Schoukens Training Center | Pollepelstraat 7B - 9990 Maldegem - Belgium | | Tom +32 495 61 12 79 | Glenn +32 494 14 13 34 | Cathy +32 476 80 03 96 STC Auction Monday September 26th - 2022

EVENT CATALOGUEArabianVIDEOSStuartAlessioPaolaCATALOGUEMiekeJoyceRESEARCHSchoukensORGANIZERTrainingCenter&ASSISTANCEGuidéeOpsteynPHOTOSDreraAzzaliVestyInsiderEDITORIAL& DESIGNER Joyce ErikSPEAKERLouisAUCTIONEERDr.Dr.VETERINARIANImpeCATERINGTentmomentINFRASTRUCTURETheVIDEOPatrickMUSICGiLIGHTSchoukensEVENTMiekeGuidéeOpsteynCOORDINATORTrainingCenter&SOUNDVanAalstBooten&SCREENOPERATORArabianHorseGlobalNetworkCateringLiesDeRudderKarelVanZeleDeCleeneBlaak Scott Allman ErikSPOTTERSBlaak Jeffrey Wintersteen Fernando Poli Gerard CATALOGUELucFARRIERMiroslawPatyKolodziejSchuerweghPRINTED BY Drukkerij Van Hoestenberghe PARTNERS AND SPONSORS

STC Auction tell... to ours.
Monday September 26th - 2022 Every family has a story to 1 STC!atWelcome

7 | Hotel Orchidee - Aard 1, 9880 Aalter - +32 9 216 81 60 -
Dukes’ Palace - Prinsenhof 8, 8000 Bruges - +32 50 44 78 88 -

Taxi Service
2 | Taxi Kris - +32 473 10 20 20 -
6 | Van Der Valk - Kapellestraat 146, 8020 Oostkamp - +32 50 83 37 80 -
5 | Hotel Navarra - Sint-Jakobsstraat 41, 8000 Bruges - +32 50 34 05 61 -
4 | Crowne Plaza - Burg 10, 8000 Bruges - +32 50 44 68 44 -
3 | Denelato - +32 494 46 32 45 -
4 | Taxi Kasper Rotsaert - +32 479 66 14 36 -
1 | Taxi Snel - +32 50 36 36 49 or +32 478 35 35 35 -
3 | Hotel De Tuilerieën - Dijver 7, 8000 Bruges - +32 50 34 36 91 -
5 | BCL Vip - +32 471 50 60 70 - Information
2 | Hotel de Orangerie - Kartuizerinnenstraat 10, 8000 Bruges - +32 50 34 16 49 - 3 ListAuction&InformationUseful Auction List 2 PM | Stables Open 3 PM | Welcome drinks 4 PM | First lot starting at 4 PM sharp 1 | Mirage K.A. 2 | Ashadiya 3 | Zafira AS 4 | Swete Marc K.A. 5 | El La Linda STC 6 | Rouya Al Dawla 7 | Magenta K.A. 8 | Aahira 9 | Shasta AS 10 | Prestige Alhmoud 11 | Zuma AS 12 | Equiborn K.A. 13 | Sidarta AS - Charity Lot 14 | Embryo Right to Esperanzza Al Ventur 15 | Messila Domitia 16 | Farajj’s Grace SH 17 | Marwa Al Shams 18 | Lizara K.A. 19 | Flaxman’s Vivien 20 | Naya Alhmoud 21 | El Extra K.A. 22 | Aziza Aarmaani 23 | Embryo Right to Safiya K.A. 24 | Bidzina K.A. 25 | Walina K.A. 26 | Exclusive Breeding by Baz Aljassimya

Page 6 - 7 Page 8 - 9
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Prospective buyers can register before or during the auction. The auctioneer shall acknowledge the highest bidder as the purchaser of the horse, providing that the reserve price has been met. All prices are in EURO. The highest bidder shall be the buyer and sign the “Acknowledgement of Purchase”. This document shall be binding. In case the successful bidder does not sign the Acknowledgement of Purchase, the auctioneer can decide to bid the horse again. Seller & STC reserve the right, any time before the horse is sold at auction, to withdraw the lot from sale for any plausible reason.
Prospective buyers are encouraged to do their own due diligence prior to the auction and obtain an opinion of a veterinarian of their choosing. In such instances, the prospective buyer must make arrangements in advance with Tom or Glenn Schoukens in order to conduct the examination. The horses are sold on a “as is/where is” basis. Mares described as being “In Foal” will have a guaranteed breeding certificate and a statement on written from confirmed pregnancy with the date of examination. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.
Successful bidders must tender the full purchase price within eight (8) business days in the form of a wire transfer or immediately available funds. Any successful bidder that fails to promptly make payment will be declared in default. In the event a buyer fails to make a full purchase on time, then the lot shall revert to the seller without a warning or payment notice and the eventual deposit paid by the buyer shall be forfeited.
All horses have had a clinically veterinary exam and all horses over one year of age have had X-rays that have been reviewed by Dr. Karel Van Zele. A complete set of X-rays images and a veterinary clinical exam report for those particular horses are available in the repository located at Schoukens Training Center.
Most horses of the STC Auction will be available for public inspection from September 10th to September 27th 2022 at Schoukens Training Center, Pollepelstraat 7B, 9990 Maldegem, Belgium, by appointment.
Should any dispute arise between, or among, two or more bidders, auctioneer shall forthwith adjudicate the dispute, and auctioneer’s decision shall be absolute, final and binding on all parties. Bids tendered after fall of the hammer are not valid grounds for dispute. Bids received by personnel employed by auctioneer have the same stature as bids received by auctioneer in the stand. In case of dispute, at auctioneer’s sole discretion, the bidding shall be reopened for advance bids, and if there are no advance bid, the horse is sold to the person from whom auctioneer recognized the last bid.
• will submit exportation documents, confirming exportation of the purchased horses out of the territory of European Union, under the condition, that the customs export procedure was started in the territory of Belgium and will be completed within 6 months from the date of making full payment for the purchased horses.
Auction Bidding Terms and Conditions
• possess a European Union VAT registration number and will confirm the intra-community delivery of the collected horses or
The purchase price, being the highest bid recognized by the auctioneer, is the final net price and non-negotiable. The bid purchase price is the price net, which will be increased by VAT at the applicable rate of Seller’s Country. The VAT amount will be reimbursed to the buyer who:
If any provision of these TERMS and CONDITIONS is held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of these TERMS and CONDITIONS, and they shall be continued and enforced as if such illegal or invalid provision had never been inserted herein.
All persons present at the ground of the Event throughout the entire time are doing so at their own responsibility. Organizers of the Auction cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage, which could happen to any persons during the whole event.
Immediate full mortality insurance coverage is effective upon the fall of the hammer, for the amount of the total purchase price. The insurance, arranged by the sale management (STC) with C. Jarvis Insurance Agency of Solon, Ohio, will remain in effect until the purchaser signs the contract or until midnight of the first business day after the sale, whichever occurs first, by which time it is the obligation of the new owner to arrange permanent insurance if desired.
STC cannot be held liable nor responsible for any mistakes and printing errors nor incorrect information.
Persons purporting to act as an agent for a buyer must file with the auctioneer a completed, notarized Authorization of Agent form or notarized letter of authorization from buyer, stating that the agent is authorized to purchase at this sale for the account of buyer and that such buyer agrees to be bound by all actions of the agent in connection with this sale. Any person failing to comply with this condition shall be held PERSONALLY LIABLE as the buyer. By signing the Acknowledgment of Purchase, an agent agrees to be personally liable for the full purchase price of the horse if buyer fails to make settlement as provided herein.
All horses in this sale are offered according to these TERMS and CONDITIONS and the laws of Belgium. All interested parties and all sales are bound by these TERMS and CONDITIONS. This sale is an auction with reserve and STC has the right to establish a reserve, i.e., a price below which a horse will not be sold.

At the fall of the hammer, the buyer assumes all risk and responsibility for the horse. Horses will be released and titles will be transferred only when the full payment has been received in the designated account. Buyer will be responsible for any costs of stabling and supplies for the horse between this period and delivery. The buyer will be charged for boarding and any other expenses that STC and/or Seller may incur. After the hammer falls, STC, seller, owners, officers, members, agents, riders, grooms or representatives shall not be liable for any accidents, theft, disease, sickness, death, injury or damage to any horse, whatsoever caused. 5 Conditions&Terms
A loving heart is the truest wisdom – Charles Dickens

Breeding Record
2021 Colt by WH Justice (Majestic Wind K.A.) 7 Lot 1 | Mirage K.A. QR MagnumsMarc Rose Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams QR Marc FS Magnum’s Madonna Bay Mare, foaled on the 2nd of May 2016 Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic KoureamDreamDeMentMarwanAlShaqabSweteDreamsMagnumPsyche Tai Bey Brittney K.A.Mirage

8 Look at the stars, look how they shine for you... in everything you do - Coldplay

Grey Mare, foaled on the 15th of June 2016 9 Lot 2 | Ashadiya Ammar El Mabrouka Mahriah WH MaharahRonaldoWateefaJusticeMabrouka
Breeding Status
Bred by Mrs. Julie Kennedy | UK Owned by Mrs. Julie Kennedy | UK Psyche Vona

2020 Filly by Wakil Aljassimya (A’isha)
2023 Embryo by QR Marc
Breeding Record
Happy girls are the prettiest - Audrey Hepburn

Breeding Record
2021 Colt by Soul Of Marwan ( Vaquero AS) 2022 Colt by Midas AS ASZafira Notes 11 Lot 3 | Zafira AS Abha Valentino’sQatar Angel MI Marwan Al Shaqab ZT Ludjkalba Da AlwaysValentinoAnAngel Chestnut Mare, foaled on the 17th of May 2016 Bred by HRH Prince Abdullah Bin Fahad Al Saud | KSA Owned by Arabian Soul Partners | Mexico Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Ludjin El Jamaal ZT AngelSKDaVersaceShakalbaLoveShaklaKhanOfFame

12 The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall - Nelson Mandela 13 Lot 4 | Swete Marc K.A. QR Marc L Serenella Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Turki Al Rayyan Salma Grey Mare, foaled on the 28th of May 2019 Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic KoureamDreamDeMentAshhalAlRayyanTurkiyaAlRayyanMajdAlRayyanIsah K.A.MarcSwete Notes

14 The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams - Eleanor Roosevelt 15 Lot 5 | El La Linda STC EKS Farajj Ella Rae Ibn EKSFaridBint Helwah Monther Al Nasser Psytaniums Mist Grey Filly, foaled on the 14th of May 2022 Bred by Schoukens Training Center | Belgium Owned by Schoukens Training Center | BelgiumRFIFaridAsawirLaheebHelwahAAAnsataHejaziAliahAlNasserPsytaniumForeverBintCzar STCLindaLaEl Notes

Where there is love there is life – Mahatma Gandhi
16 17 Lot 6 | Rouya Al Dawla EKS Farajj Van Gogh’s Dream Ibn EKSFaridBint Helwah Van Gogh AM Mystica Laos Bay Filly, foaled on the 12th of May 2022 Bred by Al Dawla Arabians| Australia Owned by Al Dawla Arabians | Australia RFI Shakla’sLCAsawirFaridLaheebHelwahAAMagnumsPsycheYnaziaHCFPrinceMagnumSilverDream DawlaAlRouya Notes

And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while - Bruno Mars

2016 Colt by SMA Magic One (Momentum K.A.)
Bay Mare, foaled on the 11th of March 2011
2017 Filly by SMA Magic One (Magic Love K.A.)
2017 Colt by Equiborn KA (Moëtt K.A.)
Swete Dreams
Magic KoureamDreamDeMentAnazaElFaridKajoraFyntMaskarada
Breeding Record
Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium
Gazal Al Shaqab
Little Liza Fame
2014 Bronze Champion Junior Filly - Tulip Cup
Gazal Al Shaqab
Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium

2016 Colt by Eden C (Magenta Magic K.A.)
2017 Colt by Equiborn Ka (Magic Equi K.A.)
2017 Colt by Ajman Moniscione (Magico K.A.)

2018 Filly by WH Justice (Maternal Lady K.A.)
2020 Colt by WH Justice (Magestic K.A.)
2021 Filly by Aj Elaf (Magic Day K.A.)
2015 Filly by Psytadel (Messila KA)
Marwan Al Shaqab
2018 Colt by Montana Firenze (Marcato K.A.)
Show Record
2018 Filly by WH Justice (My Beautiful Genes)
K.A.Magenta 19 Lot 7 | Magenta K.A. QR MigracjaMarc
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all - Helen Keller 21 Lot 8 | Aahira Baahir El Marwan Al Justyra Marwan Al Shaqab HB Bessolea Al AmyraJusticeBint Khidar Grey Mare, foaled on the 15th of March 2016 Bred by Sax Arabians | Germany Owned by Sax Arabians | Germany Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Besson Carol Credit To Society WH AlKhidarMilenaJusticeAmrya Aahira Notes

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous – Coco Chanel
22 23 Lot 9 | Shasta AS Midas AS Serena AS Titan AS SW HEDMarwanVictoriaAlShaqabCaramba Chestnut Filly, foaled on the 23th of March 2021 Bred by Arabian Soul Partners | Mexico Owned by Arabian Soul Partners | Mexico El Nabila B Om El Beladeena SW El Marwan SW GazalNefertiniAlShaqab Little Liza Fame Magnum Psyche HED Cajun Queen ASShasta Notes

24 There’s something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man - Winston Churchill 25 Lot 10 | Prestige Alhmoud Azeem Ibn Justice Sama Basem WH Justice Bint MSRaadSanadivaAlMohamadiaLoveSong Grey Mare, foaled on the 15th of January 2019 Bred by Al Hmoud Stud | Jordan Owned by Al Hmoud Stud | Jordan Magnum Psyche Vona OmKubinecSher-ReneaElSanadivaSavioAbhaPerlitaEdenCSonoraSunsetWF Show Record 2022 Silver Champion Junior Filly - Bruges Arabian Horse Event AlhmoudPrestige Notes Breeding Status 2023 Embryo by EKS Farajj

Love always finds a way, it’s true – The Princess and the Frog

AAMAicyngFoxxy Rose
Grey Mare, foaled on the 21st of February 2013 Bred by Arabian Soul Partners | Mexico Owned by Arabian Soul Partners | Mexico Gazal Al Shaqab Paloma De Jamaal El AutumnShaklanIn Gold

2022 Embryo by Excalibur EA
Breeding Record 27 Lot 11 | Zuma AS

2018 Colt by Titan AS (Royal Zeus)

2020 Filly by E.S. Sarab (Royal Rumba AS)
Breeding Status
TrussardiChantilly Gold
Ice AAM PreciousStival As
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Magic KoureamDreamDeMentNegatrazMonogrammaEukaliptusEmigracja Show Record
Marwan Al Shaqab
2013 Silver World Champion Yearling Colt - WAHC Paris will be retained to satisfy previous breedings sold
K.A.EquibornSomeDisclosurefrozen semen
Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium

2017 Bronze World Champion Senior Stallion - WAHC Paris 29 Lot 12 | Equiborn K.A. QR EspadrillaMarc
Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Al Shaqab Liza Fame
2016 Unanimous Gold Champion Senior Stallion - Breeders Cup

World Champion Junior Colts - WAHC Paris
2014 Bronze Champion Junior Colt - Menton
Swete EmanacjaMonogrammDreams
Grey Stallion, foaled on the 15th of April 2012
30 To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return – Madonna 31 Lot 13 | Sidarta AS - Charity Lot E.S. Sarab MB Vivyanna LawrenceMahjestyMarajj El Gazal Victorya FHP Bay Colt, foaled on the 13th of June 2020 Bred by Arabian Soul Partners | Mexico Owned by Arabian Soul Partners | Mexico Marwan Al Shaqab RGA Kouress WH MahityJusticeElJamaalGazalAlShaqabLaraElLudjinPowerWorldJQ Lettice FHP Show Record 2021 Bronze Champion Junior Colt - Sentower Diamond 2021TrophySilver Champion Yearling Colt - Bruges Arabian Horse Event LotCharity-ASSidarta Notes

Love the life you live. Live the life you love. - Bob Marley

Bred by Arabes De Santa Ventura | Brazil
foaled on the 2nd of January 2012
2018 Colt by EKS Alihandro (Jaffar)
FA El Honey’sShawanDelight RB Marwan Al Shaqab Foxbriar Shakita JJ Senor HoneymoonMagnumFHP Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame ZT SelketShakfantasyMirrorMagnumPsycheShahMaaliNVSureFireAnGazalaCH
2020 Gold Champion Mare - Bruges Arabian Horse Event

2022 Silver Champion Mare - Arabian Breeders World Cup
Owned by Akmal Stud | KSA
Notes(Zaid) VenturAlEsperanzzatoRightEmbryoOne
2013 Silver Champion Yearling Filly - Menton

Breeding Record
2021 Colt by WH Justice
2014 Bronze Champion Junior Filly - WAHC Paris
2012 Gold National Champion Weanling Filly - Brazilian
2013 Silver Champion Yearling Filly - WAHC Paris 33 Lot 14 | One Embryo Right to Esperanzza Al Ventur
2016 Colt by EKS Alihandro (Hatem Athbah) 2017 Filly by Sabea Al Sahraa (Resalah Athbah)
Show Record
2013 Gold Champion Yearling Filly - Al Nations Cup
34 If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love - Princess Diana

Breeding Record
Head and Highest Score of the Show - French Nationals
2015 Bronze Champion Junior Filly - Arabian Masters
15 |
Supreme National Champion Mare, Most Beautiful
Owned by Domitia Farms | France
Bred by Domitia Farms | France
2018 Filly by Styx Kalliste (Atika Domitia)
Grey Mare, foaled on the 24th of April 2014
Miraj De Lafayette GF Kavadis KadidjahMarajj De Jalima KuvadisKatarac
Marwan Al Shaqab RGA Record
2015 Silver National Champion Yearling Filly - French Nationals 35

ValmieraPadronsKouressImageVaticanKatarenaKubinecPadronsDesiree Show
Lot Messila Domitia
2016 Gold Supreme National Champion Junior Filly - French
2021 Colt by Heracles Domitia (Jazzman Domitia)
Elegance is the only beauty that never fades - Audrey Hepburn 37 Lot 16 | Farajj’s Grace SH EKS Farajj Jolfa De Nautiac Ibn EKSFaridBint Helwah JaliciaMarajj De Nautiac Bay Filly, foaled on the 20th of April 2021 Bred by Sea-Horse | Belgium Owned by Sea-Horse | Belgium RFI HelwahLaheebAsawirFaridAAMarwanAl Shaqab RGA Kouress WH ShafaliJusticeDeNautiac SHGraceFarajj’s Notes

38 Be who you are on the inside - Moana 39 Lot 17 | Marwa Al Shams EKS MarjaanaFarajjAl Shams Ibn EKSFaridBint Helwah Magnum Psyche Goddess Of Marwan Bay Filly, foaled on the 14th of January 2021 Bred by Kayhan Kalhor | USA Owned by Kayhan Kalhor | USA RFI HelwahLaheebAsawirFaridAAPadronsPsycheAFancyMiracleMarwanAlShaqabAmetyB ShamsAlMarwa Notes

40 Believe in your heart that you’re meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic and miracles – Roy T. Bennett 41 Lot 18 | Lizara K.A. Mikado K.A. QR Lizette QR QRMigracjaMarcMarc QR Tutta Bella Dark Bay Mare, foaled on the 13th of April 2017 Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Gazal Al Shaqab MandalaMarwanAl Shaqab Swete SweteBorsalinoDreamsKDreams Breeding Record 2021 Filly by RFI Farid (Lady Farid K.A.) K.A.Lizara Notes

42 What if I fall? Oh but my darling, what if you fly? - Erin Hanson 43 Lot 19 | Flaxman’s Vivien VivienFlaxman’s Chestnut Filly, foaled on the 23th of March 2022 Bred by Flaxman Arabians | Belgium Owned by Flaxman Arabians | Belgium WojElegancia D’ElzenwalleEmpireWarangaExtremeElerina WilgaQREmiraEnzoMarcAraratElegantkahEksternEmantka Notes

44 I am still under the impression that there is nothing alive quite so beautiful as a horse - John Galsworthy 45 Lot 20 | Naya Alhmoud D AssalahKhair Jaafar BS MagicRaeedMon Amour Fahd AustooraJaafar
Gold Champion Yearling Filly - Country Life Arabian Horse Championship 2022 Gold Champion Yearling Filly - Bruges Arabian Horse Event AlhmoudNaya Notes

AlWindspreesJJDebowiecMonaLisaMirageAmryaWHJusticeWaseematJaafarShamekhAlShaqabJumana Show Record 2022 Bronze Champion Yearling Filly - Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship
Bay Filly, foaled on the 15th of June 2021 Bred by Al Hmoud Stud | Jordan Owned by Al Hmoud Stud | Jordan
Love can change the world in a moment - Ed Sheeran

Lot 21 | El Extra K.A. ift El Jahez WH
Padrons Psyche A Fancy Miracle El ReneaSher-MannMarwanAlShaqabSweteDreamsEksternEklera
WH Justice El Extasa K.A. Magnum Psyche Vona Sher-Renea QR EkinaMarc
K.A.ExtraEl Notes
Breeding Status
In foal to El Jahez WH - Last date of service 6th of July 2022 47

Grey Mare, foaled on the 10th of June 2018 Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium

48 Have you ever seen something so wonderful in your entire life? - The Little Mermaid 49 Lot 22 | Aziza Aarmaani LF Aarmaan Vittorio Monira Bint Amir Magic Magnifique LF Aliyyah Vivendi Amir Ibn Al Amrya Marakovka Black Mare, foaled on the 7th of May 2019 Bred by Sax Arabians | Germany Owned by Sax Arabians | Germany True BelleTheMagicColoursMonAmourVerdictHGElJamaalMassimoIbnMirokanAlAmryaMarsinMarei Show Record 2019 Silver National Champion Foal - German Nationals AarmaaniAziza Notes

50 If you can dream it, you can do it - Walt Disney.

Lot 23 | One Embryo Right to Safiya K.A.
Breeding Record
2021 Colt by EKS Farajj (Sire K.A.)
2021 Filly by Titan AS (Sienna K.A.)

2021 Filly by FA El Rasheem (Samara K.A.)
2022 Colt by RFI Unique
2020 Filly by Aj Elaf (Selena K.A.)
K.A.SafiyatoRightEmbryoOne Grey Mare, foaled on the 11th of March 2016 Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium QR Marc Marwan Al Shaqab Swete Dreams Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic KoureamDreamDeMent FT Shaella Shael Dream Desert Soul Pretty TGS Ansata Shaamis Elettra HMAShahllengerClyquot Notes

2020 Colt by WH Justice (Solomon K.A.)
2020 Colt by Magesty K.A. (Salomo K.A.) 51

52 Individuality will always be one of the conditions of real elegance - Christian Dior 53 Lot 24 | Bidzina K.A. QR Marc Bid Persia Marwan Al Shaqab Swete AbhaKhidarDreamsJedah Bay Mare, foaled on the 28th of April 2016 Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Gazal Al Shaqab Little Liza Fame Magic KoureamDreamDeMentAnsataSinanElizjaL.M.LatourL.M.Perlamar Show Record 2019 Silver Champion Junior Filly - International Days for Arabian Horses K.A.Bidzina Notes

54 Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale - Hans Christian Andersen 55 Lot 25 | Walina K.A. Equiborn WayaderaK.A. QR WiazmaQREspadrillaMarcMarc Bay Mare, foaled on the 28th of May 2017 Bred by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Owned by Knocke Arabians | Belgium Marwan Al Shaqab Swete EmanacjaMonogrammDreamsMarwanAlShaqabSweteDreamsArbilWizja K.A.Walina Notes

A great horse will change your life. The truly special ones define it. 57 Lot 26 | One Exclusive Breeding by Baz Aljassimya ExxaltMDMirka Excalibur EA MDAjVesperraTheeLucaPsylk Grey Stallion, foaled on the 3th of February 2021 Bred by Aljassimya Farm | Qatar Owned by Akmal Stud | KSA Shanghai EA Essence of Marwan EA SF Veraz LF Triumphant Star Thee Desperado HED AnastasiaaPadronsCarambaPsycheAcca Show Record 2022 Unanimous Gold Champion and Best in Show - Menton AljassimyaBazbyBreedingExclusiveOneNotes

60 yourAchievegoaltogether A unique range of best quality Combinedwoodenfenceswithanextremelyprofessionalinstallation A young dynamic enterprise

Stallions at Stud

Excalibur EA E.S. Harir EKS FarajjMadin Al Baydaa Shanghai EA | Essence of Marwan EA Aj Dinar | TF Magnums Magic Ibn Farid | EKS Bint HelwahExcalibur EA | Madinat Al Baydaa
StudatStallions Berlin MP Muneer KH S.M.A. Magic OneEquiborn K.A. S.M.A. Magic One | Baraka MP FA El Rasheem | Pialena Psytadel | Majidah Bint PachaQR Marc | Espadrilla

Stallions at Stud 63

Marwan Al Shaqab | Swete Dreams SpecialMarcGuest



Thanks to the entire team for the hard work and dedication!
Thanks to all the volunteers, family and friends for making this day a www.schoukenstrainingcenter.comsucces!

Schoukens Training Center | Pollepelstraat 7B - 9990 Maldegem - Belgium | | Tom +32 495 61 12 79 | Glenn +32 494 14 13 34 | Cathy +32 476 80 03 96