6 Lawn Care Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

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6LawnCareMyths YouShouldn’tBelieve

So many homeowners, so many different ideas about how lawn care should be done - who can you trust? When it comes to your reliable lawn service Atlanta routine, it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. To help clear up any confusion, we've exposed six common lawn myths to help you learn what's truly best for your lawn so it can thrive.


Myth #1: Spiked shoes are an effective aeration method

Spikes may cause more harm than good. Aeration is most effective when hollow tines are used. While both methods create holes in the soil, walking around with solid spikes will further compact the soil and suffocate the grass roots by pushing the grass and dirt deeper into the soil. Instead of pushing soil plugs down, core aeration with hollow tines removes them.

Myth #2: You can water your lawn any time of day

If you want your efforts to be fruitful and not in vain, the best time to water your lawn is between 6 and 9 a.m. to avoid the heat. After that, the sun becomes so hot that the moisture in your soil evaporates before it reaches your grass roots. Of course, it can be tempting to put off watering until the evening instead of setting an early alarm, but this is actually worse than watering at midday because it creates ideal conditions for lawn fungus and other diseases.

Myth #3: Mowing grass shorter is better

A shorter lawn necessitates less mowing. While that trim, golf course look is appealing, resist the temptation. Lawns that are too short expose more weeds to sunlight, allowing them to spread. Short turf will also have shorter roots, making it more difficult to store the water required to survive drought conditions. When mowing, never remove more than one-third of the length of the grass blade.

Myth #4: Discard your grass clippings

While leaving clippings on your lawn after mowing may not be visually appealing, clippings have proven benefits. Contrary to popular belief, grass clippings contain essential nutrients that help fertilize the soil and even reduce thatch. Save yourself the step of bagging your clippings the next time you mow, and your lawn will thank you.


Your lawn will not improve simply because you applied more fertilizer than is required. In fact, too much fertilizer can harm your grass because the nitrogen will burn it and turn it a browny-yellow colour. As a result, you should always follow the directions on the packaging. However, if you are guilty of over-fertilizing your lawn, this four-step guide to repairing an overfertilized lawn will help you avoid longterm damage.


Myth #6: Handpulling is the best way to stop weeds

When weeds are pulled, any root, stem, or pieces of the weed that remain in the soil can quickly sprout into another weed. When pulling weeds, make sure you get the entire root or the weed will regrow. Hand pulling works best on new, young weeds because their root systems are small and underdeveloped. If the weed has grown deeper into the soil, consider using a tool to extract it.

Get In Touch... Address 651 Langford Dr NW Norcross, GA 30071 PhoneNumber 770-447-6037 Website https://www.arbor-nomics.com
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