3 minute read
InValor there is hope...
A couple years ago, longtime Arabian horse owners Paige and Brian Whittecar were on the hunt to locate that next great young western pleasure prospect. Joined up with tip-top western pleasure trainer Joe Reser, all were confident their search would reap results.
Brian recollects, “We heard about a coming 2-yearold Sundance Kid V colt Frank Chisholm had bred out of his mare French Kisses, purchased by his mother’s side by Elizabeth O’Briant, herself an accomplished breeder. Joe and I were intrigued.”
Brian and Joe boarded a plane bound for North Carolina and Elizabeth’s farm, primed to meet for themselves, the impeccably bred, long legged, smooth gaited bay colt.
Upon their arrival, Joe and Brian’s introduction to the 2017 bay stallion PA Frontier Kid was at his stall … a stall boarded up with a nailed-in 2 x 4!
“Elizabeth calmly told us PA Frontier Kid was a true magician,” Joe chuckles, “and that nailing a 2 x 4 across his stall door was the best way to keep him inside. She then picked up a nearby hammer and expertly removed the board. PA Frontier Kid strutted out of his stall practically telling us, ‘I’m the man!’”
The young stallion and the 2 x 4, a unique situation at best, put Joe in a short-lived quandary. Would this alluring, athletically blessed young stallion have the mindset necessary for western pleasure?
Two actions quickly doused his concern. “Straightaway, Brian was 1,000% sold on PA Frontier Kid, telling me, ‘Let’s do this!’” Joe laughs. “Next, my ‘gut’ kicked in, telling me that as sure as we didn’t buy this horse, someone else would. Someone who would send PA Frontier Kid to a competing top trainer. I could picture it … PA Frontier Kid and his trainer beating me in the show pen. We just couldn’t let that happen.”
The sale was made, and with the new barn name of “Pancho”, was delivered to Paige, Brian and Joe at the 2019 U.S. Nationals. Pancho’s new home was Shamrock Farms LLC, just outside Fort Worth. He settled in, taking to Joe’s training with intelligent enthusiasm, enjoying his frequent turn outs in spacious pastures.
Primed and ready for the 2020 U.S. Nationals Western Pleasure Futurity, Pancho won 4th Place overall in a field of 32 three-year-olds. Next beaconed 2021 and the coveted U.S. Nationals $100,000 AWPA Western Pleasure Futurity Championship. Pancho and Joe showed only one time prior to October’s U.S. Nationals, “He was dialed in, ready to show off his stuff,” says Joe. Winning the Reserve Champion AWPA Western Pleasure title was a thrill for all.
Still growing into his tall, long-legged frame, Pancho was filling out even more, and his ever increasing work ethic was now an equal match for his incredible self-confidence. “We were confident that 2022, his last year as a Junior horse, would be a good one,” Joe says. And triumph prevailed with both reaping the 2022 U.S. National Champion Western Pleasure Junior Horse red roses.
Brian and Paige couldn’t be more ecstatic about Pancho, both in the show pen and as a breeding stallion, who will create his own legacy as a game changing producer of top quality progeny.
“Pancho is Paige and my first venture owning, marketing and breeding a top stallion,” Brian shares. “He is among the younger generation of Sundance Kid V sons on the ground. We hope to see his iconic sire and his dam’s beauty and athletic talent combined in him to further elevate Arabian Western Pleasure horse quality, type and talent.”
He adds, “Pancho has two babies scheduled for 2023 delivery, plus huge interest in bookings this year for 2024 foals. We’re just as committed to his show career as we are to his influencing the Arabian horse as a game changing breeding stallion.”
Joe agrees, “For 2023, I’ll be showing Pancho at Scottsdale, U.S. Nationals and maybe one other show. He’s ready to show his stuff in the bridle; his attitude tells us ‘Yep, I’m here, ready to walk that red carpet.’”
“Every day with Pancho is a new adventure,” Joe concludes. “He’ll tell you when he needs a play day, then the next day he gets right down to business.” And in the show pen? “He lives for those bright lights shining down on him!”
The AWPA has 98 enrolled stallions for 2023, with many offering both Purebred and Half-Arabian breedings in the March Auction. See who is the best match for your mare at arabianwesternpleasure.com!

• 50% of the Stallion Nomination payments are reserved for that breeding year’s Auction foal crop to have as bonus prize money in the Futurity Finals!
• Each year, the percentage of the Auction bonus prize money divided between the Purebred and Half-Arabian Futurities will be determined by the number of breedings offered.

• Foals resulting from breedings purchased in the Auction are eligible for additional class prize money:
• The added money will be split evenly among the Top 14 AWPA Auction foals in the Finals -- no matter the placing in the class.
• For example, in the 2025 Purebred Finals, if all entries are AWPA Auction foals, the Top 14 will each receive an additional $2,092.14 in prize money [$29,290 split 14 ways].
• Likewise, if 3 of the 14 finalists in the 2024 Half-Arabian Finals are AWPA Auction foals, they will each receive an additional $6,930.00 in prize money [$20,790 split 3 ways]!