cobra plus 4 t Easy Installation In 6 Steps
1. Install expansion band
The appropriate lenght of the insert is the circumference of stem/branch. At a distance of the branch circumference plus 20 cm (8´´) from the end of the rope compress the rope and insert the expansion insert into the rope.
2. Mount anti friction hose
Cut anti friction hose to lenght and pull over rope (lenght = minimum branch circumference) and slip over the rope and cover the expansion insert.
3. Create quick splice
Wind around the stemm, copress the rope and feed it approximately 30 cm (12”) through the inside (distance 1/2 branch diameter) and out again.
4. Create compensation loop
Make a loop approximately 10 cm (4”) in diameter then reinsert rope end approximately 10 cm (4”) into the inside of the rope and pull it back out. This loop is for tension, to accommodate tree growth, and as control.
5. Insert shock absorber
Lubricate the tip. At a convenient spot compress the rope and insert the shock absorber into the inside of the rope through the braids. The shock absorber can be installed anywhere in the rope.
6. Build counter bearing
Cut off excess rope and install heat shrink end cap. Push end cap at least 10 cm (4”) over the end of the rope. Heat the end of the rope with a blow torch until light crimping occurs. Then push end cap over the end and heat up. Repeat steps 1 - 4 at the counter bearing.
Installation height:
Optimum efficiency can be archived when installing the dynamic bracing system at 2/3 of branch height. To support single branches as load bracing system an outermost vertical connection is necessary.
Field of applications:
As dynamic bracing system for stem-ø at fork above 40 to 60 cm (23,5”) As static or load bracing system for stem-ø at fork up to max. 40 cm (15,5”)
cobra plus 4 t is according to the German Treecare Standards a tree support system with a minimum system strength of 4 tons - and that for over 15 years.
pbs GmbH · Gerokstaffel 1 · D-70184 Stuttgart · Tel. +49-711-235661 · Fax +49-711-235662 ·