How To Achieve An Eco-Friendly Lawn ARBOR-NOMICS TURF
Nature is chaotic when left to its own devices. Mankind, on the other hand, enjoys creating order and even art out of chaos. In our pursuit of a beautiful, healthy yard, we can lose sight of the fact that we are altering our natural environment. It is critical to consider the consequences of our actions on the environment. Eco-friendly lawn care is a method of allowing your turf and plants to thrive while minimizing environmental impact. Here are some premium lawn service Atlanta tips to start your lawn’s eco-makeover.
Many Atlanta homeowners will agree that leaf removal is a tedious part of thei lawn care routine. Consider that leaves and yard waste can find their way into waterways and sewers, releasing fertilizers and pesticides as they decompose. You may be helping the environment more than you realize by keeping your lawn free of debris. If you want to go a step further, consider establishing a compost area, which will benefit both you and the environment.
Clean Up Responsibly
Spread Safely
Most people use a broadcast spreader to spread fertilizer. When using this tool and method, make sure your spreader has a side guard. This keeps the chemicals on the lawn rather than on the sidewalks or streets, preventing them from washing away and polluting waterways with toxic chemicals from your fertilizers and pesticides.
Water Smartly
Watering is essential for the he your turf, but keep in mind that valuable public resource. You co contributing to a lot of waste if paying attention. Check your sp on a regular basis to ensure the working properly and not spray the driveway, street, or sidewa also collect rainwater from dow Rainwater is a more environme friendly alternative to tap water more of it that can be recycled, better.
Another unavoidable aspect of lawn care is mowing. Maintain the length of your grass by never removing more than one-third of the blade height at a time. Longer grass promotes deeper root growth, which improves water absorption and reduces erosion and runoff. It will also provide shade for the soil and discourage weed growth. It is beneficial to leave grass clippings on the lawn because they provide a fresh source of natural fertiliser and help the soil retain water.
Leave It Long
651 Langford Dr NW, Norcross, GA 30071 770-447-6037 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT US
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