4 minute read

Morgan & Renee Pelzman


Do you prefer to ride bosal horses or bridle horses? Why?

We haven’t ridden many bosal horses, mostly because we take our time bringing horses along, so they’re usually in the bridle by the time we feel they’re really solid and ready to show. I wish younger horses didn’t get penalized for being shown in a snaffle. It’s been our experience that bosal horses don’t always transition as well to the bridle, but good snaffle bit horses almost always do.

How do you make a pleasure horse look like it’s a pleasure to ride? What traits must they have? If I have to make a horse look like it’s a pleasure, we’re probably not going to own it or show it. A good western pleasure horse must be naturally soft-moving, quiet-minded and responsive but not over-reactive. You can’t make them be that way. Either they are, or they aren’t.

What is the key to a good warm up prior to a class?

Let Morgan warm them up. It’s one of the perquisites of motherhood and senior citizenship!

How important do you feel the AWPA class is for breeding?

Does the AWPA help with the breeding of top-quality WP horses? The nomination certainly adds to the sale value of a young horse, but at the end of the day, variables like talent, temperament and trainability affect just about everything else. Not everyone can afford to have their horse shown by the top western pleasure trainers and there aren’t enough of those trainers to go around anyway. There have always been great western pleasure horses and there will always be great ones. The AWPA is a marketing strategy. Yes, our young stallion GA Valor is nominated, along with however many other halterbred horses, but we just can’t say for certain that overall the program has made a significant impact on the quality of the horses. The program is still fairly young, so time will tell.

What is one thing you would like to see changed or improved regarding the western pleasure horse? That our purebreds need to be massive to perform well. A horse and its rider should look like they fit well together. Perhaps it is a trend, just like black horses are now, but a classic never goes out of style.

What horse past and present, exemplifies the western pleasure discipline? There were/are so many nice horses out there past and present, but love the Fame VF sire line for the beauty, talent and exceptional temperament they bring to the table. Also MK Goldrush, who won many top awards. Rush was the real deal - slow-legged, slow-brained and like riding a couch!

Do you prefer to ride bosal horses or bridle horses? Why? Bridle, because I want the control expected of a broke horse.

How do you make a pleasure horse look like it’s a pleasure to ride? What traits must they have?

Quiet mind, level relaxed neck, a tendency to be slow legged and never jumpy. It must be their natural desire to be this way or forget it.

What is the key to a good warm up prior to a class? Slow progression to a supple relaxed horse is what’s needed. Rushing the warmup rarely works out well.

Do you have a particular tack or clothing obsession? Anything Harris.

Tell us about your favorite pair of boots. They are comfortable to wear all dang day. I prefer Luchesse.

How important do you feel the AWPA class is for breeding? For me, it’s everything!

Do you prefer to ride bosal horses or bridle horses? Why?

I have always had a passion for starting the babies, so I would have to say a bosal. I love getting a clean slate and building a strong rapport and trust with each horse. However, I do love the bridle horses as well. It is very rewarding to see the growth and maturing of horses with their amateur owners long-term.

How do you make a pleasure horse look like it’s a pleasure to ride? What traits must they have?

I like my horses to be happy and comfortable, I feel it shines through in their performance. I like ears forward, quiet tail, and free flowing movement. I listen to my horses and address any issues they may have that makes them act less than pleasurable.

What is the key to a good warm up prior to a class?

I like to do my homework before the warm up. If they need to be made a little sharp, or work on their energy level, I work on that beforehand. I want to leave the warm up as short and stress-free as possible.

How important do you feel the AWPA class is for breeding?

I feel the AWPA program has added substantial value and marketability of western horses for the breeders. It has also heightened the awareness and appreciation of the western discipline by adding much needed sheer entertainment for the people in the stands.

What is one thing you would like to see changed or improved regarding the western pleasure horse?

The Arabian is by far the most beautiful western pleasure horse of any breed. I believe it is important to keep the focus on proper gaits and movement. The overall picture of a beautiful western horse is the softness and the cadence of his stride as much as it is hooked off the bridle. I feel it is important to not sacrifice one for the other, the whole picture needs to have proper balance.

What horse past and present, exemplifies the western pleasure discipline?

I will never forget watching the beauty and grace of Clarisse PR and Gary Dearth riding to their U.S. National Reserve Championship Western Pleasure Jr. Horse win in 2008. It was a vision of elegance, softness, and ease that I will forever strive for.

Presently, I believe combining the power, balance, and substance of Khadraj NA with the trainability, length and shape of neck, and size of Sundance Kid V has elevated our breed standards to a new level.

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