ARBICO Organics Summer 2020 Catalog

Page 40


ARBICO Organics® Earthworms Eisenia fetida

Revitalizes Soil And Speeds Up Decomposition Of Organic Matter.

A Natural Way To Aerate Your Soil and Fertilize Your Garden.

TARGET: Soils in need of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.

TARGET: Use in soil or vermicomposting.

DESCRIPTION: This premium compost is product of our insectary and is a blend of fermented nitrogenous and carbonaceous material along with beneficial bacteria, insect frass and wood shavings. Use compost as a mulch and soil amendment to improve soil structure, texture, aeration, water-holding capacity and to provide additional nutrition for microorganisms. SUGGESTED USE: For potted plants, use 3-10 Tbsp. per pot. Otherwise, mix 1 lb./12 sq. ft. of soil. 2 cu. ft. of compost will treat 50 sq. ft. For farms, 2-4 tons will treat 1 acre. 1305601 1305602 1305610 1305603 1305607*

Compost Plus - 1 lb. Bag Compost Plus - 5 lb. Bag Compost Plus - 1 Cubic ft. Bag Compost Plus - (2) 1 Cubic ft. Bags Compost Plus - 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck Load

$8.90 $11.50 $17.00 $28.00 CALL

DESCRIPTION: These red wigglers are nature’s decomposers and soil aerators. They consume organic matter and turn it into castings full of nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, magnesium and calcium. As they move through the soil, they break it up and introduce beneficial bacteria and oxygen. This stimulates fungal activity and more rapid breakdown of organic matter. Plants love soil that these worms have been in! SUGGESTED USE: Use 2-3 worms/sq. ft. 1,000 worms cover approximately 400 sq. ft. 1308003 1308020 1308050

ARBICO Organics Earthworms (≈1,000) ARBICO Organics Earthworms (≈2,000) ARBICO Organics Earthworms (≈5,000)

$34.00 $49.50 $99.00

*Call to arrange pickup. Pickup in Catalina, AZ.

ARBICO Organics® Earthworm Castings Black Soldier Fly Larvae Frass Contains Nutrients And Chitin For Stronger, Healthier Plants. TARGET: Soils that need amending. DESCRIPTION: This high quality frass is a byproduct of Black Soldier Fly larvae and contains their waste, exoskeletons and leftover food. BSF larvae are voracious eaters and will thoroughly and efficiently break down decaying plant and other materials as they feed. In this process, they release nitrogen, phosphorous and other nutrients. As the larvae eat and mature, they grow and molt. This molting process leaves bits of exoskeleton, called chitin, in their frass. Plants react to chitin in the soil as if there are insects present. In response, they make themselves stronger by producing bigger and healthier parts and fortifying their overall cell structure. Their insect defense translates into more bountiful plants for you SUGGESTED USE: Can be used on anything grown indoors or outdoors. Mix into soil or growing medium or add as a top dress to plantings. Apply at a rate of one cup frass to one cubic foot of soil mix. 1300420


So Good For Your Garden It’s Almost Magical! TARGET: Soils that need nutrients and microbial life. DESCRIPTION: A sustainable byproduct of vermiculture, these castings have a bounty of benefits for your soil. They provide a slow release of micronutrients and trace minerals, add microbial life, reduce transplant shock, aerate and condition the soil and add chitnase (which helps in disease suppression and root knot nematode control). Can be used indoors and outdoors on anything you grow and can be used with other fertilizers and amendments. SUGGESTED USE: Mix into potting soil at the rate of 3%-5% by volume. Topdress around pots beds, shrubs, trees or rows at a rate of 1/4”-1/2” every 2-4 mos. Incorporate into the top several inches of pots or beds prior to planting or mulching. Repeat when transplanting to reduce shock. Apply onto turf and rake in for lush, green grass. 1308200 1308201 1308202 1308203

Earthworm Castings - 1 lb. Bag Earthworm Castings - 5 lb. Bag Earthworm Castings - 10 lb. Bag Earthworm Castings - 25 lb. Bag

Black Soldier Fly Larvae Frass - 1 lb. $9.85

ARBICO Organics – Natural Solutions Since 1979

$4.95 $15.20 $25.00 $47.95

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