Qatar International Show 2015

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HH THE EMIR 24RD INTERNATIONAL EQUESTRIAN SWORD FESTIVAL l nostro anno giornalistico non sempre coincide con l'inizio del calendario dell'anno, mi spiego meglio. E' ormai consolidato che in febbraio AHJ sia presente a Doha in occasione dell'evento che si svolge nello splendido contesto del Racing & Equestrian Club, quest'anno si celebrava il 25mo internazionale del PSA ed il 5° appuntamento dell'Arabian Horse Straight Egyptian, oltre ovviamente alle corse in piano.

Our journalistic year does not always coincide with the beginning of the calendar year, but I better explain this. It is by now a very well established habit that in February your AHJ is in attendance in Doha, in occasion of the event which takes place in the splendid surroundings of the Racing & Equestrian Club there. This year the programme included the celebrations for the 25th International Pure Bred Arabian show and the 5th appointment with the Straight Egyptian Arabian Horse show, in addition to flat racing, of course.

Text by Francesca Messina Photos by Escher Rothenberg

© olly - #62138554


n realtà il giornale era presente anche a Scottsdale e avrebbe dovuto essere presente anche in Arabia Saudita che per via della grave perdita subita dal Regno non si è poi svolto, ma, vuoi per abitudine, vuoi per affetto, negli anni abbiamo fatto coincidere il nostro "inizio anno" giornalistico con l'appuntamento a Doha, evento che "psicologicamente" viviamo come fosse l'ON del nostro personalissimo dispositivo; per dirla in breve siamo sincronizzati con Doha, non ce ne vogliano a male altri splendidi eventi che intanto si svolgono in altri angoli della terra, ma Doha ha su di noi un

fascino che non ha eguali. Per chi ama il cavallo arabo, poter assistere a più eventi nella stessa splendida struttura, con l'organizzazione che ti supporta ed assiste come di consuetudine, non è cosa da tutti i giorni. Ogni anno tornare a Doha e come tornare a casa, e far coincidere l'inizio della nostra attività con le manifestazioni di Doha è come un gesto scaramantico, ci fa sentire che l'anno è iniziato nel modo giusto!


l team che ogni anno si conferma per efficienza è ben consolidato, è come un'orchestra affiatata, declinata all'ippica. Per questo

In reality our magazine had been attending also Scottsdale and should have been in attendance also at the show in Saudi Arabia, which did not take place due to the sad loss registered in the Kingdom, but, maybe out of habit, or more likely because of our deep affection, in the course of the years we have made our journalistic "new year" coincide with the Doha appointment, an event which "psychologically" we live as the "switching ON" of our very personal device; to make a long story short, we are in sync with Doha, no offence meant to all the other splendid events taking place the world over, but Doha really exerts an incomparable magical attraction on us. For whoever truly loves the Arabian Pure Bred, being able to attend several events

within the same splendid facility, with the organization supporting and assisting you like they usually do, is not something one encounters every day. Every year, coming back to Doha is like coming back home, and making the start of our editorial activities coincide with the Doha meeting is like a propitiatory gesture, it makes us feel the year has started on the right footing! The team that every year surprises us for its ever increasing efficiency is well established, like a well reharsed orchestra, declined in the way of the horse. For this reason we feel we owe a great applause to those who made possible, even for this edition, a show made up not of empty props, but of substance, committment, skill and capacity. With 2015

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the endorsement of HH Sh. Tamin bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Qatar Emir, the organization was composed of Sh. Mohammed Bin Faleh Al Thani - Chairman of Higher Organising Committee - Mr. Ghanim Bin Ali Al Mohannadi - Vice Chairman of Higher Organising Committee - Mr. Sami Jassin Al-Boenain - General Coordinator - Mr. Tariq Abdulhamid Al Siddiqi - Deputy General Coordinator - Mr. Abdulaziz Jassin Al-Boenain - Show Director - Mr. Abdulaziz A. Rahman M. Al Subaie - Show Committee Official - assisted by Messrs. Mahammed Mahmoud Sherif and Fajar Sadiq - Secretariat show Committee - omnipresent and punctual for all and any needs; their work deserves unqualified praise. They are in fact two more excellent reasons to go back to Doha every year.

nipresenti e puntuali per ogni esigenza; davvero encomiabile il loro lavoro. Loro sono altri due ottimi motivi per tornare a Doha ogni anno.

The whole show was set off by two main events, namely the 37th Race Meeting and the Ridden Class.

lle due manifestazioni principe che danno inizio all'intera manifestazione, si è svolto il 37° Race Meeting e la Ridden Class.

We want to openly applaude Qatar's breeding tradition and that country's energic drive for its preservation and development, and not just within its own borders, obtained by hosting, domestically, numerous regional and international equestrian events but also by sponsoring events all over the world, vaunting shows of the calibre of the "Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe" and of the "Qatar Arabian World Cup"which are held every year in Paris. In every field, be it races, endurance or morphology, Qatar acts as a catalyst and at the same time as the driving engine in promoting


ogliamo l'occasione per fare un plauso alla tradizione allevatoriale del Qatar e alla sua spinta propulsiva per la sua conservazione e per il suo sviluppo, non solo entro i propri confini, ospitando, al suo interno, numerosi eventi equestri regionali e internazionali ma sponsorizzando eventi nel mondo del calibro del "Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe" e del "Qatar Arabian World Cup" che si


ci sentiamo di fare un grande plauso a quanti hanno reso possibile, anche in questa edizione, uno spettacolo non fatto di lustrini ma di concretezza, impegno, capacità e bravura. Con il patrocinio di HH Sh. Tamin bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emiro del Qatar, l'organizzazione era composta da Sh. Mohammed Bin Faleh Al Thani - Chairman of Higher Organising Committee - il sig. Ghanim Bin Ali Al Mohannadi - Vice Chairman of Higher Organising Committee - il sig. Sami Jassin Al-Boenain - General Coordinator - il sig. Tariq Abdulhamid Al Siddiqi - Deputy General Coordinator - il sig. Abdulaziz Jassin Al-Boenain - Show Director - il sig. Abdulaziz A. Rahman M. Al Subaie - Show Committee Official - coadiuvato dai sigg. Mahammed Mahmoud Sherif e Fajar Sadiq - Secretariat show Committee - on-

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alle manifestazioni, la prima a svolgersi è stato il campionato internazionale. Dopo due giorni serrati la classifica ha designato i vari campioni. La giuria era formata, per l'internazionale, dalla sig.ra Stigler (RUS), dalla sig. Garde-Elhert (DE), dal dr. Marek Trela (POL), dal dr. Francesco Santoro IT), dalla sig.ra Ann Norden (SW), dal sig. Yves Richardiee (FR) e dal sig. Marc Veray (FR).

the various disciplines at any level, giving the possibility to small breeders as well as to large breeding concerns to express themselves to their best in a context designed for their own dimension. Going back to the events, the first one was the international championship. After two

days of close contest, the results identified the various champions. The jury was composed of, for the International, Mrs. Stigler (RUS), ***Mrs. Garde-Elhert (DE), Dr. Marek Trela (POL), Dr. Francesco Santoro (IT), Mrs. Ann Norden (SW), Mr. Yves Richardiee (FR) and Mr. Marc Veray (FR).


tiene ogni anno a Parigi. In ogni ambito, che siano esse corse, endurance o morfologia, il Qatar funge da catalizzatore ed allo stesso tempo da propulsore nel promuovere ad ogni livello le varie discipline, dando la possibilitĂ sia ai piccoli allevatori che alle grandi realtĂ allevatoriali di esprimersi al meglio in un contesto studiato per la propria dimensione. Tornando

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Risultati finali - Final Results Yearling Females Championships: Gold: Sultanat Al Shaqab, da Marwan Al Shaqab x OFW Mishaal - Al Shaqab Stud (QAT) Silver: Bohour Al Shaqab da Kahil AL Shaqab x Wind Kamila - Al Shaqab Stud (QAT) Bronze: Hajer Al Muawd, da Emerald J x Primera - Sons of Abdulla bin Mohammed Al Subaiee (KSA)

Yearling Males Championships: Gold: Amaar Al Nasser, da EKS Alihandro x Remal Al Nasser - Al Nasser Stud (QAT) Silver: Moneer Al Shaqab, da Marwan Al Shaqab x Miss EL Power JQ - Al Shaqab Stud Bronze: Taj Al Fayyad, da Fayad Al Fayyad x SS Layali - Mosleh Hamad Al Enezi (KWT)

Junior Females Championships: Gold: Piacolla, da Enzo x Polonica - SK Michalow (PL) Silver: AJ Reeda, da AJ Portofino x AJ Raheda - Ajman Stud (UAE) Bronze: Mounira J, da Emerald J x Magnificent Lady J - Sons of Abdulla bin Mohammed Al Subaiee (KSA)

Junior Males Championships: Gold: Loay Al Khalediah Al Thani, da El Palacio VO x Llayla - HRPH Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (KSA) Silver: Hadidy Al Shaqab, da Gazal AL Shaqab x White Silk - Al Shaqab Stud (QAT) Bronze: Asfoor Al Waab, da Barraq El Aliya x Sara Ali Jazira - Sh. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Senior Females Championships: Gold: Norma, da Gazal AL Shaqab x Nina - Sons of Abdulla bin Mohammed Al Subaiee (KSA) Silver: Anood Al Nasser, da Ashhal Al Rayyan x Aleysha Al Nasser - Sh. Nawaf bin Nasser Al Thani (QAT) Bronze: Pinga, da Gazal Al Shaqab x Pilar - Mohammed bin Dalim Al Otaibi (KSA)

Senior Males Championships: Gold: Memphis 27, da El Amin x SA Misha Apal - Ajman Stud (UAE) Silver: Lammah Al Fahadeah, da Marquis CAHR x Destiny bint Eternity - HRPH Fahad bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (KSA)


Bronze: Ghasham Al Shaqab, da Al Adeed AL Shaqab x Gazala Al Shaqab - Al Shaqab Stud

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ella serata di giovedì 19, è stata organizzata una cerimonia di apertura del The HH Emir 24rd International Equestrian Sword Festival. Sami Jassim Al Boenain, Direttore Generale del QREC, ha accolto gli ospiti e ha reso omaggio a HH Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, Emiro del Qatar, per il grande sostegno che ha dato allo sport. Dopo una preghiera del Corano, la banda delle Forze Armate .ha dato inizio ai festeggiamenti intonando l'inno nazionale del Qatar Molti e mirabili gli spettacoli equestri, dal famoso Lorenzo che ha incantato gli astanti con le sue proverbiali prestazioni e l'ausilio dei suoi dodici splendidi Lusitani che privi di briglie si sono esibiti con la solita precisione dando vita ad attimi di adrenalina, lanciati al galoppo con Lorenzo in piedi sul loro dorso.

Abbiamo potuto ammirare il gruppo degli Sbandieratori di Sansepolcro, gli italianissimi sbandieratori dalle tipiche bandiere dipinte a mano che indossavano i tipici costumi realizzati da costumisti teatrali professionali. Provengono dal centro Italia in provinzia di Arezzo. I membri del Gruppo sono insegnanti professionisti, commercialisti, agricoltori, medici. Si sono esibiti alla cerimonia di apertura dei Giochi Olimpici. Olivie Garcia da Avignone, in Francia, è stato un altro performer che, insieme al suo assistente Colleen, ha entusiasmato il pubblico con una performance di dressage con uno stallone arabo di 18 anni, Jigit, all'interno di una bolla! Per quel che concerne il 5° Qatar International Straight Egyptian Arabian Horse la giuria era composta dai sigg. Mrs. Anna Stojanowska (PL), Mrs. Rena-

ta Schibler (CH), Mrs. Irina Stigler (RUS), Mr. Nashaat Hegazy (EGY), Mr. Manfred Hain (DE), Mr. Pierluigi Rota (IT) e Mr. Tamar Rombauer (HU).

For the evening of Thursday 19th, an opening cerimony was organized to set off The HH Emir 24th International Equestrian Sword Festival.

Le serate post show sono state l'occasione per far visita ad alcuni degli allevamenti più rappresentativi nel panorama allevatoriale locale. Su tutti non siamo voluti mancare all'annuale presentazione presso l'Al Waab Stud.

Sami Jassim Al Boenain, QREC Director General, welcomed the guests and paid homage to HH Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, for the huge support he extends to our beloved Sport. After the Quran prayer, the Armed Forces Band gave a resounding start to festivities by striking up the Qatar National Anthem.

Inutile dire che abbiamo visto una carrellata di soggetti - puri egiziani - difficili da trovare tutti nello stesso allevamento. Nonostante la temperatura non fosse particolarmente gradevole quest'anno, dal primo soggetto all'ultimo ho smesso di sentire il freddo. E' stato come in un film in cui rimani estasiato alla prima scena dopo il ciak ma alla scena finale sei ancora li estasiato e non vuoi che finisca. Un film che vedrei mille e mille volte senza stancarmi.

The equestrian shows were numerous and wonderful, starting with the famous Lorenzo who enchanted the audience with his by now proverbial performances and the help of his twelve splendid Lusitano horses, which bridlelessly performed their precision tattoo, generating also moments of high adrenaline, like when they were launched at full gallop with Lorenzo standing on their back. We were also able to admire the San-

sepolcro Flag Throwers, the uniquely Italian flag throwers who use handpainted flags while wearing the typical costumes made by professional theater costume makers. They come from the centre of Italy, in the Arezzo Province. The group members come from all walks of life, they are teachers, lawyers, accountants, farmers or medical doctors. The group has also performed at the opening cerimony of the Olimpic Games. Olivier Garcia from Avignon, France, was another performer who, together with his assistant Colleen, whipped up the enthusiasm of the public with a dressage performance carried out with an 18 years old Arabian stallion , Jigit, inside a bubble! As far as the 5th Qatar International Straight Egyptian Arabian Horse contest is concerned, the jury was composed of Mrs. Anna Stojanowska (PL), Mrs. Renata Schibler (CH), Mrs. Irina Stigler (RUS), Mr. Nashaat Hegazy (EGY),

Mr. Manfred Hain (DE), Mr. Pierluigi Rota (IT) and Mr. Tamar Rombauer (HU). Post-show evenings were the opportune chance to visit some of the most representative studs in the local breeding panorama. Best among the best, we would never miss the yearly presentation hosted by the Al Waab Stud. There is no need to state that we were able to see a parade of Pure Egyptian specimen, such as it is hard to find within the same stud. In spite of the temperature being not so very pleasant this year, I totally forgot how cold I was with the first specimen and this lasted until the very last one left my sight. It felt like one of those memorable films where you get excited right from the very first scene, but at the end you are still fascinated and you would like it never to stop. A film I would like to see thousands of times, never getting tired of it.

Risultati - Results:

Junior Females Championships:

Junior Females Championships:

Gold: Delielah Al Waab da Barraq El Aliya x Nabeela Saqr - SH. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Gold: Delielah Al Waab da Barraq El Aliya x Nabeela Saqr - SH. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Silver: Tibrah Al Shaqab da Farhoud Al Shaqab x Twom Hiddiyya - Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)

Silver: Tibrah Al Shaqab da Farhoud Al Shaqab x Twom Hiddiyya - Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)

Bronze Taraheeb Al Nasser da Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Al Jazi Al Nasser - Al Nasser Stud (QAT)

Bronze Taraheeb Al Nasser da Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Al Jazi Al Nasser - Al Nasser Stud (QAT)

Junior Males Championships:

Junior Males Championships:

Gold: Asfoor Al Waab da Barraq El Aliya x Sara Al Jazira - SH. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Gold: Asfoor Al Waab da Barraq El Aliya x Sara Al Jazira - SH. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Silver: Salil Al Shaqab da Al Adeed AL Shaqab x Tamina - Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)

Silver: Salil Al Shaqab da Al Adeed AL Shaqab x Tamina - Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)

Bronze: Mountaser Laffan da Ansata Nile Echo x Authentic Monisa - Jassim Kayed Mohammed Al Muhannadi (QAT)

Bronze: Mountaser Laffan da Ansata Nile Echo x Authentic Monisa - Jassim Kayed Mohammed Al Muhannadi (QAT)

Senior Females Championships:

Senior Females Championships:

Gold: Nabila Al Rayyan da Sinan Al Rayyan x Ansata Nefer Isis - Sh. Saoud bin Abdulaziz Al Thani (QAT)

Gold: Nabila Al Rayyan da Sinan Al Rayyan x Ansata Nefer Isis - Sh. Saoud bin Abdulaziz Al Thani (QAT)

Silver: Jouna Al Naif da Ashhal Al Rayyan x Ansata Mouna - Sh. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Silver: Jouna Al Naif da Ashhal Al Rayyan x Ansata Mouna - Sh. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Bronze: D'Aajaa Al Naif da Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Mezna Al Rayyan - Sh. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Bronze: D'Aajaa Al Naif da Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Mezna Al Rayyan - Sh. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

Senior Males Championships:

Senior Males Championships:

Gold: Shagran Al Nasser da Ansata Selman x Dana Al Nasser - Al Nasser Stud (QAT)

Gold: Shagran Al Nasser da Ansata Selman x Dana Al Nasser - Al Nasser Stud (QAT)

Silver: F Shamaal da Maysoun x Sarameena - HRPH Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (KSA)

Silver: F Shamaal da Maysoun x Sarameena - HRPH Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (KSA)

Bronze: Turki Al Rayyan da Ashhal Al Rayyan x Turkiya Al Rayyan - Mr. Khalid Ahmed Bagedo (KSA)

Bronze: Turki Al Rayyan da Ashhal Al Rayyan x Turkiya Al Rayyan - Mr. Khalid Ahmed Bagedo (KSA) 2015

Risultati - Results:

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YEARLING FEMALE Sultanat Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)



YEARLING FEMALE Bohour Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud



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YEARLING FEMALE Hajer Al Muawd - Owner: Sons of Abdulla bin Mohammed Al Subaiee (KSA)



YEARLING MALE Amaar Al Nasser - Owner: Al Nasser Stud (QAT)

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YEARLING MALE Moneer Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud



YEARLING MALE Taj Al Fayyad - Owner: Mosleh Hamad Al Enezi (KWT)

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JUNIOR FEMALE Piacolla - Owner: SK Michalow (PL)



JUNIOR FEMALE AJ Reeda - Owner: Ajman Stud (UAE)



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JUNIOR FEMALE Mounira J - Owner: Sons of Abdulla bin Mohammed Al Subaiee (KSA)



JUNIOR MALE Loay Al Khalediah Al Thani - Owner: HRPH Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (KSA)

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JUNIOR MALE Hadidy Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)



JUNIOR MALE Asfoor Al Waab - Owner: Sh. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

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SENIOR FEMALE Norma - Owner: ons of Abdulla bin Mohammed Al Subaiee (KSA)



SENIOR FEMALE Anood Al Nasser - Owner: Sh. Nawaf bin Nasser Al Thani (QAT)



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SENIOR FEMALE Pinga - Owner: Mohammed bin Dalim Al Otaibi (KSA)



SENIOR MALE Memphis 27 - Owner: Ajman Stud (UAE)

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SENIOR MALE Lammah Al Fahadeah - Owner: HRPH Fahad bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (KSA)



SENIOR MALE Ghasham Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud

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JUNIOR FEMALE Delielah Al Waab - Owner: SH. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)



JUNIOR FEMALE Tibrah Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)



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JUNIOR FEMALE Taraheeb Al Nasser - Owner: Al Nasser Stud (QAT)



JUNIOR MALE Asfoor Al Waab - Owner: SH. Abdulla bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)

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JUNIOR MALE Salil Al Shaqab - Owner: Al Shaqab Stud (QAT)



JUNIOR MALE Mountaser Laffan - Owner: Jassim Kayed Mohammed Al Muhannadi (QAT)

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SENIOR FEMALE Nabila Al Rayyan - Owner:Sh. Saoud bin Abdulaziz Al Thani (QAT)



SENIOR FEMALE Jouna Al Naif - Owner: Sh. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)



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SENIOR FEMALE D'Aajaa Al Naif - Owner: Sh. Abdullah bin Khalid Al Thani (QAT)



SENIOR MALE Shagran Al Nasser - Owner: Al Nasser Stud (QAT)

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SENIOR MALE F Shamaal - Owner: HRPH Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud (KSA)



SENIOR MALE Turki Al Rayyan - Owner: Mr. Khalid Ahmed Bagedo (KSA)

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