Midwest Marketing 2011

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MIDWEST MaRkEting an intERnational influEncE

MIDWEST Elk RivER, MinnEsota ~ scottsdalE, aRizona david Boggs • 612.328.8312 • natE whitE • 563.663.7383 •



Judi andERson • 612.328.1057 •




30 yEaRs

Scottsdale 2011 Indescribable...Inconceivable...Joy!

Team midwesT ... making memories ... seTTing sTandards


2 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

55 Scottdsale Championships & Reserves 50 Top Ten Awards At the February Scottsdale Show, Championship Sunday was an especially grand occasion for Midwest, marking the culmination of an event that kicked off another record-breaking horse show. Midwest shined––in fact, brighter than ever before–– when one great horse after another earned a series of 38 championships, including both major Supreme Halter Awards that will stay in our memory forever. Midwest’s Scottsdale Show triumphs were a perfect celebration, following three months of preparation, anticipation, and shared effort that led up to this inaugural event of our show year.

M a rch 2011 | Midwest 3

Our winter season––a time for camaraderie in this place we love to gather each year––began when Team Midwest came together at the farm in Scottsdale for a New Year’s Eve celebration on what was one of the most special in memory. On that sunny day, Midwest hosted the ArabHorse Farm Tour Finale, where family, friends and guests enjoyed a preview of spectacular Invitational Sale consignments and an unequaled display of stallion power with an “all hands on deck” presentation of the magnificent stallions of Midwest.

4 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

And the Farm Tour Benefit Auction raised over $30,000 for Healing Hearts Animal Rescue and Refuge. A few days later David departed for Punta Del Este, Uruguay, where he showed Brazilian National Champion Stallion *Laman HVP to the 2011 Supreme Stallion Championship for owners Carlos & Chris Roizner of Haras Los Palmares, also the proud owners of the newly crowned Scottsdale Champion Mare French Psylk. Now a glance back . . . At some of the fun that led up to Scottsdale Week In late January, Midwest hosted a private dinner and presentation for the local chapter of the World Presidents Organization (WPO). A most touching moment occurred near the end of the presentation just after Magnum Psyche and LD Pistal displayed a little stallion machismo. When marketing assistant Nate White led Pistal over to a gentleman seated at the edge of the crowd in a wheelchair, the stallion returned at once to his gentle demeanor, quietly munching carrots from the gentleman’s hands like a puppy eating treats from a child. It was a lovely prelude to the stallion’s enormous victories at the Scottsdale Show just a few weeks later. M a rch 2011 | Midwest 5

Scottsdale 2011

Any day is a great day to spend with your family ... especially when that family happens to be the expansive circle of loved ones known affectionately as

6 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Team Midwest ... M a rch 2011 | Midwest 7

AND at the Show ... The Scottsdale Show opened on Thursday, February 17th. Shortly thereafter the roofline of the Midwest stalls began filling up with Championship Roses! Ten days later, that same roofline was covered with an astonishing testimony to the stellar achievements of the great horses of Team Midwest, their owners, trainers, grooms and handlers. All in all, on display were symbols signifying... 50 Top Ten wins, 17 Reserve Championships and 38 Scottsdale Championships!

8 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

M a rch 2011 | Midwest 9

10 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

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12 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

M a rch 2011 | Midwest 13

www.MidwestArabian.com 14 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

See you next year!

M a rch 2011 | Midwest 15

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Scottsdale Supreme Halter Champion

Sire of the 2011 Supreme halter Champion # 1 leading Sire of halter and performanCe

His legacy continues ... MagnuM Psyche Padrons Psyche x A Fancy Miracle

for breeding inforMation contact

HARAS MAYED Fernando & Joaquin de Santibanes Buenos Aires, Argentina www.HarasMayed.com



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Stay Tuned ...

Valentino Versace x DA Love

Six-time national Champion for breeding information ContaCt

STONE RIDGE ARABIANS Dan & Maureen Grossman Bloomington, Indiana



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Create a Masterpiece of your own ... Da Vinci fm Versace x Full Moon Astar

UniteD StateS national ReSeRVe champion foR bReeDing infoRmation contact

GEMINI ACRES Jim & Sally Bedeker Morris, Illinois



www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 21

www.MidwestArabian.com 22 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

A special Thank you to these breeders who have chosen Vitorio for your special mares. tony Bergren - miChigan BoB and JUdy BUrton - florida doUg VerheUl - florida SteVe and Jamie heathCott - texaS JoSeph CheVert - Canada renate hofmann - wiSConSin Brenda Barkley - oklahoma dan dro - indiana gail geSSert - arizona amy monroe - waShington matthiaS araBianS - iowa diane hUddleSton - miSSoUri lee and JaCqUe melChi - miChigan anthony and deniSe marino - alaBama paUl glanS - arizona ed and maUreen horton - tenneSSee ken meSSerli - miSSoUri Brad and Shelly BUtton - iowa Si and Clara BUrS - miChigan andrea wadSworth - California Sandra araBSky - Canada roSS mCdonald - arizona miChalow State StUd farm - poland Janow podlaSki State StUd farm - poland Bialka State StUd farm - poland exotiC araBian farm - aUStria deSert horSe prodUCtionS - BelgiUm marak kondraCzUk - poland gerald kUrtz - poland family dUyVenBode - netherlandS pole leVy - Brazil

Vitorio to DA Valentino x Sol Natique

- Don & Janey Morse United StateS national Champion Canadian national Champion Brazilian national Champion for Breeding information ContaCt

OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois



www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 23


UnanimoUs Champion Western pleasUre Jth With JoshUa shino

sCottsdale top Five stallion 8 Years & over (3rd) OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois

24 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

*Fausto crh

Brazilian national champion Magnum Psyche x FHF Xantal For Breeding inFormation contact



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Midwest Scottsdale ...

26 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


Results ... M a rch 2011 | Midwest 27


Supreme Champion purebred halter horSe with david boggS

SCottSdale grand Champion Senior Stallion Champion Stallion 8 YearS & over RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS Felix Cantu • Mexico City, Mexico Johnny Downing, U.S. Representative • johnnyjoed@aol.com

28 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes



Magnum Psyche x Halana for breeding information contact



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UnanimoUs Grand Champion senior mare with david BoGGs

There is nothing quite like the elegance of ... frenCh frenC fren Ch

pssYlk Ylk

Echo Magnifficoo x Indianne Psylk

sCottsdale UnanimoUs Champion mare 8 Years & over HARAS LOS PALMARES

www.MidwestArabian.com 30 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Punta Del Este, Uruguay www.haraslospalmares.com.uy

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 31


UnanimoUs Grand Champion JUnior Filly with david BoGGs

Goddess oF da vinCi

She kept her promise ...

sCottsdale Champion yearlinG Filly Jan. 1st - april 15th

Da Vinci FM x Goddess Of Marwan

GEMINI ACRES Jim & Sally Bedeker Morris, Illinois

32 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Da Vinci FM

Goddess Of Marwan

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 33


Grand Champion Liberty — with a perFeCt sCore oF 150 points

*maddox van ryad braziLian nationaL Champion

Ryad El Jamaal x Barbara Van Kaset

GEMINI ACRES Jim & Sally Bedeker Morris, Illinois

34 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Contender ... Vegas

World Cup liberty

ioWa Gold Star liberty Champion www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 35


ReseRve Champion 4-YeaR-old stallion with steve heathCott

vegas dpa

foR bReeding infoRmation ContaCt



EF Kingston x Angelina DPA

OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois

36 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Contender ... Vegas

World Cup Senior StallionS - 4-YearS-old

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 37


Grand Champion Senior GeldinG with daGmar Gordiano


maGnUm Storm

reServe Champion & reServe Grand Champion 5 & over GeldinG aaoth with terry anne BoGGS Champion & Grand Champion GeldinG Jth with emma BoGGS UnanimoUS Champion Senior GeldinG DAVID & TERRY ANNE BOGGS Rogers, Minnesota

38 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Contender ... Vegas

World Cup Halter GeldinGs

Magnum Psyche x Rohara Eclipse

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 39


UnanimoUs Champion 6 & 7-Year-old mare with david Boggs

taleed el qardaBiYah

Magnum Psyche x Jamaara FA

2010 Canadian national Champion mare expeCting a foal BY da valentino

40 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Owned by MMe Israa Waleed GIuMa Ben ZaIed

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Champion 3-Year-old FillY with david Boggs

jj la


Magnum Psyche x NV Angelica

HARAS MAYED Fernando & Joaquin de Santibanes Buenos Aires, Argentina

42 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Contender ... Vegas

World Cup Junior Mares With david Boggs

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 43

Scottsdale UnanimoUs Champion Yearling FillY (Jr.) with DaviD Boggs


DA Valentino x Hafati Julianna

44 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes


RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS Felix Cantu • Mexico City, Mexico Johnny Downing, U.S. Representative • johnnyjoed@aol.com

Contender ... Vegas

worlD CUp Yearling Fillies with DaviD Boggs

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 45


ReseRve Champion YeaRling Colt (sR.) with

DaviD Boggs

Ever After NA x Magneeka IA

THE HEREAFTER GROUP Chiquinho Rego • Sao Paulo, Brazil chiquinhorego@yahoo.com.br

46 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Hereafter ia

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 47


Champion Signature Stallion Yearling FillY ath with aJ marino

KhariSma m

DA Valentino x Kharmel BR MARINO ARABIANS

Anthony, A.J., Brittany & Denise Marino Birmingham, Alabama 48 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 49


UnanimoUs sUpreme Champion half-arabian halter horse with GreG hazlewood

shes still Jammin

sCottsdale JUnior Champion half-arabian saddle/pleasUre type filly OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois

50 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Monogramm JD x She Be Adiva KBS

RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS Felix Cantu • Mexico City, Mexico Johnny Downing, U.S. Representative • johnnyjoed@aol.com

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 51


Grand Champion Senior half-arabian StoCk/hunter mare with david boGGS


maGnum butterfly

Magnum Psyche x Flameworthy

www.MidwestArabian.com 52 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS Felix Cantu • Mexico City, Mexico Johnny Downing, U.S. Representative • johnnyjoed@aol.com


Grand Champion Junior half-arabian Saddle/pleaSure Colt with alCideS rodriGueS

he be a badazz

JRA Azul x She Be Noble

unanimouS Champion half-arabian Saddle/pleaSure YearlinG Colt with alCideS rodriGueS

JRA Azul x She Be Noble

RANCHO LAS POTRANCAS Felix Cantu • Mexico City, Mexico Johnny Downing, U.S. Representative • johnnyjoed@aol.com

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 53


Grand Champion mare JTh wiTh emma BoGGs

anna marie Bhf

Sahara DaVinci Da Vinci FM x Anna Marie BHF

Unanimous Champion Colt of the Interestadual Show

www.MidwestArabian.com 54 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois MARINO ARABIANS

Anthony, A.J., Brittany & Denise Marino Birmingham, Alabama

Contender ... Vegas

World Cup Halter Mares

Marwan Al Shaqab x BHF Anna Tevkah

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 55


ReseRve Champion signatuRe stallion auCtion YeaRling FillY aoth with pam BaueRlein


alotta amBition

Bey Ambition x HL Infactuation

www.MidwestArabian.com 56 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

HALBROOK ARABIANS Pam Halbrook & Pam Bauerlein Tucson, Arizona

Contender ... Vegas

woRld Cup JunioR maRes oF 2008


evening staR

Magnum Psyche x JJ Dominique

iowa gold staR Champion two-YeaR-old FillY HALBROOK ARABIANS Pam Halbrook & Pam Bauerlein Tucson, Arizona

availaBle FoR puRChase ContaCt midwest Will be bred to Trussardi and WH Justice

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 57


Top Ten SignaTure STallion 2-Year-old ColT

ViCToriouS ld

for breeding informaTion ConTaCT



DA Valentino x Queen Adiamonds

LES & DIANE VAN DYKE Chandler, Minnesota

58 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

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One Can Imagine ...

60 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

Contender ... Vegas Justimagine Joy WH Justice x MVA Thee Love Affair

for breeding information contact

JOY HORSES Bernard & Ann Joye Belgium



www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 61


Champion Signature Stallion 3-Year-old gelding ath with JaSon taCkett

Valente ld

Champion 3 & under gelding Jth with emma BoggS top FiVe 3 Year old gelding

Contender ... Vegas

www.MidwestArabian.com 62 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

DA Valentino x Queen Adiamonds

world Cup 3-Year-old geldingS ath LES & DIANE VAN DYKE Chandler, Minnesota


Top Ten SignaTure STallion Yearling FillY wiTh JaSon TackeTT

princeSS STivalia ld Contender ... Vegas world cup Yearling FillieS wiTh JaSon TackeTT

Stival x Queen Adiamonds

LES & DIANE VAN DYKE Chandler, Minnesota

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 63

Contender ... Vegas

World Cup 3-Year-old Mares


region 13 ChaMpion arabian tWo-Year-old FillY Fausto CRH x Cerenephantasy

In foal to three-time National Champion Vitorio TO.

www.MidwestArabian.com 64 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois


top ten 3-Year-o old Colt with alCides rodrigues

twistaFortune jb

OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois

Fausto CRH x Twistafate JB

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 65


ReseRve Champion 4-YeaR-o old GeldinG with alCides RodRiGues 4th in junioR hoRse hunteR GeldinGs with natalie jones top ten in jtR hunteR 14-17 with josh shino

phantom jd

Fausto CRH x Crystal Bey TGS

www.MidwestArabian.com 66 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois


ReseRve GRand Champion half-aRabian stoCk/hunteR maRe aaoth with JaneY moRse

faustella oRa

Fausto CRH x SH Sebella

Champion half-aRabian stoCk/hunteR 2-YeaR-old fillY aaoth iowa Gold staR ReseRve Champion half-aRabian auCtion fillY OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 67


reServe Grand Champion Junior half-arabian StoCk/hunter fillY with alCideS rodriGueS

im adiva too ora

Fausto CRH x She Be Adiva KBS

Champion half-arabian StoCk/hunter 2-Year-old fillY

www.MidwestArabian.com 68 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois


GRand Champion half-a aRabian saddle/pleasuRe maRe aoth with Jim bedeke edekeR R

ebony by valentino

DA Valentino x CF Mamies Night Out

Champion half-aRabian saddle/pleasuRe 2-yeaR-old filly aaoth Champion & GRand Champion JunioR half-aRabian saddle/pleasuRe filly Jth with emma boGGs GEMINI ACRES Jim & Sally Bedeker Morris, Illinois

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 69


ReseRve Champion signatuRe stallion 3-Yea eaR-o old Fill illY ath

sYmphonY oF love Champion 3 & undeR FillY Jth with emma Boggs

El Nabila B x HED Caramba

Magnum Psyche x Ames Mirage

olYmpiaa ReseRve Champion signatuRe stallion 2-YeaR-old FillY ath with Jason taCkett www.MidwestArabian.com 70 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

GEMINI ACRES Jim & Sally Bedeker Morris, Illinois


ReseRve gRand Champion JunioR gelding with BRuno guiRaldelli

luxoR oRa

Champion YeaRling gelding OAK RIDGE ARABIANS Don & Janey Morse Freeport, Illinois

Vegas DPA x HP Martina

www.MidwestArabian.com M a rch 2011 | Midwest 71


Midwest index

www.MidwestArabian.com 72 Midwest | A r A bi A n Hor se T i mes

of advertisers

We invite you to come visit Midwest and share our love of the Arabian Horse!


MIDWEST MaRkEting an intERnational influEncE

MIDWEST Elk RivER, MinnEsota ~ scottsdalE, aRizona david Boggs • 612.328.8312 • natE whitE • 563.663.7383 •



Judi andERson • 612.328.1057 •




30 yEaRs

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