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The Polish Arabian Horse at the All Nations Cup
The Breeders’ Show
Generations of Excellence
Zazula (Negatiw x Złota Iwa) 1984 Champion Mare pikieta (Probat x Platyna) 1997 Champion Mare

Poised perfectly on the annual calendar during the transition from summer to autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, during which feelings of reflection, introspection and nostalgia are naturally evoked, the All Nations Cup is revered for its friendly, almost familial, atmosphere of support and enthusiasm. Beloved for its superlative selection of music, impassioned and informative commentary, and more intimate proximity to centre ring from every seat in the house, Aachen never fails to elicit more sensational entrances and physics-defying feats of athleticism from the horses, more spontaneous eruptions of thunderous applause, mutual support and standing ovations from the crowd, and more destiny-altering moments for horses, handlers, breeders and owners than any other show on the planet.
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Very soon after its inception, the All Nations Cup became the indispensable initial step towards Arabian breed immortality in pursuit of the pinnacle of conquest in the European show ring - the Triple Crown - a title of supreme achievement earned in combination at both the European and the World Championships, elite-level shows whose beginnings pre-date the All Nations Cup by only a handful of years. Of all these prestigious titles, triumph at the All Nations Cup is not only the most highly coveted, it is most often the hardest to achieve as the competition is traditionally deepest and fiercest, with outcomes far less predictable than the latter two legs of the Triple Crown. Universally respected for its impartial and irreproachable adjudication, with a long consistent history of inviting a diverse and highly qualified panel of judges from all over the world each year, the All Nations Cup has become the ultimate proving ground for the Arabian breed internationally and the crucible in which the greatest satisfaction and reward for breeders is tenaciously achieved.

By Scott Benjamin
Every September for the past four decades, Arabian horse enthusiasts from all across the globe have gathered with great anticipation in Aachen to celebrate the best of the breed at the All Nations Cup. What began in 1980 as an innovative event concept of hosting a friendly rivalry amongst nations according to horse ownership within the context of an elite level Arabian horse breeding show, has evolved not only into one of the most important and essential title shows on the annual calendar, but has unequivocally established itself as the apex of aspirational achievement for breeders of Arabian horses worldwide.
Until very recently, the success of “Poland” as a nation of Arabian horse breeders has been associated almost exclusively with the State Studs, those owned by and under the supervision of the Polish federal government, namely Janów Podlaski (the oldest), Michałów (the largest) and Białka (the newest and smallest), as well as the former breeding operations at Kurozwęki, Albigowa and Nowy Dwór. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the subsequent liberation of Poland from nearly a half-century of Communist control shortly thereafter, dozens of impassioned Polish private breeding programmes emerged, expanding the palette of the Polish Arabian horse to its modern-day breadth and depth. While there are now more total mares owned by private breeders in Poland than those collectively held by Janów Podlaski, Michałów and Białka, the success of the Polish Arabian horse on the global stage is still most closely correlated with the Arabian horses of the State Studs, especially those aspirational honours earned at the All Nations Cup.
With a perpetually complicated, heartbreakingly tragic and unfailingly inspiring history, Poland has, most improbably, prospered as the greatest source of Arabian breeding horses in the world for decades, with breed trajectory-altering influences reaching as far back as the 19th century. It is astounding to consider all the obstacles that have been overcome – huge travel distances, ‘Iron Curtain’ restrictions, limited resources, to name just a few - for this history to have unfolded as it has, that of Poland as the preeminent exhibitor and breeder of title/medal earners, class winners and place getters at the All Nations Cup. So extensive is this success at every level, that it will take years, possibly decades, for another country to surpass the unprecedented level of achievement of Poland at the All Nations Cup, not only as proud owners/exhibitors but especially as visionary, standard-raising breeders.
The Rise and Rise of the Polish Arabian Horse

As the preeminent showcase for breeding excellence on the European continent, the All Nations Cup (ANC) has been the stage upon which the modern history of the breed has unfolded with profound consequence. Nearly every nation in which Arabian horses are bred the world over has had a serious stake in the competition at some point since event inception, if not directly with a horse bred in the country of origin, then via ancestral pedigree connection or the deliberate acquisition of a current contender. While the fame and glory of many countries has risen and waned in Aachen over the last several decades in accordance with breed fashion and trends, one European nation has reigned supreme, and as yet unrivalled, year after year after year, as the most prolific single source of All Nations Cup Champions: Poland.
emanacja (Eukaliptus x Emigracja) 1998 Champion Mare kwestura (Monogramm x Kwesta) 1999 & 2014 Champion Mare AHT Abroad | 57 | Fall 2022

While the vast majority of the winning Polish mares of the 1990’s were no longer owned at the time of their All Nations Cup achievement by the State Studs, that trend shifted most decidedly in their favour in the new millennium, with all four of the champions from the 2000s owned and shown by their breeders. The first of these was the dazzlingly dynamic ZAGROBLA in 2000, whose triumph marked the fourth successive win for not only Poland, but for Michałów as breeder, a remarkable record run that still stands unchallenged. Her win was followed by aspiring international superstar EL DORADA in 2002, the powerhouse PALMIRA in 2007, and the pinnacle of Polish perfection herself, PIANISSIMA, in 2008.
Triumph of the Feminine
Profiling this success by decade, the rise and relevance of the Polish Arabian in Aachen mare unfolds with startling clarity. Not surprisingly, as Poland endured its final decade behind the Iron Curtain in the 1980’s, the Polish Arabian mare was slow to find momentum in the inaugural decade of All Nations Cup competition, achieving just a single title of distinction in 1984 at the very first Aachen-based ANC with the enchanting ZAZULA. The 1990s, however, were dominated by the mares of Poland, who won seven of the ten titles awarded beginning with the enticing SARADELA in 1990, followed by a three-year run for the compelling CZATA, the first two-time awardee in both 1992 and 1994, and the alluring ALDARA in 1993. The final three years of the decade were also won in succession by Polish mares: the perennially pleasing PIKIETA in 1997, broodmatron supreme EMANACJA in 1998, and the ultra-charismatic KWESTURA, who concluded the trio in commanding and consummate style in 1999.
Zguba) 2000
(Sanadik El Shaklan x Emigrantka) 2002 Champion & 2012 silver champion mare Palmira (Monogramm x Palestra) 2007 Champion Mare Pianissima (Gazal Al Shaqab x Pianosa) 2004 champion filly 2008 Champion Mare AHT Abroad | 58 | Fall 2022

It should come as no surprise that the success of the Polish-bred Arabian mare at the All Nations Cup reflects her exalted position on the global stage. Nearly every elite-level show of consequence the world over, has crowned dozens of Polish-bred mares with their highest honours for decades – the World Championships, the U.S. National Championships, the European Championships, Scottsdale All-Arabian and Dubai International Championships, as the most poignant examples – elevating the names, reputations and performances of legions of iconic mares into legendary reverence and immortality. Yet still, to stand centre ring in Aachen, surrounded by more of the best mares than oftentimes anywhere in the world, amongst the most accomplished and visionary breeders, with the adoration and support of a global audience of enthusiasts and experts, as an All Nations Cup Champion is the greatest thrill and honour the breed still bestows upon its best and brightest.
Nowhere is this record-setting success more evident than in the Senior Mare division, which has crowned a mare bred by the Polish State Studs as Senior Female Champion an astounding 15 times. In terms of percentage of all mares ever awarded the title of All Nations Cup Senior Champion/Gold Champion, Poland is responsible for breeding an extraordinary forty percent of these legendary ladies. Additionally tallying the honours of Reserve/Silver Champion as well as the most recent title of Bronze Champion (introduced in 2009), mares bred by the Polish State Studs rack up another 12 and six titles, respectively. Collectively, a total of 33 podium earning titles of honour – Champion/Gold, Reserve Champion/Silver and Bronze - have been awarded to the Arabian mares of the Polish State Studs, which equates to thirty-nine percent of the 85 total titles ever awarded to Senior Mares at the All Nations Cup. Most convincingly, the State Studs of Poland have bred, on average over the last half century, the equivalent of two All Nations Cup Senior Mare Champions every five years, or four every single decade from 1970 to 2010, a most remarkable record of consistent, innovative and relevant breeding genius that should inspire awe and admiration in us all.

Zagrobla (Monogramm x Champion Mare Dorada

emandoria (Gazal Al Shaqab x Emanda)

The first Gold Champions for Poland were earned in the 2010s by arguably the only two show mares in Polish breeding history who can stand shoulder to shoulder with PIANISSIMA in the modern age: the utterly enchanting EMANDORIA with dual wins in 2010 and 2013, and the inimitable “Queen of the Ring” KWESTURA in 2014. Most spectacularly, Emandoria and Kwestura stood proudly at the centre of a podium full of Polish-bred All Nations Cup Senior Mare medal winners, with ETNOLOGIA as Silver and PISTORIA as Bronze in 2013, and PEPITA as Silver and EMIRA as Bronze in 2014, in these unprecedented, and likely never to be repeated, back-to-back achievements. Adding further glory to these monumental achievements, Kwestura, with her decisive victory at 19 years of age, became the oldest All Nations Cup Senior Champion title earner ever, securing her second ANC title an awe-inspiring 15 full years after her first senior title win in Aachen at the tender age of four, and her rightful place as an unparalleled legend in the annals of breed history.

ANC Senior Mares2014
Gold Bronze Silver Gold Silver Bronze
emira (Laheeb x Embra)
pistoria (Gazal Al Shaqab x Palmira)

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Etnologia (Gazal Al Shaqab x Etalanta) (Ekstern x Pepesza)
ANC Senior Mares2013 kwestura (Monogramm x Kwesta) pepita

Epitomising the Ideal

Poland’s success in the Junior Filly division has also been respectable since 1996, when the daughters of MONOGRAMM made their ANC debut and the standard forever shifted decisively forward with the unforgettable performances of ZAGROBLA and KWESTURA. Since then, several of Poland’s most seasoned and highly decorated show matrons - PIANISSIMA, PERFINKA, EMIRA, EMANDA, PUSTYNIA KAHILA and PRIMERA amongst these - first earned credibility in international competition as junior fillies at the All Nations Cup.
While the most senior mare division has irrefutably been the unchallenged domain of the Polish Arabian mare at the All Nations Cup, it has been all levels of filly and mare competition in which the females of Poland have been the strongest contenders for the entire history of the event. Even when a mare of Polish origin has not emerged as Gold Champion, the championship line-ups are most often comprised of more mares and fillies bred in Poland than any other single country, a revelatory tribute to the scope and success of Polish breeding. More than half of all major titles awarded to Polish mares in Aachen have been earned when competing before the age of 10, and several in the first half-decade of life, including some of the most celebrated and universally admired: PIANISSIMA, ZAGROBLA, EMANDA, ESTARDA, PUSTYNIA KAHILA, GALERIDA and WILDONA at age five; and KWESTURA, EL DORADA and PALANGA at the very earliest age of eligibility, at four.
While the success of Kwestura as a truly senior mare at the All Nations Cup is both impressive and inspiring, her performance is indicative of what the world has come to expect of the Polish Arabian mare still thriving in her second decade of life. Dating back to 1996, for which full class results are easily accessible, one only has to look more closely at the record of success of the Polish Arabian mare in the most senior division of mare competition, typically the class for Mares Aged 11 & Older, to discover three extraordinary feats of achievement. First and foremost, a mare bred by the Polish State Studs has won this division 17 times in the last 24 years of competition. This list of victors reads like a literal “who’s who” of Polish breeding and show legends – KWESTURA, PINGA, ETNOLOGIA, WARSZULA, PREMIERA, PALESTRA and her daughter PALMIRA, and six direct descendants of the incomparable EMIGRACJA: EL DORADA, EKSPULSJA, EMANACJA, EMBRA, EMIRA and three-time successive winner EMMONA, the most accomplished and highly decorated mare never to have earned a proper title at the All Nations Cup. Secondly, Polish mares have claimed four of the five places awarded in this most senior division on five separate occasions, as well as two thrilling clean sweeps of the entire award-winning line-up in the back-to-back years of 2009 and 2010, when the iconic daughters of MONOGRAMM still set the standard for dynamic show ring performance. Finally, this record of success for mares whose age is counted in double digits reveals that a full fifty percent of all places ever awarded to females in the most senior level of competition at the All Nations Cup since 1996 has been proudly and prodigiously earned by a mare bred in Poland. It is these beloved mares of Poland, whose enduring beauty, charisma, structure and athleticism continue to inspire in accordance with the millennia-old breed ideal, to which we owe the greatest debt of gratitude, for invigorating our expectations of possibility for all that the classic Arabian mare can and should be.
Generations of Excellence
emandoria (Gazal Al Shaqab x Emanda) 2010 & 2013 gold Champion Mare 2009 silver champion mare emanda (Ecaho x Emanacja) 1998 reserve champion filly 2001 Reserve champion mare AHT Abroad | 60 | Fall 2022

The true testament of enduring influence and relevance for the Polish Arabian mare is the generational success that continues to elevate Polish breeders head and shoulders above the competition. Several ANC icons can be found in just the second generation of more recent winners bred outside of Poland, including KWESTURA as the maternal granddam of Gold Junior Champion Colt AJ KAFU (Shanghai EA x AJ Kahayla, by QR Marc) and EL DORADA as paternal granddam of Silver Senior Champion Mare BINT HAZY AL KHALEDIAH (El Palacio VO x Hazy Al Khalediah, by F Shamaal). Two-time class winner in Mares Aged 11 & Older competition, PALESTRA (Penitent x Patera, by Bandos), is the foundation from which two generations of medal winners descend: Senior Champion Mare PALMIRA (by Monogramm), her daughter, and

Even generations of All Nations Cup winners in the stallion division continue to contribute to Poland’s generational breeding success. The very first Polish-bred ANC Champion Senior Stallion PIECHUR (in 1995) is the maternal grandsire of the illustrious EKSTERN (Senior Champion in 2000), whose exponentially expanding influence can be found in the pedigrees of Polish-bred Aachen medal winners MORION, EQUATOR, PUSTYNIA KAHILA, PIACOLLA, PEPITA, PALANGA, WILDA, WILDONA, LORD EL SHAWAN and ESPARTO. Even more impressively, ESPARTO is in turn the sire of Gold Junior Champion PERFINKA (in 2013), extending an unbroken line of desirable and recognitionworthy genetics to four generations in less than a quarter century.

2000 champion stallion esparto (Ekstern x Ekspozycja) 2008 reserve champion stallion perfinka (Esparto x Perfirka) 2013 champion fillyAHT Abroad | 61 | Fall 2022

Bronze Senior Champion Mare PISTORIA (by Gazal Al Shaqab), her granddaughter. The very first Polish-bred All Nations Cup Champion ZAZULA is the maternal granddam of multiple-title winner ZAGROBLA, while Bronze Senior Champion Mare WILDA is the dam of WILDONA, who was awarded the same medal of recognition at the most recent All Nations Cup in 2019.
Stepping back just one generation in the pedigree of EMANACJA to her dam – “The Pearl of Michałów” EMIGRACJA - expands the scope of this familial success even more profoundly. Two of EMANACJA’s full sisters, EMIGRANTKA (who has her own definitive Aachen moment as 1991 European Champion Mare) and ERLANDA, can be found in the pedigrees of several other ANC champions directly tail female: the former as the dam of Champion Senior Mare EL DORADA and Reserve Champion Senior Stallion EMIGRANT, and the latter as the maternal granddam of Bronze Senior Champion EKSPULSJA. Furthermore, the EMIGRACJA daughter EMOCJA (by Monogramm), herself a top five finisher in the class of Senior Mares Aged 11 & Older in 2007, is the dam of Bronze Junior Champion ESPRESSIVO KA (by QR Marc), and the full sister to yet another high-trotting senior matron of merit ETENTA, who placed amongst the top five in the most advanced age division for mares in 2010.
The compound effect of generations of excellence within the Polish breeding programme is indisputably best illustrated with the descendants of All Nations Cup Senior Champion Mare EMANACJA. Beloved as one of the most important broodmatrons in Polish breeding history, Emanacja is directly responsible for two All Nations Cup Reserve Champions - her eldest daughter EMILDA (Senior Mare in 1999) and her first winner EMANDA (Junior Filly in 1998 and Senior Mare in 2001) – as well as her ultra-feminine daughter ESPADRILLA (by Monogramm) who was awarded the title of Top Five Senior Mare in 2005 before the advent of medal distinction in 2009. Most incredibly, all three of these mares have produced All Nations Cup winners themselves: EMILDA is the dam of ANC Top Five Senior Mares EMBRA and EMMONA (full sisters by Monogramm); ESPADRILLA is the dam of Bronze Junior Champion Colt EQUIBORN KA (by QR Marc); and EMANDA is the dam of none other than two-time Gold Champion EMANDORIA. The unbroken line of success for the family of EMANACJA extends even further through EMBRA as the dam of Gold Junior Champion and Bronze Senior Champion EMIRA, and through EMANDORIA as the dam of Silver Senior Champion EMERALD J (by QR Marc), who is in turn the sire of several ANC medal winners, including Gold Champions ADMIRAAL (out of Haniyyah, by Psytadel) and GALLARDO J (out of Gomera J, by Ekstern).
(Banat x Pierzeja) 1995 champion stallion

ekstern (Monogramm x Ernestyna (by Piechur)

Michałow’s own imposing “P” family of champions, which traces directly through PLATYNA (Czardasz x Planeta, by Nabor) to the tail female dam line of Rodania, has also produced a significant number of ANC award winners, including PIKIETA, PALMIRA, PISTORIA and PUSTYNIA KAHILA. Poland’s largest and most diverse dam line of Gazella, one of the original “Pearls of the Desert” imported from the Arabian homeland in 1845, is yet another significant source of All Nations Cup honourees, encompassing the success of KWESTURA, CZATA, PIACOLLA, PALANGA, MORION, GALERIDA and GANGES.
One of the many secrets to Poland’s enduring success as breeders of superlative mares has been the unwavering dedication to maximising genetic variation within the breeding herd by maintaining both diversity and sustainability within their core dam lines. The fact that so many of these essential dam lines, many nurtured by intentional succession of visionary breeders for more than 200 years, so consistently produce invaluable show and breeding horses, generation after generation, has been a bona fide boon for the breed, not only for the breeders within Poland, but for many others all around the world (see sidebar – The Sahara Dam Line through BIRUTA)
The Sahara Dam Line through BIRUTA
Not surprisingly, this multi-generational record of success for Michałów’s awe-inspiring family of EMIGRACJA elevates the tail-female dam line of Milordka, from which she directly descends, to the single most prolific source of All Nations Cup - as well as worldwide - champions bred in Poland. If a Polish horse’s name begins with an “E”, the odds are incredibly high that horse descends from the Milordka dam line, with a few notable exceptions, such as the smaller, but equally admirable “E” families of: ELZA (dam line Wołoszka) – the source of ETRURIA, ECAHO, EDJORA and ETNOLOGIA; and EUNICE (dam line Sahara) – the source of EUKALIPTUS, EUROPA and EULA. Adding to the list of “E” luminaries already mentioned above, these Aachen icons are also credited as Milordka dam family members: EKSTERN, EQUATOR, ESPARTO, ESTARDA and EGINA, as well as SALWA AL ZOBAIR (out of Esklawa by Eukaliptus).
The other dam line of particular prominence within the results of All Nations Cup winners bred in Poland is that of Szamrajówka, the source of the prolific “P” family of champions. Most closely associated with Janów Podlaski, where it was reintroduced and nurtured after World War II, this family has produced many of the most universally admired Arabians in the modern breed, including ANC champions PIANISSIMA, PIECHUR, PINGA, PEPITA, PRIMERA, PALATINO and POGANIN. The smaller branch of this family faithfully stewarded in Białka since the inception of its Arabian breeding programme in 1983, has been no less successful, adding further notoriety with Gold Junior Champion PERFINKA and Reserve Senior Champion PESAL.
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Dam Lines of Distinction
An essential illustration of the monumental importance and exponentially expansive global impact of the core Polish dam lines in the context of the All Nations Cup is that of Sahara, the third of ‘the Pearls of the Desert’ imported to Poland in 1845 from the Nejd. Having thrived for twelve generations in Poland, the family blossomed abroad in Great Britain with the export of the Nowy Dwór-bred BIRUTA (Trypolis x Bika by Wielki Szlem) in 1962 to Biddesden Stud, owned by Lord Moyne and the Family Guinness. Just over a decade later, two Biddesden-bred granddaughters, BARANTA (by Manto) and BARWNA (by Iridos), both out of BARAKA (by Dushara) were exported to the Netherlands, where each founded flourishing families of immense merit. Tail-female, BARANTA is now the common foundress in the pedigree of all these All Nations Cup Senior Stallion scions: KHIDAR (Ansata Sinan x Elizja by Esta-Ghalil), his maternal grandson SHANGHAI EA (WH Justice x Salymah EA), and in turn, his son EXCALIBUR EA (out of Essence of Marwan EA by Marwan Al Shaqab). BARWNA, in contrast, is the direct distaff source of four famous female champions in Aachen: BESS-FA’IZAH (WH Justice x Sharon El Kendal by Ass-Kendal), LIBANON ESPLASHAL (Ibn Estasha x Warandes Plakata by Plakat), SA MISHA APAL (AS Natsir Apal x Nyara JC by Nadir I) and FM GLORIAA (WH Justice x Psity of Angels by Psytadel), the latter two proud family members of the immortal matron SASKIA RJ (by Plakat), a direct daughter of BARWNA herself. The success of so many other nations – the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Uruguay and the United Arab Emirates as prime examples – within just the context of All Nations Cup competition has been a direct result of this invaluable dam line originating in Poland, a further testament to the resounding impact of one single country of visionary breeders upon the positive trajectory of the breed.

Sires of Significance
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While deference to tradition has most certainly worked beneficially for Polish breeders for generations, their track record of success also includes several bold strokes of breeding genius involving the use of transformational sires from other respected sources abroad. Since the 1960s, foreignbred stallions such as NABOR, NEGATIW and PALAS (all bred at Tersk in the USSR) as well as PROBAT (bred at Blommerod in Sweden) were utilised extensively across a broad section of mares at several of the State Studs, the result of which is their positive presence in the pedigrees of nearly every show and breeding horse of consequence still produced today. More recently, the multi-year leases of MONOGRAMM, GAZAL AL SHAQAB, LAHEEB and KAHIL AL SHAQAB to Poland not only enhanced the reputation of each of these already famous sires to new stratospheric heights, their subsequent Polish-bred foals revolutionised the standard for the breed both at home and abroad. The selective use of sires such as SANADIK EL SHAKLAN, QR MARC, EDEN C and SHANGHAI EA via fresh and frozen semen, have yielded further positive results in the show ring and the breeding barn, proving once again that tradition and innovation can thrive in equal proportion within a breeding programme firmly focused on both the beauty and the utility of the classic Arabian horse.
This stalwart support of Poland’s oldest and most important sire lines, many dating back to the 19th century, adds further depth and dimension to their unsurpassed success as breeders. A quick glance at the first five generations of nearly all the iconic All Nations Cup winners already mentioned reveals a startling number of sires, the vast majority bred in Poland, whose prevalence in the breed is significantly “lower profile” than many of the more popular stallions of the last half century, all used purposefully and sagaciously to add essential layers of positive attributes to the genetic pool.

alsa (Kahil Al Shaqab x Alameda) silver champion mare (Gazal Al Shaqab x Pilar) silver Champion Mare

The aforementioned PIECHUR brilliantly exemplifies this resolute adherence to both tradition and diversity as a direct tail-male descendant, nine generations removed, of Poland’s oldest sire line imported directly from the desert, that of Krzyżyk or. Ar. (1873). While this sire line is most certainly not a brand name widely recognised the world over, without the steadfast effort to ensure that a reputable progenitor of this sire line was not only created but utilised in each generation for more than a century within the breeding programmes of Poland, a horse such as BANAT, PIECHUR’s sire, might never have existed. Imagine the breed now without EKSTERN, whose dam ERNESTYNA is a daughter of PIECHUR, and the subsequent generations of his descendants who continue to propel the breed forward, the likes of EQUATOR, PEPITA, WIEŻA MOCY, MORION, ALTAMIRA, PALANGA, EL EMEERA, PSYCHE VICTORIA, PERFINKA and PUSTYNIA KAHILA.
The enduring influence of Krzyżyk can also be found just one generation back in Poland’s most recent All Nations Cup Silver Champion Senior Mare ALSA (winner in 2019), as her maternal grandsire WACHLARZ (Arbil x Warsowia, by Tallin) was another direct tail-male grandson of BANAT. Even more profoundly, Alsa’s tail-female line is also one of the smaller and most precious dam lines in Poland, that of SCHERIFE tracing to the Babolna-bred BULWA (1937), who was rescued by the Poles from a serum factory during the chaos of World War II. This dam line of Scherife, well known and respected the world over for its many “A” family exemplars such as ALGERIA, ALBIGOWA, AMRA, ALBULA and ALTAMIRA, flourishes to modern day, primarily because the breeders of Poland rescued this family from the brink of extinction and nurtured it for generations as essential to their comprehensive breeding vision.

The Onward Journey
Reflecting back across the decades, three unassailable qualities have been paramount to the breeding success of Poland: longevity, relevance and ingenuity. To have endured for so many years with horses continually amongst the most competitive and respected in the world, building new generations of success upon previous generations of standard-raising icons with staggering consistency, perpetually innovating while never neglecting the traditions of the past, all the while steadfastly committed to finding the best path forward together as a team of professionals is so much more than just the strategy by which Poland has ascended to most exalted status in the breed, it has become the unequivocal standard by which all future breeding achievement will be measured.
Breeding Genius
The brilliance behind all the unprecedented success of the Polish State Studs are the breeders themselves, generations of inspiringly accomplished, proactively progressive and uncommonly dedicated horseman and horsewomen who have made the breeding and stewarding of the Arabian horse their lives’ work. These are the names we must long remember and celebrate: Andrzej Krzyształowicz, Ignacy Jaworowski, Izabella Pawelec-Zawadzka, Roman Pankiewicz, Józef Tyszkowski, Dr. Marek Trela, Jerzy and Urszula Białobok, Anna Stojanowska, Andrzej Guziuk, Dr. Jerzy Urbański, Władysław Guziuk, Teresa Dobrowolska, Renata Kurzyńska and Magdalena Helak-Kulczyńska, for it is their vision, collaboration and invaluable contribution that is directly responsible for the infinite reward we have all come to know and love as the Polish Arabian horse.
emandoria - Bred by Michałów 2010 & 2013 champion mare
Perfinka - Bred by Bialka 2013 Champion filly

The distillation of nearly 40 years of show results at the All Nations Cup unfailingly assures us of this: the ultimate reward to the Arabian breed, decade upon decade, has been the contribution of world-class show and breeding horses, most abundantly mares and fillies, by the State Studs of Poland. Having fundamentally functioned as one collaborative breeding programme in the post-war period, exemplified in the routine exchange of sires, the generous contribution of foundation mares, and the twice annual inspection of all state-owned breeding stock by all the breeders, the success the State Studs as a whole has been undeniably interdependent upon the respect, generosity, mutual support and wise breeding decisions of each of the component programmes.
It is rewarding to discover that each of the State Studs still actively breeding during the period of All Nations Cup competition – Janów Podlaski, Michałów, Kurozwęki and Białka - has produced a champion in Aachen. It is the former two studs, however, that have contributed to the greatest number of All Nations Cup award winners in the celebrated history of the event, with Janów Podlaski in third place with 11 (behind Dubai Stud in second place with 13) and Michałów still proudly atop the leading breeders’ list with an imposing record of 43, a truly extraordinary record of achievement that will take years to eclipse.

The perfect example of this crucial interconnection is PERFINKA, the pride and joy of Białka now owned by Al Rahjiat Stud. While her dam line is credited as Białkabred for three generations, her great-granddam, PENTOZA (Ellorus x Pentoda, by Bandos) was bred in Janów Podlaski and gifted as a foundation mare in 1983. PERFINKA’s granddam PERFORACJA was created by the use of the Janów-bred ERNAL (Palas x Engracja, by Comet), while her dam PERFIRKA was a product of the widespread use of the foreign-bred GAZAL AL SHAQAB (Anaza El Farid x Kajora, by Kaborr) in Poland. The sire of PERFINKA, ESPARTO, was bred at Michałów, as were both his sire and dam, making PERFINKA the consummate manifestation of State Stud collaboration across generations.

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czata - Bred by Kurozwęki
Pianissima - Bred by Janów Podlaski 2004 & 2008 Champion filly & mare
1992 & 1994 Champion Mare
Perhaps the most remarkable statistic is this: of all the title winners at the All Nations Cup since the very first show in 1980, every single horse carries at least one Polish-bred ancestor in its pedigree, with the exception of the slightly more than a dozen Straight Egyptian awardees. Even within the pedigrees of the earliest winners of Spanish origin, those bred by Om El Arab and Diego Mendez, the presence of the Branicki-bred stallions URSUS (Dahman-Amir x Hagar), born in 1908, and WAN DICK (Vasco de Gama x Hela), born in 1898, can be found multiple times, providing an essential link to Poland’s aristocratic past under 19th century czarist rule. The other mainstay of Arabian pedigrees worldwide is also of aristocratic Polish origin, that of the 20th century’s single most influential Arabian sire SKOWRONEK (Ibrahim x Jaskółka), born in 1909 and bred by the Potocki Family at Antoniny. His export to Great Britain in the months prior to the outbreak of World War I and subsequent acquisition by Lady Wentworth looms large in breed legend; his extensive use at Crabbet Park and the export of his descendants to every corner of the globe has earned SKOWRONEK breed immortality and ensured a Polish Arabian connection for the vast majority of Arabian horses bred today on every inhabited continent.

Scan the QR code to view all medal winners bred in Poland
The Common Thread of the Polish Arabian Horse

Accepting the fact that the brightest days of the Polish Arabian horse in Aachen may indeed truly be behind us, we can, and should, nonetheless, all rejoice in the transcendent experiences we have witnessed and shared over the years. That definitive “All Nations Cup moment” with the Polish Arabian icon most special to each and every one of us contains the infinite abundance of energy and inspiration necessary to compel us all forward as we navigate a better and brighter future for the Arabian breed. As we do, let us never forget to honour those breeders who envisioned, stewarded and propagated the Polish Arabian horse, the touchstone of aspirational excellence within our beloved breed and the common bond that unites us all.
To be credited with the greatest number of historical triumphs in Aachen, measured not just in sheer numbers of winners but also reflected in the ultimate dual honours of total All Nations Cup and Breeders Cup victories, is not only the ultimate recognition of respect and achievement, but the rightful and consequential outcome for a breeding programme so wholeheartedly devoted to the Arabian horse. What a monumental shame and tragic loss for us all it would be, following the titanic changes in management and oversight since 2016, that the influence of the Polish State Studs would ungraciously wane after so many decades as the guiding light for the Arabian breed.
PUSTYNIA KAHILA 2013 Morion Pustynna Malwa Ekstern ALSA 2013 Kahil Al Shaqab Alameda Wachlarz WILDA 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Wilga Esktern PISTORIA 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Palmira Monogramm EMIRA 2000 Laheeb Embra Monogramm EKSPULSJA 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Elandra Monogramm

6 PIKIETA 1982 Probat Platyna Czardasz
16 EGINA 1984 Palas Estrada Burkan ESTARDA 1990 Gadir Estancja Palas 18 EMILDA 1990 Pamir Emanacja Eukaliptus EMANDA 1996 Ecaho Emanacja Eukaliptus PALANGA 2002 Ekstern Panika Eukaliptus EMANDORIA 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Emanda Ecaho EL DORADA 1998 Sanadik El Shaklan Emigrantka Eukaliptus ETNOLOGIA 2003 Gazal Al Shaqab Etalanta Europejczyk PEPITA 2005 Ekstern Pepesza Eukaliptus PINGA 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Pilar Fawor
GALERIDA 2013 Shanghai EA Galilea Laheeb WILDONA 2014 Shanghai EA Wilda Gazal Al Shaqab
Senior Champion Mares
10 EL DORADA 1998 Sanadik El Shaklan Emigrantka Eukaliptus
11 PALMIRA 1995 Monogramm Palestra Penitent PIANISSIMA 2003 Gazal Al Shaqab Pianosa Eukaliptus
3 CZATA 1983 Banat Cyrkulacja Palas ALDARA 1983 Probat Arra Bandos CZATA 1983 Banat Cyrkulacja Palas
1 ZAZULA 1972 Negatiw Złota Iwa Arax SARADELA 1979 Partner Sarabanda Bandos
13 EMANDORIA 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Emanda Ecaho EMANDORIA 2004 Gazal Al Shaqab Emanda Ecaho
7 EMANACJA 1986 Eukaliptus Emigracja Palas
9 ZAGROBLA 1994 Monogramm Zguba Enrilo
15 KWESTURA 1995 Monogramm Kwesta Pesennik
Mare Born Sire Dam Dam’s Sire
8 KWESTURA 1995 Monogramm Kwesta Pesennik
Gazella Kurozwęki Maxwell UK 1994 Champion
Szamrajówka Janów Podlaski Poland 2008 Champion
Mlecha Janów Podlaski Loof Sweden 1990 Champion
Gazella Michałów Ajman UAE 2014 Gold Champion
Milordka Michałów Halsdon UK 1994 Reserve Milordka Michałów Poland 1995 Reserve Milordka Michałów Halsdon UK 1999 Reserve
Gazella Michałów Poland 2006 Reserve
Milordka Michałów Athbah KSA 2012 Silver Champion Wołoszka Janów Podlaski Halsdon UK 2013 Silver Champion
Rodania Michałów Poland 2018 Silver Champion Scherife Janów Podlaski Hanaya Switzerland 2019 Silver Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 2014 Bronze Champion
Gazella Kurozwęki Maxwell UK 1992 Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 1998 Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 2010 Gold Champion
Dam Line Breeder Owner Country Year Title
Milordka Michałów Ajman Poland 2013 Gold Champion
Rodania Michałów Poland 2013 Bronze Champion
Gazella Michałów Al Thumama Qatar 2018 Bronze Champion Milordka Michałów Poland 2019 Bronze Champion

Milordka Michałów Poland 2001 Reserve
Selma Michałów Poland 2000 Champion
Milordka Michałów Halsdon UK 2017 Bronze Champion
Selma Michałów Poland 1984 Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 2009 Silver Champion
Rodania Michałów Poland 2007 Champion
CHAMPIONS | Bred in Poland
Szamrajówka Janów Podlaski Poland 2014 Silver Champion Szamrajówka Janów Podlaski Poland 2015 Silver Champion
Mlecha Janów Podlaski Mattens Belgium 1993 Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 2002 Champion
Rodania Michałów Halsdon UK 1997 Champion
Gazella Michałów Poland 1999 Champion
Szweykowska Michałów Poland 2012 Bronze Champion
Filly Born Sire Dam Dam’s Sire 1 EMIRA 2000 Laheeb Embra Monogramm 2 PIANISSIMA 2003 Gazal Al Shaqab Pianosa Eukaliptus 3 PERFINKA 2011 Esparto Perfirka Gazal Al Shaqab 4 PIACOLLA 2012 Enzo Polonica Ekstern 5 ZAGROBLA 1994 Monogramm Zguba Enrilo 6 EMANDA 1996 Ecaho Emanacja Eukaliptus 7 PRIMERA 2009 Eden C Preria Ararat 8 PUSTYNIA KAHILA 2013 Kahil Al Shaqab Pustynna Malwa Ekstern Filly Born Sire Dam Dam’s Sire 1 PUSTYNIA KAHILA 2013 Kahil Al Shaqab Pustynna Malwa Ekstern Stallion Born Sire Dam Dam’s Sire 1 PIECHUR 1979 Banat Pierzeja Bandos 2 EKSTERN 1994 Monogramm Ernerstyna Piechur 3 PESAL 1991 Partner Perforacja Ernal 4 WADIM 1993 Grandorr Warszula Palas 5 EMIGRANT 1999 Ararat Emigrantka Eukaliptus 6 GANGES 1994 Monogramm Garonna Fanatyk 7 FERNANDO 1994 Monogramm Frejlina Pepton 8 ESPARTO 2002 Ekstern Ekspozycja Eukaliptus 9 EQUATOR 2010 QR Marc Ekliptyka Esktern 10 EQUATOR 2010 QR Marc Ekliptyka Esktern 11 PALATINO 2006 Pesal Palmeta Ecaho 12 EQUATOR 2010 QR Marc Ekliptyka Esktern 13 MORION 2013 Kahil Al Shaqab Mesalina Ekstern Junior Champion Fillies Yearling Champion Fillies Senior Champion Stallions

Selma Michałów Poland 1996 Reserve
Szamrajówka Janów Podlaski Poland 2004 Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 2015 Silver Champion
Gazella Michałów Al Thumama Qatar 2017 Bronze Champion
Dam Line Breeder Owner Country Year Title
Gazella Michałów Athbah KSA 2015 Gold Champion

Szamrajówka Janów Podlaski Poland 2012 Silver Champion
Milordka Michałów Jadem Belgium 2000 Champion
Rodania Michałów Poland 2015 Bronze Champion
Szamrajówka Janów Podlaski Halsdon UK 1995 Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 2002 Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 1999 Reserve
Milordka Michałów Poland 2018 Silver Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 2014 Bronze Champion
Dam Line Breeder Owner Country Year Title
Szamrajówka Białka Tromp Netherlands 1996 Reserve Szweykowska Michałów Onsala Sweden 1998 Reserve
Dam Line Breeder Owner Country Year Title
Szamrajówka Janów Podlaski Poland 2013 Bronze Champion
Shaqab Szamrajówka Białka Al Muawd KSA 2013 Gold Champion
Gazella Michałów Poland 2001 Reserve Szweykowska Michałów Turban Denmark 2006 Reserve
Milordka Michałów Poland 2008 Reserve
Rodania Michałów Poland 2014 Bronze Champion
Milordka Michałów Poland 1998 Reserve
2 ALTIS WH Justice Albia Pers EQUATOR QR Marc Ekliptyka Esktern
Yearling Champion Colts
Junior Champion Colts
Colt Born Sire Dam Dam’s Sire
1 MORION Kahil Al Shaqab Mesalina
2 LORD EL SHAWAN FA El Shawan Serenada Ekstern
Colt Born Sire Dam Dam’s Sire
1 MORION Kahil Al Shaqab Mesalina

Dam Line Breeder Owner Country Year Title
Milordka Michałów Poland 2012 Bronze Champion
Dam Line Breeder Owner Country Year Title
Gazella Michałów Al Thumama Qatar 2015 Gold Champion

Scherife Falborek Siren Denmark 2007 Reserve
Gazella Pietrzak Poland 2014 Bronze Champion
Gazella Michałów Al Thumama Qatar 2014 Silver Champion
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Magic Magnifique x Om El Bint Beneera, by Om El Shahlimar

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1 - 10060 Virle

Lawrence El Gazal | Batistah grey
LE SOLEIL ARABIANS Giughera Casotto Piemonte Soleil Arabians

s.s.a. di Elvis
Bahar El Lawrence
(TO) ITALY 0039.339.36.80.656 - info@le-soleil.org AymarGregor© Le

“Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.”
Sometimes in life you just feel you must, with no explanations for why, do something. This happened with Bahar El Lawrence. We had such an explosion of emotions and happiness after welcoming Batistah to our family, and again when her daughter, Soleada Le Soleil, arrived, that when we saw Bahar, out of Batistah and by the magnificent Lawrence El Gazal ... we couldn’t let her go.

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