TED CARSON ALLGOOD FEATURED IN ARABIAN HORSE TIMES VOL. 52, NO. 11 Ted Carson 910.876.7332 www.TedCarson.com — CLICK TO VIEW —

Ted Carson 910.876.7332 www.TedCarson.com Arabian Horse Times | 20 | Volume 52, No. 11

Arabian Horse Times | 21 | Volume 52, No. 11

SMA Magic One x Alotta Silk Owned by Jeff & Sybil Collins Breeding Pays Futurity 2-Year-Old Fillies with Ted Carson Ted Carson 910.876.7332 www.TedCarson.com Arabian Horse Times | 22 | Volume 52, No. 11

Exxalt x DA Elegantra U.S. National Futurity Fillies with Ted Carson Bred & owned by Jeff & Sybil Collins and Brandi Carson Region XII ChampionRegion XII Champion Arabian Horse Times | 23 | Volume 52, No. 11
3-Years and Older

Breeding Pays
Exxalt x Elle Ajmara
Futurity 2-Year-Old Geldings & 2-Year-Old Geldings AAOTH with Keegan Gay 2-Year-Old Geldings with Ted Carson
by Keegan Gay Emerald J x Exxaltress
Geldings AAOTH with Keegan Gay
Geldings with Ted Carson
by Keegan or Steven Gay
Reserve Champion Scottsdale Reserve Champion Arabian Horse Times | 24 | Volume 52, No. 11

Competing for the title of Straight Egyptian Incentive Winner
Coast Champion | Scottsdale Junior Champion For breeding information contact Ted Carson 910.876.7332 www.TedCarson.com Kamal Ibn Adeed x Farah Magidaa LDA Junior Stallions with Ted Carson Owned by Peaceful Haven Arabians Arabian Horse Times | 25 | Volume 52, No. 11
Vitorio TO x Kyrie Elleison H/A Geldings St/H Type Open with Ted Carson AAOTH with Lisa Gaudio
Vitorio TO x Kyrie Elleison H/A Mares S/P Type Open with Ted Carson AAOTH with Lisa Gaudio
Lisa Gaudio & James Kazanjian
2020 U.S. National Halter Breeder Of The Year www.KyrieArabians.com

Vitorio TO x Kyrie Elleison H/A Mares St/H Type Open with Ted Carson AAOTH with Lisa Gaudio