S c hou k en s Tr a i n i n g C enter a nd it s c l ient s c elebr ate d t hei r hu g e A a c hen 2015 suc c e s s at t he a n nu a l Open Hou s e held t he ne x t d ay. Four Gold, two Silver, four Bronze, and two High Score/Public Choice Champions representing eight different owners came from Schoukens’ barn. Visitors and clients gathered at the lovely facility, lining a large, grassy presentation area several deep. It was a great day to see the fantastic show and breeding horses entrusted to Glenn, Tom and Cathy Schoukens by clients from all over the world. One of the most poignant moments was the presentation of Athbah Stud’s Georgia, who at the age of 21 captivated the crowd at liberty. Regally turning her head as if to acknowledge her fans, Georgia delighted everyone by snorting a greeting while flinging her tail over her back. Padrons Psyche, looking spectacular at 27, was led by his beaming attendant to be admired by the eager crowd. Cathy Schoukens expressed her delight in these and other special moments. “Eden C, putting on his One Man Show—what a stallion!” she exclaimed. “And, the Parade with all the champions led around by every single one of ‘the children’ (Schoukens staff ), and I have a lot of children, meaning there were a lot of champions! I only realized then, HOW extremely proud I should be!” n