Arbella Insurance Foundation 2022 Annual Report

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Letter From Beverly Tangvik

There will always be a great need for kindness in our communities. As the economy struggled in 2022 New England residents were hit hard by growing food insecurity, homelessness, and social and racial injustice. I was deeply inspired by the compassion and generosity of Arbella Insurance Group employees and independent agents, and the Foundation’s nonprofit partners who worked together to address these issues head on.

Our Values Drive Our Giving

The Foundation distributed $3.6 million to 623 charitable organizations last year. Together with Arbella employees and agents, the Foundation’s “Let’s Drive Out Hunger” campaign raised more than $170,000 to address food insecurity in the region. The Foundation’s Social Justice Initiative donated more than $1 million in grants to 41 organizations working to solve inequities in our communities. And, we continued to support numerous other new and longstanding charitable partners in the fields of health, housing, education, and more.

Reflecting on a Career

As many of you know, I retired from my position as President of the Arbella Insurance Foundation effective March 31, 2023. Since first launching the Foundation in 2005 with Arbella’s Chairman and CEO John Donohue, I have felt incredibly grateful to work with hundreds of organizations striving to make a significant, positive impact on their communities. I have had the opportunity to meet wonderful people through this work. Because of Arbella’s employees, independent agents, and charitable partners, I loved coming to work every day.

To our agents and employees: You have been so vital to the positive impact made by the Foundation. You have embraced all the programs and opportunities for giving with strong community spirit. Thank you for always rising to the occasion. Whether you were joining each other for a charity walk, donating to nonprofits that were meaningful to you, or identifying local organizations in need of assistance, you made a difference. Many of you have told me your community involvement through the Foundation has changed your lives. I know you will embrace the many opportunities to partner with the Foundation in the future.

To our charitable partners: Your commitment, compassion, and genuine caring for others humbled me and inspired me. Thank you for inspiring us all with your tireless commitment to those you serve. Your kindness, creative problem solving, and hard work enhance the lives of so many people every day. You never fail to treat people with dignity, and welcome all those who need help. You are setting a shining example and leading the way to more vibrant communities. Thank you for making us all better.

To John Donohue and Frank Bellotti: Thank you for your leadership and the guidance you gave me for 40 years. From the beginning, your vision to build a company that cares for its employees, agents, customers, and communities was the inspiration for the Foundation. Establishing and developing this organization reflects your genuine desire to help others. It has been an honor to work with you.

Robin Jones, our new Executive Director, has already begun to demonstrate her deep commitment to the Foundation’s mission. She is an accomplished and talented leader, and I look forward to seeing all she achieves in the future.

It has been a blessing and a privilege to be part of this organization. Thank you to everyone who has played a role in making the Foundation what it is today.

With gratitude,


Letter From John Donohue Change

and transitions are happening everywhere. In 2022, as our nonprofit partners expertly responded to the changing needs of our communities, the Arbella Insurance Foundation prepared for a major change of its own. Beverly Tangvik is passing the torch to a new generation of Foundation stewardship. Thanks to Bev’s leadership and compassion, the Foundation has given more than $40.2 million to address many of the complex challenges faced by our communities. Bev paved the way for the Foundation’s continued success, and her impact on the Foundation and the communities it serves cannot be understated.

I will always be grateful to her.

While we will miss Beverly, we are thrilled to welcome aboard Robin Jones as the Foundation’s new Executive Director. Robin is excited to continue the legacy of Bev’s work to make our communities better for everyone.

It is clear that the need in all the areas we support has never been greater. As we look ahead, we expect that the challenging economy will increase these needs. The Foundation has built productive relationships with incredible organizations. These organizations make positive impacts on thousands of lives every day through solution-driven programs such as food rescues, community gardens, culturally appropriate pantry offerings, medically tailored meal kits, and more.

Despite growing challenges, and because of them, the Arbella Insurance Foundation is grateful to all those who continue to collaborate and innovate with us. We will continue to be here to support you.


We are thrilled to welcome aboard Robin Jones as Executive Director of the Arbella Insurance Foundation.

Since 2005, the Foundation has given more than $40.2 million to address many of the complex challenges faced by our communities.


Working Together for Good | Arbella Insurance Group Employees

“Giving back is part of our DNA. Helping people is part of what it means to work in Claims. Every year, the Claim leaders and I take a day to volunteer at a food organization, and it’s always eye-opening. We all leave feeling grateful that Arbella allows us the time to volunteer, and grateful for all the things that we have personally.”

“I am proud of the leadership, hard work, and passion that Arbella demonstrates in support of our community. I had the opportunity to participate in last year’s ‘Sweat & Sip Challenge’ and was so impressed with how Beth and Gina (our instructors from Special Olympics MA) explained the importance of the organization and how we can help. It was an exceptional class.”

For Arbella Insurance Group employees, 2022 was a year of being together again.

Many sought in-person volunteer activities as they adapted to their new hybrid work environments. More than 260 employees supported 13 charities through 21 volunteer events during their workdays. These events included packing and preparing meals, serving lunches, creating a flag garden on the Boston Common, and writing letters of support for Mass Military Heroes. Hardworking volunteers helped clean the grounds of the South Shore YMCA Germantown Center’s garden, the turtle pond at the New England Wildlife Center, and the Greater Boston YMCA’s summer camp area.

In May, 32 employees participated in an in-house Sweat & Sip workout class in support of Special Olympics Massachusetts. The class, led by Special Olympics Athlete Beth Donahue and her mother Gina, raised $8,000 for SOMA. In October, Arbella employees participated in another successful Pink Day fundraiser, donating a combined $42,576 between employee donations and the Foundation’s match to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Beyond their typical work hours, more than 125 employees supported 39 charitable organizations through walks, runs, and cycling events—earning $43,650 from the Foundation in support of their efforts. These events included the Interfaith Social Services’ Stop the Stigma walk, School on Wheels’ Run, Walk, and Wag event, the American Parkinson Disease Association’s Optimism Walk, and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of Darkness walk. Participation in the Foundation’s donation matching programs remained high, resulting in $64,060 donated to various causes and organizations.

Engaging in activities that have a positive impact on the people and organizations in our communities is one of Arbella’s core values. We are grateful to those who live this value every day.

Beyond their typical work hours, more than 125 employees supported 39 charitable organizations through walks, runs, and cycling events earning $43,650 from the Foundation in support of their efforts.

In 2022, employees, agents, and the Foundation worked together to give more than $760,000 to food programs, social services, health and wellness providers, cultural organizations, educators, and more.
Here. For Good.

Here. For Good.

Eyes and Ears on the Ground | Arbella Insurance Group Agents

“Anytime I talk about our company, the conversation always goes back to our Journey document and specifically, our core values. These are the guiding principles that define who we are, and citizenship is one I brag about the most. Engaging in activities that have a positive impact in our communities is something I am very proud of. We get to pause and put business aside so we can focus on making a positive difference in people’s lives by giving back.”

“The Arbella Insurance Foundation is a wonderful partner. Bev has always taken the time to get to know not just the missions of the organizations we’re helping, but the people behind them, too. It’s not just a corporate function happening behind the scenes – there’s a true sense of involvement.”

Arbella’s independent agents are deeply knowledgeable about, involved in, and committed to their communities. They often identify charitable organizations that the Foundation may not have otherwise known about, resulting in long-lasting partnerships that make our communities better. This year, these referrals resulted in donations to 17 charities throughout New England, including Old Colony YMCA, Girls Inc. Taunton, Berkshire Theatre Group, and Friends in Service to Humanity (FISH) of Northwestern CT.

Together with the Foundation, Arbella Insurance Group independent agents donated more than $571,040 to their communities in 2022.

When we partner to give, the difference we make grows exponentially. Through the Foundation’s Agent Matching Gift program, Arbella agents and the Foundation donated more than $348,000 to 125 different charities. During the Foundation’s “Let’s Drive Out Hunger” program, 76 agents and the Foundation donated more than $142,770 to 91 food pantries in 2022. Then, when tragedy struck in Ukraine, agents gave $31,180 in support of relief efforts through a Foundation matching gift program.

Arbella agents tell us that these programs helped them create a culture of giving within their organizations and their communities.

The Bearingstar Insurance Charitable Fund, a division of the Arbella Insurance Foundation, donated $103,850 to a variety of organizations, including People Helping People, Center for Human Development, Good Sports, Hartford Communities That Care, Special Olympics CT, and West Hartford Pride. Bearingstar employees walked together for important causes such as the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Out of Darkness Walk, American Parkinson Disease Association Optimism Walk, and the Walk to Defeat ALS.

We are grateful to all the independent agents who utilized Foundation programs to help take care of their communities in 2022.

Together with the Foundation, Arbella Insurance Group independent agents donated more than $571,040 to their communities in 2022.


Here. For Good.

Ideas to Action | Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice

“So many people, especially BIPOC patients, miss out on breast cancer treatment due to income, language, cultural, and other access barriers. The Foundation’s support of Ellie Fund has helped us expand our community presence, and fund our multilingual materials and interpreter services for patients. I can honestly say this work wouldn’t have happened without Arbella.”

The Arbella Insurance Foundation has long supported justice and equity through our charitable partners. In 2022, we focused on actionable, solutions-focused projects to make our communities more fair for all people.

Last year was the second year of the Arbella Social Justice Initiative—a fund of $5 million to be distributed over five years for organizations addressing social and racial injustices, specifically around equitable access to housing, education, and employment. In 2022, the fund was responsible for more than $1,080,750 in donations to 41 organizations. Grants supported projects such as:

Health Law Advocates: Many systemic health care barriers such as access to mental health care for children, health care access for immigrants, and medical debt disproportionately impact people of color. The Foundation’s grant supports HLA’s work to advance racial justice and equity in these areas and more.

The Village for Families and Children Financial Opportunity Center: The Foundation’s grant supports the Village’s Financial Opportunity Center in its efforts to help Connecticut families become financially stable, healthy, and resilient through education, income support, job readiness support, and more.

Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology (now Franklin Cummings Tech): Through marketing and outreach assistance, the Foundation is helping FC Tech empower young people of color, many who have not had access to post-secondary education, in their goals of securing well-paying careers in the trades and growth industries.

Ellie Fund: The Foundation provided a grant in support of Ellie Fund’s Equitable Pathways to Breast Cancer Initiative, providing services including child care, transportation to treatment, meal prep help, and more to marginalized women and their families struggling disproportionately from breast cancer.

Catie’s Closet: Catie’s Closet continues to provide low-income students with access to basic needs, thereby helping to mitigate chronic absenteeism and disrupt cycles of poverty. The Foundation’s funding helped Catie’s Closet open a new In-School Closet in Lawrence, MA, where students can discreetly “shop” for new clothes and other necessities.

Rachel’s Table: The Foundation’s funding helped Rachel’s Table expand its food rescue programs and community gardens in Western Massachusetts, both of which are unique solutions to hunger and food insecurity. And 35 more.

In 2022, the Arbella Social Justice Initiative was responsible for more than $1,080,750 in donations to 41 organizations.


Helping Our Global Neighbors | Beyond Our Borders

“Our employees have friends and family all over the world. Being able to help and impact communities beyond New England, to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, is huge. It shows that Arbella really wants to help, whether that’s at a local food pantry, or for humanitarian relief in Ukraine.”

TheArbella Insurance Foundation is proud to support the communities in which we live and do business. We also believe that it is our responsibility to help those in need of critical disaster relief wherever they may live.

In February, the people of Ukraine were attacked by Russia, and devastatingly, the senseless war continues to this day. The Foundation provided $25,000 each to the American Red Cross and UNICEF in support of their humanitarian relief efforts. A matching gift program offered to Arbella Insurance Group employees resulted in an additional amount of $53,180 sent to these organizations, and agents helped give an additional $31,180. As winter fell, the Foundation gave another $25,000 each to those same organizations, and conducted another successful employee donation match.

Hurricane Ian brought widespread devastation to Florida in September, and again the Foundation donated $25,000 to the American Red Cross for disaster relief. Arbella employees responded in kind through a special matching gift program to help the citizens of Florida.

The Foundation provided $25,000 each to the American Red Cross and UNICEF in support of humanitarian relief efforts for the people of Ukraine.


Our Established and Emerging Charitable Partners

“We are grateful for community partners like Arbella Insurance Foundation that understand our mission and share our belief that access to nutritious food is a fundamental right. The financial, volunteer, and marketing support we’ve received from the Foundation has helped our team cope with record demand for meals, and directly impacts our ability to serve thousands of people across Massachusetts each year who are experiencing the dual challenges of critical and chronic illness and nutrition insecurity.”

“Our mission, to support and equip veterans experiencing homelessness with a pathway to permanent housing, has been enhanced by the advocacy, altruism, and generosity of the Arbella Insurance Foundation. Those served by the New England Center and Home for Veterans benefit from the support through clinical case management, senior veteran services, housing placement and overall support for at-risk veterans.”

The Arbella Insurance Foundation was proud to continue supporting causes that enhance the lives of people in New England’s communities. The organizations that partner with the Foundation work tirelessly every day to make real impacts. Read more about a sampling of our charitable partners below.

Food Insecurity

Rising food prices exacerbated food insecurity in 2022. Approximately 21% of households with children in Massachusetts are facing food insecurity. The Foundation renewed its commitment in this area through continuing long-term programs and launching new partnerships. Our “Let’s Drive Out Hunger” program encourages Arbella Insurance agents and employees to support their local food pantries with a matched donation from the Foundation. This program, which completed its milestone 15th year in 2022, has resulted in $1,848,238 to hundreds of food programs and pantries since its inception.

Additionally, the Arbella Insurance Foundation has given grants to many organizations proactively finding creative solutions to hunger and food insecurity. Examples include food rescue operations through Lovin’ Spoonfuls, teaching people how to build community gardens through Rachel’s Table, providing culturally appropriate food at food pantries through Interfaith Social Services, and providing nutrition guidance, ready-tomake fresh meals, and medically tailored meal kits through Northampton Survival Center and Community Servings.

Arbella Insurance Group employees got involved through hands-on volunteer efforts, such as serving meals at Women’s Lunch Place, making brown bag lunches for Father Bill’s and MainSpring’s guests, assembling medically tailored meals at Community Servings, and helping Interfaith Social Services support their food pantry clients.


Homelessness continues to impact our communities. Arbella stepped up in support of organizations like St. Francis House, which takes a holistic approach to helping those it serves. There,

Our “Let’s Drive Out Hunger” program donated $1,848,238 to hundreds of food pantries in the 15 years it has existed.


Our Established and Emerging Charitable Partners continued

“Every year it becomes harder to secure resources, but the Arbella Insurance Foundation ensures that our programming remains steady. We provide young people opportunities to participate in Afro-Latin arts, make sure they stay in school, and help them plan for their futures. We help them become civil leaders with a voice. At a time that’s more difficult than usual for many, your support makes a difference.”

“I can’t say enough about the Arbella Insurance Foundation. Without their support, we would not have been able to reach as many underserved schools with impactful, engaging STEM education programs. We teach kids about the challenges facing our world and what they can do about them. We’re so grateful to Frank, John, Bev, and the Arbella volunteers for partnering with us to help children on the South Shore.”

people facing homelessness can access meals, clothing, medical care, and other basic needs in addition to housing. Rosie’s Place takes a similar approach, serving poor and homeless women through basic needs support, ESOL classes, legal assistance, and more. Arbella is proud to support these efforts.

The Foundation is proud to support the work of organizations such as the New England Center and Home for Veterans and Homes For Our Troops as well. These organizations provide housing support and other services for veterans either facing or at risk of homelessness.

Youth and Families

Supporting youth and families today ensures that our communities are more inclusive, healthy, and vibrant for years to come. The Foundation continued its longstanding support of the Hyde Square Task Force, an organization on a mission to connect Boston youth with their Afro-Latin heritages and create a more equitable community. Hyde Square Task Force’s programs connect students with a variety of arts, encouragement and mentorship to stay in school, and resources to make actionable plans for future achievements.

The Foundation supported Quincy Asian Resources, an organization serving immigrants and Asian populations in the Quincy, MA area. Quincy Asian Resources provides workforce development, adult education programs, youth development, and cultural events to its constituents, helping foster a more inclusive and diverse Quincy community.

The Foundation continued its support of many local YMCAs and Boys & Girls Clubs. These organizations are at the heart of so many communities and offer critical programs and services to youth, families, and individuals.

Education and Culture

The Foundation is committed to helping students access the materials and mentorship they need to soar. Through the Boston Celtics All Star Program, the Foundation helped encourage perfect attendance and a positive school culture in Quincy middle schools. Students who met attendance goals and participated in an art and writing contest were given the opportunity to hear powerful messages about education and kindness from members of the Celtics team.

The New England Wildlife Center offers a variety of unique and

Supporting youth and families today ensures that our communities are more inclusive, healthy, and vibrant for years to come.


Our Established and Emerging Charitable Partners continued

“The Arbella Insurance Foundation has been a steady and strong supporter of Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, helping us expand service for our homeless patients and grow our physician residency program. Their support enabled us to administer over 85,000 COVID tests and 120,000 COVID vaccinations during 2020-2021. They have helped us provide quality healthcare to underserved populations. GLFHC is honored to present the Arbella Insurance Foundation with the 2023 Making a Difference Award.”

important STEM programs to local students. Through hands-on learning and opportunities to explore their curiosities, students gain the knowledge and inspiration they need to solve tomorrow’s challenges, such as climate-related issues and ecological conservation. The Foundation helped them reach more students and sent volunteers to help with their on-site operations. School on Wheels combats homelessness one child at a time through volunteer mentorship programs, school supplies, and college assistance. Specially trained volunteers work with children facing homelessness to help them overcome various challenges and focus on their educations. The organization also equips homeless students with the books, supplies, and tuition money necessary to finish their schooling.

Health and Wellness

The Arbella Insurance Foundation is happy to support a variety of organizations working to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for every person. Organizations such as the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center offer medical care to many who would otherwise have difficulty accessing it. The Foundation helped the GLFHC expand its reach to homeless patients. Cape Abilities serves people with disabilities on Cape Cod through residential, therapeutic, social, educational, and employment support. The Foundation also supported Boston MedFlight, an emergency air transport operation for patients in need of critical care across New England.

The Arbella Insurance Foundation is grateful to all our charitable partners who make a significant, positive difference in the lives of so many people every day. We continue to be in awe of the work you do and are inspired by your courage, passion, and kindness.

The Arbella Insurance Foundation is proud to support you and the critical work you do.

The Foundation is happy to support a variety of organizations working to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for every person.


Thank you, Bev

“Bev has set the gold standard of what a true funder-nonprofit relationship should be. Her genuine connection to her partners and ability to understand and respond to each organization’s needs – large or small – is unmatched. She’s been a gift to the nonprofit community.”

Since 2005, Beverly Tangvik has led the Arbella Insurance Foundation in donating $40.2 million to hundreds of charities throughout New England. Beverly’s tireless efforts and gracious, compassionate leadership have changed the lives of so many. It is because of her true commitment to making our world a better place that the Foundation is what it is today. Thank you, Bev. We wish you all the best in your retirement.

“Bev has always had an enormous heart and it was beyond a privilege to work with her for well over a decade on making our community a better place. We promise to build on the foundation that Bev laid, but admittedly, it simply won’t be the same without her! ...We will miss you, Bev.”

“Bev has always led with warmth, passion, and a big smile. Her dedication to our Greater Boston community is something to really admire. I have had the absolute pleasure of working with Bev since June 2017 – she embraced me into the Arbella family right away. Her love for the Red Sox and the Jimmy Fund is infectious ...You truly are a champion in our fight against cancer.”

Catie Reilly, Father Bill’s & MainSpring Dave Hoffman, Boston Celtics Briana Lynch-Haddad, Jimmy Fund Radio-Telethon




• Family Pantry Corp

• Family Promise Metrowest

• Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc.

• Father Bill’s & MainSpring

• Fidelity Charitable Fund

• First Descents

• First Parish

Newbury Food Pantry

• First Step Inn

• FISH of Northwestern CT

• Flaherty Elementary School

• Focus on the Family • Food Bank of Western MA

• Food for Others

• Foundation for Metrowest • Foundation to Advance Catholic Education

• Framingham High School Gridiron Club

• Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund

• Franklin & Bellingham Rail Trail Committee

• Franklin County Community Meals Program • Franklin Elementary School • Franklin Food Pantry

• Fraternal Order of the Umbrella

• Friends of Wompatuck State Park

Greater Boston • Golf Fights Cancer • Good Hope, Inc.

• Friends of Animal Services

• Friends of Assisi Food Pantry

• Friendship Home • Gardens for Charlestown • Ginny’s Helping Hand • Girls Inc. of Taunton • Girls on the Run Chicago • Girls on the Run

• Friends of Children • Friends of Marshfield Hockey • Friends of the Commonwealth Museum

• Good Shepherd • Good Sports, Inc.

• Gordon W. Mitchell School

• Grafton Food Bank

• Greater Boston Food Bank • Greater Boston Legal Services

• Greater Boston YMCA • Greater Fall River Community Food Pantry

• Greater Good

• Greater Lawrence Family Health Center

• Greater Westfield Emergency Food Pantry • Gregg’s Giving Tree • GrowHope Foundation

• Haggerty School

• Haiti 180

• Hampshire Regional YMCA

• Hands On Hartford

• Hanover Food Pantry


• Hanson Food Pantry

• Hartford Bishops’ Foundation

• Hartford Communities That Care, Inc.

• Hartford Firefighters Association

• Harvard Varsity Club

• Healing Abuse Working for Change

• Health Law Advocates

• Hebron Food Pantry • Henri A. Yelle Elementary PTO

• Heritage Museum & Gardens

• Hillsdale College

• Hingham High School Rowing Association

• Hingham Interfaith Food Pantry

• Homes For Our Troops

• Hope Floats Healing and Wellness Center • HopeHealth Hospice & Palliative Care

• Hope Lives

• HopeWell Inc.

• Horizons • Hospice of the South Shore

• House of the Seven Gables

• Hudson Community Food Pantry

• Hugs from Friends

• Hummingbird Music and Art

• Hyde Square Task Force

• I Found Light Against All Odds

• Immaculate Conception Parish School

• Impact Melanoma

• Innovation for Network Communities

• Institute for Shipboard Education

• Insurance Library

• Interfaith Social Services

• Israel Lacrosse Association

• Jack’s Tomorrow

• Jewish Family Services of Metrowest

• Journey Found

• Jubilee Food Cupboard

• Kids of Summer Foundation

• Kimball Jenkins Inc.


• Jacob’s Pillow

• James L. Maher Center

• Jane Doe No More


• Jeff Coombs Memorial

• Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action

• Jewish Home for the Elderly of Fairfield County

• Junior Achievement of RI

• Justin’s Voice

• Kingston Foundation for Education

• Kacie Project

• JFS of Metrowest

• Joe Andruzzi Foundation

• Kate McCarthy Memorial Fund

• Lakes Region Humane Society

• Kellsie’s Hope Foundation

• Laliberte Parents Organization

• Kids’ Chance of Massachusetts

• Johnson and Wales University • Journey Forward

• Lambert-Lavoie Elementary

• LASA Foundation

• Lawrence Boys & Girls Club

• Lawrence CommunityWorks, Inc.

• Lenny Zakim Fund

• Leominster Recreation Department

• Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

• Liberty Baptist Church

• Lifesavers: Skylyr’s Passion Rescue

• Link to Libraries

• Lovin’ Spoonfuls

• Literacy Link - Leamos• Local Journalism Project

• Lowell General Hospital

• Lowell House


• Logan Murphy Mengold Foundation

• Mabel Center for Immigrant Justice

• Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen

• Louis D. Brown Peace Institute

• Madaro Family Community Fund

• Make-A-Wish MA and RI

• Make-A-Wish NH

• Louise A. Conley School

• Make-A-Wish CT

• Making Ends Meet Foundation

• Malden Catholic High School

• Malden Overcoming Addiction

• Manet Community Health Center

• Marblehead Food Pantry

• Maria Droste Counseling Services

• Marine Toys for Tots

• Marisa’s Mission Inc.

• Marshfield Education Foundation

• Marshfield High School Athletic Boosters

• Martha’s Pantry at Grace Church

• Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center

• Martin W. Richard Charitable Foundation

• MassBay Community College

• MassBike Coalition

• Massachusetts Early Intervention Consortium

• Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance

• Massachusetts Association of CDCs

• Massachusetts General Hospital

• Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus

• Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund


• Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

• Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation

• Matias Rosado Foundation

• Matt Brown Foundation

• McCall Center

Francis X. Bellotti

Thomas S. Carpenter

Anne M. DeFrancesco

John F. Donohue

William H. DuMouchel

Andrea W. Gargiulo

David W. Hattman

Elizabeth K. Kim

Thomas R. Kiley

Joseph G. Murphy

Brian J. O’Dwyer

Jeannette M. Orsino

Kristen Robinson – Program Support Coordinator

Diane Brooks – Administrator

ARBELLA INSURANCE FOUNDATION 1100 CROWN COLONY DRIVE, QUINCY, MA 02169 | ARBELLA.COM • 617 Rocks Foundation, Inc. • A Place to Turn • A Shot for Life, Inc. • Abington St. Vincent de Paul • Acord Food Pantry • Adam G Salhaney Foundation • Adam’s House • Adelbrook • Adult & Teen Challenge New England and New Jersey • Albanians Fighting Cancer USA • Alex Fisher Foundation • ALS One • Alzheimer’s Association • Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts • American Cancer Society • American Cancer Society CT • American Family Association • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention • American Heart Association • American International College • American Lung Association • American Parkinson Disease Association • American Red Cross of Massachusetts • Amesbury Carriage Museum • Amherst Ballet • Amy’s Angels • Anchor to Windward • Animal Protection Center of Southeastern Massachusetts • Animal Rescue League of Boston • Appalachian Mountain Club • Applied Behavioral Rehab/Homes for the Brave • Arc of the South Shore • Archbishop Williams High School • Argosy Collegiate Charter School • Arizona Beagle Rescue • Arlington Catholic High School • Ashland High School • Asian American Civic Association • ASPCA • Assumption University Baseball • Autism Speaks • Basis Charter School • Beat Childhood Cancer Foundation • Behavioral Health Network • Belchertown Animal Relief Committee • Belchertown Firefighters Association • Belmont Hill School • Bendeshe’s Village, Inc. • Benjamin Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology • Ben’s Lighthouse • Bentley University • Berkshire International Film Festival • Berkshire Theatre Group • Best Buddies • Beverly Bootstraps • Birthday Wishes • Blackstone Valley Boys & Girls Club • Blessed Backpack Brigade • Blessed Stephen Bellesini, O.S.A. Academy • Boston Athletic Association • Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation • Boston Children’s Hospital • Boston College • Boston College High School • Boston Landmarks Orchestra • Boston Latin Academy • Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk • Boston Medical Center • Boston Public Library Foundation • Boston Symphony Orchestra • Bourne Friends Food Pantry • Boys & Girls Club of Cape Cod • Boys & Girls Club of Dorchester • Boys & Girls Club of Greater New Bedford • Boys & Girls Club of Lowell • Boys & Girls Club of Salem • Boys & Girls Club of Worcester • Braintree Community Food Pantry • Bread & Roses • Bread of Life • Bridge Over Troubled Waters • Brookline Arts Center • Buddy’s Rescue • Burlington Breakfast Rotary Club • Camp Kita • Can’d Aid • Canton Area Helpline/Canton Food Pantry • Canton Youth Hockey • Cape Abilities • Cape Cod Bay Challenge, Inc. • Cape Cod Children’s Place • Cape Cod Symphony • Cardinal Spellman High School • Carin MacLean Foundation • Carolyn’s Place • Catie’s Closet • C.A.T.S. Northeast • Center for Human Development • Central New York SPCA • Centre Street Food Pantry • Challenge Unlimited: Ironstone Farm • Chapman Middle School • Charity Guild • Charlestown Cooperative Nursery School • Cheverus Catholic School • ChildFund • Children’s Cancer Research Fund • Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals • Children’s Room • Chris Collins Foundation, Inc. • Christ the King Food Pantry • Christmas Wish CT • Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech • Coco’s House Senior Sanctuary and Rescue • College of the Holy Cross • Communities for People • Community Art Center • Community Autism Resources Inc. • Community Giving Tree • Community Health Center of Cape Cod • Community Kitchen of Torrington • Community Music Center of Boston • Community Servings • ConfiKids, Inc. • Connecticut Children’s Medical Center Foundation • Connecticut Foodshare • Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants • Connor’s Kindness Project • Cooperative for Assistance & Relief Everywhere Inc. • Cranberry Baseball League • CrossPoint Ministries - Thanksgiving • Cupboard of Kindness • Currier Museum of Art • Cystic Fibrosis Foundation • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute • Daniel Webster School PTO • Daniel’s Table • Darien Community Association • David J Cobb Foundation • David Ortiz Children’s Fund • Dawe School PTO • Daybreak Shelter • Dempsey Center • Dighton PTO • Dignity Matters • Flutie Foundation for Autism • Down Syndrome Association of CT • Easterseals • Easterseals Massachusetts • Easton Food Pantry • Ecumenical Community Food Pantry of Norwood • Ecumenical Food Bank • Edison K-8 • Education
Learning Collaborative • Ellie Fund • Emmaus House • Enfield High School Safe Grad 2023 • English High School Association • Entertainment Industry Foundation •
• Epilepsy Foundation of New England • Espirito Santo Church • Espirito Santo Parochial School • Essex County Greenbelt Association • Ethan Miller Song
• Exeter
• Fairfield Police Union Scholarship • Fairfield Road Races • Fairfield Rotary Foundation • Falmouth Academy • Family Institute of Connecticut • F.A.M.I.L.Y. Movement • Family
for All Children
Environmental Learning Centers of CT
Pantry - Damien’s
for Behavioral Health • Meals on Wheels of Greater Lehigh Valley • Meals on Wheels RI • Medford Brooke Real Estate Land Trust • Medford Historical Society • Medford-Brooks Estate Land Trust • Medical Aid to Haiti • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center • Mercy Centre • Mercy for Animals • Mercy Meals & More • Merrimack College • Merrimack Valley Food Bank • Merrimack Valley YMCA • Michael Lisnow Respite Center • Middlesex Human Service Agency • Middlesex School • Milton High School Boosters • Minnesota Basset Rescue • MIRA Coalition • Mission Grammar School • Mission of Deeds • Mittineague School • Monatiquot School Kindergarten Center • Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center • Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School • Mothers Against Drunk Driving • Mothers Against Drunk Driving MA • Motorheads Car Club • Mr. Mo Project Senior Dog Rescue • Multiple Myeloma • Museum of Fine Arts • Museum of Science • My Brother’s Keeper • My Brother’s Table • Naismith Memorial Basketball/Rotary Club • Narrows Center for the Arts • Nash Primary School Parent Council • Natick Service Council • National Ataxia Foundation • National Brain Tumor Society • National MS Society Greater New England • National Multiple Sclerosis Society • Navy SEAL Foundation • NEADS • Neighbor Brigade • Neighbors in Need • New Beginnings Reentry Services • New Britain Museum of American Art • New England Center and Home for Veterans • New England Donor Services • New England Lab Rescue Inc. • New England Life Flight/ Boston MedFlight • New England Wildlife Center • New Hampshire Charitable Foundation • New Hampshire Food Bank • New Hampshire PBS • New Hampshire Public Radio • New Hampshire SPCA • New Reach • New York Road Runners • Newton Food Pantry • NiSha • North Attleboro High School Hockey Boosters Organization, Inc. • North Shore Nordic Association • Northampton Survival Center • Northeast Animal Shelter • Northeast Opportunities for Wellness • Northeastern University • Northeastern University Catholic Center • North Star Family Services • Northwood Lake Watershed Association • NVNA and Hospice Oakes Ames Memorial Hall Association • Old Colony YMCA • Old Colony YMCA – Middleboro Branch • Old Colony YMCA - Taunton Branch • On The Rise • One More Dog Rescue • Open Door, Inc. • Open Pantry Community Services • Operation Smile • Our Bright Future • Our Daily Bread • Our Heroes Fund • Our Neighbors’ Table • Palmer Food Share • Pan-Mass Challenge • Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children • Pathlight • Pawtcake Refuge • Pawtucket Soup Kitchen • Peace for All Animals • Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue • People Helping People • People Inc. • People’s Pantry • Perceptions Program • Philanthropy of Massachusetts • Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine • Pine Street Inn • PJT Foundation • Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts • Play Ball Foundation • Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless • Plymouth Schools Music Association • Postpartum Support International • Preeclampsia Foundation • Project Bread • Project Home Again • Promising Scholars Fund • Providence College • Providence Haiti Outreach • Providence Ministries • Purr Friends, Inc. • Quincy Animal Shelter • Quincy Asian Resources • Quincy Band Boosters • Quincy College • Quincy Pride • Rachel’s Table • Raising Multicultural Kids • Reading Food Pantry • Reconciliation House • Recovered Souls • Red Sox Foundation • Rehoboth Food Pantry • Rhode Island Community Food Bank • Rhode Island Hospital Foundation • RI Hospitality Education Foundation • RI Rugby Football Foundation • Rian Immigrant Center • Richard Klett Charitable Foundation • Robert M. Cerullo Foundation • Rockland Education Foundation • Rod Dixon’s KiDSMARATHON Foundation • Rodman Ride for Kids • Rosie’s Place • Roxbury Latin School • Ruff Tales Rescue • Safe & Sound • SAFE Coalition • Saint Francis House • Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy • Salem Hospital • Salem Mission Inc. • Salem Pantry • Salem Sound Coastwatch • Salvation Army • Salvation Army of Newport • Samaritans Southcoast • Save A Suit • Save the Bay • Save the Children • School on Wheels of Massachusetts • Scituate Food Pantry • Second Chances • Shakespeare & Company • Share Our Strength - No Kid Hungry • Sharing Kindness • Shultz’s Guest House Services, Inc. • Signature Healthcare Foundation • Smith College • Society of SS Cosmas & Damian • Sojourner House • Somerville High School Track Parents and Alumni • Somerville Homeless Coalition • Soroptimist International of Willimantic • SouthEast Beagle Rescue, Inc. • South End Soccer • South Middle School • South Shore Conservatory • South Shore Habitat for Humanity • South Shore Health • South Shore YMCA • South Shore YMCA - Germantown Food Pantry • Southbury Ambulance Association • Southbury Land Trust • Southbury Volunteer Firemen’s Association • South Coast LGBTQ Network • Special Olympics • Special Olympics Connecticut • Special Olympics Massachusetts • Special Olympics Rhode Island • Special Olympics Vermont • Spina Bifida Association of Greater New England • Sports Museum • Springfield Rescue Mission • St. Mary – St. Catherine of Siena Parish • St. Vincent DePaul Mission of Waterbury • St. Bridget School PTO • St. George’s School • St. John’s Seminary • St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital • St. Mary of the Assumption School • St. Mary of the Hills School • St. Raphael Food Pantry • St. Theresa of the Child Jesus School • St. Vincent de Paul Halifax Food Program • St. Vincent de Paul Society • Steppingstone Incorporated • Stoneham High School • Stop Soldier Suicide • Strong Family Farm • Suffolk University • Susan B. Anthony Project • Tabor Academy • Taunton Area Community Table • Tear Cap Workshop • Teen Challenge New England • Temple B’nai Abraham • Tewksbury Food Pantry • Thayer Academy • The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration • The Boston House • The Bushnell • The Children’s Room • The City Mission • Theatre Project • Thomaston Food Pantry • Tipton County Paws and Claws • Town of Coventry • Town of Monroe Project Warmth • Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors • Transportation Association of Greenwich • Travis Frederick’s Blocking Out Hunger Foundation • Trinity College • Tri-Parish Ecumenical Food Pantry • Tulane University • Tunica Humane Society • UMass Memorial Foundation • UNICEF • United Way • United Way of Greater Nashua • United Way of Greater New Bedford • United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley • United Way of Western CT • University of Connecticut Foundation • University of Maine Foundation • University of Massachusetts Amherst • University of Pittsburgh • University of Vermont Foundation • Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts • Valley Wealth Alliance • Vibrant Emotional Health • Village for Families and Children • Waltham Boys & Girls Club • Waquoit Congregational Church • Warren-Prescott Foundation • Watertown Boys & Girls Club • Watertown Public Schools: Hosmer, Lowell & Cunniff Elementary • We Do Care Grief & Loss • Wellfleet Food Pantry • Wellspring Inc. • West Bridgewater PTO • West Hartford Pride • Westfield State Foundation - Common Goods Pantry • Westford Food Pantry • Westminster Food Pantry • Weston CT Baseball & Softball Association • Westwood Food Pantry • Weymouth Council for the Hungry • Weymouth Food Pantry • Wide Horizons for Children • Wildflower • William E. Norris School • Women’s Lunch Place • Wood End Elementary School • Worcester Animal Rescue League • Work Inc. • World Central Kitchen • World Vision • World Wildlife Fund • Xaverian Brothers High School • Yale Baseball Association • YMCA of Greater Boston • You Got This Corp • Young Life • Young Professional Group Southeastern New England • Youth Enrichment Services • Youth In Crisis • YW Boston • YWCA Cambridge • YWCA of Northeastern MA • Zephyr Education Foundation
and Chief Executive Officer BEVERLY J. TANGVIK
Vice Chairman
Treasurer GAIL EAGAN Senior Vice President and General Counsel

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