1 minute read
Strange Waters by Jackie Taylor
Narrated by Sophie Aldred
978-1-913665-39-5 SHORT STORIES £15
Set in Cornwall, coastal erosion and flooding take on a nearmythicalpowerastheshortstoriesinthiscollection weave in and out of the recent past and near future, as lives and relationships ebb and flow with the tide. From one maritime tragedy to another, the community, and three generations of women from the same family, struggle with their over-close affinity for the sea.
The Don’t Touch Garden by Kate Foley
Narrated by the author
978-1-909208-52-0 POETRY/LGBT £8
Born and adopted in 1938 Kate Foley grew up in London during WWII.
The Don’t Touch Garden exploreswhatitistobeadopted, both for the child and the adoptive parents, through a wide range of poetic styles and complex emotions. Sometimes autobiographical and narrative, sometimes oblique, these poems trace a search for identity and for the meaning of family which everyone can relate to, whatever kind of family brought them up. The voice of Kate’s young self, deeply unimpressed by all the drama around her, holds the story together.
This Poem Here by Rob Walton
Narrated by Sean Patterson
978-1-913665-21-0 £8 POETRY £15
WhenRobWaltonwentintolockdown,hedidn’tknow that he would also go into mourning. Here he writes about the life and death of his dad, and how sadness seepedintovariousaspectsof hislife.Healsomanages cheap laughs, digs at the government, celebrations of the young and old, unashamed sentimentality and sudden disarming moments of tenderness.
Listen to samples: https://arachnepress.com/audiobooks/
Where We Find Ourselves: Stories and Poems of Maps and Mapping from UK Writers of the Global Majority
Narrated by Various
978-1-913665-47-0 ANTHOLOGY £15
From UK writers from African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Caribbean, South American, Chinese and Malay communities, writing about maps and mapping. Stories and poems of finding oneself and getting lost, colonialism and diaspora, childhood exploration and adult homecoming.
Words From the Brink: stories and poems from the Solstice Shorts Festival 2021
Narrated by Sophie Aldred and Cal-I Jonel
978-1-913665-54-8 ANTHOLOGY £15
Poemsandstoriesrespondingtothefloods,droughtsand fires all around the globe with tenderness, compassion, fear, grief and rage. Gaia is represented in all her power and glory, butterflies and plants sow seeds of hope, while writers ask: How do we stop it? Are we heading for recovery or extinction?
Zed and the Cormorants by Clare Owen
Narrated by Sophie Aldred
ISBN: 978-1-913665-23-4 YA/CHILDREN/NOVEL £15
Zed and her family move unwillingly from London to Cornwall, in an attempt to support her mother’s mental health. Gradually the familyfall apart,andit is only when Zed realises that the local cormorants are playing a part in the disasters that consume them, in revenge for an ancientwrong,thatsheandhersister,Amy,startworking together to find a solution and call a truce.
Listen to samples: https://arachnepress.com/audiobooks/
Buy: https://arachnepress.com/audio-and-ebook-store/