2009–2010 Nature Explore Resources

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2009 - 2010




Contact us at 1-888-908-8733 or online at natureexplore.org

Connect Children with Nature Workshops For Educators For Design Professionals “Early experiences with the natural world have been positively linked to the sense of wonder. This way of knowing, if recognized and honored, can serve as a life-long source of joy and enrichment, as well as an impetus or motivation, for further learning.” - Ruth A. Wilson, “The Wonders of Nature: Honoring Children’s Ways of Knowing”

Sourcebook Field-tested components for outdoor learning Sourcebook Field-tested components for outdoor learning

Design Consultations On-site development of a unique concept plan for your Nature Explore Classroom

Workshops For Educators For Design Professionals

Design Consultations On-site development of a unique concept plan for your Nature Explore Classroom

Sourcebook Field-tested components for outdoor learning Research-Based Resources for Connecting Children With Nature natureexplore.org

Table of Contents RESOURCES

Dear Nature Education Advocate, SOURCEBOOK

Connecting Children With Nature......................3

Nature Explore Sourcebook....................15-35

A Comprehensive Program............................4-5

Order Form ................................................19

Workshops for Educators..............................6-8

Contact Information.....................................36

Workshops for Designers.................................9 Design Consultations: The Process.................10 Become a Certified Nature Explore Classroom..............................11 Transforming Children’s Outdoor Spaces..12-13


Nature Explore Classrooms Support Children’s Skill Development............14

The mission of the Dimensions Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, is to inspire children, families and educators to connect more deeply with the world around them. We do this by providing innovative, research-based workshops, design consultations and hands-on resources to elementary schools, early childhood programs, nature centers, arboretums, botanical gardens, parks, zoos, wildlife refuges, national forest visitor centers and other organizations interested in helping children connect more deeply with the natural world. Dimensions collaborates with the Arbor Day Foundation on the national Nature Explore program. It also runs Dimensions Early Education Programs, which serve as primary research classrooms for on-going research efforts. Dimensions works with a cadre of workshop consultants, designers and researchers throughout the United States. Through Dimensions’ research and programs, children and families develop a profound engagement with the natural world, where nature is an integral part of children’s daily learning.

Thank you so much for your interest in helpi ng children make positive connections with nature part of their daily play and learning experiences. Research continues to show how much children benefit from daily connections with the natural world. These benefits have a lasting impact, especially when positive experiences with nature come at an early age and are supported by caring adults. We know that there are fewer natural space s available for children to explore on their own, as well as an increased need for we adults to prov ide nature-based spaces where children can spend their days. For years, Dimensions Educ ational Research Foundation has been collecting research data on the benefits of connecting children with nature. At the same time, the Arbor Day Foundation has become concerned abou t the evidence that children are more disconnected with the natu ral world than ever before. In an effort to support educators, families, adm inistrators and design professionals with effective resou rces to help children connect with nature, the Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Educational Research Foundatio n have developed the Nature Explore program. The comprehen sive aspects of the program were created in response to requ ests for resources that would bring about effective, long-lastin g, positive changes. We hope the research-based resources you will find on the following pages will inspire you to make learn ing with nature an enriching part of children’s days, and your own days as well.

Creating nurt uring, nature-fi lled outdoor spac es

On page 10 you will find information about our design consultation process. Our landscape architecteducator team will create a concept plan for your outd oor space using research-based design principles that include your own ideas and needs.

Field-tested components for outdoor learning

On pages 15-35, in our Sourcebook, you will find interesting natural materials that can support children’s play and learning in your schoolyard, your nature center, your own back yard, or in many other places children spend their days .

Nature Explore workshops for educators

The most wonderful nature-fi lled outdoor space s are only as effective as the caring adults who support their use by children. Our research-based workshops for educators are being used in school systems across the coun try, and prov ide inspiring, effective ideas and practical strategies for a variety of ages. See pages 6-8.

Resources for families

Fun and effective activ ities for families are avail able on pages 18 and 34. These can be used in home or neigh borhood settings, or by schools and other organizations with groups of families.

Please share your ideas — and check the Web

site often

On the following pages you will find an overv iew of the comprehensive Nature Explore program, then indiv idual sections that describe each aspect. As Dimensio ns and Arbor Day Foundation work with organizations throu ghout the nation, new ideas and resources are continua lly added, so please check the Web site at natureexplore.org for updates. We know that so many of you are doing amazing work connecting children with nature, and we invite you to pleas e share your ideas and needs so that together we can mak e the Nature Explore program as effective and positive as possible for children. The mission of the Arbor Day Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization, is to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. The Foundation has a million tree-planting members who support national and international initiatives such as the Tree City USA community forestry program, replanting our national forests, and Rain Forest Rescue. The Foundation manages Arbor Day Farm, a National Historic Landmark in Nebraska City, Nebraska, which hosts conservation conferences at Lied Lodge & Conference Center and features demonstration Nature Explore Classrooms and other education and conservation models. The Arbor Day Foundation collaborates with the Dimensions Foundation on the Nature Explore program to help insure that today’s children will grow up to become future generations of tree planters and environmental stewards.

Besst Be Best st regar reggar ards ds d ds, s,

Nancy Rosenow Executive Director, Dimensions Educational Research Foundatio n

Both organizations are proud members of the international Nature Action Collaborative for Children, a project of the World Forum Foundation. 2 | Nature Explore Resources

natureexplore.org | 3


A Comprehensive Program The comprehensive research-based approach of the Nature Explore program helps bring nature into children’s daily learning in a way that is sustainable, significant, positive and joyful. Design consultations result in the creation of a unique, site-specific concept plan for an outdoor classroom based on field-tested principles and the needs and interests of the organization and the children it serves. The Nature Explore Sourcebook offers natural materials for outdoor classrooms (or backyards) that can often be very difficult difficult to find find. Engaging hands hands-on on workshops for educators inspire new ways to use the outdoors as an integral part of children’s learning. And family-involvement materials ensure that families play an important role in supporting children’s life-enhancing connections with nature.

Th Collaborative’s The C mission is to re-connect children with the natural world by making developmentally appropriate nature education a sustaining and enriching part of the daily lives of the world’s children. Sponsored by the World Forum Foundation, this group works world-wide to provide opportunities to collect and disseminate information, provide professional growth and mentoring opportunities, become a strong voice for advocacy, and create opportunities for early educators, environmentalists, designers and others to meet together regularly.

Family ® Involvement


For educators For design professionals See pages 6-9

On-site development of a unique concept plan for your Nature Explore Classroom See pages 10-11

Nature Action Collaborative for Children Natu

Register for free membership at worldforumfoundation.org. Through the Web site, members will be able to post information of interest to others, learn of upcoming events relating to nature education, and find links to recent research and other current information.

Workshops Design Consultations


Traveling Exhibit

Nature Explore Club Materials See page 34

Sourcebook Field-tested components for outdoor learning See pages 15-35

4 | Nature Explore Resources

The “Exploring Trees Inside nside and Out” Traveling Exhibit help helps children discover nature through multiple perspectives and inspires them to go outdoors and develop personal connections with the natural world. Children get a glimpse of the wonders that await them in their own backyards and neighborhoods through this interactive exhibit’s multisensory and innovative visual-spatial experiences. Sponsored by Doubletree Hotels, the Exhibit travels around the country through 2010. Find the exhibit schedule at natureexplore.org.

natureexplore.org | 5


Workshops for Educators

Each Nature Explore Workshop described on these pages provides research-based, field-tested activities that support comprehensive learning with nature. Workshops are offered regionally or may be scheduled at your own site. To learn more, visit natureexplore.org, contact info@dimensionsfoundation.org or call 402-467-6112.

LEARNING WITH NATURE This interactive workshop emphasizes the need for children to have consistent time outdoors with an interested, caring adult. The group discusses some of the common barriers to preschool and elementary children’s ability to create positive connections with the natural world and what parents and educators can do to counteract them. Discover engaging and practical hands-on ideas that can be infused throughout all areas of the curriculum to support the nature-child connection. This workshop will also provide a multitude of resource ideas to help you incorporate nature into both outdoor and indoor classrooms.


Through fun and engaging hands-on experiences, you will gain techniques for using outdoor classrooms as an integral part of preschool and elementary children’s daily learning. Discover how well-designed outdoor spaces facilitate children’s overall development in traditional academic areas, strengthen specific skills, and aid social-emotional growth. Explore a variety of motivating activities for facilitating and assessing student learning in outdoor classrooms, and reaching a variety of interests and needs. Strategies for meeting teaching standards through work in the outdoor classroom will be shared.

WE DIG DIRT Additional Strategies for Supporting Infants & Toddlers in Outdoor Classrooms Discover effective ways to facilitate meaningful infant and toddler learning experiences inspired by nature. Gain positive solutions for addressing some of the challenges of working with very young children outdoors. Many practical ideas for helping infants and toddlers grow up with a sense of wonder will be shared.

From the book, The Geography of Childhood, by Gary Paul Nabhan and Stephen Trimble 6 | Nature Explore Resources


Discover new methods for supporting and documenting children’s learning indoors and outdoors, and for helping children with behavioral challenges and verbal-language delays become more successful. Find out what we can learn about children’s development when we really know how to “listen” to their visual-spatial language, and how to document work in outdoor classrooms using “Nature Notes.”



“It is quite possible for today’s child to grow up without ever having taken a solitary walk beside a stream, or spent the hours we used to foraging for pine cones, leaves, feathers and rocks – treasures more precious than store-bought ones.”

Gain new ideas and tools for providing more authentic learning opportunities for preschool and elementary children in both built and natural environments and through purposeful movement. Through active participation you will build on group expertise while reconnecting with the joy of learning and new discoveries. Practice techniques for supporting each child’s unique talents and abilities, and learn ways to use the natural world as a link to oral and written literacy. If you would like to enhance your work with children and families while becoming more aware of all learning modes, this workshop is for you. “One’s mind, stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions.” - Oliver Wendell Holmes

“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder…he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in.” - Rachel Carson

“Look deep, deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.” - Albert Einstein


THE ARTS AND NATURE Discover how to help children express their knowledge and personal interpretation of the world in more meaningful ways. The Look-Move-Build-Sketch planning model is designed to help educators create multi-faceted arts experiences. This approach encourages children to work in many modes, reminding both teachers and learners (especially those with sensory integration challenges) of the many ways to experience new ideas and concepts. The projects explored during this workshop are inspired by nature and serve as another way to help children make deeper connections with the natural world.

THE WONDERS OF NATURE This outdoor workshop will help you develop and rekindle the “sense of wonder” we all need to live a fulfilled life. Participants are led through an outdoor session exploring and experimenting with activities designed to help them better connect to nature. “Revitalizing, fascinating, and inspiring” are some of the words participants have used to describe this one-of-a-kind workshop you will never forget. Educators leave feeling empowered to be the interested, caring adult children need to strengthen not only their nature connection but all of their learning.

natureexplore.org | 7


Workshops for Educators (cont.)

CHOOSING EFFECTIVE INDOOR AND OUTDOOR MATERIALS Some of the most important decisions educators make for preschool and elementary children relate to careful selection of materials and thoughtful planning of indoor and outdoor environments. In this workshop you will learn more about why adults need to manipulate materials personally and understand the properties of materials to best support in-depth, hands-on learning. Various learning theories and how they relate to teaching with a variety of commonly used and inexpensive materials, including materials from nature, will also be explored. Through this workshop, you will benefit from the helpful tools and strategies that Dimensions Educational Research Foundation has developed to assist educators in making these important decisions.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” - Johann Wolfgang van Goethe


Landscape architects, architects, planners, and other design professionals have a unique opportunity to inspire a child’s sense of wonder in the natural world. The Designing Outdoor Classrooms for Children Workshop explores effective ways to apply new research-based, field-tested principles to the design of outdoor classrooms for elementary schools, parks, botanical gardens, children’s museums, childcare centers, private homes, and other public spaces. To learn more, visit natureexplore.org, contact info@dimensionsfoundation.org or call 402-467-6112.

“This is an important and informative workshop for design professionals in architecture and landscape architecture to become aware of the experiences that are possible for young children in a natural environment.” -Dr. Wayne Drummund, Dean of the University of Nebraska College of Architecture


Ad Adults play an important role in setting up environments that can help children be successful. Attend this workshop to be inspired to think deeply about how well-planned su indoor environments can better support healthy growth and development as well as ind decrease behavior problems in preschool and elementary children. Discover researchde based, field-tested ways to create more beautiful and calming spaces by decreasing visual ba “clutter” and adding interesting materials from the natural world. “cl

Workshops for Design Professionals

MOVING TO LEARN M Watch children and you will see that their bodies love to move. Brain research tells us that motor development is important for neural processing, especially for children who are primarily kinesthetic learners. Children truly must move in order to learn well, and adults need practical strategies for developing purposeful movement experiences that work in indoor and outdoor settings. Attend this workshop to discover effective techniques for providing preschool and elementary children movement opportunities that can help them in three key ways: gaining body control, gaining knowledge about the world, and having positive outlets for emotional expression.

JJOYFUL MOVEMENT If you want to be authentic, vibrant, and really present when you are working with children, then this session is just for you. This workshop is a gift to give yourself — a time to reconnect to your body and soul, to enjoy live music inspired by nature, to slow down, relax, breathe, and move freely. This is significant because the more we adults are able to develop this comfort and awareness ourselves, the more we will be able to support children in developing that same awareness. Children who are self-aware are better able to identify and control emotions as well as regulate their own actions and exhibit pro-social behaviors. 8 | Nature Explore Resources


natureexplore.org | 9

Design Consultations On-site development of a unique concept plan for your Nature Explore Classroom CREATING A CONCEPT PLAN: THE PROCESS Research shows that when children have regular contact with nature they learn and grow better. Across the country, elementary schools, early education programs, parks, homes, botanical gardens and other community sites are transforming their outdoor environments from plastic and asphalt play spaces into nature-rich environments that bring numerous benefits to children.

BECOME A CERTIFIED NATURE EXPLORE CLASSROOM The Nature Explore Classroom Certification Program is a national initiative that recognizes schools and other organizations that have made a commitment to providing outdoor classrooms and comprehensive programming to help children use the natural world as an integral part of learning. Grounded in over a decade of research and field-testing, this widespread initiative is sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Foundation in collaboration with environmental, educational, design and health organizations. This program is open to any organization able to meet the following yearly requirements:


1. Well-designed outdoor space: Provide evidence that principles from the Learning with Nature Idea Book were used in the design of new spaces, or the redesign of existing spaces. For renewal, provide evidence of annual maintenance. 2. Staff development: Provide evidence that staff have attended a full-length Nature Explore Workshop. For renewal, provide evidence of annual professional development relating to nature education. 3. Family involvement: Provide evidence that activities or materials designed to increase family awareness and involvement in nature education for children are provided regularly.

An artist’s rendering of a Nature Explore Classroom created for a fairly small space at an elementary school.

Resources The Learning With Nature DVD provides examples of Nature Explore Classrooms that have been designed around the country. See page 18 in the Sourcebook. Guiding Principles from the Learning With Nature Idea Book provide a foundation for creating nurturing outdoor spaces for children. See page 18 in the Sourcebook. This is an example of a concept plan that was created for a public space. 10 | Nature Explore Resources

Why Become Certified? You become part of a growing network of schools and organizations working to reconnect children with nature. Once certified, you will have a page on the Nature Explore Classroom Web site to highlight your work and share ideas with other programs around the country. When your outdoor classroom becomes certified, Dimensions and Arbor Day Foundation will send a press release to your local media to help you gain additional community recognition and support. You will receive a Nature Explore Classroom sign, which you can post to publicly recognize your commitment, and to encourage others to create similar spaces in their own programs.

How to Apply for Certification For more information on the program, or to download an application, go to natureexplore.org/certify or call 1-888-908-8733. Applications can be downloaded and submitted with documentation that the standards have been met. natureexplore.org | 11


On-site design consultations with a specially trained landscape architect-educator team are available to help create Nature Explore Classrooms nationwide. This team works closely with the school or organization constructing the site to develop a unique concept plan for the space based on the field-tested principles while customizing the classroom to include the school or organization’s interests, needs and resources. This two-day process is an efficient way to help everyone in the organization come to consensus. To arrange a design consultation for your site, contact us at info@dimensionsfoundation.org or call 402-467-6112.


Transforming Children’s Outdoor Spaces

Inspiration for Creating Outdoor Classrooms Since 2006, the Nature Explore Program has helped hundreds of organizations transform their outdoor spaces. Design consultations to develop concept plans, workshops for their staffs, and ideas for family involvement have helped bring about positive joy-filled spaces where children are learning with nature every day. Here are three of these transformation stories.

To view Certified and In-Process Nature Explore Classrooms go to natureexplore.org.

Forest Lake Family Center Forest Lake staff had attended Nature Explore workshops and began wanting to change their traditional playground into a space incorporating natural materials. A Nature Explore designer-educator team met with administrator Cindy Saarela, teachers in the program, families, maintenance personnel and interested community members for a two-day design consultation.This process worked extremely well to help a large number of people come to consensus quickly. The concept plan that was created guided the classroom’s successful development.

Lakeshore Learning Materials On-Site Childcare Lakeshore Learning Materials is a nationally distributed educational materials company based in Carson, California. Lakeshore’s focus is on developing and marketing unique, hands-on supplemental materials to enhance classroom experiences in all curriculum areas for the early childhood and elementary market. Lakeshore also has an NAEYC-accredited preschool, Kids & Company, servicing the children of employees from six weeks to five years. One of Lakeshore’s most exciting projects has been the construction of a Nature Explore Classroom at their preschool. Following is their story in their words.

Before B efore

Children love adding flowers to raised planter beds (right).

Before When Lakeshore learned about the Nature Explore Classroom concept, we were eager to integrate it at our school. Nature Explore Classrooms promised to enhance a child’s imagination and learning skills through the sights, textures and beauty of nature. This last concept really ignited our enthusiasm. Lakeshore Learning Materials is settled right in the middle of a highly industrial area, surrounded by large concrete warehouses and manufacturing plants. Even our preschool’s playground walls were butted up against loading docks and asphalt. We were excited to create a natural environment in an industrial area.

Lakeshore hore scheduled a two-day design consultation with a Nature Explore designer-educator team, during which the above concept plan was created. Teachers later attended workshops. 12 | Nature Explore Resources

La Lakeshore is continuing to add more aspects to our Nature Explore Classroom. With each construction or planting N phase, our landscape is transformed, and so is the way the children p learn about their world. Our new outdoor area has created an le environment to learn what they couldn’t have before.

To learn more about Lakeshore Learning Materials’ Nature Explore Classroom, visit www.lakeshorelearning.com and go to our Nature Explore Classroom Web page so you can follow our progress and watch our outdoor space grow. If we can do it in a warehouse district, anyone can do this anywhere!

Children move with scarves and play the akambira in their music area, which is now surrounded with nature.


- Vicki Bohling, Licensed Parent Educator, Forest Lake, Minnesota

Shaw Nature Reserve The 2400 acre Shaw Nature Reserve, a division of the Missouri Botanical Garden, is a wonderful place to explore hiking trails through prairies, glades, wetlands and woodlands. However, its vastness can often be daunting to families. Adding a Nature Explore Classroom, located under a grove of beautiful white pines, has helped parents become more comfortable in the “wildness” of the outdoors. Within the security of the Nature Explore Classroom, they gain confidence that they can lead their children out into the reserve for more exploration. It has become a meeting point for many play groups where mothers can enjoy each other’s company while their children build artistic structures out of natural materials or entire cities out of wooden “tree cookies”. One play group leader explained, “I never felt comfortable leading our group on hikes before. But now we let the children play in the Nature Explore Classroom and then we all venture out into the reserve for a nature hike.” “It’s not unusual to see an occasional adult crawling through the logs or constructing artistic mosaics in the Nature Art Area. With increased family attendance, the Nature Explore Classroom has truly become the gateway to Shaw Nature Reserve!” - Lydia Toth, Senior Manager of Education, Gray Summit, Missouri

Shaw Nature Reserve has experienced a tremendous increase in visitation because of their new Nature Explore Classroom. natureexplore.org | 13


“Nature Explore gave us a solid research framework for planning, and helped us communicate our goals to parents, funders, and the community. Today, our outdoor classroom provides learning, exercise, and joy to children daily. What was once a playground—with “recess” activities only—is now a fully functioning classroom, where teachers teach and children learn, across the curriculum.”

Nature Explore Classrooms Support Children’s Skill Development The following lists have been compiled based on direct observation of children’s work over time in Nature Explore Classrooms. Science Skills

M Math Skills

Science skills are a natural fit with outdoor classrooms. These skills include classifying objects into groups with common characteristics, predicting, experimenting, and drawing conclusions. Hands-on learning also occurs about natural cycles, seasons, environments, and how things live and grow. Children develop a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world around them, especially as they help care for living things.

TThe h outdoor classroom allows children to incorporate math ch skills, like counting, predicting and sk estimating as they see how many es pine cones can fit on a stump or pin determine how many sticks it takes de to create a fort. As children explore measurement concepts such as me length, area, perimeter and volume, len these experiences lay the groundwork th for later, higher math skills in subjects fo such as geometry. su

Close Observation Skills

V Visual-Spatial Skills

Through regular contact with nature, children develop close observation skills such as noticing details, finding patterns, and recognizing shapes. These skills are foundational for later math, science and literacy learning.

Visual-spatial skills become highly Vis developed in outdoor classrooms. de Visual-spatial skills give people the Vis ability to negotiate well in space: to follow maps, or sp design and engineer buildings. de These skills are developed as Th children climb, build, create… ch and look at the world from an multiple perspectives. m

Literacy Skills Children’s work in the natural world inspires them to learn new words, write signs for the garden, or create poetry. Experiences such as these are especially important for children who struggle with traditional methods of teaching reading and writing.

Social Skills Well-designed outdoor classrooms also offer endless openended possibilities for discovery. Children who are engaged and active are far more likely to exhibit positive behaviors and build stronger social skills. Children share ideas, negotiate, make decisions, decide on tasks, and problem-solve together in an outdoor classroom. 14 | Nature Explore Resources


Sourcebook Field-Tested Natural Components for Inspiring Outdoor Learning

M Music & Movement Skills In music and movement areas children learn about sound, p pitch, rhythm and tonality. Using a variety of musical in instruments made from natural plant materials gives children a chance to experience nature and native cultures.

Art Skills Children create beautiful three-dimensional works of art from nature. And they can sharpen their observation skills by transforming three-dimensional objects into two-dimensional works of art.


Outdoor Akambira. p. 23

The Beauty of Nature

Clipboards and colored twig pencils. p. 30-31


any of us remember climbing trees, collecting pine cones, exploring the nearby park, and coming home when the streetlights came on. Unstructured time outdoors was just part of our lives and part of who we are. We are fortunate that something in nature influenced us as children. And many of us have grown to enjoy a life full of learning and teaching, with passion and care. Today’s children are experiencing a cultural shift. In an age of light-speed information, with their free time occupied by TV and video games, many of our youngest generation are missing out on a vital part of childhood development: the outdoors. The precious gift of nature is a profoundly needed influence for children today.

Enhanced learning comes from nature’s nurturing Since 1998, research by Dimensions Educational Research Foundation shows that connecting with nature as an integral part of children’s daily learning brings profound benefits. The textures, shapes, and warmth of nature ignite children’s senses as they discover the environment and develop life-long learning skills. Dimensions’ research, as well as research conducted by others, shows that regular opportunities to learn with nature can help children: • • •

Build visual-spatial skills Strengthen powers of observation and creativity Improve ability to concentrate, even among children with behavioral challenges

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• •

Enhance motor skills such as coordination, balance, and agility Develop imagination and a sense of wonder...motivating factors for life-long learning

Nature Explore Sourcebook is a resource for field-tested natural components With this 2009-2010 Sourcebook, we present an important part of Nature Explore, a collaborative project of the Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation. At the core of the comprehensive Nature Explore program is outdoor research — field-testing designed spaces, materials, and activities with preschool and elementary children to ensure their educational and developmental value. An outdoor learning environment with natural components is an engaging, creative alternative or enhancement to concrete and plastic.


Inspiring our youngest generation Each item in the Sourcebook has been field-tested in outdoor classrooms with the involvement of experienced teachers and researchers. Every component has been developed with a focus on the importance of its goal: to help today’s children connect with nature. Our children’s future, and the world’s future, depends on it. By making nature a sustaining and enriching part of children’s daily learning, we’re both supporting their healthy development and inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards.

Check the Web site often for

. p. 27 Galvanized buckets

...and Give Children a Life-Long Sense of Wonder new products and current pricing.

Order online at natureexplore.org | 17


Our field-tested components are made of natural materials. To be most effective in connecting children with nature and inspiring meaningful childhood development, the products are made preserving the character of the wood. Grain, knots, and checking, a natural cracking process that occurs as wood releases moisture across the annual growth rings, are all part of this character. Additionally, unfinished wood will naturally develop a beautiful silvery-gray patina over time. Observing the natural color change and aging of natural components is a valuable part of children’s connection with nature.

For credit card orders, please include the name and billing address as it appears on the credit card if different from shipping address.

Customer Service Phone: 1-888-908-8733 Email: service@natureexplore.org

® A Collaborative Project of Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation

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Order toll-free: 1-888-908-8733 or order online at natureexplore.org Customer Service: 1-888-908-8733 or email us at service@natureexplore.org

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Learning With Nature Idea Book: Creating Nurturing Outdoor Spaces for Children Field-Tested Principles for Effective Outdoor Learning Environments Discover practical and inspiring ideas for using nature as an integral part of children’s learning whether you are adding natural components to an existing outdoor classroom, or designing a new space. Incorporating concepts from leading American Society of Landscape Architects members with easy-to-follow illustrations and photos, the Idea Book will help you put the results of Dimensions’ field-tested principles to work in your outdoor classroom. 52 pages. Paperback (2007). #3943 Learning With Nature Idea Book $19.99



The Beauty of Nature Our field-tested components are made of natural materials. To be most effective in connecting children with nature and inspiring meaningful childhood development, the products are made preserving the character of the wood. Grain, knots, and checking, a natural cracking process that occurs as wood releases moisture across the annual growth rings, are all part of this character. Additionally, unfinished wood will naturally develop a beautiful silvery-gray patina over time. Observing the natural color change and aging of natural components is a valuable part of children’s connection with nature. Exact product dimensions and appearance will vary due to the uniqueness of nature. Occasionally, we will refine construction of some products to enhance their effectiveness. You will always receive the latest version.



Please include a phone number or email address in the event there’s a need to contact you about your order. For privacy, email addresses will not be shared with any nonaffiliated parties outside the Arbor Day Foundation. Providing your email address is necessary if you’d like to receive a shipping confirmation and tracking number.

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Our Quality Commitment All Nature Explore resources are designed and constructed with the enjoyment and safety of your children in mind. Many Nature Explore items are hand-made, utilizing the utmost care and professionalism in creating high-quality and unique pieces. We will repair or replace any defective product due to faulty workmanship for a full year from the date of purchase. Due to the nature of raw and untreated wood, we are unable to guarantee against chips, checks, cracks, splinters and in rare instances, bugs. In addition, if for any reason you are not satisfied, simply return it within 30 days of your receipt and we’ll replace it or refund the cost, no questions asked. Be aware that natural products check and crack (see above). Refunds are for the cost of the products. Shipping and processing fees are not included in refunds. Please call Customer Service at 1-888-908-8733 for complete information.

Nature Explore Families’ Club Research-based, field-tested resources designed to help you organize a Families’ amilies Club at your school or organization. Packed full of easy-to-use, developmentally appropriate priate activities, the Families’ Club kit has everything you need to connect and engage families with each other and the natural world while introducing them to a variety of natural spaces in your community. The Families’ Club kit includes: • A master Facilitator’s Guide • Nine reproducible Adventure Activities • Nine Facilitator’s Notes • A CD with all Adventure Activities, Facilitator’s Notes and customizable organizational forms for easy reproduction

#4726 Families’ Club Kit $24.99 Download for free at natureexplore.org!

Shipping and Delivery We typically ship via UPS or USPS. Large orders and items may be shipped by motor-freight carrier. Items that are difficult to move from the truck may require your assistance.

Learning With Nature DVD Discover techniques for using outdoor classrooms as an integral part of preschool and elementary children’s daily learning. See how well-designed outdoor spaces facilitate children’s overall development in traditional academic areas. Gain insight into ways to help children make deeper connections with the natural world. 23 minutes.

Deliveries Outside the Contiguous U.S.

#D103 “Learning With Nature” DVD $19.99

Add New Dimensions to Learning DVD Learn how adding more experiences with building, nature, and movement to children’s lives will bring benefits for years to come. 20 minutes. #D101 “Add New Dimensions to Learning” DVD $19.99

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For shipments to HI, AK, PR, and other countries, please call Customer Service at 1-888-908-8733 so we can prepare a quotation for you, or email us at service@natureexplore.org.

See pages 34-35 for more Nature Explore Educator Resources! 18 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

Ship To:

/ Authorized Signature

$50.01 to $100.00


$100.01 to $150.00


$150.01 to $200.00


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$250.01 and over

10% of Merchandise total

Mail: Arbor Day Foundation Order Department 211 N. 12th Street Lincoln, NE 68508

© 2009 Arbor Day Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Prices are subject to change. Current prices and new products are available at natureexplore.org. Descriptive or typographical errors are subject to correction. If your order contains two or more items, they might be delivered in multiple shipments. 6173

Order online at natureexplore.org | 19

“Providing blocks outdoors gives children a chance to experiment in a setting where space limitations and noise from falling blocks are not a concern. As children build with both geometric and organic shapes, they are strengthening mathematical, visual-spatial and abstract thinking.”

Tree Blocks inspire creativity crreativity and help cchildren uniquely understand sttand construction and engineering in neering concepts.

–From the Learning With Nature Idea Book



Building Area

Giant Tree Cookies When children use Tree Cookies, they can engage in imaginative pretend play, build towers, examine the tree rings to see how old the tree was, or work on elaborate collaborative projects. Tree Cookies are perfect for “Messy Materials Areas” and are designed to crack, break apart and decompose over time. This allows children to observe these natural processes. Made of red cedar. Tree Cookiess will crack and break.

Tree Blocks Tr

Dimensions: ons: 21/2” W x 10” Dia. #3936 Giant Tree Cookies, es, set of 10 $109.99

#3935 Tree Blocks, set of 36 $49.99 CHOKING HAZARD-Small Parts ! Warning Not for children under 3 years.



Natural Geometric & ABC Blocks These unfinished blocks are as fun as they are durable. They strengthen skills in observation by allowing children to sort, compare, and classify woods by their relative hardness, color, or texture. The consistent geometric shapes of the blocks also allow structures to be quite sturdy and elaborate. These blocks can be used both inside and outdoors.

DDropp SShip

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.


1+years ages + years



Square & Rectangle Blockss Each set includes blocks made of 4 separate e woods: oak, birch, basswood, and pine, or basswood, pine, maple, and cherry. y.

Children love to create reate and build with these Mini-Bricks because they are like the bricks ricks they see every day on buildings and in roads. Created using the same materials and processes as regular bricks, Mini-Bricks bring a ‘real-life’ element to the children’s creativity while utilizing their fine motor skills. ages

Dimensions: 13/4” L x 3/4” W x 1/2” H


#4846 Mini-Bricks, set of 50 $39.99 #4847 Mini-Bricks, set of 100 $74.99 .75” W !

ABC Blocks Encourage literacy learning and visual-spatial skills at the same time. Each set of 16 blocks will spell hundreds of words. Available with or without storage tray.


Warning Not for children under 3 years.

The detailed ABC Blocks are not only beautiful, but each one features an object in the background that begins with that particular letter (A for apple, S for snowflake, etc.).

Actual size

Dimensions: Rectangle Square

11/2” Sq. x 6“ L 11/2” Sq.

Rectangle Blockss #3941 Set of 40 $69.99 9 #5233 Set of 20 $39.99 9 Square Blockss #3942 Set of 80 $59.99 9 #5235 Set of 40 $34.99 9 #5234 Set of 20 $19.99 9

Dimensions: 13/4” Sq. 1.75” L

Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Unfinished. .75” W

Detailed ABC Blocks #5227 Set of 16 $97.99 #5228 Set of 16 w/ storage tray $107.99

.5” H

Simple ABC Blocks #5229 Set of 16 $19.99 #5230 Set of 16 w/ storage tray $29.99

20 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

Check Ch k th the W Web b site it often ft ffor

new products and current pricing.

Order der online at natureexplore.org natureexplore org | 2 21


Children discover simple physics principles and basic engineering concepts when they play with these beautiful organic blocks. blocks To support successful building and early mathematical learning, these barkless blocks are precision-cut in 2 cm increments. Can also be used indoors to bring natural elements inside.

““Music M and movement experiences are vital to children’s healthy development. Well-equipped outdoor Music M u and Movement Areas provide an ideal place for children to learn about sound, pitch, rhythm and on their own; manipulate a variety of nature-based musical instruments; and express musical ttonality o by moving their bodies to music.” cconcepts o –From the Learning With Nature Idea Book

Specifically designed for the outdoors using durable, weather-resistant ipe and cedar woods, as well as stainless and galvanized steel, these instruments are built to withstand extreme weather conditions. To further extend the useful life of your instrument, covering during inclement weather is recommended, but not required.

Music & Movement Area


Visit naturexplore.org to listen to the sounds of these instruments.

Marimbas aree found in many cultures around the world. Closely lyy related to those found in South America, this Marimba features a two-octave range M tuned to a C diatonic d scale. Each Marimba includes one (1) pair off #4255 Medium Rubber Mallets (below). Assembly and d permanent installation required.

Rain Stick Ra A wonderful w natural musical instrumentt made from dried Chilean Cactus, the ma Rain Stick inspires students to make up Ra their own dances and enhance drama the performances - all while absorbing the pe wonders of outdoor play. Made in Chile. wo e.. Dimensions: 20” L x 21/2” Dia. Di

Dimensions: 56” L x 151/2” W x 221/2” H Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Akambira Derived from an African Xylophone, the Akambira is set up like a kalimba or thumb drum with the lowest pitched key in the middle and then alternating left and right to move up the scale. Tuned to a C major pentatonic scale, each Akambira includes one (1) pair of #4256 Hard Rubber Mallets (below). Assembly and permanent installation required.

#3 #3914 Rain Stick $16.99

Dimensions: 41” L x 12” W x 21” H

Dancing Scarves

#4256 Hard Rubber Mallets (pair)

These colorful scarves encourage creative ti expression, i purposeful movement exploration, body competence, and spatial awareness.

(Recommended for Marimba)

Breath of Invocation music CD

Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

SlapDrums Meant to be played with the hands, fingertips and palms only, SlapDrums allow children to experiment and achieve many different sounds, tones and effects by varying the pressure, speed, and release of their play. Constructed out of dark birch and trimmed with beautiful walnut, these studio-quality hand drums are aesthetically pleasing in both sight and sound. Available in Standard and Junior sizes, SlapDrums can be enjoyed by all ages. Certain models are available with an adjustable snare to create even more wonderful sounds. For best results, keep your SlapDrum out of the rain and store indoors when not in use. Drop Ship Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

#5138 SlapBoxx, Junior #5209 SlapBoxx, Standard #5210 SlapBoxx, Standard Snared

$179.99 $189.99 $229.99

SlapCajon The SlapCajon is played by sitting on the drum while slapping the side. Dimensions: Junior Standard

12” L x 10” W x 10” H 19” L x 13” W x 12” H

#5215 SlapCajon, Junior $149.99 #5213 SlapCajon, Standard $159.99 #5214 SlapCajon, Standard Snared $229.99

22 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

SlapDrum The SlapDrum is played by holding the drum between the thighs. Dimensions: Junior Standard

7” L x 7” W x 12” H 12” L x 12” W x 19” H

#5211 SlapDrum, Junior #5212 SlapDrum, Standard

$179.99 $189.99

Amadinda Based on an instrument from Uganda bearing the e sa same name, the Amadinda is meant to be played while sitting on the ground. Children strike the edges of the keys rather than the center, making the Amadinda perfect for multiple children to play at the same time.

Th CD features beautiful music played on wind This instruments made from natural materials such ins as a shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute) and a didgeridoo. Each track provides an intentional did pattern that has been developed to help people pa learn to breathe consciously. Educators can use the lea nature-inspired music to help children learn to calm na and relax their bodies as they breathe along with the soothing sounds. #M101 Breath of Invocation $14.99

Tuned to a C major pentatonic scale, each Amadinda includes two (2) pairs of walnut mallets as well as instructions for making more. Assembly and permanent installation required. Dimensions: 56” L x 22” W x 111/2” H #5236 Amadinda $1,499.99 Music is a universal form of expression that reaches across all boundaries. Beautiful, hand-crafted instruments give children the chance to create their own music, rhythms and harmonies in ways that are always easy on the ears.

LapDrum The LapDrum is played by resting the drum on the lap when played. Dimensions: Standard

13” L x 13” W x 4” H

#5216 LapDrum, Standard $79.99 #5217 LapDrum, Standard Snared $99.99

Check the Web site often for

new products and current pricing.

Order online at natureexplore.org | 23


#4255 Medium Rubber Mallets (pair) $24.99

#4618 Dancing Scarves (set of 12) $25.99 #4868 Dancing Scarves (5 sets of 12) $119.99 #4869 Dancing Scarves (10 sets of 12) $219.99

16” L x 10” W x 8” H 19” L x 12” W x 9” H


(Recommended for Akambira)

Each nylon scarf measures 27” x 27”. Each set includes four (4) each of Orange, Red, and Forest Green. Made in China.

Dimensions: Junior Standard

Malletss Specifically designed for each instrument and to o fit young hands, each pair features a 11.25” long g handle made from sturdy, flexible rattan and a durable 3/4” hard-rated rubber head.. Dimensions: 12” L x 3/8” Dia. shaftt

#4273 Akambira $1,299.99

SlapBoxx The SlapBoxx is meant to be rested on the thighs when played.

Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

#3912 Marimba $2,499.99

“As children work with natural materials such as pine cones or seed pods and arrange them into patterns or mosaic-like pictures, they develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty of the natural world, while strengthening skills in classification and close observation.” –From the Learning With Nature Idea Book

“Climbing , walking or crawling on a natural balance beam provides a challenge for children that they can meet at their own levels. Mastering physical challenges helps them feel a sense of accomplishment and self-worth that carries over into other aspects of learning.” -Anne Wike, Movement Specialist


Nature Art Area

Climbing Area The Beauty of Nature

Nature Samples ages Na 3+years Pine cones, seed pods, or seashells help children appreciate the variety of nature’s beauty. If these app aren’t readily available in your area, these nature aren samples can provide children with a new way to sam experience the abundance of nature’s beauty and exp variety. Natural materials can spark imagination vari and help children appreciate the textures, colors, and intricate details found in nature. !


Warning Not for children under 3 years.

Pods, Cones & Botanicals contain approximately 20-25 items from around the world. #3929 Nature Samples: Pods, Cones & Botanicals $24.99 Each bag of Seashells contains approximately 100-150 1-4˝ shells. #4277 Nature Samples: Seashells $29.99


Outdoor spaces featuring balance, climbing bing and crawling elements inspire imaginations ions on the playground and better concentration tion in class. Children develop feelings of body ody competence with Log Steps, and Natural ral Balance Beam. Activities involving climbing ng and crawling help alleviate stress, allowing ng even children with behavioral challenges es to relax and maintain better concentration n when they return to class indoors..

Tree House Building Plans Use these plans to create Tree House platforms in various configurations and numbers. Includes material list, instructions and schematics. 5 pages. page Advanced skill level required.

Ae Aesthetically pleasing by themselves, Nature Art Tables encourage children to look for beauty in nature and inspire them to use natural items to create interesting patterns and mosaics. While sorting, classifying, and counting skills are strengthened, close observation to detail is W encouraged along with creativity and artistic awareness. en


Nature Art Tables Na

Our field-tested components are made of natural materials. To be most effective in connecting children with nature and inspiring meaningful childhood development, the products are made preserving the character of the wood. Grain, knots, and checking, a natural cracking process that occurs as wood releases moisture across the annual growth rings, are all part of this character. Additionally, unfinished wood will naturally develop a beautiful silvery-gray patina over time. Observing the natural color change and aging of natural components is a valuable part of children’s connection with nature. Exact product dimensions and appearance will vary due to the uniqueness of nature. Due to seasonality and the custom-made nature, please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery of certain items.

#4250 Building Plans $14.95 Visit V Vis it natureexplore.org nat for free download

Hand-crafted of cedar, pine and ceramic tile, each Nature Art Table features mesh pockets to Ha hold natural materials. Both styles are available in 24” and 30” heights. Some assembly required. ho

See pages 28-29 for construction materials.

4-tile Nature Art Table Dimensions: Small 4-tile 28” L x 28” W x 24” H Large 4-tile 28” L x 28” W x 30” H Drop Ship Dro

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery. Allo

9-tile Nature Art Table Dimensions: Small 9-tile Large 9-tile

#4264 Small 4-tile Nature Art Table $249.99 #4263 Large 4-tile Nature Art Table $249.99

Natural Balance Beam Exploring a Natural Balance B Beam helps children develop balance, body awareness, and body control contr while appreciating the beauty of nature.

40” L x 40” W x 24” H 40” L x 40” W x 30” H

#4253 Small 9-tile Nature Art Table $499.99 #4263 Large 9-tile Nature Art Table $499.99 ADA Compliant 9-tile Nature Art Table

Made from red cedar. Assembly and permanent installation required. The 4-tile Nature Art Table legs have been re-designed for 2009. The new style is similar to the 9-tile Nature Art Tables. Visit natureexplore.org for current photo.

Discovery Tables

Dimensions: 8’ L x 4-6” W x 12” H #3918 Natural Balance Beam, Crooked #3920 Natural Balance Beam, Straight

Made completely from untreated cedar, the Discovery Table provides an ideal surface for children to explore natural materials or build with small blocks. Tables come in 2 sizes, each with a compartment 6˝ deep. Some assembly required.

Red Cedar Log Steps

Dimensions: Small Large

Dimensions: 12” D x 8”-12” H

28” L x 28” W x 24” H 28” L x 28” W x 30” H

Stepping and jumping on Red Cedar Log Steps gives children a chance to develop agility and confidence in their physical abilities. Assembly and permanent installation required.

#3917 Red Cedar Log Steps, set of 4 $399.99

#3921 Small Discovery Table $159.99 #3922 Large Discovery Table $219.99

Drop Ship

$339.99 $309.99

Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery. Characteristic of nearly all natural components, these Balance Beams and Log Steps add comforting texture to this important activity.

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

24 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

Discovery Table legs have been re-designed for 2009. The new style is similar to the 9-tile Nature Art Tables. Visit natureexplore.org for current photo.

Check Ch k the h W Web b site often for

new products and current pricing.

Order online at natureexplore.org | 25

Raised Planter Beds R

“Involving children in gardening at an early age gives them the opportunity to develop a sense of wonder about the world and be amazed every day with each new discovery.“ - Dana L. Miller, Ph.D.

Bu from Port Orford cedar – one of the strongest of all cedars – these fragrant, Built light-colored Beds have strong natural oils that help protect against moisture and lig microorganisms. Available in multiple sizes, you can tailor them to fit your space. m

Greenhouse & Garden Areas

Id for urban classrooms, concrete classrooms, or areas with poor soil. Assembly is Ideal as simple as leveling the ground, stacking, and inserting corner pins to create a longlasting garden bed for flowers and vegetables. No tools necessary. Available in 161/2” la and an 22” heights perfect for children’s gardening.

#3 #3924


#4 #4269 #4 #4270 #4 #4271 #4272 #4

Raised Planter Bed 161/2” H x 2´ W x 4´ L Raised Planter Bed 161/2” H x 2´ W x 6´ L Raised Planter Bed 22˝ H x 2´ W x 4´ L Raised Planter Bed 22˝ H x 2´ W x 6´ L

$249.99 9 $329.99 9 $329.99 9 $449.99 9

Other sizes and models available. Contact us for details.

Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Greenhouse Kit Greenhouses are one of the best educational tools that you can use year-round. Children can learn about the cycle of life while watching their plants grow. ages + years


Watering Can

#4254 Watering Can $12.99

“Making materials readily accessible to children at their level will help ensure a more complete learning experience in the outdoor classroom.” –From the Learning With Nature Idea Book

Storage Options

When ordering, please indicate your installation surface – cement or grass/natural. Dimensions: Small Hobby Hobby

9’9” L x 7’2” W x 6’3” H 12’2” L x 9’1” W x 7’3” H

#3925 Small Hobby Greenhouse #3924 Hobby Greenhouse

Galvanized Buckets Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

$1,999.99 $2,999.99

16.25 Gallon Galvanized Oval Tu Tub

Other sizes and models available. Contact us for details.

As a wonderful alternative to plastic, this sturdy 2-qt. bucket is ideal for small hands to dig, collect, and gather. Children can carry sand, soil or water as they experiment and create.

Hot dipped, heavy-duty 16.25 gallon tub with corrugated bottom to help prevent rust. Easy carry handles. Great for everyday use, this tub is ideal for use as a planter, for storage or even as a worm bin. Made in Mexico.

Dimensions: 53/4” H x 57/8” W

Dimensions: 325/8” L x 161/2” W x 105/8” H ages

#4871 16.25 Gallon Galvanized Oval Tub $99.99 #4872 Set of 3 $249.99

5+years Garden Tools All-purpose Garden Tools enga engage busy hands in gardening rdening projects, projects or in the Sand Area, Ar Digging Area, or Messy Materials Area. Children can improve handeye coordination while gaining a sense of competence as they are able to do “real” work. Made in China. #3931 Hand Garden Tools, set of 3 $12.99


Long Handled Garden Tools

Hand-crafted from weather–resistant cedar, the Garden Tool Holders are available in two sizes: 18” H for our 27½” long handled tools (#4251) and 30” H for regular sized tools. Assembly required.

Outdoor Storage Unit This sturdy, weather-resistant storage unit latches open to provide easy access and can be locked when not in use. Storing materials in each area saves valuable learning and play time.

Dimensions: 18” - 19”L x 201/4”W x 18” H 30” - 19”L x 201/4”W x 18” H

Made of untreated cedar and pine, Storage Units are NOT water-tight. However, caulking along all interior seams and treating with a commercial water-sealant will extend the life of the unit. Assembly Required.

$79.99 $69.99

Drop Ship

Dimensions: 471/2” L x 251/4” W x 261/4” H

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Each set includes a Garden Rake, Leaf Rake, Hoe and Spade. The 27½” hardwood handle allows children to “dig” right in. Made in China.

#4854 Outdoor Storage Unit $399.99 DDrop Ship

#4251 Long Handled Garden Tools, set of 4 $39.99

26 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

#4252 Galvanized Bucket $5.99 #4878 Set of 10 $54.99

Garden Tool Holders

#4856 30" Garden Tool Holder #4857 18" Garden Tool Holder


The galvanized metal is hot dipped to prevent rust. Body wedges add strength to the bucket, and a sturdy handle allows for easy handling even with the bucket filled to capacity and allows for a full range of motion without pinching fingers. Made in Mexico.

AAllow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Check Ch k th the W Web b site it often ft ffor

new products and current pricing.

Order online at natureexplore.org | 27


These 5½” tall metal watering cans hold approximately 24 oz. and are the perfect size for small gardeners. The Watering Can you receive will be either blue, red or green. Made in China.

Constructed of sturdy aluminum framing, in attractive landscape green. Panels are made of UV-stabilized 4mm polycarbonate for superior heat retention and hot spot reduction. Both greenhouses have advanced features including corrosion-resistant gutters and end caps, weather-tight seams joining panels to frame, and the ability to accommodate optional fans, heaters, benches and additional doors. Assembly and permanent installation required. Instructions included. Both come with a 10-year warranty by the manufacturer.

Tree House Fabric T

“By providing clearly defined activity areas, children are empowered to make choices and plans on their own. Separate activity areas decrease conflicts among children and increase children’s ability to focus on play and learning.” –From the Learning With Nature Idea Book

C Children can develop and use estimation skills in deciding how much fabric they need to create their own outdoor spaces. This long-lasting th polyester fabric resists tearing even on raw po timbers and is see-through – making it easy to tim keep track of students. Fabric can also be used ke indoors to drape on tables or chairs. Imported. in

General Construction Materials

Dimensions: approximately 45” W x 143” L D #3 #3938 #3939 #3 #3940 #3 #4265 #4 #4266 #4 #4267 #4

Tree House Fabric - Yellow Tree House Fabric - Blue Tree House Fabric - Green Tree House Fabric - Red Tree House Fabric - Orange Tree House Fabric - Forest Green

$19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99

Check natureexplore.org for color availability

Hand-Peeled Ponderosa Pine Posts & Railings Rustic Sign Posts This durable pine sign post is sanded smooth to reduce splinters. Each post comes with a notch sized to accommodate our Wooden Signs (not included). Assembly and permanent installation required.

Hand-peeled ponderosa pine posts and railings will add both a safety element and new play options around any platform. Children can use the Tree Platform Railing to anchor their Tree House Fabric creations and construct rooms while learning about spatial relationships. Assembly and permanent installation required. Drop Ship Dimensions: Vertical Post 6’ L x 4-6” Dia.

Use the Building uilding Plans, Plans Posts & Rails and Log Edging to create your own Tree House Platforms. Shown completed with Tree House Fabric (right) and under construction (above).

Horizontal Railing

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

$ 54.99 $ 64.99 $149.99

Drop Ship

Wooden Signs

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Use these natural Wooden Signs to delineate one learning area from another.

Willow Fencing

Dimensions: 7 / ” H x 12˝ W

Willow Fences are made from vertical willow sticks (approximately 1/4 - 3/8“ diameter) tied together with galvanized steel wire, making the fence both sturdy and rustresistant. Willow Fencing can be used to divide spaces, create shade, soften the overall aesthetic of an area, or to hide an existing chain-link fence. Imported.

1 2

#3905 #3906 #3907 #3908 #3909

“Messy Materials Area” $29.99 #3913 “Action Area” $29.99 “Music and Movement Area” $29.99 #3930 “Climbing Area” $29.99 “Nature Art Area” $29.99 #4870 “Building Area” $29.99 “Gathering Area” $29.99 “Outdoor Classroom designed for children 2 to 5 years of age with adult supervision” $29.99 #3910 “Outdoor Classroom designed for children 5 to 12 years of age with adult supervision” $29.99

Tree Cookie Flooring Tr

Tree House Building Plans The Beauty of Nature Our field-tested components are made of natural materials. To be most effective in connecting children with nature and inspiring meaningful childhood development, the products are made preserving the character of the wood. Grain, knots, and checking, a natural cracking process that occurs as wood releases moisture across the annual growth rings, are all part of this character. Additionally, unfinished wood will naturally develop a beautiful silvery-gray patina over time. Observing the natural color change and aging of natural components is a valuable part of children’s connection with nature. Exact product dimensions and appearance will vary due to the uniqueness of nature. Due to seasonality and the custom-made nature, please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery of certain items.

Us Tree Cookie Flooring to enhance the Use natural feel of your outdoor classroom as na well as give students a flat, level place to we play and build. Tree Cookies have been pl dried for durability and stability. dr Estimating Tree Cookie Flooring Coverage: Made of red cedar and sold in sets of 16. Coverage area can vary widely between 9 and 19 sq. ft. depending on the M Dimensions: 21/2” W x 8-12” Dia. Di #3902 Tree Cookie Flooring $159.99 #3

Use these plans to create Tree House platforms in various configurations and numbers. Includes material list, instructions and schematics. 5 pages. Advanced skill level required.

Dimensions: 3’3” H x 13’ L 5’ H x 13’ L #3946 Willow Fencing, 3’3” H $64.99 #4376 Willow Fencing, 5’ H $89.99

#4250 Building Plans $14.95 visit natureexplore.org for free download

Log Edging Log Edging will add that rustic element to any outdoor classroom. As they play, children enjoy the natural feel they get in a classroom made of non-synthetic materials. Made of pine. Dimensions: 24˝ L x 12˝ W x 4˝ D # #3903 Log Edging, set of 3 sections $109.99 Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

shape of the cookies, the shape of the area, and the size of your joints. Assume that each case will cover 10 Sq. Ft. You always want to have too many rather than too few. Extras can be used in the Messy Materials Area. Formula: Area/10 = # of Sets of Tree Cookie Flooring


Example: 156 sq. ft./10 = 15.6 Sets of Tree Cookie Flooring (Order 16 sets)

Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

28 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

A polymer/concrete mortar blend is recommended for installation (not included). Installation instructions are also available at natureexplore.org.

Check Ch k th the W Web b site it often ft ffor

A si simple deck platform becomes comes more natural and inspiring with mo ben benches secured from underneath and then dressed with Log Edging.

Drop Ship

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

new products d t and d currentt pricing. i i

Please Note: Willow Fen Fencing is not a freestanding fence fenc and needs to be framed or suppor supported. However, it is easily tied to an existing e chain-link fence or to a simp simple metal, wooden, or PVC frame (not included).


Order online at natureexplore.org | 29


#3944 Horizontal Railing #3945 Vertical Post #3947 Set of 2 Posts & 1 Railing

Dimensions: 60” L x 3-4” Dia. #4275 Rustic Sign Post $84.99

6’ L x 3-4” Dia.

“Think carefully about the ages and developmental levels of the children in your program, and be sure to provide enough approproate challenges in you outdoor space to keep children engaged and motivated.” -From the Learning With Nature Idea Book

“A gathering area provides a place where teachers can meet with groups for a variety of reasons... to share individual discoveries or special events such as group sing-alongs.“ –From the Learning With Nature Idea Book

Gathering Area

Supplemental Resources Droll Yankees® Bird Feeders D

At-Ease Benches A

Th These beautiful Bird Feeders feature a durable polished pewter finish and attract birds and other po wildlife to your Outdoor Classroom. wi

A At-Ease Benches give outdoor spaces a new element, a quiet place for children to sit in the ssun with friends and enjoy nature. These beautiful rustic benches also work well indoors. H Hand-crafted from one-half of a red cedar log, these benches are splinter free, and sit at a lower height perfect for young children. Some assembly required. lo D Dimensions: Tall Short

8 8” Bird Feeder 16 16” Bird Feeder 20 20” Bird Feeder 30 30” Bird Feeder

48” L x 12” W x 18” H 48” L x 12” W x 12” H

# #3911 Tall At-Ease Bench $169.99 #4258 Short At-Ease Bench $169.99 #

#4873 #4874 #4875 #4876

Natural Picnic Table A great addition to your Gathering Area or just for everyday activities that you want to do outdoors: reading, drawing, or eating. Western red cedar is popular outdoor wood because of its natural resistance to rot and insects. Assembly required.

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Stump Stools provide natural seating and work wonderfully with Nature Art Tables. Made of barkless red cedar, they provide a beautiful, natural seating choice. Dimensions: Short Tall

Sturdy Tape Measure Explorer Journals

#4851 Explorer Journals, set of 10 $29.99 #4852 Set of 50 $139.99 #4853 Set of 100 $259.99

Nature Explore Clipboards


Children can enhance their math, visual-spatial, and contrasting skills as they measure and compare the diversity of nature. Made of durable fiberglass to withstand the elements.

#3926 Clipboards, set of 10 $ 44.99 #4864 Set of 50 $209.99 #4865 Set of 100 $399.99

#3932 Tape Measures, set of 10 $12.99 $54.99 #4866 Set of 50 #4867 Set of 100 $89.99


Compass 5+years Co

Fe Features a magnifying lens lens, rulers rulers, glow-in-the dark markers, rotating dial and gl lanyard. Made in China. la

+ years


Kaleidoscopes K

Dimensions: 4 ½˝ L x 2½” W Di

Th removable end-cap allows children The to place their own nature items inside, inspiring them to experience nature in in new and exciting ways. Cardboard. ne

#4259 Short Stump Stool $109.99 #4260 Short Stump Stools, Set of 2 $199.99 $114.99 $219.99

#4848 Kaleidoscope, set of 10 #4 #4849 Set of 50 #4 #4850 Set of 100 #4

Drop Ship


Dimensions: 60˝ L x ½” W


12” H x 12” Dia. 18” H x 12” Dia.

#3916 Tall Stump Stool #3904 Tall Stump Stools, Set of 2

4.99 #3928 Magnifying Glasses, set of 10 $ 34.99 9.99 #4862 Set of 50 $159.99 #4863 Set of 100 $299.99 9.99

Dimensions: 12˝ L x 9˝ W

Dimensions: 5˝ L x 6 ¾” W

Stump Stools


Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.

Dimensions: 6˝ L x 9˝ Dia.

Children can use these clipboards to sketch the wonders they find in the natural world. Drawing provides a link to literacy as writing skills are strengthened in a way that works well for natural visual-spatial learners.

+ years

Drop Ship

Contains 36 sheets of recycled paper. These journals are the ideal size for note taking and map making.

Drop Ship

$22.99 $33.99 $59.99 $99.99


59” L x 181/2” W x 20” H 59” L x 7” W x 123/4” H

#4257 Picnic Table $299.99

8” Bird Feeder 16” Bird Feeder 20” Bird Feeder 30” Bird Feeder


These magnifying glasses have the look and the feel of wood but are made of durable high-grade plastic. Made in China.


Dimensions: Top Bench

Dimensions: Ports: Capacity: 8˝ L x 2½” Dia. 2 ½ lb. 16˝ L x 2½” Dia. 2 1 lb. 20˝ L x 3½” Dia. 2 2½ lbs. 30˝ L x 3½” Dia. 2 4 lbs.


Nature Explore Magnifying Glass

#4 #4268 Compass, set of 10 #4 #4844 Set of 50 #4845 Set of 100 #4

$ 49.99 $239.99 $459.99

Discontinued item, limited quantities available. D Check natureexplore.org for availability.

$ 49.99 $239.99 $459.99

Allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.



Explorer Kit Each kit contains one each of the following: Clipboard, Magnifying Glass, Explorer Journal, Tape Measure and Compass.* Everything needed to get out and explore nature!

Twig Colored Pencils ils ls

#4877 Explorer Kit (with Compass) $24.99

Colored Pencils will heighten hten children’s observation skills by encouraging close attention tt ti tto d detail. t il M Made d from actual branches to provide a textural experience.

*Compass has been discontinued, limited quantities available. Check natureexplore.org for availability.

#4877 Explorer Kit (without Compass) $19.99

Each pencil contains approximately 1” of color and can be sharpened with a file or blade. Dimensions: 3½” L x ½” Dia. #3927 Twig Colored Pencils, bundle of 10 $ 4.99 #4879 Set of 10 bundles $44.99 30 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

Check the Web site often for

new products and current pricing.

Order online at natureexplore.org | 31

More Supplemental Resources

No Finish Just Wood

In response to today’s health and environmental concerns, we proudly offer Schoolhouse Naturals, items which at their root, are simply wood. Constructed primarily of responsibly harvested hard maple and no added chemicals other then a little wood glue where needed. Even the detailing is chemical free; it is laser engraved into the wood.

Quality craftsmanship and engraved details on responsibly harvested maple.

all ages es

Natural Maple Teethers ers


Natural teethers are the perfect erfect answer to concerns over toxic chemicals cals and finishes. Each is rounded and sanded smooth oth to the touch and to the mouth and gums. Large e enough for babies to get their hands and arms around but small enough to be comfortable in the mouth. th

2+years Naturall S N Scoots Si Simple, fun and the perfect size for toddlers. s. Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Cr etailing. tailing. g Unfinished. Un Di Dimensions: Fire Truck Hybrid Car Racer #1 Racer #2 Recycling Truck School Bus

Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Unfinished.

ages + years


Dimensions: 3/4” W x 31/2” Dia. #5223 Natural Maple Teethers, set of 2 $14.99 #5224 Natural Maple Teethers, set of 6 $39.99

4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H

#5221 Natural Scoots, set of 6 $27.99

Natural Rattles

all ages

Natural Disk Rattle - the disks move slightly back and forth and spin freely.

Crafted out of solid maple and other hardwood. Unfinished. ABC Blocks Encourage ncourage literacy learning and visual-spatial skills at the same ame time. Each set of 16 blocks will spell hundreds of words. Available with or without storage tray.

Dimensions: Disk 21/2” L x 13/4” Dia. Oval Bead 21/2” L x 11/2” W x 21/2” H Oval Bell 21/2” L x 11/2” W x 21/2” H

Natural Oval Bell Rattle - The bell floats freely for maximum sound.

#5222 Natural Rattles, set of 3 $27.99

The beautiful, but each one he detailed ABC Blocks are not only beautiful features an object in the background that begins with that particular letter (A for apple, S for snowflake, etc.).

Natural Oval Bead Rattle - The beads float freely on the pegs for maximum sound and movement.


Dimensions: 13/4” Sq.

+ years


Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Unfinished. Detailed ABC Blocks #5227 Set of 16 $97.99 #5228 Set of 16 w/ storage tray $107.99

Shape Sorter Bench


Twelve hard maple blocks come ome in four primary shapes: circle, square, rectangle, and triangle. gle Each bench comes with a pouch for storage of the pieces. Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Unfinished. Dimensions: Bench Shapes

63/4” L x 4” W x 4” H Approximately 3/4” L x 1/4” W

#5226 Shape Sorter Bench $19.99 32 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

My First Train The four cars on this train connect easily with a ball and socket hitching system. Have your engine pull the train or push it. The hitching system is perfect for little hands.

Dimensions: Each Car Together

6” L x 5” H 24” L x 1” W

#5225 My First Train $47.99

Made By Me™ Kits

+ years



Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Unfinished.

Simple ABC Blocks #5229 Set of 16 $19.99 #5230 Set of 16 w/ storage tray $29.99



These natural rattles have all hardwood parts that are assembled by hand using glue.

Encourages children 3 and up to create and construct. Each kit includes an unfinished, sanded smooth pine body and 4 natural wheels and axles. The assembly instructions are under the tag. All you need is some glue, a hammer, and paints, crayons, stickers or whatever you want to use for decoration. Crafted out of pine and hardwood. Unfinished. Dimensions: Bug Engine Racer Ra Tugboat Tu Tractor Tra Truck Tru

4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H 4” L x 4” H


1+years Push N Pulls Perfect for pre-toddlers, ddlers, these natural toys ccan really grow with children. For crawlers toy, with a large wlers they are the perfect p push toy handle for little hands to push across the floor. Once they begin to walk, a string can be attached through the hole in the front and their favorite push toy now becomes a pull toy. Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Unfinished.

Mini Monsters Perfect for little hands, the big wheels really make these mini-monsters lots of fun. Crafted out of solid maple with engraved detailing. Unfinished. Dimensions: Car Pick-up School Bus

33/4” L x 1” W 33/4” L x 1” W 33/4” L x 1” W

#5232 Mini Monsters, set of 3 $49.99



Dimensions: Bunny 71/2” L x 5” H Elephant 6” L x 6” H Truck 71/2” L x 5” H

#5220 Made By Me Kits, set of 6 $23.99 99

#5231 Push N Pulls, set of 3 $49.99 !


CHOKING HAZARD-Small Parts Not for children under 3 years years.

Check the Web site often for

new products and current pricing. ng

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Educator Resources Learning With Nature Idea Book: Creating Nurturing Outdoor Spaces for Children Field-Tested Principles for Effective Outdoor Learning Environments Discover practical and inspiring ideas for using nature as an integral part of children’s learning whether you are adding natural components to an existing outdoor classroom, or designing a new space. Incorporating concepts from leading American Society of Landscape Architects members with easy-to-follow illustrations and photos, the Idea Book will help you put the results of Dimensions’ field-tested principles to work in your outdoor classroom. 52 pages. Paperback (2007). #3943 Learning With Nature Idea Book $19.99

Nature Explore Families’ Club Research-based, field-tested resources designe designed to help you organize a Families’ Club at your school or organization. Packed full of easy-to-use, developmentally appropriate activities, the Families’ Club kit has everything you need to connect and engage families with each other and the natural world while introducing them to a variety of natural spaces in your community. mun nit ityy..

#D103 “Learning With Nature” DVD $19.99 #

E h sett contains Each t i s 16 beautifully b tif lly photographed pho hotographed t hed natural images, carefully selected ed to inspire children to develop lop close observation skills as Garden Projects for Young Children they discover shapes apes and patterns in nature. by Sara Starbuck, Marla Olthof & Karen Midden Each card features es activities on the back Dirty hands stimulate growing minds! This to encourage scientifi entific and mathematical practical guide introduces teachers—with or understandings and literac literacy learning learning. without green thumbs—to the rich learning 1 opportunities found in gardening with children. Dimensions: 8 /2” W x 11” L 208 pages. Paperback (2002). #C502 “Hearts” Nature Image Cards $17.99 #C501 “Stars” Nature Image Cards $17.99 #5218 Hollyhocks and Honeybees $29.99

Hollyhocks and Honeybees:

C Children view nature’s beauty with surprise and enthusiasm as they study these posters of beautiful images. imag The six selected photographs children to discover shapes and encourage chil and inspire them to closely patterns in nature nat around them. observe the environment en Dimensions: Hearts 20” W x 16” L Stars 16” W x 20” L #C402 “Hearts” Nature Image Poster #C401 “Stars” Nature Image Poster

$7.99 $7.99

Building Typology Poster Th research-based poster inspires This young builders to create ever-more yo complex structures as they work co with blocks. Background on this wit typology is included. typ Dimensions: 17” W x 11” L Dim

#4726 Families’ Club Kit $24.99

Nature Imag N Image ge Pos g Posters sters

#C301 Typology Poster $7.99 #C

Download for free at natureexplore.org.

Natural Playscapes: Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul by Rusty Keeler Natural Playscapes: offers practical ideas that you can use to enhance your outdoor learning environment. Throughout the book you’ll find beautiful color photographs, illustrations, and practical tips you can use to add depth and personalization to your outdoor classroom design. 316 pages. Paperback (2008). #4926 Natural Playscapes $48.99

Add New Dimensions to Learning DVD Learn how adding more experiences with building, nature, and movement to children’s lives will bring benefits for years to come. 20 minutes. #D1 #D101 “Add New Dimensions to Learning” DVD $19.99

Nature Explore Clubs An easy and affordable way to use the outdoors as an integral part of learning. Designed for teachers, parents, grandparents, and other adults to enhance their bonds with the preschool through 3rd grade children in their lives and bring them closer to nature.

Look, Look Look… k… Look Ag Again ga ain a in

Nurture Through Nature

by Claire War Warden and Niki Buchan These books ffrom the United ed Kingdom are full of wonderful photography that allows children and adults to share ideas together and experience the seasons in new and exciting ways. 48 pages. Paperback (2007). Imported from Scotland. #4858 #4859 #4860 #4861

Look, Look… Look, Look… Look, Look… Look, Look…

Look Again - Autumn Look Again - Spring Look Again - Summer Look Again - Winter

$26.99 $26.99 $26.99 $26.99

Last Child in the Woods

by Claire Warden Nurture Through Nature explores the connection that children under three have to nature. Structured around topics including mud, sand, and flowers, each chapter celebrates a specific natural element and provides practical ideas for taking infants and toddlers outside to play. 100 pages. Paperback (2007). Imported from Scotland. #4974 Nurture Through Nature $48.99

Journal of Awe and Wonder by Claire Warden and Niki Buchan Created in honor of the Nature Action Collaborative for Children, this journal can be used to record ideas and reflections. The stunning color photographs and inspirational quotes celebrate young children connecting with nature from around the world. 96 pages. Spiral-bound (2007). Imported from Scotland.

Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv This new edition reflects the enormous changes that have taken place since Last Child in the Woods created a national conversation about the disconnection between children and nature. 390 pages. Paperback (2008). #5219 Last Child in the Woods $14.99 34 | Order toll free 1-888-908-8733

#4973 Journal of Awe and Wonder $32.99

Check the Web site often for

These field-tested outdoor activities combine literature with science to enhance children’s observation and problem-solving skills as they have fun connecting with the wonders of nature. Materials include exciting colorful stories, outdoor adventure activities and clever “Explorer’s Tools” to make connecting with nature more fun and hands-on. Activities are correlated with appropriate National Education Standards. Volumes 1 & 2 of both the Home and Educator Editions contain the same great stories and activities. Home Edition Three volumes of the Nature Explore Home Edition are available, each with different activities and stories. Volume 1 includes a special Nature Explore Magnifying Glass. With each volume, your child receives: • Six colorful, exciting stories • Six outdoor adventures to enjoy with an adult • Six “Explorer’s Tools” to make discovery even more fun #4721 Home Edition Vol. 1 #4722 Home Edition Vol. 2 #4723 Home Edition Vol. 3

$24.99 $19.99 $19.99

Educator Edition Two volumes of the Nature Explore Educator Edition are available, each with different activities and stories and contains enough materials for 10 students. Volume 1 also includes a set of Nature Explore Magnifying Glasses. With each volume, every teacher receives: • Six engaging stories to read out loud • A complete set of the six Adventure Activities • A complete set of the six “Explorer’s Tools” that students receive. Each student receives: • Six fun Adventure Activities • Six clever “Explorer’s Tools” #4724 Educator Edition Vol. 1 $69.99 #4722 Educator Edition Vol. 2 $49.99

Home and Educator Editions are available for a limited time only. Check natureexplore.org for availability.

new products and current pricing.

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The Families’ Club Kit includes: • A master Facilitator’s Guide • Nine reproducible Adventure Activities • Nine Facilitator’s Notes • A CD with all Adventure Activities, Facilitator’s Notes and customizable organizational forms for easy reproduction

Learning With Nature DVD Discover techniques for using outdoor classrooms as an integral part of preschool and elementary children’s daily learning. See how well-designed outdoor spaces facilitate children’s overall development in traditional academic areas. Gain deve insight into ways to help children make deeper insi connections with the natural world. 23 minutes. conn



Nature Image e Cards

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