mistake, was impressed when he saw the one of the futurity. All along, he’s seen Prosuaded By Love—“Karlton,” as he’s known in the barn—consistently improving, but this time he had to be impressed with how well the young stallion was putting himself together.

He’s quite simply extraordinary. He has the best timing and cadence of any purebred Arabian I’ve ridden. The balance of his motion, front to back, is extremely rare—in a good way.

“He’s quite simply extraordinary,” Kiesner says. “He has the best timing and cadence of any purebred Arabian I’ve ridden. The balance of his motion, front to back, is extremely rare—in a good way. So, his legs work beautifully, and his neck does too. On top of that, he has a beauty and an intense look from his eyes and ears that is charismatic like only a handful of horses I’ve ever seen.”

It’s easy to trace the champion’s athletic ability in his pedigree; his attitude, however, is also part of the package. Karlton Jackson, who bred Heirs Noble Love, prioritizes a good temperament in his horses; he got into Arabians when his daughters showed them as junior riders, and began breeding when they aged out. “One reason we wanted to show Heirs Noble Love in amateur was to demonstrate that it doesn’t take a Joel Kiesner to ride that bloodline,” he says. “And we were thrilled when our co-owner, Emily Shippee, teamed up with her [in 2020 and 2022]—the world could see that her star shone as brightly as ever.

Noble Aphroditie (IXL Noble Express x EA Aphroditie,) dam of Multi-National Champion Heirs Noble Love, and grand-dam of Multi-National Champion Prosuaded by Love, bred by Karlton and Mary Anne Jackson.
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Joel Kiesner (About Prosuaded by Love)

He’s an all-around great horse, and he’s just coming into his own. I can’t wait to see his babies—if he passes himself on, we are in for a treat!”

~ Joel Kiesner (About Prosuaded by Love)

I think Prosuaded By Love is going to be a good example of that, and he could pass it along as a sire.”

That influence, both he and Joel say, relates not only to Afires Heir, but also to EA Aphroditie, who became the foundation mare for the Jackson program and has since been designated an Arabian Horse Times Dam of Excellence. She too was kind; her barn name at Kiesner Training Center, where she lived until she passed away recently, was “Abuela,” Spanish for “Grandma.”

Abuela’s great-grandson, Prosuaded By Love, represents the fourth generation in his owner’s contribution to the Arabian breed. Having won the 2021 U.S. National Championship in the English Pleasure Futurity, and the 2022 AEPA futurity, he now will face his biggest challenge yet, as he graduates into the open ranks.

“He was everything we hoped he would be this year,” Jackson reflects. “He still has things to learn and more growth to come as a show horse, but he’s what we’re working for with the whole breeding program.”

Joel Kiesner agrees. “He’s an all-around great horse, and he’s just coming into his own. I can’t wait to see his babies—if he passes himself on, we are in for a treat!” u

For select breeding opportunities with Prosuaded by Love or Heirs Noble Love, contact Ashton Kiesner 865-556-0412.

10-Time U.S. National Champion Heirs Noble Love (Afires Heir x Noble Aphroditie,) dam of Multi-National Champion Prosuaded By Love.
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Black Daniels x HA Ghrace Under Fire

Ascend to the top with this tall, dark and handsome stallion for your breeding program. Sweepstakes Nominated & AEPA Enrolled • Introductory Stud Fee $2,750 For Breeding information contact Kiesner Training Stable Ashton Cell: 865-556-0412 • ashton@kiesnertraining.com

Proudly owned by Black Majik Arabians Cindy High-Fischmann & Rob Fischmann Cell: 585-319-9901 • rpf1981@live.com

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VOLUME 52, NO. 9 | $22.50 VOLUME 52, NO. 12 | $22.50 Stay current... FOR DIGITAL AND PRINT SUBSCRIPTIONS VISIT WWW.AHTIMES.COM Community News | Special Interest Stories | Historical Features Today's Industry Leaders | Show Results Arabian Horse Times | 20 | A.E.P.A Futurity
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Proudly owned by Tim & Tiffiny Barta Barta Show Horses, LLC at Yellowstone Ranch, LLC, Ocala, Florida Multi-Program Nominated Sire | Standing at RBC Show Horses, Smithfield, NC | Call 919.202.8384 Allience+// x Spectra PR, by Promotion
No Lines to Huckleberry Bey SF The Patriot can play a significant role in your breeding program as a complete outcross for your Afire Bey V and Huckleberry Bey heritage mares. He is sired by the legendary 7x National Champion Aladdinn son, Allience+//, and out of the 2x National Champion Promotion daughter, Spectra PR; also the dam of SF Specs Shocwave. Book your breeding to this incredibly important stallion today.
SF AFTERSHOC+ SF Specs Shocwave x SF Sweet Elegance
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ROL DIVINE STYLE+/ Afire Bey V x IXL Miss Firefly CSP ROLLING STONE Afires Heir x CSP Adriana
SF DESTINATION VICTRY SF Specs Shocwave x Aparty Girl FIRE AND GOLDD Afire Bey V x Brassmis VEGAZ Apollopolooza x SMS Forever Bay HA TOSKCAN SUN+ Baske Afire x Matoska Proudly Owned by Hagale Family Arabians Contact Jen Wilson | jen@hagalefamilyarabians.com 602.616.6672 | www.HagaleFamilyArabians.com SF DESTINATION Specs Shocwave x Aparty Girl Arabian Horse Times | 25 | A.E.P.A Futurity
2019 Stallion Multi-Program Nominated CSP Grand Caymon x CP Viva Vegaz, by Vegaz Arabian Horse Times | 26 | A.E.P.A Futurity
Prepared to lead a parade of Champions FOR YOUR 2023 BREEDING PROGRAM... 2022
NATIONAL CHAMPION ARABIAN ENGLISH PLEASURE FUTURITY Standing at Stachowski Farm, California for 2023 Jonathan Ramsay | 760.505.7447 | jon.ramsay@stachowski.com Owned by Aspire Arabians, LLC | Reddick, Florida
Owned by Back In Black, LLC. Standing at Showtime Training Center 493 Boone Rd, Newnan, GA 30263 Contact Tish Kondas 678-427-0595
IXL Noble Express x Victoria Bay (Pictured at 17-Years-Old)
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AEPA Enrolled Sire Region 12 Spotlight Stallion Scottsdale Signature Stallion Breeders Sweepstakes Nominated SCID & CA Clear
CSP GRAND CAYMON X DA ESPIRIT AEPA ENROLLED & BREEDERS SWEEPSTAKES NOMINATED 2014 STALLION Standing at & Trained by Soderberg Equine LLC Nathan Soderberg, Owner/Trainer 608-293-0680 | Sodern30@gmail.com Proudly owned by Pattie Cravens & Cathy Whitaker THE GREY CREATIVE AD Arabian Horse Times | 28 | A.E.P.A Futurity
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Arabian Horse Times | 30 | A.E.P.A Futurity
Freedman’s Saddles, Bridles, & Brow Bands Making Victory Passes in the AEPA at U.S. Nationals HQ/Manufacturing: 877.256.7674 | USA/Boutique: 859.846.9674 FREEDMANHARNESS.COM #TraditionInEveryStitch Victor Botha, randomly selected winning exhibitor of the Freedman’s saddle drawing Nora Shaffer & Ballerina BF, National Champions of the AEPA Equine Athlete $50,000 Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Futurity Joel Kiesner & Prosuaded By Love, National Champions of the AEPA Ames Foundation $100,000 Arabian Saddle Seat Futurity The Official Saddle Supplier of the Arabian Horse Times | 31 | A.E.P.A Futurity
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trawberryBanks Farm

Strawberry Banks Farm is a proud sponsor of the AEPA and has celebrated success for decades, displaying examples of our dedication to specializing in beautiful and talented Englishbred Arabian and Half Arabian athletes.


| info@strawberrybanksfarm.com Farm 716.652.9346 | Trainer, Brian Murch 716.983.3099 Barbara Chur - Owner | Lance Lewis - Assistant Trainer
ENCHANTING LOVE by Hey Hallelujah
ROL FIRE MIST by Baske Afire

Decades of AEPA Futurity Winners

OHHH YEAH by Baske Afire
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with Peter Conway

This year’s AEPA classes at U.S. Nationals were without question, the deepest ever. All of us can be proud of what the AEPA has accomplished. I believe the unique educational opportunity that the pattern class offers, to watch horses individually, and see how their pedigrees have come together, has made better breeders of us all.

The passion that we all share for the Arabian horse fulfills us. The joys, and sometimes the heartaches, enrich us. They provide the common bond that forms our community. Each of us must do what we can to preserve and hopefully expand the opportunity for others to join.

The AEPA was founded to promote the Arabian English horse, to ensure the continuation and appreciation of these magnificent animals. Bring your passion forward again this year and purchase a breeding in the AEPA auction.

Special thanks to Arabian Horse Times and Equine Athlete Veterinary Services, for supporting our Nationals classes, and to Strawberry Banks Farm and Conway Arabians, for their support of the Keystone ProAM and Scottsdale Maturity.

Most of all, THANK YOU, to every stallion owner that donates a breeding, and every breeder that buys one in the auction. It is your love of the Arabian English horse that makes this all possible.

Remember that …

A donated breeding makes every foal sired this year by your stallion eligible for every AEPA class. No nomination fess, no forms to fill out. Every foal is automatically enrolled. (Auction foals must be enrolled in utero to receive the extra prize money) Foals that are enrolled as Auction breedings receive an extra 25% on all winnings in the U.S. Nationals AEPA purebred or Half-Arabian Futurity.

Created to serve breeders and to promote the Arabian English performance horse, get involved, breed wonderful horses, enjoy the competition, and have these horses in your life!


Arabian Horse Times | 56 | A.E.P.A Futurity
WWW.ARABIANENGLISHPERFORMANCEASSOCIATION.COM BASKE AFIRE* (Afire Bey V x Mac Baske) GRAND MARSHALL AA (CSP Grand Caymon x CP Viva Vegaz) AA APOLLO BEY (Huckleberry Bey x April Charm) FOLSOM (IXL Noble Express x Willette) BLACK DANIELS (IXL Noble Express x Victoria Bay) A TEMPTATION* (Tempter x A Love Song) AL CAPONE AMA (Afires Heir x Hollywood Miss) COLTRANE SS (IXL Noble Express x Brassmis) enrolled sires 2023 ARABIAN ENGLISH PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATION *deceased Arabian Horse Times | 57 | A.E.P.A Futurity AFFLICTION (Mamage x PSI Love U) AFIRE BEY V* (Huckleberry Bey x Autumn Fire) AFIRES HEIR (Afire Bey V x Brassmis) APOLLOPALOOZA* (AA Apollo Bey x TF Magical Witch) BARCELONA BF (Fire And Goldd x Cordoba BF) CSP BARBANCOURT (Mamage x CSP Angelfire) CSP ROLLING STONE (Afires Heir x CSP Adriana) DA TRIPOLLI (Triften x Berry Flirtatious) EMPRESSARIO DF (Maestro DF x Daca La Empress) FIRE AND GOLDD (Afire Bey V x Brassmis) DEALERZ CHOICE (Vegaz x Dina Mite SA) ENTOURAGZE (Apollopalooza x DA Atlantique)
enrolled sires 2023 ARABIAN ENGLISH PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATION IMPERATOR DGL (Afires Heir x Sweet Summer Fire) QH SERENGETI (Black Daniels x My Love Song) PROSUASION (SF Specs Shocwave x MZ Kitty) PROSUADED BY LOVE (Prosuasion x Heirs Noble Love) HUCKLEBEY BERRY* (Huckleberry Bey x Miz Bask) RHYTHMIC AHSA (Robali Dargeeling x Solitairey Dancer) *deceased Arabian Horse Times | 58 | A.E.P.A Futurity WWW.ARABIANENGLISHPERFORMANCEASSOCIATION.COM H MOBILITY H (MHR Nobility x RY Fire Ghazi) HEY HALLELUJAH* (Huckleberry Bey x Hallelujah Bask) INCEPTION (IXL Noble Express x Bonita Afire) KW MICAH (Mamage x KW Sapphire) MAN ABOUT VEGAZ VA (Vegaz x Moonbeam DGL) MOONLIGHT HEIR VA (Afires Heir x Moonbeam DGL) LIFE INTHE FAZT LANE (Vegaz x River Dance NA) MAXIMILANO (Empressario DF x GSF Cholula) PATRRIOT (Rrapture x Showthyme WCA) HA TOSKCAN SUN (Baske Afire x Matoska) MAMAGE (Zodiac Matador x CF Fire Magic) HARLEI (Baske Afire x Heavenlei) GSF PURE FUZION (Apollopalooza x Primroza Afire) GSF RIZING SON (Apollopalooza x PWA Tusea)
enrolled sires 2023 ARABIAN ENGLISH PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATION VCP MAGNIFIRE (Afire Bey V x RY Fire Ghazi) WP CORPORATE IMAGE (Afires Heir x Play Girl MSC) NOBLE BRAVEHEART (Callaway’s Northern Kiss x Fort Chiswell’s Retained Assets) SF THE PATRIOT (Allience x Spectra PR) ASB/DHH/CROSSBRED ENROLLED SIRES Subject to change. VEGAZ (Apollopalooza x SMS Forever Bay) ROL DIVINE STYLE (Afire Bey V x IXL Miss Firefly) ROL ASCENSION (Black Daniels x HA Ghrace Under Fire) ROCK MY SOCKS (CSP Grand Caymon x DA Espirit) *deceased Arabian Horse Times | 59 | A.E.P.A Futurity SAXTON DGL (Afires Heir x Sweet Summer Fire) SF AFTERSHOC (SF Specs Shocwave x SF Sweet Elegance) SF DESTINATION VICTRY (SF Specs Shocwave x Aparty Girl) THE FINEST (IXL Noble Express x Afire and Finesse) THUNDER STRUCK LR (SF Specs Shocwave x Berre Striking) KONQUEST (Majesteit x Weaver’s Black Sensation) LEATHERWOOD’S AMADEUS (Marc Of Charm x Callaway’s Winning Ways) LEATHERWOOD’S BOURBON RESERVE (Leatherwood’s Starlight x Callaway’s Winning Ways) RIVERDREAMS BLACK PEARL (Sultan’s Great Day x Harlem’s Lady Louise) ROSE ARBOR DESTINY (Undulata’s Nutcracker x She’s My Desire) WWW.ARABIANENGLISHPERFORMANCEASSOCIATION.COM

OVER $220,000


Ames Foundation

$100,000 Arabian Saddle Seat Futurity

2022 Champion


(Prosuasion x Heirs Noble Love)

Ex: Joel Kiesner | B/O: Karlton Jackson

Conway Arabians

$20,000 Country English Pleasure AOTR Maturity

Equine Athlete

$50,000 Half-Arabian Saddle Seat Futurity

2022 Champion


(Afires Heir x DD My Dance)

Ex: Carrie Fritz | O: Shamrock Farms LLC

B: Oak Haven South Arabians LLC

2022 Champion BALLERINA BF

(GSF Rizing Son x Balanchine Star)

Ex: Nora Shaffer | O: Laura Shaffer

B: Boisvert Farms LLC

Strawberry Banks Farm Buckeye Country Pleasure Maturity AOTR

2022 Champion


(SF Aftershoc x Hush Hush)

Ex/O: Rebecca Nash | B: Linda Pizzonia

The AEPA would like to thank its sponsors: Freedman’s, fine leather harnesses, saddlery and accessories, and Equine Athlete Veterinary, the official equine health provider of the AEPA.

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New in 2022, the Keystone Event $30,000 Country Pleasure Pro-Am Challenge joins eight years of Country Pleasure Maturity AOTR winners from the Ohio Buckeye Sweepstakes and Scottsdale show totaling $248,000 in payouts, and since its inception in 2007, over $2.1 million in prize money to the open Saddle Seat Futurity Program. In all, over $2.5 million in AEPA-related classes has been paid out!


$40,000 Winners:

SIN CITY (2007)

O: Joseph Kinnarney B: Venture Farms, Inc.

BRAVE AND NOBLE (2008) O/B: Marty Shea

SF AFTERSHOC (2009) O/B: Alicia Guzman Pace

ROL FIRE MIST (2010) O: Strawberry Banks Farm B: R O Lervick Arabians

Sires: Baske Afire (2007 & 2010) IXL Noble Express (2008) SF Specs Shocwave (2009)

Trainers: Joel Kiesner (2007 & 2008) Peter Stachowski (2009) Brian Murch (2010)

$36,000 Winner:

NOBLE FFYRE (2014 [$30,000]/2011 Yearling [$6,000])

O/B: Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. Sire: IXL Noble Express

Trainer: Joel Kiesner Allen Zeller (Yearling win)

$30,000 Winners:


O: Katherine Kirby B: California State Polytechnic Univ.

BEL HEIR LR (2012)

O: William Blankenship B: Lindsay Rinehart

HEIRS NOBLE LOVE (2013) O/B: T. Karlton Jackson


O: Falan Alpert B: Rodney and Jacqueline Thompson

MOVIN ON HEIR WA (2016) O/B: Whispers Acres, Inc.

INCEPTION (2017) O/B: Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.

GSF INSIDER (2018) O: Kimberley Munro B: Nick and Juliet Carden

KT MAHALO (2019) O: 6D Ranch Ltd. B: Joel and Ashton Kiesner

DROPS OF JUPITER VH (2020) O/B: Vicki Humphrey

KT HEIR LORD (2021) O: J. Kinnarney & B. Marlow B: J. & A. Kiesner and Starline Arabians LLC

PROSUADED BY LOVE (2022) O/B: Karlton Jackson

Sires: Anza Padron (2011) Afires Heir (2012, 2013, 2016, 2018, 2019 & 2021) Baskghazi (2015) IXL Noble Express (2017) Prosuasion (2022) SF Aftershoc (2020)

Trainers: James Stachowski (2011, 2015, 2016 & 2019) Joel Kiesner (2012, 2013, 2017, 2021 & 2022) Shawn Rooker (2018) Jessica Clinton (2020)

Arabian Horse Times | 61 | A.E.P.A Futurity

by Number of Winners

1. Afires Heir 58

2. Baske Afire, deceased . . . . . . . . 39 3. Afire Bey V, deceased . . . . . . . . 32 4. IXL Noble Express 30 5. SF Aftershoc 21 6. Black Daniels . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7. SF Specs Shocwave . . . . . . . . . 13 Vegaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 HA Toskcan Sun 13 8. VCP Magnifire 10


by Payout

1. Afires Heir $517,000

2. Baske Afire, deceased . . . . $318,250 3. IXL Noble Express . . . . . $257,000 4. Afire Bey V, deceased $168,000 5. SF Aftershoc $141,000 6. Black Daniels . . . . . . . . $108,750 7. SF Specs Shocwave . . . . . . $91,500 8. Vegaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73,500

9. HA Toskcan Sun $68,000

10. CP Magnifire $41,750


by Points Ch-10 pts., Res-8 pts., TT-5 pts.

1. Afires Heir 414

2. Baske Afire, deceased . . . . . . . 253

3. IXL Noble Express . . . . . . . . 224 4. Afire Bey V, deceased 219 5. SF Aftershoc 135 6. Vegaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 7. SF Specs Shocwave . . . . . . . . . 98 8. Black Daniels . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 9. HA Toskcan Sun 81 10. VCP Magnifier 60

by Number of Winners

Baske Afire
Noble Express
20 2.
20 3.
16 4.
12 5.
11 Smoky
11 6.
9 8.
. . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . . . .
by Points Ch-10 pts., Res-8 pts., TT-5 pts 1.
162 2.
137 3.
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .
Afire Bey V Arabian Horse Times | 62 | A.E.P.A Futurity
Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.
Marty (and Tim) Shea
Prestige Farms LLC
Conway Arabians, Inc.
Vicki Humphrey
Lindsay Rinehart
Mountain Park Arabians
Cedar Ridge Farm 10
Cal Poly Pomona
Nick and Juliet Carden
Strawberry Banks Farm
. . . .
8 by Payout
Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. $202,250
Marty (and Tim) Shea $150,500
Nick and Juliet Carden $101,500
Vicki Humphrey
Joel Kiesner
Karlton Jackson $82,500
Prestige Farms LLC $79,750
Cal Poly Pomona $79,50 0
R.O. Lervick Arabians
Lindsay Rinehart
Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc.
Marty (and Tim) Shea
Prestige Farms LLC 108
Cal Poly Pomona
Vicki Humphrey
Lindsay Rinehart 73
Conway Arabians, Inc. 69
Smoky Mountain Park Arabians 68
Nick and Juliet Carden
Joel Kiesner

by Number of Winners

1. Joel Kiesner 28

2. James Stachowski . . . . . . . . . . 20

3. Jessica Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gabe DeSoto . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Shawn Rooker 15

4. Dalton Budd 12

5. Jonathan Ramsay . . . . . . . . . . 10 Peter Stachowski . . . . . . . . . . 10

6. Joel Gangi 9

7. Rob Bick 8 John Diedrich 8 Jonhn Golladay . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


by Payout

1. Joel Kiesner $444,750

2. James Stachowski . . . . . . $273,875

3. Shawn Rooker . . . . . . . $133,750

4. Jessica Clinton . . . . . . . $126,250

5. Peter Stachowski $87,500

6. Gabe DeSoto $87,000

7. Dalton Budd . . . . . . . . . $74,250

8. Brian Murch . . . . . . . . . $64,500

9. John Golladay $59,500

10. Joel Gangi $58,250

by Points Ch-10 pts., Res-8 pts., TT-5 pts.

1. Joel Kiesner 219

2. James Stachowski . . . . . . . . . 150

3. Jessica Clinton . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Shawn Rooker 91

4. Gabe DeSoto 75

5. Dalton Budd . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6. Peter Stachowski . . . . . . . . . . 55

7. Jonathan Ramsay . . . . . . . . . . 50

8. John Diedrich 49 John Golladay 49

by Number of Winners

1. Conway Arabians, Inc. 18

2. Cedar Ridge Farm 9

Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. . . . . . 9

Smoky Mountain Park Arabians . . . 9 3. Strawberry Banks Farm . . . . . . . 8 4. Starline Arabians LLC 7 5. Boisvert Farms LLC 6

Joseph Kinnarney . . . . . . . . . . 6 6. 6D Ranch Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Lois Skeeles 5

Victoria Arabians LLC 5


by Payout

1. Joseph Kinnarney $111,000 2 . Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. $99,250 3. Conway Arabians, Inc. $79,750 4. Karlton Jackson . . . . . . . . $75,000

6D Ranch Ltd. . . . . . . . . $72,500

Strawberry Banks Farm $72,000

Starline Arabians LLC $60,000 8. Whispers Acres, Inc. $59,000 9. Cedar Ridge Farm . . . . . . $51,250 10. Boisvert Farms LLC . . . . $40,500

by Points Ch-10 pts., Res-8 pts., TT-5 pts. 1. Conway Arabians, Inc. 114

Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. 75

Smoky Mountain Park Arabians 61

Cedar Ridge Arabians . . . . . . . 56

Starline Arabians LLC . . . . . . . 55

Joseph Kinnarney 51

Strawberry Banks Farm 50 8. 6D Ranch Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Lori Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Boisvert Farms LLC . . . . . . . 33

Maroon Fire Arabians Dave & Gail Liniger, Marty & Tim Shea Joel Kiesner Conway Arabians, Inc. Peter & Lori Conway
Arabian Horse Times | 63 | A.E.P.A Futurity
Joseph Kinnarney
champions from the past ARABIAN ENGLISH PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATION KT HEIR LORD (Afires Heir x SA Adriana) Ex: Joel Kiesner O: Joseph Kinnarney & Bradley Marlow B: Joel & Ashton Kiesner & Starline Arabians LLC 2021 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY OH DANCING ON HEIR (Afires Heir x DD My Dance) Ex/O: Lindsay O’Reilly French B: 5 G and M Ltd. Partnership 2021 $20,000 CONWAY ARABIANS COUNTRY PLEASURE AAOTR MATURITY TOOSKCANDALOUS RT (HA Toskcan Sun x Topliney) Ex/B: Rene Ramirez | O: Rainie Kuchynka 2021 $50,000 EQUINE ATHLETE VETERINARY SERVICES HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY FS MAC XIMILION (VJ Royal Heir x Mac Nificence Afire) Ex: Leslie Doran Sommer | O: Shamrock Farms LLC B: Jeff Prem 2020 $20,000 CONWAY ARABIANS COUNTRY PLEASURE AAOTR MATURITY NUTTIN BUTA G THANG (Nutcracker’s Nirvana x Noble Halo) Ex: James Stachowsk | Victory pass: Ashley Roberts O: Gordon, Georgeen or Sarah Sneath | B: Hart Farms LLC 2019 $50,000 EQUINE ATHLETE VETERINARY SERVICES HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY KT MAHALO (Afires Heir x SA Gisele) Ex: James Stachowski | O: 6D Ranch Ltd. B: Joel and Ashton Kiesner 2019 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY ROL LET’S DANCE (Afire Bey V x Singularcylection) Ex: Katherine Kirby| O: Kirby Arabians LLC B: R O Lervick Arabians 2021 $20,000 STRAWBERRY BANKS FARM COUNTRY PLEASURE MATURITY AAOTR THE HEIRISTOCRAT (Afires Heir x Ritida) Ex: Joel Kiesner | O: I Ask LLC B: Marty Shea 2020 $50,000 EQUINE ATHLETE VETERINARY SERVICES HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY DROPS OF JUPITER VH (SF Aftershoc x ERA Madusa) Ex: Jessica Clinton | B/O: Vicki Humphrey 2020 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY Arabian Horse Times | 64 | A.E.P.A Futurity
OH DANCING ON HEIR (Afires Heir x DD My Dance) Ex/O: Lindsay O’Reilly French B: 5 G & M LTD Partnership 2019 $20,000 CONWAY ARABIANS COUNTRY PLEASURE AAOTR MATURITY CP MANIFESTO (H Mobility H x Afire Charmm) Ex/O: Katherine Kirby | B: Cal Poly Pomona 2018 $20,000 STRAWBERRY BANKS FARM COUNTRY PLEASURE MATURITY AOTR NO KIDDING PF (SF Specs Shocwave x HF Luck Bea Lady) Ex/O: Laura Carrington | B: Prestige Farms LLC 2019 $20,000 STRAWBERRY BANKS FARM COUNTRY PLEASURE AAOTR MATURITY INCEPTION (IXL Noble Express x Bonita Afire) Ex: Joel Kiesner | O/B: Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. 2017 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY HOT HEIR PF (Afires Heir x A Blessing) Ex: Matt Huke | O: Megan Huke B: Prestige Farms LLC 2016 $20,000 BUCKEYE AEPA COUNTRY PLEASURE MATURITY AOTR RGT MERCURY RISING (Afire Bey V x Styling Time) Ex: Joel Kiesner O: Joseph Kinnarney & Bradley Marlow B: Laura Gault 2017 $50,000 EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY GSF INSIDER (Afires Heir x PWA Tusea) Ex: Shawn Rooker | O: Kimberley Munro B: Nick and Juliet Carden 2018 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY IRONN MAIDENN (Vegaz x Sweet Airianna D) Ex/O: Linda McArthur-Conish | B: Marty Shea 2017 $20,000 STRAWBERRY BANKS FARM COUNTRY PLEASURE MATURITY AOTR NUTTIN BUT CHROME (Undulata’s Nutcracker x SA Gisele) Ex: Joel Kiesner | B/O: Starline Arabians LLC 2018 $50,000 EQUINE VETERINARY SERVICES HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY champions from the past ARABIAN ENGLISH PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATION Arabian Horse Times | 65 | A.E.P.A Futurity

champions from the past

DAVINCI REFLECTION WA (SF Aftershoc x The Davinci Code) Ex: James Stachowski | O: Whispers Acres, Inc. B: Shawn Stachowski 2014 $50,000 HALCON FURNITURE HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY A THOUSAND STARS (Baske Afire x Kalarama’s Celeste) Ex: Jim Stachowski | O: Kimberly Jarvis B: Robin Crisman 2013 $50,000 HALCON FURNITURE HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY HEIRS NOBLE LOVE (Afires Heir x Noble Aphroditie) Ex: Joel Kiesner | O/B: T. Karlton Jackson 2013 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY SUPREME SENSATION SMP (Baskghazi x A Love Supreme) Ex: James Stachowski | O: Falan Alpert B: Rodney & Jacqueline Thompson 2015 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY NOBLE FFYRE (IXL Noble Express x Foxy Afire) Ex: Joel Kiesner | O/B: Maroon Fire Arabians, Inc. 2014 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY BAYONCE (Black Daniels x Laurel Hill Pennies From Heaven) Ex: Sharon Blendinger | O: Joseph & Alisa Mertens B: Bryan & Joanne Grossman 2015 $50,000 HALCON FURNITURE HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY MOVIN ON HEIR WA (Afires Heir x The Way She Moves) Ex: James Stachowski | O/B:Whispers Acres, Inc. 2016 $100,000 ARABIAN HORSE TIMES ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY EVG TRIDAN (Triften x CP Dansing Diva) Ex/O: Lori Foster | B: Evergreen Arabians LLC
$20,000 BUCKEYE AEPA COUNTRY PLEASURE MATURITY AOTR GIRL ON FIRE (Baske Afire x Only Girl In Town) Ex: Jessica Clinton | O: Leslie Palmer Garvis B: Vicki Humphrey
GSF AMBIENZE (Apollopalooza x PWA Tusea) Ex: Juliet Carden | O/B: Nick and Juliet Carden 2009 ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT MATURITY SIN CITY (Baske Afire x Las Veghaz) Ex: Joel Kiesner | O: Joseph Kinnarney B: Venture Farms, Inc. 2007 $100,000 ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY BRAVE AND NOBLE (IXL Noble Express x Sweet Bravada Bey V) Ex: Joel Kiesner | O/B: Marty Shea 2008 $100,000 ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY ROL FIRE MIST (Baske Afire x Firlite DGL) Ex: Brian Murch | O: Strawberry Banks Farm B: R O Lervick Arabians 2010 $100,000 ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY SF AFTERSHOC (SF Specs Shocwave x SF Sweet Elegance) Ex: Peter Stachowski | O/B: Alicia Guzman Pace 2009 $100,000 ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY EXPRESSAMO (IXL Noble Express x Mystic Bey V) Ex: Jill Sherman O/B: Martin L. Sherman Jr. Family Trust 2010 ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT MATURITY BEL HEIR LR (Afires Heir x JKF Wistful) Ex: Joel Kiesner | O: William Blankenship B: Lindsay Rinehart 2012 $100,000 AEPA ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY CP SHENANIGAN (Anza Padron x CP Dance Card) Ex: James Stachowski | O: Katherine Kirby B: California State Polytechnic University 2011 $100,000 ARABIAN SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY NUTCRACKER SWEET PF (Undulata’s Nutcracker x Ames Deja Vu) Ex: James Stachowski | O: 6D Ranch Ltd B: Christena Ferran 2012 50,000 HALCON FURNITURE HA SADDLE SEAT FUTURITY champions from the past ARABIAN ENGLISH PERFORMANCE ASSOCIATION Arabian Horse Times | 67 | A.E.P.A Futurity



LABELLA AMES | SF Aftershoc+ x Isabella Davinci | Chestnut H/A Mare

CHARLOTTE AMES | Afires Heir x Colette Ames | Bay PB Mare THATS AMORE CRF | HA Toskcan Sun x Up In The Heir | Black H/A Mare


SUGARSHOC CRF | SF Aftershoc+ x Undulata’s Nuttin’ Sweeter | Chestnut H/A Mare

SAINT DIVINE CRF | ROL Divine Style+ x Julietta Ames | Chestnut PB Gelding

MR BIG TIME CRF | Baske Afire x On Tulsa Time | Chestnut H/A Gelding

INCEPTION ON FIRE CRF | Inception x HA Sahara Afire | Bay PB Gelding

PASSIONETTE KISSES | SF Aftershoc+ x Passionelle | Chestnut H/A Mare

THE EIGHTH WONDER CRF | SF Aftershoc+ x Isabella Davinci | Chestnut H/A Gelding


TRENDY AMES | Afires Heir x Captivating Style | Chestnut H/A Filly

DIVINELY MINE CRF | SF AFtershoc+ x Ames Divine | Chestnut PB Filly

IN STYLE CRF | ROL Divine Style+ x Julietta Ames | Chestnut PB Filly

HEIRS HIGH FIVE | Afires Heir x GSF Zumba | Bay PB Colt


KATARIA AMES | ROL Divine Style+ x Antebella Ames | Chestnut PB Filly

PARTY PERFECT CRF | Arrowhead’s Unlike Any Other x Ames Patina | Chestnut H/A Filly

AMES STYLE | ROL Divine Style+ x Julietta Ames | Chestnut PB Filly

PATTIS GIRL CRF | HA Toskcan Sun x Marion Ames | Bay PB Filly BELLO MIO | HA Toskcan Sun x Merry Magnifire | Grey PB Colt

FHEIRY TALE CRF | Afires Heir x Coconut Cream Pie | Bay H/A Filly


AMES ULTIMATE DESIGN | SF Aftershoc x Ames Divine | Bay PB Colt

MILLION DREAMS CRF | ROL Divine Style x Julietta Ames | Bay PB Filly BELLE OF THE BALL CRF | Vegaz x Antebella Ames | Chestnut PB Filly

BLUSHY BRIDE CRF| Noble Braveheart x Ames Patina | Chestnut H/A Filly

SIMPLY UNIQUE CRF | Noble Braveheart x HA Sahara Afire| Chestnut H/A Colt

AMES FINAL EXPLOSION | SF Aftershoc x GSF Zumba | Chestnut PB Colt

The Ames Family Jordan, Minnesota & Scottsdale, Arizona 952.492.6590
Siring 31 U.S. National Champion & Reserve winners in 2022 with 77% in the English Division Siring 11 AEPA Winners in 2022 Earning $44,000 in prize money Proudly owned by Hagale Family Arabians Limited Breedings in 2023 | Multi-Program Nominated Contact Jen Wilson | jen@hagalefamilyarabians.com 602.616.6672 | www.HagaleFamilyArabians.com The RISE of English...

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