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Comments From The Publisher
table of CONTENTS
Volume 52, No. 9 Issue 5
10 20
Cover Story: Puccini J: To Tulsa And Beyond by Theresa Cardamone
Sherman Ranch Arabians: Family Pride … English Pleasure Breeding Excellence by Catherine Cole Ferandelli
Saddle Seat Cover: Crossing With Inception—Maroon Fire Arabians’ Show Horse & Sire by Christy Egan
5SS 20SS 32SS 46SS 62SS 114 126
Today’s Saddle Seat Horse Kingswood Farms: Breeding Excellence by Ashley Commissiong
Landon Equestrian: Building A Five-Star Future by Mary Kirkman
Wiloma Plantation … Growing Tradition With A Future by Amalia Perry
Prestige Farms—The Legacy Continues by Colleen Scott
Next Up For Lucho Guimarães Arabians … The National Breeder Finals by Colleen Scott
The Day Of The Dreamer … A Salute To The Small Breeder by Jeff Wallace & Evie Tubbs Sweeney
128 130
Conway Arabians: “Bred To Move You” by Theresa Cardamone
Stone Ridge Arabians: Breeding For The Future by Theresa Cardamone 132 Farewell, Citationn by Mary Kirkman 7WEST Today’s Western Horse 14WEST For The Gaylords, All Roads Lead To The Western Show Pen by Catherine Cole Ferandelli 28WEST Enjoy The Journey: Breeding For Western At Jerland Arabians by Theresa Cardamone 30WEST Western Cover: Shamrock Farms LLC Introduces Milliondollarbaby SF by Catherine Cole Ferandelli 32WEST Sitting At The Top … Lori & Chelsea Cantero And Son Of A Preacher Man WA by Colleen Scott 40WEST Gretchen Love’s Victorious Vicario by Catherine Cole Ferandelli 46WEST Alistar Arabians … The Dream Continues by Catherine Cole Ferandelli
206 210
Women Around The World: Dr. Nancy O’Reilly, PsyD Presenting The Personalities: Ryan Chambers, Ringside Productions
6 24
61SS 134 205 215
Comments From The Publisher
State Of The Industry Looking Ahead Faces & Places: Sant Ynez Farm Tours
Calendar of Events Index of Advertisers
VOLUME 52, NO. 9 | $22.50 Larry Jerome. Puccini J (WH Justice x Miss Giovanna), owned by On The Cover:
Horses don’t care how much you know ... until they know how much you care. CARING IS OUR ROYAL PROMISE

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COMMENTS from the publisher

Recently it was announced that the 2022 Canadian Nationals, which is produced by AHA, would be cancelled. Then word came from Canada that the show would be held after all, put on by the Canadian Arabian Horse Association rather than AHA, in late September. I hope that you who are reading this have viewed the podcast posted on the Arabian Horse Times website, in which CAHA President Tex Kam and Murray Popplewell, longtime breeder with operations in both the U.S. and Canada, explain why it is important to persevere with the Canadian Nationals, despite a short lead time. As importantly, they talk about how those of us “south of the border” can support the effort.
Let me say that I understand AHA’s rationale in canceling the show. We all know that organizations must make money in order to carry on their activities. And after the pandemic (when the U.S. Nationals was held, but Canada was not), AHA’s leadership felt that the financial picture was too insecure. I’m not here to comment on that; I believe there is a broader issue to consider, and that is the mission of breed organizations. It is two-fold. Yes, it’s to offer activities and hopefully not lose money in the process, but also it is to serve its constituents. The Canadians are our constituents.
Tex and Murray and those moving forward on the show have a valid point: their breeders, trainers and exhibitors train all year with their national show as a goal; many do not choose or are unable bring horses to the U.S. Nationals. To lose three years from their schedule—when their horses are being bred, trained and shown without an ultimate competition—is too much to ask. They accept that this year, their show may be very small and may attract only Canadians. But it’s worth the effort to them.
The Canadian Nationals is the oldest of the North American national competitions. Its first classes were held in 1957, a year before the U.S., and over the years, our two events have grown together. From the first time I attended it, as an adult with extensive show experience at other events, I have loved it.
For one thing, Canadian Nationals was one of the few shows left where you could watch the majority of the classes in one arena. True Arabian horse enthusiasts could see halter and performance horses of all kinds without having to run from one ring to another.
Additionally, Canadians have always come out in force to support their show—and there are some wonderful, experienced horsemen north of the border. The Canadian National Show committee has worked together for close to three decades and their expertise showed in the events they put on. The dedication to what the Arabian horse is all about is palpable.
I realize that at this late date, it will not be possible for a lot of Americans to make the trip to Red Deer, Alberta, the show’s new home. But I do think the Canadians’ effort is noble. Let’s support them, as they have traditionally supported us. Sponsorships are available, and there will be other ways to help as well. For those considering making the trip, know that one factor will make the experience more financially accessible for all: for the first time in years, the official currency of the Canadian Nationals will be Canadian dollars, a savings to all.
Arabian horses bring us together. Let’s let them unite us again for the good of the breed.
Lady Layla SRA (pending) 2022 Filly | Guardian AS x Lady Dominica JSZ

Proudly owned by Dan & Maureen Grossman 812.322.5776 www.StoneRidgeArabians.com SRA Susette (pending) 2022 Filly | Guardian AS x SRA Susanne Multi-Program Nominated Standing at Midwest David Boggs 612.328.8312 david@midwestarabian.com www.MidwestArabian.com