Arader Galleries Audubon Auction May 2013

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John James Audubon ...handsome works of nature





Saturday, May 11, 2013 1pm Audubon’s will be on view April 10 - May 10, 2013 at Arader Galleries 29 East 72nd Street, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10021 +1 212 - 628-3668 NOT AT OUR 1016 MADISON AVENUE LOCATION


The Arader Galleries 29 East 72nd Street, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10021 +1 212 - 628-3668 NOT AT OUR 1016 MADISON AVENUE LOCATION



By telephone or written bid form in the catalogue. Please call 212.794.2280 to arrange

CATALOGUE: $30 postage paid in the United States $60 postage paid internationally To order the catalog or get more complete information please contact Guernsey’s CONTENTS: Audubon’s Birds........................................................Lots 1 - 147 Audubon’s Quadrupeds.............................................Lots 148 - 214 Selection of books and manuscripts..........................Lots 215 - 217 Pierre-Joseph Redouté watercolors.............................Lots 218 - 230

GUERNSEY’S 65 East 93rd Street, New York, NY 10128 212.794.2280

JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (1785-1851) A Selection of Aquatints from “The Birds of America” First edition engravings with original hand-color Published in London between 1827 and 1838 by Robert Havell Each plate approximately 39” x 26 1/2” with full margins; Approximate frame size for each: 49 1/2” x 37” (notes mark those framed)

Lots 1 - 147 It's a strange fact about American archetypes: no one tries harder to be one than a foreigner. And there have been few who tried harder, or succeeded more completely, than John James Audubon. He has a place in our national folklore alongside Johnny Appleseed. His name connotes a kind of genteel environmentalism of birds-watchers and watercolorists. His greatest achievement, The Birds of America, is part of our self-image, and has been for well over a hundred years -- so much so that it's unclear whether the volume should be shelved under Art or Americana. But like so many of our forefathers, Audubon invented himself. The character he chose to play was that of a swaggering adventurer and frontiersman. In reality he was an excitable Frenchman, with a taste for American wilderness myths and a flair for self-promotion. Audubon was born in Haiti, the illegitimate Creole son of a French sea merchant and a local chambermaid. He was raised in France until 1803, when his father sent him to the United States to avoid being drafted into the Napoleonic wars. There he started what proved to be a long run of unsuccessful schemes. He tried to run a lead mine in Pennsylvania. It folded. After marrying, he opened up a store in Louisville. It, too, went under. He started a steamboat line, and it led him into bankruptcy. By then he was 35 and, he admitted to his wife, a failure. But he had one last idea: to make portraits of the birds of the continent and sell them. At the time, it was not as unlikely an endeavor as it might seem today. Marketing prints by subscription was a respectable, if somewhat chancy, business, and natural history was a popular subject; in fact, Audubon faced considerable competition. What's more, he had little formal training in art, and even less in ornithology. But what he lacked in experience he made up for in braggadocio. Failure seemed to have gone to his head: he claimed to be French royalty, to have studied with Jacques-Louis David, and to have gone on a hunting expedition with Daniel Boone -- none of which, it seems, was true. More importantly, he pursued his birds with an unusual passion for accuracy and painterly beauty, a fervor caused, one imagines, as much by desperation as by scientific and aesthetic high-mindedness. For years he tracked his subjects to the known edges of the country (the journals he kept along the way are a minor literary achievement in themselves). By his death, in 1851, he had completed 584 individual studies, 435 of which appeared in The Birds of America. It then fell to him to find an engraver and to round up subscribers. When they could not be found in the U.S., he went to London, hoping to establish himself there. In time he did, but only by lying a little and exaggerating a lot. With his long hair, bear-grease pomade, buckskin jacket, and tall tales, he presented himself as a quintessential 19th-century American type, an explorer and adventurer come to present to wildlife of America to an Old World audience. The English bought the act and eventually exported it back to the United States, and Audubon's career was made. So how good was he? Good enough, certainly, to merit the attention he has received. To begin with, he was an exceptional naturalist. The striking posture of his birds -- with their wings spread flat against the picture plane, their beaks open, their necks craned -- displays as much of their shape and plumage as possible, with a degree of detail that proves the extent of his research. And the delicately rendered backgrounds (for the most part filled in by assistants) were more than mise-en-scènes; they were meant to show something of the birds' habitats, giving them a context in natural history. Environmentalists may squirm at the idea that the Audubon Society's namesake happily shot his subjects before fixing them onto wires, arranging them like props and then rendering the results. But he did so for the same reason that Leonardo da Vinci dissected cadavers: he believed that art and science alike began in accurate observation. And he was a painter of considerable merit. One cannot deny that he was limited by his curious and somewhat marginal subject matter , but, like any good artist, he pushed those limits well beyond their previous place. If Audubon did not in fact study with David, he nonetheless learned from the latter's work; his studies of the birds are portrayed with all the lapidary dignity and drama of David's historical portraits, with all their harsh lighting, sculpted forms, and carefully proposed protagonists. Indeed, his birds are an oddly anthropomorphic lot. His ghoulish Black Vultures, for example, guard their deer's-head meal and glare out at the observer. His Golden-Eye Ducks are as childlike and cheerful as any characters Disney invented. His Trumpeter Swan bends its neck down to study a bumblebee, with an expression close to wonder. Other birds strut and preen; they fight bitterly and feed their young tenderly; they are presented in tableaux of matrimonial comfort and kingly laissez-faire; they are cranky, quixotic, and slightly eccentric. Which is to say that Audubon's birds are just that: his birds, not nature's, not even quite America's. And that, at last, is what elevates them above mere illustration. The artist's eye and hand can be seen on every page; the birds have personalities, and Audubon is their creator. If we nonetheless claim them as our own -- and claim him along with them -- it testifies both to art's skill at inventing nature and the America's power of mythic assimilation. 1

1 Plate 1 Male Turkey Retail price: $250,000 Estimate: $100,000 - 125,000 Guidance: Guernsey’s Auction House, December 5, 2012: $170,800 2

2 Plate 2 Yellow - billed Cuckoo Retail price: $22,500 Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set; Christie's, June25, 2004: $11,950

Plate 11 Bird of Washington / Bald Eagle Retail price: $25,000 Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000 Guidance: Christie's, January 17, 2008: $10,625

Plate 7 Purple Grackle or Common Crow Blackbird Retail price: $22,500 Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $13,145


4 3


6 Plate 12 Baltimore Oriole Retail price: $39,500 Estimate: $13,000 - 16,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $35,850

Plate 14 Prairie Warbler Retail price: $5,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $3,585



7 Plate 20 Blue Winged Yellow Warbler Retail price: $9,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 25, 2013: $1,041.66

Plate 18 Bewicks Wren Retail price: $4,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve



9 Plate 24 Roscoes Yellow Throat Retail price: $4,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,390

Plate 22 Purple Martin Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 6,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $4,780

11 Plate 31 Tennessee Warbler Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

13 12 Plate 32 American Swift Retail price: $2,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

Plate 36 Stanley Hawk Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,378


14 Plate 39 Crested Titmouse Retail price: $9,500 Estimate: $1,500 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $13,145


15 Plate 45 Trail’s Flycatcher Retail price: $4,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

Plate 42 Orchard Oriole Retail price: $19,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 6,000 Guidance: Christie's, January 18, 2007: $10,200




Plate 51 Red-tailed Hawk Retail price: $17,500 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $16,730

Plate 52 Chuck-will's Widow Retail price: $25,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 8,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,170



Plate 53 Painted Bunting (Finch) Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 25, 2013: $1,041.66

Plate 54 Rice Bunting (Bird) Retail price: $9,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 25, 2013: $1,041.66 8

21 Plate 46 Barred Owl Retail price: $35,000 Estimate: $12,000 - 15,000 Guidance: Christie's, October 3, 2007: $15,000


Plate 68 Republican or Cliff Swallow Retail price: $4,800 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve

Plate 67 Red-winged Starling / Marsh Blackbird / Red-winged Blackbird Retail price: $8,800 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve

Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $4,183



24 Plate 74 Indigo-bird Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,019 10



Plate 75 Le Petit Caporal Retail price: $9,500 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,170

Plate 70 Henslow's Bunting Retail price: $5,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve


28 Plate 84 Blue Grey Flycatcher Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

Plate 77 Belted Kingfisher Retail price: $35,000 Estimate: $12,000 - 15,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, October 5, 2007: $22,500


Plate 76 Virginian Partridge Retail price: $135,000 Estimate: $50,000 - 60,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, January 18, 2008: $97,000




30 Plate 92 Pigeon Hawk Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 6,000

Plate 91 Broad winged Hawk Retail price: $30,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 6,000 Guidance: Christie's, January 21, 2011: $11,250


32 Plate 104 Chipping Sparrow Retail price: $4,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

Plate 94 Bay- winged Bunting Retail price: $6,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve 13

34 Plate 96 Columbia Jay / Black-throated Magpie-Jay Retail price: $55,000 Estimate: $25,000 - 30,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $47,800 14

35 Plate 106 Black Vulture / Carrion Crow Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: 3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve


36 Plate 107 Canada Jay Retail price: $14,000 Estimate: 3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $8,365

Plate 117 Mississippi Kite Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: 4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,975 15

38 Plate 113 Blue-bird Retail price: $11,000 Estimate: $1,500 - 2,000 No Reserve


39 Plate 129 Great Crested Flycatcher Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

Plate 128 Cat Bird Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 25, 2013: $1,041.66


41 Plate 116 Brown Thrasher / Ferruginous Thrush Retail price: $26,500 Estimate:12,000 - 14,000 Guidance: Guernsey's Auction House, December 5, 2012: $13,420 17

42 Plate 121 Snowy Owl Retail price: $275,000 Estimate: $100,000-150,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $186,700 18

43 Plate 131 The American Robin Framed Retail price: $45,000 Estimate: $16,000 - 18,000 Guidance:Sotheby's, January 19, 2007: $30,000 19

44 Plate 136 Eastern Meadowlark / Meadow Lark Retail price: $65,000 Estimate: $20,000 - 30,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $47,800 20



Plate 147 Night Hawk Retail price: $25,000 Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $9,560

Plate 146 Fish Crow Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $13,145

48 Plate 156 American Crow Retail price: $32,000 Estimate: $13,000 - 14,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $19,120 49


Plate 159 Cardinal Grosbeak Retail price: $42,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 15,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $26,290

Plate 157 Rusty Grackle Retail price: $13,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $3,346 21

50 Plate 167 Key West Quail - Dove Retail price: $42,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 12,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, October 5, 2007: $12,500

51 Plate 172 Blue-headed Pigeon Retail price: $19,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $8,365 22


53 Plate 174 Olive Sided Flycatcher Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,390

Plate 179 Wood Wren Retail price: $8,500 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000



Plate 181 Golden Eagle Retail price: $29,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set Christie's, June25, 2004: $22,705

Plate 192 Great American Shrike or Butcher Bird Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve


56 Plate 176 Spotted Grouse / Spruce Grouse Retail price: $39,000 Estimate: $9,000 - 12,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $22,705

57 Plate 186 Pinnated Grous / Greater Prairie-Chicken Retail price: $42,000 Estimate: $8,000 - 12,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $26,290



Plate 191 Willow Grous Retail price: $42,000 Estiamte: $12,000 - 15,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $15,535


60 Plate 205 Virginia Rail Retail price: $11,000 Estiamte: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve

61 Plate 208 Esquimax Curlew Retail price: $5,500 Estiamte: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,868


Plate 193 Lincoln Finch Retail price: $8,500 Estiamte: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

62 Plate 214 Razor-billed Auk Retail price: $7,500 Estiamte: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,868 26

63 Plate 201 Canada Goose Retail price: $125,000 Estiamte: $40,000 - 50,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $47,800 27

64 Plate 203 Fresh Water Marsh Hen Retail price: $12,000 Estiamte: $2,500 - 3,500

65 Plate 204 Salt Water Marsh Hen Retail price: $11,000 Estiamte: $2,500 - 3,500 28

66 Plate 206 Summer or Wood Duck Retail price: $145,000 Estimate: $50,000 - 60,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, October 5, 2007: $73,000 29

67 Plate 216 Wood Ibis Retail price: $250,000 Estimate: $55,000 - 70,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $83,650


Plate 227 Pin tailed Duck Retail price: $28,000 Estimate: $12,000 - 15,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $11,950



69 Plate 228 Green winged Teal Retail price: $19,000 Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000 Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 25, 2013: $2,187.50

70 Plate 229 Scaup Duck Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 6,000 Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 25, 2013: $2,187.50 32


72 Plate 224 Kittiwake Gull Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $4,183

Plate 218 Foolish Guillemot Retail price: $6,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve

73 Plate 225 Kildeer Plover Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $4,183


74 Plate 233 Sora or Rail Retail price: $11,000 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,868 33

Plate 234 Tufted Duck Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $8,963

76 Plate 222 White Ibis Retail price: $55,000 Estimate: $16,000 - 18,000 Guidance:The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $23,900

77 Plate 232 Hooded Merganser Retail price: $27,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 12,000 Guidance:Sotheby's, January 16, 2002: $14,400 34



Plate 231 Long billed Curlew Retail price: $185,000 Estimate: $65,000 - 75,000 Guidance:The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $89,625 The Day I Sold Three of the Aquatints of John James Audubon to President Ronald Reagan Refers to lots 78, 96, 103

In the Summer of 1985, it looked like the reign of the greatest museum director of the 20th century was coming to an end. He was being replaced by someone who has curried the favor of the wife of the most powerful man in the world. It was at this time that he called me to replace some of the oil paintings in his bosses office with Audubons. Clem Conger built a glorious collection of American Art and Furniture during the 30 years that he curated the collections at the White House and the State Department. He was an elegant, knowledgable, attractive man who had an uncanny ability to raise money and get donations of furniture and artwork like no one else. Over those forty years Clem acquired magnificent Americana from collectors time and time again. Sometimes this broke the hearts of other museum directors but how could they win against a man whose client was the President of the United States. Of course I was not allowed to make my pitch for these Audubons directly to the President. But I was allowed to drive them down to the White House where Clem brought in a selection of 25 of the best images. Almost instantly Reagan selected the three that had the city views in the background - the Canvas Backed Duck with Baltimore, The Long Billed Curlew with Charleston and the Great White Heron with Key West were his choices. Wow. What a day. It was exciting and an honor to have been selected for this project. In 1986, Mr. Conger was replaced as curator by Rex Scouten, who had established a close relationship with Nancy Reagan as chief usher of the White House. Mr. Conger retired from the State Department in 1992. He was not honored nearly as much as he should have been but not getting along with a President’s wife back then was a crime without pardon. 35


Plate 236 Black - Crowned Night- Heron / Night Heron / Qua bird Retail price: $125,000 Estimate: $30,000 - 40,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $95,600



Plate 237 Great Esquimaux Curlew Retail price: $17,500 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $10,755

Plate 239 American Coot Retail price: $6,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve



Plate 244 Common Gallinule Retail price: $8,500 Estimate: $3,500 - 4,000 No Reserve

Plate 247 Velvet Duck / White-winged Scoter Retail price: $18,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,975



84 Plate 248 American Pied - bill Dobchick Retail price: $7,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $4,780

85 Plate 249 Tufted Auk Retail price: $11,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $4,780

86 Plate 258 Hudsonian Godwit Retail price: $6,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve



Plate 246 Eider Duck Retail price: $95,000 Estimate: $20,000 - 22,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $41,825


88 Plate 251 Brown Pelican Retail price: $175,000 Estimate: $90,000 - 120,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $107,550 40

89 Plate 261 Hooping Crane, Young / Sandhill Crane Retail price: $125,000 Estimate: $45,000 - 55,000 Guidance:The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $65,725



Plate 263 Pigmy Curlew Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve


Plate 268 American Woodcock Retail price: $22,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 8,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,170

Plate 265 Buff breasted Sandpiper Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: January 25, 2013: $937.50

Plate 269 Greenshank Retail price: $18,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 7,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $8,365





94 Plate 277 Hutchins's Barnacle Goose / Canada Goose Framed Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $9,560

Plate 271 Frigate Pelican Framed Retail price: $45,000 Estimate: $15,000 - 18,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, January 22, 2010: $22,500




Plate 281 Great White Heron / Great Blue Heron Framed Retail price: $190,000 Estimate: $70,000 - 80,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $101,575



98 Plate 285 Fork-tailed Gull Retail price: $9,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $3,585

Plate 286 White Fronted Goose (Framed) Retail price: $25,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 6,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,768


100 Plate 297 Harlequin Duck (Framed) Retail price: $14,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 6,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,975

Plate 296 Barnacle Goose (Framed) Havell Studio Pattern Plate Retail price: $13,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve


102 Plate 305 Purple Gallinule Retail price: $9,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 4,000 No Reserve

Plate 313 Blue - winged Teal (Framed) Retail price: $25,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 12,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, October 5, 2007: $25,000 45


103 Plate 301 Canvas Back Duck Retail price: $150,000 Estimate: $45,000 - 55,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $71,700

104 Plate 302 Dusky Duck Retail price: $25,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 12,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, October 5, 2007: $13,750 46

105 Plate 316 American Anhinga / Black-bellied Darter Framed Retail price: $78,000 Estimate: $30,000 - 35,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $38,240 47


107 Plate 315 Red-breasted Sandpiper Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $1,500 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 25, 2013: $931.50

Plate 322 Red-headed Duck / Redhead Framed Retail price: $22,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 10,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $8,963


108 Plate 327 Shoveller Duck / Northern Shoveler Framed Retail price: $48,000 Estimate: $16,000 - 18,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $26,290

Plate 326 Gannet Framed Retail price: $28,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $15,535



Plate 334 Black Bellied Plover Retail price: $3,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,629

Plate 329 Yellow-breasted Rail Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve



Plate 331 Goosander / Common Merganser with Cohoes Falls in the State of New York in the background (Framed) Retail price: $65,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 12,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $20,315


113 Plate 336 Yellow-Crowned Heron Retail price: $65,000 Estimate: $15,000 - 18,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $47,800 50


Plate 338 Bemaculated Duck Retail price: $18,000 Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000



116 Plate 339 Little Auk Retail price: $7,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,390

Plate 343 Ruddy Duck Retail price: $18,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 6,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $8,365


117 Plate 346 Pacific Loon / Black-Throated Diver (Framed) Retail price: $32,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 12,000 Guidance: Christie's, January 21, 2011: $22,500

Plate 345 American Widgeon (Framed) Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 6,000 No Reserve


119 Plate 350 Rocky Mountain Plover Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $1,000 -2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,390

Plate 349 Least Water-hen Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve


121 Plate 342 Golden-Eye Duck / Common Goldeneye (Framed) Retail price: $48,000 Estimate: $20,000 - 22,000 Guidance:The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $26,290

122 Plate 351 Great Cinereous or Gray Owl (Framed) Retail price: $48,000 Estimate: $24,000 - 26,000 Guidance:The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $26,290 53


123 Plate 361 Long Tailed Grouse Retail price: $28,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 6,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,736

Plate 348 Gadwall Duck (Framed) Retail price: $22,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 8,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,170


126 Plate 372 Common Buzzard / Swainson's Hawk (Framed) Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 10,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,378

Plate 385 Bank Swallow;Violet-green Swallow Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve


127 Plate 365 Lapland Long-spur Retail price: $7,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $3,346

128 Plate 371 Cock of the Plains Retail price: $25,000 Estimate:$6,000 - 8,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $22,705


129 Plate 366 Iceland or Jer Falcon Retail price: $225,000 Estimate: $80,000 - 100,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $119,500


Plate 370 American Water Ouzel Retail price: $28,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 8,000



131 Plate 376 Trumpeter Swan (Framed) Retail price: $95,000 Estimate:$24,000 - 28,000 Guidance: Neal Auction Company, June 25, 2011: $41,825

132 Plate 381 Snow Goose (Framed) Retail price: $18,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 7,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,170 58

133 Plate 382 Sharp Tailed Grouse Retail price: $25,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 8,000 Guidance: Neal Auction Company, June 25, 2011: $15,535

134 Plate 386 White Heron (Framed) Retail price: $75,000 Estimate: $30,000 - 40,000 Guidance:The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $57,360 59

135 Plate 387 Glossy Ibis (Framed) Retail price: $65,000 Estimate: $15,000 - 20,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $33,460

136 Plate 397 Scarlet Ibis Framed Retail price: $65,000 Estimate:$25,000 - 30,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $35,850


137 Plate 390 Lark Finch / Prairie Finch / Brown Long Sparrow Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,868

138 Plate 391 Brant Goose Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve 61


Plate 401 Red - Breasted Merganser (Framed) Retail price: $45,000 Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000 Guidance: Sotheby's, January 16, 2002: $27,200


140 Plate 413 California Partridge / California Quail (Framed) Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 6,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,170

141 Plate 423 Plumed Partridge and Thick-legged Partridge Retail price: $9,500 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000



142 Plate 420 Prairie Starling Retail price: $5,800 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,390

Plate 435 Columbian Water Ouzel-/ Arctic Water Ouzel Retail price: $4,800 Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve

144 Plate430 Slender billed Guillemot Retail price: $5,500 Estimate:$1,000 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $2,390 64

145 Plate 418 I. American Ptarmigan; 2. White-tailed Grous /I. Rock Ptarmigan; 2. White-tailed Ptarmigan (Framed) Retail price: $24,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 6,000 No Reserve Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $7,768

146 Plate 429 Western Duck Retail price: $11,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 7,000 Guidance: The Magnificent Sachsen Meiningen Set, Christie's, June25, 2004: $5,975 65


Robert Havell, Jr. (1793--1878) Death of a Warrior: White Headed Eagle, Canvas Back Duck & Young (The Deaht of a Tyrant) Signed, dated 1871, numbered 78 and inscribed as titled in ink on the reverse (lower right); faintly inscribed in pencil The Death of a Tyrant on the reverse (lower left) Oil on canvas 36 1/8 by 50 inches Retail price: $250,000 Estimate: $150,000 - 200,000

The British-born artist, Robert Havell, Jr. is best known for his work on Audubon's Birds of America, where he was principal engraver, engraving 425 of the plates. Havell, however also produced paintings, many of which are neither signed nor dated. Those which are signed are inscribed on the back, as in the case for the present work. This dramatic work depicts a dramatic scene, as this bird of prey nears his death and two canvas back ducks protectively shield their young. This image is created in the same manner that Havell as Audubon's engravings, the combination of immense attention to detail and the depiction of the inherent naturalism of the creatures and setting. The scene is set before the Hudson River, which Havell was quite familiar with, having lived in various residences with views of the Hudson River throughout his lifetime. Literature: The Auk, A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology. Editor J.A. Allen. Associate Editor Frank M. Chapman. Volume XXV. Published by The American Ornithologists' Union. Cambridge, Mass. 1908. Page 407. "After coming to America, Havell devoted much time to painting in oils and a short time before his death gave an exhibition and sale at his home, of some seventy-five paintings representing landscapes, panorama views and ornithological subjects. The titles of some of these were 'Sun Set on the Hudson,' 'Life and Death of the Pines' (a forest scene in Canada; the old pines dead and the youngpines springing up amid their graves), 'Indians gathering Wild Rice,' panorama views of 'East River' and 'Niagara,' 'Hawk attacking Mallard Ducks,' 'Death of the Warrior' (White-headed Eagle dying, and aCanvasback Ducks trying to protect their young), 'Carolina Doves courting.' Not long since some of Havell's paintings were still in possession of his grandson, who also has the silver loving-cup which Audubon presented to his friend and engraver on the completion of the second volume. " 66

JOHN JAMES AUDUBON (1785-1851) Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

LOTS 148 - 214 Unable to attend the auction in NYC on May 11th? Feel free to contact Guernsey’s to arrange for absentee telephone bidding. You can also bid in “real time” on the Internet at or send in the Absentee Bid Form at the back of this catalog. Thank you.


Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

Plate 3 Townsend’s Rocky Mountain Hare Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: Sotheby’s, January 16, 2002: $3,900



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins 151


Plate 5 Richardson’s Columbia Squirrel Retail price: $6,000 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $790

Plate 8 Chipping Squirrel Retail price: $7,000 Estimate: $700 - 1,000 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $790

150 Plate 7 Carolina Grey Squirrel Retail price: $8,000 Estimate: $200 - 300 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $790


Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

152 Plate 6 American Cross Fox Retail price: $6,000 Estimate: $1,000 - 1,500 No Reserve Guidance: Important Estates Auction-4028 Magazine St. & 3923 Carondelet St.New Orleans, November, 2010, $1,845

153 Plate 9 Parry’s Marmot Squirrel Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $100 - 150 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $485

154 Plate 10 Common American Shrew Mole Retail price: $1,500 Estimate: $50 - 100 No Reserve Guidance: Skinner, November 16, 2008, $652 70

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins 157


Plate 17 Cat Squirrel Retail price: $4,000 Estimate: $500 - 800 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $790

Plate 14 Hudson Bay Squirrel Retail price: $6,000 Estimate: $1,000 - 1,500 No Reserve Guidance: Swann Galleries, December 8, 2011, $960

156 Plate 15 Oregon Flying Squirrel Retail price: $8,000 Estimate: $500 - 800 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $790 71

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

158 Plate 11 Northern Hare Summer Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: Guernsey’s, December 5, 2012: $2,928

159 Plate 12 Northern Hare Winter Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $800 - 1,200 No Reserve Guidance: Sotheby’s, New York, January 16, 2003: $1,200 72

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

Plate 16 Canada Lynx Retail price: $28,000 Estimate: $10,000 - 12,000 Guidance: Guernsey’s Auction House, 2011, $26,840



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins


Plate 23 The Black Rat Retail price: $5,000 Estimate: $300 - 400 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $345

Plate 20 Townsend’s Ground Squirrel Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $500 - 600 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $790


163 Plate 18 Marsh Hare Retail price: $7,500 Estimate: $600 - 800 No Reserve 74

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

Plate 21 Grey Fox Retail price: $48,000 Estimate: $18,000 - 22,000 Guidance: Christie’s, New York, January 18, 2001, $18,800



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

Plate 22 Grey Rabbit Retail price: $15,000 Estimate: $1,500 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: Neal Auction Company, February 12, 2011, $1,792.50



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

Plate 26 The Wolverine Retail price: $13,000 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve Guidance: Leslie Hindman, November 15, 2011, $2,318



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

Plate 31 Collared Peccary Retail price: $16,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: Sotheby’s, New York, January 23, 2009: $3,750



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins



Plate 19 Soft Haired Squirrel Retail price: $5,000 Estimate: $500 - 600 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $790

Plate 25 Downy Squirrel Retail price: $5,000 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $485

Plate 24 Four Stripped Ground Squirrel Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve Guidance: Heritage Auctions, October 14, 2010, $131.45

Plate 29 Rocky Mountain Neotoma Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve Guidance: Skinner, November 18, 2007, $499 79



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

172 Plate 32 Polar Hare Retail price: $13,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: Guernsey’s, September 8, 2012, $3,355

173 Plate 33 Mink Retail price: $16,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: Guernsey’s, December 5, 2012: $1,952 80

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins 176


Plate 34 Black Squirrel Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $1,000 - 1,500 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $187.50

Plate 35 Migratory Squirrel Retail price: $5,000 Estimate: $500 - 600 No Reserve Guidance: Neal Auction Company, Jun 25, 2011, $2,091

175 Plate 38 Red - Bellied Squirrel Retail price: $7,000 Estimate: $300 - 400 No Reserve Guidance: Neal Auction Company, Jun 25, 2011, $1,845


178 Plate 39 Leopard Spermophile Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $100 -200 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, March 10, 2000, $187.50

Plate 37 Swamp Hare Retail price: $7,500 Estimate: $1,500 - 2,000 No Reserve Guidance: Neal Auction Company, Jun 25, 2011, $2,074 81

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

179 Plate 36 Canada Porcupine Retail price: $14,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: Sotheby’s, June 19, 2009, $5313 82

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins 182


Plate 41 Pennants Marten Retail price: $6,000 Estimate: $200 - 300 No Reserve

Plate 40 White Footed Mouse Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve


Plate 43 Hare Squirrel Retail price: $6,000 Estimate: $400 - 600 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, 2011, Lot 93, $1,125


183 Plate 44 Canada Pouched Rat Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve Guidance: Neal Auction Companies, 2011, Lot 164, $657

Plate 45 Wilson’s Meadow Mouse Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve


Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

185 Plate 46 The American Beaver Retail price: $17,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 6,000

186 Plate 42 Common American Skunk Retail price: $3,000 Estimate: $1,000 - 1,500 No Reserve Guidance: Guernsey’s, December 5, 2012: $1,342


Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins



Plate 47 American Badger Retail price: $4,000 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve

Plate 48 Douglass Squirrel Retail price: $1,500 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve Guidance: Swann, 2003, Lot 246, $747

Plate 50 Richardson’s Spermophile Retail price: $400 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve

Plate 49 Douglasses Spermophile Retail price: $600 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve 85



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

191 Plate 51 Canada Otter Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve

192 Plate 53 Texan Skunk Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve 86

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins


Plate 60 Bridled Weasel Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $1,000 - 1,500 No Reserve Plate 65 Harvest Mouse Retail price: $3,000 Estimate: $1,500 - 2,000 No Reserve


Plate 72 White American Wolf Retail price: $5,000 Estimate: $1,000 - 1,500 No Reserve

Plate 77 Pronged Horned Antelope Retail price: $5,000 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve 87



Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

197 Plate 63 Black - Tailed Hare Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: Guernsey’s, December 5, 2012, $2,440

198 Plate 66 Virginian Opossum Retail price: $8,000 Estimate: $4,000 - 5,000 No Reserve Guidance: Sotheby’s, New York, January 14, 2001: $3,900 88

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins


199 Plate 83 Little Chief Hare Retail price: $400 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve Guidance: Neal Auction Companies, 2011, Lot 155, $1,845

Plate 104 Collies Squirrel Retail price: $2,500 Estimate: $400 - 500 No Reserve

201 Plate 122 Canada Otter Male Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve 89

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins


Plate 96 Cougar Male Retail price: $16,000 Estimate: $5,000 - 6,000 Guidance: Swann, 2010, Lot 146, $5,280


Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

203 Plate 82 Red Texan Wolf Retail price: $16,000 Estimate: $8,000 - 10,000 Guidance: Sotheby’s, New York, 2005: $9,375

204 Plate 91 Polar Bear Retail price: $18,000 Estimate: $7,000 - 8,000 Guidance: Christie’s, New York, January 20, 2005: $10,800 91

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins



Plate 123 Sewellel Retail price: $800 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve

Plate 125 American Marsh Shrew Retail price: $800 Estimate: $100 - 200 No Reserve

Plate 128 Rocky Mountain Goat Retail price: $6,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: Alderfer Auctions, 2004: $4,750 No Reserve


Plate 131 208 Grizzly Bear Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $6,000 - 7,000 Guidance: Christie’s, New York, January 18, 2001: $4,465


Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

209 Plate 132 Hare Indian Dog Retail price: $9,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: Christie’s, NY, January 20, 2005: $2,400

210 Plate 137 Sea Otter Retail price: $12,000 Estimate: $3,000 - 4,000 No Reserve Guidance: Neal Auction Company, 2011, $5,497 93

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins

211 Plate 138 Pine Marten Retail price: $5,000 Estimate: $2,000 - 3,000 No Reserve


213 Plate 143 Rocky Mountain Flying Squirrel Retail price: $1,000 Estimate: $400 - 500 No Reserve

Plate 149 Fremonts Squirrel Retail price: $4,500 Estimate: $400 - 500 No Reserve 94

Audubon’s Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America A Selection of Lithographs with original hand-color Imperial Folio; Published in Philadelphia between 1839 and 1844 by J.T. Bowen Originally issued in 30 parts, 5 plates per part In collaboration with his sons, Victor Gifford and John Woodhouse Audubon Each plate approximately 27 ¾" x 21 ½" with full margins


Plate 141 American Black Bear Retail price: $22,500 Estimate: $7,000 - 8,000 Guidance: Guernsey’s, December 5, 2012: $11,590


215 COOK, Capt. James (1728-1779). HAWKESWORTH, John (1715-1773). The Three Voyages of Captain James Cook. London: W. Strahan and G. Nicol. 1773 – 1784. Estimate: $7,000 - 10,000 Guidance: Sotheby's New York, June 17, 2011, lot 87, $13,750 9 volumes. 8 text volumes, and atlas volume. Uniformly bound in half modern tan calf cloth, gilt. [FIRST VOYAGE]: HAWKESWORTH, John. An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the Order of His Present Majesty for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, And successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, And Captain Cook, In the Dolphin, the Swallow, and the Endeavour. London: W. Strahan, 1773. 3 volumes 4to., (11 x 9 inches. 3 large engraved folding charts of the “South Sea” , New Zealand, and New South Wales (separations at folds, edges frayed), 19 folding charts, 19 folding views or coastal profiles, and 9 full-page charts, portraits or plates of artifacts. FIRST EDITION, with the directions for placing the cuts but without the Strait of Magellan chart (one full-page plate misbound with the second voyage). [SECOND VOYAGE]: COOK, Capt. James. A Voyage towards the South Pole, and round the World. Performed in His Majesty's Ships the Resolution and Adventure, in the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1775 ... In which is included, Captain Furneaux's Narrative of his Proceedings in the Adventure during the Separation of the Ships. London: W.Strahan and T.Cadell, 1784. 2 volumes, 4to (11 x 9 inches). Engraved portrait frontispiece, large folding chart of the Southern Hemisphere and 5 folding charts, 27 folding views, and 30 full-page plates (including one from the first voyage, one letterpress table. Fourth edition. [THIRD VOYAGE]: COOK, James and James KING (1750-1784). A Voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere. To determine The Position and Extent of the West Side of North America; its Distance from Asia; and the Practicability of a Northern Passage to Europe. London: G. Nicol, 1784. Atlas volume folio (21 4/8 x 6 inches): double-page chart of the “S.W. Coast of America and N.E. Coast of Asia” and 61 full-page plates of views, artifacts and portraits, with a later issue of the “Death of Cook” plate tipped in (lacking the large engraved folding double-page chart “A General Chart of the Discoveries made by Capt.n. James Cook”); 3 text volumes, with 10 folding engraved charts, 2 folding views, and 6 full-page plates. FIRST EDITION. "The date of Captain James Cook's exploration of the eastern coast marks the beginning of a new era in the history of Australia” (Jenks). “In three great voyages Cook did more to clarify the geographical knowledge of the southern hemisphere than all his predecessors together had done. He was the first really scientific navigator, and his voyages made great contributions to many fields of knowledge" (Hill). Cook conducted his three voyages between the years of 1768 and 1779. During his expeditions, the British naval officer traversed the South Pacific three times, twice braving into the Antarctic Circle. He was the first European to make contact with the Eastern coast of Australia: "The date of Captain James Cook's exploration of the eastern coast marks the beginning of a new era in the history of Australia. Cook took possession of the country for Great Britain. From the resemblance of its coasts to the southern shores of Wales, he called it New South Wales" (Jenks). Cook also ventured across the North Pacific and into the Arctic Sea, by way of the Bering Strait, in hopes of locating the ever elusive Northwest Passage. From there Cook made his way to the present-day Hawaiian Islands, he was the first European to step foot there, but he and four of his officers ultimately met a grisly fate at the hands of local inhabitants. Though Cook never made it home to England, he nevertheless achieved a great deal during his voyages. Cook’s expeditions allowed for the creation of the first accurate nautical charts of the Pacific Ocean, which were based on thousands of astronomical sightings, and marine chronometers, used to determine longitude, were also used extensively for the first time. Hill 783, 358, 361; Edward Jenks “The Great Events Vol. XVII p.238; Holmes 5, 24, 47; Mitchell Library Cook 648, 1229, 1552; Sabin 30934, 16245; 16250. Cataloged by Kate Hunter Rare Book Department 96


Albert Einstein Commenting on Rising Anti- Semitism in Vienna Typed letter signed A. Einstein to the Secretariat of the Kulturbund (Cultural Federation), Vienna, one page in German, Caputh/Potsdam, June 27, 1931 Estimate: $10,000 - 15,000 Provenance: From the collection of Larry Gerahain


217 Signed Presidential Document Estimate: $1,000 - 2,000 Provenance: From the collection of Larry Gerahain


A SELECTION OF WATERCOLORS BY PIERRE-JOSEPH REDOUTÉ (1759-1840) THE ‘RAPHAEL’ OF FRENCH FLOWER PAINTING LOTS 218 - 230 Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759-1840) is unquestionably the best-known botanical illustrator of any era. His work seems to demand the invention of lofty praise. Described both as the "Rembrandt" and the "Raphael" of Flowers by 19th-century writers, Redouté occupies a central position in the development of European botanical art. The decorative appeal of his original engravings has led to their modern reproduction, which in turn has popularized Redouté's work in a way unique among botanical artists. Yet no reproduction can capture the great and subtle beauty of his original watercolors, nor can any introductory paragraph fully describe his many achievements. Born into a family of artists in the Belgian Ardennes, Redouté's talents were recognized and encouraged from an early age. He studied botany with the noted naturalist Heritier de Brutelle, and learned the technique of painting in watercolor on vellum from Gerard van Spaendonck, Flower Painter to the King. By this master painter's own account, his pupil's work was finer than his own. Redouté created his watercolors by drawing on the natural inspiration that he found in the lavish gardens of the Empress Josephine at Malmaison, and his elegant bouquets are the most splendid demonstrations of his remarkable rendering skill. The fine lines and delicate coloration combine to create exceptionally tender and sensuous works. Though largely renowned for his accurate botanical illustrations, in this original work Redouté transcends the needs of scientific depiction, manipulating form and tone to convey the ephemeral beauty of these exquisite flowers. His delicate and richly colored watercolors have a clarity of line and modulation of tone that the artist’s printed work could not match. Only in his watercolors is the full extent of Redouté's mastery and sensitivity clear, as the regal simplicity of the compositions allows the viewer to focus without distraction on the beauty and delicate complexity of the plants themselves. Redouté had, as pupils or patrons, five queens and empresses of France, from Marie Antoinette to Josephine's successor, the Empress Marie-Louise. Despite many changes of regime in this turbulent epoch, he worked without interruption, eventually contributing to over fifty books on natural history and archeology. Redouté's work embodies a uniquely harmonious blend of scientific precision and supremely delicate rendering.

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24: Hoop Petticoat Narcissus Narcissus bulbocodium Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $175,000 Estimate: $40,000 - 50,000


59: Revolute Cape Squill Lachenalia lanceaefolia Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $125,000 Estimate: $50,000 - 60,000



74: Bracteose Pitcairnea Piticarnia latiforlia (detail) Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $135,000 Estimate: $40,000 - 50,000


84: Bilobed Epidendrum Epidendrum bifidum Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $95,000 Estimate: $30,000 - 40,000



90: Stiff leaved Baboon Potato Narcissus Candidisima Vellum size: 18 x 13 inches Retail price: $120,000 Estimate: $60,000 - 70,000


168: Oyster Plant Tradescantia discolor Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $175,000 Estimate: $60,000 - 70,000



247: Redroot Heritiera tinctorum Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $125,000 Estimate: $30,000 - 40,000


278: Adam's Needle Yucca filamentosa (detail) Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $125,000 Estimate: $20,000 - 30,000


226 459: Intermediate Dafodil Narcissus radiatus Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Retail price: $175,000 Estimate: $70,000 - 80,000



329: Yucca-leaved Agave Agave yuccaefolia (detail) Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Signed lower left: P. J. Redoute Retail price: $135,000 Estimate: $40,000 - 50,000


454: Fairlily / Atamascolily Amaryllis atamasco Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Retail price: $135,000 Estimate: $25,000 - 30,000



471: Small-flowered Vagabondlily Pancratium parviflorum Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Retail price: $135,000 Estimate: $50,000 - 60,000


486: Hoop Petticoat Narcissus Narcissus tenuifolius Vellum size: 14 1/4 x 18 3/4 inches Retail price: $55,000 Estimate: $30,000 - 40,000


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