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oughts From e Region 7 Judges


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thoughts from the judges.

Judges, John Ryan, Lisa Jo White and Bruce Bates (not pictured: Sterling Bradly and Sheri Odom) e ve days of Trail, Ranch Riding, Ranch Rail and new this year, Ranch Trail, was well attended with 22 goes! e reining classes are always deep at Region 7 with Scottsdale and the surrounding areas host to some of the best Arabian reining trainers, and in the cattle arena was the Herd Work, Working Cow and Reined Cow. I also judged Horsemanship and Reining Seat Equitation.
Excellence was found everywhere at this show: Tim “the man of trail” Kimura’s designed trail courses had a lot of challenging obstacles, and being the course designer for U.S. Nationals, working one of his patterns will surely help you get ready for that; the Scottsdale arenas are known for having good footing for reining, and they did not disappoint; the gate managers were very e cient and helpful, eliminating con icts from the other rings; scribes, Carmen and Walt, were two of the best (a big thanks to them!); and the entire Region 7 show commission and sta were top notch!
One thing I took home from my experience of judging Region 7 is the horse quality and the horsemanship from both trainers and exhibitors—it is inspiring to all Arabian enthusiasts. I hope one day I can be part of the main ring as well; I got a small taste from judging the ASHO4U, and there’s some fantastic horses to see there, too. –STERLING BRADLEY, Working Western
I thought the Region 7 show was very well managed. ere was great depth in all divisions and there was a lot of positive energy, which made it fun to judge. My teammates, Lisa Jo White and Bruce Bates, were a pleasure to work with. It was a privilege to judge Region 7. –JOHN RYAN
e Region 7 Championships was a very good show; every division had national-quality horses. e English and hunter classes were really good, and the halter, though small, had some very nice horses also. I enjoyed judging this show. –BRUCE BATES

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VOLUME 52, NO. 7 | $22.50

*Halyr Meia Lua

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. ~ William Arthur Ward

HisOWNMAN CRF BASKE AFIRE X GUNNING FOR ROSES KCF CHAMPION H/A COUNTRY ENGLISH PLEASURE JOTR CHAMPION SADDLE SEAT EQUITATION JTR Presented By Hadley Ames Proudly Owned by Tara Ames & Bred by Cedar Ridge Arabians Trained by Kiesner Training 12