1944 Arbutus Yearbook

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Business Manager






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HONOR ROLL Lt. Ru ssel M. Church , '39 Lt. J . Ra ymond Kin g, '40 Lt. David W . Hancock, '40 Pvt. Ma rion D. Lutes. ' 39 Ens. Robe rt \ \I . DeR ea me r, '39 Capt. Howa rd A. McC urd y, ·29 Lt. R ay mond Sande rs, '4 1 Lt. Clyde H. Pinnick, '32 Lt. Philip T. Metsk e r , '40 Pvt. Metherell E. Pea rce, '30 Capt. William McCall', '22 Capt. Allison W. Strauss, '39 Capt. Ra ymo nd P . Sa lza rulo , '37 A/ C Norman D. Nearon , '45 Lt. H o wa rd C . Welke r , '37 Lt. Charles R . Norris. '38 A/ C C ha rl es B. Youn g, '42 Capt. H arold E . Pi ele me ier, '26 Lt. -Co l. Elmer D. Goss , ' 12 Lt. John F. Kerr , '30 Lt. Joseph R . .Ja rvi s. '42 Pvt. Willi a m R. Tirey , '40 Lt. Cecil I. Rhodes, '42 Lt. Sa muel L. Mitchell , '40 Ens. John \ \I. Banta, '38 LL Norman .J. Linn e , '42 Lt. -Col. Virgil L. Eikenberry, ' 15 Lt. Fl oyd A. H ale. '42 Ca p t. Ri cha rd E. '.\fill er, '40 Ca pt. William F. Iloi ce. '28 S/ Sgt. Charles G . Glimpse , '42 S/ Sgt. Willi a m J . Griffith s, '4 1 Lt. Do nald Rav Gree ne, '43 Capt. .Ja m es K ." Stepro, '42 Lt. Tceal W . Alford , '44 Capt. Virgi l In g ram , Jr ., '40 Lt. R obe rt M. R eser, '4 1 Lt. Fra nk H . Woltm a n , '4Q Lt. Fred e ri ck A . Coppeck , '38 Ens. J a mes E. Roth , '39 Capt. F ra nk H . Vance , '29

Ens . James 0. Schultheis, '4 1 Lt. Robert K. Fisher, '42 Ca pt. W arren G. H o rnaday, '39 Lt. A. Thom as R owe, '4 1 Lt. Willi a m A. Norma n , '4 1 Lt. H ar ry B . Messick, .Jr., '42 Pvt. R obert M . Clarkson, '44 Sgt. Ma rk H. Bri ggs, '40 Lt. Doyle L. Du gger , '4 1 Lt. George P. Dav is , Jr. , '4 1 Lt. Ralph D . O 'Ril ey, '39 Lt. Willi a m .J . Scott, '44 Lt. Robert A. McConn ell , ''10 Col. Ross B. Bretz, '07 Lt. Bill y E . Hubba rd , '42 Lt. Charles K. Smith , '4 1 Lt. Kurt B. Kl ee, '40 P vt. Garold R . Este ll , '44 Lt. Eldon L. Be ndit, '39 Lt. Howard A. La r ki n , '40 Ens. Brya n S. Cunningham , '42 Lt. Sa muel L. Cole, '45 Lt . .Jack G. Shriver, '42 Capt. Robert C . Bade rtscher, '40 A/ C Fra!1k K . H a rgrove, '45 Ens. Luth e r C. Kern , '38 Lt. (j.g.) R o bert T. H all , '42 Capt. Edward L. Fowble, '43 Pvt. Robe rt L. i\[cndenhall , '4 1 Sgt. Corllund R. Good , '37 Capt. Wm . Fra n cis Lu cas, '37 Capt. Berna rd Ciderholm , Jr ., '39 Ens. H arold L. Zimmer, '41 L t. (j .g.) Anthony W . Boga n , '4 1 Lt. J a mes E . .Jen nin gs , '4 1 Lt. Willi a m E. Osb urn , '39 Lt. Bruce E . Burgess , '40 Lt. Robe rt Duke, '43 Lt. W illiam I. Sheedy, '42 Lt. John A. W alker, '40

As of January 7, 1943.



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Plan es and trains play a n importa nt part in the life of our Un iversity "p rexy" thi s year. In his new position in the State Department as Special Advisor o n Liberated Areas, Presid ent Wells must Lravcl betwee n '"' ashington, D.C. , and Bloomington , attending to both of hi s h eavy duties. Hi s hours are stri ctl y limited a nd bud geLed betwee n the United States capital and th e ca r""Qpu s, and no longer is h e able to welcome st udents in hi s fri endly "Open H ou se"; st ill the Preside nt kee ps things rolling· and always seems to b e able to find Lime to attend Lhe ma jor campus activ iti es, and neve r loses his jovial goodnatured smile. Pres ident "'' ells, possess ing the rare com bi nation of b en ignan cy a nd indu striousness, is the eleventh man to hold the position of Pres ide n t of Indiana University. Through hi s knowledge, advice, and initiative the school has progressed great! y in all fi elds, and in Lh e past two years has begun its program of training soldiers and ·w aves. Some of hi s o Lher duties are acting in advisory and co nsulLatory capaciti es on vario us n ation al edu cation al comm ittees; Presid ent of Higher Edu catio n ; and Trustee of the Carnegie Foundation for Lhe Advancement of Teachers.

Dean Briscoe, qu iet and a ffabl e, has had a full a nd varied career at In diana University, including Chairman of the Chemistry D epartment where h e was ve ry popular, Acting Dea n o f the School of Busi ness, a nd Vice Preside nt and Dea n of Faculties. Besides hi s many jobs o n camp us to keep him busy, in v\Tash ington, Dean Briscoe is Chief of the Professiona l and Technical Di visio n of th e Bureau of Training of the ' !\Tar Manpower Comm 1ss10 n.

"Pay to the order of W. G. Biddle" acqua in ts freshmen immediately with this amiable man wh o so ably co llects money and g uards the coffers of the University. Mr. Biddle served in several positions during his twenty years here before ass uming that of Vice President a nd Treasurer. Not only has h e left his imprint upon these offices so efficiently held, b ut also upon the student body who regards him as a pi ll ar of the Un iversit y.

A friendly smi le and greet ing o[ " May l h elp you?" are a lwa ys ex tended by i\1 rs. \1Vcathcrwax to every studem who e nters the o fli cc of the D ea n of Women where C\'er y con cc i\'ab lc type of cocci problem is handl ed. Mrs. Muell er, th e attracti\'c D ea n o[ \ Vomen, a grad uate o( \ Nil so n Coll ege, Chambersburg. Pcnn sy l\'ani a, tau g ht at th e Un i\'crsity o[ J\Jin nesota a nd came Lo Indi ana University in J938. She is responsibl e for th e wc l fare o[ a ll wom en stud e nts, from housing to di sc iplining Lard y wee k-end arrivals. Mrs. Mu e ll er is es pec iall y interested in expanding and broad e nin g the curri cula (or women students, student gove rnm ent, and st ud ent employment on th e campus. In 1939 she orig i natcd the Board o[ Standards, a gO\·crn ing bod y of girls to aid h er in ob ta ining ca mpu s opi nions on subjects of interest to th e Dea n 's cl c.:partment.

Dea n Kate H.

Ru sh ! and all the troubl es co nn ec ted with sororit y pledging arc carried LO th e moth erl y and g rac io us Assoc iate D ean o[ \ t\Tomen, Mrs. Kirb y. Sh e is sponsor of th e Panh ell cni c o rga nizati o n a nd sk iIr u 11 y cl irccts ru shing proccd urc5 , and irons out the m a n y pe rso nal problem s carri ed to her door.

~fu eller

"Friendl y a id and council " mig ht be th e motto hung above th e door of thi s o ffi ce, for it is e,·cr a,·ailable.

\Ir<. Lo ui e Kiri n · A~sociate Dea n of Women



Fanni e \V ea th e r\\'a \'. Ass is tan l

Civilian bu sin ess is a liule slack in the office of the Dean of Me n this year, not that the male population of the ca mpus is so far superi or to that of the women in having fewer problems and d ifficulties. The answer is "Fewer civilian men." The office, h owever, has many different probl ems to handl e - more tha n m ost students realize o D ea n Thornbury is kept busy eve n tho ugh the m a le e nrollm ent h as d ecreased. Bes ides handling social disciplin e, which const itutes a m ajor part of the respo nsibility, this d epa rtment has the duties of supervisio n o f me n 's hou sing, the acad emic disciplin e of the School of Arts a nd cie nce, Musi c, a nd Edu cation; a iding in th e prepara ti o n of that bugbear of students, the ch eck list; and ge nera l supervisio n of m en's activiti es. D ea n C. E. Edmo ncl5o n, well know n for hi5 brilliant billi a rd playing, is o n leave of absen ce th is year, spe nding part of his time in California an cl th e re mainder o n hi s ranch in Colorado. Assum ing the e ntire respo nsibility in D ea n Edmo ndson's abse nce is Mr. Thornbury, Associate D ea n o f M e n. D ea n Thornbury also teaches geograp hy classes for the Army st ude nts; has a n ex te nsion class at J nclian apo l is in m eteorology; a nd se rves as advisor to Phi Eta igrn a and the Coun cil o f Fraternity Pre id en ts.

\\'. n. ThornbutT Associate D ea11 of ,\f e11 Dean C. E. Ed mondson

Mrs. Frances Sare Secretary


U z McMurt r ie . Willi a m Kunk e l. J r. , Orn W ilde rmu t h, Dwi g ht P et e r son, W ard G. Bidd le, H e rm a n B W e ll s , Thom as Cookson. H e rm a n T. Briscoe , P a ul F e lt us , J o hn H a stin gs, Frank All e n.

The adminisLraL i\'C bod y o ( th e ni\·crsiLy, Lh e Ind ia na Uni\'ers iLy Boa rd of Trustees, is composed of e ig ht ciLi ze ns o[ Lhc sLa Lc o [ Indiana. Three o r th ese arc elected b y Lh c alumni o [ the UnivcrsiL y while th e oLher fiv e a rc appointed b y Lh c Gove rnor upo n rccomrncndaLion o ( the State Boa rd o [ EclucaL ion. E ac h m embe r sc r\'cs Lhrcc yea rs a nd the te nure is a rranged so LhaL o ne is e lec ted eve ry year. Thi s yea r Lhc Boa rd has no special work, s uch as planning new build ings, inaug ura Ling a sp eed -up program , or ex panding Lh c faculLy. Th ey ha\'C h acl th e us ua l number o[ m ee Lings in o rd er LO ca rr y on wiLh th e normal bu sin ess. J\I cmbc rs of th e Boa rd o [ Trustees in Lhc o rd er o[ Lh c ir se ni or ity arc th e Pres id e nt, J uclgc Ora L eo nard \V ildcrrn u Lh, Gary: Mrs. Sa n Cord Teter, Bloo ming ton ; P a ul FclLu s, Bloomin g LOn ; \Villi am lbcrt Kunkel, Bl uITLOn ; J ohn Simpson Ha stings, \Va s hi ngLOn ; J. Dwight P ete rso n, Ind iana poli s, Uz M cMunri c, Indi a n apo li s; and Frank Em erso n A lle n, South Be nd. l\lr. Biddle and l\Ir. Cookson, bOLh Unive rsiL y admin isLraLivc o ffi cia ls, work wiLh Lh c B oa rd in an ex-o ffi cio capaciLy as SccrcLary ar.d Trcasu rcr, rcsp ecLi vcl y.


Located in offi ces in the Admini strati o n Building are m a ny individuals with whom the student body comes in contact fregu enll y and ye t rather indirecll y. All a id Pres id e nt ·w ell s in th e mooth and effi cient running of th e campu s, adding to the comfort ancl "v elfare o f the students. A few of su ch personages are Mr. Bartley, Director of the N ews Bureau; Mr. Fish er, Cashier and Ticke t Manager ; Dr. Catharine Evans, Vocational Coun selor for W ome n ; Mr. Elliott, Director of Admiss ion s; and Mr. Cookson, R egi strar.

Mi ss Cath a rine E va ns

Th omas A. Cookson




:\1a x p o ints whil e Dael p o urs

Beauty p ee rs into scie nce

Plouing a magne ti c fi eld C ulture in the bacti lab A matter of great weight

Army cooks with gas

"What sm ells?" an innocent freshman asks as h e e nters the long hall in that building behind Kirkwood. Whe n he is told that h e is in the Chemistry Building, he looks sli gh tl y less bewildered; but hi s ini tial question rema ins. Indiana's Chemistry D epartment offers a well-ro und ed course in cl ud ing fund amental training in ch emistry and work in related subj ects. After completin g this four year co urse, th e grad uate rece ives his A .B. d egree and is n ow capabl e of holding positions in the ch em ical industry, governme ntal research laboratories, a nd in teach ing positions. The curriculum of the Chemistry Department provides for basic courses in five fields - analytical ch em istry, biological ch em istry, inorganic ch emistr y, organic ch em istry, a nd phys ical ch emistry. If the student ch ooses the Arts curriculu m, he d evotes onl y slightly more than one third of his time to ch emistry courses. The remainder of his program includes courses which furnish the grad uate w ith a well-rounded ed ucat io n. Thus he is culturally as well as profess io nall y ready to enter one of the m a n y fi elds open to Chem. majors. A lso conta in ed in this curriculum are the requirements n ecessary for recommendations for assistantships and sch olarsh ips for graduate work. Alth ough the four year course provides the student with e nough technical knowledge to obtain a good position, the ambitio us Chem . major seeks to continu e his learning by taking graduate work. The principal aims of the gradu ate study are to promote independen ce and th e sp irit of r esearch. During his grad u ate work the student is required to complete a research problem, and in the form of a thesis, present a writeup of his work. Having completed hi s gradu ate work, the student receives a D octor of Philosoph y degree in Chemistry.

Indi a na University is fort un ate in having as th e head of its H ome Eco nomi cs D epa rtm e nt Dr. Beatrice Ge iger, national authority in that fi eld of work. Previously sh e h ad taught at Co lorado State Agricultural Coll ege, Oregon Stale Co llege, and Iowa State Teach ers' Coll ege. "Th e way to a man's h eart is thro ugh his stomach. " Th is well kn ow n say ing p o ints out one of the advantages of a hom e econom ics co urse. H owever, altho ugh the great majority of hom e eco nom ics st ud e nts will become homemakers soon after their gradu at io n, a number of t hese yo un g women are preparing themse lves [o r a career. At the present time there is a demand for home eco nom ics teachers ; consequently th e sa laries are exce llent. \ Vome n trained in this fi eld are now able Lo secure pos iti ons with (ood or equipme nt compan ies, p ublic utili ties, or d epartment stores immedi ately after grad u ation. Dr. Beatrice ]. Geiger

The gi rl s get acq uainted with the kitchen


Di ete ti cs is an o th er field which the H ome Ee major may e nter. However, before the stud ent may secure a respo nsibl e p os ition as a di etitian , sh e mu st first serve an apprenti ceship in a civilian h ospital, a n Army hospital, a unive rsity d o rmitory, o r a r estauran t or tea room. To bor ro w a no th er adage - an d cha nge i t sli ghtl y - " C lothes also make the woman ." Labo rator y wo rk in the d es igning and making o ( a ppa rel is an important and essential part o[ the co urse. With emph as is placed on textile analys is, th e H ome Ee m ajors of today sh o uld n ot h ave a n y qua lms about what ma teri als a re practi cal fo r a time whe n cho ice and co nserva ti o n of clo th es are so impo rtan t. Classes in d es ig n give ve n t Lo th e crea tive geniu s o f o ur fu t ure homemake r. Babi es, budgets, vitamin s, a nd ca lori cs sudde nl y b ecome actu al probl ems in the H o me Man ageme nt H o use. In ca mpus lingo the Practi ce H o use is th e place wh ere the girls apply wha t th ey h ave been ta ught in Home Ee. All stude nts a re elig ible to be m embers of the Home Eco nomi cs Club. Those who a rc p a nicula rl y p rofi cie n t m ay becom e m embers o f Omi cron N u, H ome Eco nomics h o no ra r y.

Abstrac t des igns

Feel in g bc u cr . maybe?

' Vha t's cookin '?

\\leck ly fa mil y co un cil a t th e P rac ti ce H ouse





Lea rnin g



" \Vh a t a bea utiful buildin g! " This is what most peopl e exclaim wh e n th ey first see the Business and Eco nom ics Building on Indian a's ca mpus . Compl eted in 1940, it is one of the ne west buildings at I. .

some ot her curricula. Beli ev ing tha t practi ca l app li cation is imponanL Lo thoroughly learn ing th e principles of certain phases or busin ess, the schoo l has d eve loped a workin g system by which th e sLUcle nt, after several years of specia li zed training, is pla ced in a po ition wh ere h e may apply hi s classroom knowledge.

Th e Universit y, recogni zing th e grow ing emphasis on economi c planning a nd th e need [or speciali zation, orig in ated th e Schoo l of Busin ess and Eco nomi cs in 1920 under the leadersh ip o[ D ea n \,Villiam J\. R aw les. The school is now o ne o f the la rges t busin ess schools in the United States.

A ll stud e m s in bu sin ess are automaticall y m embers of the Collegiate Chamber o( Commerce. There arc two honorari es for wom en: Chi Gamma and Omi cro n Del ta. Fo r men th ere a re Alpha Kappa Psi and Delta Sigma Pi . Be ta Gamma igma is the hi ghes t honorary in thi s school. For those speciali zi ng in o ne phase of bu sin ess, there are such clu bs as the Acco unting Club and Managem e nt Club.

Under the abl e manageme nt of Dean Prickett, the school offers a wid e range of courses. Th e student ma y study any phase of bu sin ess h e desires and h e may comb in e business with


Seven m en a nd three girl s - \VO\,V!

Dea n Pri cke tt loo ks ove r th e sch edul e

Lookin g o ve r thi s week 's bu sin ess?

Mr. La Do w lends a helping h a nd

Burr, burr, a nd bur-r -r-r-r


Cl inical demonstration

T h e li g-hts burn late in the Ba ct i lab

Does it h urt ? T hree h eads are be tter th an one H ell o, N ick, w hat beats a stra ight?

And h ere's wh ere we go

A Conversation with Dr. G a tch , D ea n of the Medi cal School: The India na U ni ve rsity School of M edi cin e, fo und ed in 1908 by the co nsoli dation o f fo ur m edical schools, was lodged in a single d ow ntown building a nd h ad co ntrol of no h osp itals. I t now h as a campu s of seventy-fi ve acres on whi ch a re located nin e large buildings in additi o n to the India na Sta te Board of H eal th building. Seve n o f these buildings have been buil t by gifts from the pu b lic. It ga ve, in peace tim e, an opp.ortunity to stud y m edicin e to thou sands of young m e n and wom en ; in wartime, it is training hund red s o f phys icia ns for the a rmed fo rces. It h as in i ts laborator ies and hospitals provid ed faciliti es for m ed ical r esearch a nd for the trainin g of specialists. A stud ent in p eace time required eight years to comple te hi s m ed ical course. H e n ow requires, under the accelera ted program, six and o ne quarter years. Our sch ool, as h ave all m edi cal sch ools, has lost a grea t m a n y of its faculty to the a rm ed fo rces. I am glad of thi s op p ortunity to express m y gra titude to th e teach ers wh o h ave bee n left with us fo r their un selfi sh d evo ti on to the sch ool. They have not tole ra ted an y lowering of sta nd a rds. T h ey are serving their country to as good a purpose as their coll eag ues who a re in uniform. I am glad, also, o f this opportunity to tha nk the m edical students for their good behavi or and atte ntion to their studi es d espite the rigors o f m ilita r y disciplin e and the distracti on a nd troubles of war time. T h e co ndu ct of the facult y a nd students is a g uarantee that the sch ool will h ave a h appy a nd prosp erous career after the re turn of p eace.

ow, thi s won't hurt a bit -

Dean William H. Crawford


Youngs ters receiving atte n tion in the clinic

"See your d enti st at least twice a year" - that's th e ferv ent hope of the aspiring "dents" who are loca ted at the School of D en tistry in Indi a napoli s. They, too, as th e "meds," are in uniform and the ir courses are very much speeded up. The d ental co urse used to cons ist of six years, but n ow, by going summ er and winter, a D.D.S. d egree may be gained in four years . 'l\lhile the students sp end most of the time stud ying orthodont ia, crown and bridge techn ique, and other related subj ects, they find time for pract ical work in the cl inic, too. Dr. ·w illiam H . Crawford is d ean of this school.

You see fell as. it's like this ...

Makes your teeth ache just to look

Joe sess ion between classes


----- ---

The prize patient gets the most attention

9 Student nurse with osteomyelitis patient


Senior nurses at breakfast

World \!\Tar II h as brought with it a grea t d ema nd for a large force of nurses - n ot only for th e war front, but for the home front as well. Making its first appeara nce in Jun e, 191 4, previous to World War I , the Indi a na Univers ity Training School for Nurses, is co ntinuing its important role in the curre nt international cri sis. T h e prime purposes of the sch ool are to maintain a high standard of nursing a nd to administer the best type of nursing care to the sick. Combin ed with practical h os pi Lal experience is a course of carefull y planned class work. This is clone in order to g ive the stud ent an intelli gent and understanding insight into the basic problems en countered in the remedial care of the sick and promotion of community welfare. Extra-curricular act ivities play an important p art in the life of

the g irls. A choral cl ub, te nnis, dancing, picnics, a nd a yearl y hobby sh ow co nst itule some of the activiti es. Forty of Lhe forty-seve n sen iors hold membership in the R eel Cross Stud e nt R eserve Orga nization , with eigh ty percent of the remaining students being m embers of the U ni ted States Cade t Nurse Corps.

The day of the Health Nurse begins at dawn


·w ith the war, the School of Education has seen a n increased enrol lment, and especially a d ec id ed swing to the ele mentary teacher training. The School of Educat ion's program, und er the able supervision of Dean Henry Smith, is based on the idea that, "It is the learning not the teaching that must be made easy." Having this in mind, the teacher not only has to know his subject thoroughly, as was or ig inally thought sufficient, but must master such subjects as ps ychology, techniques and principles in c..lassroom managem ent, as well as innumerable methods courses. The University School, a rece nt streamlin ed addition to the campus, has within its portals some of the most modern equip-

mcnt and educational facilities - its interior including a bookstore, cafeteria, auditor ium , library, and science laboratories . This school serves a three fold purpose of ed ucating pupils, acting as model for ed ucators throughout the state, and being th e proving gro und where prospective teachers may obtai n actual exper ience with th e problems a teach er must face. The o utsta ndin g honorary in this school is Pi Lambda Theta whose members are selected on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and activiti es. Not only are there student m embers o[ this honorary, but also active members among the graduate stude nts who arc working for a master's or a doctor's degree in ed ucatio n.


Our beaming professor

Activity progra m a t the " U" School

D ean H . L. Smith

Old ironsid es still sta nd s

Mr. Moore advises studem teach ers



Although the Indiana U ni versity School of Law, now in its one hundreth year, has been d ecreased in size b y the war, it still offers a sta ndard law education to all aspir ing lawyers. Courses in contracts, crim inal law, jurisprude nce, taxation , equity, co nstitutio nal law, legislati on, and others arc the same as those offered in law schools th rougho ut the country. Sin ce the University has bee n running on the speeded up sch edule, a freshman class is started every semester. The second and third year classes have been combined beca use of the small number of stude nts, which h appens to b e eighteen men and four women this year. T h e stude n t body of th e School is organized as the Law Clu b, model ed after the State Bar Assoc iation. Its purposes are to provide a sc lf-gO\·ern ing st udent body, to promote professional in terest in st udents, and to form a stepping-stone to active membership in loca l a nd state bar associations. Under the leadership o[ o utsta nding members of the legal profession, it co ndu cts a program of lectures a nd d iscussions. Dean Bernard C. Gavit

Future lawyers ge t the lowdown


Membership in the Order of the Coif, national law honorary, is based upon character and scholarship. Only those graduating stude nts who have maintained at least a B average are eligible for m embership. The Indiana chapter, found ed in 1925, is intend ed to b e purely honorary. Under the ed itorial supervision of the School of Law Th e Ind iana Law Journal, the official publication of th e In d ian a State Bar Association, is published six times a year. The library of over 38,000 volumes serves the University and m embers of the profession. It includes all of the usual reports, p eriodicals, treatises, and search books as well as many scarce publications. With the com ing of the speed-up program and the d ecrease in male law st udents, D erb y Day has disappeared , as has the traditional med ic-law football game. Incid ental! y the "docs" had to forfeit this year's gam e because of army res trictions imposed upon the khaki clothed "m eds. " Man y fair coeds were n ot harassed b y the "mad monks" selling chances on their annual raffle. Other coed s were disappointed because the inhabitants of Maxwellia didn' t have the Taxi Dan ce - formerl y an an nu al affa ir h ere at LU. Whether the ghosts of the past have appeared or some "shyster" has take n his nose from a book of cases is a qu es tion, but n ever th eless whistles greet the girls as they hurry to make their Phys. Eel. classes in the Student Building.

vVolf corner!

Spanish a nd Chinese ge t together on U .S. law

W anderin g through the halls

Getting facts for Th e j ournal


Oh , what"s the use when l can wa lk under

\\'ay , wa y down




Speed demons

"Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven o, this is not a lesson in mathematics, only a class in pushups, a common exe rcise in the boys' physical ed ucation program. Along with these developme ntal exerc ises, a varied sched ule of games, such as speedball and touch football , are offered to produce m en in sound physical condition. The girls also endure the fate of pushups in the emphasized physical fitness program with a stress on the more vigorous activities, such as speedball and hockey, and decreased number of classes in golf and archery. . Indiana University has had this more emph asized program for two years and will probably continue it after the war.

P .E. Amazons

Some can, some can't

Hi gher a nd higher


As strain s from Tsch aikowsk y's " P ian o Co nce rto" m ingle w ith the m elodic no tes From "Carme n" to the accompa niment of violin s, cellos, a nd flutes, edu cat io n goes o n in th e Mu sic Build ing wh ich h o uses the Sch ool of Mu sic. Compl eted 111 1936, this new edifi ce o flers mu sic co urses whi ch a re of in te res t a nd valu e to all U ni versity stud e nts; en co urages resea rch in music hi sto r y, theor y, a nd literature; p repares stud e n ts w ho pl a n to teac h m usic; a nd acq ua ints o the rs w ith mu sic as o ne as pect of li beral cultu re.

Co ncerto for t\\'O

The music master and his dog

I nstrumenta l tech niq ue

H oagy Carmichael got his start here


The house lights are dimmed; the footlights flood the stage as the curtain rises; the play begin s. This type of laboratory work e nables the dramatic stuc;lent to get practical ex perie nce; however, the University Theatre productions and the experimental plays are supl ementary to courses offered in acting, stage craft, make-up, light ing, and directing. A stude nt interested in radio acti ng, announcing, script ·writing, transcription, so und effects, directing or co ntrol room work m ay participate in actual broadcasts give n by the U nivers ity over statio ns ·w IRE, Indian apoli s, a nd vVHAS , Louisville. There are debate and discussio n groups, choral reading classes for the interpretation of literature, and a speech correction clinic offering practical work to students interested in speech defects. As a whole, the Speech D epartment is interested in trainin g the stude nt for professional work in the theater and radio or for a teaching career.

"\Ve're on the air!

Practicing with mirrors at the Speech Clinic


E ve n und er the stress of war and the need [or immedi a te pra cti cal know ledge o f mathema ti cs a nd other sc ien ces, the v\Tar De partme nt h as co nsidered Engli sh "Comp" - long th e bug bear for man y civilian stude nts - as a basic subj ect. and has given co nfirm a tio n to the belief that sometim es " a blow with a wo rd strikes d eeper th a n a bl o w with the swo rd. " Th e Engli sh D epartment in ord er to m ee t th e increased d emands upo n it has added a number of full-time instructors to its staff and has ass ig ned its regular instru ctors from all ranks to parti cipa tion in the A.S.T.P. prog ram.

Equall y impo rta nt in th e war prog ra m is litera ture, whi ch ca n awake n a lo ve ro r o ur h eri tage in a rt a ncl litera ture prese rved by the master spirits in g rea t boo ks a nd can bring vividly before me n these enduring valu es th a t a rc worth fighting [or. ' l\Tenclcll \1\Tillki c, Jncliana 's di sting uished a lumnus, has said, " Burn your books a nd yo u will lose freedo m as surel y as if you were to invit e Hitl er a nd hi s h e nchmen to rul e ove r you. " As imag in at iYc sympath y comes with th e stud y o ( g reat literature, it will h elp to prepare our co untry to understand peopl es of th e world and so h elp in winning the p eace.


Main drag

Burning the midni g ht oi l -

Our En gli sh masters -


Noyes and Collins

Lib g rind

Doc H a le h as th e answer

" I will study and get ready and then maybe the chance wi!I come."

Professo r i\ lacClintock points to ne1r fronts

Pondering over th e proficiency A French and Spanish controversy Caesar li ves aga in

Two of o ur Turks

Napoleon said that h e who knows two languages is twi ce a man; the p erso n who has felt the pleasure of being able to converse in two or more langu ages n eeds n o e nco urageme nt to their study. In the Departme nt of Languages the o bj ect is to provide stude nts with facil ity in reading and conversing in these la nguages. At the same tim e they try to introdu ce the stude n t., to a foreign culture and to ways of thought th at are differe n t from ours. In advan ced classes, geograph y, economi cs, a nd hi story, as well as literature, are objects o f special consideration. In certain classes are read and discussed th e great masters of foreign litera ture - Caesar, C icero, Homer, Ovid, Cervantes, L ope de Vega, Goethe, Schiller, Moliere, Voltaire . Balzac, Hugo, Dante, and man y others; so me are devoted to free conversation betwee n st udents and with the teacher. The stud ent who sp ends considerable time i.n this department ca n expect to use hi s reading abil ity professio nall y in o ther departments of the U ni versity, for example in the graduate school and in music. There is no gauging th e personal pleasure wh ich h e is certa in to derive from hi s power to con verse with his Europea n n eighbors in their own lan g uage, his better understanding of their nrode of life and culture, and hi s contacts w ith the great masterpieces of literat ure.


E ve r sin ce me n have been abl e to write, they have made som e a u empt a t narrating th e achi eve me nts of their an cestors in orde r to satisfy the curiosity of p eopl e to kn ow the truth abou t the pas t. The History Departm ent aim s to parti all y sati sfy th e curios ity of students who wish to know and to relive the exp erie nces o f th eir forb ears as far back as records go . It also a ttempts to g ive the d evelopmental background o f some o ther races a nd natio ns with whom we com e in co ntact, bo th in fri e ndl y associations and in ho5tile confli ct. Thus, the student who h as a fair master y of the differe nt period s of hi stor y should have a satisfac tory knowledge of the o rig in s and d evelopment o f the insti tuti ons, practi ces and beli efs that a re fo und in o ur co untry today. Albe rt L. Ko hlm e ier

The boys ge t acq ua in ted wit h t he peopl e a nd h isto r y of th eir spec ia li zed areas


For those who wish to know why and how the Germans became what they are, or what peoples and forces have resulted in the present Union of Soviets, the department offers both a ge neral course in modern European history, and a number of special courses in the history of individual co un tr ies and significant periods. In prese nting this offering to students, the History Department believes that it is performing a more serious serv ice to the students than merely satisfying their curiosity about the past or equipping them to talk intelligentl y with people who are familiar with the past. It is ge nera lly assumed that a perso n with experience has an advantage in making new adjustments. The st ud ent who followed through the history of ancient Rome and Greece, Medieval and Modern European and American history has really relived the experiences of his ancestors for two thousand years. H e has the opportunity to understand th e n ew age by understanding the old, and is e nabl ed to see be hind the propagandists of today.

Someone couldn ' t take it

A probl em is di scussed in the seminar

Dr. :M organ points the way

Prof. Bul ey prepares tomorrow's lecture



thin ~


Le t's fra me it ! \


Between classes at the a rt cen ter

Almost thirty years ago in a room in the library, the Art D ep a rtment was born. The n ew child, as it grew needed more room for d eve lopme nt ; thus, with the coming in 1940 of H enry R. Hope, now chairman of the Art D epartmen t, it was moved to the small white building with the reel roof which is the prese n t Art Center. This year the fireproof art gall ery has displayed the works of promin ent artists. In a light airy studi o, the yo ung sculptor ca n mold Indiana's fam ous limesto ne. Now, the child, h aving outgrown aclolese nce, looks forward to peace in the hope that it may spe nd its maturity in a large building of its ow n.

A class in com mercia l art

Charcoal artists

Paints and palettes


Th e Arm y sta nds a t a tte ntion wh e n recitin g

Thi s cal cul a ti o n can ' t be wro n g - a sl id e rule never li es


Last minute cramming

The exp ress10 n that "there is more than meets the eye" might well apply to Swain Hall, home of the M at hematics D epartment. On e would never g uess from its appearance that the intri cac ies of advanced calculus and th e complex variable lurk in its class rooms.

Last minute cramming

The department presents train ing for those who wish to become teachers in high schools or co lleges. Other stude nts profit by its aid in physics, e ng ineering, chemistry, or eco nomi cs. A uniqu e subj ect of acknowledged difficulty, it has g ive n many stud e nts the feeling of significant accomplishment. It must h ave been in a mathematics class that Edna St. Vincent Millay received the insp ira tion for h er so nn et, " Euclid Alone Has looked on Beauty Bare."


The seco nd full-time summ e r school brou g hL m a n y changes LO a camp u s already grea Ll y changed b y Lh e sp eed -up prog ram and Lh e war itse lf. Probably Lhe greaLesL chan ge was broug hL about by Lh e influ x of large numbe rs o( m e n in uni[orm. \\TiLh Lh e n ew prog ram large numbers o[ A.S.T.P . sLUd e nLs we re brou g hL illlo Lh e Uni \·ers iL y Lo res id e in Lhe form er \'\'o m e n 's R es id e n ce CenLer; Lhe m edi cal and d e nLal sLud e m s and Lh e ad\'anced miliLary st ud e nLs wh o remained o n Lh e ca mpus a lso d o nn ed uniform s. On e or Lhe most commo n re marks h eard echoing Lhro ug h Lhe sh aded ca mpu s was. " IL loo ks lik e a n a rm y ca mp ." .r\s the so ld ie rs were e nroll ed in Lb e UniversiLy Lh ey LOok pan in Lh e acL i\·e su1d e nt affairs, boLh socia l and p o li Lica l. Th e Un i\·e rsi t y spon so red Sunday a fLe rnoon trips Lo Lh e quarri es for Lh e sLuden Ls a nd so ldiers, prm·icl i ng Lh e Lransportat ion and 1if e g uard s. The \\'o m e n 's .r\ Lhl e ti c .r\ ssoc iaLion a lso wok a he! pin g h a nd in Lryi ng to prm·id e elllen a i nmenL for th e hot Sunday a ft e rn oo n s when there see m ed Lo be nothin g Lo do, b y spo n sor in g Play D ays wh en the su1denLs, both miliLary and ci\·ili a n , co uld sw im unde r Lh e roo ( o( Lh e SLuclent Building and find oL he r forms o f recreaLion. Summer sch oo l a lso brou g hL a ch a nge in one o f th e Un i\·e rsiL)'s o ld es t LradiLi o ns o( h a\·ing no dancing o n Sunday. F o llowin g Lh e so ldi e rs' r equ es t, Lhe sLudents w e re gra nted the privilege LO dan ce in Lhe Du go uL on Sunday a [Le rn oo n. Th e on l y formal dan ce of Lhe summe r , sin ce Lh e re was n o Summ er P rom, wa s th e R es id e n ce Hall formal, spon sored b y bo Lh Lh e m e n and women sLUde n Ls who res ided in Lh e r es id e n ce hall s. r\ wel co m e relief fro m Lh e accusLOmed Saturday classe came th e seco nd e ig ht wee ks o( summ e r sch ool whe n eYery Saturday co uld be sp e nL slee pin g , joe ing in the Commons, or as o ne' h ea rt d es ired .


' Viele awake for a seven o'clock

l\liss Kirby in the cab bage patch

Keep ing cool fo r a " hot'" exam


Dancing on the Un ion terrace

Favorite suin rn er the q11:irrics

That wicked back/rand

Marine da)'s

DECEMBER OFFICERS P1 esi d ent Loui s Howe Vice !'res id e nt . . . . . . . Marianna Ashby Secretary . . . . . . . . . Miriam Walth er Treasurer . . . . . . . . N ick.ola s A. Angel Chairman , Breakfast Committee EstherSoshnick Chairman. Peace Pipe Comm it tee \Va ncb ~fcC og lin Cha irm an. ,\ l emoria l Committee . ~ l anha Feuerly Chai rman , Tree Planting Committee . Robe rt Fresen Chairman , In vitat ion s Committee . Pfc. James F. Volpert Chai rm a n , Si wash Committee . . . . George Kennell y

The revlSlon made in 1943 of selecting class officers for each graduating class was used agarn this year. Along with the growing imerest in Student G ove rnment, the re arose a great deal of dissatisfaction a nd much discussion over the merit system o[ choosing Senior officers and over the fact that o nl y men are allowed to run for the position o[ Presid e nt. Student interest died completely under the old system, a nd , when the d eadline rolled around and it was found only twenty-fi, e Seniors h ad appli ed for the forty available positions, p eople were practically drafted to fil e their applications. The A.,l\l.S. Council and .Board of Aeons, recog ni zin g the inad equacy of the syste m, attempted to fonnulate a plan of electing officers. The plan, however, could no t be agreed upon by the Council and Board ; therefore, the D ecember officers were chosen as in previous years - the man ranking first in activity points be ing Pres id ent, with all other offices open to both sexes alike o n the basis of the merit sys tem.

Louis H owe, Marianna Ashby, Mi1·iam W althe l' , Nicko las Angel

M arianna Ashby

R ay H oward

Loui s H owe

Elizabeth D eane

Bc tt y i\lorrison

R ac hel Sto ne r

i\ fa r il yn Vi ce

Ann e H endri cks

Ma ry Steele

Jun e Broll'n

Virgin ia H a wl ey

.-\C l E R . JA I\'ET

J , D ayLO n ,

Ohi o

Dec .. '43. H ome Economics : L S. A.: Omi c l'o n Nu: Y . W . C.A.: H ome E co nomi cs Cl ub.

ADAJ\ IS. DAVID BE NTON , Da yton April. '44 . Accou n t in,g-: Phi Eta Sig-m :.-1: Beta Gamma Si).(m a; Accounting- C lu b.

A DAMS, HAZEL L , \V as hing LOn Dec .. '•13, H o me E co n omics: H ome


E co nomic~

Club: W .A. T .C.

RY ELLA , T e ll C iLy

Au g- ., '44 , Secl'etal"ia l Trainin :-t : 1. S.A . Cou n ci l : Pamal'aci<t: Y . W.C.A. : Coed-Counse lo r : G lee C lub.

ALLING. CHARLES CALVIN , Ind ianapo li s April. '44 , Chem ist i-y: V. Pres .. 1. S.A . : Sig-ma Iota: De r De u tsche V erei n.


R ., Lafa yelte

Apl' il , '44 , M edicin e : De lta 'I'Hu De lta: Nu Si).(ma Nu.

ANDER.SON , LA · ~~ .


RAllELLE, F o n W ayne

En g li s h: L S. A.: Pi Lambd a Theta : En g lish Club.

AN GEL , N ICKOLAS V. , Eas L C hi cago Dec . . '43 , A ccou n t in g- .

ARENDSHORST , ELIZ.-\ BETH L., Bl oomingLOn April. '44.

'ociology : Ka ppa A'p h a Th eta : Y.W .C.A. : W.A. A .

. \ SHB\'. J\ IARL\ NNA , Ladoga Dec .. '43 . P sycho log-y: Pi Bcl<L Phi: l-'h i Rc.'ta Kappa: Marlar Board: Alpha L a mbda DellH: T au Ka ppa A lp ha: Board o f Sta nd a rd8: Y.W. C.A . Cabi n et: Deba t e T ea m: Pres .. W.A.A.

A UE RBAC H , HERJ\L-\ N L. , Hazle to n, P a. A ug- .,

'4 ~L

Che mi 8t 1·y: I. S. J\.: Phi Eta Sig·ma.

AYERS, V IRG I N IA J\f ., Fort W ayn e J\p··il. '44. Y.W .C.A.

S ec r etaria l T rainln·.r:

L R. A.:

Col lcg- ialc

ChHmber o f


BA ILEY, HELEN . SouL11 Be nd Aug .. '44 , H istory.

BAKER, ViRCIN l r\ , J ndian apo li s Ap ril. '-1 4 . Physica l Educati o n: 'vV.A.A. Board.

BALOGH , J U LIA .-\ ., SouLh Be nd Apl'il. ' 44 . Home E<:on :Jm ics: l. S.A.: P am:tra:::la: Pres .. H o m e Econo mics Club ; W. A.A . Board: P res .. Arche ry C lub.

BAR ICH , llESSE , Gar y Dec .. '4'L Sec r etaria l 'J'rni nin'-!": l. S .A.: W.A .A.

Tr e :t~ ..

Memo rial H :il l : Sec .. Omirron

DC' lta:

BARKER, Cr\ Rl\ IEN LO U ISE, Bl oo mfi e ld Au ~r ..

'4 4 . Edu catio n .

B.\ RN .-\ RD , B ETTY ANNE , In di a n a p o li s Dec .. '4 3, Phyoioa l Educa ti on: W.i\.A.: Archery U11b.

BARNEY, llETTY, 'Valkeno n IJcc . .

· ~3 .

Mw;ic : Sig-m a A lpha Tota .

BAX i'vi r\N , HORA CE R. , Hammond Der .. 'i.! 3, Y.M.C.A.

C!1 c-::i ist ry:


L ambda

Ups ilon;


B.\ \'LESS . EV.\ ROBERT ,\ , Gree nsburg Apl'i l. '44. Comm ercial T eachin g : L S.A .


Chemistry Society:


BEAN, JOSEPH STRATTON, Rockville Apri l, '44 , A n a tom y; L S.A.; Y. M .C. A . Ca binet; Nu S ig ma Nu ; F la m e Club ; Pi s to l T ea.m; P res . , W estm i ni s te r I nn.

BECK, DAVID CULLEN, Michigan Ci ty A p r il, '4 4, Medi ci ne ; Phi Beta P i ; Al pha P hi Om ega .

BELCH, MARY K., N ew Albany April, '44, Chemi s t r y; A lph a L a m bda Delt a ; Iota Si g m a

Pi ; De r

Deutsc he

V er ein.

BELL, FRANK CARTER, Indi anapolis Dec., '43, H is tory .

BELLE, RUTH, Indi a napoli s Ap r il, '44, Socio log y.

BELLES, DALE EVERETT, Gary Ap r il, '4 4, De nti s try; Be t a T heta Pi : Sph i nx Club: Delt a S ig m a Delt a : T rac k.

BERGMAN, MYRT LE ARDATH, New York, N.Y. A p r il , '44, P syc ho log y : L S .A . ; Om e1rn P h i; Coed-Coun se lo r .

BERMAN, EDWARD JOSEPH, Indi a napolis Apr il, '44, Anatom y; Phi Eta Si g m a; Nu S ig- ma Nu.

BIRD, PHILIP LEE, Marengo Apri l, '44, A ccou n tin g; T h eta Ch i : Alph a Ka ppa P s i ; A cco un t ing Club.

BOGGY, H. LOWELL, Indianapolis A ug ., '44, Business; Ph i De lt a T h et a ; Ba s ketba ll Ma n age r.

BOND, ELEAN OR, Oa,ktown D ec., '43, H o m e E co no m ics ; H om e Eco no m ics Club.

BORDNER, JULIANA BANE, Fort Wa yne Dec., '43 , H is tory; A lpha Omi cr o n Pi ; Y . W. C.A.

BOUGHAN, VIRGINIA L ., Brazil Apri l, ' 44, Spa n ish; D lta Ga m ma ; Y . W. C.A. ; DAILY S T U DENT ; De 1· De utsche Ve r e in ; W .A .T.C.

BOWEN, BETTY LO U, Hillsboro, Ohio Aug. , ' 44, Bu siness ; Pres . , A l ph a Omi cron Pi ; Sec ., Panhcll cni c; Y .W. C. A . ; Coed

Cou n selin g Bo a rd.

BOWERS, DALE R ., Indianapolis A pri l, '44, Medi ci ne; Phi Bet a P i ; S ke leton C lub.



Schenectad y,


Ap r il, '44, Geolog y .

BROWN, ANNESE EVELINE, Whi ting D ec ., '4 3, Comm e rc ia l Teachin g : T rea s .. Mo 1T iso n H a ll ; Y.W.C. A. : Cii·cul at io n Ma nage r, ARB UTUS, ' 44: Fut ure Teach e r s o f Am e ri ca .

BROW , J UN E, \'\Tes t N ewto n Dec., ' 43, S 11eech ; Pi Beta P h i; Mo rta r Boa rd; P le ia des : T het a Alp ha P h i: A.W .S. Coun c il ; Stude n t W ar Coun cil ; R.O.T.C. Coed po n so r: ARBUTUS B eauty Queen; U ni ve rs ity P lays .

BROWN, VIRGIN IA N JCHOLSO N, Indi a napolis April. '4 4 , P e rso nne l Ma nageme n t; P res . , Ka ppa A l ph a The ta: P le ia des : A .\V .S . Cou ncil ; T r eas., W .A.A . ; Y .W.C.A. ; T e nn is Cl u b : ARBUTU S , '44.

BUCHANAN, ELIZABETH, Burnettsv ille Au g ., '44, Medi cal T echn o log y : P h i Omwa Pi ; A lph a L a mbda Delta : Iota S ig-m a Pi .

BURKAR T, ROSEMARY, Bloomin gLon Aug ., '44, H isto ry .


BUSARD, HELEN FRANCES, Ru shville Dec., '43, Marketi ng; Pi Beta Phi.

BYRNE, MARTHA HELEN , Prin ceto n D ec., '43, Educat ion; L S.A.; Pi L a mbd a Theta; Alph a L a mbd a De lta.

CANZ IER, IRENE ANNE, Kendallville April, '44 , Sociology.

C.-\RMICHA EL, BETTY LO 1 E, Spencer April, '44, L ati n ; L S. A.; Sec., C lassica l Club.

CARMICHAEL, MARY LOU, Bloomington Dec .. '43, Business; Al pha. Chi Omega; Boal'd o( Directors, Co llegiate Cha mbe r of Comme rce.

CARPENTE R, DONN.\ JEAN , Taunton , l\1ass. Dec ., '4 3 , J ourna li s m ; Kappa De lta ; Th eta Si,,..m a Phi.

CARSON, IR.ENE CARR IE, Jn clianapolis April. '44, Secr eta ri a l Tr ainin g-: Z eta Tau Alpha: Om icro n D el ta; Chi G amm a ; M a n age-

m e n t Club ; A ccou ntin g Club; ARBUTUS; W.A.A .

CASEY, M r\ RTHA ANN , Huntingto n Au,,..., '44. Socio lo,,..y; De lta Gamma; Y . W. C.A.

CATT, PHYLLlS KATHLEEN , R ensselaer April. '114. Chemi stry; De lta Ga mm a.

CATTELL£, MARJORIE E., St urgis, Mi ch . Dec .. ' 113. T ext il e M erchand isi ng- : Phi Om l'g'a P i: Omicron D elta: Managem ent Club:

Y .W .C .A .

CHASJ\ J,\ N, PAUL, Indianapo li s April, '44, Medi cine ; Sig-ma Jota; Nu Sig-ma Nu ; Le Cercle Fra n ca is .

CHATT IN, '"' l LLIAM ROGERS, Union City A11r il, '44. Medi ci n e ; Beta Theta Pi; Phi C h i; Skeleton Club.

CLAR.Y, JAM ES EARL, Gary Dec .. '43, Educa tion .

CLEVELAND, NANCY AN N, Hamm ond April. '44 , Eclucat.ion ; Pro- Mu sic C lub .

CLIFFORD, RUTH Cr\THER I E, Chesterton A1 1ril, '44. Bacterio lo;:y ; Alpha Chi Omega; Y . W .C.A.

CLINES.MITH, MILDRED JULIET, Angola Au g ., '44, Edu catio n; T. S. A.; Y .W. C.A.

CLOUSER, EUDORA RAE, Elwood April, '44, Education; Sec .. De lta D e ltn. De lta.

COCKERHAM, DOROTHY I. , Campbellsburg Au g. , '44, Educat ion .

CO 1BS, MARTI N LLOYD, Anderson Apl'il, '44, Jou r na li sm.

COOK, BRUCE CO 1 RAD, Griffith April. '44, Medi c in e; S ig mn Io ta; Ph i Rho S ig m a; Ske leton Club.

COOK, MARY ELIZABETH, Salem April. '4 4, Eng li s h ; Pi Beta Phi .


COOKSON, LOUISE, Bloomington April, '44, Spanish: Pi Beta Phi : Y.W .C. A.: Business Sta ff, Univers ity Th eatre.

COOPER , VIRGI N IA ANNE, Kokomo Dec., '43, Commercial T eachin g : Pres .. Alpha Omi c ron Pi : Ple ia des : Y.W.C.A.: Omicron Delta; Chi Ga mm a ; ARBUTUS; Boa rd of Directors, Collegiate Chamber of Comm e rce .

COSG ROVE, RITA MARY, Conn ersville April, '44, P e r sonn e l Ma na g m ent; I.S.A. ; P a marada ; Alph a L a mbda De lta; Beta G amma Si g ma; Omicron D elta : Chi GammH.

COULTAS, SARAH A N, Tell City April, '44, Education ; Pres., Zeta T a u Alpha; Y.W.C.A. ; Future T each ers o f America.



VER NON, In d ianapo lis

April , '44, D entistry.

COX, LADONNA JEANNE, Indianapolis Aug., '44 , Socio logy; Y .W.C.A.

CRAIG, MARILYNN , New Castle Aug., '44, Spa nish; Alpha Chi Omega; Ma n agi ng Editor, ARBUTU S . '4 4; Pl eiades .

CRAIG, PATSY R UTH, Gary Aug., '44, P e rso nne l ; Ka ppa Alph a Theta.

CRAWFORD, BERNA LEE, Crothersv ill e A1Jril, '4 4, Education; Y.W.C.A.; W . A.A .

CROOKES, PHOEBE JANE, Bloomington April, '44, Mus ic; LS.A.; V. P1·es. , S ig m a Alph a Iota; Pres., Alpha Mu Om ega; Orchestra ; Ba nd .

CROS E 1, ROBERT JOH , Indianapolis A1>ril , ' 44, Medi c in e ; Phi Eta Sigma; K ap pa Ka ppa P s i; Phi Rh o Sigm a : Ba nd. CROWE, BERYL A N, East Chicago Aug., '4 4, Mus ic; Sec., Alpha Omi c ron Pi: Alpha Mu Om ega; Y.W.C.A.; CoedCounselor.


ADELE, Portland

D ec., ''1 3, Di etetics; V. Pres ., Alph a Omi c ro n Pi; Fre nch Club; Hom e Economi cs Club.

CUTSHALL, BARBARA, Braz il Apri l , '44. Music; K appa K appa G a mma; Pro-Mu sic C lub ; Orchestra.

DAVIS, CHESTER E., JR., lewport, Ky. April , '44, Chemistry .

DA VIS, WILLIAM RICHARD, Gary Aug ., '44, Busi ness: Pres. , Phi Ga mma De lta; V. Pres ., Sphin x Club: F a lcon C lub : Co ll eg iate Chambe r o f Commerce: Track .

DAVIDSON, MARTHA JANE, Sullivan Dec ., ' 43, Speech; Alpha Chi Omega .


ALICE, Bloomington

April, ' 43 . Bus iness ; Pi L a mbda Theta; Omicron De lta; Coll eg iate Cha mber of Commerce.

DEANE, ELIZABETH, Logansport April, '44, Home E conomics; P1·es .. Mortar Board; Pres . . P a ma rada; Pi La mbd a Theta; Ah1ha L ambda D e lta; Tau Ka1J1Ja Alpha ; Omicron Nu; A.W .S. Counci l ; Y.W.C . A. Council.

DECK, GEORGE H ., Indianapolis Aoril, '44, Fin a nce and Ba nking ; Treas. , Sigma Chi; Soph. B asketba ll Man age r; Y . M.C. A.

DERMODY, BETTYE. , Bloomington April, '44, H om e E conomi cs; Phi Omega Pi; Y.W.C.A.; Hom e Economics Club.


D IAMOND, JACK ROBERT, Bloomington April, '44, M edi ci n e : Phi Eta Sigma: Nu Sigma Nu: Ske leton Club .

DILKS, NANCY HIBBERD, Ri chmond A p:·i l, '44, S pani s h : Treas., De lta De lta D e lta; Y.W .C. A.

DILL, JAMES ELLSWORTH, Fortville Apl' il, '44, M edicin e.


.J., Buffal o,


Apri l , ' 44, Ph ysica l Educat io n: W .A .A. : Ocean ides.

DOGAN, MATTHEW PAUL, Hammond Anri l. '44, Accounting: A cco untin g- C lub.

DONALSON , EARL, Indianapo lis Apri l, ' 44, Educ11tio n; Omega P si Phi.

DOUTH ITT, ROBERT CARL, Youngstown , Ohi o J\pl'i l. '44 . Mal h e m ~t ti cs; Sb.~ ma C hi .

DRAKE, MARION CLIFFORD, And erson J\ pril , '44, Anatomy: Phi Rh o S ig- ma: Ske leto n C l ub.

DRO l T , PATRTCL-\ F ., Evan sv ill e Apri l, '44, P e r so nne l Managem e n t ; V. Pres .. A lpha C h i Omega; P lei:i d e s: Busin e ss Manage r. ARBUTUS, ' 44; Om icron D e lta; Gl ee C lu b .

DUNCAN , RAYMOND , Bedford D ec . , '43 , C h emistry: I. S . A.; Am er ican Chemistry Society .

EAST, SARAH LOUlSE, New A lba n y D ec. , '43 , Mu sic; S ig ma A l pha I ota: Pro-Music Club: Y.W.C.A.; D irector, Rad io En sembl e : Conce rtm aste 1', Orc h estra .

EBERT, ELNORE M. , Li gonier April , '44, Edu cat ion ; l. S .A.; Y.W .C . A.

EDMONDSON , MARGARET, Bloomin gton D ec . , '4 3, Zoo loµ:y .

E TCHER, JOSEPHINE, Wakarusa Au g- . , '44 , Bacte ri o logy; Ph i O m ega Pi; Y.W.C . A.: D e r D e utsch e Verein.

ELDER, ELSIE GENEVA , Dillsboro Api·il, '4 4, H o m e E cono m ics: H o m e Eco nomics C lub.

ELLISON, GEORGE ROGER, Fort ·w ayne Apri l, '4 4 . An ato m y: L S. A. Boa rd ; Phi E ta Sigma; Nu S igma N u: Sk e leto n Pre s. , Y. W. C.A . ; Fl a m e C lub .

C lub:

ESCHENBRENNER, CARRIE HUFFMAN , Indi anapo li s Au g., ' 44, H istory: Sec . . Forest H ~d l: Phi Beta K appn: P i Lambda Th e ta: Tre as., A l ph a L ambcht D e lta: Hi story Club: Coed-Couns e lo1·.

ESSEX, BETTY L. , Hope D ec . , '43 . Enµ: lish: Alph a L a mbda D e lla: French Club; Y. W.C . A.

FANCHER, RUTH CI-IRl STEN E, '"'est Po int, Mi ss. A1wil, '44.

Z oo l oi~y.

FETTERLY, NL-\RTHA JA N E, E lkhart D ~ c . . '43 . Spanish: Pres. , Pi B e ta Phi : Phi Beta Kappa: A l pha L a mbda De lta ; T1·eas. , Ptciad cs ; Board o r Stnn <l al'<l s : Y.W.C.A. Cabi n et; Cocd-Coun sr> lor.

FlERSTElN , HARVEY, !'\cw York, N.Y. Apri l, '4 4, Geol ogy.


FIREBAUGH, TANIA, R ob in so n, Ill. Aug., '44, M edi ca l T echnology.

FISHER, RlTA ANN, HuntingLOn Dec .. '43, Educa tion: Ka ppa Kappa Ga mma: Y.W.C.A.

FOLLETT, MARY LOUISE, Boswe ll Au g., '44, Edu cation: Concel't. Band.




April. '44, Medi c in e : Nu Sigma Nu: Y . M.C . A.: J3,111d.

FOREAKER, CH , RLOTTE 1., Garv A pril , '44, Psychology .



1, LOIS J\I AX I NE, Bedford April , '44 , H o m e E conomi cs: H ome Eco nomi cs C lub: W .A.A.; Arche ry Club: R a mbl e r s .



Ru shville

Dec .. '43, S ecre taria l Trai nin g; Kap pa Alph a Theta ; Treas .. Mortar Boa rd: Pi La mbda Theta: A lpha La m bda De lta; Beta Gamma S ig m a : S umme r Pres., A.W .S.: Le Cerc le Fra n ca is .

FRESE , ROBERT CHOATE, Chi cago, Tll . D ec., '43, Marke ting; Be ta Th e ta Pi: Co lleg iate Clrnrnbel' of Commerce; Man age m e nt Club.

F HRMA , HAROLD HEN RY, Fort Wayne Au g .. '44, Hi story: L S.A.: Chess Clu b : FOLI O Staff.


K, WILLIAM R ICHARD, J\ Ii shawaka

April, '44, Acco untin g: Pres .. A lpha Phi Om ega: Boa1·d of Directors . Co ll egi ate Chambe r of Comme rce : Treas., Y.M .C.A.: Accountin g C lub: RED BOOK .

FUTTERKNECHT, J AMES OTTO, Mi shawaka April, '44 , Medi cine : $ ig m a Iota: Phi Rh o S ig m a: Ske leton Club.

GADIENT, \l\TALTER G., N ew Alba n y April , '44 . Fin a nce: Sigma A lpha Eps ilo n : Blue Key : Phi Eta Sigm a: Beta Ga mm a Sigma ; T a u K ~ pp a A lpha: Debate .

GARD ER, MARY ELIZABETH, Russe ll vill e Au g., '44, Comm erci a l T eachin g .


ISE, Noblesv ill e

April, '44, }fome Economics; I. S. A. ; L e Ce rc le Franca is .

GEMMER, H. ROBERT, Indi a napoli s Au g ., ' 44, Soc io log y; Acacia; A lpha Kappa De lta: Y.M.C. A. Cabin et : Debate : RED BOOK Sta ff.

GILLIATT, RUTH ELEANOR, Youngs Creek April, '44, Ma t h em at ics.


J ANE, Dahl gren

Aug., '44 , Medi ca l T echnology.

GOODMAN , L ENNA RD STUA R T , New York , N.Y. Aug ., '44, Chemi stry ; Pres .. Pi L a mbda Theta.

GRAF, JAMES }REDERl CK, Tew Albany D ec . , '43, Acco unting; Sigma A lpha Eps ilon; A l ph a K nppa Psi.

GRATZER, FLORE ICE ELISE, Bedford Aug .. '44, Engli s h : Fre nch Clu b: En g li sh Club: Y.W.C.A.



ETT, Ri chmond

Aug., '4 4. Edu cation ; Kappa Kap pa Ga mma : Gl ee C lub .


GRAY, ROSE ELLEN, Indianapolis Aug., '4 4 . Music: Zeta .Tau Alpha: Y.W.C.<\.:

Accountin ~

Club: H iking Club.

GRIFFIN, MARIAN ELlZABETH, Cleveland H eighLs, Ohio Apl'il, ' 114 . Bu s in ess: D e lta Gamma : Be ta Gamma SiJ.nna: Omicron D elta: Y . \V.C .A.: W .A.A . Board.

GR UBB, BILLIE JANE, Wabash Dec .. '4 3 , Y.W .C.A.

Sec reta rial

Trainin g;






GRUBB, LEORA J ANE, Whiting D ec .. '43, E<lucation: K appa Kappa Gamma .

GUARD, REBECCA JANE, NorLh Bend, Ohio April. '44. R etai li ng; Pres., Phi Omega Pi; Omicron Della ; Chi Gamma ; Y. W.C. A.; W .A. T .C.

GUMBlNER, L. ROBERT, Gary Apri l, '44, Medicin e ; Sigma Ah1ha Mu; Ske leton Club ; Wrestling.

HALPER , MYRO N H ERBERT, l\' ew York, N.Y. April. '44. Zoo logy; Track.

HAJ\JERSLY, MARGIE ELEANOR, \V ashingLO n April. '44 . Education; Pi Beta Phi: Y.W.C.A.; W.A.A.

HAMILTON , PHYLLSS CO RRI NE, \VesL Lebanon April. '.rl4. Secret:ni:i l Trainin g: P a ma ra d:i : Alpha Gamma Sitnna; Omicron De lta; Chi Gamma; Y.W.C.A.

H Ai\IKE, FRANCIS M., Vincennes Apri l. '44, M edicine.

HAMMEL, ELIZABETH H ALL, Bedford Dec ., •,13, Medical Tech nology; A lp h a L am bda De lta: Iot:i Sigma Pi: Y.\V.C .A .

HANCOCK, J ANE, Morocco Dec. , '4 3. Marketing : Sec .. Chi Omega; ARBUTU S . '44: Y.W.C . A . Counci l ; Board of Standards; Omicron De lta.

HA NNA, DUKE, Jn clianapo li s April. '44. Medicine.

HANSON , ESTHER ELLEN , H obart Dec., '43. Economics.

HARCOURT, FREDERICK L., l\Iil roy A1>ril. '44. Medi cine; Kappa De lta Rho: Sigma Iota: Phi Chi: Skeleto n Club; De r Deutsche V er e in: Men's G lee Club.

HARDING, FREDDIE JA NE, Gary April. '44. Commercial Teachin g; V . Pres., Alpha K an11a Alpha; Treas., Darga n H ouse; W.A.A.

Hr\RT, BARBARA SUE, Kokomo Au g-.. "44. Education: Phi Om el'(a Pi: Kappa Phi: Y.W.C.A.

HARTZLER, GENEVIEVE L UC ILLE , H ammo nd Aug., '44 , P h ysica l Education : T. S. A.: W.A.A. Board; Archery Club.




Busin ess : Sigma Nu: Sigma Iola.

H TCI-IER, EVA MAE, Indi a napoli s J\ ug- .. '44 . Socio logy; Alpha K appa Alpha.

HATHAWAY, BETTY ELAINE, Nort h Manchester Aul'(., '44, Education.


HAUENSTEIN , EDNA K., Tell City Aug., '44, Accounting: L S.A.: Pamarada: Beta Gamma Si g ma: Omicron De lta; Sec., Alph a L ambd a De lta: Y .W. C.A . : Accounting Club; Coed-Counse lor.

HAUGER, L UCILLE ERNESTINE, Salem Aug., '44, Commercia l T eachi ng: A l pha De lta Pi; Y.W.C.A.

H AUSE, CATHERINE, Fort W ayne Aug ., '44, Fren ch; Phi Mu; Y.W.C.A.; ARBUTUS .

H AWKI NS, MARY LOUISE, Sharpsvill e Aug., '44, Accounting: Treas .. East Memor ia l ; Y.W. C.A.; Student War Counc il ; W.A.A. Board.

H AWLEY, VIRGIN I A, Peru April, '44, Commercial Teaching and Sec'y Trai ning; Pres .. D elta De lta D elta; Beta Gamma S igma: A lpha L a mbda De lta: Editor, ARBUTUS . '44: Board of Standards; Pleiades: Sec., Coll egiate Chamber of Commerce; WHO ' S WHO.

HAZEL, ELLEN, N ew Bern, N .C. April, '44, Fine Arts; De lta De lta De lta: Y.W.C.A .

HEIPLE, DOROTHY MAY, Hinsdale, Ill. April, '44 , Hi story.

HEN DRI CKS, ANNE CAROLY N, Bloomingto n Apri l, '44, Fre nch; Kapp a Ka ppa Gamm a: Mortar Board: V. Pres .. Alph a Lambda De lta ; A.W.S . Council; V. Pres ., Y .W .C.A.; Le Cercle Frnn ca is : Phi Beta Kappa.

HENN, RAY A., L igo ni er Apri l, '44, Medicin e; Phi Ch i.

HESS, F . EUGENE, Goshen April, '44, L aw.

HICKROD, KATHRY N ELOI SE, Fort Branch Apri l, '44, P e rsonne l Manageme nt: V. Pres., Sigma Ka ppa; Pl eiades; A lphn Lambda De lta: Board of Directors, Coll eg iate Chambe r of Commerce; Omicron De lta; Management Club ; Y.W. C.A. Cabinet.

HILGEMA , CARL LOUIS, Huntingburg Apri l, '44, Accounti ng ; Delta Sigma Pi; Accounting Club; ARBUTUS: Persh ing Rifl es .

HIPPENSTEEL, HARLA N D VIRGIL, South Bend Apri l, '44 , M ed icine.

HISSION, MARY ELLEN, Mitchell April, '44, Commercial Teaching.

HODGES, HARRIETT L. , Lou isville, Ky. Dec. , '43 , Education: Kappa A lph a Theta; W.A . A.; T e nni s Club.

HOFFMANN , ESTELLE MARIE, Ind ianapoli s A pri l, '44, Business; Omicron D e lta .

HOLDEMAN, R UTH , Lakev ille April, '44, Music; S ig m a Alph a Iota; Alpha Mu Omega; Kan 11a Phi ; Orchestra; Band.

HOLDERMAN, SUE, Bremen Apri l, '44 , Commercial Teaching: Pi Beta Phi; W.A.A. Board .


J., Milford

Apri l, '44 , Bus iness; Co ll egiate Chamber of Comme rce; Omi c ron De lta; Y.W.C.A .

HOWARD, R AY ALEXANDER , Bloomington Aug .. '44, Ma th em atics ; Phi Delta Theta; Pres .. Phi Eta Sigma : Union Board; Board of Aeons; Alpha Ka ppa Psi; Pres .. Y.M.C.A.; FOLIO; Pershin g Rifl es .

HOWE, LO UIS H ARRY, Cin cinnati, Ohi o Dec ., '43, Bus iness; Sigma A l pha Epsilon; Sphin x Club; Falcon Club ; B lue Key ; Alpha Kappa P s i; Kappa K a1JPa Psi ; Math Clu b; Glee Clu b; Marching Hundred .


HUGGLER, MAX E. , Sh arpsvi ll e Apri l, '44 , Bu si ness ; I. S.A . ; Co ll eg iate Chamber of Comm e rce : Accountin g Club.

H UM PHREYS, DOROTHY JU NE, Bloomington Dec .. '43. Soc iolog y; Ka ppa Arph a Theta ; Phi Beta K a ppa ; Alph n L a mbd >i De lta; Alph a K ap pa De lta; A lph a Gamm a S ig m a; W a r Co un c il ; V . Pres ., Y.W.C.A.


.J., Fountaintown

Au g ., '44, Fin a nce; Phi Kappa P si ; V. Pres ., B lue K ey : Sphin x Club : Pres .,

F a lcon C lub; Phi Eta Sigma; De lta Si g m a Pi; ARBUTUS: Wrestlin g .

H US PEK, CECELIA ANN , Wh iting Au g., '44, Eng l ish: Y.W.C.A.; W.A .A.; Arch ery Club .

INGRAM , AUD REE J EAN, Connersville Apr i l, '44 , Spanish and Art: De lta De lta D e lta : D a ube rs' Club: Orc hestra .

J ACKSON , CH ARL ES EUGENE, Dayton, Ohio An1·il, '44 , Chemi st r y: Phi l3 eta Kapp a; Phi Eta Sigma: Phi Rh o S igm a ; Skele-

ton C lub .

J AC KSO N , DOROT HY A ILEEN, Warsaw Au g- . , '4'1. H ome Economi cs : I.S . A.

J AC KSO N , ERMA M JLDRED , Fort Wayne Apri l, '44, Education: L S .A .

J ARR ETT, CH AR LES W. , Princeton April , '44, A c count ing- : Acacia: K a ppa Kapp a P s i; Band.

JOH NSON, MARY J EAN , Paoli De c .. '48, J otffn a l ism: V. P1·es ., D e lta De lb1 D e lta : Pl e iades: Pres .. Th eta S ig m a Phi : Editor, DAILY STUD ENT: W.A . A.: Y.W .C. A. : Coed- Cou n se lor .

JOH NSON , 'v\TlLLTAM DAV ID , Bloom ington April , '44, Accountin g- : De lta Chi: K apna Kappa P si; Ac : .- ou nt in g Club; Band.

JO NAS, MURRAY, Brookl yn, N.Y. Apri l, '44, Medi c in e .

JO NES, BLANCHE ELDENE, Greenfield A p 1·il , '44, En g li sh .

JO NES, LO U ISE E., Cuzco April. '44, H o m e E co no mi cs; l. S.A .

JOSEPH, DOR.JS MAE, Pittsburg h, Pa. April, '4 4, P sychology; Kapp a Kappa Ga mma .

.J UDGE , TOM WILLIAM , Mansfi e ld , Pa. April, '44.

Sa l cs m arn~ hip :

T rem; ., De lta Upsi lo n: S phin x C lub; Track.


.J., Evansvi ll e

April, '44, Edu ca tion: Pres., Sig-ma Ka ppa : Treas .. Pl e iades : Y. W .C. A. Cou n ci l ; A ssociate £.ditor. A RRUTUS. '44 ; S umm e r Prom Qu ee n, '42: Coed-Cou nse lor ; Coedi to r, PANHELLENI C GUIDE.

KECK, MAR ILYN E. , Union City Aug., '44, Adve r tis in g: K a ppa Alph a Theta: Pl e iades : ARBUTUS, '44 .

KEITH , MARY LEE , New Albany Au g., '44 , A 1·t; Kappa A lph a Th eta.

KEGLOVICH, ELMA , South Bend Apr il. ' 44, Educat ion : Y.W.C.A.: ARBUTU S.

KELLIE , MARY ELIZABETH, Kokomo April, '44 , Hom e Economics ; De lta D e lta De lta : ARBUTU S: H ome E co nomics Club .


KEMMER, MILDRED, Lafayette Dec .. '43, Frenc h; Kaopa Kappa Gamma; Y .W.C.A.: Fren ch Club; Glee Club.

KERR, CHARLES MAR IO N, Bloomington April, '44, Chemistry; Phi Eta Sigma; Nu Sigma Nu: Orchest ra.

KERR, DONALD M ILTON, Knox April, '44 , Anatomy; Phi Chi: Skeleton Club.

KETCHAM, BARBARA JANE, Jndi anapolis Aug., '44, Eng li sh; Engli sh Club; Fre n ch Clu b .

KILPATRICK, MILDRED, East Chicago April, '44, Socio logy; Y.W.C.A.

KlMBRE,l\f, AZILEE, Indianapolis D ec., '43, Fre nch.

KIME, MARGARET MARY, Illoomrngton Au:; .. '44, Spanish; Kapp a Alpha Theta; Board of Counseling Board; W.A .T.C.


tandards; Treas., Y. W .C.A .; Coed-

J., Indianapolis

April, ' 44, Medicin e; Phi Beta Pi; Skeleton Clu b .



Phys ica l

Educatio n;

LS.A. ;


W .A . A.



Ocea nides.

KNOX, BARBARA AGNES, Indianapolis Aug., '44 , Home E co nomics.

KONOLD , DOROTHY JANE, South Bend Apl'il, '44, H om e Economics: De lta Gamma; Y .W.C . A . ; Home Economics Club; Coed-Counselor; Paddock Club .

KOSKINEN , DORIS, Menominee, Mich. April, '44, Hom e Economi cs: Pres., Home Economics Clu b; Y.W.C.A. ; W . A.A.

KOTIN, BERTRAM HOWARD, Brookl yn, N.Y. April, '44, De ntistry.

KRA TIK, MARGARET L., Gary Aug., '44, Education; Zeta Tau Alpha: Y.W.C.A.

KRONBORG, DORIS ELIZABETH, Middletown , Ohio Ap:·i l. '44, Secretaria l Trainin g; Omicron D e lta; Chi Gamma; Y . W.C . A.; T e nnis Club.

KRUG, ALICE MARGARET, Hammond Dec., '43, Physical Educat ion; LS.A.; W.A.A. Board ; Arche ry Club.

KUHN, MARJORIE, Logansport April, '44, Speech ; Alpha L ambda D e lta; Theta Alpha Phi ; Cosmopolitan Club .

LACLUYSE, MARY LOUISE, Mishawaka Apri l, '44, Comm e rcial T eachin g; LS.A . ; Y.W. C.A .

LAHR, PHILIP AUSTI N, Mishawaka April, '44, Anatomy; Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Eta Sigma; Ske leto n Club ; Der D e utsch e V er ein.

LAMBERTUS, MARY ELIZABETH, Indianapolis Au:; .. '44, Secretaria l Training; Sec., De lta De lta De lta; Y . W.C.A.

LANGELL, KATHRYN A N, South Bend Apri l, '44, Marketi ng; Kappa Kappa Gamma: Omicron De lta; Advertising Club; J ordan R iver R evue ; R.O.'f.C. Coed Sponsor .


LAUER, ADELE HELEN, Plymouth Aug., '44, Medical T echn ology: V. Pres . , Alpha L a mbda D e lta : Tota Sigma Pi: CoedCounse lor.

LAYMAN, F R ANK ANTHONY , Bloomington April. '44, Jn:;unrnce : Co ll eg- iate Chamber o( Comm e rce : Alpha Kapp a P s i: In s ura nce C lu b: Mana).!eme nt Club: A cco untin g- C lub.

LEE , JEA N ELNORA, Fon \i\Tayne April. '44. Socio logy: Alph a Ka ppa Alpha: Pres. , Da rg-o n H ouse: Coed- Cou nselor.

LEECH, VIRG I N I A LILLIAN , Indi anapo li s April, '44, En g li s h : L S . A.· Pi Lambda Th eta: En idish C lub : Y. W .C.A.: Futu re T ea ch e rs of Am e rica.

LTAPTCHEFF, KIRIL KOSTOFF, Sofia, Bulgaria D ec .. '43 , Zoo logy .

LIBER, IRENE V IR G IN IA, Gary Apri l, '44, Socia l Studi es : Sec .. A lph a Omi cro n Pi: Y.W.C. A.

LIEBL, NAO!vU LUELLA , Buffalo, N.Y. Dec ., '43 . Ph ysica l Edu cat ion : VY.A.A.: O cean ides.

LIFE, J OAN , Kokomo April. "4 4, Education: Alph a C h i Om ga: Y.W.C.A. Cabin et : Spanish Club.

LINDSEY, SJDNEY R ITCHIE, Rockpon Apri l, '44, A ccoun tin)..!: Alpha Kanna Psi; P e n;h ing Rifl e; Rifl e Tea m.

LOCKRIDGE, BETTY JA NE, Cra,dordsville April, ' 44, Ph ys ica l Educati on: Alph a L a mbd a De lta: Pi L ambda Th eta : V. Pres. , P a marada: Pres .. Alpha Gamma S ig ma: W.A.A. Board : W.A.T.C.: Pres ., P addock Club : Pres ., Ramb le r s Club.

LUSK, BETTY J ANE, Bloornington Au g. , 'tl4, Edu catio n: De lta Gamm a: Y .W.C. A . : Future T eache rs of Am e ri cn .

LUTES, BETTY JEAN , Brownstown A1Jri l. '44, H ome E con omi cs: l. S .A .: Y.W.C . A . : H o m e E co nom ics Clu b.

McART, DON CR AIG, Anderson Apri l , '44. Ma nageme nt: Pres .. l. S. A.: Th e ta Alph n Phi: l{n rm n K a ppa P si: Accounting C lub : Manag-e me nt Club ; Ban d: Uni vers ity Pl ays.

McCARTY, MENDEL 0., Pendleton April. '44, Chemi s try: Pres . , S ig ma Nu : Sphinx Club: Boa rd of A eon s: Pres., Intcr frn t e rni ty Co uncil : WHO' S WHO: Pres., Union BoHrd.

McCLURE, CLARK, BloomingLon Apri l. '44, Med icin e : L ambd a Track .


Alpha: Sphin x C lub : Sku ll a nd Crescent ;

McCLURE , MARTHA RUTH , New Alban y Aug., '44 , Journ a li s m ; Zeta T au Alpha: DAILY STUDENT: Y . W.C.A.

McCLURE, NORMAN \V. , Indianapoli s Apri l, '44, Cove l'nm e nt ; I. S.J\.

McCLURE, ROXTE .J UAN lTA, Cloverdal e April , '44.

M e r c h andi s in~.

McCOLG IN , WANDA JRENE, Milan Dec .. '43. Bu s in ess : Pres .. Phi Mu: Pl eiacles: Pres., P n nh lle ni c; Y.W.C. A. Coun ci l ; Omic ron De lta: Coed-Co un se lin g Boa rd.

McCOLL, RHEA L. , New A lbany A ug., '44, S peech; Phi Omega Pi: Y.W .C. A.: Univ en:; ity Pl ays .

McG INNESS , ESTHER, Evansvill e April , '44, Zoology : P nma racla : Alpha La mbd a De lta; Iota Sigma Pi.


McKINLEY, SARAH FRA ICES, Delphi April, '44, P ersonne l Managem ent; Pl'eS., Pa.maracla: Collegiate Chamber of Commerce ; Omi cron De lta; Chi Gamma; Y.W.C.A. Council; A.W.S. Counci l.

McKOW , MARY JANE, Warsaw Aug ., '44, Physical Education; Kftp pa AIJ1h a Th eta; W.A.A.

McMILLAN, ELIZABETH JANE, Terre Haute Dec., '43, Mu s ic; I. S.A . ; V. Pres., Memorial H a ll; Y.W.C./I.. ; French Club.

McMILLAN, MARY ALICE, Bloomington April, '44, Secretaria l Training; LS.A .; Omi cron De lta; W.A.A .

MACCAA, MARY ALICE, Flossmoor, Ill. Apri l, '44, Physical Education; W.A.A. ; Pres .. Physica l Education C lub.

MACDOUGALL, MARTHA WARD , Indian apoli s Dec., '43, P sychology; Y.W. C .A.: Le Cerele F rnnca is : English Cl ub.

MADDEN, NOR fA JEAN , Allendale, Ill. April, '4 4, Di etet ics; Phi Mu ; Omi cron Nu : Home Economics Club.

MALO lEY, MARY MARGARET, Peru April. '44, Commercia l Teaching; Ka11p a Kappa Gamma: Omi c ron De lta: Y.W. C.A.

MARKEY, RICHARD JOHN , East Chicago Apl'il, ' 44, Medicine; I. S.A.; Phi Chi; Skeleton Club ; Rifl e Club.

MARLEY, SUZANNE ]. , Mooresville Aug. , '44, Secretarial Tra inin g .

MARTI 1, CAROL JEAN , Crown Point Dec., '43 , Bu si ness; De lta De lta De lta; Boa rd of Directors. Collegiate Chamber of Commerce; Omic1·on De lta; Man age m e nt Clu b; Y.W.C.A . MASON, N NCY GlLBERT, Oak Park, Ill. Aug., '44, Eng lis h; L e Cercle Fran ca is.

MATTHEW , JEROME NORBERT, Pittsburgh, Pa. April, '44, De nti str y; Beta Th et a Pi; De lta Sigma De lta.

MATTHEWS, WILLIAM MICHAEL, Indianapolis April, '44, Medicin e; I.S.A. Board; Sigma Iota; Phi Eta Sigmfl; Phi Beta K appa; Nu Sigma Nu; Ske leton Club; Dc1· Deutsch e V e r ei n.

MAZZINI, CHARLOTTE LOUISE, Indianapolis Aug., '44, L a boratory T echnology; L S .A.

MEACHAM, ELEANOR ]., Acton April, '4 4, En g li s h; L S.A .; Sec., Pi L a mbda Theta; Alpha L ambd a De lta; Phi Beta K appa; En g li sh Club.

MEAD, PAULINE, Salem April. '44, Y.W.C.A.

Busi ness; Treas., Sycamore H a ll ; Collegiate Chamber o f Comme rce;


ew Castle

April. '44, En g li s h; De lta Gamma; Pl eiades; Y.W.C.A.; ARBUTUS; W .A.A . Boa rd.

MEILY, SAI \JANE, Logansport April, '44 , Home E co nomi cs; Chi Om ega; Y.W.C.A.

MELLINGER, GEORGE WASH INGTON, Indianapoli s Dec., '43 , Zoology; L S.A.; Phi Chi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigm a ; Skeleton Club: D er D eutsche V erein.


MAE , Frankfort

Aug., '44, Medi cal T echnology; Delta De lta De lta; Y.W.C.A.


MJLLEN , DORIS EVELYN, Evansville Anril, '44, Mu s ic; J. S.A.: Pre8., Me mo1·ial H a ll: Gl ee Club.

NllLLER, MARJORIE .JO YCE, Decatur D ec .. '43. Chemist1·y; Pl'cs ., D e lt:i De lta D e lt:i ; Alpha L:imbcln D e lta; V. Pres., Iobt Sig-ma Pi: A. W .S. Counci l ; G lee Club.

MINTON, MARY ANNE , New A lbany AuJ.c, '44, Medic a l T ec hnolo gy; Chi Om eg·a: Alpha Lambd a D elta: Iota S igma Pi; Coed Counse ling- Board.

M ITCHELL, DOROTHEA VJRG JNJA , Marshall , lll. Aug., '44, Adv e rtisin g-: Alpha. Omicron Pi: Pl e iad es : Omi c ron D e lt.n : C hi Ga:n ma: Collegiate Chambe r of Commerce: Y.W.C.A.: Coed-Coun se lor.

MITCHELL, MARY 'iVANDA , Shoals Apl'il. '44, Speech; L S .A.

MORlTZ, ALOYSE C H ARLOTTE , Fort Wa yne Au g., '44, Gov e rnm e n t; Ze ta Tau Alph a: Coed- Counse lol'.

MORRISON, ELIZABETH J ANE, Kokomo A1wil , '44, Music: D e lta Gamma: P1·es ., Y.W. C .A .: Mortar Boa1·d: Trea s . , Sigma Alnha Io ta: Pi Lambd a The ta; Alpha Mu Om ega: Orch es tra: Student W ar Counc il: CoedCounse lor .

MOULTON, MILDRED LOLA, Frankfort D e c., "43 , Socio logy; L S . A.

MUFF, BE VERL EE B., Richmond D ec ., '43, Hi s tory ; V . Pl'eS. , D e lta De lt a Delta.

MUMFORD ,.JOANNE LOU !SE, Indianapolis Au g ., ' 44, H ome Economi c:-;: Kapp a Kappa Gamma.

MUNGOVA N , PATRlCfA , Fon Wayne Au g., '44, Secretaria l Training-: Alpha Chi Om ega : Omi cron D e lta.

MYERS, PHYLLIS CAMILL E, Hartford City Au"·· '44 , M edica l T ec hn olog-y; LS.A. ; Alph a L a mbd a D e lta; Io ta Sigma Pi; Coed-Counse lor.

MYERS, WILMA, Ru sh vill e Au g . , '44, Di et eti cs : H ome Economics Club.

NAGEL, EILEEN ROSE, Rensselaer D ec., '43, Education ; Pi L ambda Theta ; Pres., Club: !?res., Future T en chers o[ Am e rica .

E ta. S ig ma. Phi : Sec . , Classical

NASHOLD , BLAINE SANDERS, Orange, N.J. A1wil, '44, B acte 1·iology; Sigma Pi ; Sec., Skull and C1·esce nt.

NEEDHAM, JANE ARB UTH NOT, Greenville, Pa. April, '44, Speech ; Alpha Omicrnn Pi; ARBUTUS: W.A.A.; T e nni s C lub .

NEVEL, MEL VIN ]. , Mishawaka Apri l, '44, D entistry; Sig-ma A lp h a Mu.

NEWHOUSE, PATRIC IA ELIZABETH, New Albany Ap1·i l, '44 , M e r chan di sing : Chi Om ega; Omicron D e lta.

N ICOARA, CONNIE, Gary Au g. , ' 44 , Speech; V. Pres. , Phi Mu; ARBUTUS; W.A.A.

N OLAN, ALAN T. , Bloomington Au g., '44, Gove 1·nm ent: Pre s . , Phi Gamma D e lta : Sphinx Club: Sku ll a nd Cresce nt ; Phi E'ta Si g m a; Board of A eo ns; Fa lcon Club.

O 'FARRELL, BETTY ANN, St. Peters burg, Fla. April, '44, Psycho logy; Zeta Tau Alpha; Y.W . C.A.; ARBUTUS; W.A.T.C.


O 'MEARA, CHARLOTTE ROSE, Fort Wayne D ec., '43, Eng lish; Pi L ambda Th eta; Y.W.C.A. ; En ,:: li s h Club.

OLD ACRE, BETTY, River Forest, 111. A1>ril , '44, En g li s h ; K appa Alph a Thet a .

OSTRANDER, RU T H G., So uth Bend Dec., ' 43, En g l ish ; I. S.A. ; Y.W .C . A.

OURANT, JO ANNA, \i\lhiLin g An ril. '44, P e rsonne l Man ;-q.{eme nt: Zeta Tau Alnha; Pl'es. , Ma na ge me nt Club: Co ll egiate C hamber of Commerce; W.A .A.

PAULINE, MARGARET JEA N, T erre H aute Au g., '44 , Education; Chi Om e,::a .

PAU LSO N, MARGARET F., Ri chm ond Au g., '44, Hi sto ry ; Phi Omega Pi; Y . W.C . A .; Orcheslrn.

PAYTO N, ALE E T YNDALL, Pao li Ap r il, '44, Education.

PETERS, ANNETTE, Fort Wayne Aug., '44, Fre nch ; Fre n ch Club.

PETERS, L UC ILLE, T erre H auLe Apri l, '44, Speech; Pi Bet a Phi ; Y.W. C.A .; W.A . A.

PETTIBO NE, PATRICIA JEA N , Crow n Point April , '44 , H istory; De lta Gamma; W .A . A.

PHILLIPS, R UTH LOUJSE, Indi a napoli s April, '44, Education; Alph a K appa Alph a.

PHIPP , PRISC ILLA, Pendleton Au,::., '44, Ma n age m e nt; Alp h a Chi Om ega ; Ple iades; Boa1·cl o f Standa rds; Chi Ga mma .

PHIPPS, REBECCA R ., Pendleto n April, '44, Business ; Alpha Chi Om e,::a ; Y.W .C . A .

PIETZNER, FRANCES JE AN , Eva nsv ill e Apri l '44 . Art ; R a mbl rs C lub; W.A.A.

PLATT, WILLIAM MERRITT, A urora D ec. , '43, Public Sch oo l Mu s ic ; Kappa K a ppa P s i: A lph a Mu Omega; Band : Glee Club: C horn l Union ; Co nce rt Choir .

PLATTER, ORVAL RAY, Non h Vern on Au g. , '44, Business: Sigm a Nu .




E. Fort W ay ne

Au g., '44, Bu si ness .

POBANZ, DO N O VAN M., \1\fakarusa Apr il , '44 , M edicin e : P hi Rho Sigm a .

POPPLEWELL, AR V INE GERALD , In d ia napo li s Anri l , '44, M edi cin e : Phi Eta

igma ; Phi Rho Sigm a.

POTT HOFF, H0\1\TA RD CLIFFORD, J ohn sLown , Pa. Apri l , '44, Physica l Edu catio n .

PRICE, HELEN E., Gree nsb urg Aug., '44, H ome Econom ics; Y.W.C.A . : Ho me Economics Clu b.


PRICE, PADDY, Hin sdale, Ill. Apl'il, '44, Gov e rnment: Pl'es ., Chi Om ega : Pl'es., Pl eiad es : Y.W.C.A.: Paddock Club .

QUA LKJN BUSH, KATHRYN J EANETTE, Paoli Apri l, '44, Physical Education; W.A . A.: Phys ical Education Majors' Club.

REESE, T HOMAS VYN , In d ianapolis Apri l, '44, Zoology; Sigm a Alpha Epsilon .

RHETTS, H ARR.JETT, Marion Ap.ril, ' 44'. Mu si~.: K a ppa Kappa Gamma; Pro-Mus ic Club; "Hansel and Gretel": "Cavelleria Rusticana.

RHODES, ALLAN R ., Owensboro, Ky. Apri l, '44, Bu siness: Sigma Nu: Blue K ey; Boal'd of A eon s: De lta Sigma Pi: Sphin:-: C lu b; Spol'ts Eel., ARBUTUS, ' 43; Boan! of Directo r s , Colleg-iate Chambel' of Comm e rce.

RHODES, CLARA G. , Fort Wayne April, '44, En,::lish: l. S.A .: Hi sto ry C lu b: En g li s h Club.

RICH ARDS , EM ILIE LOUISE, Roanoke Aug-., '44, B usiness; A l pha Chi Omega: Y.W.C. A. ; Omicron Delta: Le Ce rcl e Francais.

R l NEHART, ROBERT EDWARD, Logan sport April, '44, Medicine : I.S.A.: Phi Chi: Skeleton Club: De r Deutsch e V e rei n.

RINKENBERG , ELDONNA MAE, Hammond Apri l , ' 44 , Education.

ROBERTS, MARY ALICE, East Chicago Anri l , ' 44, Education: Phi Omega Pi.

ROGERS, DO NALD LEE, New R oss April, '44, Medicine; Pershint{ Rifles .

ROSE, MILLICENT, R ensselaer Au g., '44, Fin e Arts; Daube t·s' Club: L e Cerc le Franca is.

R U PEL, MARTHA ANN , Indianapolis Dec ., '43, P e r so nn e l Managem e nt ; D elta Gamma ; Y.W.C.A.; Omicron Deltn.

SA BIN , MARY A., D a na Aug., '4 4, Sec r e t a ria l Trainin g; T1·eas. , Si.t!ma K ap pa: Y.W.C . A.: Chi Accounti n g C lub : Man age m e nt Cfub.

Gamm a:

SAMSO N, WILLI AJVI, Montclair, N.J. D ec., '43, Ch e mistry: I. S.A. Board: Alph a Chi Sigma: Pres .. Am e rican C hemical Society: V . Pres ., Y.M.C.A.: Eclitol', RED BOOK.

SAN DERS, IRENE, Chattanooga, Tenn. Apri l. '44, M ;-nketi n ~: L S . A. Counci l : Pres. , Girl s in Union; Chi Gamma: Omicron D e lta: Jord nn Riv e r R e vue.

SAULMON , MARSH ETTA L. , Evansville Dec . , '43, Sociology; Alp h a Gamma Sigm a.

SCHABINGER, JANE, Evanston, Ill. Apri l, '44, French : De lta Gamma: Pl e iades : A l pha L ambda Delta; Y.W .C . A.; ARBUTUS: Glee Club.

SCHABINGER, JEA N ANN , Evanston, Ill. April, '44 , Fre nch; Pres., D elta Gamma; V. Pres., Pl e i:ides : Alpha Lambda D e lta; ARBUTUS, '44; G lee C lub; L e Ce rc le Francai s; J ordan Riv e r R evu e ; Mortar Board R ecog nition.

SCHAPP!, ELALNE, New York, N.Y. Aug. , '4 4 , Bu si n ess: Omic r on D e lta.

SCHARNBERG, JEANNE KLAYE, Mi ch igan City April, '44, Bus iness; Alph a Chi Om ega; Omicron Delta: Ch i Gamma.



J., Indianapolis

Apr il, '44, Physical Education: De lta P si Kappa; Physica l Education Club.

SCHEITLIN, DOROTHY LEE, Evansville Dec .. '43, Medi cal T echn o logy; Alpha L a mbda De lta; Iota Sigma Pi; Y.W.C.A.

SCHE KEL, JANET W., Huntingto n Apri l, '44, Bu siness; Kappa A lpha Theta: Alpha L a mbda Delta : Treas., P a n he lle n ic; Mortar Board Recognition.

SCHOO OVER, JEANNE E., Huntingto n Woods, Mi ch. Aug. , '44, Commercial T eaching; Sigm a Kappa: C hi Ga mma.

SCHROETER, GERALD! E M., Hammond Aug., '44, H ome Eco nomics; Sigm a Kappa; Y.W.C.A. ; Hom e E conomics Club .

SCHUCHMAN, ABE, Indianapolis Apr il, '4 4, Chem istry; Pres .. Pi L a mbda Phi.

SCHUTZ, BETTEE L. , Gary Aug .. '44, Education: Chi Om ega : Y.W .C.A .

SCISM, RUTH E., Evansville Aug., '44 , J ournali sm: Pi Beta Ph i: Editor. DA ILY STUDENT.

SCOTT, JANET A., Clarksburg, V1T.Va. April, '44 . Adve rti si ng; F ra n cais; W.A.T.C.


Omega : Y. W.C . A.; Omi crnn

De lta ; L e Ce r clc

EAGLE, WILLIAM C., Indian apolis April , '44, Medicine; Alpha T au Omeg-a : Sku ll an d C r esce nt ; Phi E ta S igmn ; Nu Sigm a Nu; Ske leton Club ; Y.M. C.A. Cab inet.

SEA RCH, ALICE B., V1Tavelancl April, '44, Medica l T echn o logy; Y .W. C.A.

ECRI T, DON TABELLE, Cromwell Apri l. '44, Education; Y.W.C.A. Cabinet; H istory Club ; Coed-Counse lin g: Sec .. Pamarada.

SEFTON, JULIA, Anderson Aug., '44, Speech ; K appa Kappa Gamm a.

SEIDEL, EUGENE M., Fort Wayne Apri l, '44, Business; Glee Club.

SEWARD, MARILYN A., Bloomington Avril, '44, Ad vertisi ng; Kappa. Kappa Gamma; Mortar Board: Pl eiades : Theta A lp ha Phi; Board of Standards ; Bus. Mgr., Un iversity Theatre; Y .W .C.A. Ca bin et; Omi cron Delta.

SHACKELFORD, AN A MARIE, L adoga Apri l, '4 4, Edu cati o n ; De lta De lta Delta; Y.W. C.A .; Glee Club .

SHIELDS, DELMA, Bloomington Aug., '44, Bus iness; L S. A.

HIELDS, MARY, Indianapolis April, '44, Secretarial Training: Sec. , L S. A .; V. Pres., Pam arada.

SHIVELY, JOHN ADRIAN , R ossville Apri l, '44, Chemistry; L S. A. ; Phi Beta Kappa; Ph i Rh o S ig ma ; Der De utsche V ere in: Skeleton Club ; Chess Club.

SHOLTIS, JUDITH A., Gary Dec. , '43. A ccounting; Pres . , Al pha Chi Om ega; Boa rd of Directors, Co llegiate Chamber of Commerce; Y.W.C.A.; Orchest ra.

SHRODE, JO AN , Mount Vernon April, '44, Hi story; Kappa Kappa Ga mma; Y .W.C.A.


SH UL L, .J UNE, Pe1ersb urg Au g- . , '4 4. Home E cc nomics : l. S .A.: P a m a ra d :>: Y. W .C. A.: A. W .S. Cou n ci l : Coed -Cou n se lin g Board: Omi c ron Nu : H om e E<:o nomi cs C lub.

SHULL , GEORG fA LUC ILLE , PeLersburg A p r il. '44, Ho m e E co n om ics: L S . A.: Sec. , P i L a rn bd a Th eta: TrC'as. , E ta Sigm a Ph i.

SILVERMA N, FRANCESE ., Indi anapo li s April. '4 11. Publi c Sch oo l Mu sic : Alnh a 1\'lu O mcg-a: Fu t u re T eac h e r s o f Am rica: Uni ve r s it y S y mphon y Orc h estr a .

SIMPSON , MARY ALTCE, Hebron Au g. , ' 44, Edu ca tion.

SIM S. VIRG IN IA R. , lndi anapol is A ug-.. '44 . N u rs in g- E d ucatio n: I. S . A .: Y.W .C. A.: R .N . C lub .

SLOM LNSK L, AN JTA H ., South Be nd Apri l. '4 4 , Fin e A rts ; I. S .A . : V . Pres ., W est Me mo ri a l : D a ube r s' Club: P r es . . De lta Tau Mu: Y.W.C.A. : Ar t Ed . , FOLIO : Fre n ch C lub: Coed-Coun se lo r.

SM ITH , C H ARLES FELPS, Kokomo April. ' 44 . An :ttom y: P h i Beta K a ppa: Ph i Rh o Si)!ma: S ke leton C lub : Tn1ck.

SJ\ fl TH , DO NA LD R USSELL, 1\Ii shawaka A n l"il. ' 44, De n tist ry.

SN YDER, .JAMES P., Prin ce ton Apri l. '44, Publi c Bu s in ess Adm i ni st n 1tion : Kappa De lt a Rh o : Sec. a nd Treas .. Co ll egiate Cha mbe r o f Co mm e 1·ce .

SOHL, MAR.JOR IE A ., Hammond April , '44 . E n!<l is h : UL A.: Y. W. C. A . : Board o f Stand a rd s: S c., En g li s h C lub: Sec . , Hi ki ng- C lub : W.A . A . Boa rd.

SOS L-IN ICK, ESTHER, Shelbyv ill e D ec . . '43, P ubli c Bu s in ess Admin is tra t io n: Trens .. F o rest H a ll : P ama racl;-1 : Beta G ;1 mm :1 Sig ma: Alph a L a mbda IJc ltn: A. W. S. Cou n c il ; Omi c 1·o n De lta : Chi C Hmm a : Sec . . Co lleg- iale Cha mbe r of Co mm e r ce .

SOSLM , LIBB Y, Gary A pri l. ' 44 . P erson n e l Ma n ag-ement: l. S. A. A~s' l Board : Y . W .C. A . : Treas., Cosm opo lita n C lu b : J o rd a n R iver R evue: W .A. A . : Om ic ron De lta: Ma n age m enl Clu b .

SPECHT, MAR IAN J UNE, Gary D2c . , ' 4 a. C lub.

Ma nag-em e n l; A lp lrn Chi Om eg-a: Y.W. C. A .: Omi c ro n De lla; M a n ag-c m e n t

SPENCER, ROSE JE.-\ N, Crawlordsv ille De .:: .. '4:.1. Ma n a).{e m c n t: ·r1·eas .. A lph a Om ic ron P i: Bebl Ga mm a S ig- m a: A lph a L a mbda Delta : Y. \ V. C.A. Cab in et : Boa rd o f Sbind ard s: Om icron De lta: Ma n agem e n t C lub : C h i Ga mm a .

SPRAY, W ILJ\JA JRE NE, Medora Apr il. '4 4, Edu catio n.

STANLE Y, BETTY N ., Salc: rn April,

· ~14 ,

Educ ali o n.

STANLEY, MAR.JORlE M ., Bloom in gton A p 1·il. ' 44 , Hi story.

STA PP, L. J\ fAX LNE , Bed[ord Ap1·il, '4 4. Gove rnm e nt : I. S. A .: P a m ara d a; P i S ig m a A l ph a; A lph a; Y.W. C. A. ; lnte rcoll cg-iate De bate: Coed- Co un se lo r .

T au

Ka p pa

STA RR, R l CHr\RD, B loomington Apri l, '4 4, De n t istry: Pres . , Be t a Th e ta Pi ; S ph i n x C lub : F a lco n C lub; I nte rfr ater nity Co un c il : Golf.

STEE LE, MARY, Hunting ton Ap r il. '44 . Ph ysica l Ed ucatio n ; Pres., F o r est H a ll : Mortar Board: P ama r ada: Pi L a mbd a Theta : A lpha L a mbda De lta; C h ai rm an, Board of Stand a rds; Pres .. A .W .S .: Junior Prom Co mmit tee: Y . W. C . A .: W . A.T .C .

STEINMETZ, DORI S, Evansvill e Dec., '43 , Educa t ion: Alph a Om ic ron Pi: Y.W .C.A . Ca binet: W.A . A . Boa rd : W . A.T. C. : Chora l Union.


STONER, RACHEL E., Tipton Dec. , '43, Go ve rnm ent; V. Pres., De lta De lta Delta; Phi Bet ft Kam1a: Mortar Board: Pi S ig m ft Al pha: Pres., Alph a L a mbd a De lta ; Y .W .C.A. Cabinet; P1·es ., A.W .S . ; Coed Counseling Boa rd.

STONER, SUSIE H ., L ouisville, Ky. Aug., '44, Biology; Inter-racia l Commission Hou se Preside nts' Association.

STUDEBAKER, PRISCILLA M., Beloit, \!\Tis. Aug., '44 , Educatio n: V . Pl'es., L S .A. ; Boa r d of Sta nd a rd s: Y.W .C. A . Co un cil.

SUMMERS, DOROTHY DEA N, North Liben y Apr il , ' 44, Socio logy; L S.A . ; Y .W. C.A . ; W.A .A. Boal'd; P a dd ock Club.

SWIFT, RAYMOND, South Bend Apl'i l, '44, Busi n ess: L n mbda Ch i Alpha; Alpha Kappa P s i.

TARR STANLEY B. , Whiting A p ril, '44, Marketi ng: Y.M .C. A. Ca b inet.

TAYLOR, DOROTHY JANE, Indianapoli s Aug., '44 , German: L S. A. Boa 1·d : P 1unarada: Board o f Sta nd a1·ds; Y. W.C .A.: W.A .A.

TETER, GEORGE VINCE T , Fort Wayne April , '44, Medi cin e : A .C.S .-Student Affili a t e : Ske le ton Clu b.

TEWKSBURY, MARY ELLEN , L o ng Beach, Ca li f. Apri l, '44, Ma n age m e n t: Chi Omega : Col leg iate Chambe r of Commerce: V. Pres., Omi c ron De lta; Management C lu b: Tenni s Clu b; Y.W. C. A.

THOMAS, ELIZABETH ANN , Terre Haute April , '44, Fine Al'ts: Delta Ga mma ; Y . W.C.A.

THOMAS, PEGGY, Newberry Apri l, '44, Hom e E conomi cs; A lpha Omicl'on Pi: Al' t Ed .. ARBUTU S: T elegl'aph Ed .. DAILY STUDENT; Hom e E conomi cs C lu b; R a mblers Clu b: W.A.A . Board: Pl eia des; Y . W .C.A.

THOMPSON , .JOH N C., Bloomington April , '4 4, Phys ica l Edu cat ion: Marching Huncli·ed: Phi E psi lon Kappa; "Everyman 's Campus of the Air"; Freshm a n Basketba ll.

THOMPSON, MARY MARGARET, Winamac Dec., '43 , Bus iness; Pi Beta Phi; Omi c l'on De lta; Y .W. C .A.

THOMPSON, PRISCILLA JEAN , Owensboro, Ky. April, '4 4. Speech: J o rdan H.ive r R e vu e : D ebat in g.

TOPPEL, LA\.VRE CE A., South Bend Apl'il , '44 , Advel'tis in g : L S . A.; Al ll ha Kan11a P si.

TOWER, MARGARET E., Bloomington April, '4 4, Eng li sh ; Phi B eta K a ppa ; Alpha Lambda De lta: Eng lish C lub .

TOWNSEND, LUCILLE, Hagerstown April , '44 , Secret.a.ria l Tra ining; Alph a Omicron Pi ; Y.W.C. A.

Council; Omicron

De lt a ; Chi Gamma.

TRUMAN, ELMER MICHAEL, Evansville April, '44, M edi cine; Phi Chi.

TRUSLER, MARGARET C., Indianapolis Dec., '43 , Speech ; V. Pres., Kappa Alpha Theta; Boal'd of Sta ndards.

TURNER, HELEN CLAIRE, Kokomo Apri l, '44, Home Eco nomi cs; A lpha Chi Omega ; Y.W.C . A .; W.A .A.; Sec'y, P a ddo ck Club.

TURNER, WILLIAM R. , South Bend Apri l, '44, Zoology : Phi Ga mm .i De lta : Sphin x C lub ; F a lco n Club ; Sec'y, Union Boa l'd; Nu S ig m a Nu; Skelet on Club.


U N GER, PHYLLIS JEANNE, L agr o Aug . , '44, H o me E co nomics: L S.A.; Y .W.C.A.: Home Economics Club.

VICE, MAR ILYN, Indianapoli s D ec . . '43, J ou 1·nalism : L S.A. Board: P amal'ada: Tl'eas . , T he ta Sig-ma Phi; Board of Sta nd a l'ds: '43 J uniol' Prnm Quee n: Editol', DAI L Y STUDENT: Pl'eS .. Fl'ench Cl ub: Co- E dito l' , FRESHM AN H ANDBOOK.

VOLPERT, J AMES, Peru D ec., '43, B usi ness; Phi K appa Psi: Pres., A lpha. Kappa Psi: Blue Key: Sigma Iota : M-ana"'eme nt Club: Col legiate Chamber of Commerce: Quarte l'ma ster A ssociatio n.

WAHL , KERM IT , Colu mbia, S. D a k. A pl' il , '44, P hysica l Educatio n ; Pres., A l pha T au Omega; Base ba ll : Footba ll Manage r; Sph inx Club; Blue Key.


J., Ru sh vill e

Aug" .. '44, Span ish : Pamarada: Mortar Boa rd: Alpha Lambda De lta: Cabinet and Cou n c il : A. W .S. Counci l : Coed-Counselor .

Y.W . C.A.

WALK, NOLA BERN ICE, New Sa li sbu ry Ap i·i l, '44. H o m e Eco nomics; l. S.A.; Y. W .C.A.; Sec 'y, Home Economics Club: W . A . A.

WALK, SYLV IA BEATRl CE, New Salisbury Au g., '44, H o me Econom ic8; Y. W .C.A.; H ome Eco nomics Club.

WALKER, MAR ILYN, Pendleton Ap r il, '44, Edu catio n ; V. Pres., Chi Omega : P l'es., Pi L ambda Th eta: Y. W. C.A . Counci l a nd Cab inet; A. W .S. Counci l ; Board of Stancla!'dS: P leiad es; W.A. T .C.

\ VALKER, S \LLY, Indi a napolis Dec., '43, Eco nomics: V . P res .. Ka rma A lp h a Theta; Sec'y, P leiades; Y.W.C.A. Counc il : ARBUTUS; Glee C lu b.

\!\TALL, FRANCES H ., Toled o, Ohio Ju ne , '44, Retai ling-: Trens., D e lta Gamma: Y.W.C.A .

WALTHER, M IRIAM ELAI NE, Mi tchell D ec., '43 , A stl'Onom y; I. S.A . Boa rd; Mortar Board; Ph i Beta Kappa; Pamarnd a ; Aloh a Ga mm a Sigma; Alpha L a m bda D e lta; Boa rd of Standards; V. Pl'es., Y .W . C . A.; A.W. S. Counc il ; E ucli d ean Cil'cle; L e Ce rcle Frnncais.

WAMPLER, \l\TESLEY E., Bi ckn ell Apri l , '4 4, A ccou nting; Accou n ting- Club: Quarte rm aster Corps.

WARD , BERL BRANT, South Bend Apl'i l, '44. M ed ici ne : P hi Beta P i; Skeleton Club.

WARREN , MARCIA MA N VILLE , Indi a nap olis Apri l, '44 , P sycho logy; K appa A lp h a Theta.

WATT, PATRICIA ANN , Noblesv ill e April, '44, Education; Ka p pa Kappa Gam m a; Le Ce rc le F ra n cais.

WELLMAN, FRANCES M. , Phil ad elphia, Pa. Anri l, '44, Bus iness; L S. A .; D AILY S TUDEN T ; Coed -Counse lor .



RUTH, So u th Bend

Aug. , '44, Socio logy; V . P res., Cabinet; Gi rl s ' G lee Club.

Memoria l H a ll ; Boa1·d of Sta ndanls ; Y.W.C.A.

WH IPPLE, NANCY, Valpara iso Apri l , '4 4, Secretn ria l Tra in ing: A l pha Chi Omega: Beta Gam m a Sigma: A lpha L a m bda D e lta; Co ll egiat e Ch a m ber of Comme r ce; O m icron De lta; A R BU T US.

'W HITMAN, ROY M., N ew York, N .Y. Dec ., '4 3, Chemi stry .

W IGGI NS, MARGARET L. , Veedersburg Apr il , '44, H om e Econom ics: L S . A.; Y.W.C . A.

WILLIAMS, JACK, So uth Bend Apri l , '44, Med ici ne.


WILSON , DORIS, Bicknell Aug., '44 , Spanish : Kappa Ka ppa Ga mma: Alpha L ambda De lt a; W.A.A.

WINGERT, PATTY LOU, Bloomington Dec., '43, Socio logy: Ka p pa Ka pl)a Gamma: Thet a Alpha Phi : Board of Sbrndards: Le Ce rc le Francai s; ''M a n Who Cnm e to Dinn e r"; P addock Club: '' Jorda n Rive 1 Revue."


J., M il an ,

M ich.

Dec .. '43, Bu s in ess : Alpha Chi Omega; Omicron De lta : Y.W. C.A.: L e Cerc le Frnncais ; P addock Club.

WOLF, KATHERINE M. , Gary Aug., '44 , P sycho logy.

WOLFE, RO SALIND, Sulli van Alll· il , '44, Secreta ri a l T rai nin g; A l11h a La mbda Delta : Collegiat e Cha m ber of Comme rce: Omi cro n De lta.

WOOLFORD, ROBERT ALFRED, T erre Haute D ec ., '4 3 , Bus in ess; Pres. , D elta Ta u De lta.

WULFMA , BETTY JEANETTE, Huntingburg Dec., '43, Bu s iness Admini s trat ion; Pres. . Ka ppa Ka ppa Gam m a ; Pl eiades: A l pha L >tmbda De lta: Pres., P a ddock Club : Om icron De lta: Y.W. C. A.: Glee Club: W . A.A.

WYNE, JESSIE MARIE, Deputy Aug., '44, Sociology: Y.W.C.A.

YOFFE , LILLIE JEAN , Seymour f'l er.. 'A3 , Y .W. C .A.

Secre ta ri a l

Trai ning:


S ig m a

De lta


Omic ro n

De lta ;

YOST, ALICE, Decatur Aug., '44. T extile Me rch a ndi sing: V . Pres .. De lta Delta Delta; Omi cron Delta: Ch i Ga mma : Y.W.C.A.

Like fresh ma n days

Gellin g ready for a linl e ja unt


On lop of the world



ROW 1 - Mary Alys Werkhoff, Mary Steele, Sarah McKinl ey , E lizabeth Deane, J eanne Reese, R ache l Stoner, Jun e Brown, Anne H e ndricks. ROW 2 - Patty Peterson, Ma rgaret Kampschaefer, The lm a Wainwri g ht, Ginny Dill.

OFFICERS R achel Stoner Mary Steele Mary Steele Anne Hendricks Virginia Dill June Brown Barbara Meek

Presiden t Vice Presiden t Secretary Treasurer

MEMBERS H arriet Peterson June Brown E liza he th D ea ne Pall y Peterso n Virg inia Dill J ean ne Reese Ann e H endricks '\1ary Steele llfargare LKarnpschader Rachel Stoner Sarah ;\fc Kinl ey Thelma Wainwri g ht Barbara llf ee k '\lari lyn Walk e r ll lary Alys " "erkho[

A.\V .S. Counci l is the gove rnin g body (o r all Indi a na University women s tud ents. Each spri n g the preside nt. vice president, four se ni ors, four juniors and Lwo so phomores arc c lccLcd . The president and soc ial chairman se rve on the Union-A.\V .S. Committee. Other members o f the Counci l incl11d e a n act in g adv isor o( the town co 11n c il and a defen se co mmi1tec Laking care o( the hostess trainin g program. Coed counselo rs a rc under the chairm anship o[ a co uncil m em ber; the g uidance committee ha s charge o( th e career con[erences held in the sprin g. Oth e r council membe rs head th e poster and cleri ca l co mmittees. The 13oard of Standard s is th e judi ciary bod y of A.\ V.S. Its corresponding committee works with the above group and checks the point limitation system.


Somethin g ver y u nu sua l - Lh e presid ent a nd vi ce pres id ent pa use for a mo men t

I t looks like a p erp lexin g committee meetin g

Sa ll y a nd her staff of cl eri ca l workers kee p thin gs hummin g


ROW I - Louise Baloff. Ginny Dill. J ess ie R e iche l, Martha Wil son. Mary J a mi son . ROW 2 - H aze l H erther . Betty Todd. E ll e n Smith, Barbara Davis, H ele n H oadl ey , Betty Ritchi e , H arriet Fish, J eanne Deaco n. Ruth H ami lton. J o Ann Whi pp le. Doris Rose, Kay Smith. Betty Protsm an. STA NO I G - Loi s Miner. Betty lee Fults. Ch risti n e B ennin g-hof en, J ean ne Se idel , Joanne Whi t eneck. M a 1·jorie Gilkey , Kath erin e Coultas. Claire Ritte r, Mary Lew is, Barbara J a mes . Ja ne Ruble, Martha. P it kin. Mary Ye nn e .

OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Virgi nia Dill Betty Protsma n J o Ann Whippl e J ean Shelburne

MEMBERS Stowing away ca lories at the a nnu al banquet

Louise Ba !off Christine Benning-hofen

Sara Cha pman Susan Countrym a n Eve lyn Coo per Mary Kathe rin e Cou ltas Barbara Davis J ea nne Deacon Vi rginia Dill

Phyll is F enn H a rri et Fish Betty lee Fults M a rjorie Gilk ey

Ruth Ann H a milton H aze l H crthe r He len H oadl y

El ai ne Isaacson Esth e r J ackson Ba rbara J ames Mary Edith Jamison Ma ry Le wi s G lo r ia Lips ky Marie McCord Constance McGavin P at ri cia Madden Betty Mercer Lois Min er

Patricia Montgom e ry Martha Pitkin Betty P rotsm an J ess ie R eichel Betty R itch ie Claire Ritte r

Doris Ros Adrienne Ro sen J a n e Rubl e J eanne Seidel J ean Shelburne M arion Skink le Catherine Smith J ea n Smith Betty Todd Dorothy V est Mary A lys W e rko ff J o Ann Whipple J oanne Whiteneck Martha W ilso n Mary Y e nne Virginia Y oung

The aim of Alpha Lambda D ella is " to promote intelligent livin g with an in creased appreciat ion of th e love of stud y and th e culwra l ph ases of ca mpu s li fe." Membership is limi ted lo those fres hm a n wom en stu dent m aki ng a ''B +"average. T hi s year Alpha L-imbda Delta a nd th e fresh ma n men 's h onorary scholastic organization, Phi Eta Sigma , gave a joint initi a ti on banquet in th e Du gout. On e of the most out ta nd ing mee tin gs was the inform a l di scuss io n held at the home o f Dea n Mu ell er.


OFFICERS P resident Vice Presiden t Secre tary T reasurer

J ose ph A . Ba tchelor Elvin Eyste r Ch a rl o tte H enderson I. W. Alm


Dav id Ad a ms Rita M. Cosgrove Cha rma n Frazee W a lter Gadi en t Edn a H a uenstein Virginia H a wl ey Eli za beth Smil ey Esth er Sosh ni ck R ose J ea n Spencer Na n cy Whippl e

I. W.Alm

Morris C. Ba rker J oseph A. Ba tchelo r W ard G . Biddl e Geoffrey Carmi chael El vi n S. Eyster J. Edwa rd H ed ges Cha rlotte H end erso n Sa ra h D . Kirb y H arold F. Lu sk J ames E. Mo ffat Sta nl ey A. Pressler Al va L. Pri ckett H arry C. Sa u vain Dav id W . T hompso n George E. W agon er Robert E . W ald en H erma n B W ell s

Th e Indi a na Al p ha C hapter o f Beta Ga mm a Sigma was in sta ll ed at th e U ni versity in 1923. Its purpose is to recognize sc holarship a mong business stud en ts, the m em be rship be in g m ad e up o f busin ess stu dents in th e upper two per cent of the juni or cl ass a nd upper ten p er cent of the se ni or cl ass. Beta Ga mma Sigm a presents eac h year, to the st uden t w ith th e hi ghes t gra d e average a t the end of th e first two a nd a half yea rs, th e Willi am A . R awles Key. The orga n izati o n each yea r pl aces th e nam e of th e o u ts tan d in g bu sin ess so ph omore on th e Beta Ga mm a Sigma schola rship pl aqu e whi ch ha ngs i n th e offi ce o f th e D ea n of th e Business School, a nd th e student in seco nd pl ace rece ives a silver key.


Jack IC Ove rmye r, Ed Dun can, August M. Kasper. Dick Davi s , Mende l McCarty.

OFFICERS President

Robe rt Grad le

Vice President

Tom Gallmeye r


Walter Gadient

One fo r the money , two for the show

MEMBERS Ri cha rd Davis Edwin Dun ca n Nei l Funk W a lter Gadi ent Robert Gradle Augu st I aspe r

Mendel l\! cCany J ack Overm yer P e te Pihos Leo R adi ga n All an Rh odes J o hn Tave ner Ke rmit Wah l

Th e In diana Chap ter of Blu e Key was fou nd ed in 1929 to recognize student activities, charac ter, a nd schol ars hip. To be eli gi ble for co nsiderati o n for membership , a stude n t mu st have accumul ated al least 100 extra -curri cul a r act ivity points and possess no t less than a 1.3 scholast ic average . As ide from their trad it io na l banqu ets, an ann ua l a ffair o[ J31u e Key is the burial of the body of " Old J awn Purdue." This yea r's touching tribute was proclai med once agai n by th e " R everend" T homas Gallm eycr, U.S.A.


OFFICERS President

Alan Nol a n

Vice Presiden t

Men del McCarty


Arcad ius Stewert

MEMBERS Ri chard Dav is

Mend el i\f cCa rty

R oger Ellison

Ala n No lan

R ay H oward

Leo R adi ga n

Don McArt

Arcad ius Stewe rt Dway ne Wi ggins

Th e Boa rd of Aeon s, th e hi ghest stu dent tribunal , is the co nn ec tin g link between students a nd admini stra tion. Members a rc appoi nted by President \Veli s from amon g ca mpu s activity and schola rship Jead ers . The Board wa s rev ived , a fter a di sastro us summ er with the draft boa rd , by Pres id ent \Vei ls. Aeons' prim a ry probl em durin g th e yea r was the se ttin g up of a plan for popular elect ion of se nior class officers. Aeons ' plan a wa its only the approva l of other ca mpu s governin g groups to become e ffective. Aeons a lso initi ated Juni or Prom mach inery, helped select the Prom Committee, and cooperated with the Provisional Coun cil for Student Government in ob ta ining data concerning the duties a nd p owers of ca mpu s organizations.

ROW 1 -

Arcadius Ste wert, Ri ch ard Davis, A lan Nolan. Me ndel McCa rty. ROW 2 -

Dway n e Wiggins, L eo Ra di gan, Hay H o wa rd.

SEATED - ROW 1 - Mimi S lom in ski. Mary Ahlf. Pri sci ll a Studebaker, M ary A. Hawkino. ROW 2 - Muriel Thorne, Ruth Thomas . ROW 3 - Myrtl e Bergm a n. Don McArt, Rosamond Tillotso n, Virginia Brumble. ROW 4 - Laurie Anderson, Bill Samson, Jim Sale. STANDING - J ean T a bbe rt, Libby Sos im, J oe Lush, Mary Sh ie lds, Ma rtha J ea n Thomas . Charl es Rymarowicz.

OFFICERS President

Ruth Thomas Don l\fcArt

Vice President

l\1ary Shields Priscilla Studebaker


Ph yllis Ann Fager


Loi s Tabbert


Jam es Sale

Laurie Anderson

William Samson

Virginia Brumbl e

l\ lary Frances Seiler

Phyllis Fager

Clfary Shields

Ja ck Hal ey

Prisci ll a Studebaker

i\ fa r y Hawkins

J ea n Tabbert

Don McArt

Loi s Tabbert

Beny ]\[cMahon

J oseph Tenta

Charles R yma rowi cz

COUNC IL Mynl e Be rgman Kathleen Brando n Orpha Dickey E l no re Ebert Be rd yne Egli Donn a Hall Ba rbara I-l armack Irene I-la rri s The lm a Irwin Anna Le wi s Adele Liva J oseph Lu sh

Ruth Thomas

Rosamond Tillotson


Bru ce Nylfeler J eanne Pitkin Dorothy R ay J ames Sale Clfimi Slominski Libby Sosim Jeann e Stewart J ean Tabbert Dorothy Taylor Martha Jea n Thomas i\furiel Thorn e R ay Winslow

Doro th y R ay , T helm a Irwin , Anna Lew is, H arba n Ta lllm four of th e members on th e represen ta Li ve co un ci l

LS.A. was organized in 1938 to bring un orga ni zed stt;d ents into cl oser relati onship at Indian a ni\'ersi ty. Durin g the first semester of 1943-4 ,1, a chan ge in the constitution gave equal representa tion of dormitor y a nd tow n members on th e Council. Also on the Council a re six m embers a ppointed for previous meri tor ious work in the organization. The I.S.A. ac ti vi ti es includ ed a p icnic for [reshman LS .A. m em bers a nd A.S.S.R. men. The six Ind ependent can didates for Homecomin g Queen were prese m ed October 16. at the J.S.A . " lll as ter l\ li xer. " J a net Ke i[er, In depend ent. was chosen Homecomin g Qu ee n in th e elect io n . The "'Snow Ba ll ." th e first socia l event of 1944, was held J a nu ary 22.

From the ba ckground a nd the busy workers it look as if there mi ght be a dan ce in th e offin g



T u rn ing the pag ~s 0 11 past acti1·iti es o r 1.S.A .... Wh ere'd th e ex tra ha nd co me from '


Not all work is ca rr ied on in th e l.S.A. office -


th ey p lay as well


Mary Steele Jeanne R eese


Maril yn Walker Rachel Veit

MEMBERS Be tty l3 oaz Marjorie Gilkey Mary Lou H awkins Doris H aywa rd Doroth y June Humphreys Margare t Ka mpschaefer Charlotte Kupferer Sue Lapping J ea nne R eese J a ne Rubl e

Mary Frances Seiler Ma rjorie Sohl Maxine Stapp Mary Steele Priscill a Studebaker Dorothy Taylor Mar il yn Walker Roxana vVertz Joann e Whitenec k Rachel Veit

The Board of Standards, principal governing body for women stu d ents, consists of senior m em bers of the A.W .S. Council acting as the judiciary . Its functi on is to encourage the settling of all disputes by the various house councils and steps in to m ediate in serious cases or by request. The Board co ndu cted the orientation progra m this fall for enterin g women students. T hi s year it planned a student course; revision of the social calenda r to coi n cide with the military one; transportation during Thanksgivin~ vacation; and a p amphl e t con cernin g hints on final exa mination period distributed to freshman women stud ents. A revision of th e Point Limitation System was put into e ffect, I imi tin g th e di stribution of positions held in women's orga nization s.

SEATED - Priscilla Studebaker, Dorothy June Humphreys , Mary Steele, Marjorie Sohl. STANDING lotte Kupferer, Joa nne Whiten eck, Dorothy Taylor.

Doris H ayward , R achel Veit, Char-

ROW 1 - Marilyn Seward, Mary Steele, June Brown. ROW 2 - Betty Morrison , M a ri an na A shby, Rach el Stone r, Miriam Walther. STANDING - Elizabeth Deane, Cha rm a n Frazee, Anne H e ndricks, Virginia Smith.

OFFJCERS Presiden t

Elizabet h D ea ne

Vice Preside nt

i\laril yn Seward

Sec re ta ry

Mariann a Ashby Thelma W ainwright


Charman Frazee Margaret Kim e

Three 13 .\V .0.C."s

MEMBERS i\larianna Ashby June Brown Eli zauct h Dea ne Channan Frazee .\nn c Hendric ks .\t argarct Kitn e

Be u y i\! orri son ~laril y n Seward Virginia Smith 1\lary Steele Ra chel Stoner Thelma \\"ai111night :\liriam \ValLhcr

:\lonar Board. one o f the highest honoraries for junior " ·omen, rccogni1es scho larship, lea d e rship . and se n ·icc. ln diana·s chapter was organi1ecl in 192 1 by :\liss \\'ells, former D ea n of \\'omen. The o utstand in g soc ial e\'Cnt sponsored traditi ona ll y by :\lortar Board is th e Da 1m:"s Ba ll , th e d a n ce for which the coeds pa y Lhe bills. Oth e r ac Li\'ities include recogni7ing o utstandin g sop homore wome n b y giv in g a tea in 1.heir hon o r , compilin g a li st o f rec o mm cnclccl tu tors. co ll ec tin g old clothing, and sellin g Ph illips Brooks rn lenclars. This Year :\lonar Hoard co ndu cted a seri es of stude nt leaders hip training program~ LO stimu lat e int.crest in extra-curricular activi ti es and s LUcl enL go\'ernmcnL.


OFFICERS President

Ray Howard

MEMBERS Robert D. Arnold Richard Brickley Carl Brunoehler Robert Buckler Ri chard Butler Chester Davis Charles Ford J ames Gish

Oscar Green David Hamburg Wilbur Hicks Ray Howard Max Johnson John Jones Arthur Leible James Miller

Phillip Pennington Edwin Pontius Edward Pruitt Joseph Seagle William Segar Murray Sh user Marvin Tuckman Jefferson Woodbury

Happy looks hungry

The Phi Eta Sigma Fraternity is a scho lastic honorary for freshman men. The mem bers a re required to carry fifteen hours and must have a two-point-five average in their first semester or first year of college work. Only a small percentage of the freshman class are able to achieve this goal. Twice a year, in the spring and in the fall , the successfu l candidates are initiated and a banquet is held in connection with Alpha Lambda Delta.

SEATED - H a mburg, Pontius , Howard, Thornbury, C lark, Culp, Metheny, McA!i>ine , P e nnington. STANDING ley, White, Tuckman.

Le ible, M attmill er, Brick-

Ray Howard, To m Ga llmeye r, Me ndel McCa r ty, Mr. Rich , H ank W o lfe , Dr. Cogshall, Dway ne Wiggins, Leo R adi ga n, Bill Turne r .

OFFICERS President

H enry Wolfe Mendel McCarty

Vice President

l\'l endel McCarty Willi am Turner


Dwayne Wiggins

MEMBERS Willi a m Beko Tom Gallmeyer R ay H oward l\ lendel i\l cCa n y Leo R adi ga n Willi am Turner Dway ne Wi ggins H enry \Vol fe

The Indian a Un ion , founded in 1909, ha s as its aim " the prom ot ion of the interes ts of th e University and its students." The gove rnin g unit of the Un ion is the Un ion Board. Instead of the usual pre-war twelve -man Boa rd , a six -ma n Board was substituted thi s yea r Lo ca rry on th e responsibilities on a wartime ca mpu s. Activiti es this year included complimentary bi -monthl y da nces held in conjunct ion with A.\V .S., and fre e movies for the soldiers. This group a lso had cha rge of th e ervice committee throu gh which u shers for the a udiLOrium series a nd guide se rvi ce (or th e University are handled. Yell l eader supervision, billiard a nd chess tournaments, th e grid graph , the record hour, and Townhall also ca me under jurisdiction of th e board.


Three of th e mi gh ty m en who run th e Union

Mr. Ri ch puts a point across

Listen to th e good news, boys


eeo1e OFFICERS President

William Funk

Vice President

Louisa Pfre1zschner Betty Bowen

Secre tary

Esther Sosh ni ck J ean Day

Treasure r

J ames Snyder

MEM BER S .\ fixin g business and pleasure

Beny Bowen Virgini a Coop er J ean Day Edwi n Duncan Willi a m Funk Garland H aas Kathryn Hi ckrod Ba rbara J ackson

Carol J ean i\lan in Louisa Pfretzsch ner Judi th Sholtis Esther Sosh nick J ames Snyder Arcadius S1ell' ert J ea nn e Stone J ames Volpert

The Coll egiate Chamber of Com merce, composed of students of Business School , has established as its purpose th e furtherin g of interests of that school a nd the fostering of closer relationships between the studen ts a nd fac ulty. The Coll egia te Chamber of Co mm erce un der supervision a nd gove rnm ent of the Board of Direc tors had as ac tivities thi s year: the monthl y coffee hour, the Reception for In coming Freshmen ; th e .. Sq ueak" box for deposi tin g co mplaints by st udents; a nd the Senior Banqu et for graduating seniors in School of Business.

ROW 1 - J ea nn e Stone, E sth e r Soshnick , Ca rol J ea n Mar tin, Virginia Coope r, Arca diu s Stewert. ROW 2 J a mes Volpert. Willi a m Funk, Louisa Pfl'etzschn er, Jud ith Ann S holtis, J ean D ay.

J ames Snyder, Mr. Dowling,

Virg ini a H awley. Editor

Pat D ro i1. Bu sin ess \fan ager


_Virgini a Hawl ey .-I rt Edi tor ____________________ __ _______ P eggy Th om as

M anaging Editor _________ _______ \l a r ilynn Crai g

AS 'OCIA TE EDITORS Mo u 11 Ii11g _________________ _____________ Do ri s H a y1vard Se nior Ser /io n __ ______________________ Be u ye Karge r S/Jnrts__ ----·-·-J a ck K. O ve rm ye r Sr/1edul ing of Pictu res _______ Virg inia Bro\\'11 lll dia naj;u/is Edi tor ___________ Ca ro lyn Rawlin s


________________ Pa tri cia Droit

1)la11 ag<~ r .. _.

Circ 11/a tion Man ager ___ ________ ,\nn csc B ro wn Jo Ann Whippl e Advertisi ng J\I a 11 ager ___________________ Pat .\1 ye rs 'f' reasu re r Edn a H ;111 en ste in

Associat e 13 llsi 11 ess M anager. -J ane H a n cock Office M a11ager .. ________ C harlo t te Kupfe re r Beau ty Contest i'vl anagl'r ------· ~faril y n Keck

ASS ISTANTS Me ril yn O 'La ve rt y. R ach e l Ve it, Harri e n P e te rson , Margare t Keck , Barbara Da vis, Pat Kibl er , Barba ra Boen , \larg ie Sn oke, J oa n Hurfin g ton , Be tt y Kremp , D o roth y Graham , Bonni e Hod ges, Ma rge H od so n . Virg ini a Brumbl e, Nan cy Hooker. Marion Batty. Ba rbara \ Vi lkins.


Out of what appears to be ge neral confusion and bedlam in a 2 x 4 office on the third fl oor of the Union Building em erges yearl y the Editor's and Business Manager's dream and pet the ARBUTUS. This year the plans for the publication were made with both eyes shut, and fingers crossed. Anticipating the closing of many fra ts a nd campus organizations, and a lowered civilian enrollment, only 312 pages were laid out in the "dummy" before the opening of school. By January that number had increased to 360 pages. The cooperation and hard work of an A-l staff, the excellent photography of Allan Graham and Irwin Eisenberger, and last but b y no m ea ns least, the enthusiasm, advice and calming effect of our ARBUTUS show professor - Mr. Smeeton - made the probl ems of Pat Droit and Jinni e Hawl ey seem less mountainou s. Under the able management of Pat, the bu siness staff did a superb job of selling books, ads, and keeping the budget up with the bills, while the editorial Associate Editors and their cohorts, and Carolyn Rawlins at Naptown, n ever failed to get their material in on time to meet the nightmare of Hawley's life - the deadlines. It was one mad dash all year long, but it was worth it - we hope.

Top ... Marilynn Craig and Peg T homas Center . .. J a ne Han cock

Annese Brown

11 .~

Marilyn Keck

!Vferilyn o ·La ve n y, Doris H ay ward

J ack K. Overm yer, Charlotte Kupferer

Joan Huflin g to n , Virginia Brumble, H a rriett Peterson, Bonnie Hod ges , Barbara Hoen

Advisor, Mr. Smeeton. and the Editor

Virginia Brown ,

~1 a rga re t


Carol yn Rawlins

Upper r ight ... Jo Ann Whipple, Edna Hauenstein , Pat Myers

Barbara Wilkins , Dottie Graham , Betty Kremp , Nancy Hooker

Barbara Dav is, Margaret Snoke, R achel Veit, Margery H odso n , P.at Kibl er


The stooges at work

The buzzing beehive of journalistic end eavors has turned into a bedlam of busy girls during the last year. When many of the ed itors and reporters left the campus to join the service, the women decided to show the campus that they could do as good a job singlehanded as the men had done with their h elp. Thus - a nd behold THE INDI ANA DAlLY STUDENT, or better known as The \ 1Vorld's Greatest College Daily, is now near ing the end of be ing manl ess.

Besides being a member of the Associated Press with a wire service from the world's newsfronts, THE STUDENT also is a m ember of The Associated Collegiate Press, the Hoosier State Press Association, a nd the National Editorial Association. Every two weeks the KEY is published and distributed with THE STUDENT for the Naval Trai ning School. The n ews and editorial content is received from contribu tors, members of the School. THE SER VICE STUDE T is pub· lished vo lu ntarily by the trainees of the 155lst Service unit of the United States Army as a weekly page in the Student.

Housed in the grey brick bui lding, beside the University power plant, th e newshawks may be found pounding th e typewriters and watching the tickertape from 3 p.m. to th e wee small hours of the morning five clays a week.

l 18


Eugene Ludwig Jean Johnso n

Marilyn Vice

Betty Stevens

Ruth Scism Irene H arris

Th in gs are runn ing well in the Editor's cu bbyhole

A co un cil with t he city ed itor

Sa le and Wilson get togethe r on sports


Any news today?

The reporter types h er story

Ba ck to the linotype

Selling the story




The copy editors check the story and write the heads

The night editor skeds it

Morning delivery

In the hands of the subscriber




ROW 1 - Marylea Hawkins, Martha Wilson, Barbara J ackson, J o Mullins, Patricia M a dden , Edna H aue nstein. ROW 2 - Roberta Bayless , H elen Shipps, Ma ry Sabin , Fri eda Renfro, J o Hoover. STANDING - Ed w in Duncan, Max Huggler, Eugene Seifert, Bill Funk, Matthew Dogan, Frank Layman, Tulio Polsinelli, George Draper.

OFFICERS President

William Funk

Vice President

Barbara J ackson


Mrs. Mildred Wilkinson


Max Hu ggler

MEMBERS Roberta Bayless Matthew Dogan George Draper Edwin Duncan Bill Funk Edna Hau enstein

Marylea Hawkins J o H oover Max Hu ggler Barbara J ackson Frank Layma n Patricia Madden Jo Mullins

T ulia Polsinelli Fri eda Renfro Mary Sabin Eugene Seifert H elen Shipp Ma nh a W ilson

The Accounting Clu b was founded in 1938 to furth er the interests of accounting students and LO create a closer relationship a mong studem s, faculty, and practicing accountams. The organ izatio n worked LO establish conLact ll'ilh past graduates of the Accounting Department through the use of n ews-letters a nd acted as a clearing house (or th ese alumni. The club sponsored a ser ies of info rmal meet in gs at which refreshments were served a nd the members and facul L)' were given a cha nce to get better acqu ai nted. The a nnu al banquet given in honor of th e club's grad ua ting se ni ors was a fitting fin ale to a successful year.


OFFICERS Maste r Alchemist

Pa ul Vogel Richard Reck

Vice Master Alchem ist .

Ralph Thompson Richard Otter


William Creek Phelps Trix


J oh n Griess William Foye

MEMBERS William Creek William Foye Robert Froning Robert Geekier John Griess Clarence Hull Richard Landwerlen

Guy Leonard Lorne MacBeth Max Magner Joseph Nemec Richard Otter H arry Parker Richard Reck Charles Russell

William Samson Nol a n Sommer John Stevens Ralph Thompson Phelps Trix Paul Vogel Jack Walker

Alpha Chi Sigma is a profess ional chemical fraternity. It is divided into two divisions - pro fessiona l a nd collegiate. The fraternity was organized in 1902 at the University of 'Wisconsin . The Indiana Chapter is the Epsilon chapter and it was form ally admitted in 1908. Membership is open to men who plan to make chemistrv their field of endeavor. At present the Epsi lon chapter has about five hundred alumni ; and the present active membership is twenty-two. The purpose of the fraternity is to cement socially and profess ionally the already ex isting ties between chemists, advancing chemistry as a science and profess ion by so doing.

ROW l - George Ham, Charles Russell , Phe lps Tri x , Willi a m Foye , Ri ch a rd L a ndwe rl en, P a ul Vogel, Dick R eck. ROW 2 S a m so n, H orace Baxm a n , H a rry P a rke r, Bob Geek ie r, Nolan Sommer.

Willia m

ROW 1 - John Gadie nt, Donald Boling'e r, Max Huggler, Joseph Adkin s , Willi a m Thompson, Donald Leakey, Eugen e Seifert, James Snyder. ROW 2 - J ack Barnett, J a mes Gra f, Eui.:cn c Seidel. Willi a m Fun k. ROW 3 - Rob e rt H a wkins , Ray H oward, Marlowe Kluter, Mr. Batche lor, Matthew Dogan. ROW 4 - J a m es hin e , Garland H aas , E a rl Stern , William Hopkin s , J a m es Sta ley, Lawren ce Toppel, Raym ond Sw ift, F ra nk L ayman.

OFFICERS President

James Volpert Garland H aas

l'ice President

J ames Graf Matthew Doga n

Secre tary

Philip Bird


i\fax Hu ggler

MEMBERS J oseph Adkins Ja ck Barnell Donald Bo! inger Matthew Dogan Willi a m Funk John Gadient Jam es Graf Carland H aas

R obert Hawkins Wi lliam Hopk in s Ra y H oward Max Hu ggler Marlowe Klute r Frank Layman Donald Lea ke y Eugene Seidel

Eu gene Seifert J ames Shine J a mes n yder J ames Staley Earl Stern R ay mond Swi(t William Thompson La\\'rcn cc Toppel

Alpha Kappa Psi was created LO further th e interest among co ll ege men for business leader· hip. lL ha s as it~ o bj ec ti,·e th e promoti on of scientific research in th e field of business, the edu· ca tion of the pub li c to an appreciation o( modern busin ess, a nd an auempt to promote higher id ea ls among business men. The activ iLi es include a p lacemenL service and student loan service. At the bi-month ly meetin gs the members are addressed by facult y members anti business men . Each year Alpha Kappa Psi awards a sc holarship medallion LO th e hi ghest ranking senior from the Busin ess Sch oe l, and hi s name is engraved on a plaque.


OFFICERS President Vice Presiden t Secretary Treasurer

Peggy Thomas Julio Pazmino Rolf Hayn Libby Sosim

MEMBERS Julia Aisenstadt R oberto Arosemena Pat Bancroft Katsi Bedges Christine Benningh ofen Margo Dowling Alice Field Peter Fraenkel E ll en Gutman Rolf Hayn

Martha Hofmann Edna Hollar Ludwig Immergluck Nejat Key Kiri! LiaptchefI Marie Pappas Juli o Pazmino August in e Rodriqu ez P.:! riz Ru th E. Peters Libby Sosim

Ju Sung Su Robert Swain Peg Thomas Grace Thomson Juan Valencia Hugo Velasco .Jo Walsh Pfc. Siegbert J. Weinberger Ru ssell Willis Katherine ·wolf

The Cosmopo litan Club has for its purpose the furtherance of international fellowship anti the promotion of socia l life for its members. All foreign-born students and foreign-born faculty members are welcomed to club membership without election. Other students and faculty members who are interested can be elected, their number not exceeding the total number o( foreign-born members. The club makes the foreign -born members feel welcome and become familiar with Americansocial customs, just as, in turn, the American-born students are made acquainted with foreign trends. Through this exchange, a better understanding and a warm human interest results .

ROW 1 - Alice Fi e ld , Edna Holl ar. Juan V a lencia, I sabel Ruiz . ROW 2 - Rolf H ayn. Sulima Prado. H11 cw V elasco. ROW 3 - Agustin e Rodriqu ez Periz, Julio Pazrr,ino, Chal'lotte Foreaker. Angela L amont. ROW 4 - Bob Swain, Katherine Wolfe, Christine Benninghofin, Peter Fraenkel, Libby Sosim, Pfc. Sigbert J. W ei nberger, Ka rl Li aptcheff, Peggy Thom as, Martha Hofm an n , Roberto Arosemena, Mr. Leo Dowling.

Dr. La rson , Sa m Fogel, Ma rgo Jones . Edw a rd Cox . Max in e Pri ce, Pri sci lla Thompson.

Edward Cox Samuel Fogel :\l argo J ones J\l axine Price Prisci ll a Thompso n

Mar ia nn a Ashb y Eli zabe th D eane :\!ax ine Stapp

Ta u Kappa Alpha , na tion a l forens ic honora ry, was founded at Ind iana in 1915. This organi zatio n hono rs on ly those stud ents who have co mpl eted two years of coll ege work and two yea rs ac tive pan icipation in deba ting. This na tura ll y limi ts th e membership LO a very select group ; a nd eac h sprin g the fratern ity honors outstanding deba ters with a speech ba nqu et. This year Indi a na was rep resented in the debate con test al Northwestern by five Indi ana women. They pa nicipatecl also in the Bi g Ten Debate Tournament which wa s necessaril y coed u ca tional thi s yea r. The question thi s year was "Should the United States cooperate in m ai n taining an intern a tion al police force upon the defeat of th e Axi s?"


OFFICERS President

R obert Do uthitt

Vice President-Treasurer

Marjorie Boyles


Mary Frances Clark

MEMBERS Ma rjori e Boyles Hilda Begeman Mary Fra n ces Cl a rk Robe rt Douthitt John Hambl e n

R ay Howard Margare t Ka mpschaefer Willi a m Leon a rd Fra ncis McClure Carolyn Moosky

Evar Nering Orl a ndo Owen J o hn Pruitt Be tty R a hn l\'liriam Wa lth er \l a ry Worl a nd

Th e Euclidea n Circle's reg ular mee tin gs are devoted to di scussions of phases of m a thematics a nd its influ ence on the dependent na tura l sc iences. Th e spea ke rs a re from the faculty a nd slllde nt bod y. Despite the war, th e club has remained quite act ive. T hi s is a credit to th e influ x of gi rl s and women who are stud yin g math emati cs from ca lculu s to ind epe nde nt fi elds o[ di S1· covery. Th e club 's activities reach back m a ny years imo l.U .'s history, and it has become a tradition for its Decembe r mee ting to be held at the ho me of Mi ss W ell s and l\1i ss Woodbrid ge in th e form of a Christm as Party.

STANDING - Orlando Owe n, Betty Rahn, F ra nci s McClure , Hilda Begem a n, Dr. W olfe , Caro ly n Moosky, M ary Frances ChLrk, Willi a m L eonard , Margar et K a mpsch ae fer , Mr . Co lem a n, Dr. Wyle , Dr. Artin, Dr. Meyers. SEATED - R obert Douthitt, Ma rjori e Boyles , Miri am Walther, Ma ry Worla nd, John Pruitt, R ay Howard, J ohn H a mblen , Evar N erin g .

ROW 1 - Edwin E. Pontius, J ames L. Kornblum, P au l Thomas. ROW 2 Ritchi e, Char les Crowe , Thomas Connor.

J ohn Bl ank, N ea l Faller, H arrison W eber , Ed Coh en, Bill

OFFICERS Presidellt

P a ul Thomas

Vice President

R ichard Love


William Ritchi e


J ohn l3l a n k

MEMBERS Pl a nnin g for th e dan ce J a m es All e rclice J o hn Bl a nk Eel Co h e n Cha rl es Crowe J ack H yde J ames Kornb lum

Ri chard Love Robert Montgom ery Gene P o ntius William Poth William Ritchie Pa ul Thomas Harr iso n \\lc bc r

The lntcr -Fratc rni1 y Pl ed ge Counci l has enj oyed a most successful yea r under the leaders hip of Pau l '"Tomm y·· Th o m as. Kappa Sigma. The Counci l m ee ts on Thursda y eveni n g> in th e \Vh iu e nbe rge r R oom of the l111i c n . and is composed of fraternit y pledge presidents with th e purpose of brin g in g together fraternity m en, parti cularly fres hm en. La st sem es te r th e Co un cil sp onsored 111·0 sm o ke rs in 1hc Du go ut and th e R esolu tion R a mbl e on :\cw Year 's Night. A fonnal dan ce was g ive n in February co -spon so red by th e l11ter-Frat e rnity a nd l11 tc r -Soro ri1 y Coun cil s. ~Ir.

William H . J e nsen , in stru ctor of En.,li sh , is the fa cult y advisor for th e Co un cil.


OFFICERS President

Sue J ohnson


Joanne Mott

MEMBERS Marion Bl oche r Patsy Bruce Virg inia Buck Be tt y J ean Busby Mary Donova n Geraldine Goldman Kat h y Hi cks

Lookin g over cornin g ca mpu s eve nts

Su e J ohnson Ka y 1'.ayser Lu cill e Kell ey Dorothy Kra us J o Mayfield Joann e Mott J ea nine Moore

The Inter -Sorority Pledge Council is composed of th e pledge presidents from each soro rity on camp us. Its a im is to further pledge interests a nd contacts. Since it is th e first formal , active organ ization of pledge presidents, the members can rightfully say that they are charter members. Som e of th e organizat ion 's outstanding ac tiviti es were tbe R esolution R amb le , a dance spo nsored in coll abo ra tion with th e Inter-Fratern ity Council on Janua ry I , 19-H, and the pledge open hou ses held a t each sorority hou se. Th ese informal parties furnished everythi ng from a "slumber party" to a " H awa ii a n spread."

SEATED - Kathleen Hicks , Virgin ia Buck , J ea nine Moore, Marion Blocher, Ma ry K a thrin e Donovan. STANDI NG fi e ld , Ruth Rosin sky, Joa nne Mott, Betty J ea n Busby, Luc ille Ke lley , Sue J ohnson, K ay Kayse r .

P atsy Bruce, Jo May-

OFF ICERS Marvelle Gilbert Doris H aywa rd E velyn Goodm a n Be tty H a mvas

Presiden t Vice President Secretary Treasurer

:M EMBE R S Doris H ayward Emma Henri W ayne Judah Barba ra Ketcham Azi lee Kimbrcw Elh cl Ma vrick ;\lary Lee R obb Ani ta Slominski Hu go Vala sco ;\1ar y Ann W ell s

Mary Jan e Alford Loui se Bruse i\ lary Cardin al Doroth y Da wson Patri cia Draper Belly Essex .\larvelle Gilbert E vel yn Goodm a n Betty H a mva s Nata l ic He nl ey

Le Ce rcle Fran ca is is for th e be nefit of ach ·;rnccd Fre nch stud ents wh o wish LO ga in a n additi o na l knowl ed ge of the mann ers and custom s of Fra nce, a nd Lo spend a sho rt tim e in an a tmosphere th at is trul y Fre nch. The mee tin gs arc co ndu cted in Fre nch a nd th e members have a cha nce to sin g F re nch songs and sec p lays given in that lan gua ge. The first program was a stud e nt production. The next mee tin g co nsisted of a comed y give n by membe rs with the aid of so me of th e A.S.T. P. Dr. Mu ell e r spo ke 0 11 th e opera Die Flede mwus, which was g i,·en in the Univers it y Audiwrium , a l a no th er reun ion.

i\le mbc rship is by invitati o n onl y upo n recommendation of the facu lt y of the Fre nch De panrn e nl. Refres hm en ts a rc always se rved and each mee tin g is te rminated by si nging the M arseilles . Mll e. Hill a n t is t he fa cult y advi sor fo r th e club .


OFFICERS Presiden t

J oanna Ou ra nt

Vice President

Fra nk Laymon

Secretary T reasurer

Novel la Northcott

Ba rbara J ackson

MEMBERS Jam es Benninghoff Barba ra Byrd Pa tri cia Droit Ma rga ret Duckworth Kathryn Hickrod F ra nk Lay mon Betty Ann L ynch Sarah McKinley

Florence Miller Novell a No rthcot t Doroth y Ol son J oanna Oura nt Viol et R ey nolds Manh a Rupel Trene Sanders Eugene Seidel

Hel en Shipps Lib by Sosim J ea n Spencer R ay Swift Ma ry Tewksbury Miriam Wi se Ka th erin e Wolf J ayn e Yo un g

The Ma nagement Club of the School of Busin ess of India na Uni versity was o rga ni zed in 1940 a nd became affi li ated with the American Management Association . Members hip includ es not onl y those who a re in the m a nagement co ncentrat ion , but a ll other st ud ents in th e Business School who are interes ted in m anagement. \Vh en seve ra l o f th e officers left fo r the Armed Forces, the club became in ac ti ve. It was re o rga nized in October , howeve r, und er th e g uid a nce of Mr. Pa ul H errod . Promin ent men in the fi eld of ma nagement have met with th e club at their monthl y meetin gs.

ROW 1 - Martha Rupe l, E uge ne Se id e l, Dorot h y Ol so n. Libby Sos im. ROW 2 - Ka t he rin e Wolf. Iren e Sande r s , Sarah Mc Kinl ey. STANDING - Ba rbara Byrd. Ra y Swift, Vio let Rey nolds, Jay ne Young, Ma ry F lore nce Miller. Ka t hryn Hi ck rod , Ma rga ret Duckwor th , Betty Ann Lynch , J oanna Our a nt ~ Mr. P a.ul He rrod , Spo nsor . Miri am Wi se, P atric ia. Dro it, Ma ry Tewks bury, H ele n Shipps , J ea n S pe ncer. Nove ll a Northcott, J a mes Bennin g ho fI , Frank Laymo n.



~ .;;"-



' \\ !•

ROW l - R ichard Dyke , Char les Ke rl'. R. K. Davi s. Mal'ty Seide l, Tha d Ri chard so n, J o hn Fifer . ROW 2 - P a ul Chasman. Ma rk H ucke ri ede . H ar ry W e bb , George T ete r, Will iam Turn e r, Cou rtn e y S eag le, J oe Be;-in . ROW 3 - Cris Bl assaras, George Poolitsa n , J am es Weathe rhalt , Bruce Mc Ar t , Gen e Presti, Dick W aters , J ames Bopp, J ac k Di amond, Bob Br yan. D r. Kim e , Ch n.rl es V an 'J'asse l, Phillip La h r, B ill Matthews . Ed Be rman. Robe rt All e n , Tom R eese, Ted Parke r, Ea rl Maso n.

OFFICERS P resident

J ames W eat herholt

f' ice President

Willi a m Turner

Secre tary -T reasurer

Willia m Matth ews

MEMBERS Roben All en J ohn Anderson J oseph Bea n Edward Berma n Crist Bl assa ras J a mes Bopp R obert Brya n J oseph Buzman Pa ul Chasma n Sta nl ey Cope

R obert D av is J ack Diamond Ri cha rd D yke R oger Ellison Sherwood Fifer R o bert Forbes Mar k Hu cke ri ed e Charles Ke rr Philip Lahr Bru ce McArt

Ea rl Maso n John Maso n Willi a m Matt hews P. T. P a rk er Ch a rl es Pearce Willi a m Pitki n George Poo litsa n Gen e P res ti Thoma s R eese Thad Ri cha rdson

J o hn Scott Willi a m Seagle Ma rt y Seide l Geor<>e Tete r ' Villi "a m Tu rn er C har les Va n Ta ssel Ri chard vVaters J a m es ' Veatherholt Harry W eb b J ack Willi a ms

Consisti n g o f a cross sec ti o n of students from se vera l states a nd Mid western un iversiti es, Nu Si gma Nu 's 1944 pl ed ge class represents the la rges t del ega ti o n in n earl y a d ecade. Obse rvin g a word fro m the wise that the first yea r in Medica l School ca n be the las t, scholarship rank s hi gh. On e favor ite pa stime is the " Four O'clock. Club" whi ch meets Friday afternoo n in the gene ra l direc tion of d owntow n . Dr. Kim e co ntributes mu ch to th e moldin g of these sllld en ts aspiring to become doctors.


OFFICERS P resident Vice Presicle 11t Secretary Treasurer

J ea n Day i\l a ry Ell en Tewksbury Besse Ba ri ch Patricia Newh o use

MEMBERS Mary Ahlf Virgini a Ayers Besse Barich R oberta Bayless Doroth y Bes t Ruth Bloomburg Betty Bowen Im ogene Bri ght Barbara Byrd Irene Carson Mar y L ee Cline R aebel Converse Ma rjori e Cook Pa tsy Ruth Craig Jean Day Dorothy Deitchel Virginia Denk Ma rgaret Du ckworth Mary Gardner Pa tricia Gibson Beuy Jea nne Gilmore I Ruth Hagel ska mp Cor.rine Hamilton

Edna Hau enstein Lu cill e H a uger Mary Loui se Hawkin s r W a nda Ha yd en Pa tricia H eld Kathryn Hi ckrod Mary Ell en Hi ss ion Edna H oll ar J oan Holm berg Constance Huntington Viola H yndman Barbara Ann Jackson Fay Ka lafa t Doris Kronborg Mary Lambertus Geo rge-A nna Lei st Virginia Lynn ' Joanne McGee Sarah McKinl ey Mary McMill an Martha Jean Madden Mary Miller ; Doroth ea Mitchell

Jane E ll en Morris / Pa lri cia N ewho use

Novella Northcott J oanne Ou ra nt Norma Par ker Pri scilla Ann Phipps Marcellin e Plesi;her ' Ph yllis R obbins Ma r y Sabin Iren e Sanders Ma rga ret Saunders Elain e Scha ppi J eanne Schoonover Libby Sosim Ma ry Ellen Tewksbury Marian Tirmenstein · Mary Wal sh Gertrude 'Veaver Mildred Wi lkinson Mary Jean Willi ams Sarah Ja yne Young Paula Zwintscher

Omi cro n Delta, founded in 1933 . has as its purpose the developm ent of better busi ness women, th e st imulation of local organization and coop eratio n , th e gat hering of information a bout vocational opportunities, a nd the furthering of th e progress of business through education .

SEATED - ROW 1 - George-Anna Leist, J oanne McGee , Ma ri a n Tirme nstei n. ROW 2 - J ean Da y, Mary T ewksbury. ROW 3 - Rae Conve rse. Edna H auenstein. STANDING - ROW 1 Joanna Ourant, Ire ne Sanders , Virg ini a Lynn, Kay Guffin . Ma rjori e Cook, Jean ne Schoonove r, Connie Huntington . Mary Sabin, Kathryn Hi ck rod, Mary Hawkins, Libby Sosim, Edna Holl ar, J a n et Scott. SEATED - Mary Flore nce Miller, Lucy Hauger, Emily George, Sarah McKinley .

ROW l - Gert r ud e K nelleken , Mir iam Walther. ROW 2 - Betty Lock ridge, I r e ne H arr is. Maxine Stapp, Eliza beth Deane, Ma rjorie Sohl. ROW 3 - Margaret Ka m nscha efe r, Bettv St ve n s. H a rri ett P ot e rsn n. ST AN OING - M a r y Ahlf. Edna H auen stein, Dorothy T ay lor, Mary Steele, Corrine H a milton, Donabe ll e Secrist, Rita Cosgrove, J u li a Balogh, Mari ly n Vice, Sarah Mc K in ley.

OFFICERS Sarah McKinl ey Harr iell Pe te rson Ma ry Shields Marjorie Sohl Doro th y Taylor Dona belle Secrist ~lary Ah lf Corrine H am ilton

Preside11t Vice Preside11l Secretary Treasure r

MEMBERS They should be peppy Ma r y Ah lf Juli a Balog h Be lly Barney Ri ta Cosgrove E li zabe th Dea ne Corrine H a milton Ire ne H a rri s Edn a H auenste in i\! a rga ret Karn pschacfer Gertrude Kn ell eken Belly Lockridge Esther 1Vl cG inn ess Sa ra h i\!cKinley

H arrie tt Pete rson Do na belle Secrist ~fary Shields Jun e Shull Ma rjori e Sohl Esther Sosh ni ck i\!a x in e Sta pp Mary Steele Be tty Stevens Doro th y Taylor Maril yn Vice Thelma W a inwri ght i\!iri am W alther

Pam arada is one of Indiana Un iversi ty's " baby" honoraries, which celebrated its first birthda y a nni ve rsary la st fa ll. lt was orga nized in 19·12 to recognize o utstandi ng indepe nd ent women stud e nts includin g lea d e rs in a ll ca mpu s act iviti es. Th e members have me t periodic;1 1l y in th e Du go ut for lun ch an d LO talk over mutu a l activ iti es and int e rests. The blu e a nd white Pa ma rada hat is their distinguishing factor on ca mpu s. They joined with the rest o [ th e ca m p us in su pport of the movement for stud e nt seHgovernment.


OFFICERS President

W a nda i\ lcColgi n George-An na Leist

Vice President

Rh ea i\!cColl


Betty Bowe n J a ne t Schenkel Pa tsy Kelvie

T reasurer

DELEGATES R achel Bair Elino r Beeche r Syl via Caw n Su za nn e Co hen Susan Co untryma n Marga ret Current Be lly G ilm o re Becky Gu ard Betty H a nvas Ca th y H a use Virg ini a Hawley Ka thryn Hi ckrod Ma rge ry H od son Na ncy H ooker

i\!a rgery Hul ett Kay Kuntz Jill L ycas Conni e i\ fcGavi n Ma r y F ra nces O r r Ruth Pawlik Suzie Pu gh J ea nn e R eese Barbara R einin ga Virgini a Ru sh J ea n Scha bin ge r Eli za beth Ann Schmidt Ba rba ra Spon g Ma r y Lo ui se \ Voessner

President and secretary work Chinese fashio n

Pan -H ell eni c Associa ti o n a nd Pa n -H ell en ic Coun cil mee t monLh ly. T he objec t of th e orga ni za tion is to m a inta in a hi gh pl a ne of fra ternity life a nd interfra ternity rela ti on ship. Pa n -H ell eni c spo nsors the voca ti o na l wo rk sho p , b u ys war bonds for th e wa r effort, con trib u tes to the R ed Cross, and solicits blood d on ors.

Betty Bowen , George-A n na Leist, Rhea McCo ll , Patsy Ke lvie.

ROW 1 -

Betty Bowe n, Betty W u lfman, Mar th a F ette rly, p .ggy Thom as , Vi rg in ia Cooper , Doroth ea Mitche ll , J ean J o h nson. ROW 2 -

M ari lyn K ec k,

M arjorie M cNabb, J ea n Sch abinger, Ann


W anda

McCo l ~d n ,

Sall y Wal ke r , K a thryn Hi ck rod, Virgi ni a Brown. ROW

3 - Ba rbara Meek, George-Ann a Le ist, Jane Scha binge r, Ma rilynn Craig. STANDING - Bettye Karg-e r, Vi rgi n ia H aw ley , J une Brown, Ma ril yn Seward, Paddy Pri ce, J a ne Ma rtin , Ma ril y n Wa lke r, Pr isc ill a Phip11s . Pat Droit, J eanne R eese , Mary Ma rgaret Ma loney.

OFFICE R S Presid ent

Padd y Pri ce

Vi ce President

J ean Schab in ge r

Secre tary

Sally Wa lker i\ la rjori e Mc;\'a bb


i\ la nh a Fcne rl y Bell ye Ka rger

MEMBER S Jun e Ilrown Virgi ni a Brown

Bell y Bo we n i\ laril yn Cra ig Virgini a Cooper Patricia Droit i\ la n ha Fe llerl y Virg inia H awley

Kath r yn H ickrod .J ea n J oh nso n

Bell ye Ka rger Ma ri lyn Kec k George-Anna Lei st \V;1nda McColg in Marjori e McNab b i\ la ry i\ la lo ney J a ne ,\ la nin Ba rbara i\fcc k Do lli e i\ l itchcll Ann Pi e rce

Pri sc ill a Phipps Padd y Pri ce J eanne Reese i\fo ril yn Seward .Jane Sch a bi nge r J ea n Schabi nge r Peggy Thom as 1\ lari lyn W a lke r Sal ly Wa lker Be lly \Vulfm a n

The blu e hat with the go lde n win gs Leli s the ca mpu s th e weare r is a member of Pl eia d cs. An uppc rcl asswo mc n's social ho norary o rgani za tion. Plciades is 1hc [cminin c version of 1h e Sphi nx Club. Bes ides be in g soc iall y active. th e l' lc iad es ca ndid a te mu st he an o rga nized uppcrcla sswo ma n with good s~ h o l as ti c standin g. P led ges a rc a nn o un ced a t th e Po1\"-\Vow and th e Juni or Pron1 .

l>u sin css mee ting' a rc held in th e Pl c iades R oom in th e Student Building. The annual dan ce given wi th Sph inx Club, m oney coll ec ted for ciga rcllcs LO se nd to soldi ers overseas. a nd two sc ho larships g iven LO outsta nd in g girl s o n ca mpu s were so me ac ti viti es thi s year.


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Wai tin g for a whale on the banks o( the Jordan

A campus trio

The lates t



Student Government - or is it Swdent Ri ghts?

OFFICERS Willi a m H . Fox J ohn H. J oll ief Leon E. Whaley C. A. Murray

Presiden t Vice Presiden t Secretary T reasurer

MEMBER S G le n All en i\ fax P. Allen L. 0. Andrews E. V11 • Arnett Lo rin Ashbaucher R ona ld Au stin G le n D. Barkes Burl ey V. Bechdol t R obert P . Bell H . E. Binford Ka rl W . Bookwa lter Car l ton Brown S. T. Burns Geo ffrey Carmichael Paul Couch H a rry R. Davi dso n C. R oss Dea n :\!. W . Deputy J o hn H . Di ll o n

L. E. D ye r Merri ll T . Ea ton Carl Fra nk Elster Elvin S. E yster Luther S. Ferguson I. O we n Fos te r Willi am H . Fox Carl G . F . Franzen Carl Frye Paul J . H ar rell Virgil H errin g Russell J. H os ler John H. J o i li ef C. L. Kin gs bury Melvin S. Lewi s W . B. Min e r H arold E. i\loo re C. A. Murray C. R . l\J ye rs

Fred G. Neel A. Pryce Noe Edgar A. o ·o ell W.W. P atty E . A. Saherniak R obe rt H . Shaffer H . L.Smith J acob G. Smuts G. T. Somers J. W . Strad lin g George D. Stra ye r, J r. R ei no i\ f. Taka la F rank L. Templeton Kenne th B . Thurston George A. W ago ner Leon E. Wh a ley Seward E. Wil shere W endel l \\T . Wri ght

Phi Delta Kappa. th e honorar y schola sti c organization for men in th e School of Educa tion . estab li shed its Alpha cha pter o n the In diana ca mpu s in 19 10. Members are selec ted from the se nior class and g rad uate stud e nts a fter ri gid examinations of their scho larship and perso nal qu a lifi cat io ns. Th ey mu st be d efinitel y preparin g for a career in ed uca ti o n upo n g raduati o n . Phi Delta Kappa is a profess io na l ed ucat io na l fra ternity whose id ea ls arc scho larsh ip . se r vice , and leadership. Prog rams are gi\'cn throu g hout the year rcl:iting to recen t trends an d developments in education , pro\'ing th at Phi Delta Kappa is an active as wel l as a n hon orary fra ternity. J\ [cw prominent alumni of thi s orga ni za ti o n a re: P resident Emcriltls \ Vi lli am Lowe Brya n, Dea n H. L. Smith. and DeWitt i\ lorgan. Supe rintend ent of the Indi anapolis City Schools.


OFFICERS President

Maril yn W a lker

Vice President

La urabell e Anderson


Elea no r Meacha m


Be tty Ba rn ey Mi ss Dela ncey

MEMBERS L a ur abe ll e Anderson Marian na Ashby J ennie Ba lhause R ebbeca Bartlett Betty B arney Gloria Burba nk H elen Burton Mart ha By rn e Beul a h Cracraft J anet Davisson J ean Day Opal H . De lancy Emily D iamond

Ma rion Di eterich Be rni ce H nll a r Dwye r Carrie H . Eschenbre nne r Loi s Fountain Cha rman Frazee

Ele nore Griffith Mon tana Gr ins tead Loretta H e idgerken Dorothy H e nde r so n Edna H allar H a nn ah Horne r Ice! J ackson Ge rtrude Jo hnso n Vi rg inia L eech Betty Lind B etty Loc kridge Sister Xavi e r McCabe Eleanor Meach a m Ann a Short Mi lle r Elizabeth Morrison Eilee n N age l Betty Cutle r N ering Emil y Zike Nordberg

Kathleen O'Connor Cha rl otte O'Meara Dem a Timmons Price Ida R a ut h Monica L. R e isz M a ri e R isch Audra Robe rts Ire ne Dietri ch Ro se H aze l R oss Mildred Fost e r Ross Lucill e Shu ll Mary Steele Juli a T rowbridge K ath ryn Troxel Mar il y n Wa lke r Margot We iche r t Esthe r W inn Leo na Zwe ig

Pi La mbda The ta, national schol as tic honora ry for wom e n in ed u ca ti o n , was fo unded in 19 10 th e U ni vers it y of Missouri. Iota chapter at Indi a na Uni vers ity wa s gra nted a ch arter in 1920, be in g th e ninth to be ad mitted . The a im of th e orga niza tion is th e d evelopm ent of hi gh professio na l idea ls and th e e ncoura geme nt of advanced study in ed u cation among women. The orga ni zat io n holds regular meetin gs in a n attempt to sllld y ma n y ed uca ti o nal progra ms. At th ese monthl y mee tin gs th e re are speci a l reports by m embers, pa nel discu ss ions, and talks by me n a nd women in ed ucat ion . In addition to man y student members, th e group has added membership a mon g town swom en a nd gradu a tes. Prominent adv isors includ e Mrs. Emmet Arnett, i\ l iss Monta na Grinstead , and Miss J ess ie Burks. al

ROW 1 - Betty Morr iso n, Betty Barn ey, Carrie E sche nbren n er, El ea nor Mea ch a m , Mari lyn W a lke r , Ei lee n N age l. ROW 2 Frazee, J ea n D ay, Ma rtha Byrn e , Eli za beth D ea ne, La ura be lle Anderso n, Ma ry Steele , Virgi n ia Leech, Lucy S hull.

Char ma n

. \ 11

Quenching 1heir thir'L at the fountain - of the Commons

attractive little key isn't it?

Archie secs if hi s hat is large enough for a nother member


ROW 1 - Howa rd S tephen, J oseph Lu sh , Ch a rl es R y m arow icz . ROW 2 - J a m es Sale , Robe rt K uhnle , Marv in T uckm a n, Murray S huser, Geoffrey Sega r , Bru ce N yffe ler . ROW 3 - H a l Blume n t ha l, J a m es Hill , Robert P etran off , J oseph T en ta.

OFFICERS Presiden t

Robert Kuhnle

Vice President

Geoffrey Segar

Secre tary

James Sale


J oseph T enta

MEMBERS R oger Ajami e Ri cha rd Bl a ney Ma rtin Bl oom David Borl a nd H al Blume nth al J a mes Cloud J erome Fink Jam es Hill Virgil Howes Ne il Jon es Harris Ka hn R obe rt Kuhnl e

Joseph Lu sh , Jr. William Moore Bruce Ny ffele r R o ber t Petrano ff Vin ce nt R oge rs Cha rl es R yma row icz J a mes Sale Geoffrey Sega r Murray Sh use r Cl yd e Smith Ho wa rd Ste ph e n J oseph T e nta M a rv in Tu ck ma n

' Vea re rs of th e ma roo n a n d white ha ts. th ese a re th e m embe rs o[ Si gma Io ta - soph o mo re in d ep end e n t men·s hono ra r y - th e Gree k le u e rs, S a nd l . sta nd for ··se rve I ndi a na. " Fo und ed in 1940, it was th e fi rs t ho no ra r y to recognize o u tsta ndin g inde pende n t und er classme n . Fiftee n to t we nt y in dep e nd e n ts a re p led ged fro m th e soph o mo re a nd seco nd -sem es te r freshm a n cl asses o n th e basis of sch ola rship , lea de rship, a nd campus ac tivit y. Th e purpose of Si gma Io ta is to recogni ze th ose m en who will la ter serve as lea d ers in t he upper cl asses . Servi ce includes suppo rt in ind ep ende nt ac ti viti es , pa rti cipa ti o n in a ll -org·a ni za ti on ca mpu s a ffa irs. a nd t heir annu a l ·· ci o th eA-Chil d" Chri stmas Pa rt y.


ROW L - Hucke ri ed ie , H a nn a, Donald son. Bopp, Wea the rho lt, Maso n, Gumbin e r. Blassaras , PoPJ1lew e ll, Fife r, Da vi s . P ea rce, Scott , Presti. Ri cha rdson. ROW 2 - Hippe n st ee l, Be ls haw, Roth enbe rger, Ross , J ac kson , Drake , Roge r s . Griffith, Forbes, Ke rr, McDo nald . Fu t t e rkn echt, Ande r son, Kirkhoff, Dr . E. N . Kim e , Dr . J. A. Bade rtsche r. ROW 3 - Philip L a hr, Charles Ke rr, Robert Rin eh a rt, H a rb a ug h, Reese, J ohantge n, P a rke r, Tete r, Wa rd. Crosse n, H a rcour t , Poolitsan, H4?rman, Dr. H armon, Dr. Strong, Dr. Stie r, Dr. Ni chol, Dr. W Hkim . ROW 4 - W ebb, Jon as , Bryan, Vannach, Seidell, Powell, Smith , Pobanz, Vin gis , Dyke , Markey. STANDING - Diamond, Davi s , Guthri e . Dr . J ones , Lipn e r, Moss , Beck, Cha s ma n, Turner, Bean, H e nn, J ack son, F e rguson, Poracky, Shen k, Willi nms , Acos , Schulde nfr i. S hi ve ly, Beilke , Brown, Boon s tra, Philli1is. All e n, Ma tthew s . Se•t1d e . Nicho ls , Gallih e r, Bi g le r, Catt, McGinness , Kimm e ll, Mrs . Arm stro ng , Mi ss Dodds . Tribl e r, W ilderman , Dill, Trum a n, H e nde r shot, Mcintyre , Sroka. LA ST ROW - Chattin, Zimme rm a n, V a n T asse l, Graves , Ma ki e ls ki , Behnke, Bixle r, Ba um ga rdt, Pon czek, Turn e r, Rollin s , Whitm a n , Me llin g e r, W ate rs , Cra ig , Brockman.

OFFICERS Preside11l

J ack Diamond

Vi ce President

Paul Kirkh ofT

Serrelary -Treasurer

Ph yllis Catt

The freshman medical class of 19-13 compri ses the newest addition lo the Skeleton Club. Tiie Skeleton Club holds momhl y meetin gs \\"ith the topic of discussion bein g mo re or less conn ec ted with medicin e. The club room ma y be found on th e fi rst fl oor of the Medical Building and may be di stin g ui shed by the presence of va rious and sundry forms draped about in the Basal sta te. Th e campus becomes aware of the Skeleto n Club a t certain limes durin g the year as evide nced by the selection of the Cadaver Queen , the tre mendo us Med boress in the Commons. Sprin g Dan ce, and obvio usly by the whistlin g choir which assembl es al frequ e nt interval s on th e ste ps of the i\ledical Buil di ng. The club holds momhly meet in gs lO di sc uss medica l probl ems. Previou sly ma n y a blood y baulc has en sued between the Shysters and the Meds, vying for the coveted troph y- The Thund e r Mu g. Now the Meds reign vi ctoriou s - C'esl la gu erre!!


The blackboard a nd Di a mond tell the ta lc. need we say more

What pulchriwcle, what charm . ll"hat a girl!


Three co nsc ient io us sLUcl e nts experiment

Th e Co mm o ns is st ill the favorite spot on the campus

The lio ys \\'it li their he') . o f beauties

Ca rd s :rncl the Commons; where arc th e cokes 0


ROW 1 - Ma rlow e Kluter, Edward Brinkl ey , Norman All ey, Roderick M acDonald, Gene L a tham, Rod ger Buck. ROW 2 Bob Buck ler, Da ve Elli s. ROW 3 - Don Leonard , Gus H aas, J a ke Ruch, J e rry McCarthy.

OFFICERS President

Rod ger Buck

Vice President

R oderick MacDonald

Secre tary

Gene Latham


Marlowe Kluter

MEMBERS Norman All ey Edward Brinkley R oberL Buckler Rodger Buck J ack Burns David Ellis H arold Goodman Garland Haas August Kasper

Marlowe Kl tiler Gene Lath am Donald Leon a rd George Lukemeyer Roderick MacDonald J erry McCarthy Leo Radigan Edward R eich Jake Ru ch Joseph Seagle

Ju st spot an orange and green pod and there 's your Skull a nd Crescent man . This is the distinguished mark of the sophomore class honorary organizatio n composed of those men most likely LO succeed both ocially and scholastically. Annually two freshmen from each fraternity and two independent men are elected to membership on the basis of their outstanding records in scholastic and extra-curricular activities. Founded in 1922, and now a national organization, Skull and Crescent at Jndiana gives two dances each year a nd with the proceeds of th ese they offer a scholarship, once a year, to a wonhy sophomore.


J oseph Seagle,

SEATED mit W a h l.

P ete P ihos. Lou is H owe, Tim H anika, Don S11ence. ST AN DI N G -

Al Nola n , Leo R a di ga n , George Kenne ll y , Dick Davis , Ker-

OFFICER S P resident

Geo rge Ke nn ell y R ichard D av is

Vice P resident

R icha rd Da vis Leo Rad igan

Sec retary- T reas u rer

Leo R adiga n T im H a nik a

MEMBE R S Da le Bell es Ri cha rd D av is Tim H a nika Lo u is H owe George Ke nn elly George Lu kem eyer Me ndell McCa n y Cla rk l\ fcClurc Al an Nolan

Pe te P i hos Leo R a di ga n A lla n Rh od es J o hn R eich le Do n Spen ce Ri cha rd Sta rr J o hn Tavcn c r \ Villi a rn Turn e r Ke rmit Wa hl J oh n Wi lso n

A Sp hin x C lub m ember ca n be eas ily id e ntifi ed by hi s ' ' ta ttl e- talc gray" hat a nd those ncwseldo m -see n se ni o r cord s. T hi s joll y-good -fellow o rga ni zati o n is cla ssed as a "social ho nora r y"; mos t of th e promin en t rod s arc fo u11d o n t he m e m be rship li st. Thi s fa ll th e re were seve ral boys that wo re th e ir Sph inx hats o n ly lo stud y in th e ir room s d ue to th e stri ct rul e aga in st Sph in x hats a n d O .D .'s. T he trad iti o na l T ab le W a ite rs' Ba ll wa s g iven with P lc iades a nd th e p roceeds were used lO g ive schola rshi ps to tw o o utstand in g soph o m o re m en. Sphin x Club awa rd ed a troph y lO th e o rga n iLa ti o n h av in g t he best H o mecomin g d eco ra l ion s, hu t com pe titi o n \\'as n cccssa ril y limited to g irl s' g roups.


\Vahl wa ves the p alm for A.T .O .

Brushin g up on hi stor y

Kecpin ' up wif thi Yo kum s


ROW 1 - Kay Smith . Lenora Gu tstei n. Bette jan e Mott, L ucille Christie. ROW 2 East, Betty Barney , Norma Mettert, H elen Martin.

Ruth H oldeman, Betty Protsman, Phoebe Crookes, Sarah

OFFICERS Preside11t

Lenora Gutstein

Vice President

Ph oebe Crookes


Ruth H old eman


Virgini a Rush

1\IEl\IBERS Be tty Barney Lu ci ll e Christie Ph oebe Crookes J a net Davis on Sarah East Lenora G utstein Eleanore Hire Ruth H oldeman J eanne Kenda ll

Max ine J\fcCo lgi n L ena H ele n i\fartin i' \ orma ~ I Cl I C rt Betty i\ lorr iso n Be 11cjanc ~ l oll Belly Protsman Eleanor R ay Virginia Ru sh Kay Smith ,\ lary Ye nn c

Yes. "a pretty girl is l ike a melody"! Speaking o f mu sic. th ere is Sigma Alpha I ota. national professiona l mu sic fraternit )' for wome n o uL~ tandin g in mu sica l achievement. The a im s are to promote the musical p ro fessio n for women a nd Lo fnnher the development of music in America. Each year Sigma Alpha Io ta and Alpha Mu Om ega give a joint reception for n ew mu sic Slll · d ents. Mo nthl y programs arc presented by th e me mbe rs or gues t mu sicians, a nd recep ti ons arc held for visitin g g uest artis ts. The orga nizatio n a lso spo nsored a member of the music faculty in a concert. proceeds of which went to b uy \ Var Bo nd s.


OFFICERS President

Bo-Peep McMillin

Vice President

June Brown

Secre tary

Mary Landis


Marjorie Kuhn

MEMBERS June Brown Sara Chapman Bettylee Fults Martha Feltus Marjorie Kuhn

Mary Landis Don Mu \rt Bo-Peep McMillin Robert PetranofI Pat Petruzzell

Edward Reich Jane Ruble Marilyn Seward Barbara Spong Pally Lou Wingert

Theta Alpha Phi is a nati ona l honorary society for acting and play production. This organ ization is greatly responsible for the success of the University Theatre, th e sponsorsh ip of experimental plays, and the stage show in connection with the ARBUT US Beauty Co ntest. Awards are presented ann ua ll y to the o utstanding members. "Field Notes," edited each m onth by one of the chapters, awards one hundred and fifty dollars to the chapter for th e bes t publication. The Indi ana edit ion was ed ited by John McGreevey. Last year the Indi ana chapter rece ived this award. By vote of the members , this scholarship award was presented to Marjorie Kuhn .

ROW 1 - Robert Petranoff, Pat P etruzz ell, Ma rilyn Seward. ROW 2 - Sara Chapman, Ma ry Landi s, Bet ty lee Fults, Don McArt , Bo-Peep McMillin , Barbara Spong, Ma rjorie Kuhn, Martha F eltus, Jane Ruble, Ed R e ich.


Mar il yn

V ice , J ean

J o h n• on.


Bet ty Stevrns, Do nn a CH rpen t e r , Ba rb arn Sch a effe r , Ru t h Scism .

OFFICERS P res ident

Betty Ste vens

Vice Presid e11t

Ruth Scism


Barba ra Schaeffer

T reasurer

Ire ne H arri s

MEMBERS T ha l swry was a wo 11• Donna Carpe nte r Jrcn c Harris .J ean J o hn son Andree Kubinicc Lo is '.\IcN car Barbara Scha cff e r Ruth Scism Belly Stevens :\laril ) n Vi ce J a ni ce T roller Doris W ilson If

sec li g h1 s burning bri g htl y o r hea r type write rs cli ckin g no isi ly fro m th e Jillie h11 ildi11 g by Lit e po we r ho use la te at ni g ht , yo u may be sure th a t th e m embe rs of Tlt c1a Si g ma Phi arc worki ng furiou sly LO ge t our dail y ne wss hee t read y to "go to bed ." Th e m crnhcrs o f Th e ta Si gma Phi , nationa l profess io nal journali sti c so ro ri ty , arc junior a nd seni o r wom e n who are maj o rin g in jo urn a lism a nd wh ose schol a rship is a l leas t n a \'c r;1gc. Al1hon g h Lh e girl s' main fun ction is th e runnin g of the D/\IL\' ST UDE NT , Lh C) a lso spo nsor annualh· t wo ou1 11and ing dinn e rs. th e ;\l a tr ix T a bl e a nd th e R a u Ba nqu e t. ) U lt

g' l'C)


OFFICERS Maril yn Sewa rd

Senior i\i!anager .


J eanne Reese Maxine Pri ce Betty Freed


l\ !ax ine Price J ean Tabbert

junior Ticket Managers

MEMBERS Norma n Alley Betty Boaz Anna J a ne Buskirk

Betty Freed Au gust Kasper l\Jarlowe Kitner

Maxine Price J ean ne R eese Mari lyn Seward

Ellen Smith J ean Tabbe rt

The Busi ness StafI plays a n important role in al l University Theatre productions. It is their job to sel l the tickets , sel l advertising space for the programs . di str ibute posters , a nd plan n e wspaper pub l icity. To acco mpli sh successfu ll y these functions , the stafI is divided into three main committees: tickets , advertising, and publicit y, each headed by a junior manager. The e ntire stafI meets with the senior ma nager a few weeks before each play a nd makes gen · era l pl a ns. Then the comm ittees work sepa rately within their own gro u ps. reporti ng at interval s to th e sen ior m a nager. Staff m embers are chosen from applications each spri n g by the senior ma nager and th e head of the Speech Depa rtm ent on the basis of th ei r work the previous year and by the recommendatio 11s of the m a nagers .

Betty Freed, Mari lyn Seward, Max ine Price, J ea n Tabbert, J eanne R eese , Bud Kaspa r, Ann a J an e Buskirk , Ma rlowe Klute r, Elle n-A.nne Smith.

ROW 1 - Dori s Steinmetz, Harri ett P eterso n, Ma ry Walke r. Betty r ockridge, Dea n Summe rs. ROW 2 - Mir iam Walthe r, Mary A. Hartley, Gertrude Kn e lleken, Mari a nn a A s hby, Marjorie Soh l, Muri e l Thorn e . ROW 3 - Nancy Whi tese ll. Ma ria n Griffin , V irgi ni a Brumble , Ma ry L. H awk in s , Mrs . Ridd e r, Julia Balog h. STAND ING - Virg ini a Bake r. Ge nivieve H a rtz le r, Alice Kru g , Sue Holde rman.

OFFICERS l\'3rianna Ashb y Gertrude Kn ell eken

P reside11t Vi ce President

1\farian Griffin


Marj or ie Sohl


Harri ett Pe terson

BOARD MEMBERS Virginia Baker Jul ia Bal ogh Virginia Brumble 1\ largaret Current Lois Fountain Marj or ie Gilke y Marian Griffin 1\lary Hartley G enev ieve Ha rtzl er \lary Lo u Ha\\'kins Sue H old erman

Gertrud e Knellek en Betty Loc kridge Ru sty 1'vlcKown Barbara !\leek Harri ett Peterso n i\farjor ie Sohl D ea n Summers Peggy Thomas i\furiel T horne 1\ la r y Wa l ker Nancy \\'hiLesc ll

The purpo'e of th e Wo men's :\Lhl cti c A'sociation is "LO promote ime rest in physica l acu,·1ues, sportsman ship , am! fellowship am ong th e " ·o men o f Lhe Univers ity." Six clubs are spo nsored by \V .A.A.: Archery , Dance, Rambl e rs , Tennis , O ceanides. and Padd ock . Each club carries on an extemive prog ram 1hroug houL the year incl11ding co mp e titi ve mee ts , exhibit ion play, and socia l [unctions. Pl:t y da ys are another imp orta nt activit y o f W.A .A . The associatio n is gove rn ed b y a h oa rd co mp osed of th e p residenl , vi ce pres ide nt , sec retary, and trea surer , and re prese ntat ives of the vari o u' clubs and heads of ot he r sports. l\lrs. Eloise Ridd er serves as spo nsor for the associatio n.


Two of the faculty let their hair cloll'n


Jump , spike and over for a point



footprints on th e cei lin g, girls>

ROW I A rt L cible ,

Bill F u n k. H od Bax m an . Pfc.


Elli son, Bi ll

a m son . R ay H owHl'd . ROW 2 -

Pfc. J o

Bea n . F1·ed S m it h. Bob Ge mm '"

ta n T ari'.




Roger Elli son R ay Howa rd Willi a m Samso n ' tanlcy T a rr Ho d 13ax ma n T ed l'i e r7chala \\' ill iam Funk Arthur Leiblc

P resident Vice P resident Secre ta ry Treasurer

T hey go l ike hot ca kes

C..\.B INET 1vlEMBER H. Baxm a n Arthur Leibl e J oseph Bean Ri chard l\fund y Robe rt Belde n Brn ce :'\~fl"cl e r \V iii ia m ran e Cpl. ·1 eel l'i e rLC ha la Willi a m Funk \V illiam a mson Ro be rt Gemm e r Fred Smith Ra y H o ward Pfc. R a lph Stinson Jolin Ingram Stan ley Tarr l' fc. Robert Wi lli a ms

Th e \' .i\1.C.A. fini she,; 1heir 5 Ith year of acti vities with o ut th e se r vices of th e Genera l Secretary. Ea ch semester find s the Y. .\ f. C.A. helpin g to ass imilate fres hm e n throu g h Fres hm a n Fro I ic and Freshman Breakfast; 1hey publish th e traditi o nal R ed B oo /1: sponso r the Boys' Club for J31oomin gton ; provide speakers of re nown for th e ca mpu s; orga ni1e universit · sin g' " ·hi ch have becom e an annual occurre nce ; a nd fin a ll y, \\'C find th e m providin g enterwinment for the A.S.T .P.


OFFICERS Bet t y Mor ri so n

P resident Vice President

Pa t G ibso n

Secre tary

Ruth Ann Hamil LO n

T reasurer

Ma rga re t Kim e

CABINET MEMBERS Ma rj o r ie McNa bb Pa tri cia Gibson Bell y Mo rri so n Be t ty J ea nne Gilm o re P a tty P e terso n Ruth H a milLOn Ann e H e ndr icks J ea nne R eese Ka thryn Hi ckrod Dona bell e Secrist Ma r y Steele Ma rga re t Kime Th elm a W a inwri ght J oa n Life Ma ril yn W a lke r Sara h McKinl ey R oxana \\' ertz

Y.\V. in act io n

Th e purpose of th e Y.W .C.A . is to help eac h membe r rea l ize a full a nd crea ti ve life. Th e impo rta nce of thi s pu r pose in a wa nime wo rld is a g rea t ch all e nge bo th to th e ind iv idu al m embe rs a nd to th e orga niza tio n. Gove rn ed by th e Ca bine t a nd Coun cil , th is orga ni za ti o n 's act iv iti es a re ma n y a nd var ied - two regul a r m o nthl y mee tings fo r th e gen era l me mbe rship , Fres hm a n F roli c, a nd \Vedn esday Ves pe rs. Th ere a re o th e r gro ups for swcl y in reli gio n a nd public a f fa irs, a pprec ia ti o n , se rvi ce, a nd o ther social a ffa irs.

ROW 1 - M iria m W a lt he r, P a tty P et e rso n, R uth A nn H a m ilton. Dona bell e Secri st. Rose J ea n Spen cer. R OW 2 - Th elm a W ainwr ig h t , Bet t y J ea nn e Gil more . Ma rtha F ette rly, Do ris Stei nmetz, Doroth y Ju ne H umphreys, Mrs . F ox , Rac he l Sto ne r, Betty Mor rison, Ann He ndricks , Ma ria nn a A shb y, Ch a r man Frazee . ROW 3 - Mari ly n W a lke r , P a t Gibso n , P eg K im e .

OFFJCERS Preside11t

Kathryn Langel!

Vice Presid ent

Maril yn Seward


Dorot hea 1'1 i tcli ell


Mar il yn Keck

i\ IEMBERS 1\!ari lyn Keck Ka thryn Langel! Dorothea :M itchell J rcne Sanders J eanne Scharnberg

ROW 1 - Ma rilyn Seward. Mari lyn Kec k, Kathryn La ng-e ll. J ea nn e Scharnbe r g . ROW 2 - P e,,;g y Thomas . Doroth ea Mitchell, Mr. Sm eeton, Archie Stewert, Jan et Scott. Pri sci ll a Thompson, Irene Sanders .

J a ne t Scott 1\faril yn Seward Archie Stewert Peggy Thomas Prisc illa Thompson

The Advertising Cl11b was founded as a n orga ni zat ion to reward students of mer it. Qualifications for membership are "C" averages in acade mi c co urses and " B " averages in ad ve rti sin g co urses. Each year the program includ es a n initiat ion banquet and discussion mee tin gs led by pro mi ne nt advertising men. Professo r Smeeton is faculty advi sor.

OFF JCER S Ma rjori e Mi ll er Ma r y Belch

P•·esident Vice President

Fran ces Ford

Secreta ry

Esth e r McGinn ess

T reasurer

Mary Belch Orph a Di ckey

MEMBER S Mary Belch Orpha Dickey Fran ces Ford Esther McGinn ess Marjori e Mill e r

Io ta Sigma Pi , che mi stry honorary for women, was founded to further in terest in che mi str y a mong wo me n and to help women chemists acquire positions. The o nl y qualifi ca ti ons for membe rship are a ··n·· average in chemi str y and a gen era l ave ra ge of ··.n." This organizat io n a lso serves to brin g th e women st ud en ts in chemistry closer together.


?ootdatt-1943 Indi a na Uni,·ers iL y's p art in th e hecLi c 1943 gridiron campa ig n is by now a familiar sLo ry Lo all who foll o w Big Nin e a nd Mid wes Le rn foot ba ll. Coach A h'in (Bo) M cl\ilillin se nt a squ ad thro ugh spring Lra ining p rac ti ce composed a lrn os L e mirely o f his 1942 Lea rn . And be fo re th e !a ll tra inin g p eriod o pe ned , all buL Lhree m embers o [ Lhi s spring squ ad had bee n indu cLed i mo the a rm ed se rvices. Gon e we re all-Am e ri ca n Bill y Hill e nbra nd a nd hi s g rea t blocking back, Lou Sa ba n. G o ne, LOO, were o the r 1942 sLalwa rLs such as Kn ocky M cKinni s, Bob D ea n, Chu ck J aco by, Ed Bell , Bo b Zirn n y, J o hn Bochni cka, Jimmy D e War, T eel Hasap es, Pa ul \l\la lk er, Freel Huff, a nd L o u Gambin o so me of Lh e boys who we re cleLe rmin ed LO form a "drea m team" for Coach M ciVIillin. T he o nl y leu erm e n ldt as Lhe seaso n began were P ete Pihos, stra pping end who wo n all -Big Nin e ho no rs in 1942, a nd J o hn Taven cr, o uLsLa ncling 'WesLern Co nference ce n ter. And w ith these Lwo veLeran s as the nucle us, M cMillin a nd his ass ista nLs began in th e [all LO form a n entirely new Learn fro m freshm en and four-efI stud e nts. The H oos ie rs fo und Lhe ir strid e early in th e season. Openin o- w ith a 7-7 Lie aga in st Miami Unive rsity, th ey tra\·eleci"' next wee k to E va nsto n, lllin ois, a nd literall y won every th ing from No rthweste rn's title-conte nd e rs but a vi cLOr y, los ing in Lhe encl , 14-G. Thu s encouraged , Lh e Bo me n set ha rd a l wo rk and d espi te injuri es a nd losses to the arm y, we n t Lhroug h Lh e ir rema ining eig ht ga mes with a Yigor a nd e ffi cie ncy Lh a L esta bli sh ed Lhe m at the encl o [ Lh e yea r as on e o ( Lhe nation 's Lop a ll -civilian eleve ns.

Capt a in Tavc n er ope ns

sca~o n a~a i mt

.\ l iarni

TH E VARSl TY - ROW 1 - Wi ll s. center: Sfurn. center: Rose n stei n , bnck: Man go ld, bnck: Cio ll i, guard: Alford, e nd: H oernschemeyer, back: McDonn e ll. bHck: Dwyer, guard: A ll top, e nd; Kem11t, t<1ck le : Smith , ~ward. ROW 2 - Rubin e lli. e nd : Sidwe ll, tackl e : We llman. tack le : Rav ens berg-, g-w-1rd: Pihos, e nd: Coffee, gua!'d: Capt. Tave ne r, center: ch ienbein. back: Le hman, b1ck le : Batt 1·ea ll. guard: W ade, guard. ROW 3 - Le roy, back; Orfanos . ha.ck; Davi s . back; Mi lle r. back : Fa ller, tack le : Bl'inton, center: A ll e rdice . back: Cannady, back: Sanders. bac k: Kippl e . ba ck ; Paul ey, back: Sowi nsk i. tack le . ROW 4 Parvu , g uard ; A lexa nde r, end: H oppe, end : C:uney , gua rd; Crouch, e nd : He rron , tack le : Torok. e nd; Simchick, cente r: Taylor , e nd: McCun e, tack le .


Coach McMillin's staff of assistants underwent a drastic chan ge last season, for even before the fall training period opened two members of the staff had left for U.S. N a vy ser vice. William B. Feldhau s, line coach during the 1942 seaso n, entered the Navy as an ensign and is now sta tio ned at the Tavy Pre-Fligh t School, Athens, Georgia, as is Li e ut. Carl R. A nderso n, l 942's backfi eld coach. Still remaining, h owever, we re fo ur capa ble assista n ts who h ad much to do with molding the freshma n H oos iers into a top-notch football team. Paul (Pooch ) H a rrell, base ball coach , handled the backfield; John Kovatch , form er all-Am erica n at Northwes tern , had charge of the ends and linemen, and W. H. (Billy) Thom, wrestling coach , and the la te E. C. (Billy) H ayes, track coach , acted as all-around varsity assistants. With a Cincinnati freshman h alfbac k, Bo b (Hunch y) H oern schemeyer, leading the offensive way, the H oos iers pil ed up 3,038 yard in 665 plays from scrimmage. Indi a na's rushin g n etted 1,794 yards; passing 1,244 yards. Feared by opponent in their aerial atta k, the Hoosiers' proficiency in tha t department was spear-h eaded b y the bomb-sight passing o f H oernschemeyer. The Ohio freshman let go of 155 passes during IO games, completin g 70 of th em for a 1,136-yard gain. H e ru shed the ball 201 times, gaining a net total of 515 yards, and led the nation's playe rs in total offense at the end of the year. Much credit for the team's success must be given to the fi eld guidance and fine defensive work o f the team's two vetera ns, Capt. John Tavener and Pete Pih os.

1943 BIG N INE Fl TAL \V

Purdu e................... -- -- -····---· Mi chiga n .......... N o rthwes te rn ....... ......... .. I DIANA ............ --························· Minn eso ta ............ .. Illinois................. ................. ............... .. Ohio Sta te ............ Wisconsin ···························· Iowa ............... ... .................................


L 0 0



2 2 2

3 3



'1 6 4

T 0 0 0 l

0 0 0 0

Pct. 1.000 1.000 .883 .400 .400 .333 .200 .143 .000

T. P. 15 1 207 170 73

O.P 42 32 4'1


132 18 1 I 3'i 189 94

103 57 27 41


H ead Coach A. N. (Bo) i\l c:\l illin T /1e original "Prayin' Co/011e/ "

Pa ul (Pooch) H a rrell Va rsi ty Bacli{teld Coach

J o hn Kovatch E nds and Line

Willi a m H . T ho m Varsity Assistant Coach

E. C. H ayes Varsity Assistant Coach

Th e H oosiers had a hard tim e ge ttin g o nto their game in th e opening clash of the seaso n , and H oern sc hemeye r in particu lar lound troubl e in hitting hi s pass rece ivers. The C in cinn ati halfback co uld co nn ect on on ly 2 o ut of 20 attempts, but fin a ll y succeed ed in pushing ove r a touchdow n and ki cked hi s ow n ex tra p oim to lead the Nav y and Marine bo ys [rom Oxford, Ohio, 7-0. T he Miamim en ca me back strong, however, a nd with H allba ck L ee T ev is leading the wa y, got clown Lo with in scoring di stan ce bdore Sho ults went over [or Lh e score and Te\'i s convened. Ne ith e r tea m got close to th e goal after this preliminary scu llle. The res ults of the ga me were surprisingly good in sp ite of the t ie sco re, for it sh owed that thi s Jn diana team o f fres hm en might be mu ch better than the pre-seaso n speculati o n h ad g i\'en it credit for. The gree n H oosi er lin e h eld th e more ex peri enced Ohi o team to on ly a 70-ya rd gain by rushing and the In diana pass d efe nse wou ld allow o nl y 3 comple t io ns o ut o[ 13 attem pts.

IL Lak es three ;\li amimcn

T he still-untri ed H oos ie rs, with newly learn ed lesso ns still fresh in the ir minds, proceeded to orthwestern Univers ity to serve th e Big ine not ice that India n a's freshm a n team was not o ne to be trifled with. A ltho ug h the final o u tcome of the seaso n's Conference opener was a 14-6 victor y for the Navy-stre ngth e ned ·w ild ca ts, th e score was Lhe on ly thing mu ch-vaunted Otto Graham and Company could wrest from the H oos iers. An impene trable d efense, d ead ly individual bloc king, and a n iron d e termination to win, were a ll used by the H oos ie rs to h a lt the w ·ild ca t jugge rnaug ht tim e and agai n . With HaHback Bobby H oern schemeyer pitching, Indi a na completed 8 o ut o f 15 passes [o r a 102-yard ga in , whi le holding


haul clown th e H oo, icrs· Cannadv

Northwestern to a 56-yard pass ing ga in . In ru shing, the H ooonhwes tern go t o nl y 36 yards by sie rs pi led up 120 yard s; ru shing, a nd was h eld to a minu s 15 )ards ru shin g th e emire second h a lf! An In d iana fumbl e d eep in its ow n terri tory gave North wes ter n an op port uni ty to score o n a pass and three ru sh p lays. H oern schem eye r passed his way to th e Northweste rn e ncl zo ne in th e seco nd quarter, plungin g over him self for the score fro m th e 2-ya rd lin e. Graham's pass in th e fin al quarter gave the Cats a not her score, but the H oos iers (oug ht back and had th e ball o n th e Northwestern 16 wh e n time ra n out.

All e rcli ce, in the middl e of th e pi cLUrc, is about Lo be stopped after plun g in g throu gh i\ l ia mi 's forward wa ll


With the r emarkable "Hunchy'' Hoernschemeyer completing I 3 out of I 7 pass attempts and throwing six touchdown spirals, Indiana bounced into the limeli ght by trouncing ebraska's Cornhuskers, 5'1-13, to even the eight-year-old seri es at three victori es each. The 54point mark racked up by the H oos iers also equaled the all-time scoring record for Nebraska's Memorial Stadium. The Hoosiers scor ed in ever y period , leading 27-0 at halftim e on touchdowns by Allerdice, Ma ngold, Schienbein, a nd Torak , the last three being sco red on passes from H oc rn sch emeyer. The Hu skers came back stron g in the third period to push over two scores, but l ndiana smash ed their furth er attempts to score by pushing over four more to uchdow ns in the final half.

Allerdi ce fol lows Tavener to Nebraska pay dirt

Mangold , in the open , . cores!

1(/~ 'R~, Th e Cavemen from \i\Tabash Coll ege found their Naval train ees of little use against a d e termin ed bunch of fres hmen H oosiers and were forced to sett le for a 52-0 d efeat without ever getting near the " promi sed la nd. " Coach McMillin used almost every player in his 40-man squad in an effort to keep the score down , but the Hoosiers were n ot to be stopped. The Crimson jerseys surged up and down the fi eld eight times without being stopped . Fullback .Jimm y Allerdice, fresh out of Shortridge Hig h School in Indi anapol is, ripped holes in the V\Tabash lin e twenty times, gaining 131 yards and scoring three tou chdowns.


Othe r Indiana touchdowns were mad e by Hoernschemeyer, .John Cannad y, qu arterback; Don Ma ngold , halfback; Halfback Ed Schienbein, who took over most of Hocrnschemeyer's pass ing duties beca use of a leg injury th e Cincinnati boy suffered aga inst Northwestern; and George Orfanos, substitute fullba ck . .Jesse M cC un e, starting right tackle, ki cked four ex tra points. It was another fi e ld day for the Hoosiers. They ga in ed 442 yards rushing, 175 through the air. Their sterl in g d e fe nse h eld Wabash to only 42 ya rds by rushing and 44 by pass ing. Yes, Indian a was on its way, a nd th e season was yet yo ung.

Hoernschemeyer punts for the H oosiers in their rout of \Vabash


Hoppe and ;\ la ngold , rurcgro und . brou g ht thi s loll'a n to a stop


7,, 100a, 7

Indiana ran up aga inst th e Iowa football "jinx" for Lhe third con secutive year in Iowa Ci ty las t O ctober, and Bo M cMillin 's Hoosiers we re forced to se ttl e for a 7-7 ti e after pre-game clopes ters had it fo r Indi a na to win b y three tou chd own s. Iowa's pass d efe nse shackl ed the freshman ace o f the H oosiers, Bo b H oern sch emeyer, to su ch a d egree tha t h e could onl y complete eight out of Lwenty p asses and co uld gain a minimum o f eig·lu yards from ru shing. In dian a stru ck first, in the seco nd quarter, whe n Hoernsche meye r imercepted a n Iowa pass o n Lhe Hawkeye 35 and ran int o the end zone. Tave ner mnve n ecl. Late r in th e sa me p eriod , Gl ase ner o f Iowa we nt back to pass, couldn ' t find a rece iver and raced throu gh H oosier tacklers for a 27-yard w uchdow n ro mp .

Hu nch ge ts th e Home n a\\'a\' from th e ir o\\·n goa l

. \ cli on Photos B y !hr Des J\ lo i 11es l?eg ister a nd Tr ibune

J\!a ngold , cau ght on a reve rse, ge ts ha ul ed down by two ha rd -working H a wkeyes


All erd ice, with Ma ngold clea rin g th e way. r ips off a b ig ga in in the Cr imson Homecomin g triumph

Indi a na's 34-0 H om ecoming Day victor y over the h apless Wi scon sin Badgers gave the H oosiers their first w ·es tern Co nfere nce w in o f the seaso n and their first triumph ove r a \ i\Tisconsin team sin ce 1939. The M cMillinmen p er formed their gridi ro n tasks fl awless ly, scoring th eir first to uchdown earl y in the ope ning qu arter a nd neve r allow ing the Badge rs to ge t within striking d ista nce o f the goal. Pete Pihos, until the n in th e Indi a na right end sp o t, moved to fullb ack aga inst the Badgers a nd ripped th eir lin e time a nd aga in for huge ga ins. The bi g Chicago Gree k, in hi s m aide n backfi eld a ppearance, scored two to uchdow ns from tha t sp ot. His 13 trips with the b all n e tted him 76 yard s. H oern sch em eyer was again the leading gro und ga iner o f the game, ru shing the ball 99 yards in 15 tri es a nd p ass ing for 107 yard s, co mpl eting 7 o ut o f 17 throws. Pih os scored three to uchd ow ns,

two by ru shing an d o ne on a p ass from H oe rn sch emeyer, a nd Ma ngold and H oernschemeyer each scored one to uchdown, T avener ki cking four co n version s. 1 nteres tecl sp ecta tors o n the sidelin es a t the H om ecomin g D ay ex hibi tion were fi ve o f l 942's great H oos ier team. Billy Hill enbra nd, a ll-A me ri ca n h alfback ; Lou Saban, 1943 ca ptainelect a nd a ll-Big N in e blocking back ; Freel Huff, 1942 tackle; C hu ck J aco by, first-s trin g h alfback; and J o hn Bochni cka, regu lar gua rd, were gues ts of th e H oos iers a t " their" H om ecoming Day ga me, which was dedica ted es pecially to them . All five were mem bers of a n ad va nced R.O .T.C. unit tra nsferred to the ca mpu s following their basic tra ining for additional training while a wa iting call to Office rs' Ca ndidate Sch ool. Although not permitted to compe te in intercollegiate athletics clu e to an a rm y ruling, the quintet o f fo rmer I. U. stalwa rts parti cip a ted in the A. S.T .P . in tramural games. They were tra nsferred to O .C .S. a t For t Benning, Georgia, in late November.

SER VICE '42 Dale Sw ih art Earl Doloway J ack Nash Charles J acoby R obert Dean Bill H ill enbrand Di ck Tackett J ohn Bochnicka Fred Hu ff Edward Bell Ted H asa pes J oe Zuzga J ohn Kokos Cha rl es Ga rm on g J am es Ker ins

Pa n of the I. U. "dream tea m " wa tches the H oos iers play " th eir" H omecom ing


T AR S '43

Patsy R onzone R ober t W h ite R ober t Cowa n Lou Gambino Lou Sabin Hu gh McKinn is J a mes D e War J oe Bl ack H oward Brow n R ussell Deal R obert Zimn y Pa ul W alk er Tom More hea d Mi ke Sabin

J ohn McDonnell Don Ma ngold Pa ul Leroy Edward Sch ienbein J ames All erdice R obert H oernschem eyer Gene Ba ttrea ll J ohn Smi th J ack Crou ch Pete Pih os Peter Ru bin elli Donald D wyer

Cannady swee ps aro und the Ru cks' le ft end -


int ercept~

an l. lJ. pass , but it was ca ll ed bac k and In diana scored!

and Ke m pf spi ll s a wo ul d -be ta ck ler

Twemy- fiv e Lhou sa nd (an s had gat hered at Columbus, Ohio, o n OcLo ber 30 Lo see Lh e all -c ivili a n teams o f Ohio SLaLe a nd Ind ia na renew a gridiron rivalry t.haL stre Lch ecl back Lo 190 l. Th ey ex peeled a hardfoughL game; Lh ey didn ' t ex pen the " Frank i\ lerriwell " finish Lhat. th e 20-H victory of th e Hoosie rs pro vided them . I ndiana pi led up a 13-0 halftim e ad va ntage in this game betwee n two of the co un Lry's Ii nest all-ci vi Iian teams , the H oos iers' two scores co ming on drives o f 76 and 54 yards. Ohio came ba ck slrong in the fin a l per iod . The Ilu cks scored ea rl y in Lh e final quaner; t.he n took advantage o f an In diana fumbl e in iLs ow n te rriLOry to score o nce aga in. The hosts co nvened both times a nd Ohio led , 14- 13. . Then H oern schemeyer unlimbered hi s pass in g arm . H e passed to Pihos on th e 35 buL his nex t th row was interce pted . The p lay was ca ll ed back, Stale penali zed for ho ldin g, a nd th e ball g ive n to Jndian a on Lhe 30. vVith 39 seco nds remaining, Hoern sc hemeyer faded back and hit J ohn McDo nne ll in the e ncl zone. Tave ner co n ve rted Lo make it 20- 14, Indi a na, before 25 ,000 fans kn ew what had happe ned . lt was the first Indi ana victo ry ove r Ohi o in six yea rs.

Ca nn a d y goes to within a yard of th e goa l li ne in th e Hoosie rs' first tou chdown m arch a t Colum bus


A de te rmin ed Hoe rmchem eyer goes th ro ugh th e ;\li chi ga n lin e, a nd was n ' t stopped by th e ha ngin g \\'o h ·eri ne

Michigan 's powerful 'i\To lve rines, co-champions of th e Big Nine, proved to have too much power and too man y Navy and Ma rin e sta rs in th eir 23-6 victory ove r the H oos iers fro m Indi a na. The Bomen, still not ye t recovered (rom the physical beating th ey un d e rwent at Ohio State th e wee k before, co uld not sto p th e V1Tolverin es from scorin g in ever y pe ri od . Behind the p owerful Mi chi gan Ii ne, the h ost team scored on passes in the first and second period s and on an intercepted pass in the final quarte r. Th e additi o nal two po ints cam e in the third quarter when Hoern schemeyer, backed up again st hi s own goal lin e, stepped out o( the encl zo ne in trying to evad e would -be tackl e rs, there by scorin g an automati c sa fe ty. Indiana's lon e tou chdown cam e in the third quarter whe n End Frank Hoppe intercepted a Michigan pass and ran to the \/\To!verine 7-yarcl line. Hoernsch emeyer passed to Pih os (or th e goal. The Hoosi e rs had bee n clogged by injuri es all durin g th e wee k preceding the game. ]. C. Coffee, sturd y guard ; Captain John Tave ner a nd Hoernsch emeyer we re am ong th ose o n th e in ju reel li st. H oern sch emeyer' s injured wrist and the hard-charg ing Mi chiga n lin e would o nl y allow him to compl e te 4 out of 15 passes. Th e H oosiers were h eld to a 124-yarcl gain b y rushing. H o ppe in rece ipt o f a H oe1. nsche meye r pa5s

A \Volve rin e ta kes a la te ral a nd runs wide

H oe rnschemeye r (4 0) tripped thi s W o lverin e 20 yds. fro m th e goal


With Captain J ohn Taven er con spicuously m1 ss111g from the line up with a head injury, the weakened H oosier lin e could not stand up to the powerful and exp eri e nced playing of the Great Lakes Bluejacke ts, losin g,

21-7. On the startin g lineup against the Hoos iers were, odd~ lik e Sab in , a reserve g uard last year, started at the Sailors' center position , and Graham Martin , tackl e of th e 1940 seaso n, pl ayed th e maj ority o f the ga me at a tackle sp ot. India na h eld the Bluejackets to a stalemate in th e first period , a nd la te in the quarte r alm ost scored o n a pass play. A pass gave the Sa ilors a sco re in the seco nd quarter, and smashing ru sh es ga\'e th em one each in the third a nd fourth periods. The H oos iers evad ed a shutout when guard Bob R ave nsberg inte rcepted a Great L a kes pass a nd ran to the Sailors' 42. H oernsch emeye r passed five times before conn ect ing for a tou chd ow n, the score comin g when h e sp eared Pihos d eep in the e ncl zone. l y e no ugh, two [orrner H oos ier footba lle rs.

The Sai lo rs lin e - e n masse - cl oses around Mc Don nell

TA VENER Second U P All -Bi g Ni ne Second AP All-Big Nine H o nora bl e Me ntion , AP All -Am e rica Second , SjJOrti11 g News All -A me rica

Ma ngold s-t- r-e-t-c· h ·e-s for a pass



First team , All -Ameri ca Board Collier's All -A me r ica Sporting News All -A m eri ca New Y ork Sun All -Am e ri ca Seco nd A P All -Ameri ca Chicago Sun All -A merica Second U P All Am e rica U P All -Bi g N in e AP All -Bi g N in e

U P All -Bi g N ine AP All -Bi g N ine Second. Sporting News All -America H onorab le Mention , Second UP All -Ameri ca

vs. Wabash

Fi ve I. U. Ath le ti c Stars -

their last pre -khaki p ic ture

L eft to ri ght: Fred Hu ff, va rsit y tack le in 19·12; Bill y Hill e nbrand, all -America h alfback; D ick Wiue n braker, 1944 baske tball capta in -elect; Lou Sabin , a ll -Big Ni ne blocking back a nd 1943 footba ll cap ta in -elect; a nd C hu ck J aco by, var sity halfback in 19 ~2 .



~ 1 arts

LOll'ard the goa l lin e - beginni ng a se ri es of hard -lu ck auem pls LO sco re

SaitMa& ~ 1f1tn, 7-0

however, and the Hoosi ers were forced to go Lo the dress ing room after be in g so close Lo th e P.U. goa l. In Lh e final peri od, lndian a go t to within Lwo ya rd s of the Boile rmak e r goal lin e three Lim es - but fate would no t perm il a sco re. Hoern sch em eyer's p asses put Indiana o n th e 23 and Al lercli ce swept Lo th e 5, but Cannad y (umblcd on th e 3 on the nex t pl ay and Purdu e recovered . Soon after, the Hoosiers got clown again to the Purdu e 3-yard line, but this time Allerdi ce fumbled and Purdu e recovered . Still undi smayed, the Hoosi ers came fi ghting back and pounded their wav to th e Purdu e o ne-[oot lin e with 10 seco nds left to 'p lay. The Boilermaker lin e held, Hoernschem eyer couldn' t co mplete on a pass play, and Purdu e took over on th e fourth clown one foot from the ir ow n goal as the final gun fired . Statisti cs were all in favor of the Hoosie rs. They outrushed the Purdu e Learn , 132 yards to ll6, and outpassed th m, I 18 ya rds to 67. As someone sa id afterwards, "the avy and the Marin es won a victory for Purdue thi s year."

Purdu e's Boilermakers . with a bevy of Nav y and Marin e stars in th eir lin e up, came to Indi ana for the final ga me o f the seaso n with an und efea ted record to put on the block , in addition to the coveted Old Oak en Bucket, for the past three years in res id e nce at Bloomington. And Indi ana's fres hme n H oos iers, in a h ard-lu ck battl e, alm ost took both o[ these items away from their up-state ri vals. It took the Boilermake rs almost the ent ire first quarter to get past Indiana's d etermined forward wall , but a pass late in the period from Vacanti to Bauman gave them a touchdown and the final 7-0 victory. The Hoosiers tried hard to score with trick plays and on the passing of Hoernschemeye r. At the encl of the seco nd period, Pihos interce pted a Purdu e pass and ran it Lo the Boile rmaker IO-ya rd line before being hauled clown from behind. The period end ed ,

H oernschemeyer sweeps wide around the Bo il ermak er end to m ove the H oos iers JO ya rds


~-~-1943 Indian a 's in ex peri enced cross-co untry squ ad was called upo n to cl e [e nd th e 1~H2 Big T e n champion ship last fall , and Coach Bill y Ha yes' fres hm e n and four-cl[s almost did just tha t. Co nsid ered o ut o [ th e rn n n i ng bdore the m ee t, th e H oos iers ca m e up with a seco nd place. Fres hrnan Robe n \1\folte r fini sh ed 25 0 ya rds be hind Purdu e's winn e r to co p the runn er-up spo t for l. U . O the r tha n th a t, th e H oos ier ha rri e rs had a bad seaso n. Th ey competed in o nl y two additi o na l mee ts, los ing bo th. Purdu e triumphed ove r th em o nce and th ey fini shed o ut o[ th e runnin g in Nove mber's sta te mee t at Notre Dame . Coach H ayes buil t the tea m from scra tch, si nee eve ry 19-J2 le tterm a n h ad bee n lost LO the arm ed forces.


H a lg a s , R e ineck, W a ls h , W o lter, Paynte r , Bu nne ll , Ba r kes. Not p 1·esent w hen 11icture w as ta ke n: L esca k .

, , Ol ympi c champion Ro y Cochran , to whom breaking track record s was a regul a r occ urre nce wh ile h e ·wo re the Crimson jersey during the 1939-42 seasons, had a n ew r ecord added to his name thi s year - a wo rld' s record . Th e Internati o nal Amate ur Ath le tic Fed era tion in Fe bru a ry recognized the :52. 2 mark for th e 440-yard hurdles, se t by Cochran a t the Drake r elays, r\pril 25 , 19-J2, as th e new official world 's r ecord in that eve nt. The fo rm er H oos ie r's tim e replaced a mark standing sin ce 1927. A r ecord -breaking hurdler while an I.U. stu d ent, Cochran entered the Nav y in March , 1942, and is now an ens ign aboard a sub-chase r. Ind ia na's R o y Cochran A noth er R ecord Falls


Coach Ha yes with one of his man y champi onship teams

The late E.C. (Bill y) Ha yes l-1 e ma.de I 11diana I lie /Jest in tmck

Indiana has still not recove red from th e death on D ecember 16, of E. C. (Bil ly) Hayes, for 20 years its track a nd fi eld coach and the man that put Indi ana in a foremost place among th e track and fi eld teams o[ the nation. Tributes to him are many, and we can say littl e h ere that will add to them. But le t it be known that Billy H ayes will never be forgotten by Indiana and her many so ns or by anyone who knows the game h e loved and taught so well. Coach Ha yes came to Indi ana from Mississippi State College in 1924. During his 20 years at Indi ana, he turned out champ ion after champion, a nd gave I.U. thirteen Big Ten titles in track and cross-co untry, eight runners-up in Big Ten track, and five Nat iona l Collegiate track and cross-co untry crow ns. Typical of the tributes g iven to Coa ch Hayes after his death was this one from Frank R . Castleman , veteran track coach at Ohio State University: "Only now and then does a great coach rise above all others in the respect of rival coaches. Such a man was Billy." And we here at Indiana are convin ced that there can never be another man quite lik e him . R oy Cochran, champion sp rimer and hurdler; Coach Ha yes, and Campbell Kane, champion distance runner. Just two of the late I.U . coach's most recent famous products



Soon a fter the d eparture o f Coach Branch M cCracke n last summ er for duty with the U.S. Navy, Ind iana U ni vers ity's wart im e basketball fortu n es were p laced in the hands of Harry C. Good, for fiftee n yea rs h ead baske tball coac h at Indi ana Centra l Col lege in Indian apolis. Coach Good, in his fif tee n years at In diana Cent ra l, built the Greyh o unds into o ne of the co untry's foremost baske tbal l tea ms. His "vVonder Fives," which we nt und efeated from D ecember, 1940, to January, 1943, brou ght th e Indi anapolis college n at io nwide baske tball fame. T h e n ew L U. coach kn ew the od d s were again st him in hi s first year as a V1Tes te rn Confere nce m entor, but h e succeeded in taki ng his all-freshman team through a stiff, 22-game schedule in sp ite o f repeated losses to th e armed servi ces. Good counted on his schedule's first eight n on-co nference gam es to get hi s team in shape for th e Bi g Te n campa ign. Bu t unfortunately, because oE se rvice tra inees, In dia na's non -co nfe rence fo es turn ed out to be a lmos t as tou gh as the Bi g Te n tea ms. T he H oosiers' failure Lo ra ce through th e ir sch edule undefeated thi s season can be acco un ted to seve ral th ings. Lack of ex perie nce in Big T en ball , lack of a n y outstand ing individual ab ility, losses through armed serv ice indu ction, a nd a cont in uall y d ecreasing roster all combin ed to mak e Good's first year as a Big T e n coach a worrisome o ne.

Harr y C. Good H ea d B asket/Jal! Coach


ROW 1 - Lehm a n , P eed. Rowland, Young, Tipton, S h ie lds , Ray. ROW 2 - Sidwe ll, Doyl e, Truax, R etherfo rd , Mer cer, Stozek , Leary, Coach Good . ROW 3 - Willi a m s, Bra ndenburg , L at ha m, Thompson , Raven sbe rg, Toon, Tay lor , J ensen, Marsha ll , Student Manager Kami nsky .


rt Sad 7ate , , , The H oos iers' 1944 Big T en b asketball ca mpaign was a di sastrous o ne. T welve times th e Crimso n freshmen too k the co urt aga in st Western Conferen ce rivals, but onl y twice co uld they come th ro ugh with a v ictory. T hree oth er times a Big T en triumph was wi thin their grasp, bu t those three gam es were lost in th e last minu te. Coach Good 's boys just couldn' t find the punch , finishin g the Big Te n seaso n in a n eigh th-place ti e with Minn esota. Purdue's title contenders were the firs t LU. confere nce oppo ne n ts, a nd the H oosiers were d efeated in a 62-43 gam e pl ayed at La fa yette. Ohi o State University's league-lead ers rap ped th e vi siting India na boys in two games a t Columbu s, Ohi o, 72-46 a nd 74-38, th e wo rst d efeat h a nded a Crimson quinte t in m a ny years.

B randenb urg scores one [rom o u t aga in st Iowa

Iowa's high-flying H awkeyes came to Bloomington fo r a week-e nd series, a nd th e H oosi ers almost upset th e d op e b ucket. In the op enin g game, Indi a na led m os t o f t he way and fo ugh t off a d eterm in ed Hawkeye rally in the las t h alf. \.\Tith the score a t 42-4 1 i n fa vor of th e H oosiers in the last minute o f pl ay, Jowan D ave D a nn er d ro pped in a tip-in during the last 20 second s to pull the game out o f th e fi re for Iowa. The Hawkeyes fo un d the range th e fo llowi ng nigh t a nd bom barded the H oos iers, 52-40. M ichiga n, pl ayin g on its ow n fl oor, beat th e H oos iers, 6549, an d th e n ex t nigh t cam e bac k in th e fin al minutes to erase a 7-p oint India n a lead a nd win , 46-44. Wi sco nsin's Badgers, i n a two-game series o n th e In d ia na h ard wood, fo un d li t tle tro uble in conqu ering th e H oos ie rs, 62-43 a nd 52-3 1. At the tail-e nd o f the seaso n, th e Hoos iers traveled to mee t Minn esota, the ir Big Te n cell ar companio n. T h e ope nin g game o f the series saw the Go phers come th ro ug h w ith a pair of free th rows in th e fin a l seconds to win a h otly-co ntested 4847 gam e. But the seco nd ni gh t, the H oosiers fin ally fo und th eir lo ng- los t last-seco nd d rive a nd wo n a noth er 48-47 game, aga in d ecided in the fin al seco nds by a free th row b y G uard Bob R owla nd.

The clingi ng H awkeye didn 't stop Mercer from scoring

T h e seaso n was brough t to a close with a smashin g, 51-45, upset victo ry over the Purdue Boile rm ake rs o n Jndi a na's h ome co urt. Purdu e's loss kn ocked th em o u t of th e r unn er-u p spot in the Big Ten .

F I NAL BIG T E N STANDIN G S Team Won L ost O h io State. .. 10 2 Iowa ..................... 9 3 Wisco n sin .. ......... 9 3 No r thweste rn .... 4 Purdue .................. 8 4

P ct .833 .750 .750 .667 .667

Won Los t Pct. T eam Michigan 5 7 .4 17 Ill inois. ....... 5 7 .417 I NDIANA ........... 2 10 .167 Minnesota... 2 10 .167 Ch icago .............. 0 8 .000

Sh ields h its from the side


Two for R etherford!

Ra y snared th is rebound lo score fo r Jn diana :ig·ainsl Ca mp Anerb 11 r y

, , , Th e H oos iers brok e even in the ir ten-gam e no nco n[ere nce schedule, winning five games against local fo es a nd Jos i ng five. Two serv ice teams were sch eel uJ ed a nd th e Indi a na squ ad cam e o ut w ith a 2-1 victor y marg in in thi s ser ies. A ho me-a nd -h ome affair w ith the Ca mp Auerbur y so ldi ers was wo n by the H oos iers, 40-28 and 47-32. Th e Bunker Hill Nava l Station came to Bloo min g ton late in the seaso n, however, a nd ca rted h o me a 4 1-36 victory, wo n in th e las t two minutes. The Gooclm e n started th eir season by whipping Camp Auerbury, but lost t he nex t game to DePa uw, '17-3 6. That defea t was a \·e nged later o n. however, wh e n the Tigers ca me to Bloo)n in gton and lost, 38-34. Wabash waS- cle[eatecl tw ice, 38-35 a nd 4'!-27 , but Ke ntu cky too k th e H oos iers' meas ure at Loui svill e, 66-4 1. D e Pa uJ's towering quintet se nt th e H oos iers reeling in a game- pl ayed at Chi cago, 8 1-43 , Indi ana's worst all-tim e cl.efeat. Mia mi U ni v'hs ity, of Oxford , Ohio, came to I. U. in Janu a ry to win a 52-5 0 victory, ano the r o ne of those games d ec id ed in the last minute. All toge ther, con [ere nce a nd no n-co n [e ren ce, the h ard1uck H oos iers were defeated five times b y last-minute baskets or by sudd en spurts of po wer o n th e part of the ir opponents.

That's Tipwn up in the a ir




Indiana's track and field tea m was, fittingly enough, put temporaril y into the hands of two of the late E. C. (Bi ll y) Ha yes' former cinder pupil s, J. Clifford Watso n and G. B. Landrum, after Coach Hayes' untimely death last D ece mber. Ath le ti c Director Z. G. Cle ve nger made the appointments on an acting basis for the remainder of th e 19431944 school yea r, naming ' i\Ta tso n acting h ead coach and Landrum assistant in charge of fi eld even 1s. Both m en ca me to the University last summer as A.S.T.P. physical ed u cation instru ctors. 'Na tson was Big T en two-mile champion in 1933, the year of hi s graduat io n . Landrum graduated from I.U . in 1934, after participating in track and football under Coach Hayes. ]. Clifford W atson Acti11g H ead T rack Coach

G. B. Landrum Acting Assista11t Tra ck Coach

Th e 1944 outdoor tra ck and fi eld sched ule had no t bee n arranged at th e d eadline, but was to be made o ut at th e Bi g T en indoor mee t March 11. The Hoosier thinli es, although weak in the fi eld eve nts , ca n nevertheless boast of several promising point-ge tters on the track side. Coach " Tatson's standouts arc Bob ' i\Tolter, freshm a n, half-mil er; Bill Vlal sh, sophomore, two-miler; Morri s Saperstci n, sophomore, and Dave Maco n, graduate student, in th e quarte rmile. Jn the fi eld , Don Pedlow, fres hman , hig h-jumper, and Joe Zimmerman , frosh broad -jumper, led the other Hoosier e ntri es.

The in ex peri e nced Hoosier track tea m, under the direction oE Coach es v\Tatso n and Landrum, were the victims of two ' i\Testern Conference oppon ents in the ir opening two meets of the 1944 indoor track seaso n . At the ARBUTUS d eadlin e, th e Hoosiers had lost two hom e meets, again st Purdu e, 66-38 , and against Ohio State, 61-43 . The remaining indoor sch edul e, as arranged b y the late Coach E. C. Hayes, is as follows : March 4 - Triangular meet at Purdu e (I nd iana, Ohio State, Purdu e) . March 11 - Big T en m ee t at Chicago. March 25 - Purdu e R ela ys at Lafayette.


ROW 1 - Saperstein, Wolter, Burke, Bunne ll , Brooks , Bundl es . ROW 2 - Wal sh , Stafford, Macon , H a lpern , Alford, H a lgas, Zimm e rman . ROW 3 - Robin son , Crawshaw, W a lker, Lescak , WiJl son , B arkas. ROW 4 - Bl ack, P edlow, Student Ma nager Scholl, P au ley, F e rrini.



·w ith the exception of Captain Johnny Wilson, junior, the task oE d efe nding Indi a na's 1943 Big T e n wrestling champ ionship this year fell Lo a squ ad made up e ntirely of freshmen. Vetera n Coach ·w . H . (Bill y) Thom, wh o has brought Indiana eight Big Ten champion ships a nd 38 individual Con[erence and N.C .A.A. titlehold e rs in hi s 16-yea r r eg ime h ere, recruited his l 944 team from the physi cal ed ucat ion classes and hallways of the University. D etermined to have a full Learn thi s seaso n, Coach Thom scouted the physical ed ucat ion classes to find lik ely prospects. Once h e had a squad, hi s Las k was Lo build them from scratch into aggressive, fast wrestl ers. And this h e did with surpri sin g results. The boys who ca rri ed the biggest sh are of the wres tling load this season were: Bernard Sou e rs, freshman , and Bill Earl es, junior, 128 pounds; Lloyd Gammell , freshman , and J ennings Polley, freshman , 135 pounds; George McCoo l, freshman . twice slate high schoo l cham pion , 145 pounds; Capt. Johnn y Wilson, 155 pounds; Charles Ford, sophomore, injured soo n a[ter the start o f th e season , a nd J ack '!\Till s and Frank C iolli , both freshm e n, 165 pounds; George Kenn ell y, promisin g se nior grappler called to duty w ith the Navy Air Corps before the e ncl o[ th e season, and Chu ck Sanders, freshman , both 17 5 pounds; and Dan Stocker and J oe Sowinski, both freshme n, in the h eavywe ight class. Wrest lin g Coach \\'. H. Thom His T ea111s are Never Poor

VAR ITY - ROW l - Soue r s . H iatt. ROW 2 - Po lley , I sberg, McCoo l, Capt. Wil so n , E arles, Gammell. ROW 3 Sowinski , Stocker, Sanders, Student Manager Kaspe r.


Coach Thom, Cioll i, W ills,


Sea4an , , ,

Injuries plagued the Hoosier grapplers time and again during the season. Prior to the Ohio State meet, for instance, seven members of the squad were put out of action by injuries. Captain Wilson injured his back the week before the opening meet against DePauw's Pre-Flight squad and was unable to work out for several weeks, Charles Ford was forced to quit the team early because of an elbow injury. The season was open ed with a 16-16 tie against the experienced DePauw Pre-Flight School team. Wheaton College was defeated, 19-13, but Indiana's perfect record was spoiled when Ohio State came here and won , 20-13. Michigan's powerful and experienced Navy trainees, who later won the J 944 Big Ten championship, beat the Crimson grapplers in the last meet of the season, 23-3. At the Big Ten wrestling meet Feb. 19, Captain .Johnny Wilson went to the finals of the 155-pound class (Johnny wres tled 145 pounds last season) before being defeated by Michigan's Hugh Wilson, in a close, 4-1, match. Although the rest of the I.U. entrants were beaten in the first eliminations, only one was defeated by a fall - M cCool - and that fall came late in the last round. Every other Hoosier freshman forced his bout to the end of the nine-minute period. Coach Thom has already begun planning for nex t season when he will have almost all of his current team back for action. Caprnin J ohn ny Wil son 155-fJou.nd Big Ten R u1111er-11/1

Sowinski a nd Stocker - the heavyweight

McCoo l - two yea rs state prep champion


1944 '8a4edate , , , D es pite th e sho nage o f m a npower o n th e ca mpu s, Pa ul (Pooch) H a rrell , Indian a 's h ead base ball coach , is pl a nning to have a full Crimso n di a m o nd squ ad this seaso n to carry o u t a fi ve-gam e Bi g T en sc hedul e a nd to co mpe te aga in st se,·era1 no nco n fcrence foes. Coach Harrell ca ll ed fo r ca ndida tes la te in F e br uar y a nd schedul ed dail y pract ices therea fter until the o pe ni ng o f the season. Two letterm e n from las t seaso n , a third base ma n a nd a p itch er, wil l [orm the nucl eus of India na 's EH '! di a mond team . They are Ke rmit \i\fa hl , se n io r, third base m a n last year, a nd Euge ne Seifert, junior, left-h a nd ed pi tche r. Alth o ugh non -commiua l o n hi s tea m's ch a nces d ur ing the coming season , Coac h H a rrel l is a rra ng in g a to ug h schedul e for them . Confere nce m ee ts w ith Illin o is, Purdu e, Ohi o State, Mi chigan and No nh wcstc rn a rc be in g a rra nged , as we ll as games w ith Freeman Field , Ca mp Atte rbur y, t he Cra ne (In d.) Naval Ammunition D e po t, D c Pa uw a nd four gam es aga in st No tre D a m e. De finite elates [o r th e gam es had not bee n se ttl ed upo n a t the d ead li ne.

Coac h H arrel l look' ove r h is tea m r111d srmtrhes his head

" ' elco m e news to th e wh ole ca mpu s wa s th e a nn o un cem e nt in .J anu a r y th a t th e Cin cinn a ti R eds a nd Indi a napo lis lndi ans wo uld [o r th e seco nd co nsecuti ve year return Lo th e U nive rsity for spr ing tra in ing. Bo th clubs we re so pl eased w ith the fac ili t ies o ffered h ere last year tha t they were very anxio us t '.) re turn again thi s seaso n. C inci nn at i a nd !11cli a napoli s both fini sh ed seco nd in the Na ti o na l L eag ue and Ame ri ca n Assoc iation , respective ly, in 1943 . Cin cinn at i a rri ved o n the cam p us first, the wh o le squ ad takin g up h eadqu a rters here o n March 12. The lndi a na po li s pi tchers and catchers r e po rted h ere M arch 15 a nd the res t o f the squad March 19. Cin cinn a ti broke camp o n A pril 12 and the Indi a ns left o n A pr il 14. \Ti th the decrease o[ the A.S.T. P. un it o n th e ca mpu s, th e t wo teams had mu ch m o re tim : : each cl ay to make use o f th e U ni versity's spac io us fi e ldh o usc a nd base lJa ll d ia mo nd . Dress in g room s we re set up for bo th clubs in Mem oria l Stad ium. L as1 spring a ll b ut o ne of th e three sch edul ed ex hibiti o n gam es be twee n the Jndi a ns a nd R eds an d wi th o ther maj or league teams tra ining nearby, we re ca ncell ed beca use o [ bad wea th er. Seve ra l ga m es here betwee n th e R eel s a nd lncli :rn s, as we ll as w ith ot her clubs, ha ve aga in l~ ee n schedul ed by th e two teams - " ·ith fin ge rs crossed for cl ea r da ys. \


"' D ea co n "' i\ fcKec hni e ( I) ta lks

The I n d ia n s la ke a turn aro und th e Fi eldh o use



his R eels

1943-441. The Un iversity's intram ural sports prog ra m lost some of its scope this year, but not a n iota of its e nthu siasm. lntramura ls have Jo ng bee n th e most sought-a fte r pri ze by Indi a na's social organizat ions, a nd although so me o f th ese o rga ni za tion s were forced to di sband be[o re th e school yea r bega n, those who remained carri ed o n the intrarnurals with no loss oE the usual "coll ege"' sp irit. G eorge Sch la[er, Un iversi ty intra mural ma nage r, was the head of the seaso n's progra m again th is yea r. With the corni ng o f the Army Sp ecialized Training uni t of approx imately 2500 m en on the campu s last summer, the U ni versity very a ptl y mad e a place Eor th ese cadets in their intramura l program. Althoug h Army teams were not placed in th e same leagues as campu s squad s, th e kh aki st ud e nts go t in plenty o [ li cks. Th e uni t o rgani zed leagues among its various co mpanies and played o ff elimin at ion tournam e nts in both football and b asket ball. Since many of the soldiers had previous coll egiate experi ence in th e sports, hard -fo ught and interes tin g games were very oEten the result. But the civilian students ca rri ed o n in traditiona l J.U . fashion, even though many of the reg ul a r intramural sports were abo lish ed from th e seaso n's pla y becau se oE the shortage o [ both st ud e nts and ava ilable space in wh ich to compe te. Among those sports aba nd oned beca use of th is were go lf, tenni s, o utdoo r track, softball, pin g-pong, aeria l cla n s, and handball. The A rm y's ph ys ica l fitn ess program made_ large demands upon the F ieldhouse space, acco unung partl y Eor this cut in the program.

In tra mu ra ls have SOME drawing power

Touch foo tball got th e first call as th e intramural seaso n got underway last (a ll. L eague champi o ns entered the elimi nat io ns, and Phi L a mbd a Ups il o n, professional chemistry fra te rnity, emerged victoriou s to ga in the campus intramural football ch a mpio nship crow n. The Phi L a ms d efea ted last year's cham pi o ns, the Sig Ch i's, in the final gam e. The cross-country race we nt to Allen Buskirk , earning him the title of be ing the fastest man o n camp us - or maybe the one w ith the longest win d. Intramural basketball , always one o f the program's most h o tl y-co ntested sports, was ju st as much so this year. After several weeks of inte nsive p lay, leagu e champions were finall y d etermin ed , and the playoffs begun. As the ARBUTUS goes to the printer, o nl y the Sig Chi 's a nd the Phi Psi's remain in the race. The champ ion ship game was in the o ffin g as thi s copy was be ing written. Next in lin e for the sp rin g intramural prog ram was voll eyba ll. But again, the printer called, and we may on ly say h ere that prel imin ary games in the leag ues h ave begun . Pl ay-offs for the champio nship will come earl y in April. Plan s for a summer intram ural program are still in definite, but will be further co nsidered as soo n as it is definitely known how man y male st ude nts wi ll be o n the campus during the third semes ter. Mr. Schla[er, who has alread y carried two full -t im e intramura l prog-rams through the hect ic summer months, has stated his desire to stage another campaign , if conditions perm it. If the third summer intramural program is in augurated, so ftball , te nni s, and golf wi ll be its starters. L ead ers in th e race for the all-intramural champi o nsh ip troph y at the d eadline were the Sig Chis and Phi Psis, with Phi Lambda Upsilon close on their h eels. The 1943 all-intramural champi o nship was won by Sigma Alpha Epsilon , its th ird all-in tramural title.

T he a rm y mi xes it u p o n th e hardwood


Indiana U ni versit y, whi ch has long had a reputable name in intercollegiate athl e ti cs, carried on its seco nd wartime sp orts year in 1943-44 with en couraging success. Football, baske tball , wrestling, cross-country, and baseball were all r esum ed with fu ll sch edules. F or the University many months ago took the stand that an y form of sports compe tition that better prepares yo uth physicall y to go forth on the battlefi elds, is a distin ct contribution to A merica's war effor t. And the University's su ccess in this endeavor, sin ce only under-age and Iour-eff stude nts were avail a bl e to compete in the variou s sports, sh o uld draw high prai se. But altho ugh the m ajo r sports, and some of th e minor on es, were able to withsta nd the steadil y decreasing su ppl y o f m ale stud en ts, o thers were not so fortunate. A nd so, just for t he r ecord , h ere a re bri ef, fa ctual records of how the war affected Indi a n a's minor, more sp ecialized , sp o rts during t he 1943-44 sch ool year :


, ,

Indi a na's gymnastic team , alth o ugh stripped of all but on e of last season 's veteran s by the d raft, man aged to stay in ex isten ce through o ut the school year . Coach Otto R yser, with th e u se of returning ve tera n Gu s Erckmann , se ni or, a nd H oward Po thofr, seni o r, plus six A .S.T. cad ets, staged exhibitions during the basketball seaso n . T h e L U . m u sclern en p ed o rm ed t heir tricks be tween halves of th ree home games - much to the pleasure o f those prese nt. 'W illiam M oo re, sophomore, was the third ci vili a n on the ex hibition team . The six A.S.T. cad ets cam e o ut fo r the squad w ith li ttle kn owledge o f the sport, but d eveloped good form in a few wee ks under the exp eri enced R yser. The 19"13 l. U. gymn ast ic team lost three of four m ee ts, placing second in a triangul a r match. T h e three Crimson losses were to P en n State, Arm y and N a vy during an exte nsive Eastern trip. At the encl of th e seaso n, h owever, the Indian a a rtists were credited wi th be ing " the mos t improved team during 1943" b y th e A.A.U . G ymn as ti c Manu al, o ffi cial A.A.U. m agazin e.

, , R ob ert R oyer, the Indiana swimming coach who always h as a wealth of swimmin g tale nt o n hi s hands, found himself this season with o nl y two me n having an y ex peri en ce. Dave Gastineau , junior, a member o f last year's freshma n tank squad, wo rked o ut under the direction of Coach Ro ye r all year toward ge ttin g in sh a p e for the Bi g Ten m ee t Feb. 19. Bo b Stumpn cr, grad ua te stud ent, a vete ra n sw imm er, was to have entered th e Conferen ce meet al o ng with G as tineau, bu t was d ecl ared inelig ible. G as tin eau, swimmin g in the free-s tyle events, failed to place. Last year' s squ ad wo n two m eets out of fiv e sta rts, takin g fifth pl ace in the Bi g T e n m eet a t North wes tern. L os t to this season's tea m th ro ug h ser vice call s were such stars as Erni e Vogel, Dave M cCooe, Cecil Franklin , and Erni e Stadler. H ad no t the arm y's d ema nds interfered , Coach Ro yer wo uld this season have had on e o f the b es t Crimson tank squads in man y years.

' 1\li th th e probl em o f a coach ye t to be d ec id ed upon not to mention the uncertainty o f rounding up a squ ad , Athl eti c Directo r Z. G . Cleve nger was still sil en t at the Arbutus d eadline on whe ther Indian a University wo uld compete thi s year in in tercoll egia te golf. H owever, sin ce practi call y all of last year' s team has bee n indu cted into the armed fo rces, it is unlikely th at the H oosie rs will tak e to th e links this sprin g and summer. The Crimson foursome's 1943 season was unim press ive, 111 i no is and Ohio State triumphin g over th e H oosie rs.

7emda , , , The p ros pects fo r a n India na tenni s team this year were still ve ry dim whe n the A i·/J utus we nt to p ress. Coach R alph Collins, un able to d ete rmine h ow man y eligible students would b e aYailable for the summer sch edule, h ad n o t arranged a n y d efinite care!. l[ the armed fo rces do n o t ta ke all of th e squad candidates by May, Collin s is d etermin ed to pl ay o ut a sch edul e, altho ugh it may be sh o r t. In rega rd to the 1943 tenni s seaso n , the H oos ier r acqu ctee rs won two and lost three, finishin g second in the state m ee t. Jack R ecd , senior, a nd Di ck W ood , junior, were the onl y ve terans. The team was made up o f a seni o r, three junio rs, two soph o m o res, and two fres hm en .


The physical edu cation department, under the guidan ce of a most proficient staff, was very co nsc ious of keeping fit; and besides classes in hockey, speedball, volleyball, basketball, tennis, golf, sw imming, archery, horseback r iding, etc., etc., everyo ne was required to take what the coeds term ed the "endura nce" or "survival of the fittest" course which lasted one month. The groans from stude n ts with sore muscles were a constant drone in the fac ulti es' ears, especiall y after the 200-yard dash aro un d Dunn Meadow and the five minute test of stepp ing up, clown, up, clown from floor to stool, a nd back again . vVhile their younger companions rushed thro ugh the fast pace of a basketball game, learned to be graceful in the dancing classes, be a fis h in the water, smash the "b irdi e," or hit the bull's eye witho u t killing a passerby on 7th, many of the upperclass women relaxed in the First Aid, Home Care of the Sick, Nutrition, and Safety Eel ucation su bsti tu te courses. In intramurals the Columns took first p lace in volleyball while Pi Beta Phi was v ictoriou s in sw im m in g. Miss Yeakel was in charge and Gertrude Knell eken was W.A .A. h ead. T h e U niversity, as well as many outs id ers, was saddened by the death of iiss Clara Fedler wh o was well known in h er field and w ill be greatly missed by h er colleag·ues.

Tt looks awfull y easy when Ru sty does it

On e, two, three, kick

S-t-r-e-t-c-h way over g irl s

18 1

This one won't be a g utter


.\ good tip -off. le t's h op e a good ga m e

Tripping the light fantastic toe in folk cla11ci11g

Believe us . it is not taught this wa y


A few of the faculty: SEATED- Mrs. Riner. ~liss Fox. Miss Yeakel STANDING - Miss Phillips. Miss Monroe. i\fiss Leyhe

H ere's hop in g she can hit that darn bird

East sid e, west sid e a ll around the town -



Thought doctors could take it

Ratio 3 to 1

Interest makes attendance perfect


\ 87


ARNOLD, MARIO N F. , JR., New Palestine April, '44, Medicin e ; L ambda Chi A lpha; Phi Beta Pi ; Ske leton Club .

BAR AN, CHARLES, JR. , Gary Apri l, '44, Medicine; Nu Sig-ma Nu; Ske leton Club.

BARNES, BRUCE S., Evan svill e Apri l, '44, Medi cin e ; Phi Gamma De lta; Phi B eta Kappa; Alpha Omega Alpha.


J., Indian apoli s

April, '44 , Mcclicin c : Phi Chi: Si g-ma Nu .

BEAVER, NORMAN E., Otterbein Ap1·il. '44. Medicine ; Phi Chi: Ske leton Club.

BETHEA, ROB ERT 0 ., JR., Madison AJ11'il. ' 4 4. Medic·in e : S ke le ton C lu b.

BILLI NGS, ELMER R AY, Was hingto n Ap1 ·il, '44, M edicin e : Th eta Kappa. Psi; Skeleton Club.

BONAVENTURA, ANGELO PETER, East Chicago April, '44, Medicin e : Phi Bela Pi: S ke leton C lub.

BOSWELL, ROBERT W. , Evansvi lle Apri l, '44, Medi cin e; Th et a K appa P s i; Skeleton Club.

BROWN , ROBERT L. , faans \·ill c April. '44, Medicine ; Nu S ig- ma Nu: Ske le to n Club.

BUGEL , .JOSEPH, Ansonia, Conn. April. '44, M edi ci n e : Ph i Chi; Sig-ma Xi: Skeleton C lub.

BUSSARD, FRANK WAKEFIELD , South Bend Apri l, '44, Medi c in e : L a mbda Chi Alph a : Phi Bet a Pi: S ke leton Club.

CHATT I N, ROBER T N., \!\Test L a (aycu e April, '44. Medi cin e : Pres .. Phi Chi: Ske leto n Club .

CLINE, KEN NETH L ., Bremen Apri l. '44, Medicine : Phi Rho Si"ma: Ske leton Club.

COUP, WILLIAM LEO NA RD , South Bend Apri l, '44, Med icin e ; Ske leto n Club .

COLLIGNON , URBAN JOH N, Richmond Apri l, '44, Medicine : Phi Ch i: Sigma Xi; S ke leton Club.

CURE, CHARLES WALDO , Martinsvi ll e Ap1·il, '44, Medi c in e : Phi Chi .

DA VIS, MARGARET M. , Clarks Hill Apl'i l , '44, M edicin e ; Nu Sigma Phi: Sii.tma Epsilon: Skeleton C lub.

DAVIS, RICHARD MERRILL, Marion Apri l , '44, M edic ine ; Phi Kappa P si .



EDMU lD, In d ianapolis

April, '44, Medicine; Ske leton Club .

DIMON D, EDMUNDS GREY, I ndianapolis April, '44, Medicine ; Ske leton Club.


DODD, ROBERT DARR, South Bend April, '44, Medicine ; Nu Sigma Nu; Skeleton Club.

DOWNARD, LELAND F., Liberty April, '44, M edi cin e; Phi Ch i; Skeleto n Club .

DUFFNER, ROBERT]., Fort Wayne April , ' 44, Medicine; Theta Ka 11pa P s i; S keleton Club.

DUFFY,]. PATRICK, T erre Haute April,


44. Medi cine ; Ske leton Club.

EATON, MERRILL THOMAS, JR., Bloomington Apri l. '44, Medi cine; Ske leton Club.

EDELMAN, ISIDORE S., Brooklyn, N.Y. April , '44, Medi ci n e; Skeleton Club.

ENGLEHART, OTTO T., JR., Brazil A p ril , '44, Medicine; De lta T a u De lta; Nu Sigma Nu; S ke leton Club .

FAITH, IRA L. , Evansville Apri l, ' 44, Medi cine; Phi Beta Pi; Skeleton Club.

FARRIS, JOHN JOSEPH , Washington Apri l, '44. Medicine; De lta Chi: Skeleto n Club.

FITZPATRICK, JAMES S., Bloomfield April , '44, Medi ci n e; Theta Kappa P s i ; Alpha Omega Alpha : Skeleto n Club.

FLAHERTY, BERNARD EDWARD, Indianapolis April, '44, Medicine; Phi Beta Pi ; Skeleton Club.

FOXWORTHY, DONALD THOMPSON, Madison Apri l, '44, Medicine; Phi B eta K a ppa; Skeleton C lub .

GAMMIERI, ROBERT LOUIS, Indianapolis April , '44, Medicine; Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Clu b.

GREGG, EDWIN E., Indianapolis April, '44, Medicin e; Phi Chi; Skeleton C lub.

GREGORY, CHARLES FRA CIS, Angola April, '4 4, Medicine; Skeleton Club ; P hi Rho Sigma; Sec., Senior Class.

GRIFFITH, RICHARD SIDNEY, Greenfield April, '44, Medicine; Phi Rho Sigma; Pres. , Sophomore Class; Ske leto n Club.

HASLER, NORMAN B. , Worthington Apri l, '4 4, Medi ci ne; Ske leton C lub ; Ph i Beta K ap pa; Nu Sigma Nu.

HEADLEE, CHARLES RAYMOND, Shelbyville April, '44, Medicin e ; Kappa Sig m a; Sec., Phi Xi; Ske leton C lub.

HEPNER, RUTH , Bloomingto n April, '44, Medicin e; Pres., Nu Sigm a Phi; Skeleto n Club .

HOLMES, CLAUDE D., JR., Lebanon April, '44, Medicine; Sigma Nu ; Alph a Phi Omega; Phi Chi: Skeleton Club.

HOUK, PRESTON SWARNER, Portland April, '44, Medicine: Phi Rho Sigma; Ske leton Club .


HOUSER, HAROLD B., North Liberty Apri l, '4 4 , M edicin e: Phi Ch i: Ske le ton Club.

HOUSTON , FRED D ., Indianapolis Apt·i l , '44, M edic in e ; Sigm a Alph a Epsilon: Ske leton C lub.

HUFF, REX LAMAR, So uth Bend April, '44, M edi c ine; P hi Beta Pi : Skeleto n Club.

IRWIN , GLENN \ 1\T. , JR., R oachdale Apri l , '44, M edicin e : Nu S ig ma Nu; Alpha Tau Om ega: S ke leto n Club.

JENKINS, ROBERT E., Noblesville Apri l, '44, M edi ci n e: P h i Gamma D e lta: Phi Chi : Pres . , Juni or Class; S ke leto n Club.

JOHNSO N, C. ROY, JR. , ln d ia napo li s Apri l , '44, M edi ci n e: Ske leto n C lub.

JOHNSON , GRAN T CARL, Indi a napoli s Apri l, '44, Medi ci n e ; Phi Chi: Ske leto n Club .

.JOHNSTON, ALA N. Indian apol is Dece mbe r, '43, M edicin e; Skele ton C lub.

JONES, DAVID MIFFLIN , Wilmore, Ky. Apri l , '44 , M e di ci ne ; Phi Chi; Sigma Nu; Skeleto n Club.

JOSEPH , REX MORRIS, Indian apoli s Apri l , ' 44, M edici n e; Pres., Phi Rho Sigma: S ke leto n C l ub .

.JURGENSEN , WALTER THEODORE, Fort Wayn e Apri l, '44 , M edicin e : Sec., Phi B eta Pi: Ske leto n Club .

KELLEY, CLEMENT EARL, JR., In d ianapoli s Apri l. '44 , M edicin e : Phi Rh o S if.'TTIR: Ske leto n C lub .

KIECHLE, FREDERICK LEONARD , Evansville Apri l, '44, M edi ci ne; S ke le t on C lub .

KIMBROUGH , ROBERT FRANKLIN , Logansport Apri l, '44, M edi ci n e ; P h i Bet a Pi: De lta T a u D e lta: S ke leto n C lub .

KN OY, N ORRIS .J ., Paragon Apr il , '4 4. M ed icine; Pres ., Nu S ig m a Nu : Trea s ., J unior Class; Skeleto n C lub .

LA NCET, ROBERT 0 ., Terre H a ute April , '44, M ed icine: Phi C hi ; S ke le ton C lub.

LA WREN CE, SANFORD H ., Kokomo Apri l , '44, M edi c in e : Ske leton Club.

LEBIODA, HENRY STANLEY, Gary A pri l , ' 44 , M edi ci n e; P h i B eta Pi: Ske l eton C lub .

LINDENSCHMIDT, RAY, N ew burgh April. ' 44, M edici ne; Phi B eta Pi: Ske leto n C lub.

LLOYD, ROBERT PAUL, Fort Wayn e Apri l , '44, M edicine; Ske leton C lub.

LOVETT, HAR VEY D ., Zionsville April , '44, M ed icine: Phi B e ta Pi: Skeleton C lub.


LUDWICK, HARRY ALVIN, South Bend Apri l , ' 44, Medici n e; Skeleto n Clu b .

McADAMS, HUGH BEST, Boswell Apri l, '44, Medicine ; Beta T heta P i ; Nu S ig m a Nu; Ske leton Club.

McGRATH, MICHAEL FLOYD, Indianapolis A])r il , '44 , Medici ne; Pres., P hj Rh o Sigma; Skeleton Club.

McGUFF, PAUL EDWARD, W est L afa yette Apr il , ' 44, Medici n e; Sig ma A lp h a Epsilon; Nu Sigma Nu; Skeleto n Club.

McKINLEY, JOSEPH, Delphi Apr il , '44, Medic i ne; P h i Chi ; Skel eton Club.

MACKEL, FREDERICK OLIN, Clinton Ap ril , '44 , Med icine ; P hi Chi; A l p h a O m ega A lp ha; Skeleto n Club.

MANALAN, MAURICE M ., Calumet Ci ty, Ill. Apri l, '44, Medic ine; Skeleton Club.

MARSHALL, GLENN L. , JR. , India napolis Apri l, '44, Med icin e ; P h i K appa Psi; P hi Beta Pi; Skeleto n Club.

M AR TI , H AROLD R ., W est L afayette A pri l, ' 44, Medici n e; Sigm a Chi ; P h i C h i; Skeleton Club.

MAUZY, MERRITT C. , New Paris Apri l '44, M edi cine ; Ske leto n Clu b.

MINCZEWSKI, RICHARD C., Sou th Bend Apr il, '44 , Medi ci n e; T h eta K appa Psi ; Skeleton Club .

MORPHEW, RAYMO N D L., Willi amsport Apri l, '44, Medic ine ; Nu Sigm a Nu; Skeleto n Clu b .

NEHER, ROYAL G ., N orth Ma nches ter A pr il, '44, Med ici ne; Ph i Rho S igma; Ske leton C lu b .

O'DELL, H ARRY W., Farmersburg Apri l, '44, Med ici n e; Nu Sigma N u ; Ske leton Club .

J., Indianap olis


Apri l, ' 44, Med icine; P h i Beta P i; Skeleto n Cl ub.

POBAN Z, SAM, W akarusa April, '44, Medic ine; Ske leto n Club .

RAWLI NS, CAROLY N M. , H ammond Apri l, '44, Medici ne; P i Bet a P h i ; V. Pres ., Nu Sig m a Phi; Ske leton Club ; Medica l Editor, ARB U TUS, '44.


J., JR.,

Washingto n, D .C.

April, '44, Medi c ine ; Phi Gamm a De lta; Nu S ig m a Nu; A l ph a Om ega A lpha.


J., Ind ianapoli s

Apri l, '44, Med icine; Nu Si g ma Nu; Skeleton Club.

RIPLEY, JOHN W ., JR. , Milford Apri l, '44, Med icine; P hi R ho S ig m a ; Ske leton Cl ub.


J., East Chi cago

Apri l, '44, Med ici n e; Phi D e lta Eps i lo n ; Ske leto n Club.


SANDER S, ARNOLD R., New York, N.Y. Apr i l, ' 44. Medicine ; Alpha Omega Al p h a ; P hi D elt a E ps i lo n ; S ke leton Club .




A p ril . "44 . Medi c ine ; Phi De lta E ps ilo n; P r es ., Ske let o n Club .

SCHMOLL, ROBERT]. , Fort Wayne April , '44, Medi c in e : The ta K a p pa P s i: Ske le to n Club.

SCHUSTER, DWIGHT W ., Indianapolis April, '44, Med ic ine; Phi Rho S ig m a; S ke leton Clu b; T r ea s ., Se n ior Cla ss.

SrDEBOTTOM, EARL W ., Rushville Apr il, '44 , Med icine ; Phi Rh o S ig m a; Ske leton Club.

SIEBENMORGEN, PAUL, T erre Haute A p ril , '4 4, Med ic ine ; T reas .. P hi Rh o Si g m a: Sk eleto n Cl u b .



G., South Bend

April . "44 , Medi ci n e ; Sigm a Alph a E ps i lo n ; Skelet o n Club .

SM ITH, MARSH H., West Lafayette A p ril, '44. Med ici ne ; Ph i Beta Pi ; S ke leto n Club.


ew Haven

A 1>ril , ' 44, Medi c ine ; Phi Chi; Ske leton Clu b.

SM ITH, ROGER C., N ew Haven A 1>ri l. "44, Med icine; Si g m a A lp h a E ps ilo n; Th et a K ap pa P s i; S ke leton Club.

ST ARKS, WILLIAM 0., Indianapolis April , '44, Medi c in e : N u Si g m a Nu; S ke leto n Clu b.

SWETS, EDWARD J., Hammond Apr il , '4 4, Medi ci ne; Ph i Chi ; Sk e leto n Clu b.

SYMMES, ALFRED T., Indianapo li s A11l' il , '44, Medi ci ne; Phi De lta The ta : Nu S ig-ma Nu .

THARP, HAROLD R ., Tra fal gar A p ril . '44 . Med ici ne : Ske leton C lub.

THORNBURG, F. MILLER, Indianapoli s Apr il. ' 44. Med ic in e : Pres . . Thet a Ka ppa P s i : S ke let o n C lu b.

TUCHMAN, JOSEPH H., Indian apolis A p ril . "4 4. Medi cin e : S ig m a Alpha Mu : P h i De lb c Eps ilo n: Sk e leton C lub.

TUCKER, ROBERT L., Fountaintown A p r il. "44 , Med icine ; P h i Ga mm a Delta: A l ph a O m ega A l ph a : P h i Beta Pi : S ke leto n Club. . .. I

VANATTA, JOHN, Brooksto n Ap1·il. "44 , Medi c ine ; Pres ., Ph i Bet a Pi: Ske leton C lub.

VAN DEN BOSCH, WALLACE R ., Mooresv ill e Ap r il , '44. Medic in e : Th etn K a ppa P s i; Sk ele to n Club .


J., Indianapolis

Ap l'i l , '44 , Med ici ne; Phi B eta P i; S ke le ton Clu b.


ETH, Gary

April , "44, Medi ci ne : K a p pa Al p h a P s i: S ke leton C lub.


WESTFALL, GEORGE S., Goshen April, '44, Medicine ; Phi Chi ; Skeleton Club.

WHARTON , DONALD C., Fort Wayne April, '44, Med icine; Phi Rho Sigma; Skeleton Club.

WIETHOFF, CLIFFORD A., Seymour April, '44, Medicine ; Beta Theta Pi; Nu Sigma Nu ; Ske leton Club; Pres ., Se ni o r Cl ass.

WILLS, MAX. B., Anderson April, '44, Medicine ; Epsilon Chi; Ske leto n Club.

WILSON, BEN, JR., Bloomington Ap1·i l, '44, Medi cin e ; l'hi Kappa Psi; Nu Sigma Nu; Skeleton Club.

WISENBAUGH, PAULE., North Liberty April, '44, Medicine; Phi Chi; Ske leton Club.

WITHAM, ROBERT L., Indianapolis April, '44, Medicine; A lph a T a u Omega; Nu Sigma Nu; Skeleton Club.

ZUCKERMAN, LOUIS A. , Paterson, N.J. Apri l, '44, Medicine ; Skeleton C lu b.

Are these our hnure doctors?




OFFICERS Dr. Ma ry Alice Norris Dr. Thomas Bauer Dr. Frank Forry

President Vice President Secretary-Treasurer


Ste«Weta Willis Dew Gatch Carl D . Martz Burton Dorr M yers J ohn Melvi n Masters Sidney S. Aron so n Lyman T. l\leiks Amos C. M ichacl Gordon \\I. Batman Walter P. Moenning James S. Battersby l\!ary Beall Barnes \Vi l I iam F. Mo m gomery Thomas B. Bauer Cleon A. Nafe Mary Alice Norris Harry Baum Jacob K. Berman J ohn E. Owen Raymond i\f. Borl a nd Frank B . Ram sey Th urm an B . Rice Cyrus]. Clark Clyde G. Culbertson Arthur B . Ri chter Albert l\f. DeArmond J ames 0. Ritchey Dwi g ht L. De,Vees Bernard D. Rosenak Harry L. Foreman Ben R. Ross Frank Forry Cecil L. Rudesill Paul J. Fouts ' Yendell A. Shu ll cnbcrger Ar thur G.1°unkhouser Da vid L. Smith Euclid T . Gaddy Reuben J\. So lomon Robert L. Glass Joh n F. Spah r John H. Greist Robert C. Speas Laura Hare Brandt F. Steele Harold M. Tru sler John E. Heu bi Edll'in N. Kim e Helen Van Va cto r Kenn et h G. Kohl staed t C harles E. \\':i l ters L yle A. \Veed l sadore ]. Kwitny Donald]. White Emmetl B. Lamb Matthew \Vinters Ralph U. Leser Donald J. Wolfram Josep h J. Littell William V. Wood s

Just in E. Arata Bruce S. Barnes l\1elvin A . Block Frank \ V. Bussard R obert N. Chattin Urban]. Coll ignon J ames R . Cook J. Patri ck Duffy Isidore S. Ed elm an J ames S. Fitzpatrick Donald T. Fox\\'orth y Norman B. Hasler David M. J ones Ro bert F. Kimbrough Fred er ick 0 . Mack el Robert \ V. Osborn e J ohn J. Reinhard , J r. Arn o ld R. Sanders \Viii iam 0 . Starks Harold R . Th arp Robert L. Tucker Ben Wilson , Jr. Louis A. Zuck erman

Students who have led their class in four yea rs of the medical course are elected to membership in Alpha Omega Alpha , the national scholast ic medical fraternity \\'hi ch corresponds to Phi Beta Kappa of the Co ll ege of Ans and Sciences. The fraternity , founded in 1902 at the University of Illinois, \\·as established at In diana in 1916. Election to the organization is one of the most coveted honors in medic ine. Elections arc held each spring. While the majority of th e new members are chosen in the second semester of the se nior yea r. a few members of the junior class are awarded the key as a special honor.


MEMBERS Allen Baran ' Beck Beeler Black Brown Brown Buckner Carpenter Caner Coleman Conn Cook

Craig Dodd En glehart Hamps Harge r Hasler H ode Hu g hes Irwin Jarrell Johnston Kenzon Ker ri ga n

Klotz La nd J.Land Lin gcman Liuell i\!cClain McLau g hlin i\lartl l\ lcihaus i\ lenz Mill e r i\ lorphcw i\lurph y

Nichol s Noc 0 '13rc in O 'Dell Rabe r Reinhard Reynolds Rid ge wa y Robe n so n Roth Saint Schlesinger Schwingwn

Scott Shreeve Sibbiu Singer Starks Stout Symmes Turgi Veach WcidofI Witham 13. Wi lso n Wil son

Nu Sigma Nu, fou nded al the University o[ i'vl ichi ga n, in 1882, was established a l I ndiana in 1908. The fraternity's objective is to promote the genera l advancemenl of the medical profess ion a nd fellowship a mo ng its members. Among the alumni me mbers arc man y outstanding me n in medicine.

ROW 1 - Mill er . Singe r. Ham ps, J arrett. ROW 2 - Conn, Bara n, Brown , O'De ll , Sibbitt, Symmes, H a rge r, McClai n, Wil son . ROW 3 Dodd, R ei nhard. Hode , All e n. ROW 4 - En~l e h a rt, W ei doff, Starks, Turgi, Stout, Carpente r, Beck. ROW 5 - H as le r, Ke nzon, Schmidt, Witha m, H ug hes, Shreev . ROW 6 - Co lem an, Nichols. Rabe r, Bee le r, Ir win, Wil son . ROW 7 - Mertz, Martz, Sch lesinger. ROW 8 Saint, Buckne r. ROW 9 - Carte r. STANDING - R eynolds, L and, L ittell, R obertson, Kl otz , Roth. Scott, Lin gema n, Me ihaus, M cL a ughlin, Rid geway , V each, La nd, Black, Morphe w, J ohnston , Brown, Noe . Cook, Schwington, Murphy , O'Brei n, Craig, Ke rrigan.

Gera ld ine Zix, Ru t h H epn e r, Lou ise F oster E ato n, Ma rga ret Davis, Carolyn Ma nn Rawlins.

OFFICERS President

Ru th H epn er

Vice President

Carolyn l\fann R aw lins


Geraldine Zix


Ma rga ret Dav is

MEMBERS Ruth H epner

Marga re t Dav is

Caro lyn R awlins

L oui se Eato n Gera ldin e Zix

Scientific investigation, intell ec LU a l improvemen t, and social devel op ment a mong m ed ica l women a re the objects of Nu Sigma !'hi , nationa l medi ca l fratern ity for women . Chapters are placed o nl y in m edi cal sc hools whi ch h ave a cl ass "A" rating. Gamm a, th e Indi a na chapter, was establi shed in 1909; and present m embership includes five students a nd seve nt y-five graduate physicians. At monthl y mee tin gs papers a re read , medical cases are presented a nd the la test ad vances in m ed ici ne are d iscussed. Members of Gamma chapter are taki ng an act ive part in the n a ti onal orga ni zat ion. Dr. Fra n ces Brown is Na ti onal Noble Gra nd a nd Dr. Lilli a n B. Mueller is a tru stee and Dr. Mary Alice No rri s is Secretary-Treasurer.


OFFICERS Presiden t

J . C. Van a lta

Vice President

J oe Pedi cini

Secre tary

Wa lt Jurgensen

T reasu rer

H . D . Love tt

MEMBERS Cha rl es Alve y Ma rion Arnold Bruce Barnes George Bisson e tte Angelo Bon aventu ra Fra nk Bussa rd I ra Fa ith Bernard Fl a herty Ca rl Green Willi am H are Fra ncis H enderson H owa rd H enry

R ex Huff CJi!lord J op e W alt Jurgensen Bo b Kimbro ugh H enry L ebiod er R ay Lindenschmidt H arvey Lovett Cha rl es La botka Gl en Ma rshall Mo rt Moseley Ma rtin O ' 1eill J oe Pedi cini

J oe Rin genberg M. H . Smith Charles Smith Di ck Swiha rt J. St ra ti gas J ack Sch rein er Ed Sza ul ewi cz R o bert Tu cker J ohn Va na tta ll-l yron Van Do rn J ohn Va n Kirk Irw in Zeige r

Fo unded in 1891 a nd esta bli shed a t Indian a in 1905, !'hi Be ta Pi na ti onal fra tern ity now boas ts a m embership of 19,000. Th e loca l cha pter d oes not have m a n y skele tons in its cl oset - as its insigni a mi ght su gges t but th e cha pter's da nces a nd oth er social ac ti viti es do a ll ow a mpl e rel axa ti on fro m th e tim e-con sumin g course ca used by the war a nd sp eed -up p rogra m. Phi Beta Pi is espec iall y prou d of th e Fra nk C. Ma nn Lectureship whi ch the loca l chapter sp onsors i n honor o f the n ow fa mo us alum nu s o f th a t na me. This lecture is given a nnu all y a t Indi a na poli s b y m en promin ent in va ri o us ph ases o f th e medi ca l professio n.

ROW 1 - Ze iger, H a re , J urg e nsen , V a na tta , P edicini, Lovett, Li nde nschm id t . Bi ssonn ette . R OW 2 - V a n D or n, Swi ha rt, K imbrough , Stadd in s , Sch illowitz. ROW 3 - G!'ee n , Bo na ve ntura , M. H . Sm ith , Ma l's ha ll , Ring:e nbel' J.< . H a m e n . ROW 4 - H uff , F la he rty , L a botka . R OW 5 - Tucke r, O 'Nei ll , J ope , H e n de r so n , F a ith , B a rn es, A rn o ld, Lebrocl a , Bussa rd , Sch re ine r , Va n K irk, Cha r les Smith , H e nry , R a do, Sea r s, Alvey.

ROW I - Maurice Barry. Charles Cure, Nor m an Beaver. R aymond H eadl ee. R obert Chattin, J oseph McKinl ey , Cla ud e Holm es, Grant J ohnson. P:iul \Vi se nbau,1.!h, Robe rt Lancet. RO\V 2 - Haro ld H ouser. Edwin Gregg- , Edward Swets, David J o n es, Be uford Spenser . Leeland Downard. Hobt•rt J e nkins, Richard Smith. ROW 3 - Alvin H e nry, Fred Macke l. N ee l Live r ett. Ca rl Goebe l. J ohn Kru eger. James J ohnson. David J errn m, H aro ld Martin. J ohn Grnf, Robert Pi c kett. ROW 4 - W illi a m Wil ey, Geor><e W estfal l. J a m es L orma n , W ill ard Scantla nd, Robert Le hman. Edward Edw;uds. Forrest Freeman, Ed wi n Barnum, J o hn Vi she r. ROW 5. - Robe rt Os born e , Ra l ph Steffy, J ames Wa,!.!oner, Ben Stands. Bud Dol czo l. Cha rl es K now les. Fra nk Adn ey, Willi a m Cle vinge r, Robe rt Moses, Fra nk Mille r, Wil bert Mcin tosh, Arthur Girnd, H a rr y Banker , Robert Knowl es. ROW 6 - Gl e n R a m sde ll, R obert Willi a m s , R o bert Ba rtlett, Harr y Ove r esch, Robert Lea k. J oe Co leman , Lloyd Bridges. J ames Borders. Arnold Kunk le r. J ames P eck. R ay Kreager, P a u l Donn e r, Ke nn eth H arvey, Kenneth Lehman . W ay ne Endi cott. Charles Be n edic t. H aro ld Lehman, Char les H amilton, Thomas Ebbing house , H aro ld Dora n , Rob rt H arvey, Lawrence Be nham, Craig FreemHn. Louis BlessinJ.{e r.

OFFICER S Presidi11g Senior P residi11g ]11 11ior Secreta ry T reasure r

R obe rt Challin Bcuford Spe ncer Ra y H ead lee J oe McKinl ey

MEMBE R S Frank Adn ey H arry Banke r Edwin Ba rnum R obert Bartlett orma n Beave r Ma uri ce Be rry Loui s Blessi nger J ames Borde rs \Vill iam B ridg s

Harr y Buge l R obert Chattin J oseph Co lem a n J ohn Co llignon R ay K reager Chari s Cur J . H. Doran Bill Douglas Le land Downa rd P aul Donner

To m Ebbinghouse Ed EdwH rd s W ay n e Endicott Craig Freema n Forrest Freeman Robert Fri e J o hn Gra f Edwin Gre~g A rth ur Gi rod Car l Goebe l Charl es H amilton V er ne H a rvey H aro ld H ouser R ay H eadl ee Alvin H enry Claud Ho lmes R obert J e nkin s David J e rra m J am es J ohn son

Dav id J o nes Char les Kn ow les Robe rt Knowl es Tom Koo n s J oh n Krc uger Arnold Kun k ler Robe rt La ncet Bo b Leak Ke nneth L ehman R obe rt L e h m a n N ee l Liverett J a mes Lorman Wi lbert Mcin tos h Joseph M cKin ley Fred Macke l H aro ld Manifo ld H a ro ld Martin Fra nk Mi ll e r Robert Moses

R ob rt Osbo rn e H arry Overcsch J oe P eck Robert P ickett G. A. R a m sde ll Will Scanlland Rich ard Smith B e uford Spencer Ralph Steff y Bob Stewa r t Edward Swets J ames W agoner G org-e W estfa ll Bill Wiley Robe rt William s Paul Wi senbaugh Do na ld Za lac Dan Z avela

Phi Chi , na ti onal hon ora ry medica l fraterni ty wa ch a nerecl in 1903 a t I. . Students are pled ged at th e encl of their first year and must h ave a good scholas tic average to be eligib le.


OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

William Schecter A. Breckl er Basga ll Muntz Bern a rd Abrams

MEMBERS R ay Abra ham Bernard Abrams A. Antonov A. Breckl er C. Fisch S. H offma n Leona rd Lasse r

B asga ll Muntz R. R ap hael H a rry Sachs R . Sanders Willi a m Schecter Karl St illwa ter J oseph T uchman

Phi Delta,. Epsil on , a nationa l non-sectarian m edi ca l orga nizati on , was es tabli sh ed in 19 13 by Dr. Aaron Brown , who is still actively engaged in th e practice of m ed icin e a nd h olds th e hon o rary life time office of Gra nd Consul. The orga n ization 's purposes are to promo te good fe ll owship . eq ua lit y, a nd unit y a mong it s members, to encourage the hi ghest sta nda rds of achi evement in medici ne. an d to mai nt a in a high pl an e of ethics in the practice of m edici ne. P rogra ms a t monthly meet ings includ e m ed ica l moti on pi cltlres a nd leclllres on medi ca l sub jects of current interes t, delivered by members of th e In diana teachin g sta lE or promin en t loca l ph ys icians. Tn addition, compl yin g wi th traditi on , th ere is a bi -a nnu al dinner-dance in hon or of the grad ua tin g seni 0rs a nd th e n ew ly initi ated sophom ores.

ROW 1 - Kar l Sti ll water, W ill iam Schecter, L eonard L asse r. Ray Abra h a m. ROW 2 T uchman, S. H offman, H. Muntz. ROW 4 - R. R aphael, H . Sach s, R. Sanders .

A. Brec kle r, A. A n tonov, C. Fi sch . ROW 3 -


ROW 1 - Mor ris Green , P au l Dasse l, Richard Griffith , Dwight Schus ter. L eo S mith, H oward Hamme l, Mi chael McGrath , Winfield Sidebottom, R ex Jo seph, Lewis W a lke r, Preston H o uk. ROW 2 - W a rre n An g rick, H e nry Roeshe , Jrun cs L. Garrison, Robe rt H a ll e r, F o rrest Ba bb, John Ripl ey, W a lter H o ll is , Robe rt Gammi e ri, Richard Datz m a n, Clem e nt Ke lley . ROW 3 - Pau l Siebenmorge n, Wilbur L. Kenoye r, Will iam L ittle , Ke nneth C lin e, Ain s lee H odd , W a lte r V>tn Sick le, Donald Wh arto n. ROW 4 - Me lv in B lock, H aro ld Shonk, Adolph W a lke r, Don a ld Schlege l, Robe r t Cleays, Will ia m Da lton, Ryl a nd Ro esc h, Ju stin Arnta.

OFFICERS President

Mich ael McGrath Rex Joseph

Vice Presiden t

R ex Joseph Preston Houk

Sec retary

Harold Shank Alex Lebamoff


Paul Siebenmorgen Lewis Walker

MEMBERS W arre n L. Angrick Ju sti n E. Arata Forest F. Babb Melvin A. Block Robert G. Cl aeys Kenneth Cline William W . Dalton Paul M. Dassel Ri chard C. Datzman Robert L. Gammaeri

James L. Garrison Morris Green Charles Gregory Ri chard S. Griffith Robert L. Haller Walter Holli s Ainslee A. Hood Alan John ston Clement Kelley Wilbur L. Kenoyer

William J. Little John Lynch John P . Mackey Michael F. McGra th John R. Moriarty Harlan Moss Roya l Neher John W . Ripl ey R yland P . Roesch Henry J . Ru sche

Donald M. Schlegel Dwight Schuster John A. Shively H a rold vV. Shonk Earl Sidebottom Pa ul Siebe nmorgen Leo M. Smith Walter J. Va n Sickle Adolph P . Walker Donald C. Wharton

ln no field of endeavo r is unity, friendship , and cooperation as essenti a l as in the med ical profess ion . Since its organization, Phi Rho Sigma has served these purposes, bringing harmony a nd fellowship into the lives oE medical students. The local chapter holds monthly meet ings in Indi anapoli s at the homes of local alumni. Topics of medical interest are di scussed at the business mee tings and afterwards social meeti ngs are held.


OFFICERS Presiden t

Mill er Thornburg

Vice Presiden t

R obert Schmoll


R obert Duffn e r

MEMBERS Willi a m McDan iel Ro y Ault Elmer Billings R . C. Min czewski William Bollin ger Fl oyd Moh ler R obert Boswell J ohn Phi llips R obert Duffner R ichard Sh afe r J ames Fitzpa trick R obert Schmoll J ack H orton R oger Smith William Koontz Pierre Ta lbert Miller T hornburg

Theta Ka ppa Psi, founded in 1877, now has twenty-three cha pters in the various medical school s throu gho ut th e co untry. Its primary a im is to prom o te fri endship, character, and schol a rship among its members. Th e chapter holds bi -monthl y m ee tin gs a t which guest speakers lecture on sp ecial ph ases of medi ci ne, literature revi ews, are read , and committees, composed of members of the fraternit y. di scuss mod ern medical problems. Social events include informa l gather in gs , picni cs, ba nquets, a nd da nces . An nu a ll y, th e fraternity holds a formal initiation banquet and dan ce. Included a mong th e m ore promin en t Indi a napoli s alumni arc Drs. Clyde Culberso n , David Boycie, and Mat th ew Winters. Th e fraternity la ments th e recent transfer of Lt. Col. L F. Peck, Prolesso r o[ Military Scie nce, fro m the med ica l ce nter.

ROW 1 - Floyd Mohler, Robert Duftne r, Richard Min czewski, W ill iem Koontz. ROW 2 - John Phillips, Elm e r Billings, R icha rd Sh afe r, F. Mi ll e r Thornburg, Roy Ault. ROW 3 - Pierre T a lbert, Robe rt Boswell , Robert Schmoll , Roge r Smith, Fra n k S is le r, Willi a m McDa ni e l.

Ope n wide, sister

D en ts pa ss i 11 rev ie1r

Thi s l ife is so easy


· ~-------

------------------------ -----

ARB UC KLE. ROBERT B. , Shelb y, ille A pri l. ' 44 , De nt is t r y ; A ca c ia: De lta Sigm a De lt a .

BEALL, M AR VI N E. , O akl a nd Ci ty A p ril, '4 4, Denti s try ; De lt a Sigm a De lta: Sec. -Tl'eas . , Sen ior Cla ss; Junio r Ame ri can De n t a l Assoc ia tion.

BEA VERS, T HOMAS H ., E lwood J\pr il , '44 , De ntist r y ; D e lta

Si ~ m a

De lta.

BECHTEL, KERMI T R. , Go:-;hen Apri l, ' 44, D e nti s try.

BROMM, EDW ARD A., Eva nsv ill e A p ri l , ' 44 , De n t ist r y; A lph a T a u Ome ga; V. P r es . , De lt a Sigm a De lta; P r e s . , S e nior C las s .

BROWN , ROBERT V., Velpen A pr i l, ' 44, D e n t is try; J uni o r Am e ri ca n D e nta l A ssociat ion.

B URKE , YALE M ., So uth Bend A pr i l, ' 44 . De n t ist ry; J un io r A m e ric a n De n ta l Associatio n .

CH E VALIER, ART H UR B., Fort Wayne J\pri l. '4 4 , De nti s t r y; D e lt a. S ig m a D e lta : J un io r Am e r ica n De n ta l Assoc iat io n .

CL EVELAN D , KE NNET H G. , Bristol Ap ri l. '44, De n ti st r y; Xi P s i Phi.

DeFRA N K, VICTOR, Sulli va n Ap r i l, '44 . D e nt is try; D e lt a S ig m a D e lta .

EXLIN E, HAROLD , Sulliva n A pri l , ' 44, D e nt istry; De lt<t S ig- m a. De lta ; Juni or Am e ri ca n D e n t a l Asso c ia tion.

FOLKE N I NG , IRVIN G F ., Indi anapolis Apri l, '44 , De nti stry .

FULLM ER , HAROLD M ., Nonh Li berty Apl'i l, ' 44 , D e nt ist ry.

GO EBEL, R USSELL W., Ma ri o n Ap r il , '44 , D e nt istry; A cacia; D e lta Sigm a D e lta ; Jun ior Am e rica n De n ta l Associa ti o n : Stud e nt Co u nci l ; P r es., F r es hm a n C lass.

GOLDEN BER G , IRWI N , H artford , Co nn . J\ p r il. ' 44 , De nt is t r y ; A l p h a Om ega.

GONZ1\ LEZ, JOSE A. , Arccibo, Pu erto Ri co A pr il. '4 4 , De n t ist r y; Cosm o po l it a n C lu b .

GUSTAVSO N , AR T H U R E., La Porte J\ pl'il. '4 4 , De n t is try; D e lta S ig- m a De lla .

H UDSO N, C. MERRELL, Decatur Apri l, ' 44 . De n t ist r y : De ll a Sig m a D e lta ; Ba nd .

MA KIELSKI , ROBERT A. , M ish awaka A vri l, ' 44. D e n ti st r y ; Delta Si g m a De lta ; Pre s . , F r es hm a n a nd Soph o m o r e C la sses : S e c.-

T reas., J u nior C lass ; S t ud e nt Co un c il.

N ORWIT Z, SID N EY S., H a rtford, Conn . A p ri l, ' 44, D e n ti s try ; Pres., A lp h a Ome g a; P r es . , Juni o r A m e r ica n De n ta l A ssocia tion .


J., Indi anapolis

A p ri l, ' 44 , D e n t is try; J u n ior Am e ri ca n D e n t a l A ssociatio n .




G ., Fort Branch

April, '44, De ntistry.

POLZ, MARCEL A., Indianapolis April, ' 44, Denti stry.

POWERS, JAMES W. , Indianapolis April, '44 , De ntistry; De lta Sigma De lta.

POYSER, MAX E., Elkhart April, '44 , D entistry.

REGIS, ERNEST G., R evere, Mass. April, '44, D e nti stry; Alpha Omega ; V . Pres., J unior Am e rica n D enta l A ssociation.


RENSHAW, LOWELL R. , Indianapolis April, '4 4 , D e n tistry; Pres., Jun ior Class; D e lta Sigm a De lta; Juni or Am erica n De nta l A ssociatio n.

ROHINSKY, IRVING, New Haven, Conn. April, ' 44, De ntistry; A lpha Om ega.

ROTH, HAROLD, Evansville April , '44 , D enti stry; De lta S ig ma D e lta : Si g ma Pi; V. Pres., S e nior Class; J unior Am e rican D e n ta l A ssocia tion.

SEGAL, OSCAR B., Indianapolis April , '4 4, De n tistry; Phi E ta Sig m a; Alpha Omega.

SLINKARD, ROBERT H. , Terre Haute Apri l, '44 , D e n t istry; De lta S igma D e lta; Theta Ch i: Juni or Am erica n D e nta l A ssociation.

STONE, ROBERT B. , Indianapolis April, '44, Dentistry; Del ta S igma Delta ; V. Pres., Se nior Class; Student Council ; Juni or Am e rica n D enta l A ssociat io n .

VANAUSDAL, JAMES S., Anderson Apri l, '44, D e ntistry; D e lta Sigma D e lta; Juni or Am er ica n D e n ta l A ssociation.

VAN HORN, WILLIAM A. , Terre Haute Apri l, '4 4, Dentistry; Alpha Tau Omega; D e lta Sigma Delta; Junior Ame ri can De n ta l A ssociation.

WILKINS, JACK B., Oakland City April, '44 , D e nti stry; D e lta Sigma D e lta ; Jun ior Am e ri can D e n ta l A ssociation; K app a K a ppa P s i ; B a nd .


SEA TE O - W ill iam Glazer . M'i lto n Goo dman. I rw in Go lde nbc ru . Osca r Seg-a l. S idn ey N o n vitz. Joe l F e rtig , E rnes t Regi s , H a ro ld Ro se nm a n. STAN DI NG - Al ex Getzoff, Carl Sto ner, I rv ing- N e w m a rk, Sta nl ey Schwartz, I rv ing Ro hinsky , Be rn i W ie ne r, Leo Cohn .

OFFICERS President Vice President Secretw y Treasurer

Sidney No r witz Osca r Sega l Irwin Go ld e n berg Ernest R egis

MEMBERS Leon Co hn Sidney No rwitz Ern es t Reg is Ja ck Fe rti g Alec Ge tzoff I rvin g Rohin sky Willi a m Gl aze r H a ro ld Rose nm a n Irwin G old e nbe rg Sta nl ey SchwanL Milton Goodman Osca r Sega l Irvin g Newm a rk Ca rl Stone r Be rna rd \\'i e ne r

Alph a Ga mm a cha pte r of Alph a Om ega , th e old es t a nd forem os t J ewi sh de ntal fra te rnit y, was esta blished a t Indi a na Uni vers ity in 1928. Founded at the P ennsylva nia Coll ege of Denta l u rge ry by th e jo inin g of llrn sma ll e r d enta l fraterniti es and o r iginall y kn o wn as R a mrach F ra ternity, thi s orga ni za tion ha s gro wn into a great pro[essio11 a l fra ternity. T he keyno te of thi s group is th e furth erin g of ethi ca l pra cti ce ; and a fra te rnal a ncl coope rative spirit ma kes membe rs o f Alph a Om ega ever co nscio us of th e id ea ls of thi s fra ternit y. Alth o u gh m a ny of th e promin e nt alumni arc servin g in th e Arm ed Se rvices, th ey give g uida nce to th e und ergradu a te m embe rs. Man y o f th e unde rcla ssme n are in uniform , bu t Alph a Om ega

still furth ers its idea ls of th e genera l adva n ceme nt of th e de ntal profess io n .


OFFICERS /'resident

Edwa rd Bromm

MEMBERS Gordo n Abbott Marvin Beall John Beck Edwa rd Bromm J o hn Ca lland Russell Goebel Ch a rl es Herri ck

Cyru s Hudson Lo ren J effri es Ri cha rd J e nnin gs R a lph McDon a ld Cha u ncey Parke r H enry R a nk in Ha rold Ro th Russell \Vhiun o re

Th e Denta l SLUd c nt Co un cil was instinncd in 1939 LO brin g toge th e r th e stud ent bod y, fac ulty, a nd admini stra ti o n so th a t a cl ose r assoc ia ti o n may be had for furth e rin g th e edu ca tio na l p rogra m of th e school. At its bi -m onthl y mee tin gs Dea n Craw ford , th e SLUd cn t Affa irs Co mmillce, m ad e up of heads o f th e diffe ren t d epartm e nts, ;111d t he me mbe rs of th e SLUd e nt Co un cil di scuss a nd act upon sugges ti o ns of the sltl dents a nd fac ulty m embe rs perta inin g to sLUd c nt a ffa irs a nd p rob lems. Fi ve mem be rs fro m each of th e fo u r classes compose t he Cou nci l. Two me m bers a rc elec ted by cl ass vo te a nd ser ve togeth e r ll'ith th e class offi cers to ma ke up t he represe nta tive body. R es pec t fo r t he swd e nt p ro bl ems a nd th e necessi t y of solvin g th em has led LO th e success of th e Co un cil.

RO W 1 - Go rd on A bbott, J o h n Beck. W illi am J e ff ries , Russe ll Goebe l, E<i ward Brnmm. Ralp h McDo n a ld, Char les H e rrick. Ric ha rd J ennings, A rthur Gustavso n, Marvin Bea ll. H aro ld Roth . John Ca lbncl. H enry Ranki n. Chau ncey P a rk e r.

ROW 2 -

ROW 1 - Dudley Moore, Robe rt Kemp, J ames Powers, M a rvin Bea ll, Robe rt Arbuckle, Ross Warren, J ames Van Auscla l, Arthur Gust av son. Thom as Bea ve rs . Cha rl es Lowry, William Van Horn. Robe rt Ston e , Charl es R edding, Thoma s E s mon. ROW 2 - J ohn Rich a rd s , R a y And e r son, J a m es W es ne r, Robe rt Slink a rd, Art hur Ch evali e r, Robe rt Maki e lski. ROW 3 - Russe ll Goebel, Dudl ey Smith, Lenni s Murphy , W end e ll A ldr ich. Char les H e rri c k. Ma uri ce Kivett. J ack Wilkin !-3 , Hal'old Roth. Merrell Hudson, Clyde Christiansen, Harold Smi ley, Arnold Ru sso , Edward Bromm, Fra nk Long-ca mp, H arold Ex lin e .

OFFICERS James Van Ausdal Edward A. Bromm Victor DeFrank H arold Roth

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

MEMBERS Wendell Aldrich R ay Anderson Robert Arbuckle Marv in Beall Thomas Beavers E l wood Brickl er Edward Bromm Arthur Chevalier Clyde Christiansen Victor DeFran k John Esmon H arold Exline

Russell Goebel Arthur Gustavson Merrell Hudson Joseph Hutton Ma urice Kivett Frank Longcamp Charles Lowry R obert Makielski Dudle y Moore Harry Murph y James Powers Charles Reckling Lowell R e nshaw

John Ri chards H arold Roth Arnold Ru sso Hubert Seller Robert Slin kard Charles Smith Robert Stone Jam es Van Ausdal Willi am Van Horn Ross \ Varren J a mes \Alesner J ack Wilkins

The first de'Jltal fraternity was founded in 1882 by a sma ll group of students who were invited to spend an evening in a medi ca l fraternity. This sma ll group was so favorably impressed that they immediately organized Delta Sigma Delta. In the years fol lowing, thirty-two ch apters have been es tabli shed with our Xi chapter in 1900. Although most of the members are either in the Army or Navy, we still live in the same house that Delta Sigs have lived in for yea rs; and Dr. Wade Larue is our D eputy. 'Ve hope to build a new fraternity house after the war.


After supper euchre rules

And then I found out it was the wrong tooth


It beats walking to school

OFFICERS P reside nt

Sidn ey No rwit z

Vice P reside11 t

Ra y And erso n


Al ex Gc tzo fl

T reasurer

Ro be rt Sto ne

T he Juni o r Am e ri ca n D e ntal Associa ti o n , found ed in 1939, is co nducted unde r th e a uspi ces o f th e Am e ri ca n D ental Associati o n and th e Fa cul t ies o f the Dcmal Schoo ls. Orga ni zed a l Indi a na in 19·10 , th e gro up has grow n un t il toda y it boas ts 100 % o f th ose eli g ibl e fo r m embership. i\ l emb c rship is limited sio na l School.


soph om o res, juni o rs, a nd se niors in good standin g in th e Profcs·

In m o nthl y mee tin gs thi s Assoc iation co nsid e rs prob le ms whi ch arc likel y d e ntal gradu a te a nd prin cipl e' advoca ted for a su ccess ful career in d enti stry.


co nfro nt th e

U nder th e g uid a nce of its [a cuity ad visor, Dr. Frank H a ll , this s tud ent bod y carr ies o n a p ro · g ram of bo th edu cat io nal and soc ial a ctiviti es. Th e annua l dan ce takes ca re o f th e socia l aspcc t this be ing the o uts tandin g socia l event o f th e sc hool yea r.


OFFICERS Grand Mast er

Edgar Dejean

Junior Grand Master

James Shroyer


James Baker


John Beck

MEMBERS Gordon Abbott Robert Anderson James Baker John Beck Noble Burns John Cal la nd Wilbur Coon Hu gh Deal e Edgar DeJean

Robert Gates Loren J eliries Arthur Mullin Henry Rankin Sidney Roben son J am es Shroyer John Stenger Daniel Strapon Joe Wri ght Paul Yin gling

Students, teac hers, a nd pracut10ners o( modern dentistry a re joined toge th er in fellowshi p in J'si Omega Fra terni ty. They stri ve continually to ma inta in the sta ndards of the dental profession. Und er the accelera ted war sched ul e, m embers attend school a ll year around ; a nd nea rl y all are in the uniform of th e Army or Navy. Though as yet the fraternity ha s no chap ter house in Indi a napoli s, m eetin gs are held twice a month - both for soc ial and business matters. Dr. J . Ben R obi nso n, presiden t of th e Ameri ca n Demal Associat ion, is suprem e Gra nd Master of this fraternity; a nd ma ny alumni m embers are on th e faculty of the School of Dentistry.

SEATED - Hug h S. Dea le , J oh n Beck, J ohn Ga ll a nd, Bill Coon . E<lga r DeJ ea n, Loren W. J effri es, J oseph Wright, Gordo n Abbott, J ohn Ste nge r . STANDING - Danie l Strapon , Robert Gates, Paul Y ingling, Ke ith Burns, J ames S h roy e r, Arthur Mullin, H e nry R a nkin, Sidney Robe rtson, Robert Ande rson, J ames Baker.

STANDING - Robert Rick etts, William R ohe, K e nn eth Cleveland. Ted H odupski, Chauncey Parker, H erbert W a ldhi er, Miles Sta ndi sh, Richard J e nnin gs, J oh n King, Roger I sh, Chal'ies Vin cent. Robert Ry a n, Dougla s W eber, Roger Huff. SEATED - Bill Wi tt, Ernest Jam es, George Simpson, Jim Ri cketts , Paul Worster , Fred Logan , R a lph McDonald. Ri chard Wulff, Eldo Schoenherr, Kenneth Dawson.

OFFJCERS Presiden t Vice Presiden t Secretary Treas urer

Frederic Loga n Ralph Mc Donald Paul 'Vorster J ames Ricketts

MEMBERS Kenneth Cleveland Kent Dawson Thadeu s Hodupsk i Willi am Hoh e Roge r Huff Roger Ish Ernest J ames Ri cha rd Jennin gs John Kin g Frederic Logan R a lph McDonald Chauncy Parker Robert Ri cketts

Jam es Ri cketts Robe r t R yan Elds Schoenherr George Simpson Mil es Standish Charles Vincent Herbert Waldhier Herbert \Vaid en Dougla~ Weber Ru ssel Whitmore William Witt Pau l Worster Ri chard Wulff

The second dental fraternity to be organized nationall y, and th e first at Indiana Dental Col lege in 1893, the Theta Chapter of Xi P si Phi is th e only dental organization in which every initiate receives life membe rship in the a lumni chapter upon grad uation Theta Chapter prides itself on having Dr. Rogers as its D eputy Supreme President and counselor. Hi s interest and d evot ion of time and effort to h is younger fraternity brothers promote a feeling of fellowship which is greatly appreciated by members of th e chapter. The Theta Chapter hou se, scene of work a nd recrea tion , is maintained at 2029 North Meridian Street.


BARD, MARTHA ANNA, Corunna Au g . , '44, Nursing; Senior Stud e nt R e prese n tati v e : Cad e t Nurses' Corps: Chora l Club.

BOGUE, DELLA SUE, Indianapolis Aug. , '44. Nurs in g; Chora l C lub.

BURGOON, PATRICIA RUTH , Fort Wayne Aug. , '44, Nurs ing; Chora l C lub; Cadet Nurses ' Co rps.

BURNS, DOROTHY, Montpelier Au g. , '44, Nurs in g: Student R ese rv e.

CARPENTER, ELIZABETH E. , North Warren, Pa. Aug., '44, Nurs in g; Chora l Club.

CHANDLER, MARY LOIS, Mishawaka Aug., '44 , Nurs in g: Sigma Theta


Choral Club.

COOK, ELEANOR ELJZABETH, Indianapolis Au g . , '4 4, Nurs in g; V. Pres., Junior C lass; Ch ora l C lub .

CUNNINGHAM, ALICE, R obinson, Ill. Aug., '44 , Nurs ing; Stud e nt R ese rv e .

DAYWITT, JEANNE, Frankfort Aug-., '44, Nursing: Cho ral C lub : Stud e nt R ese rv e .

DYKES, MARTHA JEAN, Conn ersville Dec ., '43, Nurs in g .

EU\VARDS, MARY JOSEPHI NE, Indianapolis Au g. , ' 44, Nursi n g-.

GILLASPY, VIRGINIA CLAIRE, Vincennes Aug-., '44 , Nursing; Stude n t R ese rv e; Choral Club.

HENDRICH, CHRYSTAL, Bainbridge Apri l, '44, Nur s in g-.

HITCH, LUCYANNA PETERSON, R oches Ler A ug ., '44, Nursing: Pi Be ta P hi ; Stud e nt R ese r ve.

HOUGH, HELEN M ., H ebron Au).! . . '44, Nursin g- : Sig'ma Th eta Tau; T1·eas . . J uniol' C lass.

HOWARD, JA NE, Liberty Aug., '44, Nul's in g: Choral C lub:

~tud e nt

R ese rve .

HOWARD , NANCY L., Valpa rai so Aug-., '44 , Nun; ing; Choral Club; Stud e n t R eserve .

HYDE, JA NE RUWE , Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Aug- .. '4<1,

Nur si n ~:

Cad e t Nurses ' Cor p s : Choral C lub: Stude n t R ese rve .

JOH NSON , ANNE ELJZABET H , Orleans J\ug-., '44, Nursing: P1·es .. Se nior C lass; Cad et Nurses' Corps: Choral C lub.

JONES, BETTY J ANE, Frankfort Au g ., '44 , Nursing.

KEEVER, MARYE. , Law re nce Au~ ..


'44 , Nurs in g- : S iKm a The ta Tau: Cad et Nurses' Corns.

KINNEY, CAROLINE, Spencer Aug., '44, Nursing; Sec.-Treas . . Choral Club.

KLEYLr\, MARTHA LOUISE, TipLon D ec., '43, Nurs ing: Choral Club.

LATIMER, MARGARET, Bloom in gto n Aug ., '44, Nursi ng; Fre nch: Stude nt Rese rve.

LAWTON , VERA L EE, Mad ison Aug., '44. Nurs ing: Sigma Theta Tau: Tre;:1s ., Freshman Class : Choral Club.

LUCAS, MARY MARGARET, Sullivan Aug., '44, Nurs ing: Pres ., Freshman Class;

tudent Rese rve .

LYN C H , DORIS JU .-\NJTA, Camby Aug . , '44, Nursing.

McCORMICK, GWENDOLYN, Nappanee Aug., '44, Nurs ing: Sec ., Se nior

C l a~ s :

Stude nt Rese rve .

MIDDLETON, SOPHJA ELJZABETH, Columbu s, Ohio Aug., '44, Nursing : Pi Beta Phi: Stud e nt R eserve.

MURPHY, BETTE JO , Vincennes Aug .. '4 4, Nursing; V. Pres. , Freshman Class: Stude nt Rese rve.

MURPHY, MARIETTA, Galveston Aug., '44 , Nursi ng: Student Reserve ; Chora l Club.

MURTAUGH, VERA MARY, Guilford Aug., '4 4, Nursi ng.

O'FALLO , JEAN BAKER, New Alban y Aug ., '44, Nursi ng; Pres., Junior Class; Cho ra l Club .



April, '44, Nurs ing; Choral Club .

RICHARDS, ROSE MARIE, Kokomo Aug. , '44, Nurs in g : Stud ent R eserve .

RIDGWAY, LUCY D . CORMICAN, Upland Aug ., '44, Nursing.

RUTLEDGE , HARRIET JEAN, Indianapolis Dec. , '43, Nursing, P sychology.

SHOWN, LOUISE HESSERT, Fort Wayne Dec., '43, Nurs ing; Chora l C lub.

SIMS, MARTH A JEAN , Indianapoli s Au g., '44, Nu1·sing.

SMITH, ROXIE LOUISE, Fortville Aug ., '44, Nurs in g; Student R eserv e .

STEINERT, MARGARET LOUISE, BloomingLon Aug., '44 , Nursing.

ST01 E, AUDREY GRACE, Indi a napoli s Apri l, '44, Nurs ing; Student Reserve.


TEMPLETON, RUTHE., Bloomin gton April, '44, Nursing; Sigma Th eta T au: Chora l Club ; Y .\V.C . A.: Stud ent Reserve.

WESSELMAN, MARY LOUISE, Indianapolis D ec . . '43 , Nursing: Sec., Junior Class; LS.A.: Y.W.C.A.; Der D eutsch e V erein; Choral Club.

WHEELER, REBECCA E., Westfield April. '44, Nursing.

WISE, ESTHER KELLEY, Claypool D ec. , '43, Psychology, Nurs in g; LS.A. ; Student R ese rv e ; Y.W.C.A .; Choral Club; Der Deutsche Verein.

A general get-together or is it the bread lin e?


OFFICERS President

Elizabeth Bucha na n

Vice President

Adele Hele n La uer

Secre tary- T reas urer

Cla ra J a ne Goin

MEMBERS Elizabeth Bu cha nan Tania Firebau gh Clara Goin Elizabeth Ha ll Ha mm ell Ma riruth Howard J ewell Hudson Ad ele La uer J ea n Stoddard

Su za nn e J\lasters Charlotte Mazzi ni Ma ry Ann e Minton Phyllis J\lyers Doro th y Pres trud Doro th y Scheitlin Al ice Sea rch

The Indian a University co urse in medi ca l technol ogy offers excellent opportun1ues for a scientific career for women. Th e curriculum co nsists of six sem esters of pre-medical and med ica l study and two sem es ters of ac tual pra cti ce in th e Uni vers ity H ospi tal labora to ri es under th e supervi sion of gradu a te technici a ns. The first five semes ters are spent o n the Bloomingto n ca mpu s while the last three semes ters are ta ken a t the Indi a na niversity Med ica l Center in Indianapolis. After su ccess full y co mpl e tin g thi s course th e swd ent is eli gibl e for a Bachelo r of Scie nce degree in medi ca l techn ology. All persons who have fulfilled the requirements prescribed by th e Na ti o nal R egis try of American Medical T echnologists m ay ta ke th e na tio nal exa mination give n by thi s organization a nd there by may become registered m edi ca l technologists.

ROW 1 - Eli zabeth Buch a n a n, Mary Ann Minton, Phyllis Camill e Myers. ROW 2 - Dorothy L ee Schei tlin, Clara J a n e Goin, Mrs . Eli zabeth H a ll H a mme ll. ROW 3 - T a ni a Firebaugh, Alice Search. ROW 4 - M rs. J ewe ll Hudson , Suza nne Maste rs. ROW 5 - Ade le H e le n L auer, Charlotte Loui se Mazzini.



Sorori tics a Iways ha vc such pleasant slltd)' facilities

Presi dent and House Mother ge t toge ther on a few problems

Swee ping up the debris and catching up on campm dirt

Delta Gammas dig in

H e'd appreciate knowing his mai l was so popu lar

U.S. !\fail and Il ell vie for first place


s 2.2.l


OFFICERS Judith Sh oltis . Patri cia D ro it . Nan cy Whipp le Pri scill a Phipps

. Ba rbara R eininga Do rot h y L ambo urn e Ma r y Edi th J a miso n . R ach el Veit

Hangout o f the g ir ls o f the golden lyre, th e ho use high on a windy hill flun g open its porta ls to a ll A lp h a C h i's who mustered strength lO struggle up its p eg-leg steps a nd face a nother winter o n the Quad . Ne ither books nor soc ial activiti es occup y all o u r tim e. H elping a t th e Bloomin gton D a y N ursery, ro lling bandages, kn itting, bu ying wa r bo nds a nd sta mps arc o u r war activities. Spirit for th e Arbutus runs h ig h with Pa t Dro it, Busin ess Ma nager, Maril ynn C raig, Managing Ed itor, a nd Pat M yers, Ad vertising Ma nage r. P .D ., 1aril yn n a nd P r issy Ph ipps arc PJc iacl es. R ae Ve it, o n Boa rd o f Sta ndards a nd Y.\ l\T.C.A . Co uncil, is a coed co un selor al ong w ith P at M yers. Sue J ohnso n heads t he In te rSoro ri ty Pledge Co un cil a nd J oa n L ife is on Y.W .C.A. Cab in et. Top scholastic h o nors are ta ke n by th e \ l\Th ipp lcs, a ncy in Beta Gam ma Sigma, a nd J o A nn in A lph a Lambd a Delta. L o ui se Baloff, o ffi cial sweater girl of I. U ., and Mary Edit h J am ison are a lso A lph a La ms. Barbara .J ackson, board m ember o ( Collegiate C hamber o f Com merce, re prese nts us in busin ess sch ool acti viti es, a nd m usically-m ind ed .J an Davi sso n, Sigma A lpha Iota a nd Pi La mbd a T heta , is o u r so ng lead er.


R OW 1 -

President Vice President Treasu rer Secreta 1y

Mary Edi t h J a m iso n , Pat ric ia M·yers , Ba rba ra R e ini nga . Mi ckey Wise, Rac hel V e it, Emi lie Ri chards , Ma ry A lice Murph y, J an D avisson , Ma ry

Lo u Ca rm ichae l. Joh n n ie R opp, Joa n A1 ·nold . RO \ .Y 2 -

M a r y Ed ith St r acha n , P atr ic ia O ro it. J udith A n n Sholt i s,

Pri sc ill a Ph i pps,

Barbara J ackson,

Martha J ane Davidson. Dori s Ann H e ndr ickson, Lou ise Ba lo ff . J o Ann Wh ipp le , Ann R ichardson. Doll y L ambourne , J oan L i fe , H arriet T. H o ff man, PatriC'i:=t H ea th. STAND TNG - J C';i n nc . ch a rnbe rg-, Lola Hod rig-u ez , Mari lynn Craig , M ar il y n Kriegba u m, M a r i lyn H ull , R u th Cliffo rd , Maria n J u ne Specht, H e len Tur ne r, Margaret Sau nders.

ROW 1 - Sue Town s ley, Betty J o Kre mp, Mich11. Mille r. Rosem a ry Kr yde r. ROW 2 - Nancy Hooker, T dd y Fi e ld. Ginn y Rhod es , J eann e Grootveld, Susa n J ohnso n , Dorothy Gra h a m. STANDI NG - J ea nne Smith, Rose Marie V og 1, Mar y June H e rran, Ba rbara Ma rtin.

MEMBERS Joan Arnold , Jr ., Terre Haute Loui se Baloff, op h ., Whiting H a rrieu Bl ackwell , Fr., Bedford Juli a Boll e nbache r, Soph., W as hin g to n Norma Brown , Sr., Lo ui sv ill e . Ky. Ma r y Ka y Burgman. Fr., La Porte Ruth Clifford . r., Chestenon Maril ynn Craig, Sr., New Castle .Janet Davisson , r., \.Yinchester Patricia Droi l, r ., Evansville Tedd y Fi eld , Fr., Bloomingto n Doroth y Graham , Soph ., Evansville J ea nne Grootvcld . Soph ., Elkhart Anna H a rri s, Soph., Opa- Locka , Fl a. Patricia Hea th , Jr ., R ob in son , Ill . Doris Ann H endrickson , Soph., Indi anapoli s Mary J a ne H e rran , Soph., Huntin gton

Wh ere's the bird's nest?

H a rri ett Hoffman , Soph .. Lake W o nh , Fl a. Nan cy Hooker. Jr .. Evansville J oa nn e Huflin gton. Jr .. Eva nsville i\faril yn Hull , Soph ., Huntin gton Ba rba ra Ja ckson , Sr., Indi a napoli s Mary Edith J a mison. Soph ., Terre Ha ute Susan Johnson , Fr., " 'ashin gton lku y J o Kremp . Soph .. Jaspe r i\faril yn Kri egba um , Soph .. Ri chm ond Rosema ry Kryder, Fr., i: t. Way ne Doroth y La mbo urn e, Soph ., Indi ana polis J oan Life . Sr., Ko kom o Ba rbara Ma il , .Jr .. R obi nson , 111. Barbara Marlin. Fr .. Logansport Mi cha Mill e r . Soph ., T e rre Haute Patricia Mun govan , Sr. . Ft. \Vayne l\fary Alice i\l11rph y, Soph ., Huntin g ton

Na me it and yo u ca n have il


Patri cia Myers, Soph ., Indi anapoli s Prisci lla Phipps. Sr .. Pen dleton Doro th y R aymond, .Jr .. Washin g ton. D.C. Barba ra R eininga , Soph ., W as hing ton \'irginia Rhodes, Soph ., Jndi anapolis Emilie Ri chards, Sr., R oanoke Ann Ri chardson . Soph., .J effersonv ill e J ohn ni e R opp. Soph .. Oakl a nd City i\largaret Saunders, Jr ., Newport J eanne Scharnbe rg, Sr., Michigan City J ean ne Smith , Fr., \.Yin chesler Susan Townsl ey, Fr .. Gary Rachel Veit. Soph ., Union City Rose Marie Vogel , Fr .. Ft. Wa yne .J o Ann e Whippl e , Soph .. Valpara iso Na ncy Whippl e. Sr .. Valparai so Miriam Wi se, Sr., l\lil a n . l\lich.

Take it , th ey're n ylons!

ROW l - Bonni e H eckm a n, W a nd a Medcalf. Barbara H e ithecke r, Ruth Ann Be ny . ROW 2 - Dorothy Thoss, M artha Me ltzer, Will a H erd e r. ROW 3 - Ma ry Kathry n Donovan, Norma Lee Schmidt, Bonita Gasaway. STA NDI NG - Ma1·ion Skink le, P a tri cia Dra pe r, Josephine H oover.


Ruth Ann Berry. Fr .. i\ lompclier Be lly Bowlby. Soph .. Ga ry Belly C la rk , Fr. . Oxford J eanne Con ner , Soph .. Ki rkwood , Mo. Kass ie D o nova n , Fr. , Mo n esse n , P a. Pal Draper. Fr. , Ell ettsv ill e Jul ia Fri end, Fr .. Green castle Bonnie Gassaway, Fr., Wabash Bo nni e Gossom. Sop h ., Ri si n g Sun J a n e Griffitl~. Soph., Bl oomin gton

W edding bells

Lu cy Hau ger , Sr .. Sa le m Barbara H e ithecke r . l0 r.. Terre H aute Willa Jea n H e rd e r . Fr .. Va lpa ra iso Bon ni e H eckm an, Fr .. Indi anapoli s J ane Hoa re , Sr., South Bend J osephi n e H oover , Soph ., Goshen Connie McGav in , Soph .. l\ lun ste r W a nd a M ed ca lf, Fr. , Dale Betty Meltzer , Soph ., Shelbyv ille 1\l a rth a i\ l eltzc r. Fr., Shelb yville Rlllh Pawlik . Soph .. Jeffe rsonville

R elax ti o n , a h coll ege


Lu a nne Pettit, Fr., Griffith Lo ui sa Pfretzschner , Sr., Ruffa lo , N.Y. :\fary Lee R obb , Sop h ., Prin ce ton Norma Lee Schmidt, Fr., H ighl a nd l\forian Skinkle, Fr. , H ebro n Doroth y Thoss, Fr., Prin ceton Doroth y Vest, Soph ., Lawrenceburg Milli ce nt Vogel , Fr., C h evy Chase, Md . Marjorie Whitm an , Jr .. Gary B ernice Youn g, Soph ., W abash

Pipe co u rse?

OFFICERS L ouisa Pfretzschn er Constance McGavin Marjory Whitman Ruth Pawl ik

President Vice Presiden t Secretary Treasurer

Constance McGavin Ruth Pawlik Marjory Whitman Betty Bowlby

The Alpha Del ta Pi 's by virtue of their strategic pos 1uon on Third Street have a r ing-side seat for mi li tary gatherings that take place at M emorial Hall. The favorite pastime of the A. D . Pi 's is watch ing " retreat" every ni ght. Bugle ca lls and " hup, two, three, fours " echo from dawn to dark. The event of the year was the "Farm Frolic," pledge formal. when the house was co nverted into a typical barn scene. Several open houses and tea dan ces were g iven for .S.T. units. Alpha D elta Pi was fo unded at W esleyan Female College, Macon, Georg ia, in 185 1. The wearers of th e d iamond take pride in the fact th at th e irs is the oldest secret society among wome n. In 1926 Alpha Delta Pi was organi zed on th e LU. camp us. Lou Pfre tzschn er h eads th e li st of activity gals in th e house. She is vice-pres id ent of the Coll egiate Chamber of Commerce, a member of Ch i Gamma, and on th e Arbutus staff. Co nn ie M cGavin is a me mber of A lpha Lambda Delta and Y.W.C.A. Lu cy Hauger belongs to Omi cro n Delta and Betty Meltzer comb ines positions o n W.A.A. a nd Y.W.C.A . into o ne big lot of work!

ROW l Betty Me ltze r. Bernice Young, Constance McG av in. ROW 2 - J ane Hoa r e , Mary Lu Robb , Ruth P awlik . ROW 3 Pfretzschn er, Marjorie Whitma n . STANDING - J ea nne Conne r , J a ne Griffith, Betty Bowlby.

Lucille H auger , Louise





OFFICERS P residen t Vice P resident . Sec retary Treasurer

J ean L ee Fred d ie Harding Max ine Sha n e Ruth Philli ps

T a u chapter o [ Alpha Kappa Alpha has gea red its activiti es to the wa r prog ra ms o f the campus and the national o rga niza ti o n . In lin e with o ur n a ti o na l po li cy " Vi cto ry throug h Se rvice," th e orga ni zati o n has included in its p rog ram bo nd bu ying, scrap drives tha t reall y n et res ults, and the e ntertainm ent of soldiers in the vicinity. Alpha Ka p pa Alph a, knowing full well that so ldi ers love to rece ive m ai l (to sa y no thing o f a girl's d elig h t at ge tting a letter) has fo r med a pen pal club which se rves as a le tter center for soldi ers thro ug hout the United St.ates. Am o ng the soc ial events o f th e ch a pter was a n info rmal d a nce presented in D ecember for th e N eoph ytes. The hou se was d ecorated in the so ro rity co lors, summer pink and appl e g ree n . Prexy J ean L ee has taken an active part in campu s extra-curri cular activities. She is a m embe r of Alpha Kappa D elta a nd is on th e cabin et of th e Inte rnational R elations Club. Toge ther wi th the pledge class members, Tau chapte r has become a pa rt o f the U .S.O . of Bloo ming ton and is pla yin g a vital role in the war effort. Jn th e reg ional confe ren ce Tau rated third as to acti viti es and achi evem ents.


Eva H a t ch e r,

J uanita Graves, I mo ge n e J oh nson.

Max ine S ha ne, R ut h Ph ill ips, J ea n Lee, Merced es J ohnso n. STAND I NG -

J ane H ardin i::.

SEAT ED - Arle na Primm, Minyon Washington. Lelia Finney , Robbi e J ac kso n. Ma 1·y Emm a DuVa ll e , Rosetta Osbo rn e, Be rnice Morri s , Bertha Cli fford, Pauline Sh arpe, Doris L o ll a. STANDI NG - Cha rlotte Long, J ay n e Stuart, T elanna Long , Dais y Was hin gt.o n, Wi ll a Dearrin g, Eve lyn Thom as.

M Er-irnERS

Berth a Clifford , Fr., Indi a na poli s W ill a Dea rrin g, Fr., Bl oomin gto n Ma ry Emm a Du \la ll e, Fr., Indi ana p olis Lelia Finney, Fr., T ren ton , N .J . Ju a nita G raves , J r., Indi a na polis J a ne H a rdin g, Sr., Ga r y Eva H a tcher, Sr., Indi a na polis R o bbi e J ackson , So ph ., Ga ry

Ah , ji ve!

Im oge ne J ohn so n , P .G., T erre H a u te 1\'l e rcedes J oh nson , P .G., Terre H a u te J ea n Lee, Sr., l' t. \Vayn e D o ri s Loll a , Fr. , Ind ia napolis C ha rl otte Long, Fr., Lo uisvi ll e, Ky. T ela nn a L ong, So ph ., Lo ui sv ill e, Ky. Berni ce Mo rri s, F r., Chi cago R osetta Osbo rne, F r., Indi a na poli s

A look at li fe


Ruth Ph illi ps , Sr., lndi a na poli s Arl ena P rimm , Sop h. , I nd ia napolis Max in e Sha ne. J r .. I ndia napo lis Pa ulin e Sharpe, Fr., Indi anapolis J ayne Swart, Fr., Ind ia na polis Evel yn T homas, Fr., J effe rson vill e Daisy Was hi ngton , Soph ., Ga ry Min yon W ashin gto n , Soph ., T renton , N .J .

I trumped my ace

ROW I - Mari lyn Moore, J ea n Mil s . Betty J ea n Bus by . ROW 2 - Mar: ha H ou leha n. Mary Sch la bach. M art ha Ste inm etz. LEFT. STANDI NG Rita Merci lie , Barbara Groff, J o W a ls h , Rita Mend nh a ll, Ma ry Lo u Beard . RIG HT, STAND I NG - Nor m a Kuhn , Do nn a Phe l p• . Ma r y Frances Clark . Sue L app ing .

ME 1fBERS R achel Bair , J r. , n o urho11 Patri cia Ba nc, Soph ., Ft. Wa) ne :\l ary Lo u Ikard , Fr., lll oomin g ton Jul iana Bord ner, Sr.. Ft. \\'a y111.: Belly Boll'cn . Sr., H ill s boro , Ohio i\l a rj oric Boy les, Sop h ., H artford Cit y Be n y J ean Bushy, Fr., Anderson Anna Lee Carter, Soph ., Bl oomin g to n i\fa ry Fra nces Clark . Soph., De troit , i\I ich. i\l ary Lee Clin e. J r. , Lebanon Virgi ni a Cooper, Sr., Kokomo Evel yn Coope r , Soph ., South Bend Beryl Croll'c. r., In diana Harbor Kathryn C urre nt , Sr .. Portland i\ largaret C11rre n1. . So ph .. P ortland Ka tharin e Greiving. Sr.. Oyer Sue Geoghegan . Soph ., Gary Barbara Groff. Soph ., Da ·ton , Ohi o

H o hum , it's too mu ch I ikc \\'Ork

Mart ha Ho11lehan , Soph .. Crall'fordwillc Shirley J ohnson , Soph .. Gary W ilma Nell Keck , Soph ., f\l oo min gto n Ph yll is Ke mp , Jr. , nion Ci1 y J oan Kell er, So ph ., Ladoga Norma Jean Kuhn . Sop l1. , Mt. Ve rnon Sue Lapping. J r .. Pa oli R ose mary Lau g hlin , Soph .. Salsberry i\! a ry Jan e Lawson , Sr. , D)e r Irene Liber, Sr., Gary i\ la r y J o L ybrook , So ph ., Ga lveston Bcny Ann Lun ch , Soph ., ln clian a poli > ,\ l a rtha .J ean Madden , Jr. , Bl oom ingdal e R osemary i\ lan cini , Jr., Co nn ersvi ll e R ita i\ lerc ill e , Fr., Bl oo min g ton Rita i\ le ndcnhall , Fr .. Evansvill e J ean i\ l iles, Fr., Indianapo li s Dorot hea i\litchcll. Sr. . :\ la rsha ll

Siuing pr tl )'


Maril yn ;\l oo re , Fr., Willia msport J a ne Needha m , Sr., Greenvill e, Pa. Peggy Nunn . Soph ., Evanwill e Mary Ann Pete rs , Soph ., i\11. Vernon Ruth Pete rs , Fr., i\lt. Ve rn on Donna Phelps, Fr., South Bend Norma Pa rk e r, Jr .. Sti lesv ill e Be u y J o Po\\'cll , Fr., Ind ianapo lis ;\fary Schlaba ch , Fr., Bl oo mingto n Do ri s teinm c LL , Sr .. E\'ans,illc :\fartha tc inm c tl . oph ., Southpo rt Do ri s Scho ry, o ph ., Ko komo Roe J ea n Spencer, r. . Crall'fordsvi ll e Peggy Thomas, Sr .. Ne\\'berry Lu cy Toll'n sc nd , Sr., H age r>toll' n .Janice Traner, Jr ., Pa o li J o W a lsh , Fr. , Gary J oa nn e Ya•lc . op h ., Hu ntin gto n

Yard;, ticks a re n 't a lll':l\<; u ~cd for meas urin g '

OFFICERS Virginia Cooper Kathr yn Current Irene Liber . Rose J ean Spencer

President f' ice-President

Secretary Treasurer

Beuy Bowen l\l:trtha .J ean Madd e n Irene Liber Doris Schory

'i\Tartime housing conditions caused something new to be added; this year the A. 0. Pi's sported two h o uses. Beryl Crowe was in charge of the girls in the annex. The A. 0. Pi's were seen a nd h eard in all politic, honoraries, a nd act ivities this year. The reputation of being the friendliest hou se on camp us was proved by num erous parties, teas, and dances. Rodcl esses in the hou se include Virginia Cooper, who is in Pleiades, Omicron Delta, Newman Club, and on the Board of Directors for th e C.C. of C.; Betty J ea n Busby, pledge class president, and in the Hom ecom ing Coun; Doris Steinmetz, who was on Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, V\1.A.A . Board, secretary-treasurer of Tennis Club, and house social chairman. Rose .Jean Spencer was elected to Beta Gamma Sigma and, to Y.W.C.A. Council, (along with Sue Lapping) while Margaret Current held a position on the W.A.A. Board . P eggy Thomas was Art Editor of the Arbutus, presid e nt of the Cosmopolitan Club, on the W.A.r\. Board, in the C.C. of C. and in Pleiades with Dorothea Mitchell and Bettv Bowen. Alpha Lams are Rosemary Mancini, Martha .J ean Macl· den, Evelyn Cooper, Janice Trotter, and Rose .Jea n Spencer.

ROW l - J oanne Yaste , J a ne Needham, Be ryl Crowe , B etty Bowe n, Joan Ke ll e r. ROW 2 - Doris Ste inmetz, Virginia Coope r, Shirl ey John son, Lucy Townsend. ROW 3 - Marjori e Boyl es , Phyllis Ke mp, Martha J ean Madd en. ROW 4 - Mary Jo Lybrnok, Ma ry Ann P et e r s , P eg g y Nunn , Ra ch el Bair . STANDING - Dorothea Mitchell, Rose J ean Spe nce r, Eve lyn Coone r, Kathryn Gre irin g , Ann Carte r, Ro•e m a ry Laughlin. Wilma N e ll Keck, Janice Trotte r, Mary Lee Cline, Ma 1·garet Current, Pat Ban e , Norma P a rk e r, Ro sem a ry Ma ncini , Dori s Schory, Sue Geog hega n. Ire ne Libe r, Kathry n Curre nt.

OFFICERS Ruth Pri ce Maril yn Walker .J anc Hancock . Manha Sprad ling

Preside nt T'ice-Presiden t Seer('{ rt ry Treasurer

Bett y Gilmore J ea nne Deaco n Doris Clarke 1\ I art ha Sp rad I ing

The Chi 0 co-eds, dwellers of Lhc Quad, cling sLUbbornl y to Lhcir ancicm loa(ers and ra in booLs; han g on Lo Ll1 eir Le nt-like swcaLers, and refuse Lo g ive up their kniuing, slacks or Lh cir plaid suiLs. They wo uldn ' t Lhink o( missing Lhc cheer-lead ing o( Lwo o( Lhe sisLers (or anyLhing. They se nd ouL for food al leas t ten Li mes bcL ween seven and cJe,·c n; Lhey n ever Lire o[ co kes, po Lato chips, or peanut butler. T hey love new cloL11cs, ch ec ks from home, a nd smooL h dan ce rs. They ha le eig ht o"clocks, ra in y days, and Lerm pa pers. They arc overjoyed a l th e prospect of mail especially Lhc male-a uthored type. They are cru shed if th eir lau ndry bag doesn ' t contain something edible. Th e Chi Om ega's stay up laLe talking, kniuing, talking, playin g bridge, talking a nd talking. Padd y Price h ead s the list of Chi Omega activity g irls. She is president of Plciades and president o( Paddock Club. Maril yn Walker is a member of the Board of Standards, Y.W.C.A. Cabinet, Pl eiad cs, a nd h eads Pi Lambda Theta. J ane Hancock is a member of the business sLaff of the Arbutus, and Betty Gilmore se rves on Y.,1V.C.A. Cabin et.

ROW 1 - P atty Moon, Marian Tirme nstei n, Marjor ie Roth, Marjori e nann. Do ris Clarke, Nnncy Beag ley , Mary Fra nces Orr, Bettee Schutz, J a ne H ancock. ROW 2 - Patty Bake, J o Ann Ellington, Marilyn W a lke r, J oa n e G rn bhorn . Mrs. Grace Dol a n, Sara Me il y, Marga r et Pauline. P a ddy Price . ROW 3 - Mary Ell en T e wks bury, J ane Martin, J ea n Bloche r. Betty Bortz, P at N ewhouse, Betty J ea n Koss , Nancy McMah a n, Barbara Barr, Phyllis Ludwig, Betty Gilmore, Betty Ritchi e , Martha Sprad ling, Kaye Wh ite , J ea nn e Deaco n, J anet Scott.

ROW 1 - Betty Bl ack iston , Cathe ri n e Schach te, J oAn ne F o ley, P a t Reed, L ee W a lke r , Bette L am be r t, Margie F is he r, J a n et H o l"1 nd . ROW 2 - J oan D a v is , J ea n H a rte r, Ann a Ku nk le r, J anice Sage , Barba ra Li nsenm a ie r, Caroly n Bl iss , Marc ia H oove r, Marion Bloche r. ROW 3 - Ba rbara Burns , Barbara Royster, Nancy Robe rtson, P edy Staudoha r, Eva Gi bson , Ma rtha Nico l, Mar il yn Key, Ph y ll is H a rre ll.

MEMBERS Pa ulin e Anderson, Fr., Indi a napolis Pa tri cia Ba ke, Soph ., Penns Grove , N .J . Ba rba ra Barr, Soph ., N ew Alba n y N ancy Beagley, Soph ., Brook Ca rol yn Bliss, Soph ., Indi a nap oli s Be tty Blackiston , Fr., New Alban y Jean Blocher, Sr., H as brouck Hts., N .J . Ma rion Blocher, Soph ., H asbrou ck Hts., N .J . Betty Boaz , So~h .. ew Alba ny Ba rbara Boone, Fr., Ft. \\lay ne Barba ra Burns, F r., Bloomington Doris Clarke, Soph ., So uth Bend Joa n Da vi s, Fr., Chicago , Ill. J eanne Dea con , Soph ., Sa rasota , Fla . J o Ann Ellin gton , Jr. , Ande rso n Ma rgare t Fish er , Fr., Bloomin gto n JoAnn e Foley, Fr., Hin sda le, Ill. Eva J a ne Gibson , Fr., Louisville, Ky. Betty Gilmore, Jr., Kentl a nd

Will they eve r come?

J oa ne Gra bh orn , Soph ., Indi a na poli s J a ne H ancoc k, Sr. , Morocco J ea n H arter, Fr., Lo ui sv ill e, Ky. Ph ylli s H a rrell , Fr., Bl oomin gton Jan et Holland , Fr., Kenm ore, N .Y. Ma rcia Hoover, Fr., Kentl a nd Ma ril yn Key, Fr., Ga ry Betty J ea n Koss, So ph ., Indi a napoli s Anna Mae Kunkl er , Fr., St. Anthony Bette Lambert , Soph ., Bloomington Ba rba ra Linsenm a ier, F r., Ga r y Ph yllis Ludwi g, Soph ., La fa ye tte Pauline McKee, Fr., L aPo rte Na ncy McMa ha n , Soph ., Memphi s, T enn . J a ne Martin , Jr., Hinsd ale, Ill. Sara Meil y, Sr. , L oga nsp ort Pa tri cia Moon , Soph ., H o ba rt Pa tri cia Newh o use, Sr., New Alba n y Ma rth a N icol, F r., W es t Lafaye tte Mary F ra nces Orr, So ph ., Liberty

Be ca re ful of num ber 18


lvfargaret Pa ulin e, Jr., Terre H a ute Padd y P r ice, Sr., Hinsda le, Ill. Pa tri cia R eed, Fr., Loui sv ill e, Ky. Betty Ritchi e, Soph ., E vansvill e Na ncy R o bertso n , Soph ., Ne w Alba n y Ma rj o ri e R o th , Soph ., Te rre H a ute Ba rbarn R oys ter, Jr ., La faye tte J a ni ce Sage, Fr., R ensselae r Ca th erin e Schachte , Fr., C in cinn a ti , Ohi o Bettee Schutz, Sr. , Ga r y Jane t Scott, Sr. , Clarksburg, W . Va. Marjori e Sna pp, So ph ., Whilin g Marth a Sp radlin g, Jr. , Morocco Mar yell en Sta udohar , F r ., J ac kso n , Mi ss. Mar y Ell en Tew ksbury, Sr ., Long Beach, Cal. Mari a n T irm enstein , J r ., In d ia nap olis Maril yn W alker, Sr., Pen d leton Norma W a lker, F r. , Ind ia napolis Kaye Whi te, Soph ., Buechel , Ky.

\ Vhat's h e do ne now?

GROUND - Eth e l Dawson. J ane Steinhart. SEATED - Ma x in e McGove rn. Suzanne Stewart, J oann - Elizab th Ott, E s th e r Ba il ey, E ar lana Voshe ll. Betty Todd, Mary J o Beazell .

Mott. Mary Cunnini:<hnm. MHrl'(o F i not. STANDING

MEMBERS E~ther 13ai ley. Fr .. Green\\'ood Pa ul a Bai ley. J r ., Ft. Way ne i\ lari a n L\a n y, Jr., C hi cago, Il l. :\l ary J o BeaLcl l, So ph .. Ind ia napol is J oan Boot e. Sop h ., Bl oomin g to n i\ la r y Eli1 a he th Bra dll' ay , Soph .. Indi a napol is G lo ri a Burba nk , .J r., FL. W ay ne Eudo ra Clo user. Sr .. Elll'ood .J ea nne Co llin s. Sop h .. Ft. Wa yne Ma r y Al ice Cu nningha m . F r .. J31 oom ington E th el Dawso n . Fr .. Lo ui s\'ill e . K\' . :\fary J ea n Oa 1rso n . So ph ., Lo u isv ill e, Ky. i\fary J a ne Devol. J r .. La faye tte Na ncy Dilks. Sr.. Ri chm o nd l3 e1ty Lo u Dunk in. Sop h .. Peo ri a. Ill. Beuy Ann Fatch. J r .. Gary Eleanor Fe r rer i. Sop h ., Co nn ersv ill e

i\l ary i\l arg:trct F inoL. 1: r .. India na pol is J a ne t Fo urn ier, Soph ., Fra nk fo rt Pa tri cia Gabe , So ph ., In di a napo l is .B c n y G raves , J r., Indianapol is i\l a r ylca H aw kins, So ph. , New Alba n y Virg inia H a wley, r., Pc m Ell e n Ha zel. Sr., Nell'burn. N .C. J oa n Holmbe rg, Jr. , De tro it. i\li ch . Aud rey Jng ra m , Sr., Co nn e rsv ill e Norma Iri ck, Jr., Ko ko mo i\lary Kell ie. r. , Ko ko mo la r y Kn e ppe r, So ph ., E 1na Gree n i\ la r y La mbe rtu s. J r., Indian a po li s Yvo nn e Lo ng. Soph ., Ha mm o nd Virginia i\ l cCo rmi ck. Jr .. Vin ce nn es i\ laxi ne i\ lcGovern . F r .. Ne w Alba ny An na L ucill e i\! e rcc r . Soph ., Ft. La ud e rd a le, Fl a.

Three seniors make a raid stri ctl y on th e Q.T.


H elen ;\l ac i\l ichacl , J r .. Frankfort J oan ne i\1 o ll. oph .. Tipton i\ l e ril yn O ' Lavcrt y, Jr. , i\!ontczum a EliLabe t h Ot l. Fr .. In dia napol is Be tt y P rotsman , So ph ., D yer Ba r bara cha cffc r, Jr .. Ind ia na po li s El izabe t h An n Schm idt , J r. , Ind ia nap olis Ann a Shackl eford , Sr .. Ladoga J ess ie Lo u mall , F r. , Ind ia na poli s J ane Steinha rt , Fr., Ch icago. Ill. Su za nn e Lewan, Soph ., Darl ing to n J ea n T aylor, Fr. , H a milton Be tty Lo u Tod d , Soph ., Bloom ingto n Ea rl a na Lee Voshell , Fr., Bl oomin gto n i\! a nh a Wi lso n , Jr., l31 oomin g to n i\! ary Ell a W ilson, op h ., Kewa nn a Ali ce Yost. Sr.. Deca ttir

Kin g Sol beats brid ge

OFFICERS Virginia Hawley Beverlee Muff . Eudora Clouser Nancy Dilks

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

Virginia Hawl ey Ali ce Yost Mary L ambertu s . Nancy Dilks

Although all of the D elta Delta Delta's can ' t be named in "'i\Tho's Who in Ame rican Coll eges in 1944," as are Virginia Hawley and Rach el Stoner, the fri endl y Tri D elta coed s continue to di stingui sh themselves on the Indiana University campus by participating in man y social and campu s activ ities. The Tri D elts continue to be consc ious of the "war effort" in man y ways; the filling of U ncle Sam's mailbox with letters to boost the morale ot the armed services being no lesser act ivity. Outstanding in extra-curricular activities among the seniors are Prexy Virginia Hawley, who is Editor-in-Chief of the ARBUTUS, m ember of Beta Gamma Sigma , and Pleiades; The A. W.S. pres ident is R achel Stoner, a Phi Beta Kappa, and member of Mortar Board. Jeanie Johnson is president of Theta Sigma Phi , summer editor of the DAILY STUDENT, and a m ember of Pleiades. Carol Martin and Mike '"Til son are on the Board of Directors, Collegiate Chamber of Commerce, while Barbara Schaeffer belongs to Theta Sig, and Pinky Batty and Merilyn O 'Laverty are on the A RB UT US staff. Sophomores Betty Protsman, Martha Wilson, and Betty Todd , Alpha Lams, help keep up the scho last ic rating of third on campus.

ROW 1 - Mary J ean D aw son , Elain e Bowe rs, P atr ici a W e rn ert, Ma rye ll a Wilson . P a ula B a iley , J eanne Collins, Ma ry Bradway, J unet F o urnie r, Ma rtha Wilson, Betty Ann F a t ch. Betty Prots m a n. Elea nor F er reri. ROW 2 - M ary L a mbe rtus. Marjori e Mill e r, N a n cy Dilks , Beverlee Muff, Virg inia H a wl ey , Eudora Clouser, Caro l J ea n Ma rtin, Jo Ann Booze, Dorothea Fariss. Me ril y n O'Laverty , Norma Iri ck, H e len Mae Michae l, Ma ry J ohnson, R achel Stoner, Ma ry Devol. ROW 3 - Jo Elle n Burro ug h s, Ba rba r a Lee Smith, Audree In gram, Betty G raves , Ali ce Yost, Elizab eth Schmidt, Marylea H aw kin s, Patricia Ga be , Virgi ni a McCo rmick, Ma ry Ke lli e, Betty Dunkin, Yvonn e Long, Ell en H aze l, Glo ria Bu rbank, Joa n H olmberg , Ann a Shackelford, Barbara Schaeffer.


President Vice President Secretary T reasurer

J ean Schabinger Patricia Gibson Virginia Boughan Fran cis \Vall

If the mail m a n onl y made hourl y Lrips in stead of daily visits - !! ·w ith all Lh e seniors and juniors being true to their men, a nd unde rclassm en writing letters to keep up m orale, the D .G .'s have decided to install a p ersonal mail system. The D.G. - S.A.E. snowball gridi ron is in its accustom ed pla ce, but no ba ttl es will b e h eld there this year. R eason No. J, no snow; reaso n No. 2, no S.A.E.'s! ! W e' re still activities co nscious. No. one roddess is B'la M orrison who comb in es Mortar Board, Y.W .C.A. presid ency, and practice teaching. Other Y.W. officers are Pat Gibson and Patty P eterson, Cabine t m embers and E loise Greer on Council. Patty P ete is also a m embe r of A .\1\T.S. Council. J ean Schabinger makes top grades a nd is se nior class editor of the Arbutus. She, with sister Jan e, and Bobbie Mee k are m embers of Pleiades. Bobbie also holds a job on the \l\T.A.A. Board. Stage stru ck yo ungsters who are making names for themselves arc Jane Ruble, Bettylee Fults, Theta Alpha Phi's, a nd Marge Hule tt. Alpha Lams, J ea n Smith, Be ttylee Fults, Jan e Ruble, a nd Mary Yenn e keep up the scholastic average for the house. " Busy as Beavers" is our motto this year.

ROW 1 - Dorothea H unter, Betty Morrison, Elizabeth Tho m as, Barbara Meek. J ane Scha bin ge r , Martha Rune!, P atr icia Gibson, J ean Sch abinger, Phyllis Tomlin son , Elizabeth Lyo11, Sara P ainter. Patri c ia. Kibl er. Ja ne Stevens. ROW 2 - P atrici a P eterso n , P atri cia Ga lloway, Joan Robinson, Ma rtha Casey, Patri cia Kri eghbaum, Fra nces W a ll, Ma rgery Hulett, Patricia Morri son , Marjorie Fi sher, J ane Young, V irginia Boug ha n, Betty H arlos, Mary J ane O'Banion, J ane Kon o ld, Lois H ilkene, Mary Yen ne. STANDING - N a n cy P fo hl , Loi s Sarty, Betty L ee Fu lts, J ane Rubl e, Audree Dun can, Eloi se Greer, J ean Smith, Maril yn Reeb, Betty P enny, P atricia P etti bone , J ean Mutz .

ROW 1 - Jo Ell a Y akey, J ea nin e Moore , Betty Mill be rn. Alice Bowlby, R OW 2 - Mary Ann P ettibone, Marjor ie Pratt. Mary J an e H rtz, N a tal ie H enley. STANDING - Norma Smith , Margaret Turns, Mary Ann Hauc k, Mrs. Pl easa nt, Elizabet h H arri s, Mary Ca sey, Evelyn Dobson.

MEMBERS Killy Lou Barth , Jr. , i\lilwaukec, Wi s. Virgini a Bo ugha n, r. , Brazil Alice Bowlb y, Fr., Gar y Ma rtha Casey , Sr., Huntin gton Ma ry Casey, Sop h. , Hunt ington Ph yllis Catt , Sr., R enssalaer Be ty Curl , Fr., Wa shin gton , D .C. Evelyn Dobso n, l'r., Bloomington Andree Dun ca n , Soph., Aurora l\fa rjorie Fisher, Soph., Kokomo Bettylec Fults, Soph., Andrew Patri cia Ga ll oway, Jr. , lnd ianapolis Patri cia Gib on , Jr. , L aGran ge Eloise Greer, Jr. , Martinsville Ma rian Griffin , Sr. , Cleveland H eights, Ohio Betty H a rlos, Soph. , Bloomington Elizabeth Harri s, Fr., Paris, Jll . Mary Ann H auck, Fr., So uth Bend Nata li e Henley, Soph., Bloomingto n Ma r y J a ne H ertz, Fr., Madiso n

Best pa rt of every d ay

Loi s Hil kenc. Soph ., Jndi anapoli s i\farger y Hul ett, Jr. , H a mm ond Do roth ea H untcr, Sr .. Col um bus Patricia Kibl er. op h ., Bedfo rd J ane Kono ld , Sr .. So uth Bend Pa tricia Kri cghbaum , Jr. , R ochester Belly J ane Lu sk, Sr. , Bloomington Eli zabeth L yon. Soph ., Madiso n Barbara Mec k, Sr., New Castle Belly J\fillbern . Fr., Columbus J ea nine Moore, .Jr., Danville, Ill. Be tty Morri son. r .. Kokomo Patricia i\!orriso n , Soph .. Kokomo J ean Mutz . .Jr. , Ind ianapoli s Mary J ane O'Banion , Soph ., Tipton Sara Pa inte r, Jr., Alexandria Bell y Penn y, Soph .. Springfi eld , Ohio Patrici a Pe terso n. J r., Indi anapolis 1Vfary Ann Pcllibonc. Fr .. Crown Point Patri cia l'cllibone, Sr., Crown Poi nt

The seniors ha ve th eir own dinin g room


Nancy Pfoh l. Jr .. Goshen :Vfarj ori e Pratt. Soph., 1\l a ywood, lll . Maril yn Reeh . Soph ., Sylvania , Ohi o J oa n R ob inso n . Jr .. Columbus J ane Rubl e, Soph .. Bl oo m ington Ma rtha Rupel. Sr., Indi anapo li s Lois Sany , Sop h ., Hin sdal e, Ill. J a ne Schabinger, Sr., Eva nston , Ill. J ean Schabinger, Sr. , Evanston, Ill. .Jea n Smith , Soph ., Owensboro, Ky. Norma Smith , Fr., Gary J an e Stevens . Soph., Columbia Cit y Elizabeth Th omas , Sr., Terre H a ute Ph ylli s Tomlinson, Sop h ., Bl oomin gton Ma rga re t Turns . l7 r., Aurora Loui se Voil es, l'r. , New Alba n y Fran ces Wall , Sr ., Toledo, Ohio J o Ella Yakey, Fr., In dianapolis Ma ry Yenn e, Soph ., Lakewood , Ohio J a ne Yo un g. Jr ., Huntin gton

And you believed him!

GROUND - Martha Frnn ces Dunn. Carol H a rpe r. Marilyn Raxte r. SEATED - Betty John son . El anor Hilge nbe rg, Kay Sehl nke r, Kathl ee n H icks. Mary Ann Gephardt.. Joanna Ba rr, Virg- inia James, Ba rbara Wint.e rs, Fran ces Brown , J ea n Mun son , Betty Barbe . STANDING - J oyce Overbay, Virginia Turn e r. Vir).{i nia M a nby, M a j ett a S tew art , Joan M oore.

MEMBERS i\l'a r y J a ne ,\ lforcl . .J r .. ln clia napoli s \ lary Ann Alexander. Soph .. l\l oomi ngton .\larjoric Baclglc). oph .. ,\ nd cr,on Bcu1· Barbee . Fr .. Loui,1illc . Kl' . .J oa1{na Barr . Fr., Lebano n ' Do ra l Ba ugh. Sop h .. To ledo. O h io i\faril yn Bax Lcr. Fr .. New Alba n y Barba ra ll in ford. oph .. Rl oom ing1on F rance' Brown. l0 r .. >:cw Albany H arricu Brown . Fr. , Bl uffton Virginia Brown . Sr .. l ndianapoli' Eli1ahc1h Cole. J r .. Bl oom in gton Susa n Co 11n1ryma n , J r. , Ind ia napo l is Pa tsy C ra ig. Sr.. .ary l\ f'ar tha Fra nces Du n n . Fr. , Ind ianapol is Bell)' Durbi n . Soph .. Toledo, O h io i\l'artha Felt us. oph .. Bloo m ington Doris Fess le r . oph ., l ndianapoli' Susan Foley, Soph .. Alpe na. i\ l ich. Charman Fra 1ce. Sr .. R mhvillc Mary Ann Gephardt. Fr .. Anderson

That fincs'e won'L work , Ru sLy

Ru th Ann Ha m il1o n . So ph .. l nd ia na po li s Carol Harper , F r .. So11Lh J\ cnd Barbara He11ncr. Soph .. Peru KaLh lcen H icks. J r ., Kokomo Eleanor Hi lge n bc rg. Fr., India napolis llcuy Lo u H in shaw , Jr ., Koko mo H arr icll Hod ges, Sr., Lo ui sv ill e, Ky. l\ la rgcry Hodson , Soph ., So uth Be nd Kiuy Lo u H o ffm an , Soph ., Cora l Gab les. Fla. Doro th y Jun e Humph re ·s, r., Bloom ington \ ' irgi n ia J a mes , Fr.. Au, tin E li zabe th J o hnso n . F r .. Bl oomin gton Ru t h Kaun . Soph., Ha m 111o nd :Vla rgarc t K ck, J r., l ni o n C it y i\ lari lyn Kec k, Sr .. Uni o n C ity Ma r y Lee Kc iLh , Sr., New Alba n y Pa tsy Kcl vie. J r. , Ko ko111 0 .\ la rgarct Kim e. J r., Hl oo rn ing1o n \l a ry La ndis. Soph .. .\ l ilwa u kec . \\'i sc. .\lary J ane .\ lc Ko " 'n . Sr .. \\'arsa 1I' Virgi n ia .\ la n by, Soph .. SOl llh Bend J oa n 1\1oo rc. F r., Gary

P le nt y of elbow room

23 6

J ea n :\l u mo n , Soph .. \\'arsa\\' Fra nces i\ca l, J r .. i'\ohl es1 ill c :\ nna J ean O' Harroll' . oph .. Blooming tc n Bcuy O ldacre , Sr .. R iver Forest. 11 1. J oyce Overba) . Soph .. l ndianapo lis ja nct Sche n ke l, Sr., Hun tin gton i\ L1rjo ri c Schenkel, Fr .. H u nLi ngton Kat hryn Sch lenker. Vr .. Eaton , O h io J eanne Seidel . Soph ., F L. W a) ne :\fa rgarcl Snoke, Soph .. South Bend ,\ fajeua SLCll'arL . Fr .. Lebanon Ma rjorie SLarr . Fr., l31 oomington G loria Sw isher, Fr .. Blu ffton i\la rga re L T ru sler, Sr., l ndia na pol is Virgini a T u rner , F r., So uth Ilend ;\lary W a lker. Soph .. I ndianapo lis Sara Wa lke r , Sr .. l ndianapoli1 Marcia \ Varren , r., l ndianapoJi, Caro lyn \\'cir, Soph .. Bl oomino-ton Barbara \\' inters . Fr., In dianapol is .J ea n York , Fr .. Washington. D.C.

TheLa lips are smi l in g

OFFICERS Virginia Brown Margaret Trusler J a ne t Schenkel . Be tty Lou Hinshaw

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Susan Countryman . Patsy Kelvi e Kitty Lou Hoffman Betty Lou Hinshaw

The war goes o n, the Navy bugl e blows, the A.S.T.P . revues contin ue, and the Thetas live o n, whole-heartedly supporting the war effort. Although convertibles are still prominent in front of the "Slu ss" Street mansion, the K.A.T. sisterhood is limiting its activities to comply w ith 0 .P.A. restrictions. In spite of the fact that "Thanks for the Memori es" and "My Last Good-bye" are number o ne on the Theta hit-parade, the girls manage to keep in the campus social life by going with soldi ers, sailors, and a few of th e civilians that are left. Ma il has replaced "male" for the time being. The Thetas are in th e midst of campus activit ies this year. Charman Frazee led the black and gold girls as treasurer of Mortar Board, social cha irman of Y.W .C.A., and belongs to Beta Gamma Sigma. Other Thetas in Y.W.C .A . offices were Peg Kime, treasurer, Ruth Ann Hamilton, secretary, a nd Dorothy Jun e Humphreys, vice-president. Dorothy Jun e is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Board of Standards, and Gingy Brown an Associate Editor of the ARBUTUS. In Pleiades were Virginia Brown, Sally Walker, and Marilyn Keck. Alpha Lams are Susan Countryma n and Ruth Ann Hamilton.

GROUND - Margaret Keck, Betty Lou Hinshaw, Frances Neal, Mary Lanciis, Ruth Ann H ami lton, Anna J ean O'Harrow, Mary Jane McKown, J eanne Seidel, Margery Hod son . SEATED - Ruth Kaun, Susan Countrym a n, MarY Ann Alexa.nde r, Patsy Ke lvie, Ma ry Lee Ke ith, H arriett Hodges, Charman Frazee, Mari lyn Keck , Virgi ni a Brown, Patsy Craig, Sally Walker, Betty Oldacre, Marcia Warre n, Dorothy J une Humphreys, Mary Walker, Doral Baugh, Kitty Lou Hoffman. STANDING - Barbara Binford, Martha Feltus, Mary Ann Wells, Betty Durkin, Margaret Kime, Carolyn Weir, Susan Foley, Margaret Snoke, Doris F essler.

OFF ICERS Betty Wul[man Mary Maloney . Kathryn Langell Jeanne R eese

President Vi ce President Secretary Treanncr

J eanne Reese Doris Wilson Barbara Kiger Carolin e Sm ith

Du e Lo wartime prionu es and res Lrictions, the Kappas have been spe nding their Lime boosting morale by entena 1111ng service me n and by keeping Lheir m e n in camp and overseas well suppli ed with lcuers. The r\.S.T. Lrain ees Lurned ouL e n masse for th e Kappa open houses where one and all danced, pl ayed bridge, and received a real LasLe o ( thaL we ll -known H oosier hospiLal1ty. Keepin g up with the Lraditions of other years, Lhe Kappas again h eld Lheir annual "Snowball Formal ,'' scholarship dinner, and se nior ba nqu et. The moon shon e brighL on the Kappa Ke ntucky Home when seventy m isses and th eir escons turned o ut for the PlantaLion Party on November 20. The girls o[ Kappa Kappa Gamma were blessed aga in wiLh Lheir share of rodclesses. Beuy Wulfman , chapter pres ident, Mim Maloney, Maril yn Seward, a nd J ea nne Reese were m embers of Pl eiades. l\IIarilyn , also on Mortar Board, was Busin ess Manager of the Little Theatre Staff. Anne H endricks was vice-president of Y.W.C.A., m ember of Mortar Board, and A.W.S. Council. Jeanne R eese, Junior Manager of the Little Theatre Business Staff, was another member of A.W.S. Council. Dori s Haywa rd , on Board of SLanclarcls, was la yo ut ecl iLor of the 1944 Arbutus.

ROW 1 - J ea nne Reese, Betty Wulfm a n, Sara Chapm a n, Barham Jam es. cock. Doris Wil son, Doris H ayward, Rita Fi sher, J a n e Grubb. STANDING. Dotti e Woodw a rd, Kny Guffin. Bab Ki ge r, Susie Pug h, J a ne S hook, H a rri et P atty W att. LEFT SIDE - Rosema ry Sto ne r, Susie Caub le, M im Ma lon ey , Sue Taylor, Sara Gambi ll.

ROW 2 - Kntie L a.ngell. Lynn Buch nn a n, Bill ie Grubb. ROW 3 - Merrill Ba bBACK ROW - Ruthann Gephart, Mario n Lower , Mary Lewis, P at Ba dder s, Wooldridge, Caro lyn Smith, Ann a. J an e Buski rk, Mary Gray, Mooni Kemme r, Ma ril yn Seward, Dori s Joseph. RIGHT SIDE - Julie Sefton, Jo McGuire, Mary

ROW l - Toddy K ixmiller, N a n cy Che r r y, K ay Ka yse r , M a r g ie Cu r le . ROW 2 - Glor ia W asmu t h , Betty P orte r, N a ncy Seward, Li nd a Le wi s . RO W 3 - Barbara Scudde r , J a n Alexander , Eva H a m . STANDING - Beve r ly P a lme r , Kay No la n. J oyce MacClin tock, J a net T uh ey, J a n et Singe r, Con n ie H a r pe r, S ue Ho we , J ea n Ann Ru t ledge, Ba rba ra R eed, Ma rni e H om e , Gi n n y Lynn , Ma rg ie Fisher.

MEMBERS Me rrill Ba bcock, Soph ., Logan sport P a tty Badd e rs , Soph ., P o rtl a nd Lynn Bucha nan , Soph ., Ma rion Ma ry Ann Burge , Fr., Kokomo Anna J a ne Buskirk , Soph ., Blooming to n Susie Caubl e, Soph ., Blooming ton Sa ra Cha pman , So ph ., Toledo, Ohi o Na n cy Ch e rry, Fr., Ft. Wa yne Marga re t Curle, Jr. , Indi a na pol is Ba rba ra Cutshall , Sr., Brazil Loui se Even s, Fr., Martin svill e Ma rg ie Fishe r, Fr., Huntin g ton Sa ra h Gambill , Jr. , Wi chita Fall s, T exas Ruth Ann Ge phart, Jr ., N e w Castle Ma ry G ray, Sr. , St. Louis, Mo. Ka y Guffin , Jr., Gary Eva Ruth H a m , Fr., Indi a na polis Conni e H a rpe r, Fr., Washin g ton , D .C . Na ncy H aske tt, Jr:, Bl oomin gton Doris Haywa rd , Jr. , Hammond Ann H e ndri cks, Sr., Bl oo min g to n

Gos h , sh e's ge nerous

H elen Hoadl ey, Soph ., Blooming ton Ma rn y Hom e, Fr., In d ia na po li s Suza nne H o we , Fr., Hi g hl a nd P a rk , Ill. Barba ra J a m es , Soph ., Bl oomin g ton Doris J oseph , Sr. , Pittsburgh , Pa . Kathryn Kayser, J•r. , Ft. \\Tay ne Mildred Ke mm e r, Sr. , Lafa yette Barbara Ki ge r, Jr. , Indi a na polis T odd y Ki xmill e r, Fr., Indi a na p oli s Kathryn La ngell , Sr., So uth Bend Linda Lewis , Fr., Ma rion Ma ry Lewi s, Soph., Indianapolis Marion Lo wer, So ph ., Ga r y Virginia L ynn , Jr. , W a bas h BoPeep McMill a n , Jr. , Blooming ton Joyce McClintock, Fr., Bloomin g to n Mary Ma loney, Sr. , P ei 11 Jo McGuire, J r., Indian a p oli s Joan Mumford , Sr. , Indi a napoli s Ka thl een No la n , Fr., Bl oomin g ton Beverl y Pa ln1er, Fr., Bl oo min gton

Th ey ca n d rea m , ca n 't th ey?


Be tty Porte r, Fr., Bloomin gton Susie Pu g h , Jr. , Hamm o nd Ba rba ra R eed , Soph. , Ande rson J ea nn e R eese, Jr. , Braz il Ba rbara Rogers, So ph., Bl oomin gto n J ea n Ann Rutl ed ge, Fr. , W as hin gton , D .C. Barba ra Scudde r , Fr. , Ft. \Va yn e Juli e Sefto n , Sr., And e rson Ma ril yn Seward , Sr. , Blooming to n Nan cy Seward , Fr. , Bl oo min gto n .Ja ne t Sin ger, Fr. , Indi a na polis J a n e Shook , Jr. , Indi a na poli s Carol yn Smith , Soph. , Pe ru Rosema ry Sto ne r, Jr. , Holl y Bluff, Mi ss. Ma r y Sue T aylor , Soph., Bl oo min g ton Be ttv Titsworth , Fr., Ru sh vill e J a ne t Tuh ey , Soph ., Muncie Gl o ri a \Vasmuth , Fr. , Hunting to n Pa tty \Va tt , Sr., Nobl esv ill e Do ri s Wil son , Sr., Bickn ell Do lli e \ \Tood wa rd , J r.. Bl oomin g to n

Spread i t thin

Gre tc he n A. Leml ey, Nancy W hitese ll , Jo E !le n May fi e ld , J nn e An n H oover, E lea no r K ri c k . Ad e le Spe nn e r. Rut h Ni c ho lse n.


\f aril ynn Au gustin e, So ph .. Aurora, Il l. :\I ildred Buech ele. Jr .. Winslo w .June Doerr . Jr. , Fa rgo. N. D3k. .J a ne t Fedl e r, So ph .. Ceda r Lake Do ris Franz, Jr. . Indi a napoli s Ch a rl o tte G ross kopf. Jr ., Indi a na pol is Ca th e rin e H ause, Sr. , Ft. \Vay ne C harl o tte Hook , Soph ., Columbus J an e Ann H oove r, Fr., Logansport Rosemary Keil, Soph. , In dianapol is Eleanor Kri ck . So ph. , Mil a n Hel e n La ng. Jr .. ?-It. Ve rnon

\\'e win "c m . yo u cl ea n 'cm

George -Ann a Le ist , .J r. , Co lum bus Gre tchen Le mley, Fr .. Colum bus Norma J ean Madde n , Sr. . All e ndale. Ill. Pa tri cia i\fadd c n , Soph. , All e nd a le . Ill. Christin a :\fanship . J r. , Noblesv ille Jo Ell e n May fi eld , l' r. , Greentown Maxin e i\lcCo lgin , J r. , Mil a n Wanda McCol gin , Sr. , i\filan J oann e McGee , Jr., Greenwood Ruth Ni chol son , Fr., Columbu s Cornel ia Ni coara , Sr. , Cary Ann e Pi e rce. Soph., Colli ngs wood , N J .

\\'h ose little girl a re vo u,


Eli sabe th Plou g he, Jr. , Elwood Adri e nn e R o binson , So ph ., Indian a poli s i\! a rga rct Scars. Fr. , In di a na pol is .J ea n Shelburne, Soph ., Indian a poli s Be tty SI inka rd , So ph ., Bedford Do roth a Smith . Soph., Brookvill e Adel e Spenn e r, Fr. . Indian a po li s Ph yll is Spindl e r, Jr ., Hebro n Nan cy Whitesell , J r. , Bloo min gto n Irma Wil son , Jr. , Prin ceto n Ma r ylouise \ Voessne r, So ph ., Indian a polis

Le t "s swi ng it, girls

OFFICERS Catherine Hau se Betty Ploughe Doris Franz Joan McGee .

President Vi ce President Secretary Treasurer

Catherine Hause l\iildred Buechle . Doris Franz . Joan McGee

Safely situated above the flood limit on the banks of the Jordan stands the Phi Mu villa. Hay rides, open house for soldiers, and radio dances, have kept up the tradition of so uthern hospitality of this Dixie born sorority. Phi Mu was founded at ·w esleyan College, Macon, Georgia, on March 4, 1852. It has been rumored that weird wailings waft across the Quad resembling a tormented trumpet and simpering sax. Don't be afraid - it's only the "Fo ur Tones" putting a swing in the eth er waves with their boogie woogie renditions. In activities the Phi Mus are well represented. Top ranking activity girl is Anne Pierce. She was a m ember of the summer Student War Council, Y.W.C.A. Council, A.W.S. Committee, coed co unselor, and a member of Pleiades. Pat Madde n and J ea n Shelburne, coed counselor and treasurer of Alpha Lambda D elta , received sophomore Mortar Board recognition. Helen Lang and Janet Fedler are pres ide nt and secretary, respectively, of the Stud ent Religious Cabinet. J ean Madden is prexy of Omicron Nu; George-A nna Leist, a Pleiadean , and Jody McGee are members of Omicron D elta. Wanda lV!cColgin, one of the Pleiades trio, holds the presidency of Pan-H ell e ni c Council.

GROUND - Rosemary Ke il, Patricia J. Madde n, Maxine D. McColgin, Ann e T. Pi e rce, Mildred Bueche le, J a n et M. Fedler, Charlotte Grosskoph, SEATED - Joanne McGee, George-Anon Leist. Wanda McColgin, Ca thy Hause , Marilynn Aug ustine. J ean Shelburne, Betty Slinkard, Irm a Wilson. H e len Lang. STANDING - Dorothy Smith, Phylli s Spind le r, Charlotte Hook , Adrie nne J. Robinson, Mary Woess ner, June Doe rr. Norma J ean M ad de n , Christina Ma nship, Eli sa beth Ploughe, Dori s Franz.

OFFICERS P reside 11l Vice Preside nl Secre tary Treas u re r .

R ebecca Gu a rd . Rh ea M cCo ll .J ose phin e Ei cher Ma rj o ri e Cattcll e

Th e wea re rs o [ th e pen tago n pin e mblazed by fi\' e p oints o f a star a rc the sisters of Phi 0111 ega Pi. Th e ir Spa ni sh h o use t ypifi es th e ve r y a propos theme of th e good -neig h bor po li cy, as t hey e nterta in a ll bran ches o [ th e se rvi ce (the A.S.T. P. boys h ave pri ority). Se ve ral dan ces hi g hli g hted the yea r's e nt erta inment. 1\ H all o w een d a nce with a ppropri a te d ecora tio ns was in o rder d uring the fa ll . Two lorm a l dan ces includ ed the pledge d a nce a nd th e win te r formal , for bOLh o [ whi ch the ho use was ela bora tely d ecorated to lend ga iet y to th e surro undings. Traditional social eve nts o f th e " POP" ho use in cl ud e th e annu al Rose Dinn er, the ll row n Co unt y llrca k(ast, a nd the Pentagon Prom. Th e house is well represe nted in va ri o us ca mpu s ac ti viti es. Sue H a rt is secretary o f th e Y.W.C.A. Ca bin et, and Rhea M cCall is vice-presid ent o [ Pan -H ell eni c. Noemi R affert y is a mem ber o f an A.\1\T.S. co mmittee, Fo li o Staff, a nd Cl ass ic Club. Chi Gam ma is atte nded by Be tty Kell ey, Mary D cmetra kas, and Ka th erin e Sinclair; llec ky Guard and Marjori e Cattell e parti cipate in Omi cro n Delta. M a ry Deme trakas and Bill y Jo Higgin s ass ist on A.W.S . committees, whil e Pa t D eVill and Jan ·w hisma n d o the ir share [or th e Ramblers' Club.

RO W 1 - W ilm a Rae H anna, J o Eich er , Mary A lice R obe r ts . ROW 2 Marjorie Ca tte ll e, Caro lyn Davis, P h y ll is W a ll ace, Becky Guard .

R hea McCo ll , Ma r ga r et P a ul son, S ue H art, M rs . Ca lvi n M . Geo r ge , H ousem other ,

ROW 1 - Betty Rose, Kathryn Sinclair, Mary Demetrakis. Betty J ones, Betty Burks, Carolyn Mooshy. ROW 2 - Janice Whisman , Carolyn Whiteman , Margaret J entoft, Patricia DeVille, Martha Spangenberg, Elizabeth Delp, Betty Dermody, Betty Morgan. STANDING - Elizabeth Ke lley, Noemi R afferty , Thek la Thrasher, Ruth Fisch e r, Margarette Clark, Billie Jo Higgins, Joyce Gines, Mary Sharp, Patsy Bruce.


Patsy Bru ce, Sr., Chicago, 111. Beuy Burks, Fr., Bloomington Marj or ie Cattelle, Sr., Sturgis , Mich. Ma rga ret te Clark , Fr., Bl oomin gto n Carolyn Davis, P.G ., Crawfo rdsvi ll e Elizabeth Delp , Fr .. South Bend Ma ry D em etra ki s, Fr., Gary Betty Dermod y, Jr ., Bl oomin g ton Patri cia D eVill e, Fr., Oaktown .Josep hin e Eicher, Sr., W akarusa Ruth Fischer, Fr., South Bend J oyce Gines , Fr., Bloomington

Psyc can be so dull

R ebecca Guard. Sr., North Bend. Ohio \'\li lm a R ae Ha nn a, Soph ., Bloomington Sue H art. Sr., Kokomo Billie J o Hi ggins , Fr., Akron Ma rgaret J e n toft, Fr., Hun tin gton Betty .Jean Jon es, Fr., Mulberry Betty Kell ey , Fr., Bedford Mari lyn Lipselt, Fr. , Woodburn Rh ea McColl , Sr., New Albany Betty Myers , Fr., Bl oo min gton Carolyn Mooshy, Soph ., In dia napo li s Betty Morgan. Fr. , Bl oomi ngton Anna Mary O 'Connor, Soph ., Bloomington

Need any more help?


Ma rgaret P au lso n , Sr., Ri chm ond Noemi R afferty , Fr. , Osceola Mary Al ice R oberts, Sr., East Chicago fl e tty R ose, Fr., Bloomington Mary Sharp, Soph ., Gary Kathryn Sinclair, Fr., Crawfordsvi ll e Eleanor Smith , Fr., Mishawaka l\farth a Spangenberg. Fr., Sou th Bend The kl a Thr;is her, Fr., Bloomington Ph yll is Wallace , Sr., Sey mour .Janice Whisman, Fr., Gary Carolyn \ '\lhiteman, Soph ., Monrovia

Isn 't Flash Gordo n handsome?

ROW l - Margaret Benoit. Dorothy Clarke , J ea n Stackhouse, Pri lcl a Will iams, W a nd a H ayde n , Barbarn Boen. ROW 2 - Ju ne Hoatso n, Ma ry Alice J ackso n . Phy ll is Willi ams, Mary H unter. ROW 3 - Loi s Winn, Margaret Meye r, Luci lle Ke lley. Ca rol yn McNa bb , Gwe ndowlyn Sc ha d. Bonni e Tuttle, uzHn ne H e rman.

MEJVIBERS lkcky Ahbe ll. J r .. Ft. Wa yn e ,\ 'fary Acke rso n . Jr .. Goshen \f arian n a .\ shby . Sr .. Lad oga \l ary Ell en Barre tt. Soph .. Ft. \\'a ,ne Carohn Bash. Sr .. \\'arsaw F.l i1w ;· Beec h e r . J r .. Kni ghtsto wn \l:i q~a rc t Ben o it. Fr .. H ammond \faril ) n Beman. Fr .. Chicago. III. Barbara Boe n . Jr .. Pe ru .Jun e ll rown. Sr .. Indian apolis H ele n Busard. Sr .. R11'h vi ll e .J ane Chenoweth. Fr .. Ft. \\'a yn e Doro th y Clark e. Fr .. H ammond .J ea nn e Cla ud on . Jr .. Valparai so Mary Lib Cook. Sr .. Sa le m Barbara Davis. Soph .. :\'cw Alban y Virg inia Dill. Soph. , l'l ai nfl cld .\mcl ia Down ev. Fr., A nd e t.,o n \l art ha Fe u er!)-. Sr .. Elkhart Be tty Freed . Jr .. Terre Haut e

\\' hat a wicked swin g

i\largie Ham e rsly . Sr .. \ \'ashin g ton \Vanda Ha yd e n , Jr .. l\l11n cie Glad ys H e id e nre ich . So ph .. Tn dianapc li ' Su rn nn c Her m an. Fr .. Indianapo li s Ali ce H e uman. Fr .. Chicago. Il l. .Jun e Hoatson. Fr .. Indianapolis Su e Ho ld e rm a n . Sr .. Bre me n J ea n Ho lland , Jr .. Bloo m ington Ka thr yn H orn . .Jr .. Ea st Chicago Mary Hunt e r . Fr .. Grce nslrnrg \ lary Ali ce J ackson . Fr .. South Be nd Barhara J o hn so n. P.C .. Kni g htstown Lu ci ll e Kell ey. Soph .. Ka nsa ' Cit y. Kan. \l:Jry Frances Kell y. Fr .. Ind ianapoli s Katheri ne Kuntz . Sr .. Ft. \\'an1c Charlo 11 c Kupfere r . J r .. l\lt. J'o y. Pa. Har r iet i\l cCa w. So ph .. Chicago . Ill. C:at Ol) n ,\ Ic:-\ahh . Fr .. Fr. \\' ay ne \l:Jrjori c i\l c:\'a hl>. Jr .. Ft. Wayne \farcia \ l c\latt g h . Soph .. Pe ndl e to n

\\'a ter d oes n 't hurt a ll\·one. Glad y


Patri cia \! a lone . Fr .. Ft. \\';" n e .J ean Man ey. Fr .. Indianapoli s \l aq.~a ret l\l cye r . Fr .. Fr. Way n e Lu ci lle Pe ters . Sr .. T erre Haut e ,\ f axi n e Pri ce. J r .. Bloo min gton Carol Ri ce. Soph .. C:olt 1111hus Prud y Schad. Soph ., Ea s t C hi ca go Ruth Sci '111 . Sr .. Eva nsvi ll e Patri cia Se ih cl. J r ., Ft. \\'a) n e Le n ora Sexso n . Fr .. In dianapolis i\faryan n Sexso n . Sr., In d ian apo l is J ean Sta ckh o u se. Fr .. lndian apo l is J ea n Ta cke tt. Jr .. \\'akarusa l\lary Th o mpso n . Sr .. \\' inamac Bonn ie Tuul c , Fr .. Loga n sport Barbara Wilkin s. Soph .. Cary Ph ylli s W illiam s. Fr. . Garre tt Prilda \\'illi am~ . Fr .. Salem G eorgia \\' ilson , Sr .. \It. Carmel. Ill. Lo is \Vinn . Fr .. I.oganspon

And Bill s


OFFJCERS Ka th erin e Kuntz Georgia ' Vi i o n Margery Ham ersly Charlotte Kupfe rer

President T'ice President S('tretary Treas urer

CharloLLe Kupferer . Ruth Scism Glad ys H eide nreich Barbara D a \·is

The Pi Phi hou 5c is the o ne that is bl oc ked al a ll hours by th e marching reg im em s. \Voe be t.O the poor Pi Phi who starts LO h er class a l three minutes o[ th e h o ur, as she wi ll be ca ug ht in a sna rl o( traffi c th a t lasts umil th e " hup-Lwo-Lhree- four" boys h ave passed. The hou se's appearance o( so uthe rn hospitality h as bee n no ted by the soldiers o n campus, and it has ope ned wide its d oo rs LO them. Pi Phi s are as strong in acuv1u cs as eve r. Ianha FeLLcrl y and Mariann a Ashb y, Phi Bctcs, have bee n recognized in " '"' ho's \Vh o in Am erican Coll eges." Marianna, active in d eba ting, h eads vV.A.A . Sh e and .June Brown are fortar Board m embe rs. Pl eiacl cs arc M a nha, Jun e, and Marge M cNabb, who is on Y.W.C.A . Ca b i ne t a nd a coed co un se lor. Char Ku p(e re r, Board o f Standard's m ember, is A rbut11s office manager. Ruthi e Scism , Daily St11de11t Editor, is Th eta Sigma Phi vi ce- president. Maxin e Pr ice and Be ll y Freed are junior managers on th e University Theatre Business Staff. Virg inia Dill , Alpha Lam president, is on A.W .S. Co un cil. he and Barbara Davi s, Alpha Lam, are coed counselors and rece ived Mortar Board recognition.

ROW 1 - R ebecca Abbett, Barbarn Wil ki ns , Virg ini a Dill. Ma ry Ell e n Barrett . J ea nn e Claudo n, Marcia McV a u!{h. Caro l Ri ce , Barbara Davi s , Joa n Ritch ey. ROW 2 - June Brown, Katherin e Kun tz, Kat hryn H orn, Marjo ri e McN a bb, Marg ie H ame rs ly, Sue Holde rm a n, S h irlee Ende r s. ROW 3 Mar ianna A s hby , M a ry Eli zabet h Cook, Martha F etterly, H e le n Busa rd, (Mrs.) J ea n T ackett, Char lotte Ku pferer, Carolyn Ba sh , Georgia W ilso n , Gladys H eide n reich , Mary Thompso n, P atricia Seibe l, Luci ll e P eters, Ba rba ra Jo h nso n , Betty Freed.


OFFICERS Sylvia Cawn . Judy Grusin Lillian Yo ffe Jun e Col e

Presid en t Vice Presiden t Sec retary Treasurer

. Sylvia Cawn . Judy Grusin .J oa n J ackson Jun e C ole

A cross from Swain Hall and Lu cked be Lwee n Lhe A.T.O. a nd Acacia [ra terniLi es li ve Lh e Sig D e lls. Th e hou se th ey are now in formerly belo nged Lo th e Pi Lambda Phi iraLe rnity, buL wiLh all Lhe new d eco ration s (pink wa ll paper a nd [rill y curtain s) Lhi'i masculine home was co nve n ed in to a Lyp ica l so rority house. L ead ers o E th e Upsi lo n chapLer have reach ed far into ca mpu s acL ivi Lies. Julia Aise nstad t teach es Ru ss ia n to the A.S.T. men in the la nguage gro up ; Syl via Cawn, prexy, is on the Student R ef ugee Commiuee; a nd Jud y Gru sin and June Col e se rve resp ectivel y as pres id ent a nd vi ce-pres id ent on the Hill e l Foundation St ud ent Coun cil. .Jud y is a reporter o n the Daily Sl11cle'llt. Ell e n H yman serves on the R elig ious Coun cil and Hillel Council , while Elain e Isaacso n received sophomore Mortar Boa rd recognition. Fun was had by all as the Sigma Della Tau h ouse became a sop hi sti ca ted " Club 21" the night of the pledge dance whe n th e d eco ra tions depicted a night club atmosph ere. The chapter now has th e largest pledge class in its history. The twe nty-two pl edges are led by President G errie Goldman , m ember of the Inter-sorority Pl edge cou ncil and reporter on the Da ily Stlldent.

LEFT Yaffe.

Jun e Gal e, J oan J ackson, Judi th Grusin, Dora Li ebe rman. RIGHT -

Juli a Ai senstadt, Su zan ne Coh en, Ellen H yma n , Sy lvia Caw n , Lill ie J ean

STEPS, ROW 1 - E'ther Cohen, Nata li e I saacso n, Beat ric e Brick . ROW 2 - Rhoda Segal, Elaine Bronstein, Norma Fri edland. ROW 3 - Ruth Rosinsky, Elinore W o lf. SEATED, LEFT - Sylvia Widerschei n, Betty Kraft, Barbara Begner , Bettye Jo Sherman. RIGHT - L ill ian Natha n so n, Sy lvia Blumkin, Rae Wo lf . STAND ING - Gera ldin e Go ldm an, B etty V e ll ema n, Lorra ine Kra sno , Beulah Grombacke r, Dorothy Lu bar, Ela in e Gassin, El aine Burkowitz .

MEMBERS Juli a Aisenstadt, Jr. , New York , N .Y. Ba rba ra Begner, Fr., Evansville Elaine Be rkow itz, Fr., Cleveland H eig hts, 0. Sylvia Blumkin , Fr., Omah a, Neb. Bea tri ce Brick, Fr., R avenna , Ohio Sylvia Cawn , Jr. , Barbourville, K y. Suza nn e Cohen , Soph., Ind iana pol is Norma Friedland , Fr., East Chicago Elain e Cass in , Fr., Gary

Ma n , or ...

Gerry Goldman , Jr. , Eva nsv ill e June Cole, Soph., Michigan City Be ul ah Grombacher , Fr., Milwaukee, 'Vis. Judith Grusin , Jr. , Evansville Natalie I saacso n , Fr., Lewiston , Ma in e J oan Jackso n , Soph., Indianapoli s Betty Kra ft , Fr., Om a ha. Neb. Lorraine Kra sno, Fr. , Milwa ukee, Wis . Dora Lieber ma n , Soph., Evansville Evel yn Levy, Jr. , Yonkers, N .Y.

Boogie Woogie


Dorothy Lubar, Fr. , 1\filwa ukee, Wis . Lillian at hanson , Soph., East Chicago Ruth Rosinsky, Fr., Om a ha, Neb. Be ttye J o Sherman , Fr., Eva nsville Rhoda Segal , Fr., P atterson , N .J . Be tty Vell ema n , Fr. , Ft. W ayne Elinore W olf, Fr., Gary Rae Wolf, Fr., Evansv ill e Sy lvia Wid erschi e n , Fr., New Albany

I. U.'s cul t u ra l course

GROUND - Fran ces Lyn ch , Haze l Max w e ll, En id Bur re ll, J ea nette LaGra nge, P atricia Gra ng-e. S EATED - H arriett Schwaderer, J ea n St wart, Eil ee n Sanders . Vir ~ ini a Bu ck , Tina Braz il, Betty F ra n tz , Dolores Schmidt, Lucynt h ia Mattox, Di xie P e ll!Jle. STAN DING - Ann Abbett , P atricia Scott, Barbara Brei nin g .

MEMBERS Ann Abhell. Fr .. Bloomin g ton Norma Alyea . .J r .. Heb ro n Bo nni e Beck. Soph., Ga lveston Tina l3ra1i l. oph .. l ndianapoli' Ba rba ra Bre inin g. Fr .. Indi a napo li s Jud y Bri gh t , Soph .. In dianapoli s Virginia Bu ck . Fr .. So uth Bend Enid Burrell . Fr .. Ft. \\'av ne Doroth y Clau se n . Soph., Glen Ell yn . Ill . Lu ci ll e Clamen. Soph .. Glen Ell yn . 111. :\farjorie Coo k, Jr .. Dayto n , Ohio .Joa n Dev in . Soph .. Ind ianapoli s Betty Frantz. Soph .. Frankfort Patric ia Grange. Jr .. Vin ce nn es Ka thryn H ickrcd . Sr .. Fon Bran ch R osemary Hodso n . Soph ., :\liddl e town \ ' 1rgi ni a Ho fer. Soph .. Ft. \\'a vn e

Pos twar prob lem

Constance Hnntin g ton . J r., l nclianapc li s Doroth y Ja ggers. Soph .. Ft. Way ne Be tt ye Karger , ' r .. Evansv ill e .Jea nn e Kenda ll . Jr .. Evan s\ ille J ea nette LaGra nge , J r., Princeton ~ l ary Jun e Larson , .Jr., Hammond Fran ces Lyn ch , Fr., iWa re ngo Lu cy nthi a :\lattox, Fr., Dayton. Ohio H ncl ~ l axwe ll . Fr., Chicago. Ill . .J o Ann ~lnllins , Soph .. Vin cennes Be tt y Newge nt. Soph .. LaPo rte '\io\'ell a Northcott. Jr .. Indianapoli s Di xie Pepple . Fr .. South Be nd :\fargie Lou R obb in s, Soph., Warsaw Norma Roof. Jr .. Anderson :\lary Sabin. Sr .. Da na Eil een Sanders , Fr .. Troy. Ohi o Dolores Schmidt. Soph .. 13uiralo. N .Y.

What. brid ge aga in ?


J ea nn e Schoonover, Sr .. Hunting to n \\'oods ~li c h.

Ge rry Schroeter. Sr .. H a mm on d Harriet Scfl\\·ad erer. Soph ., Evan s\'ill e Parti cia Scott. Fr .. LaGrange Helen Shipps. Soph .. Oxford J ea nette Siwi e t. J r .. Gan Harbara Spon g. Soph .. In dianapolis J ea n Stewart. Fr., lnd ianapoli' Val cska Stri ckland . Soph .. Ow ensv ill e Be tty Lo u Turn er , Fr., Bl oomin g ton Amelia Tipli ck. Soph., Indi anapo li s La\' yrn e Vi ctor , Soph .. Oak Park. Ill. Ph ylli s Webb , Jr ., Indi anapoli s ;\farian Willi am, , Jr .. Cranda ll Ruth Witherspoon . Jr ., Prin ceton Phillipa w,·att , Soph., Anderson

Getting rea d y for a big evenin g

OFFICERS Bettye Karger . Ruth "W itherspoon Marian V1Tilli ams Mary Sabin .

President Vice Pres:.denl Secrcla1)' T reasurer

Kathryn Hickrod . Marjorie Cook Mary Jun e Larson Novella Northcott

'vVhen a majority of the Sigma Kappas waltzed their dates to this year's Dames Ball to win the coveted attendance cup, it was ample proof that when the boys sing "Sigma Kappa Dream Girl ," they aren ' t kidding! They aren' t kidding either when they wonder why the house cou ldn't be closer to the campus. And what Sigma Kappa hasn' t wondered the same thing while yawn ing her way to a drowsy eight o'clock? On activity lists, the Sigma Kappas rank high. Musically-minded Jeanne Kendall is a member of Sigma Alpha Iota and Alpha Lambda Delta. Other Alpha Lams are Phyllis Webb, who also forms a part of Y.,i\!.C.A. Council, and Kathryn Hickrod , a Pleiadean. Bettye Karger is a busy gal, combining work as ed itor of senior activities on the Arbutus with Pleiades and Y.,i\!.C.A Council. Coed counselor caps adorn Bonita Beck, Tina Brazil, Judy Bright, Betty Frank, Vicky Strickland, and Barbara Spong. Barbara and LaVyrne Victor are members of The ta Alpha Phi. Margy Lou Robbins is a Delta Tau Mu. Tradition reigns also at the Sigma Kappa house. The annual senior dinner, the Christmas banquet and the Razz banquet are th e main socia l events.

GROUND - Phillipa Wyatt, Lucille Clausen, Joan Devi n , Mary June L a r son, Bettye Ka r ger , Jo Ann Mullins , Marjorie Cook, Ruth Withe r s poo n, Novella Northcott, Dorothy Jagge rs. SEATED - Dorothy Clausen, Rosem a ry Hodson, H ele n Shipps, Constance Huntingto n, Kathryn Hickrod, Norma Alyea, Mary Sa bin, Geraldine Schroeter, J ea nn e Schoonover , Barbara Spong, Amelia Tipli ck, Judy Bright, Bonita Beck. STANDING - Virgi ni a Hofer, L aVry n e Victor, J ean n e Kendall, Mari a n William s, Betty Lou Turn er, Mary Frances T errell , Betty Newgent, Phylli s W ebb, Marjorie Lou Robbins, J ean Stoddart.

OFFICERS Sarah Ann CoulLas Virginia Ru sh Aloyse Moritz J a ne Best .

Presi de nt Vi ce President Secretory Treasurer

Sarah Ann Coultas Virginia Rush Aloyse Moritz Irene Carson

The soror iL y seems to have been of quesLionable ong1n , since or ig inally iL was known as "Th e Three Qu es Lion Marks." Late r the Gree k nam e Zeta Tau Alpha was adopted , and there was no q ues Lion about that. By dep ict ing Labl ea us o[ Norman Rockwell' s famous four freedoms and adding a fif th of th eir own, namel y " Freedom o[ Competition, Beal Wisconsin ," Lh e Zetas proudly acce pted the seco nd place trophy [or H omecom in g d eco rations. Extra-curr icu lar rolls list four members of Omicron Delta; three membe rs of Alpha Lambda D elta; Joanne Ourant, president of the Management Club ; Virginia Rush, treasurer of Sigma Alpha Iota and Alpha Mu Omega, a nd a member of the Y.W.C. A. Coun cil ; and Arlee n Rae, secreLary of the Spanish Club. Martha M cC lure and Dotia Harringto n are staff members of the Daily Student, and Barbara Creighton and Betty Veach, are members of the Indiana University Band. Aloyse Moritz and Betty Hamvas are coed counselors. Zeta Tau Alpha was happy to be the last orga nized gro up to be eliminated in the volleyball intramurals, remaining "on the ball" until th e sem i-final s. The traditional friendliness of the Zetas is exemplified in its num ero us social affairs for the A.S .T.P group on our ca mpus.

GROUND - Ba rb ara Cr ig hton, Ion ejea n Tracht, Marga r et K rn nik. SEATED - Ma rtha McClure, Ma ry Florence Mille r , Betty Bireley , Elizabeth H amvas , Aloyse Mori tz, Sara h Ann Cou lt as. Virgi ni a Ru sh. J a n e Bes t. Betty Ann O'Farre ll, Ire ne Ca r son. STANDING - Rose Ell en Gray, Ell en Spe nce r, Phylli s Ann F e nn, J oanna Oura nt, Marylove Wiley .

ROW 1 - Arline R ea, Billy J o Graves , J ackie R eyno l(ls, Betty V each. ROW 2 - Virgi ni a Milewski. Katherin e Fox, F lorence Kopp, Dotia H a r r in gto n, Evelyn S hook, Betty Schweikhart . J ea n W est phal, Dorothy Krnu s. Lila Lee Gi esle 1-, Anne Zal eski . STANDING - Marion Miller, Mary Boye r, Ma l'iori e Spencer, Alice Jean S m ith, Ma rjorie Burns, Suzanne Schaub, J ewel McKni g ht , Li la Be lle Vorga ng , Caro l Anderson, J ane Wil ey .

MEMBERS Carol Ande rson , Fr., Logansport Mary Bayer, Fr.. H azdto n J ane Best , Sr., Fl oyd Knobs Betty Bircl ey, Jr ., Ft. Wayne Mary Bo hannon , Soph., Camden Marjorie .B urns, Fr., Bl oo min gton Irene Ca rson , Sr., Indi a na p oli s Betty Coridan , Fr., South Bend Sarah Ann Cou ltas, Sr., Tell City Ba rbara Creighton, Soph ., W'a rsaw Ph ylli s Ann Fenn , Soph ., Tell City Catherine 1°ox, Fr., Bloomin gton Lil a Lee Giesler, Fr. , Jasper Bill y J o Graves , Soph ., Tell City Rose Ellen Gray , Sr., Indi a n apolis

Why not Stardust?

Betty H amvas, Jr ., O\\·ensboro, K y. Doti a H arringto n , Fr., H azelton Fl ore nce Kopp, Soph., Ande r~on i\fargaret Kra ni k. Sr., Gary Doroth y Kraus, Soph., Ri chmond H ts .. Mo. Ma r th a McClure, Sr., New Albany J ewel McKnight, Fr., J effersonvi ll e Virginia Milewski , Fr. , South Bend Ma rio n Miller, Fr., Ch icago, 111. l\fary Flo Mill er, Sr., Lynn Aloyse Moritz, Sr., Ft. Wayne Betty Ann O 'Farrell , Sr., St. Petersburg, Fl a. Joa nn a Ourant, Sr., Whiting Arlene R ea, Fr., Tucson, Ariz. J ack ie R eynold s, Soph., So uth Bend Virginia Ru sh , Jr ., Indi anapo li s

The fireside chatterers

25 1

Suzanne Schaub , Fr .. In dianapol is Betty Schweikhart, Fr., FL Wa yne Georgia Scull , Fr., Cannelton Evelyn Shook, Fr., HunLington Ali ce J ean Smith, Fr., Martinsvill e Ellen Spencer, Jr., Huntin gton Marjorie Spen cer, Fr., Humin gton Doris Sprinkle, Fr., Tell C ity lonejean Tracht, Soph ., l'L Wayne Betty Veach , Soph ., Marion Lila Belle Vorgang, Fr., J efferso n vill e Jean Westphal, Jr., Buffalo, N.Y. J ane Wil ey, Soph ., Washington , D.C. Marylove Wil ey , Soph ., J anesboro Ann Za les ki, Soph. , East Chicago

No ta lking across the table, please

l '

\\' he n the Sigma ~us see this. th ey' ll have murd e r i 11 th e ir 'hearts

R oeder rela xes before I ift in g the ru g and evac ua tin g th e Beta ma nsion last summ er

Boy, J 've go t yo u now

N ice kno1ring yo u fell as. I 'll \\'rite yo u from a b road

That 's patriotism - donating for the sc ra p drive

Ta lki 1io- 1hi11 0-s ove r in ;:, the Sigma Dd "ta C hi room


OFFICERS Ge ne Latham .Jake Ru ch Leon Dunkin .James Green

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary

Ge ne Latham .Jake Ru ch Leon Dunkin Charles :M illspaugh

\!\Tith ninet y per ce nt o[ last year's active chapter roll in th e Armed Serv ices, man y o[ the traditi onal fraternity fun ctio ns h ave been laid asid e for the duration ; however, the pledge dan ce, the Acacia Co ll onnade, and th e Goat dinn er were the hig hlights o f the winter socia l fes tivities. Also th e annua l visit of the "Yell ow Dog" proved an in spirati o n (?) tG the pl edges. Phi Be ta Kappa .Bill Robin so n, and Phi Eta Sigma ca ndid ate Frank Neff, led th e hou se in scho lasti c h o no rs. Bob Gemmer and N eff took an a ctive part on the debating team. Prexy Gene Latha m, H. T. Risle y, Frank N eff, and .J ake Ru ch were m embers of Sk ull and Cresce nt. Charles J arrett was in Kappa Ka ppa Psi, ba nd fraternity. Ex-serviceme n, Oscar Sm ith, Bill Thompso n, and Charl es Millspaugh are the o nl y "s ure residents" of the house. Eel Schcinbcin upheld the fraternity's name on the gridiron thi s fa ll , whi le George Tipton, Di ck Pecci , and Jrvin Leary ca rried th e Acacia colors in the fi eld o f basketball. Bill Thompson and B ill Ritchi e were " I " winners in golf. Facu l ty alu ms include: \i\lilliam D. Thornbury, Dea n of M en ; Geoffrey Carmichael, L yle Di eterl e, and Dr. H. F . Lu sk, School o ( Busin ess; R obert R oyer, swimming coach.


J ake Ruch, Ralph McWi ll iams, Gen e L atham, Bob Gemme r . STANDING -

J im Green , K ent Bates, Leon Dunkin, Char les J arrett.

RO W l - Fra n k Neff , T o m Baker, George W a ldschmid t, Bi ll Scholl , Frank Fishe r, Bi ll Cran e . STANDI NG - Bi ll Shanks, D ick Fu lw ide r, J oh n Montgom ery, H erb Mo ntgom ery, Ji m Dav is , Ren e Kiefer, D ick P eed, N ea l W ebste r, Otis Young, VVarren Stevens , George Tipton, H. T. Ri s ley.

MEMBERS Th omas Ba ke r , Fr., Mt. Ve rn o n Kent Ba tes, Soph., Ga ry Willi a m Cra ne, Jr. , Indi a na p olis J a mes Dav is, Jr ., Elwood Leo n Dunkin , Sr. , Huntin g to n Fra nk Fish er , Fr., South Bend Ri ch a rd Fulwide r, Fr. , Le ba no n R o be rt Ge mm er, Sr., In d ia nap oli s Leon Gordon , Fr. , Eas t Chi cago .Ja mes Green , Soph ., Leba non Arthur H all , Fr., Ga rre tt Thomas Harba u gh , Sr., Bl oom ing to n Phil J ackson, J r. , Blooming ton Ch a rles J a rre tt, Sr., Prin ce ton R e ne Ki efe r, Fr., Kokomo

Catchin g up o n ho mework

Ge ne Lat ha m , Soph ., Eva nsv ill e Irvin Lea r y, Fr., Greenfield R alph McWilli a ms, Soph ., T ipton .John Mad dox , Sr., H a rtfo rd C ity C ha rl es Mill spa ugh , Soph., Alexa nd r ia H e rbert Mo ntgome ry, So p h., P r in ceto n J o hn Montgomery , Fr., Greenfi eld W e nd ell Mull e r, Fr., F t. W ayn e Fra nk Neff, Soph ., Ft. W ay ne Ri cha rd P eed , Fr., Ri chm o nd H. T. Ri sley , Soph ., Oa klan d C ity Wi ll ia m Ritchi e, Sr., Eva nsv ill e Pa ul Robinso n , Fr., H a mm o nd Willi a m R o binson , Sr., H a mm o nd J a mes R od e ri ck, Fr., R o ll

I'm slllck u n til you place yo u r Ace


J a ke R uch , Jr., Fra nkfort Ed wa rd Schein be in , Sr. . I nd ia na poli s Willi a m Scho ll , Soph ., Oa kl a nd C it y \Villi a m Sha nks, Fr., Le ba no n i\'l ax Simm o ns, Fr., \ Vabas h Geo rge Sm ith , Jr. , Soph ., P o rtl a nd Osca r Smith , J r., Kno x Lowell Steen , Jr., Eas t Chi cago \Va rren Stevens, Fr., Ko ko mo Will ia m T ho mpson , So ph ., Mil a n George T ipto n , Fr., Terre H a ute Geo rge W a ldschmidt , Fr., Ft. W ay ne Neal We bster , Fr., South Be nd Stu a rt \>\Till so n , Fr., Co nn e rsv ill e Oti s Yo un g, Soph ., M t. Ve rn o n

\ Vhen five men give out on a l ine. she's su nk


Robert Pirtle.

Geo rge

Hun ti n;.:lon , Ernest

Bu nd y.


E dwi n Pontius. J a m es W oodworth. Do n a ld Spen ce, J o hn Connell y .

MEMBERS Ernest Bund y, Jr., Salem H orace Bunnell , Fr., South Bend .J o hn Connelly, Jr., Terre Haute William Croxton , Sr., Terre Haute Robert G iorda no , Fr., South Bend Buel H ayes, A .S.T.P. George Huntingto n, Fr., Bloom ington Thomas Jorda n, Fr., Indianapolis Robert Lundin , P.G., Highland Park, Jll. \1\/illiam Manis, Jr., Hattiesburg, Miss.

Third fl oo r . p lease

Eugen e Pontius, J r., Ft. \ \layne William R oessler, P.G., Evansvill e J oseph Seagle, Jr., lndian apol is \Viii iam Seagle, Sr., Inclianapol is Donald Spence, Sr., Terre Haute Kermit Wahl , Sr., Columbia, .Dak. Forest \l\Teber, P.G ., Bloomington Jam es \ l\foodwonh, Fr., Robin son, lll. Darrell Zink, Fr., Salem Bruce Zumwalt, A.S.T.P., Sixes, Ore. 1

\li g ht he a toothpa ste acid -


but it isn't

R c:icling and relaxing in th e \fe n 's lo un ge

OFFICERS President Vi ce President Secretary-T1 ·easu.rer .

Kermit Wahl Joseph Seagle Robert Lundin

'Twas in 1943 that the Alpha Tau 's gave men and their house to the army. But nevertheless, activities have been carried on with regular meetings being held in the Union Building. Delta Alpha chapter was made up this year of enlisted reservists, A.S .T. soldiers, marines, dischargees, and civilians. The first social event of the year was a hayride to McCormi ck's Creek. At various times, dinners were held at the Graham Hotel and a formal dance in March climaxed the social activities. Although lessened in number, the ATO's contributed their share of the B.M.O.C.'s. Kem1it Wahl, a three-year man in varsity baseball, was student manager of the football team and was pledged to Blue Key along with Don "Baldy" Spence. Both Kermie and "Baldy" wear the traditional Sphinx hat. Jim \l\Toodworth was initiated into Skull and Crescent. To prove that scholarship has not dropped as a result of the speed-up program, the Tau's point to the fact that Dick Edwards was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and four of the fellows were accepted for the May '44 medical class. Bill Roessler and Bob Lundin are working for their PhD's in bacteriology and psychology, respectively.

SEATED - Joe Seagle , Bruce Zumwalt, Bill Roess le r, Forrest W ebbe r, B ill Croxton, Bill Ca rtwright. STANDING Press le r, Bud H a yes , Courtney Sea g le .

Ke rm it W a hl, Bob Lundin, P a ul

OFFICERS Gen e L ee J o hn Tavcner Frank R abb . 1 ' \lilliam Kunkel

President Vi ce President Secretary Treas urer

D ale Belles Ri ch ard Brickley . Frank Rabb '"' illi am Kunkel

Th e Beta's beca me th e first fraternity to voluntarily relinqui sh their house for th e use of the Armed Services wh en th e "'W AVES m oved in in Jun e, '43 . Frate rnit y h eadqu a rters are maintained at ·the Beta Annex thereby keep ing unbroke n the record of be ing th e oldes t frate rnit y o n campus. Bring ing hono r Lo the U ni vers it y as we ll a' LO the fraternit y were "J olt in' J ohn " Tavencr, captain of the 'LJ3 football team , and Pe te Pihos, Grantland Ri ce's nom in ee [or All -Amer ica n e nd as the "greatest pass-rece iver of th e year." Other Beta's o n the team were lettermen .Ji m Allerdice, P a ul Davi s, and "Spark y" F all er. " l " man Bob \'\l oiter was a valued membe r o f th e crossco untry team. Beta Theta Pi continues to b e well represented o n ca mpus with Dale Bell es, Di ck Starr, Pete Pihos, and John Tavener in Sphinx Club. \ i\fearers o f th e diamo nd in Skull and Crescent are Dick Brickley, Bill Kunk el, a nd Bill Zaring. The so ns of W ooglin h ave continu ed the annual M iami Triad and a re still adept at serenading - just ask the Thetas. \ i\fith a sta r-spa ngled past be hind them, the Be ta's look forward with pride to the cel eb ration of Pi chapte r's ce ntenni al on August 27, 1945.

S EATED - Tom Bogardu s, Dick Brickl ey, Bill Ze rin g-, J o hn Banta , Bi ll Kunkl e. STA ND I NG Ge ne L ee, Bi ll Chattin.

Rob e rt W o lter , Bob Stan ley, P au l Davis, Frank R abb,

N ea l F a ll e r , Stewart Smith.

MEMBERS John Banta, Fr., East Chicago Dal e Belles, Sr., Gary Richard Brickley, Soph., Bluffton William Chattin, Sr., Union City Paul Davis, Soph., Hammond Tom Di ckinson , Soph., Whiting Ri chard D yke, Sr., Ft. \l\Tayne Neal Faller, Fr., Granville, Ohi o William Irvin , Fr., Attica

The (airer sex takes over

1 \/illiam Kunkel , Soph., Bluffton Gene Lee, Jr. , Boswell Frank Rabb, Soph. , Indianapoli s Stewart Smith, Fr., Boswell John Stanley, Soph., Philadelphia, Pa. Richard Starr, Sr., Bloomington John Tavener, Sr., Granville, Ohio Robert Wolter, Fr., Muncie William Zaring, Fr., Indianapolis '

A new approach to an old custom


One for you , three for me!

ROW 1 -

Clare nce Witmer, Boyd Sturdevant, Charl es Fran ce n,

All e n

Swartze ll. ROW 2 -

Lo ui s

Hill ,


W arrick.

MEMBERS Gilbert Causey, Soph., E va nsv ill e Pat Dard ano, fr. , Gary J ack Duri ck, Jr. , Whiting \ Villiam Friel , Fr., Anderson Charles F ra nzen , Fr., Bloomington George Gre y, Fr., Indian apoli s Lo ui s Hill , Jr. , Madison Virgil Howes, Fr., Newburgh Neil J ones, Fr. , O xfo rd, Ohio Vance Kni ght , Fr., L aPorte Arthur B. Leib le, Sop h ., Bloomin gto n

Sha ke him down good fellow s

Larry Ma hon ey, Fr., Indi anapoli s Bernie Pora cky, J r. , Hamm ond William Poth , Fr., La Porte Robert R enfro , A.S.T.P ., I owa Al Swartzel , Fr., La Porte R obert Vassey, A.S.T.P ., Stanford L yle Warri ck, Jr ., Bloomingto n Philip ·warri ck, Fr., Bloomin gton 1\!arc Williams, Fr .. Bloomington Clarence 'Witm er, Fr., Orl ea ns :\falcolm Wrege, Jr ., Indi anapolis

Th ey wouldn 't be D .U.'s i[ they didn ' t pl ay ca rds


A raid on th e L eibl e's icebox

OFFICERS Malcolm \Vrege Gilbert Causey


. Anhur Leible

Secretary-Treasu rer

Malcolm Wrege

\!\Tith most of the boys away o n "governme nt business," th e: D elta Upsilon fraternity has been carrying on with an abbreviated crew. As draft board · co ntinu ed to [unction and the membership further decreased, the D .U.'s surrendered their house to the rmy and scattered throughout the city. With the coming of the fall semester, however, new pledges once again swelled the ranks of Delta . and fraternity li[e was resumed. A regular soc ial program which included dinners, dances, and intramural sports was set up and carried on very successfully. A tou ch football team was organized. \!\Tith much practice and more than a few sore muscles, the team finish ed an undefeated season by downing the Sigma Nu aggregation. One of the social highlights of the year was the annual winter pledge dance. Beca use of the shortage of fraternity actives at first, officers for the chapter were kept down to a minimum. Only the offi es of pre ident, secretary-treas urer, and rush chairman were filled. The other act ives were g iven honorary vice-presidencies just o n ge neral principles. A number of D.U .'s stat ion ed here in the A.S.T.P. jo in ed the loca l ranks and took part in both chapter and social programs.


Lyle W a rrick, Mal Wrege, Jack Duri ck, Bob Vayss ie. STANDING -

Gilbert Causey, Art L ei ble, Bob R enfro, Bernie Poracky, William Poth.

OFFICERS Tom Tcrpinas J oh n L cscak .J ames Snyder Tom Terp inas

Pres id en t Vice Presid ent Secretary Treasure r

J ames Snyder Gus Erckmann \1\li lli am \ 1\lcavcr . Tom Tcrpinas

Ka ppa Della R.ho was [o und cd in J 905 al J\ I iddleb ur y College by six yo ung 111cn and mad e ils dclrnl on lhc Indi ana camp us in 1926 when a chaner was granlcd to a loca l organizal io n , Sigma Ela Chi. This yea r n10sl o[ th e brothers ol' Ka ppa Delta Rh o arc workin g for lhcir Uncle Sant; lh cy arc al l loo king forward LO t.h a l firsl bio· h omcconting a [ler the war. Pl ans arc being laid for lh c celebration. lL w ill be a gra nd affa ir ; but in the mcanlimc, the boy~ o[ N u are upho ld ing th e co lors o [ the orange and lhc bl uc in true fashion. Th ey arc rcprcscmcd o n cam pus by lhcir prcsiclcnl, Jim n yd er, who is a membe r o[ Alpha Kappa Psi, treasurer o[ lh e Board o[ Dirccw rs o[ Collegiate Chamber o[ Commerce, and Coun cil of Fralc rnit y Pres idents. In the field o [ ath leti cs, the K.D .R .'s arc also well represe nted . Sammy Rifkin , Gus Erckmann , and Arnold Tr umm cr arc members of Phi Epsi lon Kappa. J ohn Lescak was capta in o[ th e track tea m at the Louisv ille A.A. U. mcel. In the fi e ld o( wrcsLli ng, J ack Wills grapp les with other light h eavywe ig hts. The most cove ted trophi es arc the two sc ho larship cups ·which arc re tain ed perman entl y.

SEATED - H. L. Leatherman, J ack Will s, Bob Taylor, Bob Gericke, Bob Nicke l, J im Snyder, J ohn Lescak. Tom Terpinas, Gus Erckmu nn, J r.

STANDI NG -· Bill W eaver, Dick Fettig,

Carl Brunoehler, Jr., Parson s, Kan. Gus Erckmann, Sr., St. Louis, Mo.

Ri chard Fettig, Fr., Logansport Robert Gericke, Fr. , Gary

John Kolettis, Fr., Gary H enry Leatherman, Soph. , Gary

John Lescak, Soph., East Chicago John McGill, Soph., Brazil Gene McVety, Fr., Gary Robert Nickel, Fr., Gary

George Orfanos, Fr., East Chicago Samuel Rifkin, Sr., Rochester, N.Y.

James Snyder, Sr., Princeton Robert Taylor, Fr., Griffith

Tom Terpinas, Sr., Frankfort William \i\Teaver, Fr. , Wabash Jack Wills, Fr., Griffith

Let"s see, h ere's a good elate

W-h -a- n -g!! !!ll


Someone picked th e lock


Bill Thompso n , J oe Tyl e r , Paul Thom as. ROW 2 -

Robert. Templ e, J ohn Mo ug in . J ack Cato.

MEMBERS Norman Alley, Jr., Miami , Fla. James Bowers, Fr., Huntington Don Coffin , Soph., Vincennes Frank Daughert y, Soph., Wabash Richard Fo ltz, Soph., Bremen Gene Garber, Fr., Huntington Steve Horn er, Soph., Evansville Charles Howell, A.S.T.P., Chalmers Marlowe Kluter, Jr., Ri chmond Donald L eonard, Jr., Indianapolis

Robert McCurd y, Soph., Logansport John Mougin , Fr., Breme n Leo Radigan , .Jr., Gary Kenny Rcng, Fr., Huntington Neel Rouch, Fr., Huntingto n .Jack Scholl, Soph., Mi chiga n City Robert Temple, Fr., Bloomington Paul Thomas, Fr., Elkhart W illiam Thompson , Soph., Salem .Joseph Tyler, Fr., cw Castle

Who 's Radi ga n hidin g from ?

A " bull " sess io n on a small sca le


MEMBERS Leo Radigan Don Coffin . Marlowe Kluter Don Leonard

President Vice Presiden t Secretary Treasurer

Marlowe Kluter Frank Daugherty Robert McCurcl y . Jack Scholl

Invasion by the Army's meds and d ents caused the Kappa Sigs to move from their Brown County chateau into Bloomington. Even though the boys are scattered, fraternity affairs are still under control, contact having been made with their brothers in uniform. The highlight of the Kappa Sig's fall social events was their winter formal dance held jointly with their sister fraternity, Chi Omega, in the latter's house on November 20. "Rod''. Leo Radigan, junior, holds top honors as treasurer of Sphinx Club, co-chairman of Union Board social committee, member of Board of Aeons, and member of Blue Key. Radigan claims as one of his latest jobs, membership on the Student Representative Government and can look back to his sophomore clays for Skull and Crescent membership. Marlowe Kluter, alias "Klute," Kappa Sig's new prexy, is a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, treasurer of Skull and Crescent, a member of the University Theater Business Staff, and junior basketball manager. Don Leonard, ceremonial officer of the fraternity, is also a member of Skull and Crescent. He proved that his size didn't hamper his dexterity with the board as Skull and Crescent pledges Scholl and Coffin will testify!

ROW 1 -

Norman Alley, Leo Radigan. ROW 2 -

Frank Daugherty, Russ Eckert, Steve Horner, Marlowe Kluter, Don L eonard.

OFFICERS Robe rt Ellison


R ay Howard

Paul Schn eck

Secretary T reasu rer

Warren Coggesh all

J ohn R e ichle

P a ul Schneck

Famous for h av ing Lhe largest group of boys on campus this year, Phi D el ta TheLa has upheld its many Lraditions in sp ite of bein g without a h ou se. Soc ial highlights of 1he year were th e a nnu al barbecue dinn er and h ayrid e at M cCo rmi ck's Creek, a nd the informal dance at Alumni Hall held in co njun ct io n w iLh the Sigma Chis a nd Betas. Phi D elta Theta also h as its share of represe ntatives in the athlcL ic co ntingent. George Kenn ell y and Art L ehman were o n the va rsity fooLball tea m. Bill vValsh won his letter in crossco untry. L es Ray, Lehman , and Eel Woolfolk were m embers o f Lhe varsiLy basketball team. Ke nnelly, past pres iden t of Sphin x Club, also h eld clown th e 17 5 pound position o n th e vars it y wrestlin g· Learn, of which h e was capLain. J crry M cCarthy, Tom Connor a nd Dale Mattmiller are m emb ers of Sku ll and Cresce nt. Other " rod" m en on campus arc J ohnny R eichle, and R ay Howard. R eichl e is a m ember o[ Sph in x C lub and Howard is a member of U ni on Board, Board of Aeons, and president of Phi Eta Sigma. The "joe" m e n o f the Phi D elts are the popul ar Eel 'i\Toolfolk , Lowell Boggy, Paul Schn eck, and "T in y" Taggart.

ROW 1 -

Car l Koh lma nn. George K enne ll y, Bob McKay, Ed W oo lfo l k, J erry M cCarthy. ROW 2 -

P a ul Schneck, Ray H oward.

ROW 1 Pedlow.

J ack Ingle, Jr. , Joe Mue ll e r, Bill W a lsh. ROW 2 -

Phil Rick e rt, Art Lehman, W ar re n Coggeshall, Les R ay, Tom Connor, Rhys Rhod es, Don

MEMBERS Sam Parker, Fr., Spr ing Lake , N ..J. Don Pedlow, Fr., In d ian apolis Leo nard Quill, Fr., Indianapoli s Les R ay, Fr., ullivan Robert R eed , Fr., 1nclianapolis J ohn R e ichl e, Fr., Co nnersv ill e Rh ys Rh odes, Fr., Fren ch Li ck Phi Ii p Rickert, Fr., Saratoga Paul Schneck, Sr., Seymo ur Charles Truex, Fr., Spri ng Lake, N.J. Tom Voss, Sr., Seymour William Walsh, Soph., Whiting J o hn Wilson , Fr., lnclian apo l is Philip Wiseman, Soph., Freeport, N.Y. Edm und Woo Holk, Sop h., Blooming ton

J ohn Bell , Fr., Indi anapolis J osep h Bliss, Fr., India napoli s Ke ndall Burns, Fr., Huntingto n James Carver, Soph., Miami Beach, Fla. Warren Coggesh a ll , J r., \1\l in ch ester Tom Connor, Fr., 'Whiting Ra y H oward , Sr., Bloom ingLO n Jack Ingle, Jr., Sa n Gabri el, Calif. J ohn Ingram, Jr. , Connersville George Ke nn ell y, Sr., In d ianapolis Carl Kohlma nn , Soph., W hi ting Art Lehm a n, Fr., Cedar Lak e J err y McCarthy, Soph., Whiting Dale Mattmill er, Fr., Mishawaka J osep h Mueller, Jr., South Bend

An oULdoor get-lo-gether with one "goa t"

Kennell y loves the leather


The ga mes always encl this way

ROW 1 -

J o hn Blank, R a lph McCool, Gl e n Smith. ROW 2 -

J ee J< y le . Jack Coo p ,._ Lindley Gammell. Gene


Dall as Rayl.

MEMBERS Gene Baurea ll , Fr., 1ncl ianapolis J ohn Blank, Jr. , Fr. , Gary \Nilliam Bowker, Fr., . o uth Bend Billy Byers, Fr., ·w est Lebanon .John Cooper, Fr., Kok omo George Custe r, Fr., Gary William Davis, Sr., Gary Richard Doyle, Fr., Van Buren Ri chard Ede, Fr., Gary Richard Englebrecht, Fr., Ft. Wayne Lindl ey Gammell , Fr., Bl oom ingto n J oh n Goodwin , Jr., Soph ., India napoli s Tom Hanika, Jr., lndi anapoli s

W endell Klopfenste in , Soph., Portla nd .Joseph Kyle, Jr., Fr., Gary Ralph McCool , Fr., Evansville Earl Mason, Sr., Marion Alan Nolan , Sr., Bloomington Robert O swa ld , Jr. , Eva:'lsv ill e .John Owe n, Jr., Indian apolis John Porter 11 , Jr., Lebanon Glen Smith, Fr., Gary \!Villiam Thomas, Soph., Porlland \l\lilliam Turner, Sr., South Bend Do uglas \1\lhite, Jr. , Soph., Indi anapolis

They han g their pin (or the bi g formal dance

Fiji doesn 't approve of the di scuss ion evidently



Presiden t T reasurer Secre tary

Alan N olan Ri chard D avis J ohn Owe n

The Phi Cam's chi ef claim to fame is their ownership o f " Fiji II," a h orse in " Hound of the Baskervill e's" clothing. His last year's campus proj ects am o unted to lending vocal support to the Uni versity Sing, harassing Dr. Beck, and trying to rid the campus of squirrels. Besides ranking high sch olasticall y, Phi Ga rns a bo und in campus activit ies. Sphinx Club m embers a re Alan Nola n, Tux Turner, T im Hanika and Di ck D avis. Al No la n also is pres ident of the Board of Aeons, pres ide nt of the P rovision al Co uncil for Student Governme nt, a nd a m ember of Phi Eta Sigm a and Pi Sigma Alpha. Turner is vice p resid e nt of U ni on Board. Davis, a letterman in track, is a m ember of Blue Key, Board of Aeons, Jun ior Prom Committee, and pres ide nt o f Sphinx Club. Skull and Crescent li sts in its m embership r oles Will iam Good win a nd Do uglas Whi te . Doug is also a Phi Eta Si gma, as is John Bla nk. Lloyd Gammell represe nts the Fijis on th e mat, G ene Battreall on the gridiron, and Di ck D oyle on the h a rdwood . The Phi Cam's re ndition o f " Night and Day," which turned into a snappy chorus o f "Pistol Packin' Mam a," was the serenade h ighlight of the year.

Willi a m Thom as, T im H a n ika , J o hn Goodw in, J oh n O w en, Doug White , W ende ll Kl o pfen ste in , J o h n R . Porte r, Dick D a v is, A lan No la n.

OFFICERS George Lukemeyer Dav is Ellis Roben Hun gaLe D av id GasLin ea u

President Vi ce President Secretary Treas111'er

. Darl Miller Davis Ellis Robert Hu ngatc David Gastineau

Dur ing the past year, Phi Ka ppa Psi has carr ied on much as it did before the rrat e rnit y house was donated in Jun e, as far as fraternit y aITairs arc concerned. Meetings have been held regu larl y in th e Union Building·, usually on Monday, and the brothers have bee n in close frat e rn a l co ntact Lhro ugh week ly dinn ers, m eet ings, and panics. Promin e nt intra mural athletes we re George Lukcn1eyer, "Slingin' " John Wil so n, a nd "Burl y" J ack H ett ie. During the summ er Phi Psi was victo rious in inlram ural volleyball w ith a Learn sparked by "Long Dave" Ellis, a six footer plus from vVin ne tka , lll ino is, and last [all pla ced third in the Intramural football race. Brother E ll is was iniLi a Lccl into Skull and Crescent during the summ er scmesLcr and G eo rge Lukcmeycr a nd John 'Nilson were Phi Psi fa ll semester ch o ices for Sphinx Club. There were seve n Phi Psi 's in the group of juni ors who returned briefly for work o n th eir degrees. \ Vhi le here, Jim Volpe rt, Quartermaster Corps , was appoimed to Blue Key. On January 8, Phi Psi tea med up with th eir "Sister" fraternity, Phi Gamma De lta, and gave a dance which, though beset by difficulties, went ex tremely well. A big fraternity dinn er preceded the dance.

STANDI NG - John S umm e rs . Tom El ey. Bob Buc kle r. Charles Buschmann, Woody Arms trong, Bob Hungat e, Don E a rnh a rt, D a ve Gas tineau. SEATED - John Ca nn ady , Jim Volpe rt, Dusty Mille r, George Lukemeyer , J im S hake . Norman Schlem e r. Bill Wilson.

Bob Powers, Cha rl ie Hutton, Bob Lowry, Dick Love .

MEMBERS Nat Hill, PG., Bl ooming to n Robert Hungate, Jr., Fountaintown Ri chard Love, Fr., Kokom o Robert Lowry, Fr., Sullivan George Lukemeyer, Jr., J asp er Dari Mill er, PG., Marion Raleigh Phillips, Sr., Brazil R o bert Powers, Fr., Marion .John Summers, Jr., Newburgh Richard \!\Taters, Sr., Loga nsport .John Wil so n, Sr., Bl oomingto n

\l\Tilliam Bowser, Fr., Goshen Robert Buckler, Jr. , Indianapoli s Severin Buschmann, Sr., Indianapolis William Collings, Fr., Rockvill e David Culp, Soph., Goshen Donald Earnhart, Soph., Ma rion Thomas Eley, Jr. , Plymouth Davis Ellis, Jr., Indianapolis David Gastineau , Jr. , Indianapolis Frank Hagie, Sop-h., Ri chmond Paul H ettle, Jr. , Blooming ton

Stym ied for the next p lay

The new li vin groom - for the du ration

27 1

l\foney? Sure, how much?

Charles Lea rman, Edwa rd Coh e n. H en r y Karl e r.


H enry Kari er, Fr., Mi shawa ka Charles Lea rman , Fr., Edinburg Abe Schuchman, Sr., Indi a napolis Allen .J. ega l, Soph., Indian a polis Frank .J. Unger, Jr., Indi anapolis

L ewis A. Brody, Soph., Brooklyn, N.Y. Edward Cohen, Fr., Bronx, N.Y. Yal e Friedman , Soph., Mishawaka L ennard S. Goodman , Sr., New York , N.Y. Sidn ey Jaffe, Sr., Indianapolis

Fixing up the showcase of succes e

They all seem to be havin g a grea t time


I hope, I hope, I hope -

OFFICERS Sidney J a fie . Le nnard Goodma n L ew is Brod y . Abe Schu chm a n

President Vice P residen t ecretary T reasurer

Le nn a rd Good m a n Abe Schu chm a n Fra nk U nger . Lewis Brod y

The Alpha Theta chapLer of Pi L ambda Phi was found ed h ere in 1928, originating from G a mm a Tau , a promin ent .J ewish men 's loca l o n the cam p us. The Pi L a m's were fo rmerl y situ a Lecl o n East T hird Stree t, bu t, clu e Lo t he inAu x of Arm y a nd ava l Tra in ees whi ch bro ugh t abo ut Lhe prese nt h o using sh ortage o n campu s, they are n ow li ving on Eas L Six Lh SLree t. D ro pping from o ur pre-war m embershi p of approx im a Le ly fif ty- fi ve me n to Le n m e n, we h ave do ne our be t to keep u p Lh e traditio ns o f the ch ap ter in Lhe fi eld s of intramural sp orLs a nd social ac Li viLies. In Lhe la u er fi eld o ur a nnual initi a ti o n dinn e r a nd op e n h o use for J ewish wome n h ave bee n upheld in the best mann e r Lha t present concliLions all ow. On e o f Lhe ch apter's m a in co n tribuLio ns to th e brothers in th e Armed Serv ices is th e cha p ter publi ca ti o n, "Th e Pila m A lum ." T hi s rno nLhl y paper is being se nt to all the alumni n o rn a tLer in wh a t p a rt o f t he world they m ay be serving. A p ro min e nt alumnu s of our ch a pter is L t. Sidney Gerstenh a ber wh o wo n th e D .F .C . a nd Oak L eaf Cluster for dropping the first bomb o n Rome in the prese nt co nAi ct.

Y a le F r ied m a n , A lle n J. Sega l, F ra nk J . Unge r , Abe Schu chma n, Sidn ey J a ffe , Le n na rd S. Goodm a n, L ewi s A . Brod y .

OFFICERS Jack K. Ove rm ye r. \ '\lalte r Gadiem Don Martin .J am es Gra[

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Jack K. O verm yer H a rr y Layton Willi am Bowe n D o n G. Bock

The pere nnia l Quad -d we ll ers, that fraternity famous [or its la rge pledge classes , spo nsor o r the Gyps y Dance, have rnm·erl to a som ewhat lllodifi ed res id e nce al '12G E. Sixth Street. Loui e Howe was se ni or class presid ent, a member o[ Sphinx C lub , Blu e Key, Skull a nd Crescent, Fa lco n C lub , Alpha Kappa Psi, a nd Ka ppa Kappa Psi. H e \\·as a n o utstanding intralllural man and Cad et Captain of the i\ larchin g Hundred last year. Lou ca rri ed on where To111 (R e,·erend ) Gallm eyer left off . .J a ck Overlllyer, pres id e nt of 1h e h o use, is Director o [ Athl etic Publi city at In dian a Uni\'ersit y. H e is a lso a 111ember o[ Blue Key, a nd Sk ull a nd Crescent. Bud Kasper belongs to Blue Key, Sk ull and Cresce nt , Falco n C lub , a nd was once kn own as " Kin g Pod ." SAE a lso h as he r share or th e a thl et ic conti nge nt. n o n Man go ld pl ayed football for " Bo's" boys whil e Ruk R etherford , P au l Sh ie ld s a nd R ay Brand e nburg star red o n th e Crimson basketball squad. Although th e bovs d evo te mu ch of the ir e nergies to stud y, the y still find t im e [or soc ial fun ct ion s rega rdl ess of the war. As in the years go ne by, the wearers o[ the viol et still ha ve man y o f the ir bad ges p lanted upon th e Pi Phi's.

S EATEO - Bob Cleveland, J a ck K. Ove rmy e r, J e rry Ka s tin g , Jim Mill e r, Thoma s V . R eese , Dick Wood, Rob e r t Rudi se ll, Rob e rt Harri s , Ern est Vogel, Rob e r t R eed, Ed Me lvin. STANDI NG - Wi ll ia m Moore , W alte r Gadi e nt, J o hn Gaddi s , Don Bock, J ames Graf, Au g us t Ka sp e r .

SEATED - Bob Montg om e ry , Phi l Ca rm ody, J er ry Sege r, Brn cc P ec k , H a rry L a yton , Don Ma rtin , J ack Ga t es, H u g h H a rri so n. A ldri ch, W ill iam Bowe n .


MEMBERS Roge r Ash by, Fr., E va nsvill e Harry L ay to n, Soph ., Indi a n ap olis D on ald Mangold, F r., Cheviot, Ohi o Don Bock, Jr., Sp en cer v\lillia m Bowe n, Fr., Hillsbo ro, Ohio Donald M a rtin , Soph., Ft. \ l\layn e Ray Bra nd enburg, Fr., Co ryd on J a mes Mill er, Jr. , Edinburg Charles Brosey, Fr., India napoli s Jack Overm yer, Jr. , R oches ter John Gaddis, Jr. , Anderson Bru ce Peck, Soph., Indi a na p olis R o bert R ecd , Soph., Indi a nap olis J ack Gates, Fr., Columbia City Cl a ude R e therford, Fr., French Li ck Au g ust Kasp er, Jr., Indianapoli s R o bert Rud es ill , J r., In d ia napolis J err y Kas ting, Jr. , Indian ap olis Paul Shi eld s, Fr., M onrovia


A good ga me of p icku p


Si ngin g in Lh e ba LhLU b


Do n a ld

·Malcolm Co lem a n, H nrri so n Webe r, Sam Fogel, Ke nt Goodm an .

MEMBERS Stanle y Bern Lein , F r., Gary Milton Bohart, Fr., Indian ap olis Malcolm Col eman , Fr., Eminen ce, Ky. Sam Fogel, Fr., Huntington Jack Goldman , Fr., Eva nsv i Il e Harold Goodman , Soph., East C h icago Ke nt Goodman , Fr., Pe ru

H erma n Hu rw itz, Fr., Indi a napo li s Davi d L ev in , Fr., Peru Harry G. Morgan, Fr., Indi a napoli s Edward R eich , Soph ., In d ia napolis [rving Sablosky, Jr. , Indi a napolis Sid ne y Trivus, Fr., 13lufflo n Harr iso n ' 'Vebe r, Fr., Lo ui sv ill e, Ky.

Come on. ge t up

A peaccful life these fcll o\\"s live


OFFICERS Presiden t Secretary Treasurer

Irving Sablosky H arold Goodman Milton Bohart .

J . Eel ward R eich Sam Fogel Malcolm Coleman

"L e t nothing you dismay" m ight well be the m otto o ( th e Sigma Alpha Mu 's, one of the few remaining fraternities o n campu s li ving in their orig in al h o use. T he Sammy's h ave co ntinu ed their hon ored fraternity (un ctio ns despite a nin e ty per cent loss of membership to the Armed Forces sin ce the start o f the war. Sigm a Alpha Mu h as maintain ed its u sual high sta ndard o [ sch olars hip a nd activiti es o n ca mpu s. H a rri son W eber and Ke n t Goodman are staff m embers of the Daily Student. Sam Fogel h olds clown a positi o n on the Va rsity d ebate squad . Edward R eich has p arti cipated in several Univers ity Theatre plays. Irving Sablosky, prior of the chapter for the first semes te r, 1943-44, was music critic for the D ai ly Studen t until hi s indu ct ion ea rl y this winter. The problem s of runnin g an active cha pte r have with Sigma Alpha Mu , as with other fraterniti es, bee n a ugmented because of the small er number of men e ntering the University, their shorter stay on the campus, and on the who le, their lower age. Nevertheless, Sigma Alpha Mu attempted and su cceed ed in co ntinuing to fill the need for a social organization of high calibre J ewish me n on the Indi ana University campus.


Stan ley

Be rns t ein ,

Irvin g

Sab losky,




Harold Goodman, H arry Morgan, Edward R e ich, H erman Hurwitz.

OFFICERS Jarn es Kuble y William Ossc nbcrg William 0 ' Bri e n George D ec k

Preside11l Vice Presiden t Secretary Treasure r

George D eck Eel Pruill David G ephardt .J ames Cole

AILhou gh dcpri1·ed o( Lh cir aLhlcLic suprc111 acy, the boys who sLil l hale LO be ca ll ed " Sig Chis" arc uph o lding Lhe ir fraLcrniLy"s glorio us rcpu La Lion a l Ind ia 11 a Un i1·e rsi Ly. Even though thc i r state ly manor on Seventh Street is now occ upied by the fair sex , Lh e Si gs a rc d etennin cci to sec this war through a nd Lo reg ain so m eda y th e ir stro ng ho ld , th e Seve nth Street A.C. Tho ug h th e war h as riddled their membership, the Sigs o( L a mbd a chapte r arc st rivin g harder th a n eve r Lo h o ld Lh e ir record o( bein g the o ld est co ntinuou s chapte r o ( Sigma C hi in ex iste n ce. To the war effort Sig111a Chi at Indian a University has g ive n h er earn pus rods a nd at hl c1cs; (cw boys re main that kn ew 1he Indian a o( o ld. Out of th e seve nty Sigs that made up the ir roster in 19,12, on ly fi1·e boys re111ain. BuL an ae1 ivc rush prog ra m a nd affi liati on of their broLhers in the A.S.T.P. have g iven the Sig m a Ch is a chapter roll o[ twe nt y-fo ur active members and scve n Lcen pl edges . Although st ud ies have take n preced e nt ove r ex tra-c urri cular activities this year, t he Sigs have pote ntial rods. in Bill O 'Bri e n, R oel MacDonald , and Di ck Hart, all o[ whom belong to Sku ll and Cresce nt.

SEATED - W ill iam O'Bri en. P atrick Richard so n, Rod erick MacDonald, J a m es Kubl ey, George Deck, Da vid Ge ph a rdt, Robe rt Douthitt, Edward Pruitt. J a mes Co le. STANDI NG - Press Adam s , Robe rt P an, Robert Feldma nn. Don Pntte r so n , J ack H opperstead . Phil Carte r , Kenneth Ber).(q ui st, Rob ert Moss, Ri chard Moss, Thomas Ei se le .

ROW 1 - Charl es Dav ison . J a m es Benn inghoff. Philip Giltner. ROW 2 - Edgar P eglow, John N ea l. Ge rry Carr, J a m es Kornblum, J ack Ma nuel, Charl es William s, Jack L e nnox, Rick Hart, Richard Ru ssell. ROW 3 - J ack Bluemle, Bud Gardn er, Millard McAtee.

MEMBERS Press Adams , Jr. , Salt Lake City, Utah J ames Benninghoff, Fr., Fl. Wa yne Kenneth Berquist, Sr., Boise, Idaho J ack Bluemle, Fr. , Anderson Gerry Carr, Fr.. Columbu s Phil ip Carter, Jr.. Berw yn , Ill. J ames S. Cole, Jr. , South Bend Charles Dawson , Fr., Covington , Ky. George H . Deck. Sr., Indian apoli s R obert Douthitt, Sr. , Youngstown , Ohio Thomas Eisele, Jr., H ot Springs, Arkansas

Come in a nd jo in the little pa ny

Robert Feldmann , Sr .. Long Island City.:\' .Y. Bud Gardner, l' r. , Ft. \Vayne David Gephardt. Jr .. Anderson Philip Gi ltn er. Fr.. Huntin g burg Richard Hart , Fr.. Hammond .J ack Hopperstead, Jr. , Detroit , l\lich. Jam es Kornb lum . Fr. , Evansville J ames Kuble y. Jr. , Pl ymouth J ack Lennox , Fr., Lebanon Millard McAtee, Fr. , Fortville J. R oderick McD onald , Soph., New Castle J ack Manuel , Fr., Edinb urg

They a lso swdy on the second floo r


Richard Moss, Jr. , Bloomington Robert Moss, Jr. . Bloomington John Neal, Fr., Noblesville \Viii iam O 'Brien , Fr., Eva nsville Robert Parr, Fr. , Lebanon Don Pate rson , Soph. , Lincoln , Neb . Edgar Peglow , Soph. , Hammond Edward Pruill, Jr., Edinburg Patrick Richarc1'on , Soph .. s ~~ut l e , \Va sh. Ri chard Russell , Fr. , Greensburg Charles \'\1 illiams. Fr., San Antonio , Texas

Bein g welcomed imo th e brotherhood

SEATED - Thom:is Duan e . Owe n MeD:wi d , J ohn Wade . Rob e l't Shine . David Seve r.

Gacli nt,

J a m es

G a l'i n ~c l',

Robe l't Dctme l', W ill iam Shoem a ke !', Chal'l es Crowe. STANDI NG -

J ohn

MEMBERS l'vl endcl M cCarty, Sr ., Pend leto n Owen M cD av id , F r., Indi a na po li s Al Meye r, J r., New Al ba n y Orville Pla tte r, Jr., North Vern o n All a n Rhodes, Sr., O we nsboro, Ky. Harry a nde rs, Jr., M cCo rdsv ill e Dav id Sever, Soph ., Indi a na p olis Robert Shin e, Jr., New Alba ny vVilli a m Sh oe ma ker, Fr., Mi sh awa ka J o hn Vale, Jr., Mi chigan C ity John \1Vad e, Fr., Linton Ja mes \l\Toocl, Jr., P rinceLOn Ch a rl es Yor k, Jr., Lin to n

J oseph Adkin s, Sr., Jndi a na p oli s T o m Bl ack, Fr., Bl oomingLO n V/illiam C ra ne, Fr., Manin sv ill c R obe rt Crave ns, Sr., Linton Charles C rowe, So ph ., Eas t Chi cago R obe n Detm er, Fr., A u ro ra T om Du a ne, Fr., Bl oo ming to n Charles Fo rd , Jr., Pe nsgrove, N ..J. John Gadie nt, Fr., ew Alba ny James Garin ge r, Fr., Indianapoli s Robert Gast, Jr., Vhrsaw Go rdo n G ray, Soph., Martin svill e J ohn H olmes, J r., Ba ltim ore, i\Id .

Word> o[ advice fro m Dr. l\fo!Tat

Yo u 'll never regre t it, fel la


A comCortab lc scat, a lot o[ ti me , a nd a story


President Vice President Secretary

. Mendel McCarty John Holmes Gordon Gray

Where once trod the footsteps of sturd y men there is now the patter of dainty fee t. University women are inhabiting our sacred shrine - including our lux urious shower room - for the duration. But d espite the loss of the chapter house, we still carry on in true fraternity spirit. Meetings have been held twice weekly in thei Sigma D elta Chi room in the Union. Mendel M cCarty, our Commander, was president of Union Board and the Council of Fraternity Preside nts ; vice president of the Board of Aeons, and a member of Sphinx Club and Blu e Key. He received recognition in "Who's Who in American Colleges" and also served on the Provisional Council for Student Government. "Dusty" Rhodes came back to school clad in khaki , reorga nized the Board of Aeons, and served as president until he left for O.C.S. He was also a m ember of Sphinx Club and Blue Key. Good-looking Gordy Gray and Chuck Crowe were initiated into Skull and Crescent. Charlie Ford and Bob Shine copped scholastic honors; Charli e made Phi Eta Sigma, and Bob pulled down a 2.8. John Wade tri ed to fill the shoes of Dick Tackett on the football field.

ROW 1 ·- Jose ph Adkins, J ames Wood, Mendel McCarty, Robert Gast, Gordon Gray. ROW 2 Carl Burton.

John Vail, Orval Platter, John Holmes, Charles Ford,


Preside nt /'ice Pre.1idr' nl Ser re/rt ry Treas urer

Willi a m L eo na rd . Garland H aas J ack Ba rn ell Fra nk R eck! i ng

Th cla Ch i was found ed al No rwich U ni vc rsily, Nonhficld, Verm o nt, in 1856, a nd sixly- fi,·c years Jalcr th e Alpha Iola ch apter was cs labli shcd o n lhc Bl oom ingLOn ca mpus. Our ch apler house , co mmonl y kn ow n as lh c " Ox R a n ch ," was LUrncd over LO lh c Univers it y lhi s year for wom en 's r e~ id c n cc h a ll s. C lad in pl a id shirts, we gOL in LO lhe spiril of o ur a nnual Barn Dan ce. \!Ve a lso includ ed a Pi g Dinn er in o ur so cial ca lendar. R c prcsc m a li\'CS o[ Th ew C hi in cam pus acl ivitics arc num erous. Bill Ba ye r was spo rts edi tor o[ the D A I LY STUD ENT. .Jack Ba rn ell, junior baskclbalJ manager, was a m ember o[ Alph a Ka ppa Psi, a long with Phil Bird a nd Jim Summ ers . Gus H aas was p rcs idcm ot Alpha Kappa Psi and lhc Board o ( C. C. o [ C. Di ck Landwc rl en uphel d our scho las li c sta ndard s by his m embership in Phi Ela Sigma. Di ck and Bill Leonard were Alpha Chi Sig·rnas. Frank R eclcling sponecl llH.: ora nge a nd green ca p of Skull a nd Crcscen t. Jn lhe field of a lhlcti cs we were rcprcsc m cd by three m embers, Pa ul H e rron , Bob R a ve nsbcrg, a nd Bob H oc rn sc hm cyer, va rsity [ootba ll men . Hocrn schmcycr was ch ose n LO pla y in th e a nnual East-\1\les t all -s tar t il t at San Francisco.

George Ba rn ett. Edwa rd Sidwe ll. P a ul H e rron, Phillip Bird, J ack Ba rne tt . Bill Leo nard , Ga rland H aas, Eva r N e ring, W illi a m Bay e r.

J ames Sumner,

Fra nk R eddin g,

Jam es Brinton, J ohn Hambl e n, William Kippl e , Frank Torok. Julius Simchick, Frank Ciolli, Geo1·ge Wins ton. Chester Sande rs, Nea l Alford. J oe Sowinski.

MEMBERS Neal Alford, Fr.. Owcmboro. Ky. George Barnell, Sr., Evans,·ille Jack Barnell. Soph .. Evansvill e Willi a m Bayer, Jr .. R ichm ond Philip Bird , Soph., Lo ui sv ill e, Ky. J o hn Bochni cka , Soph ., North Judson Ro bert Bublitz. Soph., Gary Fra nk Crolle, Fr., Camel, Ohio l\fel Delm er, Soph ., Ri sing Sun Ri ch ard English , Sr., Te rre H aute Garland H aas , J r., Evansvil le J ohn H amb len . Soph ., Seymour Robert Hoe rn schem eyer, Fr .. Cin ci nna Li. Ohio Paul H e rron , Fr., Slurgis, Ky. Willi a m Kippl e, Fr., Terre H a ute

Never , never point, it "ai n 'l" polite

Someone is going

Ri chard Lanclwerlen , Sop l1. . Shelbyvi ll e William Leonard , oph .. Bloomington J esse i\lcCune, Fr., Louisville, Ky. Eva r Nering. PG. Gary i\lorgan New , Jr., Bl oomingwn R obert R avensberg. Jr., Bell evue , Ky. l'ra nk R ecklin g, Jr., i\ l ichigan CiLy Chesler Sanders, Fr., Brazil Edwa rd Sidwell , Fr., New Cas tl e Julius Simchick , Fr., Camel, Ohio J oseph Sowinski. Fr., Ch icago, Ill. J o hn Smith , Fr., Akron , Ohio J a mes Sumner, Soph ., Baule Creek, J\!i ch. Frank Torok. Fr., Chica~o. Ill. George Win sLo n. Jr .. Washin gton, D.C.


be awfully su rprised


Dear Dad . Could you lend me a few -

Delta Tau Delta has (ound the Jast year fill ed with swifr-mov · in g and dramatic events, as have all fraternities on the campus. At comme ncement time in April the cha pter house was closed in order to make read y for its occupatio n by naval p ersonn el. Th e Nav y actually moved into the hou se in l\ la y 1943 . By th is time the great majority of chapte r m embe rs we re in some form o[ military service. The small remnant maintained chapter li(e by meet ings, dinn e rs, and lu nches. By the end of Jun e all we re gone exce pt two act ive m emb ers. Severa l me mbers re turned with the advan ced R.O.T.C. this fall , but it was not a sufficie nt number to e nable the chapter to remain a ctive. Therefore, it was necessar y [o r the chapter to b ecome in acti ve until after the war whe n it is hoped th a t once aga in fraternity life will proceed as usual.

John Ga llina t t i, J im W eath e rh o lt, Professor Tho m pson , Bob Woolford , Fri tz Purn e ll.

Fritz Purn ell, Bob W oolford , J 0hn Ga llin atti, Jim W eath e rh olt , P ro fesso r Thom pso n .


Presiden t Vice Presiden t Secretary-Treasurer .

Dwayne Wiggins Patrick Nolan William H arlan

With most of its members in the serv ice, the Lambda Chi's have n ot been as active this year as in years before. The fraternit y is cooperat ing, however, with the Univers ity b y turning the faci li ties of its h o use to the Army. The boys have limited their activities to Friday nig ht meetings in the Sigma D elta Chi room in the Union Building and an occasional party at the home of one of the alumni. The pres ident of the hou se this semester is Dwayn e V1Tiggin s. D wayne, who was the former presiden t of Theta Lambda chapter of Lambda Chi at Simpson College, Indian ola, Iowa, came to In diana University with the A.S.T.P. Dwayne has also participated in other activities on camp us. H e was secretary of the Indian a Union Board of Control, a m ember of Board of Aeons and th e.; Student Relig iou s Cabin et. · Patrick olan, formerly of the University of Arkansas, is vicepresiclent of the fraternity. Pat is the present Cadet Captain of A.S.T.P. Company "A." Other officers include Bill Harlan, secretary-treas urer, Clark M cClure, Rush chairman, and Orville Graves, Social chairman. Prominent alumni on the campus include D ea n Briscoe, Joseph A. Batchelor, I. W . Alm, Karl Bookwalter, and Robert Ittn er.

ROW I - J ohn F e r g u so n. Clark McClure , Dway ne Wiggi n s . Me rrill Ew i n g. Oliver P ettey, Prof. Kar l W. Bookwa lt e r, P atrick Nolan. STANDING Morris Shenk, Willia m Earles, Orville Gra ves , Mark Hucker eide , William Harla n.

Ju st a qui e t l ittl e e ve nin g at hom e

Th e lu cky g irl s - we be t it's " man " th ey' re signin g

Sa ncl c rs re turn s home from o ne o[ he r num er o us e xcu rs ions

\Vo rlcl fronts a 10cl d reams , g irl s?


1\ fore eve nin gs th ;rn o ne arc spe nt in thi s m a nn e r - re m embe r th e old cla ys?

Lookin g at LIFE the ta bl e top



At the begin ning of th e fall sem ester, man y of the fraternity hou ses became Women's H ouses of R es ide nce. The keyn ote of these h ou ses is d em ocracy and they are gove rned by a Council a nd the elected offi cers. T h e girls spend most of their time, that is whe n th ey are not studying or dan cing, talkin g ab o ut the activities o n the ca mpu s. Promin ent amo ng hou se activiti es this year were faculty teas, ope n-ho uses, picni cs and hi kes to the Cascades, dan ces, a nd Christmas parties for und erp rivileged childre n.

SlG i\f A P l G IRLS ROW 1 - Evelyn J ames, Mildred Brenner, Serena Morris, Marjorie In ce , Mary Frances Ke ll y, Gloria Nichols. ROW 2 - Ann R abi nowitz, Alice Cochran, J ean Tittl e, W ilma J ean Meha ffey, V iola Hauk, Iris Bywater, Elizabe th Davis. S TANDING Ma ry Bimbas, J a n et Edward s, J une Buye r, J ean Tay lor, Miss Mildred N ewcomb, Catherine Anne S mit h, Lois R aw lings, Barbara H awki ns, Carole F an ning.

SIGMA NU GIRLS ROW 1 - J ean Mu ldoon, Ruth Barash, Frances Green, Isabel Macintyre, Carolyn Bea ll . ROW 2 Edith L eash , L eona M atch ett, R osalie Baker, J udith Ehrich, J anet B redeweg, Eleanor Levin , P eggy W e ll s , Rose Mary A ldrich, Sarah Ell en Cunningham, Annadell Craig, Ione A lbrigh t . STANDING - Esth er Stelabower, Charlotte Baker , J ean Mai worm, E leano r Cramer, Marilyn Kri ck , Sally Davis, Rachae l Leash , Virginia



Bickett, Rosa mond Dall as , Lois Ann Martin, Eve lyn Patty, M arian Cob le . Marjorie H anson, H e len K issick.

ROW 1 - Virg ini a Spence r, Eldonna R inke nbe rg, N a ncy Cle ve land. Betty Nelle SU1nley , M:uy Al ice Yari a n. Row 2 - V e lm a J ean Ba rte n. Cece li a Hu s~ pek, Dorothy D awson, Betty Barnard, Jua nita Davi s, Betty V nu s . Mary J ean Huffma n . ROW 3 - Florence Gratzer. Laura Ann Suess, Elinora Doerr, Dori s Kronborg, June Bosworth. Betty Covalt. STANDING - E sthe r H anson, Marde lle Dicus, Joan Cox, Marjorie H ogle , Dorothy H e iple , Virginia Ba ke r, Barbarn H a dl ey, H a riolyn Dilley, Ma r y Gardn e r.

OFFICERS Mary J ea n Huffm a n Doroth y H eipl e Barbara H ad ley Doris Kronborg

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

Doris Kro n borg Cecili a Hu spek Be tty Sta nl ey Mardelle Dicus

Just north of the Union Building is a distinguished looking ho use o( reel bri ck with four great pillars, kn ow n as th e Columns. Th e twe nty-eight g ids Jiving there have accredited themselves on camp us with members in man y activities. Elinor Doerr is president of O ceanides, Cece Husp eck of District II Townettes, and Velma J ea n Barten o ( Kappa Phi. Other prominent g irls arc Ginni e Ba ker, member of the Se ni or W.A.A. Board and Volleyball Intram ural H ead; Edna Jo H ollar, member of Pi Lambda The ta; Flossi e Gratzer, Secretary of the English Club ; a nd Laura Ann Su ess, reporter o n the DAILY STU DE1 T. On e achieveme nt of which th e Columns is proud, is the win ning of the Intramural Volleyball Championship for two consecuti ve years. Th e g irl s h ave held several ope n-houses for the ·w aves, served as A.W.S . h ostesses, and spe nd much of their spare tim e knitting, all of which goes to prove they know their patrioti c duty when they see it. The biggest proj ect at the moment is the new recreation room the g irls are planning and d eco rating themselves. The room w ill be complete with bridge tables, a ping-pong table, and comforta ble loung ing chairs.


ROW 1 - Lo u Cavender. Rosema ry Robe rtso n. Eve lyn Ka rr, Ma ry C. Correl l. J anice I ngTa m. H ar ri et Blackwell, May H a rre ll. Grace Qua lkinbus h, E t h I Sea ma n, Kathleen R ay , J anet Ecke rt. ROW 2 - Pats y Patte rson , Ma ry Griffith . Luc il le H armon , Connie Drake. Betty Koe hl er , Imoge ne Snider, Donn a Burton, Lynn Cornwe ll , J ea n Treece. RO W 3 - E lea nor Ram sey, J u ne H ubbe ll , Betti e Sche r zin ge r. Phy ll is Him brook, Beth Sherry, P eg Phi lley, E lea nor Gilday, Emma Soard. ROW 4 - Donna H a ll , Patri c ia York, Clara lee Mye rs , J u lia F ri e nd, Miriam Jasper. Mary J a ne H a ll. Marjori e Glendenning, Barbara Upham. Alice Hnc kney , Vir ~ inin Mye rs, Loi s P a te . RO W 5 - Ma ry Lo u Maddox. Ar le ne Freela nd , Maurine Way, J ea n Be nni so n. Betty Mc· Lead, E lea nor Le Maste r s , J oan Kraucll, Ph yll is Bei ne ke. STAND ING - P au line J ones. Mary Stee le, H a r ri et P c lcrno n. Mary Lou Hawkin s , Eleanor F etter , J un e Mu sser, Sa ll y H agerty, Ma ry Morri so n. E llen Kro ll , M a rth a A lice P itkin, J eann e Rus t. Belly Thompson, Char line H ildebo lt, P eggy J ones, J a n et Ki e fer, H e len Stone, Dorothy J ean Hutt, Glen n a Baratta. Barbara H armack, Muri e l Graclo l ph , Sally L ive ngood , Ma rtha C rull, Ethe l Streiter, Betty J en n D oni n ~er, Al ice Ann P arso ns . Marilyn Morgn n . Grace McGrew .

OFFICE R S P resid en t

1\!Jau rin c W ay LaVe rg ne N iequist

Sec retary

Elle n Kro ll

T reos11re r

Miri a m J asp er

H epburn H o use, T a rkingto n H o use, Lin co ln H ouse, and Ri ley Ma no r ma ke up Lhat hub of a ll acLi viLy, F orrcs L Pl a ce. T he g irl s arc kcpL pre tt y busy serv ing as A .W .S. h os Lcsscs for Lhc U. '. O ., kniLting [o r th e R ed C ross, a nd ta king part in o ther types o [ jo bs for th e war cffo tt bes id es th e man y acti viti es planned thro ugh o u t the yea r. Severa l o pen-h ouses, d a nces, a nd pa rti es have been h eld , Lo say no Lhing o [ th e in cviLa ul e all -nig ht bo rrcsscs. On e thin g the g irl s prize highly is their w mparati ve prox imity to th e campu s. It 's but a mere hop, skip, a nd jump to Sc ie nce a nd Kirkwood wh ere most of them are crammin g in those necessa r y requiremen ts . Of co urse, the Infirmary is co nve ni entl y near. so th e g irls can be certa in of good mecli al ca re. In additi o n to all these ad vantages, they also h ave a fro nt row scat (p rov ided they a re equipped with bin oculars) to wa tch the R ed s in their spring base ball man e uve rs. All fo ur hou ses h a ve m ad e d emocracy their key note; a nd all work together in pl a nning social eve nts, in di scuss in g cur re nt pro blems, and in d o ing their part to see th a t Lhings run smoo thly. Th e g irls a re always willing to h elp on so mething worth whil e.


DELTA C HI G IRLS SEA TED Ade le Liva , Barbara McCombs , Ca ndida Ga rc ia , Dorothy Brown, Ann Huffm a n, Am e lia Down ey , Phyllis Dukes, STANDING Ruth H eath, F a ith L udwi g , Phylli s J on es , V a lerie Shave r, Ma rion Hannan, P ::ttricin Cox, Myrti a Ray , Betty Ri ggs , Martha J a n e W est, Evelyn York, Sue Hirsch, E sthe r McComb, W ill adeen Crays .

PHI DEL TA THETA GIRLS SEATED - ROW 1 - Ma ry Ann Price , Joy ce Moun sey , Elaine Garrett, Billie H eenan, Ma rjorie Cox , J ean Maney, Ma r ga r et Kitts , J a n e Ande r son. ROW 2 - Ma rilyn Steven s , Mary Ann Rous h. Kathe rin e T a ylo r. ROW 3 Ma ry Ann H a bighorst. Audree Smi t h , Alice Di ckin son , Mari a n Ri cha rd son, Ba rba ra Be nedict, H a rri et Hilde bra nd, Lola Frey. STANDING ROW 4 - Loi s H e r end e n. B a rba rn J nques, J ean J"on tz, J oa n P e ris ho , Aretta Snide r,

Ann e


J une

Burkh a rt, Joy Shutt, Joyce Rothm a n. Rose Ochs t e in , E sthe r Cohn , Betty Wine , Th er ese K a li na , P a u la Zim -

m e rm a n .

SIGMA C HI GIRLS SEATED, ROW 1 Ma ry J a n e L a ffey, Mildred Zivonovi ch . ROW 2 Ma r y Lou Thurst o n , He le n Cates , Marg a r ete Ah lbrand. ROW 3 J ac kie Dehn , J oa n Knoll . STANDING, ROW l Ca rolyn Wren , J une Carte r, Le no re Sexso n , Rilla Millika n. ROW 2 Gloria P a rke r. J ea nn e Stewart. ROW 3 - S a lly Ogde n , Nancy B rade n . Betty Lou Harri son . ROW 4 J ane Ma rsha ll, Miri nm Ka plan . Sylvia Zucke rm a n. ROW 5 Ga bbert , H e len J ean Diurdzy, Dorothy Ste rn. ROW 6 H e le n Huthsteine r, E stelle Zo w ade r, Vi vi a n S w a in , E lain e Go sha w, Eve ly n T a ylo r. Lorettn. Kosto po vl as, S tepha n ie K eck .

O FFICER S I re n· ~ Sanders Marc ha MacDouga ll Norm a Pe nni ng

P resident f'ice President Setrtlory

1rene Sanders E l ma Keglov ich Gertrude \1\Tea \'Cr

Bes ides Lhe ini Lia l hono r o r ro rmin g· Lhc o nl y upper-class wo m e n 's ho use o n ca mpu s, Lh e " [o n y- nin e rs" a rc th e lirs L sLUd c n Ls Lo be h oused in th e U ni on Buil d ing. E nj oy ing Lhe un iqu e p osit io n o( being in th e cemcr or sch oo l acL i\'iLies, Lhey j oke abouL Lhe n C\'Cr !a il ing h os pi La li Ly o [ th e ir " h o use." T h e U ni on G i rls enjoyed a \'ar ied so cia l ca lendar thi s year: a hayr ide to Lhe Cascad es and a tea d a n ce, bes ides Lh e Fac ul Ly Tea a nd i nLcrd orm "SLarcl ust Form a l," whi ch add ed Lh e fini shing LOu ches to a we ll rou nded so cia l seaso n . \ Vi Lh Lhe Co m mo ns close by, rood a nd cokes are th e ord er of the day Loo often [or fi na n cia l com fo rt, bu L in add i Li on LO a Ii bera l co urse in "ca m pusology ,' ' Lh c " [orty- nin ers" pl ay a n anivc part in ca mpu s affa irs. T h ey in cl ude n ot o nl y Lh e p res ide n t, vice p residem. a nd secretary o [ Pa m a rad a; th e secretar y o [ LS.A .; A \ VS cou n cil a nd Y \ \/C A ca b i n et m embe rs; b u t th e c i rc ul aL ion ma n ager o[ the A R BUTUS, an r\rbea u ty, and a \'ars ity d eba ter as we ll. \ '\f it h so success fu l a year be hind , the U ni o n G ir ls arc look ing to an C\'en better year ahead, in th e ir m a nsio n cm ,iabl y cqu ip pecl w i Lh elevators Lo reel u ce sta ir fat ig u e.

ROW I - I re ne Sanch.·rs . Elma K eg- Jo v ic h. J1orothy Cock e rham . H e le n Hon css . ICathl ccn Ofe ldt , De lores En Prson. ROW 2 - J ane Willi a m s, Martha MacDoug-a ll , Joa n Don at , Lolita Schoe ne w ey , Dori s Epl ey , Made lin e Ba ldwin , Marilynn Mil le r, Cece li a Rohrs , Kay Kimm e ll. ROW 3 - Loui se Meakin, H e le n Hoss , Marce l la Dukes. Norma Lee P e nnin~. Mavi s Burton. Mal'y Jun e Wal s h. Donn a I rm sc hc r. Loi s Vand cVorL An .l.{e iin e H ays. ROW 4 - Mae LaVonn e Hami lto n . Ma rg-aret Mapl e . Chri stine B e nnin~hofen. Be tty Hunt. Hope H oo ke r. Marian Swayze . S'T'ANDTNG - Ann ese Brown, Mart ha Bancroft , H.osa ne lle Mc in tos h. Santh Mcl< in ley, Marg-a 1·et Redd in. Ma rilyn Morris, Corrin e H amilton, Mary S hi e ld s . Ge rtrud e Weaver , Mary Baltages . Mi 8s Maris, Betty Boohe r, J ea nn e Ritzmann. Betty Carte r, P atrici :1 Knau e r. '

ROW 1 Alice Hirt, Betty Stiber. Shirley Schmidt, Toni H aag, J ane Chenoweth. H e len Katterhenry. ROW 2 Rosemary Parr ish ,

Jayn e


Wil so n,

J oan Fry . ROW 3 Kay Don se lm a n. Ire ne Stecher, Dorothy Ri cha rds , Norma Lee. Marga ret Ri cha rds, Ro xie Shirar. STANDI NG Shir ley Dl'Ompp, Betty Sneary, Ma ry Ell e n Stoh le r, Mary J a ne R ey nolds, Ma rion Roth, Berenice Appe l, P a t Spacke, Th e lm a Ir wi n. Betty Schriner, Jea nne Ande rson. Be ryl Leininger, Dorothy Ray , Joan H e lme n , P eggy Wilhite .

OFFICERS Preside nt . Vice Presicle11t Secrelm)• Treasurer

ROW P eggy Ann Stein, Mary Piper, Roberta Wrig ht, Loi s Tabbe rt. ROW 2 - Anne H e ndricks, Betty O'Hara. Juli a Balogh, The lma W ainwright. STANDING J ea n Tabbert, Virgini a Brumble , Clara Rhod es, Dorothy Gant, Ceceli a Huspek.

H elen Kauerhenn He uy Schriner ' i\ largaret Ri chards Marjorie i\1ed calf Shirley Drompp Dorot h y Ri chards Helen Ge\'er :\l arga re l ·Ri chard '

Orig in a ll y Lhe hom e o( the JargcsL fraLerniLy 011 camp us, th e S.A.E. Hou se is now a Wom en 's R eside n ce Hou se. Promi n en L among the act i vi Lies of Lh e g irls was a tea g iven l'or Lh c S.A .E. boys.


____ ______ Ann e H e nd ricks

President _ Vice P resident Secretary _

___ 'Th elm a W a in wr ight

.. J uli a Bal ogh ________ Be t ty O 'H a t ct II

________ ___ Cece! ia Hu spck ___ Cl a ra Rh odes ____ Doro th y Ga n t

Presid ent Vice PrPsirlent __ Sec retary ___________________ _ Ill

President ____ _________ Virg in ia Brum ble Vice P resident ------------J ea n Ta bbert Secre tary --------------- ----------- ----- ---------- ----- -- ____ ___ ___ ___ Lo is Tabbe r t

IV Presiden t /lire P resident Secretary

________________ Mary Pi per __________ Pcgg-y SLein

____ R o be rta Wri g h t

T h e war h as h elped th e orga ni zati o n o f wo me n livin g in U n ivers iLy ap p roved hou ses. \!\!h e n three hundred girls surrend ered the ir comfo rtable d ormito r y h o mes to the Armed Services a nd moved in to ww n, it was necessa ry LO d evelo p d emocra ti c rep resentat io n , a n active a nd integra ted social life, and o ppo nunity fo r p articipatio n in U n iversity fun cti o ns for these T ow nettes w ho cons titute o ne fou n h o f the Ind ian a University coeds. Ori gin ating [rorn the old H o use Presidents' Associat io n, the Tow nettes is a subsid iary of A. W. S. Co un cil. The Lh ree o fficers of each of th e fo ur di stri cts compose the T own Co un cil of twelve m embers, ch a ired b y A nn e H endricks appointed from A.W .S. Co uncil. Each Di strict Coun cil is composed of the h o use presi<lenLs. T his year t he Tow n Coun cil drew up its p erm a nen t con sLitu t ion . T his yo un g o rga niza tion h as tall ied up a su ccess ful first year. l ts d istrict o rgani za ti o n h as fa cilitated active p ar ti cipa tio n of Tow neues in \IV.A.A. In tramural a nd Pl ay-Days, Boy Sco ut p aper co!I ectio n, A.W .S. H ostess Co rps, a nd the A.W .S. Bridge Tourn ame n t. Outsta nd ing soc ial eve nLs we re the Splash Pa rt y, T ea D a nce, H obo Party, a nd B ridge-D a n ce. The ap ex of the social season was reach ed whe n all fo ur distri cts enterta ined their g uests at a n " H awa ii a n Nigh t" of d ancing o n M arch 18.

SEATED Leona Stone, J ean Martin , Lois Anderso n, Joann e White neck. Ju l ia Knarr, Dean e Gu stafson, Ruth Thomas, Isabe ll e Hammond, H e le n e Nieznanski, Katherine Cou ltas , Laur ie And erson, Mary Hoi se l, Virg inia. Brumble. STANDING Phy ll is Robbin s. Ruth Gilli ett, Libby Sosi m, Mary Foll ett, Betty McMa.hon.

ROW 1 - Frances L api n , Adri nne Rose n, Ruth Kra l, Mary W erkhoff , Gwe n Roberts. ROW 2 Dorothy Ga nt, Clara Rhod es , J a ne Law ren ce, Patty Crews , Emm a Goshorn . ROW 3 - Christene F anc her , Loretta Schrader, H elen M a rtin, Jua nita M c-

Clure. ROW 4 - Eleanor Szur, J ean Knuth . Marilyn Weber. Irene Canzier. STANDING - Mary Hochm e ister , T erry Day, Betty Spivak, M arge Ba dg ley, H ele n M cMa ken, E sth er J ones, Ma ry Worla nd , J ean Navel.

ROW Rose Null, H e len Force.

1 Margo J ones, D eLeon, Ba rbara Guineve re Doy le, Price, Mar ilynn L aLilli a n L ast, Dor-

othy M cClannhan, Virgini a

Krem er. ROW 2 - Zelpha Gross. Mildred Dumes, K ay Ka lafat, Virgi ni a Wri g ht, R ose Mary Burkart, Mary Loui se L aCluyse, Jessie Reiche l, Mary Seil e r, Irene Kish , Roxana Wertz. ROW 3 Mildred Clinesmith , Charman H oyt, Barbara Brooks, Norm a A shby, E sther J ackson. R ay Converse, I rma Ga rdne r, Genevieve Gorney, D o n a b e I 1 e S e c r i s t. STANDING Mari an R eco rds, Lol a C li nesmith , Pri sc illa Snooner, Ma rjorie Sy lvester, P at Ba rn es, P a tr icia H e nde rson, · Wilm a Dome,

B erdin e

Ki ssen ,

He l n F arrow, Caroly n Ruff, Carm n Ruff .

SEATED - E lnore Ebert, Virginht De nk , Ruth Ostrande r, J oa n Stultz, Margaret Hedde , P eggy Stein, M ary Piper , A li ce J ulian,

Betty Lutes. R oberta Wri g ht, Myrtle B e r g m an, B everly Gibbs, Sulima Prado , B tty Whi tmer, Betty Schooley, F a un ei l J aques, Virg ini a Ceci l. STANDING Jua n ita Brown, Norma Snow , Fra nces W eJlma n , Marjori e Sohl. Mu riel Thorne, Bobby Thrash e r , Midge P earce , B etty Cappe r, Betty Powell , K it H amilton .


K.\PPA ALPH .-\ Tl-IET.-\















- -













3 10

'.) \ \

"S ig n h e re, pl ease" ... " \\'oulcl yo u plea se sig n yo ur n a m e?" . . . "i'\ow w haL ho ur d o you wa nL Lhi s c lass? .. . . . ' 'I'm sorry Lh a t class is full. " These phra,es noaL throu g h th ::.: ficl d hou "ie o n r c3 1,Hra l on ch y. To Lcw ildcrccl fr es hm e n , reg istrati o n i' th e ir ini t ia t ion in to co ll ege li fe. So m e shambl e a im less ly rro m boot h LO booth prcocni pi ccl wi th sig ning th e ir life away. Oth e rs arc tired of iL a ll and e fTi c ic ntl y s ig n on th e cl o t Led lin e. Speaking o f lin es - th e re a rc seve ral kinds prese nt. Boy m ceLs g irl kind a nd t h en th e type yo u ete rn a ll y sLancl in on reg istration cl ay. BuL al lasL a re li eved fr eshman is e nrol led and rea d y for a n exc iting coll ege year LO unfold .

/. .T.A. win s seco nd pla ce with th e ir Five Freed o ms

Seven " rah s .. for th e Alma Mater

Vi ctory is again th e th e m e as T ri Delta ste ps o ut to d efur th e Badgers

Alpha Chi jo ins in a bi g .. v··

Governor Schricker surround ed b y th e qu ee n a n d he r cc un


R egimentatio n invaded th e T. U. campus with the advent of the A.S.T.P. in May, 1943. In addition to those m en being train ed in engi nee ring a nd area and la ng uages, Med s and Dents also made up a part o f the unit. \!\Th en th e Army moved into the vVom en' s R esid en ce Hall s, the coeds were forced to res id e in th e remaining fraternity hou ses, and didn ' t seem to mind co mpeting with the sold iers for si dewal k space on tile way to cl asses . The A.S .T.P. took a n act ive interest in campus activit ies. Man y of them j o in ed th e Un ion w hi ch , amo ng other privil eges, enti tled them to free admiss io n to th e A.W.S.-Union dances held C\'ery Sat urd::ty nig ht ; others h eld positions in campu s governme nt. "Soldi ers In The Dark" which was writte n and directed b y me n in the unit revealed th eir dramatic tal ents, and set b efore an a pprec ia tive audi ence th e ir band and choru s which we re in consta nt demand on campus. \!\Th en the governme nt an noun ced in February that A.S.T. would be clissoJvecl, the ca mpus saw them off to a week 's furlough, and th e coed s especiall y b emoaned th eir Joss as they loo ked hopelessly in to an alm ost male-Jess future.

Genera l h ea dqu a rters in Memoria l H all

Between cl asses



th e arch of Memorial

, , ,

ROW 1 - C:.-1rl Burton, Burton Canaday, John Hud so n, Julian Akus, Macy Broicle, WilliHm Sohl , Paul Trum an . Robert Beg- n Pr . Alle n Bu ski rk. Robe l't Currey, Lou is Moseso n . ROW 2 - Leo Kl e in, J ames Shake. J ohn Vail. Orv:.-il Platte r. Mol'ton Ge llman. Albe rt Losc h e , Irving- Summerfield, Willi 11 m J3 pi ley , Fntnk Kn1li s. H a l Kunz, J oe Zowa l. ROW 3 - Edwar<l B•·ow n, Al ex Lorch , Alan Dunlap, Chuck J acoby, Frf'CI Huff, V :1 nce Di g-gins. Will iam Cartw 1·i g-ht. William Tillett. R ay mond Wil son , K;1l'l J ohnson, Ri chal'd Eclwal'ds . ROW 4 - _Rob e rt Bublitz. Sidney L indsey, Jam es Carson, Sam Curry, Warl'en L ewis. Sterlin).! Scott. Neil Funk. Robert Be n c kart, J oe Black. Robert Kay e , H e nry Am ste r. J o hn Bochni c ka .

"Long thru st - ho!"· shc 11 1s instru cto r LO l3 11 rton and Akers in bayonet practi ce


Prepar ing to Joh a few morta r shells into "enem y" territory

All -American football star, Hi ll enbrand, rests on stomach to sight through gun PHOTO'S

32 1




The ARBl'Tl S contest judges in conference

Voting for Student Government

Decorating for the A.\\'.S. Carnival

Congestion at the Freshman Frolic

The ;\Ieds bores, their CadaYcr Queen

On his anniversary Dr. Bryan receives a clock from the student body

fhe ·\rmy displan its talent at the Homecoming rally

Freshman don the Cream and Crimson for their skit

Coed Counselors sponsor freshman tea

Gallmeyer pronounces benediction over "Jawn Purdue"

Celebrities at December commencement

Wednesday afternoon in the Dugout

Rush week and a round of teas

The Meds take a recess

The prom committee draws up its pl;ins

Typical Bloomington weather

Perteet halance

lrwm and Al pack equipment for ARBU'l US assignment

\Vall ace R . Deuel

Stua rt Chase

Ma x Lerner

Lilli an Gi sh

Alfred Noyes

Walter Dura nt y

Do uglas !\fill er

Merrill Muell er

J a n Struth er

Ed wa rd Wee ks

"Juni or l\fi ss"

The Ballet Theatre Yehudi Menuhin

Don Cossack Chorus

" Die Fledermaus"

Indi a napolis Symphony


" Claudia," a lres h and enthusiastic play by Rose Franklin, was produ ced with outstandin g success by the Univers ity Little T heatre during the fall semester. Doctor L e la nd directed the production , skill[ull y bl e nding the energe ti c spiri t o( the yo un g wi[e C laudia, played by M a rjorie Kuhn , and the sympathet ic charm o[ h er hu sba nd portrayed by Tom Gallmeyer. The play develops around the grow th and c har~ge in character o[ the exc itable and yo ung C laudia. The sudd e n realization of the in ev ita ble loss o( h er mother and its eflect upon Claud ia was mad e vivid by M iss Kuhn 's inte rpretation . T he rive- night produ ction m e t with th e hearty a pproval of the students, serv ice m e n and women, and fa culty o[ Indiana University.

In " Papa Is All" Marge Hulett and Ross Willia ms d id full justice to the atmosphere created for them by the ir setting, an authentic Pe nnsylvania Dutch kitchen . Comple te w ith Pe nnsylvania Dutch cupboard doors a nd chinaware, the kitch en provided an exce llent background for th e tyra nni cal M ennonite father who attempted to di ctate the li ves of his family who had "wo rldl y tendencies." Directed b y V. A . Smith, " Papa Is All " proved fin e entertainm ent for students and town speo pl e al ike. The psychological hair-raiser, " Night Mu st Fall" provided a completely cliflerent so rt of fare for the theatre a udi e nce. H e nry Smith, as Dan , won a special round o[ app lause for his excell e nt portra yal of the colcl-i.Jloocl ecl murd erer.

Papa Is All

Whal Your Hearl D esires

Outstanding among the University Theatre projects this year was the produ ction of two ex p erim e ntal plays; namely, "Wh at Your H eart Desires," and "A ngels Alone." These have met with great success a nd undoubtedl y the id ea will be continu ed. Experimental plays are those plays entirely in the hands 0£ studen ts. They are stude nt written, student produced, and student directed. Effective lighting is a n ecessity for any success ful play and experimental p lays are no exception. Action was h eighten ed at the cru cial moments b y the expert ligh ting d evices of students detailed to this division in the produ ction of the plays. "What Your H eart D es ires" is a fantasy written

four years ago by Ri chard R eed, who was killed the clay h e presented his pl ay to the head of the speech department. It takes place in an inn yard but in no certain co untry, nor at a n y special time. Stars were Beverly Palmer a nd Marilyn Moore. Eel Ri ch gave orders from the director's chai r. "A ngels Alone" was written by J ohn McGreevy and directed by Sara Chapman. It is th e story of a domineering mother who was excellently portrayed by Julie Sefton. The living room of the family furnished the setti ng for the unfolding 0£ "A ngels Alone. " These two plays embodi ed much work on the part of the students part icipating, yet provided an o utl et for the dram::i.tic abil ity so abundant at I. U.

Angels Alone

R o llin g bandages for R ed Cross

, , , ... and the y' re usefu l. too. The .\lpha Chi Omegas are d evo ting th e ir e nerg ies to war " ·ork this seaso n, in stea d of ' ·joe-ing. " ''\'orki ng at the D ay Nursery is th e ir spec ial project, and throu g h benefit bridges in the hou se th ey ha\·e co llected a l'und with wh ich to liuilcl a sa nd -pil e for th e nurse r y childre n . Over the week-e ncl th e g irls turn 1o cl ay la bori 11g at Burns City, and in th e ir spare mom ent s th ey roll bandages. and carry th e ir knitting with th e111 at all times. U. S. 0 . hostesses. 1 urses' Aide,. Canteen Aides. the Alpha Chi g irl s ha\·e th e ir ow n lin e o[ defense in the war effort.

Jlfi1111 ers in

Assisting at the Da y Nursery


S11/JsrrijJlio11 Cont est

Knillin g swea ters for the armed forces


•MAIS-OUl-SELL • The Magazine for Ad-wise Campus-ites


Annual Buyers' Issue


INVEST IN WAR BONDS Back 4'the Attack anJ B"'"nrt (j""' Bo.tp Bddlome








The Magazine for Ad-wise Campus-ites

FE TURES Cover Eli Lill y \Var Ilond Announ ce menL. ...................................334

BROWSING AROU D TOWN .................................336 Elli s Flowe r Shop Nathan Hal e Shop R ed Book Ron e Mu si<' Company Vera's Shop

TO KEEP US GAY ........ ...................................................... 343 Dandale Fleety's Cafe Indiana Hoof Tuck's Tavern

FASHIONS AND BEAUTY L. G. Balfour................................................................................ 338 Boquet Sl1op ................................................................................339 Ho111 e Laundry ......................... ........................ ........................ 338 Kahn's .......................................................................................... 338 axwe ll Lan g ............................................................................339 Sullivan's ····································----···································-··········339 Ed. Willia111 s ........................... ................................................... 344

• nl!ntal ~l6ttZ'l'f • lflxt6ookj • ..S'upp/lt:?j • 9l!wl!l'l'f • {jl6tj • t}tl!l!tln9j • ..S'tatlonl!'l'f • 7'oantaln Pl!nj 7'lctlo·n


FIXT RES Bethard \ all Pa1>er Co .............................................................340 Burf ord's ...................................................................................... 34 7 Gene ral E lectri c Supply Co ..................................................... 340 Ha yes Brothers ..........................................................................338 Indianapoli s Store Fixtures Co ............................................... 339 P eerl ess Electric Supply Co ..................................................... 342 P erfection Paint and Co lor Co ............................................... 3 -~6 We stin ghou se E leelri c Supp ly Co ........................................... Hl

FUN Bush-F eez lc Sportin g Goods Co .............................................348 Coca-Co la .................................................................................... 338 Gab les ................ ...................................................................... 339 H erb's Cafe ································································----··--·-····-···340 ev i 11 e ----··---·-··········--·················-----··············-····--·-·-·········--····---·-347 Spink Ar111 s Hot c l...................................................................... 342

HEALTH Akro n S urgical l lou se ................................................................ 346 Clark C he111i cal Co ..................................................................... 348 H . P . Clw111i ca l Co ..................................................................... 338 T. M. Cru td1er Dental DcpoL. ............................................... 341 F c rl i g ··········-··--·-·-·····----··-····-·-···-····-···-·······---········-···------···········--34 7 Geo rge Hit z and Co ...................................................................34 7 Hornada y M ilk Co .....................................................................341 Inter-S lat e Coa l Co ..................................................................... 344 Kingan and Co ................... ····-··--···--·-········----···················------···346 J. C. PPrry and Co ..................................................................... 341 Pitman-Moore Co. ---·-·-·········· ··-··- ·-···· ·····-···---··--·· · ············---·----· .3 -~6 Ran som and Randolph Co .......................................................344 Varsity ······-·-·············-·-·-·-··········----··-------········--····------·-·············---348 S. S. W hit e Dental M fg. Co ..................................................... 337 Wiles Dru g Co ............................................................................. 348

non-6 lctlon

6tom thl!

MISCELLANEOUS Bloomin gton Natio nal Bank .................................................... 340 Bram wood Pre°' ·-·-···----·············-·················--·-·····················----·340 Brulin and Co ............................................................................. 344 City Sec uriti es Corp ........ ........................................................... 340 F e ltus Printing Co ..................................................................... 339 First ra ti onal Bank .................................................................... 338 A ugust Hoff111an --·-·····-·····-----·--·-··········-·-·-·-·················----·········347 Indiana Busin ess Coll ege.......................................................... 34 7 Indiana Farm Burr au ................................................................ 345 Indi ana U nivers ity Book Sto re ......................... ...................... 335 Indiana Un iversit y Printing PlanL ........................................ 348 Kell ei--C rcseent Co. ---···········-----·-············-·-·-----········----······------349 Monroe Co unt y State Bank ...................................................... 3-i8 Mutual C hina Co ......................................................................... 342

7'itl!jldfl flookjhop


MAIS-Ouf-SELL is presented with all due respect to Mademoiselle Magazine


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1944 BLUE BOOK Crash tags, military rings, and passcase billfolds lead in popularity for gifts for men in Service. Also fine rings, lockets, compacts, photo frames, and billfolds.

Good Clothes are Worth Conserving ...

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Our Clothes h ave always b een quality Clothes. Take ca r e of wha t you have. If you n eed n ew clothing, buy it n ow. T ak e ca re of it. Make it last.

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R e fri ger a ti o n

Plumbing a nd H o u se

D r a in age

Lincoln 344 6

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Ind ianapol is


Store Fixtures -

Office Furniture

In blue jeans or sables,

Restaurant Furniture

We meet at the Gables. 329 W. Washington St.

Riiey 4151


Authentic V niversity

FASHIONS FOR MEN An 1.U. Institution For Eleven Years


". . as traditional as the Old Board Walk . ."

Buy Your Sorority and Fraternity Jewelry

Printing from

from a reliable jeweler


MAXWELL C. LANG 708 Test Building


For more than 50 yea rs Bloomini;ton Printers to organizations 0£ Indiana University

In War- as in Peace--" Printing is the Inseparable Companion of Achievement"


gfowers by the

:J3oquet Skop



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Blooming ton's Hom e News paper

Washington at Kirkwood


Our Congratulations to Indiana University



lJa.Uny unJ .Meeiin9 PLace

"Every thing For The Office"


Indianapoli s

121 to 127 West North St.

dlumpi'f d/ooJ,ie'1-d.




Distributors of Fine Wallpaper and The Paint Products of DEVOE & RAYNOLDS

HERB'S 1316 E. Third Street

4 15 Massachusetts Ave.


We have the following Indiana University alumni in our organization

M ember Fed eral Deposit l11 su.ra11 ce Cor poration

J. Dwight Peterson ____________ "19

E. W. Barre t'-- ----------·------- "26

Richard C. Lackton ____________ "30

Eleanor Bash ---------··-······ '30

Noble L. Biddinger ____ ________ ' 33

William C. Menke ( on leave af absence with U.S.

Margaret Tadd ····----········ "30

C. W. Weath ers ................ "17

Navy )

··· ······-·········----- '41

Eli zabet h Thompson ________ '40




Investment Securities

326 W . Georgia St. 417 Circle Tower INDIANAPOLIS



Just ~Ill~ Please





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for your splendid contribution to the war effort



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MArket 5335

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R eason abl e ra les : Sin gle __ __ ____________ ____ S2 .50 a n<l up Doub lc _____________ ____ _$4.00 an<l u p also ap artm e nls for pe rma nen t gues ls

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China -

Lin coln 2361

Glass -


Gifts and Novelties for the home

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RILEY 23 61



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Da ncers throughout the state travel to The Indiana Roof to dance every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 'neath slowly moving clouds and twinkling stars. Colorful Spain furnished the inspiration for this magnificent ballroom, where dancers move rhythmically over the mirrorlike dance floor to the music of a parade of nationally fa. mous dance orchestras . Every facility for your convenience and comfort will be found in the resplendent surroundings of this enchantingly beautiful dance and show place .

IN DIANA ROOF Atop the lndiano Theatre Indianapolis Alice McMohon , Directing Monager.


THERE ARE MANY UNCERTAINTIES AHEAD ! Yet we know that eventually most of you will, when the times permit, begin the practice of dentistry.

When that time arrives we want you to remember that we carry in stock and on display, a complete line of the different makes of equipment for your comparison and study.



JANITOR'S SUPPLIES 2939 Columbia Ave .




Wtdea , , ,

An Orange Blossom Diamond Ring will keep the rapture of


first love See . . . Ed Williams

INTER-STATE COAL CO. 909 Electric Building


Lincoln 5405 On the Squ are



FARM BUREAU BALANCES the books of its first quarter century of prog -

ress in Indiana. A generation of farm people through self-help have lifted their social, economic, and political position, and established definite and ethical standards in cooperative business practices by which succeeding generations may improve their way of life. During the past quarter century thousands of farm people have given liberally of their time and talents to build a general Farm Bureau of more than 200,000 Indiana farmers and a cooperative annual business within the state of one hundred and fifty million dollars. The social and inspirational part of this work will continue to spring from the hearts of altruistic people whose faith in the general welfare supersedes collosal monetary gains. On the other hand, this rapidly expanding coo perative business, including the field of cooperative INSURANC E, offers many jobs and positions to qualified young men and women. With in the FARM BUREAU IN SURANCE FIELD, whe re are opportunities for agents, adjusters, book keepe rs, secretaries, and many other positions. Indiana farm people point with pride to their schools and un 1vers1ties where industrious young people with courage, qu a lify themse lves for life 's work worth while. These same folk believe t hat the coopera tive field, after the school days, offers profitable, wholeso me, and satisfying opportunities upon which a life of community participation will pay dividends.


Indianapolis, Indiana


"1t is no small thing to know that. what we makeJ may depend

lJ her life shall be preserve l



dlead<j;uMieM. ... • • . A.n !JnJUu1a

PERFECTION PAINT and COLOR CO. 715 E. Maryland St.


Medical Stud e nt S upplies

Hospital, Ph ys ic ian s and Sick Room Suppli es

MArket 4312


O Trusses, E las li c Hos ie r y, Abdom-

inal Suppor1 e1·s, Braces, Orthopedic Applian ces

Co rnpliment.s of



Packers of Fine Meats

221 North Pe11nsy l vania

since 1845

Indianapoli s


Geo. Hitz & Co.



Fruits and Vegetables

Honor Brand Frosted Foods INDIANAPOLIS

Canned Goods




August Hoffmann

An all-state school, having complete, convenient, active units at the fol lowing locations : Marion, Muncie, Logansport, Anderson, Kokomo, Lafayette, Columbus, Richmond , Vincennes, and (Central) Indianapolis




Complete Commerce Junior Executive Executive Secretarial Standard Secretarial Senior Accounting Junior Accounting Stenographic Forward - looking young people are again giving attention to PREPARATION FOR LIFE Career Courses . They realize that postwar employment will call for a higher standard of efficiency than that which has been "tolerated" during this emergency period . Here, individual - progress methods assure advancement according to ability, application, and previous training . For Bulletin, interested persons are requested to contact the respective points they prefer to attend, or write

SeviLfe Smart Restaurants Downtown, 7 North Meridian Hawthorn Room , 1611 North Meridian INDIANAPOLIS


Indiana Business College Indianapolis 6, Indiana ORA E. BUTZ, President


FRED W. CASE, Vice-Pres .

10 E. Mar ke t

603 E. Washington





• eltemicau • t4LJudteJ. • q.a6ucaieJ eltelnicau 412 South Missouri St. -


the cmnpus

Indianapolis Dru gs

Fountain Student Suppli es



Phone 5018

Operated by the University for print ing services to the various departments and allied organizations.


"The Friendly Bank"




136 E. Washington St.

'We cvte p~ 1o. anno.unc.e O.UI/, 44tli Aj£cvt A.n . lite



Wiles Drug Co.




This is a good lesson to learn now for use later. The printed word that is the backbone of modern education . . . the Research printed picture that preserves your memories of college Publicity days ... are also the instruments of professions, of manage· Public Relations ment, of administration. In fact, wherever you go from here, Sales Promotion you'll have use - and need - for these instruments. When Advertising Copy you do, choose them well. Judge them as you have your Art college. Pick the institution that can give you complete, cor· Photo-Engraving related, tested results. As an institution of creative printing, Offset-Lithography Keller-Crescent combines a complete co-ordinated graphic Process Color ~ri~ting . . . 0bv1ous . Iy, Letterpress Printing arts service under one roof, one respons1bd1ty. Binding its correlation of creation and production makes Keller·Cres· k cent not only the best source of quality in printing, (witness _, your Arbutus this year), but also of economy. Keep that \l_~ in mind. It might make you a genius with .the new boss who hasn't yet discovered our way of doingthings.






CAMPUS INDEX Acac ia ..................................................25,1. 255 Accounting Club ...................................... 124 Adminis tra tive Staff ................................... .33 Adverti sin g Club ...................................... 158 Alpha Chi Omega ............................ 222 , 223 Alpha Chi Si g ma ...................................... 125 Alpha Delta Pi ............... ................... 22·1. 225 Alpha Kappa Alpha ........................ 226, 227 Alpha Kappa Psi ...................................... 126 Alpha Lambda D elta ................ ............. . 100 Alph a Omega ............... .......... ... ............... 206 Alpha Omega Alpha ................................ 194 Alpha Omicron Pi ............................ 228. 229 Alpha Tau Omega .......................... 256 , 257 A. W . S ..................................................... 98. 99 Beta Gamma Sigma .................................. 101 Beta Th e ta Pi ...................................... 2:; 8. 259 Biddl e , \Va rel C ........................................... 29 Blue Key ..................................................... 102 Boa rd o f Aeo ns .......................................... I 03 Board o{ Standards .................................. 107 Board of Trust ees ..................................... 32 Briscoe , H erman T . ..................................... 29 Business .............................................. .'10 , 4 1 Chemistry ............................. .................. 36. 37 Chi Omega ......... ................. ......... 230 , 23 1 Collegiate Chamber of Commerce .......... 11 2 Col umns ....... .. ..................................... 289 Cosmopolitan Club .................................. 127 Dean o{ i\ l en ................................................ 3 1 Dean of W omen ...................................... 30 Debate Team ............................................ 128 Delta Chi Girl s ................ .................... 29 1 Delta Delta Delta .............................. 232 . 233 Delta Gamma ................................... 234. 235 Della igm a Delta ............................ 208 . 209 Delta Tau D elta ........................................ 284 Del la Upsi lon ................................... 260, 26 1 Denta l Student Council... ......................... 207 Dentis try ..................................... ........... .44 , 45 Dra111 aLics .... ................................................. 55

Edu cation ................................................ •18 . 49 Eng li sh .................................................... 56, 57 Euclid ea n Circle .................................. 129 Fine Ans ................................................. 62 . 63 Forrest Pla ce .............................................290 Fren ch Club ............................................. 132 Hi story .................................................... 60 , 61 Home Economics .................................. 38, 39 r. S. A ........................................... 104 , 105 . 106 lnt er fral e rnity Pl edge Council. ............... 130 lmersorority Pledge Co un cil. ................... 13 1 Iola Sigma Pi .............................................. 158 Jr. American D e ntal Associati o n ........... 210 Kappa Alpha Theta .......................... 236, 237 Kappa Delta Rho .............................. 262, 263 Kappa Kappa Gamma ...................... 238, 239 Kappa Sigma ...................................... 26·1, 265 Laboratory Technicians ..................... ..... 217 Lambda Chi Alpha .... ............. .................. 285 La n gua ge .............. ................. ......... : ...... 58, 59 Law .......................................................... 50.5 1 1-fanagement Clu b .................................... 133 Mathema tics ........................................... 64, 65 Medicine ............................................... .42. 43 i\ l ortar Board ........................................... 108 Mu s ic ............................................................ 54 Nu igm a Nu ...................................... 134 , 195 Nu Si g ma Ph i ........................................... 196 Nursing ....... ............................. .46, 47 Omi cro n Delta ..................................... ..... 135 Pamarada ...................... ......................... 136 Pan -H e ll e nic ............................................. 137 Phi Heta Pi ............................................... 197 Phi Chi ................................................... 198 Phi Delta Epsil on ................................... 199 Phi Delta Kap pa ..................................... 140 Phi Del ta Theta ................ ................ 266, 267 Phi Delta Theta Girl s.... .......................... 29 1 Phi Eta Sigma ............................................ 109 Phi Gamma Delta ............................ 268 , 269 Phi Kappa Psi ..... .. ......................... 270 , 27 1

Phi i\ l u ............................................... 2·10, 2·11 Phi Om ega Pi .................................. 242, 243 Phi Rh o Sigma ....................... ................. .. 200 Ph ys ica l Education ............................. 52, 53 Pi Be ta Phi ....................................... 244 , 245 Pi Lambda Phi ............................... 272, 273 Pi La mbda Theta .................................... 141 Pleiades ................................. .............. 138, 139 Psi Om ega ................................................. 211 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ....................... 274, 27 5 Si gm a Alpha Epsi lon Girl s...................... 293 Sigma Alpha Iota ...................................... 150 Sigma Alpha Mu ............................ 276, 277 Sigma Chi .......................................... 278 , 279 Sigma Chi Girl s ..................................... 29 1 Sigma Delta Tau .......................... 246 , 247 Sigma iota ......................................... 142 , 143 Sigma Kappa ................................... 248 , 249 Sigma u ... ... .................................. 280, 28 I Sigma u Girl s ........................................ 288 Sigma Pi Girl s .......................................... 288 Skeleton Club ........................ ............ 144 , 145 Skull and Crescent... ........................... 146 , 14 7 Sphinx Club ...................................... 1·18 . H9 Tau Ka ppa Alpha ...................................... 128 Theta Alpha Phi ..................................... 15 1 Theta Chi ............................ .............. 282, 283 Theta Kappa Psi .......................... ............ 20 1 Theta Sigma Phi ...................................... 152 Town Council ............................................ 293 Townettes ..................... . ....... ....... 29-1, 295 Union Board ................................... 110, 111 Union Building Girls. ............. ..... ........ 292 University Theatre Business Staff.......... 153 W . A . A ................................................. 15•1, 155 ·wells, H erm a n B. ......................................... 28 Xi Psi Phi ............................ ........................ 212 Y.M .C.A . ...................................................... 156 Y.W .C.A . ...................................................... 157 Zeta Tau Alpha ................... ..............250 , 251

STUDENT INDEX A Abbett , Elizabeth ...................... 2·18 Abbeu , R e becca ...................................... 2·15 Acke r , J a n e t . . ................................... .... i4 Acos, J a mes ................................................ 144 Adam s, D avid .............................................. 74 Adams , H azel .............................................. 7-1 Adams , Pres ton ........................................ 278 Adkins. J oe .......................................... 126. 28 1 Ahlbrand , M a rgarete ................................ 29 1 Ahlf, Mary .................................... 74 , IOI . 136 Aisenstadt, Jul ia ................................... 2 16 Albright. Ion e .......................... .................. 288 Aldri ch. R ose ............................................. 288 Alexander, J anet ........................................ 239 Alexa nder, Mary ........................................ 237 Alford, Adrian .......................... .................. 283 Allen , Robert ...................................... 13·1. 14 ·1 Allerdice, James .................................... 275 Alley , orm a n .................................... 14 •1, 265 Alling . Charles ............................................ 74 Al yea . orm a .............................................. 2-19 Anderson . Carol ........................................ 25 1 Anderson.J ane .......................................... 29 1 Anderson , John ............................ 74. 101. 144 Anderson, Laurabell e ............. ............. 74. 294 Anderson , Lois ............................................ 29·1 And erso n, Norma ..................................... 293 An ge l , Nickolas .......................... .................. 74

Appel . Berenice ...................................... ..293 Arcker . Virginia ...................................... 288 A rendshorst, Elizabeth .............................. 74 Armstrong, H arwood ................................ 270 Arnold , J oan .............................................. 222 Arosemena , R obe rto ................................ 127 Ashby, Marianna . .............. 74. 108 . 157, 245 Ashby , Norma Lee ..................................... 295 Auerbach, H e rman .................................... 74 Augustine, 1aril ynn ................................ 24 1 Ayers , Virginia ............ .............................. 74

B Babcock, i\fcrrill ........ ................................ 238 Badders, Patrici a ........................................ 238 Ba d gley, farjori e ...................................... 295 Bailey, Esther ............................ .................. 232 Bailey, Helen ................................... ............. 74 Bai ley, Pa ul a .............................................. 233 Ba ir, R achel ................................ ................229 Bake, Rita ............ ..................................... 230 Baker, Charloue ....................................... 288 Baker, R osa li e ............................................ 288 Baker, homa s .......................................... 255 Ba ke r , Virginia ................................... .47 , 289 Ba ld win , Madeline .................. .................. 292 Ba loff . Loui se ............................ ....... 100, 222 Bal ogh, Julia ...................................... .'17 , 293 Ba l ta ges. Mary ....... .... ............................... .292


Ba n cro ft , Marth a ................................. ... 292 Ba ne, Mary .............................................. 229 Banta , John .............................................. 258 Barash , Ruth ............................................ 288 Ba rat ta, Glenna ........................................290 Barbee, Betty .............................................. 236 Barich, Besse ................................................ 47 Barke r, Carmen ......................................... .47 Barnard , Betty .................................... .47, 289 Barnes, Patri cia ...................... ................. .295 Barnett, George . ...................................... 282 Ba rnctt, Ja ck ...................................... 126, 282 Barney, Be ll y ................ ....................... .'!?, 14 1 Barr, Barbara .............................................. 230 Barr, J oa nn a .............. ................................ 236 Barrett, Mary .............................................. 245 Barten , Velm a .......................................289 Bash , Carolyn ......................................... ... 245 Bates, Rue ... ........................................ 254 Battreall , Gene .......................................... 268 Bau gh, Dora l .............................................. 237 Baumgardt, Louis ......... ............................ 144 Baxman, Horace ......................... .47, 125, 156 Baxter, faril yn ........................................ 236 Bayer, William ....................................... ... 282 Bayless , Eva ........................... ............. .47, 124 Bea gley. J a n cy .......................................... 230 Beall , Carol yn ............................................28 Bean, Joseph ....................... 75 , 134, 144, 156 Beard . Mary ................................................ 228

Bea zell , Mary .............................................. 232 Beck, Bonita ...................... ........................ 249 Beck, Dav id .......................................... 75, 144 Begner, Barbara ........................................ 247 Behnbee, R oy .......................... .................. 144 Be ilke, Clifford ...................... .................... 144 Beineke, Ph yll is ................ ...... 290 Belch, Ma ry ............. ....... ............ ....... .. 75 ........ 75 Bell , Fra nk ........................ .......... Bell , Ruth .................................................... .. 75 Bell es, Da le .................................................. 75 Belshaw, George ........................................ 144 Benedict, Ba rba ra ................................ .. .... 291 Benjamin , Margare t .................................. 100 Bennin ghofen , Christine ... ............... 127, 292 Benn inghoff, J am es .......................... 133, 279 Benn ison , Flora .......................................... 290 Benoit, Ma rgaret .............................. ........ 244 Bergman , Myrtle ........................ 75, 104, 295 Berkowitz, Ela ine ....... ...............................247 Berma n , Ed wa rd .......................... 75, 134, 144 Bernstein , ta nley .... ............................ ..... 277 Berry, Ruth Ann ............................ .... ........ 224 Berquist, Kenne th ....................... ... ......... .278 Bes t, D oroth y .............................................. 250 Bickett, Ruth ......................... .... ........ .....288 Bigler, Muriel ...................... ............. ......... 144 Bimbas, Ma ry ........................................ .... 288 Binford , Ba rba ra ...................................... 237 Bird, Philip ..........................................75, 282 Bireley, Betty ....... ...................................... .250 Bixler, Don ald ....... .. ................................ . 144 Blackiston , Be tty ................. ..................... 231 Blackwell , H a rri e t ........... ................... ...... 290 Bla nk, John ......................... ............... 130, 268 Blassa ras, Crist ......... ........................ 134, 144 Bliss, Ca rolyn ............................. ....... ...... ..23 1 Bl ocher, J ea n ......................., ...................... 230 Blocher, Ma ri on ................................ 131, 23 1 Bluemle, J ohn .......... .................................. 279 Blumenth al, H aro ld ................................ 143 Blumkin, Sylvi a ......... ............ ............ 247 Boaz, Bett y ................................................ 230 Bock, Don ........................... .................... 274 Boe n, Ba rbara ........................................ .244 Boga rdus, Tom ............ ........ ... 258 Boggy, Lowell .. ..................... ..... 75 ..... 277 Bohart , Milton ............. ........ Bolin ge r, Dona ld ... .. .. .... .. ............ ........... 126 Bond , Elea nor ........................ ...... 75 Booher, Betty .... .................. .... 292 Boonstra , Cha rl es .......... ............. 144 Booze, J o Ann...................... ....... ........... 233 Bopp, J a mes ...................... .............. 134, 144 Bordner, Mrs. Juli a na ............................... 75 Bosworth , June ..........................289 Bougha n , Virgi ni a ....... 75 , 234 Bowen , Betty ......... .. 228, 75 , 137, 138 Bowen , W illi a m .................. ............ 275 Bowers, Da le ...... ........................... 75 Bowers, Ela in e ........ ............... 233 Bowlb y, Al ice . ..................... ... 235 Bowlby, Be tt y .. .............. .......................... 225 Boyer , Ma ry ...... ..25 1 Boyles, Ma rj ori e ............... ... ..... 129, 229 B raden , Na ncy ... ........................ ........ ..... 29 1 Bradway, Ma ry . ....... 233 Brazil , Ma ry ....................... ............. ...... .248 Bred eweg. Ma ry .................. ..................... 288 Breinin g, Ba rba ra ............ .... .................... .248 Brenn er , Mildred ................. .................... 288 Brick, Bea tri ce .......................................... 247 Brickl ey, Richa rd ...................... 109. 147 , 258 Bright, Judy .................................. ............ 24 9 Brinton , J am es .. .................... ... 283 Brockma n , Edwa rd .......................... 144 Brody, Lew is ............................................ 273 Bronstein , El a ine .................... 247 Brooks, Ba rba ra .... 75. 295

Brown, An nese .............. ............. ........... 75, 292 Brown , Dona ld .......................................... 144 Brow n, Doro thy ......................... ............... 29 1 Brown , Fra nces .......................................... 236 Brown, Ju ne ....................75 , 98, 108, 138 , 2-15 Brown , Pa uline .......................................... 295 Brown , Virgin ia ............................ 75, 138, 237 Bruce, Patsy ................................ 10-1 , 131, 243 Brum ble, Virgin ia ..............................293, 294 Brya n , R obert .................. .. 134 , 144 Buch a na n , Ma ry .............. ........... 238 Buck, R odger .................................. ............ 14 7 Buck. Vi rginia .................................... 131,2·18 Buckl er, R obert ................ ... ....... ........ 147 , 270 Buech ele, Mildred ....... ..................... ........ 24 1 Bund y, E rnest ............ ....... ......... 256 Burbank, Gl oria ......... ..... .................. ...... 233 Burka rt, R ose Ma ry ......... ......... .. ........ 75 , 295 Burkha rt, June ............ .. .... ........ 29 1 Burks, Be tty .................................. ....... 243 Burns, Ba r bara ........................ ................. 23 1 Burns, Marjorie ................................ ....... 25 1 Burrell , Enid ................ .................... ........248 Burrou ghs, J o Ell en ................ .. ......... 233 Burton , Ca rl .... .........................................28 1 Burton , Donna ...................... ................... 290 Burton , Margare t ...................... ....... 292 Busa rd , H elen ...................................... 76, 245 Busby, Betty ..................................... . 131, 228 Buschma nn , Charles ................................ 270 Buski rk, Anna ................. ................. ........238 Buyer, June ................................................ 288 Byrd, Ba rba ra ............................ ................ 133 Byrne, Ma rtha ................................... .. ......... 76 Bywa ter, I ris .... ......................... ....... 288

c Cannady, J ohn ......................................... 270 Ca nzi er, I rene ...................... ............... 76, 295 ......... 295 Capper, Betty ......... ....... ............ Carmi chael, Betty ....................................... 76 Ca rmi chael, Ma ry ............................... 76, 222 Ca rmod y, Ph ilip ............................. ......... 275 Carpenter, D onna .......... ............................. 76 Ca rr, J erome ..... ........... 279 Carson , I rene ................................ 76 , 135, 250 Carter, An n ...................... ........... 229 Carter , Be tty ............. ... ...... 292 Ca rter, Jun e ................ ...... ..................... .. .. 29 1 .................................. 278 Ca rter, P hilip Ca rtwri ght, Wi lli a m .............................. 257 Casey, Ma rth a ......... ............................ 76, 234 Casey, Ma ry .................. ................. ......... 235 Ca tes, H elen ............................................ 29 1 Ca to, J ack ................ .......... 264 Ca tt , Ph yllis ......... 76. 1-14 Ca ttell e, Ma rjorie . ...... 76 , 2-12 Ca u ble, Suza nn e ....................................... 238 ... ...... .. 26 1 Ca usey, G ilbert ............... Cavende r, l\!ary ........................................ 290 Caw n , Sylvia ................. ................ .. ..... 2-16 Cec il , Virgini a ............... 295 Cha pm an , Sa ra .............. 238 Chas ma n , Pa ul ........................... 76, 13·1, 144 Cha ttin , Willi am ........ ..... .... 76. l ·l·I, 258 Chenoweth , L yd ia ........... 293 ........... 239 Cherry, a n cy ................ Cioll i, Fra nk .. .............. ........ 283 Clark, J am es .................. ............... 109 Clark, Ma rga rette .......... .......... 243 Cla rk , Ma ry ................ .......... ............. 129, 227 Clarke , Do ris ...................................... ...... 230 Cl arke, Doro th y ...................................... 244 Cl ary, J a mes ............................... .... ........... 76 Claudon , J ea nn e ............ .... ........ 245 ......... 249 Cla use n , Doro th )' ..... Cl a usen , Lu cill e ............ ............... ... .... 249 Clevela nd , Na ncy ......... ................. 76 , 289


Clevela nd, R obert ..................................... 274 Cliffo rd , Berth a ......................................... 227 Cliffo rd, R uth ..................................... 76, 222 Cl inc, Ma ry ............................ ..................... 229 Clinesm ith , Lola ........................................295 Cl in esm ith , M il dred ............................ 76, 295 Clo user, E udora .................................. 233, 76 Coble, l\ la rian ............................................ 288 Coc h ra n , Ali ce ............................................ 288 Coc kerham , Do ro th y .......................... 76, 292 Coggcs hell , W arren ........................... ...... 267 Cohen. Ed ward .......................... ........ 130, 272 Cohen , Suza nne ......................................... 2-16 Cohn , Est her ...................................... 247, 291 Cole, J a mes ................................................ 278 Colema n , Malco lm .................................... 276 Coll ins, Irm a .............. ................... 233 Com bs , l\I a rt in .......... ................... 76 Conn ell y, J o hn .... .................................... 256 Con ner, J ea nn e .......... ................ 225 Co nn o r, T homas ... .................. .... 267, 130 Converse, R ac hel ............................. 135 , 295 Coo k, Bru ce ................................................ 76 Cook , Ma rjor ie ................................ 135 , 249 Cook, Mary .......................................... 76, 245 Coo kson , Loui se ........................................ 77 Cooper, Evelyn ...... .......................... ........ 229 Coo per, J ohn .......................... . ................. 268 Coop er, Virgini a ....... .......... 77. 11 2, 138, 229 Corn well , Ju a n ita ............... ..................... 290 Correll , l\! a ry ............................................. 290 Cosgrove, Ri ta ....... 77 , 136 Co ugias , Ali ce ....... ......... 100 Co ultas, Mary ........................................... 294 Coul tas , Sa ra h ............................. ........ 77 , 250 Countryma n , Susa n .... ............ ........... ..237 Cova lt, Bett y ... . ................................. 289 Cox , Edwa rd ...................... ........................ 128 Cox, J ea nne ................................................ 77 Cox, Ma rjo ri e ............................................29 1 Cox, Ma ry ................ .............................. ..289 Cox, Pa tri cia .................................. ............ 29 1 Cra ig, Ann adcll ...................... 288 Cra ig, Haro ld ........ .. ..... .............. 109 Cra ig, J a mes .......... ..................... ... ............ 144 Cra ig, Ma ril ynn .......................... 77, 138, 222 Craig. Pa tsy . ............................. ...... 77, 23 7 C ram er , Mrs. Elca nor.. .............................. 288 Cra ne, Will ia m ....... .................. ................ 255 Crawford , Berna ........................... ............... 77 Crays, \Vill adcen ....................................... 29 1 Cre ighton . Ba r bara ...................... ........... 250 Crews, Pa tty ...... ..................... ........... 295 ................................ 77 Croo kes, Ph oebe Crossen . R ohe n ..................... .... ........ 77 , 144 Crowe, Beryl ................... ..................... 77, 229 Cro we. Charles ...... ......... 130 , 279 ..................... 257 Crox ton , Willi a m . Crull , Mart ha ........................................... 290 Cul p, Davi d ................................................ 109 C unn ingham , Mary .................................. 232 Cunnin gha m , Sara h .................................. 288 Cu rle, Ma rga re t .. .......................... ............ 239 C u rrent, Ka th ryn ................................ 77 , 229 Cu rrent, Marga ret ....... 229 .................. ?? Cutsha ll , Barbara

D Da ll as, R osemond ...................................... 288 Da ugherty, Fran k ...................................... 265 Davidson, Ma rtha .. .............................. 77, 222 Dav is, Ba r bara J . ............ .......................... 100 D av is, Ba rba ra M . ......................................245 Davis, Ca rolyn .................................... 242 ...................... ..77 Dav is. Ches te r Dav is, Eli zabe th ......................................... 288 Dav is, Jim ................................................... 255 Davis, .J oa n Nancy ................. .................. 23 1

Davis. Ju a nita ....... . ..................... .... 289 Davis, Pa ul ............ . .. 258 Davis, R obe r t .. ........ . .. 13·1, H ·I Da vis.Sara h .... . ............. 288 Da vis , W illi am H . . . ........... 144 Da vis , Willi a m R . ....... 77 , 102, 103, 1·18, 269 Dav ison , C ha rl es Jr .. . .......... 279 Da visso n , J ane t .. .......................... 222 Dawson , D oro th y .... ................................ ... 289 Dawson , Ethel ............................................ 232 Da wson , i\lary ....... ............. 233 Da y, J ea n ..................... 77. 100. 11 2. 135. 14 1 Da y, Theresa ....... . .............................. 295 D eaco n , J ea nn e . .................. . ........ 230 Dea ne , Elirnbcth ............ 77. 98. 108 . 136, !·II D earri n g. \\' ili a ..... ............ 227 Deck , George ........... . ........ 77 . 278 Dehn , J acquel ine . . .......... 29 1 Dc Lco n . R ose ..... . ............. 295 .......... 2 13 De lp , Erma ........ . De m ctrak is. ;\l ary .. ...... 2~3 Denk . .\l ary ........ . ............ 295 Dermody. Be tty ......... . .......... ........ ... 77 . 2·13 Detmer. R obert .. . ................•.. 280 .............. 2 13 DcVi ll c. P atrici;1 . ........... 2·19 Devin , J oan . ............ 233 Devol , J\I a ry ........ . ..... 78. 13 1. H ·I Diamond . J ack .... . Di cki nson , Alice ......... 29 1 ..... 289 Di cus. Lo ui da . .... 78. 233 Di! ks. :'\an cy ....... . ....... 78. l·l·I Dill , J ames ...... . ................. 289 Dill ey. Harroly n Dill. \ ' irg inia .. ....... 98. 100.2 15 Dobson. E,.cl yn ... 235 Doerr. Eli no re . .. 78. 289 ..2·11 D oe rr . V irginia . --------· ···-···-· Doga n . :l lauhew ...... 78. 12·1 Dome. \\' ilma ...................... 295 Dona ld so n . F ra nk ........... !+ ! Dona Iso n . Ear l .. ........... 78 Donal. J oan ......... . ...... 292 ........................ 290 D o nin gc r. Be ll) ..... . Dona,·an. ;\J a ry ... . ................ 13 1. 22·1 ....... 293 D onscl man . Ka1hr) n D o u th i LL. R ohen ........... 78. 129 . 278 ........... 29 1 D oll' ncy. Amelia .... Do)IC. Guin eve re ..................... 295 .......... 290 Drake. Com1a ncc .. Drake . .\l arion ................................... 78. l H Draper. George .... . ............ 124 Ora per. Patri cia ... ............ 22·1 D roi L. Patri cia ............. 78. 11 I. 133. 138 . 222 Dro 111pp . Shir le)' ... ... 293 Du ane. Thomas ........ 280 Du ckll'Orl h. :l larg;1rc1 ............ 133 D11k es. :l larccl la ················ ....... 292 Du kes. Ph ylli s . .... 29 1 Dum es . .\I ildrecl ............... 295 Dun can. Andree ............ 234 Dun can . Edwin ..... ... 102. 12·1 Du ncan . Ra\'mond ... ............. 78 Dunkin . Bell\ Lo u ........... 233 Dun kin. I.con ........... 25·1 Du nn . .\larth a .. .............. 236 Durbin . Eli1abcth . ............ 237 Du \ 'all c. ~lar y ... . ........... 227 D\kc . Ri chard ................. . ..... 13·1. 1+ 1 D1 i11rd1y. H elen ..... 29 1

E Earles. \\' ill iam . ....... 285 Ea rnh a rt . Don ..... . ............ 270 East. Sarah .... 78 Ebert. El 11 o rc ....................................... 78. 295 Eck e rt. J anet ............................................ 290 Eckert. R usscll ..... ... 265 Edmondson. :llrs. :\larga ret.. ................... 78

Edward s, !\ lanha ........ ............................ .288 Ehrich , Judith ...... ............................ .... 288 Ei cher, J osephin e ················· ... 78, 24:.. Ei sele, Thomas .. . ... 278 Eld er , El sie ................................................... 78 El ey, Thomas .J r ............ ................ 270 ..... 230 Ell ington , J o Ann Elli s, Davis Jr. ..... . ....... 147 El I ison , George ............. . .......... 78. 156 End e rs, Shi rice ............ . ................ 2'1 5 En e rson , Del o res .. ..... 292 ......292 Eple y, D o ris ................ . ..... 26 1 Erckmann , Gustave J r. ....... 78 Eschenbre nner, Carrie .. Essex . Be tt y Lo u ... 78 E\\·in g, ~ l cr rill .285

F Fa ller , Nea l ....... 130. 259 Fan che r . Ruth ..... ....... 78, 295 Fanning. Carol yn .. ..288 Fariss, Doro th ea ... .......................... 233 Fa rrow . Helen ............................. ... ......... 295 Fa tch , l3c u y Ann ....... ....... 233 Fed le r , J a ne t .................... ... 2·11 Feldm a nn , Robe rt .... ................ ..278 Fe! tu s, i\la rt ha ........ ... 237 Fenn , Ph yllis ...... .250 Fe rg uso n . John ....... 1·14 .285 Ferre ri . El ca no r . . ............... 233 Fess ler, D oris ............. 237 Fe tte r . :Eleanor . .... 290 Fetterly. Martha .................. 78. 137. 15i, 245 Fc ui g. R icha rel .......... .... ...... ...... 262 Fi eld. ;\li ce ......................... ......... .. 12i Field , Th eo la ...................... . ........... 223 Fi c rstci n . Ha rvc y . ........ ......... ....... i8 l; ifcr, J ohn ........................... ... 13-1.111 Finn ey. Lei ia .. ..227 Finot. 1\ lary .232 Fischer. Ruth .... 213 l'i sh , Har ri e t . 100 Fi sher . Fra nk ....... 255 Fi sher, \ largarc t .... ................ .23 1 Fish er . \ larg ic ................ ... 23!) Fi s her. \ la rjori c . . ..2:J I Fi she r . R i la .................................. .... ..79, 238 r ogcl , Sam ......................................... 128. 2i6 Fo ley , J oA nn e . ................... ...... .23 1 Fo lev. Snsa n ........................... .... 237 Fo ll e tt , i\lan· ... ..................... 79. 29-1 Forbes. Ro be rt ...................... . .79. 1-1 4 Ford . Charles ................. . .. 28 1 Forcakcr, C harlouc .... . ........ 79. 12i Fo umain. Loi s ......................... ........... 79 Fo urni er. J anet .......................... ............... 233 Fox. Ca th e rin e ...... .... ..... 25 1 Fo)C, Willi am .... . .... 125 Fracn kcl. P ete r ............... .... 127 Fra UI L. /\ li ce ..... .... ..248 Fra n1 . Dori s ................... ..... 24 I Fr;1nzcn. C harl es . ................. . .. 260 Fra1ce. Charm a n .... .... 79. 108. 1·11 . 15i. 237 Freed. Belly ...... ............................ 245 Freeland . 1\ rl c nc ........................................ 290 Fresen. R o bert ................................ ........... 79 Frey, Lola Mac ......................................... 291 Friedland , Nor ma ...................................... 247 Fri edman . Yale ......................................... 273 Fri e nd , Ju lia ........................................ ...... 290 Fr y, J oa n .................................................... 293 F11hrm an , H aro ld ...................... .................. 79 Fu l Ls. l3 c u ylee .................................. I 00, 234 Fulll'id cr. Ri chard . ................ ............ 255 Funk . Wil liam ... .79, .11 2, 124, 126, 156 Futte r knccht, J ames ........................... 79. 1-14


G Gabbert, Hel e n ................ ........... 29 1 C abe. Pat ri c ia .. .............. 233 CadicnL. J ohn .................................... 126, 280 Cad ie n t. \Va Itc r . ............................ ...... 79, 274 Gaddis. J o hn ............................................ 274 Galliher , ,\ la rjo ri c ..... ..................... 14--l Callinatti , J o hn ........ .......... 284 Callmcvcr, Thoma s ... .................... 110 Cal low;ty , Pat ri cia .................................... 23-1 Gambill . Sarah ............................... 238 Gammell. Lindley .... ............................ 268 Cant, D oro th y .......... 289, 295 Garcia . Cand id a ......................... '.. 29 1 Gardner . l rrna . .......................... 295 Gardner. J ack . ................. 279 Ga rdn er. i\ lary ............................ ?!), 289 Carin g-e r. Jam es ........................................ 280 Garrett. 1\ lo na Elaine ......... 29 1 Carris. :\li ce ...... .................... 79 ................... ............ 22·1 Gassawa y. Bo nita ............................... 2~7 Cassin. Elaine ... ............................ 28 1 Cast. R ohen ... .................................. 270 Gast in ea u , Da vi d ...... 2i5 Gates. J ack ..... .............. 125 Geekier. Robe rt ..... 79. 156. 25·1 G e mm er. Robert G eoghega n. 11 c . .. 229 George. Emi ly ... . ................... 135 G e phardt. David ................... 278 G eph a rdt. J\ lan· Ann . ... 236 G e ph a rt. Ruthann ............................... 238 Ccrickc. R obert ................... 262 Gibbs. Bever!) ..... ........... 295 Gibson . E1·a ... . ...... 23 1 C:i1Jso11 . Pa t ricia ..... 157. 23-1 Giesle r. Lila ... . ........... .. ................ 25 1 G ild a). £l ca11or ............ ...... 290 Gilke y. ;\ far joric ...................................... 100 C:i lli att. Ruth .......... 79 , 29·1 Gilmore . Be lly .... ......... 15/.230 Giltner. Philip ... . ............. 279 Gin es. J oyce .......... . 2 13 Gl e nd e nnin g. i\larj or ie .................. 290 Goldman . Gera ld in e .................... 2·17 Co le. Jun e ......... ................. 2·16 Goodman , H arold ... ................. 277 Good m an. Ke nt .................. 276 G oodman . Le nnard .... 79. 273 G oodwin , J ohn .. 269 Gorney. Ccnevic,·c 295 Coshaw , E la in e ... 29 1 Goshorn . Emm a lo u ..... 295 G rabhorn , J oane . ...... 230 Crado lph . ;\!uric! ................ ..... 290 Graf. Ja m es . . ..... 79, 126. 274 Craha;n. Dorotlw ................... 223 Gran ge, Pa1ty ... .... 2·18 Gmu c r . Flore nce ........................ 79. 289 Gra1·cs . Betty .. ........ ..................... 233 Craves . Bill y J o ...... . ........................... 25 1 Craves. J11 ani1a ............... 226 Craves. Orvi lle Jr . ......... . ........ HJ. 285 Cray. Cordon .. ................. 28 1 Cra y, 1\ lary .. .......... 79. 238 Cra y. R ose Ellen ..........80. 250 Creer. Eloise ............................................ 23·1 Green , Frances .......................................... 288 Green , J a m es . ................................. 25·1 Crcivin g. Ka thryn ..... ............... 229 G r iffin . i\larian ............................................ 80 Griffith. Ha ro ld ......................................... 1'14 Griffith. Kathr yn ........................................ 22.5 Griffith , Mary . . ........................... 290 Graff, Barbara .. . ........................ 228 Crombacl1cr, Be ul a h ............................... 2·17 Crootvcld . .J ea nn e ..................................... 223

Gross, Mrs. Zelpha Schoen ...................... 295 Grosskopf, Charlotte ................................ 24 1 Grubb, Billie ...................... .. .. .. 80, 23 Grubb, Leora ........................ .. ... 80 , 238 Grusin, Judith ................... .. .............. 246 Guard, R ebecca ............ .. ......... 80, 242 Guffin, Catherine ..... 135, 238 Gumbiner, Louis .................. .. .. 80, 144 Gustafson, D eane .... .. ........... 294 Guthrie, J ames ............. 144

H H aag, Antonia ........................................... 293 Haas, Garland ............ ... 126 , 147 , 282 H ab ighorst, Mary Ann...... .. ............. 29 1 H ackn ey, Alice .................. .. .............. 290 H adley, Barbara ....................................... 289 H agerty, Sally .................... .. .......... 290 H all , Donn a ................... .. ............. 290 H all , Mary J ane . .. ............ 290 H alpern , Myron .......... .. ................... 80 H am, Eva ...................... .. ............ 239 H am , George ................ .. .............. 125 H a mbl en , J ohn ................ . 129, 283 H a m burg, David ................................ ........ 109 H a mersly, l'vlargie ................................ 245 , 80 H a milton , Cathe rin e .. .. ...............295 H ami lton , Mae .......................................... 292 H amilton , Phyliss ................ 80, 100, 136,292 H ami lton, Ruth .................... .. ... 157 , 237 H amke, Francis ................................ ............ 80 H a mm ond , Doris ...................... 294 H a m vas , Elizabeth ........................ ........... 250 H ancock , J ane ...... .. ............ 80, 230 H anika, Tom ................................... 148, 269 H anna, Duke Jr.. ................................ 80, 144 H anna, Wilm a .. .................... .. ........... 242 H annan, Marion ....................................... 29 1 H a nson , Esther ................................... 80, 289 H a nson , Marjo ri e ............................ ......... 288 H arba ugh , John ......... .. .............. 144 H arcourt, Frederick ........................... 80, 144 H arding, Freddie ..... .. ........ 80, 226 H arlan, William ........................................ 285 B arios, Betty J o .......................................... 234 H armack, Barbara .................................... 290 H armon , Mima .......................................... 290 H arper, Co nni e .......................................... 239 H arper, Virginia ........................................ 236 H arrell , May .............. .. ............. 290 H arrell , Ph yllis .......................................... 23 1 H arrington , Dotia .................................... 25 1 H arr is, Elizabeth ........................................ 235 Harri s, Irene .................... ............................ 136 H arri , R obert ............................................ 274 H a rri on , Betty Lou .................................. 29 1 H arrison , Hu gh .......................................... 275 H art, Barbara ..................................... 80, 242 H a rt, Ri chard ............................................ 279 H arter, J ean .............................................. 23 1 H artzler, Genevieve .................................... 80 H assler, Ri chard .......................................... 0 Hatcher, Eva Ma e ................................ 80, 226 H athaway, Betty .......................................... 80 H auck, Mary Ann ...................................... 235 H au enstein , Edna ................ 81, 124, 135, 136 H a uger , Lucille ................ .......... 8 1, 135, 225 H auk, Viola ................................................ 288 H ause, Catherine ................................ 8 1, 24 1 H awkins, Barbara ...................................... 288 H awkins, Ma ry Alice ................................ 104 H awkins , fary lea .............................. 124, 233 H awki ns, Mary Louise ........ ........ 81, 135, 290 H awk in s, R obert ........................................ 126 H awley, Virginia .................. 81, 11 4, 138, 233 H ayden , Wanda ........................................ 244 Hayes, R eginald ........................................ 257 Ha yn, R olf .................................................. 127

H ays, Anna ......... .. ........................ 292 H ayward, Doris .. .. .................... 107 , 238 H azel , Marjory ............. .. ...............8 1, 233 H eath, Patri cia .......................................... 222 H eath, Ruth .......... .. ......................... 29 1 H eck man, Bonnie ........................ 22·1 Hedd e, Marga ret .................................... 295 H eenan, Billie ........................................... 29 1 H eid enreich , Gladys ...................... 245 H eiple, Doroth y ... .. ............... 81, 289 H eithecker, Barbara ........................ 224 H eld, Patricia .......................................... .1 35 H elmen , J oan ............................... ............ 293 H endershot, Eugene ............................... 14 4 H enderson, Patricia . .. .............. .. 295 H endricks, Anne ............ 8 1,98, 108, 157 , 293 H endrickson, Doris .................................. 222 H enley, 1atalie .... .. ............................. 235 H enn, Ray ........................................... 8 1, l·l·I H erder, Will a .......... .. ....................... 22·1 H erendeen , Lois ....................................... 29 1 H erman, Suzanne ..................................... 244 H erran, Mary ............................................. 223 H erron , William .. .. ........... ........... 282 H erther, Hazel ...... .. ........................... 100 H ertz, Mary ......... .. ............................... 235 H ess, Franklin ............................................. 81 Hi ckrod , Kathryn ....... 8 1. 133. 135, 138, 249 Hi cks , Kathl ee n .................................. 13 1, 236 Hi ggins, Mary Lou . .. ........................... 243 Hi ldebol t, H a rriet . .. ................... 290 Hildebrancl , H arriet ................................ 29 1 Hil geman, Carl .................... ..................... 8 1 Hil genberg, Eleanor . .. ........ ............ 236 Hilkene, Lois .............................................. 234 Hill , James .................................................. 14 3 H il l, Louis .................................................. 260 Him ebrook , Phyllis . .. ...................... 290 Hinshaw, Betty Lou .................................. 237 Hip pensteel , H arland J r.. ........ 8 1, 144 Hirsch, Suzanne ................................... 29 1 Hirt, Ali ce ....... .. .................... 293 Hi ssion , Mary ................ ............................ 8 1 H oadley, H elen ........ .. .......................... 100 H oare, J ane .............................................. 225 H oatson, Ju ne .......................................... 244 Hochmeister, Mary .................................... 295 Hod ges, H arriell ............................... 8 1, 237 H odson , Margery ..................... 237 H odson , R osemary ................................... 2-19 H oese!, Mary Jane ......................... 29·1 H ofer, Virginia ...... .. ............. 2·19 H offman, H arri ett .................................... 222 H offman, Katherin e ....... ............ 237 Hoffmann , Este ll e ....... 8 1 H ofmann , Martha ................................ 127 H ogle, Marjori e ....................................... 289 Holdeman, Rut h . .. ................................. 8 1 H olderman, Sue .......................... ....... 8 1, 245 H oll and , Janet .... .. .......................... 23 1 H oll ar, Edn a ........ .. ........ 8 1, 127, 135 Holmberg, Joan .................................... 233 H olm e , John ...... .. .............................. 28 1 Horne, Marjorie ....................................... 239 B oness, H elen .................................... ...... 292 H ook , Charlotte ........................................ 241 Hooker, Eleanor .. .. ................................ 292 Hooker, Nancy .... .. ............................. 223 Hoover, J ane Ann ..................... 240 H oover, Josephine ........................ 124, 224 H oover, Marcia ......... .. ................... 231 H opkins, Willi a m ..................................... 126 H opperstead , J ack . .. ..... 278 Horn , Kathryn ................................ .......... 245 Horn er, Scoville Jr ..................................... 265 H oss, H elen .................................. ............ .. 292 Houl ehan , Marth a .................................... 228 H oward, Ra y .............................................. .. .......... 81, 103, 109, ll O, 126, 129, 136, 266


H owe, Louis .............................. ............ 81, 14 8 Howe, Susanne ......................................... 239 H oyt, Charmian ..... .. .......................... 295 Hubbell , June ........................................... 290 Huckeriede, Mark ... .. .......... 134, 144,285 Huffm an , Marjorie ....................................29 1 Huffm an , Mary .......................................... 289 Hu ggler, Max .............................. 2, 124, 126 Hul ett, Margery .................................. ...... 234 H ull, J\faril yn ......... .. ....................... 222 Humphreys, Doroth y .......... 82, 107 , 157, 237 Hun gate, R obert ........................................ 270 Hungate, William ........................................ 82 Hun t, Ma ry ............................. .... ............... 292 Hunter, Dorothea ......... ............. .............. .. 234 Hunter, Mary ............... ............................ 244 Hu ntington, Constance .................... 135 , 2~9 Huntin gton , George Jr. ............................ 256 Hurwitz, H erman ...................................... 277 Hu spek , Cece! ia .......................... 82, 289, 293 Hmhsteiner, H elen ............................ 291 Hutt, Doroth y '......... .. ....................... 290 Hutton , Charles .... .. ........................ .271 H yman. Ell en ...... ................... 246

1-J I nce, Marjo ri e .. ........................ 288 ....................... 267 In gle, J ack ............ . ..................... 82, 233 Ingram , Audree .... . .......... .................. 290 Ingram , J anice .. .. Irick, Norma ..... . ................................233 Irmscher, De nna ... .. ........................... 292 Irwi~1 . T h el ma .... .. ............................... 293 Isaacson , Natalie ........................................ 247 Jackson , Barbara ................... 124, 222 J ackson, Charles ................................. 82, 144 J ackson , Doroth y ....................................... 82 .Jackson , Erma .............................................. 82 .Jackson, Esther ......................................... 295 J ackson, J oan ..... .. ............... 246 Jackson , J ohn ............................... 144 Jackson , Mary Alice .................................. 244 .Jackson , R obbie .......................................... 227 J affe , Sidney ...... .................................. 273 Jaggers. Doro th y . .. ......................... 249 James. Barbara ... .. .................. 100,238 J a mes , Hel en .... .. .......................... 236 J ames, Marga ret ....................... .. 288 .Jamison , .t. lary ........ .. ................. 100 , 222 Ja nnasch , Mauri ce .............................. 144 Jaques , Barbara ......................................... 291 J aq ues, Faunei l M . .. ..........................295 Jarrett, Charles ................................... 82, 254 Jasper, Miriam .... .. ........................... 290 J entoft, Margaret ...................................... 243 Johantgen , Harold .................................... 144 Johnson , Barbara ..................................... 245 Johnson , Eli zabeth .............................. 236 Johnson , Im ogene ...................... .............. 226 Johnson , .t.fary J ea n ........... 82. 138, 152, 233 J ohnson , Mercedes ...................... 226 .Johnson , hirley ..... .. ............................. 229 J ohnson , Susan ................................. 131, 223 .Johnson , William ......................... 82 J onas, Murray ...................................... 82, 144 J ones, Beuy J ean ...................... 243 J ones, Blanche .............................................. 82 J ones, Esther .............................................. 295 J ones, Louise ................................................ 82 Jones, Margaret .................................. 128 , 295 J ones, Pauline ......... .. ........................... 290 J ones, Peggy ................................................ 290 J ones, Phyllis .............................................. 291 J ontz, J ean ....................... ........................... 29 1 Joseph, Doris ..... .. .................. 82, 238 Judge, Tom ........ .. .................................. 82 Julian , Alice .................................... ........... 295

K Kal a fal. Fay ...... ..... ....... 29!> Ka lin a , Th e rese......... .................... 29 1 Ka mpschae fcr, :\l a rga rct ........... 98. 129. 136 Ka pl a n , i\ l ir ia m ................. ...... 291 Karge r , Beu ye ....... . .. ...... 8~. 138 , 2·19 Ka rl c r, H e nr y ...................... ....... 272 Ka r r. E vel) n ............................................ 290 Kaspe r, Au g ust Jr.... ............... 102, 27·1 Kas tin g. Gera ld .... . ............... 274 Ka ttc rh e nry. Helen ................................. 293 Ka un . Ruth ....................... ................ 237 Kayse r, Ka thryn .. . ................. 131, 239 Keck, i\ larga rc t ..................... 237 Keck. i\l a ril yn .. .... 82. 138. 158. 237 Keck, Le ph a n ic ......................................... 29 1 Keck, \Vilm a ........... ........ ................... 229 Kcglov ich . Elm a ....... .....................82. 292 . .......................... 2·11 Ke il , R ose mary ..... Ke ith , Ma ry Lee.... . ................. 82. 237 Kell e r, J oa n ..................... 229 Kell ey , El izabc th ... . ...................... 2·13 Kell ey, Lu cill c .............. ..... ........... 13 1.2-J.I Kel l ie, i\ lary .......... . ................. ...... 82. 233 Kell y, Mar y Fran ces.... . ... 288 Kelv ic. Patsy .......... 137, 237 ........... 83 , 238 Kemm e r. :\1 ildrcd Kemp . l'h ylli s ...... ......................... 229 Ke nda ll. J ea nn e ..................... 249 Ke nn ell y. George ............ 1·18. 266 Kerr , Ch a rl es .. . ... 83. 134. l·l·I Kerr , Do na ld ....... ................ 83, l·l·I Ke tcham , Barba ra ... . .................... 83 Key, Ma ril yn ..... ................... ................. 23 1 .......................... 234 Kibl e r, Pa tri cia Kiefe r. Jan e t ............. ... ............... ..... 290 Kiefe r , R e ne ............. ..... 235 Ki ger , Ba rba ra .................. ..................... 238 Kilpa tri ck, ,\ lildrcd ...................... 83 Kimb re w. Azil cc ............... ........................ 83 Kime . Marga re t ... 83 , 157. 237 Kimm ell . Ka thnn ......................... 292 Kippl e. Eu gene '..... .................. 283 Kirkh o fL P a ul ........ ............... ........ 83, 14·1 Ki sh , Ire ne ........................ ................. 295 Ki ssc n , Be rd in e ...... ... . ....................... 295 Ki ss ick . H elen ........................................... 288 Kitts, i\l a rga rc t .... . ................... 291 Ki x mill e r . Ka th e rin e ........ .. ............... 239 Kl o pfe nstein . We nd el l ....... ........... 269 Klutc r, i\fa rl owc ....................... 126. 147, 265 Kn a rr , Julia ...................... ..... ....................294 Kn a ue r, P a tri cia .... ....................... 292 Kncll e ke n , Ge rtrud e ........ ...... . ....... 83. 136 Kn ol I . Ro\\" ena .... . .......... ..... 29 1 Kn ox. Barba ra ......................................... 83 Knuth , J ea n ............................... ............ ..295 Koc hl er , Bel l)' ............................................ 290 Kohlm a nn . Ca rl .. ..... 266 Ko nald , Do roth y .. . ................ 83. 234 Ko rnblum . J a mes . . ............... ...... 130. 27 9 Ko pp . Flore nce ... . ... ............... .. 25 1 Kos kin e n , Do ri s ..... ....... 83 Koss, Bett y J ea n ...... ...................... 230 Kostopul os, Lorc u a ................................. 29 1 Ko tin . Bcrtra m .. ................. ....... 83 Krafl. Re ttv ...................... . ......... 2'17 Kral , Ruth .................. . ....... 29" Kra nik , i\fa rga rc t .. 83. 2!\0 Kra s no. Lorra in c ·-·-···--·-·············2h17 K ra uch , J o Ann .............. .......... 290 Kra us , Doroth y ................................. ....... 2!i I Kre me r, Virgini a .. ..................... 295 Krc rnp , Be t ty J o..... ... ............ ....... 223 Kri ck , El ea no r ................ ...................... 240 Kri ck , i\fa ril yn n ................. ....... 288 Kr iegba um . i\!a r il yn .. ...... 222 Kri eghba um , P a tri cia ............................. 23·1

Kro ll , Ell e n ............................................. 290 Kron bo rg . Do ri s ................................. 83, 289 Kru g, Al ice ........................... . .................... .83 Kryd e r, R osema r y ...................................223 Kubl ey, J a mes ..................................... ...... 278 Kuhn , i\1 a rj ori c ........................................... 83 K11hn , Norma .... ....................... .................. 228 Kuhnl e, R o be rt ...................................... I •13 Kunkel, Willi a m . ....................... ..258 Kunkl er, An na ......................................... 23 1 Kunt z, Kath e rin e ..................................... 2-15 Kupfe re r, Cha rl o tt e ..... . ...... 107, 245 . ............... 268 Kylc , J ose ph .....

Lud wig, Ph ylli s . ....... .................... ..... 230 Lu kc mcyer . George . ....... 270 Lundin . R ohen .... ............ 257 Lu sh , J oseph .. 10 1. 1·13 Lu sk, Bell y ............ . .... .................... ......... 8 1 Lutes, Belly ....................................... 8 1. 2% L ybroo k, l\ la r y ........................................ 229 ........ 133 L ynch, Be tty ..... Lyn ch , Fra nces . ................... . .... 2·18 Lynn , Vi rg ini a .................. 135. 239 . ...... 234 L yo ns, Eli rn hc th ...................


McAlpin e, Ri cha rd ................... ............. 109 . ......... 13·1 \ fcArt , Bru ce ..... McArt , Do n .... ....................... .... 8·1. 10·1 i\! cA tec, i\lill a rd ...... 279 McCa rth y, J e rr y . l·li , 266 i\!cCa rty, i\l c ndel ....... 8 1. 102. 103. 11 0. 28 1 . ...... 295 McC la na ha n , Doro th y .. McC lure, Cla rk .. . ................. 8·1, 285 McC lure, Ma rth a .8·1. 250 McClure, Norma n .......... 8 1 :\!cClurc, R oxie ................. ..... 8-1. 295 i\fcColgin , i\l ax in e ......... .2·11 McCo lg in , Wa nd a .......... 8 1, 138,2·11 i\fcCo ll , Rh ea .. . ........ 8 1. 131.2·12 i\fcCom b , Est her ........ 29 1 McCo mbs, Ba rbara ........ 29 1 :\!cCool, R alph ............. .... 268 :\l cCo rmi ck. Vi rgin ia .... .. 233 McDav id , O wen ......... . ........ 280 i\l cDo na ld , R ode ri ck ....... ... 1-17 McDo na ld . William ..................... 1·1·1 :vrcG av in , Co nsta nce ..... ........... 22!i :\fcG ee, J oa nn e ................. ... 13.'i. 2·11 McGinn ess, Es th er ........... .8·1. l·l·I i\!cG ove rn . i\l ax ine .......... .. 232 .. 290 McGrew, G race ................. McGu ire, l\l a r y .......... ... 238 Mcintire, Cla re nce .... ................. ..... . 1•14 l\ fcln tos h , R oas nell e ............................ 292 l\!cKay , J a mes .................. ...... 266 .\fcKinl ey , a ra h .... 85 , 98. 133 , 135 , 136. 292 . ..... 25 1 McKn igh t , J ewel ................ i\ fcKow n , !\fary J ane....... ..... 85. 237 McLeod , J3c u y ........................... 290 Mc :\lah a n , Na ncy .......... ..230 McMa ho n , E li 7a bcth .... 29·1 :\fci\!a ke n , H ele n ................ . ........ 295 \fcl\fill a n . El im be th ........ ................ ... 8!\ Mci\ lill a n , i\1 a r y .... H'\ i\ lcNa bb, Ca ro lyn ... . .......... 24 ·1 McN a b b . i\ la rj o ri e .................. 138 . 2-15 McVa ugh , i\l a rcia .......... 24!\ McWilli a ms. R a lph . ..................... ... 254 MacCaa , .\l ary ... ...... 85 ;\ facClin tock . J oyce ......... . ......... 239 Mac Donald . J a mes ... . ...... 278 l\fo cDo uga ll. i\ la nh a ........................ 85. 292 Macintyre. Isa bel .... ........ . ...... 288 i\f addc n , !\l art ha ..................... .................. 229 Mad de n . :"\o rm a . .............. 85. 2·11 Madd e n , Pa tr ic ia ............. 124, 138.2 11 i\fa ddox , :\l a r y Lo u ............... 290 J\la iwo rm , J ea n .......... 288 J\ lakiel ski . Lo ui s ................. ....... l·l·I i\ la lo ncy, i\ la ry .... ... 85. 138. 238 ...................... 236 i\fa nby, \' irgin ia . Ma ncini , R osema r y ... 229 Ma ney , J ea n .. . ............. ...... ... 29 1 Ma nship . C hr is tina .2 11 Ma nu el, J ack ......................................... 279 Ma ple . i\fa rga rc t ................. . .. .. .... 292 Ma rkey, Ri cha rd .. 85. 14 I Marley, SuLa nn e ....... 8!i Ma rshall , J a ne .... ....................... 29 1 i\fartin , Barba ra ........................... 223

....................... H3.295 LaClu ysc, i\! a ry .... . ............ .. 29 1 L a ffey, i\l a ry J a ne ....... . ........... 295 LaForcc, Ma ril ynn ..... . ...... 248 L:J Gra nge , J ea ne tte ... . ....... 83 , I ~ I. 111 La hr , Philip .......... . ..... 23 1 La m bert , Be tte . .. 83 , 233 La m bertu s, i\!a r y La m bo u r ne, Do roth y . ·················· ... ..222 ...... 127 La mo n t, Angela ...... . ......... ..237 La ndi s, J\lary ........ . ...... 125 La ndwe rl e n , Ri chard ... 2111 La ng, Hel en ..... ....... 83. I '18. 238 La ngel! , Ka thryn ........ 295 La pin , F ran ces ... ...... 228 La pp ing, i\fa rth a Su e .... . ..... 2·19 La rson , i\! a r y ................ . ........ 295 Last, Lilli a n ................. . ...... 1-17 . 25 11 Lath a m , Eu ge ne ......... ... 229 La ug h lin , R ose ma r y ......... 295 La wre nce, J a ne .. . . ...... 8-1. 12·1. 126, 133 Lay mo n , F ra nk ..... . ........................ 275 L;1yto n , Harry .... . .... 126 Lea key, Dona ld . ..... ... 272 Lea rm :rn , Cha rl es .. .......... .288 Leas h , Edith ... ... . ..288 Lea sh . R achel ....... . . ............... 258 1£e. Gc ne ................. . . ... 8-1. 226 Lee. J ea n ................. . ......... 293 Lee. i'\orma ....................... .. .8·1 Leech , \ ' irgini a ..... 267 Le hman , Arthur .... 109. 156, 26 1 Lcih le. Arthur .. ................ . .......... . ... ..293 Leinin ge r. Be ryl . 13!\. 137 . 138 , 2 11 Le ist, Geo rge- Ann a ......... 290 Le .\ l astcr>. El ea nor ...... 2-10 Le ml ey. Gre tche n . ................. ........ 279 Le nox , J ack .. Leo na rd . Do na ld ················· . 1·17 , 265 . 129. 282 Leo na rd , G uy ......... . .................. 262 Lcscak , John ...... 252 Lc th c rm a n . He nn· ................ 288 Lev in . El ean o r .... '. ..... . Le wi s. Lind a ..... . ............ 239 Lc \\"i s. :\fary ............................... ...... 160. 238 Liapt chefI , Kiri I ... 8 I, J27 l.ibc r . Ire ne ......... ................ .8 1. 229 Lind >ey. Sidn ey ..... . ............8·1 Li e berman . Dora ... . ...... ................. .2 16 Life, J oa n .. . 8 1. 222 Lin scnm a ic r . Ba rba ra ... .... 23 1 Lipn e r . He rbe rt .... 14 ·1 Liva . Ad ele ......... .. ................ ...... 29 1 ........... 290 Li ven good , Sa ll y Loc krid ge , Bel l)' J a ne........ .......... HI. 136 Lo ll a, Do ri s ......... 227 Lo ng. Cha rlo11 c ...... 227 Lo ng. T cla nn a ...................... ................... 227 Lo ng. Yvonn e .... ......... ......... ... 233 Love, Ri ch a rd . ...... 271 Lo we r, Ma ri o n .. 235 . ...... 27 1 Lo wry, R obert .. . Luba r , Doro th y ...................... . ..247 Ludwi g. Faith ...... 29 1



Ma rtin , Ca rol ------------------_____ 85, 11 2, 233 -··--·- --- ----- 275 Ma rtin , D o na ld ____ --- ·--- ---Ma rtin , Emil y ---- -- ----·----·---- ------·- ___ 138, 230 Ma rtin , H ele n ------- -·----- -- ___ _______ _295 Martin , J ea n -· ----- -- ----·---- -- ------294 Martin , Loi s ··-----____ 288 __________ 134, 144 Mason , Ea rl _ ----------------___ __ ____ _________ 85 Mason , Na ncy ----------·----______ ______ _288 Ma tche tt, Leo na ·-___ ___ _______ _85 Ma tth ews, J erom e ·-- ___________ 85 , 134, 144 Ma tth ews, Willi a m Ma ttmill e r, E vere Lt ________ J09 Ma ttox, Ma ry -----------------·---______ ___ __248 ___ ____________ 248 Ma xwell , H azel --·May fie ld , Jo Ell e n ___ __ __I 3 1, 24 0 Meacha m , El ean or _____ _85, 14 1 ___ __ __________ 85 Mea d , Pa ulin e ___ _____ 292 Mea kin , Ma r y ·---· ------- ------ --- -----------22·1 Med ca lf, Wanda Mee k, Ba rba ra ---------------- ___ 85, 138, 234 Meh a ffey, Wilm a _____________ 288 ______ 85 , 230 Meil y, Sa ra ----- ---·-·-Mellin ger , G eorge ____________________________ 85, 144 Me ltzer , Be lly -- --------------·---·--·--·-___ ______ 225 Meltze r, Ma rth a ______ 224 Mel vin , Edwin _-------···-------------·-- ·- ___ __ ______ 274 Mend e nh al I, Rita ·--------------------·· ______ ____ __ .. 228 Me rcill e, Rita -----------·------------------ __ __ ___ __ ____ 228 Meyer , Margare t ___ ______ 244 Mi chael, H elen ___ 85, 233 ____ 228 Mil es, J ea n Mile wski , Virg ini a _____________ ___ _25 1 Millbe rn , Be tty ____ ____ 235 ____________ __ ___ ___ 86 Mill en , Dori s __ _ Mill er , Ann a __ __ ----------···--- -------- --- 29 1 Mill er , D a ri Jr. __ _____ 27 0 Mill er, Jam es .274 Mill er , Ma ril ynn ____ -- ------ -- ------292 Mill er, M a ri o n --------------·-- ____________ ____ ________ _25 1 Mill er , Marjori e ________ 86, 233 Mill er , Ma ry ___________ 133 , I 35, 250 Mill e r, Mi cha __________ 223 Millik a n , Rill a __________ 29 1 Mine r, Lois __ -----------------·------------------ __________ I 00 Mitchell , D oro th ea ___ 86, 138 , 158, 229 Mitchell , Ma r y ______ ___ 86 Montgom e ry, H e rbe rt _ ___ ____ 255 Montgome r y, J o hn ____ __________ 255 Montgom er y, R o be rt _____ _______ ____ 275 Moon , Pa tri cia ---- --- ----- 230 Moore, J ea nin e ------ ---- --------- _______ 13 l , 235 Moore, J oa n _____ ------ -- --·--- _________ __ ____ __ 236 Moore, Ma ril yn ____ _____ __________ 228 Moore, William ________ _________________ 274_______ I 29, 243 Moosh y, Caro lyn Morga n , Be lly A nn _____ ____ __243 Morga n , H a rry _ ___ ____ _______ .. 277 Morga n , Ma r ilyn ____ 290 Mori tz, Al oyse .. 250 Morri s, Be rni ce ---------- ---------· --------- --- ----227 Morri s, Maril yn -------------- ---- --- ----- 292 Morri s, Se re na ________ ____ 288 Morri son , Eliza be th _ .. 86. 108, 14 l , 157 , 234 Morri son , Ma ry __ ___ _____ _______ __290 Morriso n , P a tri cia ______ _234 Moss, Bobb y _ ______ -----·-··-···· __ ___ ___ ___ l H Moss, Ri cha rd ________ --·------__ ___ ____ _278 Moss, Robe rt __________________ __ _____ _____ 278 Mott, Joa nn e __ _ ------------ -- -_____ I 3 1, 232 Mou gin , J o hn ____________ ___ 264 _________________ 86 Mo ulto n , Mrs. l\fildred ____ Mounsey, J oyce --------____ ___________ 29 1 Muff, Beve rl ee --------------·-·---·__ .. 86, 233 Muldoon , Ada _ _______ ________ __________ 288 Mull er , G eorge ______ 267 Mullins , Jo Ann ___ ___ _______ 124, 249 Mumford , Joa nn e ---·-----····--86 Mungova n , Pa tri cia ____ ___ 86 Munson , H ele n ___ ---------------·--- ------------- 236

Murphy, Ma r y ____________ 222 Mu sse r, Jun e ------------------------------__ __ ____ 290 Mutz, J ea n __ --------····-··· _________ __ ______ 234 M yers, Cla ra lee ____ ________ 290 M yers, P a tri cia ______ _______ 222 Mye rs, Virg ini a __ ---------------------_______ 290 M yers, Wilm a ----------------··-- --------- ···-- --- _______ 86

N Nage l. Eil ee n _____ ____ 86, l·l l N as h o ld , Bl a in e ___________ ____ ____ 86 ____ 247 N a th a nso n . Lilli a n .295 N avel , J ea n --------------------·-·-Nea l , Fran ces . --·------------------·-___.. 86, 237 Nea l, J o hn ............ _____ ____ ____ 279 N eedh a m , J a ne __ __ __ 229 Ne rin g , Eva r . -------·--·-·----·· .... 129, 282 N evel, Melvin .. _____ 86 Newgent , Be tty ____ __ _________ ____________ 2·19 N ewhou se. P a tri cia ------------------ ___ ______ 86, 230 Ni ch ols, Ann e . _________________ ...... . .. .... 144 N ich ols. G lo ri a ___ ___ 288 ___ 240 Nicho lso n . Ruth _______ 262 N ickel , R o be rt -----------------··----· ____ 86 Ni coar a , Corn eli a _ _____ 23 1 Nicol , Ma rth a Ni ezna nski , H ele ne --------·----- -- -· -· _________ 294 __________ 86 , I 03 , 148 , 269 Nol a n , A la n - ______ 239 Nol a n , Ka thl een Nol a n , P a tr ic k _____________________________________ ______ 285 N orth co tt , Nove ll a - ---- ......... 133, 249 Null , Ba rba ra .295 _________ 229 Nunn , P eggy _ _143 N yfiel e r. N o rbe rt _

0-P-Q O 'Ba ni o n , Ma r v ____________ ________ 23-t O 'Brie n , Willi ~ m ·-------------·- ___ 278 Och ste in , R ose ___ ........... 291 O 'Fa rrell . Be tt y ----------·-·-··- ___________ _____ 86, 250 O fe ldt , Ka thl een ____________________ 292 Ogd e n , Sa ll y .... --------------------------· ________ 29 1 O 'H a ra, Bet t y -----·------·-···- _____________________ 293 O "H a rrow, Ann a ---------------·---· - ... 237 O 'Lave rty. i\! e ril yn .... 233 Olclacre, Ma ry -------------------------- _________ __ 37_ 23 7 ____ __ ____ I 33 Ol son , D oro th y ---·---------····O 'Mea ra , C ha ri o n e ..... ·---------------·· ___________ 87 O r r , Ma r y ..... ________________ ... 230 O sbo rn e, R ose lla ---------·-·-·-----·--------- ______ .. 227 O strande r, Ru th ___ ______ 87 . 295 O tt, Eli za be th -------------------------------------- ___ .. 232 0 Ltra nt, J oann a ...... 87. 133. 135, 210 O ve rbay , J oyce ------------- -- ----·----· ..... 236 O verm ye r _ _J ack _________ __ _____ ___ __ __________ 102, 27·1 Owe n , J o hn ..... ·-·- -- ------ -----··-· ____ 269 P a inte r, Sara __ 23-1 Palm e r, Beve rl y ... ---------- --····---· .. 239 Pa ri sh , Rosemary ---- ----------------· .293 _______ l 25 P a rke r , H a rr y _______________ _________ P a rk e r, 1\fa rya nn ______ 29 1 ... 229 Pa rke r , No rm a ------------------·-·· ___________ l 34, 144 Pa rke r, Phillip _______ _________ Parr, C ha rl es . ----------------------·---· _______ 278 Parso ns, Al ice _ _____ __ 290 ______ 290 Pa te, Loi s ........ . __ _________ 278 Pa tte rso n , D o nald --- ----·-·-·---· Patte rso n , Ma r y ___ _________________ ................ 290 Pa tty, E ve lyn --------------------------· ____________ ______ 288 Pauline, Ma rga re t -----·---·-- -·-· ___ _____ _87, 230 Paul so n. Ma rga re t ------------------- · .........87, 242 Pawlik , Ruth ... ----------·-·-·------ ·-------------...... 225 Pa yton , Al e ne ------·-----·---· ----- ------........... 87 P azmin o , Juli o ----------------·-· ___________ ___________ l 27 P ea rce, C ha rl es -----------··---......... 144 P ea rce, Ma rger y --------------- -------------295 Peck, Fra nklin ----------------------- ··-·--------275


Ped lo w, D o nald _____ _...... 267 Peglow, Ed ga r ------·-···------------ --- --- 279 ----·-·-·---------- -------255 Peed , Ri cha rd Jr. P e nnin g, No rm a . -- -------- ···---- --- -- ------292 Pe nning to n , Phillip ___________ _______ 109 ____ _____ 234 Pe nn y, Be tty Pe pple, Di x ie _ ------------------· _______ ................. 248 ---- ··-··------------- 291 Pe risho, J oa n ---------------· Pe ri z, Ag ustin --·-·------------- ---·----------· -· ___ J 27 Peters, Ann e tte ·---·-··--------- ___ ______ 87 P e te rs, Lu cill e __ ____ 87 , 245 P e te rs, Ma r y Ann -------- ------ -- ___ ______ .. 229 Pe te rson , H a rri e ll ------------- -------------· .. I 36, 290 ________________ 98, 157, 234 P e terson , Pa tri cia Pe tranoff, Robe rt --- ------------· ____ _l 4 3 Pe ttey, 01 ive r ______ ___ ______ 285 P e ttibo ne, Ma r y A nn ---------------··----· ... 87 , 235 Pe ttibone, P a tri cia . ______ ___ ___________ ________ 87, 234 P fo hl , Na n cy _____________________________________ .11 2. 234 Pfre tzschn e r, Lo ui se ___ ______ l 12, 225 Ph e lps, Donna --·-----··--·---------- .. 228 Phill ey, Ma rga re t . ------- -- -----· ____ ___ 290 Phillips, Leo na rd -------------------.144 Phillips, Ruth .. ________ 87, 226 Phipps, Pri scill a _ ____ 87 , 138, 222 Phipps, R e becca . . -·---·-------· _____________ 87 Pierce, Ann e ..... .. .............. 138, 241 Pi e tzner, Fra nces .................... ............ 87 Pih os, P ete __ ----- ---------------··--- ----- ------ -- 148 Piper , Ma r y . ------------·-- ---- -293, 295 Pirtl e, P a ul .. ----------·-·---·- ___________ 256 Pitkin , Marth a . --------·-··------ 100, 290 Pl a tt, Willi a m . .. ........ ________________ 87 Platte r, Orva l ·--------· ........................ 87, 28 1 ---- ---....................... 87 Pl esche r, Ma rcelline Pl o u ghe, Eli sa be th _ ------------------................ 24 1 P o ba nz , Don o va n .......................... ____ 87, 144 P o lsinelli . Tuli o ... .. .................. 124 ___ l 44 Po nczek, Ed wa rd P ontiu s, Edwin ------------·-----· ______ 109, 130 , 256 Poolitsan . G eo rge ________ ............ . 134, 144 Po ppl e we ll . A r\'i ne ______________ _87, 144 P o racky, Be rna rd ______________ ______ 144, 26 1 P o r ter , Bet t y .......... _____ 239 P o rter , J o hn ----------·------- ____ ___ ________ 269 Poth , Willi a m ... ______ 26 1 Potthoff, H ow a rd ......... 87 P o well , Be lly ....... 295 Po well , H o ra ce Jr__ ____ l 44 Po wers, R o bert ____ 27 l Prado, Sulima ..... __ 127, 295 P ra tt, Ma rj o r ie ____ ------··--·-·-- -- ......... 235 Pressle r, P a ul . _______ 257 Pres ti , Eu gene .... ___ __ I 34, 144 Pri ce, H elen ....... ____ 87, 295 Pri ce , Mary Ann __________ _29 1 Pri ce, Max in e .. .......... 128 Pri ce, Ruth ...... -----------------· __________ 88 . 138, 230 Primm , Arl e na ·--- -- ----------· ____ __ 227 Protsm a n , Be l l)' ... ______ ..... _______ JOO , 233 Pruett, J o hn ----------- -· -----· .129 Pruitt, Edwa rd ___ 278 Pu gh , Sara h -----·--· .. 238 Purn ell , Fritz .......... ____ 284 Qu a lkinbu sh , Grace __ __ 290 Qua lkinlrn sh , Ka thryn ______ ___ _88

R R a bb , Fra nk ------------- -- -- -- ... .... .. 258 _______ 288 R a bin owitz, Ann ----------------------R adi gan , Leo _________ ---- -·-· __ I 03 , 110 . 148, 265 __________________________ .. 243 Ra ffert y, N oe mi ____ Ramsey, El ea nor __ ------·-··-------··----- 290 Rawlin gs, Lo is ______________________ ................. 288 Ra y, D o roth y . ------------··-·----· ___ ______ 293 ----------------· _________ _290 R ay, Ka thl een R ay, M yrti a ----------- --·-·-· __ _____ ...... 291 Ray l, D a ll as ______ ----------- --- ----· .. ........ 268

R ea, Birdie ...................................... ............ 25 1 R e k, Ri cha rd ....... ............................... 125 R ecords, Ma ri a n ............... ......................... 295 R edd in , Ma rgare L ...................................... 292 R eddin g, Milo ............................................ 282 R eeb, Ma ril yn ............................................ 234 R eed , Ba rba ra .............................. ............ ..239 R eed, Pat ri cia ............................................ 23 l R eed , R obert ..... ........................................ 2H Reese, J eanne ...... .................. 98 . 138 , 238 Reese, Thomas ........ ............. 88 , 13'1, 144 , 274 Reich , J . Edward ................................. ......277 R eichl e, J ess ie ................................... 100 , 295 Rei nin ga , Barbara ............................. ...... 222 R enfro , Fri eda ........................................... 124 R enfro , R obe rt ......................................... 26 1 R eynolds, Mary ..... ................................ 293 Reynolds, \ ' ioleL ................ 133 , 25 1 Rh eu s, H arr ieu ................................ 9, 238 Rh eubo ttom , Mary .................................. 2'15 Rh odes, Ala n ............................................... 88 Rh odes, Cla ra ............ ......... ..88, 289 , 295 Rh odes, R hys ....................... ..... .................267 Rhodes, Virgini a .......................................223 Ri ce, Carol ................ .................................. 2,15 Ri chards, DoroL hy ................................. 293 Ri chards , Emilie .................... .............. 88 , 222 R ichards, i\fargare t .......... ...................... 293 R ichardson , Ann ........................................ 222 Ri chard o n , i\ la rian ................................ 29 1 R icha rdson , PaLrick .................................278 Ri chardso n , Thaddeus ..................... 134, 144 Ri cken, Philip ....... ...... ................. 267 Ri ggs, Alice ............................................... 29 1 R inehart , R obert ...................... 8 , 1•14 , 289 R inkenberg. E ldonna ....................... 88, 2 9 Ri sle y, H . T ................................................. 255 Ritchey, J oan .......................... .................. 245 R itchie, Belly .......................... ........ 100, 230 R itchie, Willi am ........................................ 130 Ri tter, Claire ..... ............... ........................ .. 100 Ritzman , J ea nn e ........ .............. .................. 292 R obb , i\l ary ................. ...... ........................ 225 R obbi ns, !arjor ie ............... ...................... 249 R obbins, Ph ylli s ............ ........... 294 R obert, Gwendolyn ...... ......... . ............ 295 R oberts, i\fary ...................................... 88, 242 R obenson , Nancy ..................................... 23 1 R oben son , R osema r y ................................ 290 R obinson , Adrienne ................................ 2-11 R ob inso n , J oa n ............................. ............ 234 R odriguez, Caro lyn ......... .......... .. 222 R oes ler . W ill ia m ..................................... 257 R ogers , Donald ................. , 14·1 R ohrs, Ceceli a ................. ........................ 292 R ollins, Thomas ............ ... .... ...... ........ ... 144 R opp, J oh nni e .............. ........................ 222 R ose, Beu y .................................................. 243 R o e, Doris ............................................... I 00 R ose, l\ li lli ent ......................................... 8 R osen, Adrienne ...................................... 295 R obin ky , Ruth ................... ............. 137, 2·17 R oss, J oh n ................................................ 14 ·1 R oth, l\!ar ion .............................................. 293 R oth , l\ larjor ie .......................................... 230 R o th enberger, Da ni el ........ ................... ... 1·14 R othman , J oyce .................... ... ......... ..... .. .29 1 R oush, l\!ary ........................... ................ 29 1 R oyster, Ba r bara ..................................... ... 23 1 Ru ble, E leano r ............................... 100. 234 Ru ch , J ake .......... . ................ .1 ·17. 254 Ru desi ll. R obert ....................................... 274 Ruff, Carmen .... . ........................ 295 Ruff , arolyn .............. ................. .............. 295 Ru iz. Tsa bel ................... ........................ 127 Ru pel , l\!artha ..................... 88 . 133 , 234 Rush, Virginia ............................ ...... 250 Russel , Charles ..................................... 125 Russel, J ohn .. ............. ............. .. ......279

Ru st, Alice ........... ... ................................... 290 R utledge , J ea n .. ............. ....... .................. 239 R ymarowicz , Charles ... .. 101 . 143

s Sabin , Mary .......... ... .... .8, 124, 135 ,249 Sablosky, Irvi ng ........................................ 277 Sage, J an ice ............................................ .. 23 1 Sa le, J a mes ........................ ................. 104 , 14 3 Samson, Willi a m . .. ......... ..... 88 , IOI, 125, 156 Sand ers, Chester .................................... 283 Sanders, Eileen ....................................... .. 24 Sanders, I rene ...... ...... .88 , 133. 135, 158 , 292 Sany, Lois .......... ....... ................................. 234 Saulmon, Ma rshella ............................ ... ... ..88 Saunders, l\ largaret .................................. 222 Schabi ngc r, J ea n ........................ .. 88, 138 , 234 Schabinger, J a ne ... ....................... 8 , 138, 23·1 Schachte, C;itheri ne .................................. 23 1 Schad, Gwendolyn ............ ........................ 244 Schaeffer, Ba rbara . ............................ ...... 233 Schappi , Ela in e ... .................. .................. .. 88 Scharnberg, J eanne ............................ 88 , 222 Schaub, Suzanne ...................................... 25 1 Schaub , Virgi nia ....................................... 89 Schenkel , J a ne t ...................... ...... 9 Scherlinger, Beui e ...... ........ 290 Sch labach , Ma r y ............... ........228 Schl emm er, No rman ............ .......270 Sch lenker, Kay . . ........... 236 Schmidt, Dolores . . ..... ...... 248 Sc hmidt, Eli za beth ... ........ .233 Schmidt , Norma ............... ...... .224 Schmidt, hirl ey .................... .................. 293 Schneck , Paul . .... .......... ................. ...... 266 choenewey, Loi i la ...... . .......................... 292 Scholl , Willi a m .... . ................... 255 Schooley, Elizabeth .................................... 295 Schoonove r, J ean ne ..... 89, 135, 2-19 Schor y, Doris ........ ..... ...................229 Schrade r, Loren a ........... 295 Schriner, Be tt y ............293 Schroeter, Gera ldin e .. . .... 89, 2·19 Schuchman , Abe . .. 89, 273 Schu ldenfrei. iegfriecl ......... 1·1-1 chutz, Ben ce ................ . ............ 89, 230 Schwad erer, Ha rri eu .............. .............. 248 Schwe ikh an , Bell y ...... . ........ 25 1 Scism , Ruth ................... ................. ............ 89 Scoll, J anet ...... . ...........89, 135 , 158, 230 Sco u , J ohn ........... ......................... ............ H 4 Sco ll, Pa tri cia ........... .................................. 2·1 cudder, Ba rba ra ..................................... 239 Seagle, J oseph .............. .................... 147 . 257 Seagle, Willi a m ................... 89 , 13•1, 144, 257 Sea ma n , Eth el ........................................... 290 Secri t, Dona bell e .. ....... ....... 9, 136, 157 , 295 Sefton , Juli a ........... ............................. 89, 238 Sega l, All a n ................................. ............ 273 Sega l, Rh oda ...... ..................... .................. 247 Segar, Gcoffre · .. ... ............... 143 , 275 Seibel, Pat ri cia ...... . ............ ...... ...... 2·15 Seidel , Eugene ............. 89, 126 Seidel, J ean ne .... ............. .. 100.237 Se idell , l\fanin . ... ............... 134, l.J.I Seife rt, E uge ne .............. ... ... ...... 12·1, 126, 133 Sei ler, l\fa r y .......................................... ... 295 ever, Dave ........... ................................. 280 eward , l\lari lyn ......... 89. 108 , 138, 158, 238 Seward , Nancy ........................................... 239 Sexson , Lenore ......................................... 29 1 Shackelford . Anna ......... ...... 89, 233 Shake, J ames .. .. ...... ..................... ...... 270 Shane, Max in e ....... . ............. ......226 Shanks, Will ............................ .................. 255 Sharp , Mary ................. ... ........................ 243 Sharpe, Pa ulin e ....................................... 227 Shaver, Val eri e ........................................29 1


Shelburne, J ean ...................................... 24 1 Shenk , :\! or ri s .................................. IH , 285 Sherm a n , lleu ye ...................................... .. 247 Sherry, Beth ................................................ 290 Shields, Delma ............ ....................... ... ...... 89 Sh ields, Ma ry ..................... ........... 89 . I04, 292 Shin e, J ames .................................... .. 126 , 280 hipps, Helen .......... . .......... 124 . 133, 249 hirar, l\ la r y ........... ................................... 293 Shively, J oh n ........................................ 89 , 1·1·1 Shoemaker, William ................................. 2 0 Shol tis, Ju dith .. . ................ 89 . 11 2 . 222 Shook , Evelyn ............................... .......... 25 1 Shook, J a ne ....... . ............ .. .. ......... ........ 238 Shrode, J o Ann ......................................... 89 Shu ll , Be ll y .... ............. ..............................90 Shull, Georgia ................................... 90. 1·11 Shuser, l\!u r ra y ...................................... 143 Shutt, J o)' ......... .......... .............. ............ 29 1 Sidwell , J oh n ........................................... 282 Si lverm an , Fra nces .................................... 90 Simchick, Juliu s ....................................... 283 Simp on , Mary ...................... ............ ... ......... 90 Si m ·, Virgini a ........................................ 90 incl a ir, Ka thryn ........ .......... ............ ...... 243 in ge r, J anet ....................................... ...... 239 Skinkle, l\l arian ........ .............................. 22·1 linkard , Bell)' ......................................... 2-11 Slo min ski , Anita .................................... ...... 90 Slo min ski , l\ l imi ......... ........................ ...... 104 Smith , Alice J ean .......... ...................... .....25 1 Smi1h , Alice J ea nn e ................. ................. 223 SmiLh , Audree ............................. ............ 29 1 Smith , Ba rba ra ........................................ 233 Smith , Carolyn .......................... 238 Smith, Catherine Anne ........................... 100 Smith. Catherine Ann .... .......... 2 8 Smith, Charles ..................................... 90 , 14 -1 mi th , Doll y ......... ........ .......... ... ......... 90 Sm ith , Doro Lh a .......................................... 2·11 SmiLh , Ellen -An ne .................................... 100 Sm i th , Fredri ck ........................................ 156 mi th , Glen .............................................. 269 mith , J ea n ................................................. 234 Smith , Norma .............. . ............................ 235 mi th , tewart ........................................ 259 Smith , Virgi ni a ..................... ............... 108 Sn ap p , i\ larjorie ·.................................... 230 Sneary , Bell y ............ . ............................. 293 Snider, Arella ......... ...... 29 1 Snider, Im ogene ...... 290 Snoke, l\ larga re t ......... . .................... 237 Snow, Norma ... . .........................295 Snyder, J ames ..... 90. 11 2 , 126 , 262 Soard , Emma .. ................ ............ 290 Sohl , i\ la rjorie ...................... 90 , 107. 136, 295 Sommer, Nola n .......................................... 125 Soshnick , Esther .................................. 90 , I 12 Sos im , Libb y.......... 90 , 10 1, 127 , 133 , 135 , 29·1 Sowinsk i, J ose ph .................... ................... .283 Spacke. Pa tri cia ........................... 293 Spangenberg. ;\ lanha . ........ ............ 213 Specht, l\!arian ..................... 90 , 222 Spence, Donald ........................... 14 8, 256 Spencer, Ellen . .. ............. ........... 250 Spencer, ~la rj or ie ................. ........ 25 I Spe nce r, i\l:try .. . ............................ 289 pencer, R ose ........ .............. 90 , 133 , 157, 229 penn er, Fl orence ..................... 2-10 Spind ler. Ph ylli s . ................ ........ 2·11 Spivak , Be lle .......................................... 295 Spong. Barbara ...... .... . .........................2-19 pooner, Pri•cilla ....................... 295 pradlin , l\ lanha . ...... 230 Sp ray , Wilm a ............. . ............................... 90 roka , ta nl cy ............................................ 14·1 tack ho u•e. J ea n ....................... 2-11 tal ey, J a me• .................................. 126 Stan ley, J o hn ............................................. 258

Stanley, Be tty ............... ..... 90, 289 Stanley, Marjorie .... ............ 90 Stapp . Max in e ... . .. 90, 136 Starr, Ri chard ........... ....... ... 90 Sta udoh ar, Maryellen .............. 23 1 Stecher, L a ura ....... ... ................... .............. 293 Steele, Mary .... 90, 98, 107 , 108, 136, 14 1, 290 Stein, P eggy ..... ................. 275, 293 Stei nha rt, J a ne ..... .................. 232 Steinmetz, Do ri s ........ 90, 157, 229 Steinme tz, Martha ........................ .... 228 Stephen , Howard ........ ......... ........ ... 143 Stern, Doroth y .... ...... 29 1 Stevens, Betty J a ne .................................. 234 Stevens, Betty Lo u .... ......... ...... .. 136 Stevens, Maril yn ................................... 29 1 Stevens, W arren .. .. ... ............ 255 Stewart, J ea n .. . .. .............. 248 Stewart , Maje tta ................. .......... 236 Stewart, Pearl ...... ..... ....... 29 1 Stewart, Suzanne ............... 232 Stewert, Arcadius _ ..... .103, 11 2, 158 Stiber, Be tty ....... .. . ...... 293 Stilabower, Esth e r ................ . ....... 288 Stoddart, J ea n ......... .......... 249 Stohler, Mary ..... .................. ......... 293 Stone, H elen ......... 290 Stone, Leona ... ........ 294 Stone, Ma rtha ... .......... 11 2 Stoner, R achel ... . ..... 9 1, 98 , 108, 157 , 233 Stoner, Rosem ary ........................ ......... 238 Stoner, Susie ..................................... .......... ..9 1 Stracha n , Ma ry ..................... .... ............ 222 Strieter, Edith ..... ....................... 290 Stuart, J ay ne .... . ...... :.............. 227 Swdebaker, Priscill a .. 9 1, 104, 107 Stultz, J oa n ...... . ......... 295 Sturdevant, Boyd ......... 260 Suess, Laura ..... ...................... .... ...... 289 Summers, Doroth y ............................. 91 Summers , John ... ................... 270 Sumner, J a mes .. .. 282 Swain, Ju a n ..... ... ...... 127 Swain, Vivian ..... ............. , .............. 29 1 Swartzell , All en ........................ 260 Swayze, Marian .... ..............292 Swift, Ra ymo nd ........................ 9 1, 126, 133 Sylvester, Ma rj orie ... 295 Szur, Eleanor . .............. .295

T Tabbert, J ean ........ 104, 293 Tabbert, Lois .......... ..... . ..293 Tarr, Sta nl ey .... 91 , 156 Taylor, Dorothy 9 1, 107, 136 Taylor, Evel yn .. ................ 291 Taylor, J ea n ........ . ...... 288 Taylor, Kath erin e .. .... ..29 1 Taylor, Mary ... . . .......... 238 Taylor, R obert . ............... .... ....... 262 Temple, Robert .......... ..... 264 Tenta , Joseph ................... 143 Terpin as, Thomas .... 262 Terrell , Mary ... ................... .... ...... .. 249 Te ter, George ............ ................ 9 1, 13+, 144 Tewksbury, Mary ................ 9 1, 133, 135 , 230 Thomas, Eli zabe th .............. 9 1, 234 T h omas, Evel yn ............ ...... ............ 227 T homas, Ma rga re t .............. 9 1, 127 , 138 , 158 T homas , Marth a ...................... . .. I 04 T h omas, Paul .......................... ..130 , 264 Thomas, Ruth ............... 104, 294 Thomas, Willi a m ..... 269 Thompso n , Elizabeth .......... 290 Thompson , J o hn .......... . . . .... 91 Thompson, Mary .... . ........... 91 , 245 Thompson, Priscill a .. 91 , 128, 158 Thompson , William .......... ...... 126, 264

Thorne, Muriel .... .104, 295 Thoss , Doroth y .. ............ ............. ............. .224 Thrasher, Ba rba ra .. .... ....... 295 Thrash er , Thekl a . . .............. . .243 T hurston, Mary Lou .... 29 1 Tillotson , R osamond ............... ..... ... 104 Tipli ck, Ameli a .. .. ........ 2+9 T ip ton , George ............... .. ..255 Tirmenstein , Marian .... 135, 230 Tittle, J ean ......................... . ..................... 288 Todd , Be tty Lou ...... ........ 100 , 232 Tom lin so n , Ph ylli s ..... ...... 234 Top pel, Lawrence .................... ....... 9 1, 126 Torok, Fra nk ........ ........ . ...... 283 Tower, Margaret .. ....... ... ..9 1 Tow nsend, Mildred .................... 9 1, 229 Tow nsley, Susan ........ ....... .. .. .. 223 Tracht, lon ejea n ... 250 Treece, Be ttye ... .. ........ 290 Trix, Phelps . ... 125 Trot te r, J anice ..... ...229 Trum a n , Elme r ..................... .. . ...... 9 1, 144 T ru sler, Marga re t ............ 9 1 T uckman, Marvin ......... 109, 143 Turner, Betty Lo u ............... 249 T urner , H elen ........ 9 1, 222 T urner, Mauri ce ................ .. ....... 144 Tu rn er, Virginia ................... ........ 236 T urn er, Willi a m ... 9 1, I 10, 134, 144 T urns, Margaret ........................ .. .... ..... 235 Tuule, Bonnie .. .............. ... .... 2+4 Tyler, J osep h . .. ...... 264

U-V-W Unger, Frank ..... .. ......... 273 Unger , Phyllis . .. ... 92 Uph am , Barbara .... .. .....290 Vail, J ohn . ................. ......... 28 1 Valentia , Ju an ....................... 127 Vandevort, Lois . .. .292 Van Tassel, Charl es ......... .134, 144 Vayss ie, Robert .. ... ...... ........26 1 Veach , Betty Lo u.. .............. .......... 25 1 Veit, R achel ... .... 107, 222 Velasco, Hu go .. ... I 27 Velleman , Beuy . . ....... 247 Venus, Eliza beth ...... 289 Vice, Marilyn . . ... 92 , 136 Victor, La Vryne.. .......... .... . .... 249 Vingis, Bronie ........ 144 .. ...... ............ 125 Vogel, Paul ... Vogel, R ose-Marie ... ... ................. 223 Volpert , J a mes . ................ .... .....92, 112 , 270 Vorga ng, Lila ... .. .... ........ 25 1 Voshell , Earlana ........... ............ 232 Wade, J ohn ... .. .... 280 Wahl , Kermit .... .. ............ 92, 148 , 257 Wainwright, Th elm a ..... ..... 92 , 98 , 157, 293 Wa ldschmidt, G eo rg ~ .............. 255 W alk , Nola . ... ............. ... ....... ......... 92 Wa lk , Sylvia .. ...................... ....... .......... .. 92 W alker, Maril yn ...... 92, 138, 14 1, 157, 230 Walke r, Mary ......... 237 Walker, Norma .............. 23 1 Wa lker, Sara ... .... 92, 138 , 237 Wall , Frances ..................................... .. 92, 234 Wall ace , Ph ylli s .....242 Wal sh , J osep hi ne ... 228 Walsh , Mary .................. ...... . ............ 292 Walsh , Willi a m ...... .................. 267 Walther, Miriam .... 92 , 108, 129, 136, 156 Wampler, W es ley ................... ................... 92 Ward , Berl . .. ..... ......... ..... 92 , 144 Warre n , Marci a ......................92 , 237 Warrick , H omer ................... 26 1 Wa rri ck, Philip . ..260 Washington , D a is y ............................ 227 Washington , Min yon ... 227


Wasmuth , Gloria . .. ...239 Waters, Ri chard ............................ 134, 144 Wa tt, Pa trici a ... ................. .. .. ....92, 238 Way , Ma u ri n e ....... ..... 290 Wea therholt , J a mes .... 1 3 ~!. 144, 284 Wea ver , Bill y ...... ........... ............... ...... ..262 Weave r, Gertrud e .... 292 Web b , H a rr y ..... 134, 144 Webb , Ph ylli s .. .... 2-19 W e ber, Forest .. .. ..... 257 We be r, H arr ison ... 130 , 276 Weber, Ma rilyn ..... ....... 255, 295 Wei nbe rger, Siegbcrt ...... ...... ................... 127 Weir , Carolyn .. ............... .... ............ 237 Wellman , Frances ... . ........ 92. 295 Wells , Mary ........... ......... 237 Well s, Peggy .................... .. ......................... 288 We rkh off, Mary ................. . ................ 98 , 295 W e rnert, Patrici a ...................... 233 Wertz, R oxana .. ............ 92, 295 West , Marth a ............ 29 1 Westph al, J ea n . ............. ...... .. .. 25 1 Whipple. Jo Ann . 100 , 222 Whippl e, Nancy ..... ....... .............................. 92 Whisma n , J an ice ...... 2-13 White, Dou glas ...... . .. .. 109, 269 White, Ka th e r in e ... .................... 230 Whitem a n , Ruth ......... 243 Wh itenec k, J oanne .. . ... 100 , 107, 29-1 Whitesell , Nancy .................... . ........ 240 Whitman , Marjie .... ........ 225 Whitman , R oy .................. ................... 92, 144 Whitm er , Betty ... ....... 295 \Vidersche in , Sylvia .............. 247 Wiggins , Dwayne .... 103, 11 0 , 285 Wi ggins, Marga ret .......... ...... .. .. .................. 92 Wiley, Marylove ... 250 , 25 1 Wilhite, Elea nor ... 293 Wilkins , Barbara . .... 245 Williams, Charles ..... ................ . .. 279 Williams , David .... 92, 144 Willi ams, Mari a n .......... ........ .. ...... 249 Willi ams , Mildred ................... 292 Williams , Ph ylli s ... .. ..... 2-14 Williams , Prilda ................... ... 2-14 Wills, Ja ck . .. .......... 262 Wilson , Doris ... ..93 , 238 Wilson , Georgia . .. .................. 245 Wilson , I r ma ....... .......................... 24 1 Wilson , J ay ne ............ 293 Wil son , Ma rth a . ......... 100, 124, 233 Wilson , Maryell a .......................... . ..233 Wil son , William ............ 270 Wine, Betty ...... 29 1 Winger t , Pa trici a .... 93 Winn, Lois ............... .. .244 Winston , George . ................ .283 Winters , Barbara ....................... 236 Wise, Miri a m .................... .93, 133, 222 Witherspoon , Ru th ... 249 Witmer, Cla rence ..................................... 260 Wolf, Elin ore ........................... ................. 247 Wolf, Kat he rin e .............. 93, 127 , 133 Wolf, R ae ................... ..................... 247 Wolfe, H enry .. ....... 11 0 Wolfe , R osa lind ... 93 W o lter, R obert .......... 258 Wood , J a mes ... .......... ........ 28 1 Woodward , Doroth y ........... 238 Woodworth , J ames . .. ... 256 Woolfolk , Edmund ... ...................... 266 Woolford , R obert ..... 93. 284 Worland , Ma ry ................................. 129, 295 Wrege, Malcolm ............... 26 1 Wren , Mary ...... . ............ ..29 1 Wright , R oberta ....................... 293, 295 Wright , Virgini a .................. ... ................. 295 Wulfman, Betty ........... 93, 138, 238 W yatt, Phillipa ............... ...... 2'19

W yne, J ess ie ...

...... 9 ~l

X-Y-Z ...... 235 Ya key, J o£11a ....... 289 Yaria n , ,\ l;ir) ........ 229 Yas te, Cece I ia ... 100. 23·1 Ye nn e, .\l an...... 93. 2 16 Yolfe, L illi e .. ........ 29 1 York , E\ehn York. Pa1ritia ....... 290 .. 93. 233 Yost. :\I ice ........... 225 Youn g. ll ernite .......... 255 You n g. Oti ' . .. 133. 23 1 Yo ung. Sarah . ............ 25 1 Za leski . .\ nne . Zarin g. \\'ill iam ............ 258 Zimm erman , l'au l;i .. .......................... 29 1 Zimmerman. \\"il l iam ... .... .... 1·11 Zivono\'i ch, ,\ lil dred .. . ............ 29 1 7.o ll"a d e r . Estel le .................. . ....... 29 1 Zucke rman . Syh·ia ............................... 29 1 i'.11 m ll"a l t. ll rnce ........ .. . ..... . ....... 257

MEDICAL STUDENTS .-\ bra ham , R ay m ond .......................... 199 c\dn cy, Frank ........................................ 198 Al Je n , Ro be rt ......... ........ ............... 195 Alvey , Charles ........ ...... 197 .\n g ri ck. Warren ........ 200 An w n ow , Arthur ................. 199 Arata, Ju ·tin ...... . ................ 200 Arno ld . ~ l a r io n ..... 188, 197 Ault , Roy ........... . ..... 20 1 Babb, Forrest ... ....... 200 Ba nk e r, Harry ............ .. 198 Bara n , Charles .. . .. 188. 195 Ba mes, Bru ce . . ...... 188 , 197 Ba rnum . Edwin ........... 198 Barry. ~ l a u rice ......... ............ 188 , 198 Beaver, Norman ........ .. . . ... 188, 198 Beck , Robert ........................ ................ 195 Beeler, J ohn ............. . ....... 195 Be ned ict , Charles ..... ........... 198 Benham, La \\'re n ce .. ....... 198 Bethea , R obert ......... . ........ .. 188 Billings , Elmer ......... ..... 188, 20 1 Bissonn ene, Roger ......... .... . .. ............. 197 Bl ack. J oseph ............. .... .. ....... 195 Bl essi nge r. Lo ui s ................. .................. 198 Bl ock , i\ l elvin ............. ....... 200 Bo nave nLUra , Angelo ................... 188. 197 Bo rd e rs, J a mes ............... ......... .......... 198 Boswell . R ohen ............. .. .. 188. 20 1 Breck lcr, I. Alfred.................... .............. 199 Bridges , Wm . .......................... ... ............ 198 Brown. R obert .... .................. ............ 188 Bu cha nan , Elizabeth .... . ....... 7.5, 2 17 Bu ckn e r . George ..................................... 195 Bu gel , H arry .............. .......... ...... 188 Bussa rd . F rank ... . .. 188. 197 Carp n ter, Th o m a' ................................ 195 Caner. Fred ............ . ......... 195 Chauin . R ohen . .. .. 188. 198 Chivingwn . Paul . . ........ 195 Claeys . R obert .............. . . ... 200 Cle vin ge r, W illi a m ... . ..... 198 Cl ine, Ke nn et h ............................. .... 188 . 200 Cole man , J oseph ......... 195. 198 Col ip . Willi am ........... . ............ 188 Collingwn. l ' rba n ............... .. ............... !. , Conn. H ad ley .............. .............. 19!> Cook , J a mes ........................ ....................... 195 Crai g. R ichard .......... .... . ................... 195 C reage r. R ay ...... ...... ... ...... ..... 198 Cure. Charles ......... .... . .... 18,, 198 Da l lO n . W ill ia m .. ... ............ 200 Dassel. P ~rnl ............... .. ............. 200 Da llm an, R ichard . .. ... .. ... ........ 200

. .... ............ 188. 196 Da vis, Marga re t Da vi s. Ri chard .......... . ····· ........... 188 De min g. J ack .............. . ······ ..... ...... 188 .................. 188 Dim o nd , Ed mund .... . Dodd. Robert .................. .. . " ....... 1 9. 195 .............................. 19. Do nn er. Paul ...... . ........ ................. 198 Doran , J o rdan ... . ................. 189 Daw na rd . Le la nd Duffn e r . R o he n IWl. 198. 20 1 Duflf J. Patrick .................................... 189 Eaw n . Lo ui e Fos ter ........ ............... 196 Eato n . ;\ le rrill .................... ................... 1 8~1 Ehbingho use, T o m .................. 198 Edelman . Isid ore ... 189 Ed wa rd s. Edward .... 198 Endicou, \\' a~ne ...... ......................... 19 En gle hart , OtlO ........... ....... 189, 195 Eokin g ................................................... 2 12 Fa ith. Ira ........................................ 189, 197 Fa rri s, J o hn ........ ................ 189 Fireb;iugh. Ta ni ;1 ......... 79. 227 Fi sch . Charles ..... . .... 199 ... ........... 189 Fi tzpatrick , J a me' Flah erty. Be rn a rd .. ... .... . 189. 197 Fox wo rth -, Do na ld .. ................... 189 Free man , Craig ................... 198 Freem an , Forrest ............. . .............. 19 ..189. 200 Gammieri . R u be n .. . .200 Garrison. J a m es ..... . Girod. Arthur .... . .................. 198 Goebel. a rl .......... . .................. 198 Goin. Clara .............. ..... 79. 2 17 Graf. J o hn .............. . ............ 198 Green . Carl ............. . .......... 197 Gree n , /\!o rri s ......... ..................... 200 G regg. Edwin .... . ........... 189 . 19 Gregory. Charles . . .................. 189 Griffith. R ichard ....... 1 9, 200 Ha ll er, R o be rt . .................. 200 Ha m e n . J . L. ......................................... 197 H am ii ton , C harles .. 198 Ha mmel , Howa rd .. .... ............ 200 Ha mmell , EliLahc1h .. 80.2 17 Hamp , Arthur ... ...... 195 Hare. Willi a m .... . ... 197 Harger. R obert . .... 195 Harvey. R o be rt ... . ......... 19 Harvey. Ve rn e ..... .. ....... 19 Has ler, Norman ... . ... 189. 195 Head lee, C harl es .. . .. 189. 19 H e nde rso n . Fra ncis ... ... ...... 197 He nry. Alvin ...... .... 1!18 H e nry. Howard ........ . ......... ... ...... 1!17 ll e pner. R11th .. . ....... 18'). 1% Ho ffm a n . Stan lC) ........ 199 Ho ll is. \\'a I ter .......... 200 Holm es. Cla 11d c ..... 189. 198 H ood. Ainslee .. .......... 200 Ho uk . Pres 1o n ...... 1 9. 200 Ho user. I laro ld ...... 190. 198 H o·usto n . Fred ... 190 Hud so n . J e ll"e ll .... 217 H11ff. R ex .... ...... 190. 197 Hu gh es. George 19!1 l r\\'in . Glenn .. 190 . 19!1 19') J arrett. Paul ........ . ...... 190. 198 J e nk ins. Rohe n J e rram , David .. ....... 1!18 J ohnson . Cheste r .......... 190 J ohnson , Gran1 . 190. l!l J ohnson , J a mes .. . ............. 198 .......... 190 J o hnsw n . Alan ...... . J oh nslO n , R ichard .. ........ 195 .J o nes , David ····· 190. 198 J ope, C liffo rd ...... . ······ 197 J oseph . Rex ..... . .. 190. 200 .Jurge nsen. \\'a l ter '. 190. 197 Kell e\'. Clem c nL .. 190 . 200 Ke no;·e r. ' \' ii hur . ............. 200


.. 195 Ke n yo n . Omar ... ..... I 115 Ke rri ga n . \\'illi a m ...... 190 Ki ech le . Frederi<k 190. 1!17 Kimbrou g h . Rohe n ... 195 Kl o tL. J oseph .... .. 191' Kn owles , Charles . 19ll Kn ow les. R ohen . 190 K nO)', :\orris Koo nu , Willi a m . 20 1 J I) Kru eger , J o hn .... . ... l!l, Kun kle r . Arnold .. L.abo tka , Charles I!l7 I.a n ce t . R obert ..... ... 190. 198 l!l5 La nd . .J a mes ...... . I.a nd . Ri chard .... .. ...... 195 ..... 199 Lasser , Leo nard . La uer, Adel e ..................... .. ....... . .81. 2 17 ... 190 La wre nce, Sanford ... . ..... 198 Lea k, Robe rt Lebioda , H e nry ........ . ..... 190 Leh ma n , H aro ld 198 Le hm a n , Ke nn e l Ii ... . 19H Le hm a n , Robe rt ..... . l 'lH Lindenschmidt . Ra) .. 190 . l !li Lin ge m an , R ale igh 1% Line ll , J oseph . ....... 1!I!"> Lilli e, Willi a m ..... 200 Li vere tt. Leo n .. I '18 Ll oyd, R obert ......... ...... . ... ......... I 90 Lo rm a n . J a m es ...... .......... ...... 198 Lovett, 1-Ja n ·e) ............ ... .. 190. I 97 Lu dwick , H arry ... ..... .... ..... .. 19 1 :\ l cA dam s, H11 gh .... 19 1 McCl a in . Edwin ....... 19'i ,\ l cOan icl. Will iam .... .... 20 1 :\ l cG rath . l\li chael ...... 19 1, 200 i\lcGulf. Pau l ..... 19 1 .\ l clntosh . W ilbert . ........ ........... 19H ;\ fc Kinl ey . .J oseph ..... . 19 1. 198 1\ l cLa ug hlin . C ordo n .. 19r, Mackel . Fred ~ ri ck ... l!l l . 1!18 ~ l anala n . .\ Ia 11 rice 19 1 .\lars ha ll . Gl enn .. 19 1. 1!17 .\ la n1 . B ill . 19'i l\ la nin . H aro ld 19 1. I !18 ,\ tas ters. 111:111 11 e ...... . . 2 17 Ma uzy , ,\ le rri1t .. 19 1 .\ lavi11i. C:harlolle ... K5 . 2 1i 1\'le ihau , , J oh 11 ......... .... .. ... l !l!i .\ l ertz , J o h11 . ..... 19'i ,\ l ill er , Fra11J.. ... 198 i\ l inczeski. R ichard 19 1. 20 1 1\ l into11. ~I an · Ann e 86. 2 17 ~ lohl e r . Fl oy~I ... 20 1 .\ lo rph cw . R a) m o nd .. 19 1. 195 ,\ l oses, Rober t .... . ...... 198 i\lun tl. Hasca ll ..... ...... ...... . ...... 199 ,\ l urphy. George I !l.i 1\ l ye rs. Ph yll is .............................. . 86. 2 17 ....... .... ... . Ne he r. Roya l ..... ...... 19 1 :\licl10k Rohen .. . . l!l:i :'\ oe. \\' illi a m .................. .. ............... 19!; O' Hr)an. R ichard 195 O ' Dell. Harr\ . .. 19 1. 19!> O ''.\' ei ll . .\l ar1,i11 19 1. 197 Osbo rn e. Rohen .. . .............. .. ....... 198 Overesc h . Ha rry ......... ............... . ...... 198 Peck. J ames ......................................... 198 l'edi cini . J oseph ................................ 1!17 Ph ill ips. J oh n ............................. .. 20 1 Pi cke ll , R ohen ......... ......... .. .... ... 198 J>oba nL. Sam . ................. .... I!JI R aber, Rube n ......................... ............ 19!1 Rad o. Ed gar ............................................ 197 Ra msd e ll. Gl e n ... .... 198 Raphael . R ohen ...... 199 Rawl im. Carrl)n .. .. .. . ........... 191 , 196 Reinhard. J o hn ................ . 191. 19.'i R eyn old s. R ichard ....... ........ .. .. 191. 195


Rid gway , Willi am .......... . .......... 195 R ingenberg. Jordan ............. ....... 197 R ipley, John .................. . .. 19 1,200 Robertson , Willi am .................................. 195 R oesch, R yland ....................................... .200 Roshe ............ .... ................. ... 200 Roth, Bertram ..................... ..................... 195 Ru sche, H cnrr ........................... 200 acks , Harr)' ...................................... 19 1, 199 Saint, William ................. ................. 195 Sanders, Arn old ............... ......... 192, 199 can Ll and , Willard .............................. ...... 198 Schecter, William .............................. 192. 199 Scheitlin , Doro th )' ................. . ..... 89, 2 17 Sch lege r, D o nald ................ ........ 200 Schlesinge r, Dani el ......................... 195 chmidl , Eu ge ne ................ ...................... 195 ch moll , R obert .................... ........... 192, 20 I Schreiner, .J ohn . .......................... 197 Schuster, Dwi gh l ........ 192 , 200 earch, Ali ce ...... ................ 89,2 17 ears, Don .......... ...................... 197 Shafer, Ri ch a rel ......................................... 20 1 Shonk, H aro ld ... .............. .............. .. 200 Shreeve, Wa lw n . ........................... 195 ibbiu, J oseph .... . .......... ............. 195 Sidebouom, Earl .. . ................... 192,200 iebenm orgc n . Paul ....................... 192.200 Singer, Ralph ............................. ... .195 Si~cGFrank .. ... W I kill ern , Penn ....................................... ... 192 Smith , Charl es ... .............. ... 197 Smith. Leo ........ .....................200 Smith , .Ma rsh .......... 192 , 197 Smith , Ri chard .............. 192 , 198 Smith . R oge r ..................................... 192.20 1 Spencer, Beau fort ... ................... 198 tadd in s ..... ................. ....... 197 Stands, Be n .. . ............... .. 198 Starks, Willi a m ............................... :. 192, 198 Ste ffy, R a lph . ........................................... 19 Stil lwater, Karl ... .. 199 to ut, Fran cis ........................................ 195 Swets, Edward .................................. 192 . 198 Swihart, Homer ....................... ................. 197 Sr mm es , Alfred . .............. 193, 195 Szau lc wi cz, Edward ................... 197 T a i be rt, Pi e rre ....... :::.:::... ..................20 1 Tharp. Harold .......................................... 192 Thornburg, F . Mil ler.. . ....... 192 , 20 1 Tuchman . J oseph ......... ......... 192, 199 Tucker, R obe rt . ........ 192 , 197 Turgi, Robe rt .. :::::::::::::: ...................... 195 Vanalla, J o hn ..................... . . ........ 192 , 197 Van D e n Bosch . " 'alla cc .................. 192 Va n Do rn , i\ l yron ...... .................... 192, 197 Van Kirk . .J o hn .......... ................. 197 Va n Si ckle, Walter. .. .. 200 Veach , Ri chard .... ............ . .... .. 195 Vi sher, J ohn ...... ........ 198 Wagone r . J a mes ...... 198 W a lke r, Adolph ..................................... 200 W a lk er, Lew is ................... ....................... 200 W a ll ace . .Joan na ................. 198 Washin g ton , George ................................ 192 Wes tfall , Geo rge ................................ 193. 198 Wharton , Do na ld ............... 193 , 200 Wi cth o ff , Clifford ................... 193, 195 Wil ey, Willi a m .......................... .1 98 William s, R o be rt ..... ... .................... 198 Will s, Max ... ........................ 193 Wil son. Be n .................................. ..... 193, 195 Wil son , J ohn ....................... ..................... 195 Wi senba ugh , Pa ul .................. ......... 193 , 198 Witha m , R obert .......... ................ .1 93 , 195

~~?:~:~l~l,iiti~·l:l: I S: :_: : · .:·: : · : ·:.-:

.. :::::::::::.::


DENTAL STUDENTS Abbott, Gordon ........... . ...... 207. 2 11 Aldri ch , W endel l ...................... . ........ 208 And e rson , R ay ........... ................. . ... 208 Ande rso n , Robert .................................... 2 11 Arbu ckle, Robert .... . ........... 20 I. 208 ......................... 2 11 Baker, J ames ........... . Bea ll , Ma rvin ............... . 20 I. 207. 208 Beavers, Tho m a~ ....... . ...... 20 I , 208 Bechtel, Ke rmit ......... .. . .......... 20 I Beck, John .. .... 207. 2 11 Bromm . Edward ..................... 20 1.207 ,208 Brown , R obert . ........ 20 I Burke, Yale ...., .... ........ 20 I ......................... 2 11 Burns. Nob le Calland , J o hn ... .207 , 2 11 C heval icr. Arthur ... 20 I . 208 Christianse n . Cl ) cl C ............ 208 Clevel a nd , Arthur .. ........ 201 , 2 12 Cohn , Leon . ......................... 206 2 11 Coon , " ' ilbur .. Dawso n . Ke nt . .......................... 2 12 Dea le, Hu gh ............................ 2 12 Defrank , Victor .............. 20 I Dej ean , Ed gar .... ........ ...... 2 11 Esmon , J ohn ............ ................................ 208 Exlin e, H arold .... ... 20 1. 208 Ferti g. J oel ........... .. ............. .............. 206 Folk en in g. I rvin g ......... 20·1 Fullme r , H aro ld ..... ........ ....... ........... 201 Gates, R obert ................. 2 11 Getzoff, Al ex ....... ....... 20G Glazer, William .................................... 206 Goebel, Ru ssel I 20 I , 207. 208 Gold e nbe rg, I rwin .201 , 206 Gonzalez, J ose ....... ............................... 20 I Goodman , i\!ilto n .... ..... ..... 206 Gu stavson . Arth m ..... ...20-1, 207 , 208 Herri ck, Charles ............................... 207 , 208 H odupski , T ed ....... ........................... 2 12 Hoh e , J ohn ............... . ........... ................. 2 12 Hudso n , Cy ru s ......... ... ..20-1, 208 Huff, Roge r ............... ...... 2 12 Ish , R oger .................................................... 2 12 J a mes , Ern es t ................ ........ 2 12 Jeffri es , Loren ............................... 207 .2 11 J ennings. Ri chard .... ...... .207,2 12 Kemp , R o bert ................ ........ . ............. 208 Ki vcu , i\ la uri ce .............. ............... 208 Loga n . Freder ic .......... ........... 2 12 Longca mp , Frank .................................... 208 Lowry, Charles ........ 208 McDonald , Ralph ......... ...... 207 , 2 12 Makielski , Robert . .. ................... .20·1. 208 Moore, Dudley ........ ........ .............. 208 Mullin , Arth ur ..... . .................. ....... 2 11 Murph y, H arr y ...... . ............. 208 Newmark. Irving ..... ........................ 206 Norw ilz, Sidn ey ................................ 20·1, 206 Nussman , Pa rk e r ...... ,.... 204 Parker, Chauncey ... 207 , 2 12 P ierce, J a mes ..................... L ................... 20!\ Polz, i\ larcel .............. ...... 205 Powers. J ames .................................. 205 . 208 P oyser, i\ lax ............. .............. 205 R ankin . Henry ................................ 207,2 11 R eclclin g, C harl es ...... .............. 208 R egis , Ern es t ......... .. . ............ 205. 206 Renshaw, Lowell .... ........... 205 R ickeus. Jam es ......... ......................... 2 12 Ri ckett~ . Robert ...................................... 2 12 .................... .. .... .2 11 Robe rtson , SidnC)' R ohinsky, Jn·ing ............................... 205 , 205 R osenm an , H aro ld .......... 206 Roth , Harold ....... . ... 205, 207 ' 208 Ru sso, Arnold ........ . ................ 208 R ya n , R obert ........ 2 12 Schoenh e rr, Eld o ....................................... 2 12


Schwanz, Sta nley ..................................... 206 Segal, Oscar ...... .205, 206 Shroye r, Jam es ...... . ................. ................ 2 11 Simpso n , George .................................... 2 12 Slin kard, R obert ...................... .... 205 , 208 Smil ~y. H arold ................ .......... ...... ........ 208 Smith , Charles ..... . .. .............. 208 Standish , Sa muel ............................... 2 12 Stenger, J ohn .......................................... 2 11 Swnc, R obert ...... ................ .... 205, 208 Stoner, Carl ......... . ..... .......... 206 Stra pon , Daniel ...... .. ................. 2 11 Van Ausclal , J ames ........... 205. 208 Va n Ho rn , Willi a m ......................... 205, 208 Vincent , Charles ...................................... 2 12 W a ldhi e r, H erbert ....................... 2 12 Warren , Ross ......................... ................... 208 W eber, Dou glas ........................................ 2 12 W es ner, J ames ......................................... 20 \Vi e ne r, Be rn a rd .............. 206 Wilkins, J ack ..... .. ........................ 205 , 208 \Vilt, Willi am .... . .................... 2 12 W ors ter, P a ul ...... ...................... .. 2 12 Wri ght, Joe ......... ...... ... ....... ... 2 11 Wulff, Ri cha rd . .. 2 12 Yin glin g, Pau l .................. .2 11

NURSES Bard , Martha Anna .......... .. ........ ...... 2 14 Bogue, Della Sue. . ................. 2 14 .............. 2 14 Bu rgoon , Patri cia Burns, Dorothy ............................... ......... 2 14 Carpen ter, El iza beth ........ ..... 2 14 Chandler, Lois ... . ............. ...... 2 1·1 Cook, Eleanor ....... ............... ... .. ............ 2 1·1 Cunn in gham . Ali ce ................ . .......... 2 14 Day witt , J ean ne .................. ....... 2 1'1 D ykes, Martha J ea n.. ........... ...... 2 14 Edwa rds , Mary J o .................................... 2 14 Gilla sp y, Virgini a ..................................... 2 14 H endrich , Chrys ta l .......................... ....... 2 14 H itch , Lucya nn a P e terson ...................... 2 14 H o ug h , Hel en .......................................... 2 14 H oward , J ane ............................................. 214 Howard , Nancy ........ ..................... 2 1·1 H rde , J a ne R owe ....................... ............... 2 14 John so n , Anne E.. ................ 2 H J ones, Belly ............................................. 2 1·I Keeve r . Mary Elin beth ....................... 2 14 Kinn ey , Caro lin e . ............ 2 15 Kl ey la". Ma rth a ............................... ......... 2 15 Latimer, i\ larga rct ........................ 2 15 Lawton , Vera ...... . ................ 2 15 Lu cas. i\lary i\ I......... ............... 2 15 Lynch . Do ri s ............................................ 2 15 i\ lcC:ormick , Gwen :lol\'n .................. 2 15 Middl e ton. Sophia ' .................... 2 15 i\!u rph y. Be u y .......................................... 2 15 Murph y, Mariet ta ............................... 2 15 Murtau g h. Vera .... .. ................ 2 15 O'Fallon , J ean Ba ker .................. 2 15 R a ffert y, Christin e ..................... 2 15 Ri cha rd s, R ose i\ lari e.. .... ..... . ... 2 15 Rid g wa y, Lucy D. Cormica n ............. 2 15 Rutl edge, H arr iet J ea n ............................. 2 15 Shown. Lo ui se H cssc rt.. ............. 2 15 Sims, Martha J ea n ........ ::::·::::::::: ............. 2 15 Smith . Roxi e Lo ui se........... .............. 2 15 Steinert. \'larga rct ................ 2 15 Stone, Audre y .......................................... 215 T empleton , Ruth ..................................... 2 16 Wesselm a n . Mary 1\l asters ...................... 2 16 Wh eeler, R ebecca ...................... ............... 2 16 Wisc. Esther Kell ey.................. . ............. 2 16

Man y d ays a nd nig hts have bee n spent in publi shing this l 944 A rbut u s a nd now as th e last d eadlin e rolls a round , it see ms alm os t imposs ibl e that o ur " ba by" is rea ll y go ing to press a nd will be a no th er lea ther bo und vo lum e holding m emories of the A lm a Ma ter. Before th e whee ls o ( produ cti o n start rolling on the fin a l ig nat ure, th e staff o f the 1944 A rbutus ta kes thi s last ch a nce to th a nk every man and wo ma n who made the boo k poss ible. The names of m a ny p eopl e who gave a great d ea l o[ their tim e and initi a ti ve d o not a ppear in print within these pages; ye t with o ut their assista nce the book co uld no t have bee n co mpl eted . T o th ese a no nymo us "a nge ls" a nd to th e Board of Contro l, so a bl y h ead ed by good -natured M r. Ba rtley, wh o was a lways read y to g ive a id to th e sta ff : to Mr. B roo ks Smeeto n, o ur ad viso r, who gave ma ny ho urs and bro ught m a n y smiles; to Al Grah a m a nd Irwin Eise nberger, th e ph otographers without whose services the life a t l. U. could n ot p oss ibl y h a ve bee n portrayed ; to Kell er-C rescent Co mpa ny, the printe rs, a nd to Sta ffo rd Engra ving Compa n y, bo th o [ wh o m cooperated so excell entl y; a nd to Hazel's Studi o, we give our sin ce re a nd wa rm vote of apprec ia tion . Eve ryone of them mad e th e book wh a t we think , and ho pe, will be a success. \!\Te h ave tri ed to g ive yo u a n Arbut u s whi ch wo uld remind yo u now a nd in later years wh e n yo u pi ck it up (to read a nd not use as a d oo r sto p or to p ro p J ohnnie higher up to the ta bl e) o f life h ere at I. . during the past yea r. Ma n y clays a nd nights we re spent in assembling thi s m ateri a l, man y worri es a nd "wa r p ro bl ems" assa il ed the staff, but we thoroug hl y e njoyed do ing it for yo u and trust yo u will e nj oy th e efforts. Should an y person be chag rin ed at findin g a n error, let him think of the sa ying : "T o e rr is hum a n, to forgive divin e."


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