AHT Preview - Vol.53, No. 1 - Issue #1

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VOLUME 53, NO. 1 | $22.50



Proudly owned & loved by Patricia Dempsey Lakes And Live Oaks, 12961 NE 72nd Boulevard, Lady Lake, FL 32162 Phone: 352-430-3456 | Patricia@BelovedsFarm.com www.BelovedsFarm.com
Arabian Horse Times | 2 | Volume 53, No. 1
14 Cover Story: The Amazing Horse Woman LLC: A 2023 Debut by Colleen Scott 22 The White Swan … *Chloe El Veraz T by Jeff Wallace 38 2022 AHT Breeders Of National Champions 40 Dams Of Excellence 46 2023 Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show Preview 4 AEPA 2022 AEPA Spotlights America’s Most Thrilling Arabian and Half-Arabian English Pleasure Horses by Christy Egan 10AEPA The Incredibly Influential Afires Heir by Mary Kirkman 14 AEPA Prosuaded By Love—For Historic Bloodlines, The Face Of The Future by Mary Kirkman 34 AEPA There Is A Place For Everyone In The AEPA by Mary Kirkman 56AEPA The Arabian English Performance Association 61 AEPA Leaders Of The AEPA 126 Grand Marshall AA: Leading A Parade Of Champions by Theresa Cardamone 136 WP Rosanna Orana … Farewell To One Of The Great Ones (2001-2022) by Rachel Bandy Witt 138 The Role Of Auctions In Arabian Horse Marketing by Colleen Scott 140 Arabian Horsemen’s Distress Fund: Friends And Strangers Come Together Through The Love Of Arabian Horses by Caitlin Pigott 142 Khaja J: A Horse For All Reasons by Theresa Cardamone 146 Arabian Working Western Alliance Spreads Its Wings by Catherine Cole Ferandelli 4 AWPA Bishops Khrown And Colby Powell … “Meant To Be” by Catherine Cole Ferandelli 11 AWPA The Arabian Western Pleasure Association 22 AWPA PA Frontier Kid: Ten Feet Tall And Bulletproof! by Catherine Cole Ferandelli 48AWPA Leaders Of The AWPA 58AWPA Kheanne: From Show Ring Superstar To Dam Of Excellence by Colleen Scott 239 In Memoriam 6 Comments From The Publisher 125 What’s In Your Groom Bag? 144 Who Knows Who Best? 233 Calendar Of Events 234 Faces & Places 238 Looking Ahead 247 Index Of Advertisers table of CONTENTS Volume 53, No. 1 Issue 1 VOLUME 53, NO. 1 | $22.50 On The Cover: Life Inthe Fazt Lane (Vegaz x River Dance NA) and Affliction (Mamage x PSI Love U), owned by Amazing Horse Woman, LLC. Arabian Horse Times | 4 | Volume 53, No. 1
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2023 6:30-8:30 P.M. 9720 E. Cactus Rd. | Scottsdale, AZ 85260 RSVP online at www.RoyalArabians.com Arabian Horse Times | 5 | Volume 53, No. 1

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COMMENTS from the publisher


The new year is always a good time for making resolutions, for giving ourselves permission to start anew in pursuing the goals that matter to us. Hopefully when we do that, we’ll take the opportunity to discard habits that haven’t worked well for us in the past and focus on the ones that have. For as long as I can remember, the Arabian horse and its community have been family to me, and their welfare is among the things most important in my life. This year my resolutions include how I want to act in working toward our breed’s future. If that’s been on your mind too—as I know it has been for many of us—then I invite you to join me. Here are my thoughts.

Like many others, longtime breed participants and those who have come in more recently, I routinely see things that need to be improved in our industry and often speak out. I believe that there are many ways we can do our part to brighten the future for our horses, not just through our governing body. Together, however, we can be a force for change. We can’t help coming from our own perspectives; we’re human. But can we learn to think more in terms of what benefits everyone? I’m going to make a bigger effort than ever and I’m hoping that many of us will.

So, to improve things industry-wide, the most obvious path is to work with the Arabian Horse Association, and I am encouraged by their recent efforts in providing a Marketing Toolkit. An A-Z guide with helpful templates, brochures, ideas and more for clubs and individuals who want to attract new people to the Arabian horse, it serves our community as a whole.

Building on that, since we want to be heard by our governing body, let’s use the official channels. Let’s ask ourselves if we’ve attempted to be involved in making things better. Each of us should get to know who our regional director and delegates are, volunteer in any capacity we are able, and when we have suggestions, supportive or critical, share our thoughts and opinions with them and do the work for change.

“Working for change,” of course, also includes doing our part in other avenues. One that I recommend is the Keystone Charity Arabian Horse Experience (if you aren’t familiar with it, check it out online at arabianhorsepromotionalfund.com/keystone-experience, which features an excellent video detailing how comprehensive it was at the AHAF Ocala Thanksgiving Show). It has unlimited potential to promote the Arabian horse to newcomers, and you’ll see it next at Scottsdale. Just consider what we can achieve, with the mega-crowds in attendance there! It takes a lot of volunteers to put on, and there are roles for everyone from big barns to small, professional horseman to utility volunteer.

There are so many ways that we can all help, either officially through AHA, regional or local clubs, or start-up efforts with other enthusiasts. What is important is that we step up and do our part. One thing is sure: we all love the Arabian horse, so when we improve the breed’s future for everyone, “everyone” includes all of us.

Owner/Publisher Lara
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Jenn Trickey AHT Abroad Director of Creative & Operational Development Mieke Opsteyn Show Operations & Digital Support Meaghan Estes Sales Coordinator & Accounts Receivable Deb Trebesch © Copyright AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Articles or opinions published by the AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times are not necessarily the expressed views of the AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times. AHT, Inc. dba Arabian Horse Times is not responsible for the accuracy of advertising content or manipulation of images that are provided by the advertiser.
HORSE TIMES (ISSN 0279-8125) Volume 52, No. 8, July 2022, is published monthly,
Cole Ferandelli Colleen Scott
A r A bi A n H orse T imes | 6 | Volume 53, n o . 1
SCOTTSDALE 3-YEAR-OLD COLTS WITH ANDREW SELLMAN Delacroixx x La Belle Shawan HVP | Proudly Owned by Aspire Arabians LLC | Reddick, Florida Represented by & Standing at Orrion Farms, Scottsdale for 2023 | www.OrrionFrams.com Arabian Horse Times | 7 | Volume 53, No. 1
National Champion Mid Summer National Champion ABWC Gold Champion

Tranquility™ is formulated to help horses that exhibit extreme signs of nervousness, anxiety, apprehension, lack of focus, and aggression in stressful situations. The active ingredients encourage the brain to boost levels of serotonin in order to promote a feeling of wellbeing and calm in some horses.

Tranquility™ supports mental focus during training and competition. This may help the horse to concentrate on the task at hand rather than be distracted by outside factors.

Tranquility™ is also suggested for horses in rehabilitation, injured horses on stall rest or horses that stall walk, weave or crib. This supplement encourages a relaxed mental attitude, which may reduce the mental stress of confinement.

The Preventative Care Kit was designed by Dr. DePaolo to provide the most effective nutraceutical supplements that will allow your horse to continue performing at its best. Horses are exposed to significant stress during training, trailoring, competing and medical procedures. This Kit will help supplement your horse’s digestive system, joints, and immune system.

Excel™, with its combination of natural ingredients, encourages overall digestive health and allows for increased absorption of needed nutrients. It is a great tool at shows to keep the digestive tract from becoming overly acidic.

HyalONE® provides a proper equine dose of Hyaluronic Acid to promote overall joint health. This 250mg per dose formula may significantly help in the lubrication and maintenance of healthy cartilage and connective tissue. It is able to bring extra water to any part of the body, supporting hydration and lubrication of those areas.

L-Lysine is an essential amino acid that is a critical building block for all protein in the body. It also supports the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies helping to boost your horse’s immune response.

A Veterinarian | www.DePaoloEquineConcepts.com
Innovative Equine Supplements | Created By
Arabian Horse Times | 8 | Volume 53, No. 1

This palatable and easy to dose equine paste allows your horse to stay calm and focused during competition. It contains no USEF prohibited substances, making it an essential item to take the stress out of performance.

• Allows your horse to focus during competition

• Palatable and easy to dose

• Contains no USEF prohibited substances

Excel™ helps to soothe the entire digestive system (esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines and the colon), which aides in lessening the discomforts of digestive issues.

Veterinarians who study ulcers say that nearly 90% of our horses have and suffer from gastrointestinal ulceration. Some symptoms associated with gastrointestinal distress are: ulcers, weight loss, diarrhea, body soreness (especially over the low back/lumbar area), cribbing, sensitivity over the sides (especially over the last rib), and the most common symptom is cinchy or girthy horses. Anxiousness, anger, defensiveness, dead sided, weaving, stall walking, and teeth grinding are also symptoms of ulcers that reoccur.

Excel™ is an all-natural digestive health supplement that is fed daily. It may be used long term without the possible build up of aluminum, found in daily antacids, which may create a metal toxicity. It is mixed with alfalfa and brewer’s yeast to make it more palatable to the horse.

Excel™ is beneficial for the entire digestive system. It aides in lessening the discomfort from gastric upset and promotes the healing of ulcerated tissues. The combination of natural ingredients encourages overall digestive health and allows for increased absorption of needed nutrients.

Arabian Horse Times | 9 | Volume 53, No. 1
Arabian Horse Times | 10 | Volume 53, No. 1
Arabian Horse Times | 11 | Volume 53, No. 1
Proudly Owned by Hagale Family Arabians, LLC www.HagaleFamilyArabians.com Follow on social @hagalefamilyarabians Arabian Horse Times | 12 | Volume 53, No. 1
uniquely, exceptionally ONE of his kind... UNANIMOUS ARABIAN NATIONAL BREEDER FINALS GOLD CHAMPION JUNIOR STALLION D Seraj x D Feddah 2023 Breedings Now Available Standing at Orrion Farms Andrew Sellman +1 715 760 2466 | AndyS@OrrionFarms.com www.OrrionFarms.com TRAINING CENTER Arabian Horse Times | 13 | Volume 53, No. 1
Arabian Horse Times | 14 | Volume 53, No. 1

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