Graphic Design {and the} World Wide Web
www.by aracelydovalina
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pages of text images animations sounds three dimensional worlds videos
The World Wide Web was designed originally as an interactive world of shared information through which people could communicate with each other and with machines though
Graphic Design {and the} World Wide Web
WWW 1991 WorldWideWeb
Tim Berners-Lee
physicist at CERN High Energy Physics Laboratory
his lab contained mountains of data and reports that needed to be cataloged and made availabe to hundreds of researchers in some type of easily accessible manner he developed protocals to enable users to search databases, locate documents & display or view the located content
Graphic Design {and the} World Wide Web
“universally accessible�
the internet only provided screens full of text (and usually only in one font and font size) it was pretty good for exchanging information, and accessing info but visually very boring
the development of GUIs (graphical user interfaces) allowed to add a bit of color and layout, but still pretty boring soon after it changed its appearance, it made it possible for pictures and sound to be displayed and exchanged
Graphic Design {and the} World Wide Web
the World Wide Web rapidly became the dominant Internet tool, combining hepertext and multimedia to provide a net work of educaiton, governmental, and commercial resources
designers must also consider the needs of individuals with a wide range of disabilities, ages, and native languages
much of its power comes from the variety of formats the information is presented because of the multimedia nature of the web combined with poor design of some websites, many surfers cannot access the full range of resources this made designers to have alot of things to consider and become creative when designing a webpage maitain a simple, consistent page layout throughout the site keep backgrounds simple, making sure there is enough contrast smart use of tables, tabs, menus, buttons, audio, layout, templates, logos and graphics
designing a well-organized website helps visitors navigate through the information presented
Graphic Design {and the} World Wide Web
http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/1996/ppf.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_World_Wide_Web http://www.nethistory.info/History%20of%20the%20Internet/web.html http://www.washington.edu/doit/Brochures/Technology/universal.design.html http://www.grahamjones.co.uk/2009/blog/general/when-did-the-world-wide-web-start.html