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Residence Halls

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One of the most progressive changes in University student life took place in the last year: the expansion of coeducational residence centers. Graduate and married hous-

ing and Trees Center were for years the only coed units.

In the new system, men and women live in nearby dormitories, share dining room facilities, and plan joint social activities. Realizing the importance of such social edution, I. U. built the new Tower Quadrangle nd moved men into one building of Agnes

Wells Quadrangle, formerly the Women's Quad.

Jwo Quadrangks goin

Undergraduate housing units were formerly governed by either the Men's or the Women's Residence Halls Association. Such

government was not adaptable to coeducational centers; therefore, the two organizations merged into the new Inter-Residence Halls Association.

the rowing num er o `fj /,oea Centers

ROW 1: Phyllis Ewer, Jane Borho, Sharon Weibel, Linda Snyder (Secretary-Treasurer), Jane Kilpatrick (President), Carol Newby (Vice-President), Ellen Lustgarten, Mary Belle Wade. ROW 2: Pat White, Judy Bobick, Marcia Bartle, Becky Smith, Joan Merchant, Miss Elizabeth Greenleaf (Adviser), Susan Waggoner, Miss Wanda Deutsch (Adviser).

WRHA Exec Board Plans New Government With

Members of the Executive Board discuss how late is late.


The WRHA Executive Board has served as the main authority for all women's residence halls since its beginning. However, 1959 began a transitional period in dormitory government as the University put into effect the new concept of coeducational housing centers.

In 1959 the main concern of the dormitory governing bodies, WRHA and MRHA, was to lay the foundation for a new residence government which would include concepts of the present men's and women's systems. Under the government which they are now developing, most of the authority will be delegated to the center councils.

WRHA Executive Board, as it operated until 1960, was composed of the 11 women's hall presidents and two ex-officio members from Tower. The board was responsible for residence policies and the co-ordination of women's dormitory activities. It also controlled dress regulations and the women's residence budget.

ROW 1: Tom Renaldi, Ed Probst, Frank Tinsley, Don Canfield, Dick Beaver, Tom Atkins, Jacob Voreis. Harle. ROW 2: Doug Lewellen, Richard Hokanson, Ron

MRHA Board to Further Coeducational Theme

Forming a constitution to co-ordinate the policies of all dormitories is the main project of the Men's Residence Halls Association Executive Board this year. The Executive Board is writing the constitution with the aid of the Executive Board of the women's residence halls.

Another major project of the Executive Board is the formation of a radio station that it hopes to put in operation next year. This radio station will be a communications system to all residence halls. Plans have been made for regular programs of music and also an educational series.

The MRHA Executive Board is composed of three officers each from Trees Center, Wright Quadrangle, and Forest Hall. One representative from Tower Quad is also on the board. At its Thursday meetings the board also deals with problems such as scholarship improvement and improving social functions.

Tom Atkins (right) consults Don Harle, Tom Renaldi, and Richard Hokanson about intramural activities.


LEFT TO RIGHT: Maxine Thurston, Karen Anne Walker, Hudner Southworth, Myrna Rosenberg, Miss

WRHA Judicial Board

The WRHA Judicial Board is the disciplinary council of the Women's Residence Halls Association which supports and publicizes residence policies. The board works with the hall councils and the Executive Board to inform dormitory women about University rules.

The board believes that if the women understand the reasons for the regulations, there will be fewer violations of them. As a result, they give all freshman women a handbook of rules and review it at weekly corridor meetings. If a case necessitates discipline, the Judicial Board has the power to take action. Lucille Pontius (Adviser), Molly Mann (Chairman), Donna Northrop.

The MRHA Judicial Court reviews violations of the dormitory handbook and the constitution. The court has the power to levy fines, expel students from the halls, and place students on University probation. The cases which most frequently come before the court involve quiet hour violations, gambling, and drinking.

Judicial Court members are appointed for one year by the president of the MRHA Executive Board and later approved by the board. With the opening of two new men's dormitories, Tower Center and Forest Hall, the Judicial Court is now composed of seven justices.

MRHA Judicial Court

ROW 1: Phil Monger, George Crawford (Chief Justice). ROW 2: James Barger, Bill V. Johnson, Jon Sicks.

ROW 1: Jane Kilpatrick, Tom Atkins, Linda Snyder, Ewer, Dan Ferber, Dick Hokanson, Carol Newby, Jack Jane Borho, Don Harle. ROW 2: Tom Renaldi, Phyllis Mart.

Plan Committee Reorganizing Halls Government

The Executive Planning Committee, in its first year of existence, is the co-ordinating group created to reorganize the government of the residence halls. It is to act as a means of communication between MRHA and WRHA until one unitary system can be devised.

The formation of this group was necessary owing to the growth of coeducational residence centers and the concept of center government. Previously, residence halls operating on the individual-hall concept of government were divided into two systems—men's residence halls and women's residence halls. With the many residence centers becoming coeducational, a new, unitary system of government must now be devised with the emphasis on the center rather than on the individual hall.

Specifically, the Planning Committee has considered the planning of social events, scholastic emphasis, co-ordinated recreation, proper publicity, special events, and judicial reorganization.

The Executive Committee, headed by the presidents of WRHA and MRHA, is composed of 15 members, including representatives of MRHA, WRHA, and the center governments.

Tom Atkins, Linda Snyder, Jane Kilpatrick, and Tom Renaldi discuss the merits of a WRHA-MRHA merger.


Smithwood Wing I

ROW 1: Georgia Mangas, Charlotte Richardson, June Popp, Cora Mae McDaniel, Diana Deane, Mary Jo Owens, Nevah Locker, Ann Moore, Connie Styles, Becky Aronoff, Pat Highfield, Foula Psaros, Dianne Krueger. ROW 2: Ann Sowers, Barbara Mallett, Joann Garver, Bonnie Beyer, Connie Baxter, Susan Tripp, Serita Slocum, Brenda Piatt, Sandy Leach, Brenda Noble, Janice Penn, Helen Austin, Sally Applegate, Phyllis Peck. ROW 3: Carol Erman, Sondra Condra, Janice Bain, Judith Cropp, Marcia Bartle (President), Elaine Meritt, Judy Gilhooly, Norma Sears, Lu Thompson, Cynthia Edwards, Roberta MaImberg, Diane Pruim, Beth Davenport, Kenny Peck.


ROW 1: Karen Conrad, Barbara Phillips, Sally Reichert, Beverly Macy, Sandy Shaw, Jane Zygmont, Susan Clark, Duane Mitchell, Nancy J. Beavers. ROW 2: Anna Maria Reichel, Nancy Bush, Dorothy Witten (Secretary), Randi Palmer, Rebecca Erdel, Jerilyn Topmiller, Anita Klosinski, Sara Voss, Connie Vaughan (Social Chairman), Penny Rees. ROW 3: Cynthia Foster, Lois Feczko, Alice


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Ann Eley, Diane Carey, Linda Smock, Annette Cox, Betty Jean Miller, Janet Lee Hershberger, Susan Bertermann, Faloe Gerard. ROW 4: Sue Ann Carlson, Joyce Field, Barbara Dukelow, Julianne Marcrum, Phyllis Bower (Treasurer), Carole Winemiller, Beverly Bixel, Alice Hunter, Mary Miller, Bridget Alexovic.

Smithwood Wing I

ROW 1: Lynda Long, Marsha Skorjanc, Sandra Furnas, Madonna Benefiel, Barbara Duncan, Judith Shepherd, Cynthia Wright, Janet Sachs, Maxine Koenigsberg, Patsy Katz. ROW 2: Janet Kay Smith, Sharon Sims, Carol Roehm, Susan Gerard, Charlene Latsha, Beverly Cole, Sharon Guy, Anne Harstead, Carol Gould, Mary Ann Lederer, Carol Jane Lytle. ROW 3: Cynthia Brown, Judith Bohn, Debbie Kincy, Marcia Pyke, Karen Kilgore, Mary Combs, Dixie Clark, Linda Hicks, Cheryl Linn Habecker, Karen Gourley, Sara Louise Abbott, Nyla Neal, Roberta Yoho. ROW 4: Susan Boxwell, Rita Ruble, Margie Lucas, Beulah Tompkins, Jeanette Berger, Marcia Renegar, Charlene Cook, Linda I. Lewis, Judy Bernstein, Diane Decker, Betsy Engelman, Connie Gill, Mary Ann Brodie, Linda Kallenbach.

ROW 1: Mae Harris, Karen John, Margaret Johnson, Sue Hughes, Mary Beerbower, Dorothy Sykes, Carole McNear, Nancy Graves, Rebecca Hood. ROW 2: Louise Magill, Carleen Greene, Linda J. Lewis, Meredith Keras, Patti Day, Salome Bartos, Susan Vetter, Linda Murbach, Connie Sweet, Bonnie Gordon. ROW 3: Angela Moreman, Connie Oliver, Charlene Stellhorn, Barbara Meissner, Anita DeArmond, Charlotte Kidwell, Carole Bierbaum, Janice Hunter, Linda Disque, Nonie Short.


Smithwood Wing II


ROW 1: Judy Black, Jane Glock, Nancy Sue Macy, Bonnie Jo Boyle, Sandy Rodenbeck, Bertha Schafer, Donna Goodus, Jackie Seglin, Vernadell Barker, Bessie Nees. ROW 2: Nancy Whitney, Jane Crozier, Leola Eklund, Janet Fenters, Marilyn Goff, Glenda Marshall, Rose M. Wright, Pat Klausmeier, Lynne Cormican. ROW 3: Linda Stultz, Sharon Serie, Sue Ann Sieber, Linda Romine, Kay Pattengale, Mary Lou Parks, Jane Hubble, Sharon Engelhart, Sandra Lucas, Pequita Troxell, Sara Borden, Judy Strattan.

ROW 1: Norma Wood, Roberta Whitehead, Marilyn Leavitt, Joanna Smith, Judy Kotsch, Jo Faye Luck, Marcia Elaine Feldman, Susan Loonan, Annette Mitchell, Roxy Broshar, Carolyn Joehrendt. ROW 2: Dinah Tyler, Sharon Corbin, Ann Ashley, Rebecca Soliday, Nancy Rule, Jackie Barley, Jacquee Gorski, Marjorie Merckx, Carol Schulhof, Judie Knilans, Ruth Dill, June LaFevre. ROW 3: Elaine Smith, Claire Coleman, Nancy Meeker, Mary Rozich,


Darlene Dibblee, Carol Lichtenstein, Becky Warnock, Judy Lowe, Marcia Johnson, Rosemary Huff, Maureen Moore, Mary Whitelock. ROW 4: Carolee Tomlinson, Joan Littlejohn, Pat Edmonston, Donna Dreesbach, Martha Long, Diane Stoewer, Debra Feldman, Jo MacLean, Colette LaBerge, Rebecca Smith, Anita Silverstein, Susan Shotola, Quin Groth.

Smithwood Wing II

' 3 ROW 1: Joanna Harris, Carolyn Swan, Sandra Summe, Lucy Kraft, Phyllis Wyrick, Linette Hinton, Karen Ann Walker, Beth Loonan, Elizabeth Christian. ROW 2: Mildred Finkbiner, Barbara Binkley, Connie Meshberger, Peggy Weed, Ann Bumb, Judy Jentz, Carol East, Carole Schulthise, Barbara Keuneke, Ruth Klemm. ROW 3: Myrna Rosenberg, Leslie Bluhm, Sonjia Ca m e sasca, Marilyn Aud, Barbara C. Williams, Pauline Weninger, Mary Frischie, Audrea Thomas, Saundra McPherson, Linda McDonald, Robin Kramer, Sue McNelley, Sharon Gioe. ROW 4: Heidi Linder, Carole Killion, Nancy Moss, Karen Lundin, Sondra Cooper, Peg Jarraro, Judy Regenold, Sandra Maples, Faye Burgess, Marilyn Pierce, Carol Ensign, Judy Cutler, Ann Crawford, Diane Turley, Diane McFarland.

ROW 1: Helen Marcovitch, Gloria Pryor, Mary Bancroft, Myra Goldman, Ann Kocher, Janie Kramer, Rebecca Taylor, Arlene Jager, Rosemarie Stauffer, Nancy Bradshaw, Beth Parks. ROW 2: Charlotte Rome, Beverly Ward, Anita Ennis, Linda Lehman, Mary Lou Graves, Judy Martin, Nancy Potter, Nedra Clark, Phyllis Schmidt, Mary Jean Pers, Jan Givens, Abbey Brotman, Elinore Eley, Deanna Bailey. ROW 3: Mary McClellan, Marjorie Orr, Margaret Ann Porter, Joan Shearer, Jill Watts, Cheryl Pope, Susan Page, Joanna Hall, Sandra Shank, Bev Sullivan, Sandy Siewek, Lou Cinda Finch, Jerry Spurgeon, Ruth Juday. ROW 4: Sharon Stickler, Cheryl Milligan, Sandy Ayers, Darlene Puckett, Ann Johns, Carole Silverman, Georgeann Spousta, Gail Le Vor, Mary Temple, Pam Butterfield, Cindy Scott, Judy Kamman, Merikay Wiley, Toni E isterhold.


Smithwood Wing III

ROW 1: Phyllis Aldridge, Saundra Conwell, Marcia Gumberts, Linda Kumpf, Sandra McHugh, Susan Barger, Annette Denning, Margaret Bentley, Doris Bonacorsi. ROW 2: Phyllis Findley, Ruth Miller, Barbara Koenig, Jean Smith, Jeane Kendall, Elsa Rosenak, Sharon Brown, Ann Cupp, Kay Carter. ROW 3: Marjorie Melvin, Marilyn Bernstein, Carol Richert, Eileen Worstell, Lyndia Green, Martha Guenin, Renee Halsted, Julia Kremer, Diane Murray, Janet Gross.

ROW 1: Jane Trout, Rosemary Steckley, Janet Santilli, Sandra Bell, Sharon Goodwin, Elizabeth Luther, Judy Spivey. ROW 2: Paula Winterfeldt, Carolyn Sternberg, Tamara Blase, Sue White, Judith Milisen, Carolyn Burkle,


Joan Simmons. ROW 3: Gwen Ferguson, Georgianne Kustad, Lynn Gatti, Nancy Campbell, Sara Hindeman, Liz Hardsaw, Rosemary Lewis, Sharon Siegesmund, Judith Hall.

Smithwood Wing III

ROW 1: Diane DuKate, Sara Beth Younts, Noelle Musselman, Janet Robinson, Marcia Schultz, Barbara Modricker, Linda Ranger, J. Jayne Brown, Joyce Thorpe, Patricia Davis. ROW 2: Janet Fuller, Mary Ann Thomas, Ann McCleary, Sharon Smith, Suzann Hengstler, Anne Jacobs, Jeanie Piper, Judy Albrecht, Marlene Bloye, Candy Koci. ROW 3: Barbara Ehrman, Christy Clements, Barbara Lambrecht, Karolee Kattman, Julie Emmert, Mary Ann Ertel, Dixie Skelton, Judy Frame, Jan Slivka, Sandra Bean.

ROW 1: Wanda Hancock, Betty Palmore, Linda Wathen, Connie Linari, Diane Heaton, Mary Ann Cook, Diane Mitchell, Janice Faye Davis, Nancy Elliott. ROW 2: Lynn Chitwood, Pam Armstrong, Phyllis Scaturo, Phyllis Nita, Carole Cotton, Ann Smullen, Judy Misner, Elaine Pawlus, Barbara Miller. ROW 3: Lilly Zahrt, Sue Silcher, Sue Heidenreich, Carol Heidenreich, Jo Ann Recht, Virginia Savidge, Sandie Valentine, Sandy Bowie.


Smithwood Wing IV

ROW 1: Marilyn Johnson, Nancy Weisner, Shirley Pratt, Mary Graver, Nancy Bailey, Sue Sites, Jane Marie Thompson, Joyce Pierson, Susan McCord, Genevieve Hopkins, Carol Bridges, Cindy Bottorff, Jane Hershberger. ROW 2: Nancy Barnet, Joann Myer, Irene Weinberg, Beverly Flauding, Judy Thomas, Margie Harlan, Sandy Liniger, Sara Lou Miller, Susie McCullough, Judi Thom, Judi Leslie, Peggy Miller, Jerri Ann Meyer, Marla Kay Oatman. ROW 3: Luanna Wright, Marilyn Nieman, Janie Dellekamp, Ann Weatherly, Judy McClarnon, Jeanie McDavid, Judy Mattox, Kathy Seulean, Nancy Arnold, Sue Hornung, Barbara Lynn Shaw, Darlene Titus, Karol Stonger, Linda Dresbach, Phyllis Moosey. ROW 4: Betty Jean Wright, Linda Hill, Marjorie House, Jan Small, Juliann Schutte, Rochelle Stowers, Fran Lindley, Diana Friedmeyer, Mary Jane Casner, Sue Burke, Dorrie Barton, Diane Corenman.

ROW 1: Beckie Reed, Carolyn Danner, Carolyn Courtney, Judy Hutson, Connie Crowder, Darlene Foltz, Mary Ruth Taylor, Carole Wojtena, Barbara Deaton, Anita Klempner. ROW 2: Sylvia Ann Anderson, Kathleen Plopper, Sharon Diamond, Marilyn Scott, Linda Woodruff, Phyllis Bernstein, Pat Mikuta, Judy Curtis, Ellen Day, Julie Smith. ROW 3: Carol Harayda, Karen Steinmetz, Louise Brendle, Susan Crane, Mary Libby Trotter, Cecelia Clark, June


Eileen Scales, Kay Sturgeon, Barbara Lamberton, Lynda Eggert, Linda Vandenbark, Jennie Cook, Simma Stern. ROW 4: Lynda Beltz, Phyllis Hockaday, Rita Harder, Julie Fontaine, Connie Ward, Karen Belles, Susie Golt, Pam Timmons, Phyllis Ewer (President), Barbara Hauck, Beverly Joanne Miller, Nancy Liddil, Harriet Hodge, Barbara Harrison, Ginnie Barth.

ROW 1: Sallie Stoler, Freddie Sachs, Rhoda Zukerman, Sally Harrold, Donna Stoelting, Sharon Gustafson, Kay Simmers, Karin Grimsley, June Hess, Judy Chapline, Suzie Kroener, Nelda Dyer, Barbara Meldon. ROW 2: Janet Moore, Jeannette Walker, Kay Conaway, Sandy Chilcott, Celia Ropp, Becky Pierce, Elaine Bensinger, Nancy Fishel, Beverly Walburn, Sally Shaw, Sherry Ehlert, Kay Claussen. ROW 3: Bonnie Winslow, Judy Warring, Kathy Anderson, Jessie Cochran, Jane Wesner, Janice Thomas, Susan Schimpff, Judy Ross, Sylvia Bauer, Mariann Segovia, Jackie Bosak, Fran Tennis. ROW 4: Patricia Smith, Betty Green, Kathi McCarty, Ellen Schuck, Gretchen Bothast, Julie Palmer, Ann Lyons, Judy Gerking, Gayle Allison, Sara Victors, Jeanne Wellborn, Sue Hedman, Judy Boling.

Wing IV Gives Religious Christmas Program

To promote the understanding of other religions and races, Smithwood Wing IV gave an inter-religious Christmas program. Skits explained the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah as well as the Christian Christmas. The program and a pajama party climaxed Wing IV's annual Pixie Week.

The hall sponsors an active social program which includes monthly after hours parties and exchange dinners. In January Wing IV honored its three counselors at a joint birthday party.

A monthly newspaper, the Wing Forum, is published by a regular staff to keep the hall informed of dorm happenings. In the fall Wing IV bought a mimeograph machine to print the paper and also wing announcements.

At their annual party, the women of Wing IV gave several religious portrayals about Christmas.


Tower Council Established on Coed Basis

Diane Luzar, Jack Nlart, and Jermayne Fritzen consider rules of dress for the coeducational dining system.

Tower Quadrangle Council is one of the first coeducational governing bodies with equal representation from men's and women's units. The council directs the adoption of the budget, approves judicial appointments, informs hall officers of new rulings, and ratifies and amends the center constitution.

The council set up rules for dining room attire at certain meals. "Sit down" dinners, which eliminate the cafeteria lines, are served three times a week. Men wear coats and ties and women dresses and high heels for these dinners.

The center's main social activity for the fall semester was a Christmas dance. After the Michigan-I. U. game, the social co-ordinator sponsored a coffee hour for students and their parents.

All the units stress scholarship; therefore, the University pays undergraduate students with high scholastic averages to counsel freshmen who are having difficulty in their academic work.

The 20-member Tower Quadrangle Council is composed of each of the five all-center officers, together with the president, vice-president, and committee coordinators of the five units.

ROW 1: Judy Thompson, Duane Frisbie, Diane Luzar, Jack Mart, Jermayne Fritzen, Jerry Smedley, Sharon Soash. ROW 2: Judy Rogers, Robert Fuller, David Hight-

382 .14.4 shue, Ted Botkin, David Mounts, Jack Reeve, Carl Bleke, Stevie Carpenter.

Tower Quadrangle A

ROW 1: Steve Taylor, L. Wendell Brown, Tom Henderson, Tom Strait, Jerry Lux, Gerald Stokes, Frank Goode, John Walker. ROW 2: Joseph Gray, Tom Slemons, Bob Fuller, Robert Vanderlugt, Paul Laughlin, Martin Hubbard, Bob Hill, Tom Hopkins. ROW 3: Jim Nelson, Dick Boergert, Jeff Davis, Bob Swartz, Dennis Orr, William Hunting, Joe Madden, Don Hawes, Paul D. Gutwein, Larry L. Hoover.

ROW 1: Tom Hodson, Fred Scott (Governor), Craig Scott, David Kunkle, Rick Hammer, John Kuntz, Michael Beery. ROW 2: Bill Jones, John Moore, Stephen Givens, John Marion Hughes Jr., Bill Piepenbrink (SecretaryTreasurer Unit F), Jon Smith, Jim Newcomb, Deward Arney (Secretary-Treasurer Unit A). ROW 3: Bob Hendren, Norm Schultz, John Oehler, Ralph Hunt, Art Grawcock, Arnold London, Stu Urmston, Tom Vice, Jim Whitehouse.


Tower Quadrangle A

ROW 1: James Higgins, Murray Faris, Kenneth Wentland, Allan Steinberg (Governor), Charles Lampel, Terry Whitfield, Daniel Spitzberg, James Certain. ROW 2: Don Pozywio, Ralph Stewart, John Prough, Tom Furst, Don Garlets (Counselor), Terry Lindenberg, Bryan Heathcotte, Robert Kerns, William B. Walker, Jim C. Frank. ROW 3: Robert Brough, Stuart Jewell, Larry Nellans, William Muth, Lymperios Trikolis, Robert Hedges, Jim Hammer, Willie Scott Jr., Leroy Wahl, Jerry Crabb, Thomas Giles.

ROW 1: Ronald Anderson, Franklin Reed, Bill Weesner (Governor), Joseph Glosson (Secretary), Judy Jorgensen (Sweetheart), Tom White, Richard Horwitz, Jerry M. Smedley (President), Bill Ahaus. ROW 2: Raymond Obenchain, James Storey, Gerald Newland, Tim Kesling,


Vince Williams, Tom Campbell, Krikor Yepremian, Wendell Perry. ROW 3: Lewis Skinner, Dick Wiehe, Jerald Hogan, Thomas Plikuhn, Charles Heyda, Frank Trowbridge, Paul Lang.

Tower Quadrangle B

ROW 1: Ronnie Schnier, John Garriott, Bob Bikoff, Michael Hacker (Governor), Sidney Griffiths, John Munn, Roland Dale. ROW 2: Tom Pinder, Jack Mart, Michael L. Dunn, Merrill Bergstedt, Jack Dunn, Larry Strait, Samuel Pete.

ROW 1: Elmer Bunce (President Hall B), William Toney (Governor), Charles A. Foreman, Krishna Bahadoorsingh (Counselor), William Sutters (Secretary-Treasurer), Donald Riley, Duane Frisbie. ROW 2: Robert Eaglesfield, Ronald Colby, William J. Mudd, John Chang, Gary Dooley, Jerry J. Williams, David N. Dunn. ROW 3: Tom Montgomery, Tom Rogers, Robert Winkler, Clark Salkeld, Mike Galich, Dave Maas, William Gale James, John Sells.


Tower Quadrangle B

ROW 1: Richard Kania, Carl H. Bleke Jr. (SecretaryTreasurer), Earl F. Gimlich (Unit Governor), David A. Harrison, Harry Sarkine, Jerry L. Ford (Secretary-Treasurer). ROW 2: Larry Miles, Bill Linville, David Lang, Glenn King, Leroy Arnold, Richard Allen, Jay H. Gould. ROW 3: Jerry Popp, Larry Dean, Jim Malarney, Ted Botkin, Jere Young, Leslie Wright, Hal Underwood, Joseph Rainier.

Tower Quadrangle C

ROW 1: Joy Henefelt, Marjory Fanger, Beverly Head, Marilynne Crevello, Lorene Guzik, Juanita Pruett, Mary Hoople, Connie Levy. ROW 2: Bertha Bell, Joyce Matney, Joyce Stewart, Mollie Brown, Molly Dunigan, Ann Braxton, June Bossard, Pat Gillespie, Rose Scelsi, Sue Mc386

Dowell. ROW 3: Linda Dinius, Judy Johnson, Sharon Soash (President), Julia Niemann, JoAnne Norman, Darlene Fiorantin, Barbara Salyer, Sandra Martin, Julia Noble, Sharon Dalton, Jo Bonhomme.

Tower Quadrangle C

ROW 1: Janice Conley, Barbara Hagans, Margaret Robbins, Pat Barton, Jeanne Britt, Melissa Ritenour, Lea Montgomery, Kay Thomas, Gayle Arnold, Opal Listenberger. ROW 2: Tanya Keske, Jane Williams, Carolyn Page, Sandy Pitzer (Counselor), Ceil Knapp, Joyce

Tower Quadrangle D

Tower Building D, the only all-athletic dorm on campus, houses the entire varsity football team and the freshman basketball, football, and swimming teams. Also, the assistant coach of the football team and the athletic trainer are present to give immediate attention to illness or injuries.

During the football season, members of the team observed 10:30 p. m. lights out every night and other training procedures in the dorm. Members of the various teams co-operated to make the atmosphere of the unit conducive to good training habits.

Until the end of the football season, the men of Tower D were unable to have any social functions. In the spring, however, they held their own dance and picnic. They also participated in the Tower Center Christmas Dance and the Tower Center choir. Residents of Tower D also took part in intramural athletics through the year.

Adams, Betty Beckort, Kathie Hillis, Rosemary Reinerth, Kathy Paradiso. ROW 3: Pat Embry, Marty Trobaugh, Barbara Browne, Beverly Scott, Linda King, Andrea Lacy, Chiquita Conrad, Brenda Gibson, Dixie Swartzlander, Delores Sallee, Rita Obendorf.

ROW 1: Elvin Caldwell (Vice-President), Nancy Scecina (Sweetheart), David Hightshue (Secretary-Treasurer). ROW 2: Dave Mounts (President), Douglas Dove, Ray Grasch.

Tower Quadrangle E

ROW 1: Vicky Millar, Madeline Paul, Mary Irey, Terre Moser, Tamara Safford, Judy Adams, Darleen Todd, Harriett Loonan, Dianne Reiff. ROW 2: Margaret Kay Tomes, Dianne Johnston, Jean Frehse, Carole Shepherd, Virginia Wieschhoff, Linda Rickrich, Maryann Gaydosh, Sandra Heisterkamp, Anne Jeffery, Mary Jo Struss, Beth Richardson, Judie Peckinpaugh. ROW 3: Elaine Weiss, Jan Rickel, Mary Gring, Jane Fitch, Stephanie Carpenter, Carol R. Jenkins, Marlene Wood, Kay Huffman, Jean Brown, Marilyn Renaker, Beverly Gilbert.

ROW 1: Tobey Chipman, Jill Rocker, Betty Stillman, Diane Howard, Mary Pownall, Toby Fesler (Counselor), Doris Elmore, Carol Tufteland, Mary Jane Silver, Linda Young, Lynn Scott. ROW 2: Irene Bitton, Melinda Brougher, Darleen Baumann, Sandra Sue Beasley, Laura Favarato, Jermayne Fritzen, Charlene Sarka, Carol Detweiler, Brenda Holderman, Carol Lynne Johnson, Minerva


Bender, Connie Colter, Sara Sanders. ROW 3: Sally Ca Jacob, Nancy Scecina (Secretary-Treasurer), Barbara Guelpa, Phyllis Heavern, Judy Horton, Suellen Foster, Peggy Basten, Kathy Donovan (Governor), Barbara Franklin, Jane Watson, Phyllis Ann Scott, Karen Tade, Judy Perkins.

Tower Quadrangle E

ROW 1: Linda Giffin, Alice Livesay, Marlene Raff, Anne Daugherty, Virginia Owen, Ruth Silver, Donna Greenberg, Judy Thompson, Eleanor Youngs, Marianne Wahlen. ROW 2: Judy Larson, Gail Tretiak, Joyce Hollandbeck, Judy Neddo, Marcia Oddi, Eleanor Shoobridge, Elizabeth Walter, Martha Byrum. ROW 3: Sondra Kennedy, Gayle Cutler, Judy Wallace, Leatha Dillon, Judy Kay Boyd, Kay Cosgrove, Sarah McDonald, Virginia Orr, Karen Schramm. ROW 4: Beverly Schwanholt, Patricia Fitzpatrick, Charlette Connelly, Sara Meier, Judy Milo, Pat Murnane, Arla Smith, Luella Woody, Mary Lou Koehler.

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ROW 1:1: Nancy Tancey, Linda Le Vay, Linda Snyder, Phyllis Dugan, Mary Jo Hilt, Kathryn Wilson, Marolyn Kelly, Roberta Mitchell. ROW 2: Cynthia Ward, Stachia Enochs, Rollene Smith, Carol Sue Barrett, Eloise Laird,


Beth Griesse, Susie Vandiver, Susan Shaw. ROW 3: Carolyn Dress, Mary Liz King, Eleanor Rynearson, Sue Ann Case, Elizabeth Black, Nancy Tomai, Jo Ann Perry, Janice Waterous, Sue Tillett.


Tower Quadrangle E

ROW 1: Joyce Barger, Judy Wetmore, Lynda Fitch, Carolyn Bailey, Liz Bicknell, Monique Halioua, Margaret Grohman (Counselor), Barbara Harrah. ROW 2: Nada Novak, Sandra Hawkins, Marjorie Roberts, Maxine Bradrick, Linda Novotny, Rhea Leffel, Ruth Kay Teal, Carol Crane, Barbara Novak.

ROW 1: Patricia Fox, Carolyn Ewing, Sandra Winters, Judi Kinnear, JoAnne McAleer, Janice Gray, Ann Kruchten, Anita Savage, Karen Roof, Betty Ann Nessel, Kay Augspurger, Aleta Shumaker. ROW 2: Cinda Webster, Margaret Ann Smith, Angela Costantino, Linda Swails, Jayne Durlauf, Margaret Schwartz, Annetta Held, 390

Gwen Matlack, Cheryl Ashbaucher, Judy Ogle, Margaret Baluk, Georgiana Phillips. ROW 3: Irene Zalkin, Louann Tiernan, Linda Powell, Sheila Anderson, Linda Daseler, Margaret Jo Hunt, Nan Larabee, Nancy Sowden, Nancy Ryan, Jeanne Knott, Kathleen Koch, Linda Ferrell, Jane Greif.

ROW 1: Sharon Weibel (Secretary), Jane Borho (CoChairman), Astra Grins, Joan Miller, Carol Kotolinski. ROW 2: Ed Probst (Co-Chairman), Frank Tinsley, Joe Janusonis, Robert Butler (Adviser), Joe Boeglin, Donald Watkins.

Executive Committee Assumes Trees Government

The new co-educational governing body of Trees Center is its Executive Committee. This committee represents a new concept in student government because it is one of the first co-educational governing systems. Previously, the women's units had very little to say in the government of their center, but this year they have an equal voice with the men.

The purpose of the Executive Committee is to establish and maintain all rules affecting both the men and the women of the center. It is also responsible for many of the center's activity groups. Among these is the Social Council which sponsored a pajama party in the fall, a variety show at Christmas, and a formal dance in the spring. The Executive Committee also supervises the Trees Center Glee Club and the Collegian, the center's bi-monthly newspaper.

The governors of men's units and the presidents and the vice-presidents of the women's units make up the Trees Center Executive Committee.

Robert Butler and Ed Probst consult Sharon Weibel and Jane Borho on Fall Carnival booth specifications. 391

ROW 1: Gwendolyn Butler, Janet Wray, Juanita Barker, Nancy Mathis (Secretary), Sharon Mara Henderson, Sue Shock, Cornelia Rhymes, Sheila Fulford. ROW 2: Alice Jane Mehne, Mary Appleby, Deanna Daily, Rosemary Tuesley, Bonnie Flowers, Hideko Kazaoka, Diana Davis,

Oak Hall

Wilma Ward. ROW 3: Martha Henry, Barbara J. Williams, Penelope Armstrong, Katherine Holmes, Astra Grins (Vice-President), Sharon Weibel (President), Ellen Reininga, Donna Northrop, Martha Rosenbaum, Sharon Tourner.

ROW 1: Norma Williams, Freida Barton, Esther Katzmarek, Nada Tesich, Mary Bryant, Gloria Symensma, Paula Naprstek, Gloria Woodard, Geraldine Farris, Karen Fu, Judy Schoenherr. ROW 2: Joyce Watkins, Marianne Markanich, Ruby Trotter, Carolyn Patton, Nancy Bridges, Carol Kotolinski, Cora Baker, Annie Hill, Helen McDaniel, Delonna Reed. ROW 3: Roselyn Greene, Bonnie


Dye, Nancy Artz, Jeanette Sherbondy, Barbara Pounds, Mary Ann Jones, Judy Terkhorn, Judy Wallwork, Sharon Richardson, Marcia Schneider, Sandra Mettert. ROW 4: Penny Brown, Elaine McVay, Rebecca Sills, Juanita Van Jelgerhuis, Claudia Sailor, Virginia Jones, Judy Myers, Janice Stedman, Kathleen Lott, Patricia Ann Goldman, Prue Mason, Margaret Huggins, Mary Karen Miller.

Laurel the Largest Unit to Govern Itself

Laurel Hall, which is the largest unit in Trees Center, became the biggest dormitory housing unit on campus this year under one governing body.

The Laurel football team was a runner-up in the intramural tournament. The bowling team, fighting to keep the first place it won in 1959, was again one of the strongest in its division.

An October hayride started the social season for the 125 men in Laurel. An open house, which was attended by President H. B Wells, followed in November.

Christmas in Trees is celebrated by an annual Christmas Variety Show. Laurel Hall and the other units entertained with skits.

Throughout the year mixer-dinners and impromptu get-togethers with the women's units in Trees were also part of the hall's activities. The last big social event of the season was a spring picnic for the men and their dates at McCormick's Creek.

Laurel men plan social and athletic activities.

ROW 1: William Crawford (Secretary-Treasurer), Donald Watkins (Governor), Fred Schmits, Elzie Harold Davis (Vice-Governor), Sally Glatz, Jerry Flanagan, Don Madden, David King, Anthony Grasso, Allan Urbont. ROW 2: Richard Stonebraker, Larry Kent Short, David William Tyrrell, James Edsel Reeves, Keith Edmondson, William De Lor, Lynn A. Kennedy, George Bernhard. ROW 3: Tom Stitch, James Juerling, David Gordon, Harry Powell, Russell Clinton, Danny Littell, Chuck Denzinger, Willie Ray, Wayne Crowley, David Williams. ROW 4: Paul Pfeifer (Counselor), John Storck, C. Edward Foster, Walter Baumhoff (Counselor), Fred Jewell, Dick Goins, Tom Marks, Lyle Menges, Joe Tripp, Donald Henry, Nathaniel Cole, Dick Eskew.


ROW 1: Larry Andrews, Dave Lawhead, Jerry Conwell, James T. Anderson, Ken Dilger, Bill Sutton, Judy Pigman, Arnold Applegate, Lawrence Ryan, William Page, Bob Cattell, Paul Armstrong, Alan Hahn, Phil Ritchie. ROW 2: Keith Frye, Don Thompson (Secretary-Treasurer), Ronald Waite, Edward Probst, James Robert Barrett, Steve Lower, Philip Fishman, Mike Hunt, Chester Justice, John Ridge, Vince Campiti, Donald Wade, Ray Gliva, Harry Swarn. ROW 3: Don Shortridge, George Bridges, Joe Boeglin (Governor), Jackie Grinstead, Stanley Byers, Garry Bolinger, Marvin Adams, Jerry Beard, Michael Phillips, Franklin Clark, George Crawford, Jerry Dougan, Ronald Florer, John Schnabel. ROW 4: Charles Bernard, Don Chapman, Frank Shipman, James Eppert, Bob Rich, Garry Stackhouse, Loren Henry, Bill Landon, Frank Merli (Counselor), Jack Ford, Bill Stillman, Paul Cunningham Jr., Ron Campbell, David Pierce, Charles Radcliffe, W. Scott Ramsey, Theodore Wilson (ViceGovernor), Robert Wantland, John Schamanski.

Linden East Takes Up Challenge From Pine

Stephen Gilmour, Phi Beta Kappa, relaxes after his election to the highest honorary in arts and sciences. 394

The men of Linden Hall East were challenged to a game of football by the women of Pine Hall last fall. Despite such handicaps as tied legs, the men's dormitory came out victorious. Linden East also participated in other sports, such as intramural football, bowling, and basketball.

Each of the 82 residents of Linden East works at least 12 hours a week and most from 15 to 20 hours. Nevertheless the hall had the highest grade average of all independent housing units in spring 1959. All of the men hold residence scholarships.

Social events for Linden East began with a fall hayride and then, later, participation in the Trees Center Christmas Variety Show. The main event of the year is their annual spring "Ahaywehs" party. The initials stand for "Abandon hope all ye who enter here," taken from Dante's Inferno.

Each year the men are honored guests of President Herman B Wells at a tea for scholarship students.

ROW 1: Grace Edwards, Melinda Hendry, Marjorie Snively, Judy McCaffrey, Carla Wisler, Judy Million, Cherise Sims, Donna Noyes, Mary Lamb, Betty Mason, Patricia Corner, Geneva Finn, Jane Borho (President), Joan Jacobs (Secretary). ROW 2: Judith Kaser, Pat Hall, Ruthann Easterbrook, Frances Oltman, Elizabeth Guthrie, Elizabeth Taylor, Fay Hardin, Janet Pittman, Carol Simmons, Sarah Heck, Nicki Holton, Barbara Johnson, Mary Ann Hubbuch (Treasurer), Barbara Ewbank. ROW 3: Pat Snow, Linda Brattain, Mary Sue Zatarga, Sarah Tragesser, Barbara Nawrocki, Shirley Smith, Judy Mangas, Anne Mai Kask, Linda Sons, Ann Parrett, Claudia Galik, Carolyn Galik, Retha Biggs, Margaret Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Fisher, Frances Ehlers, Joyce Bailey. ROW 4: Carolyn Adney, Jane Kilpatrick, Mar a bet h Webb, Linda Vehling, Mary Ann Stroble, Kay Kleifgen, Inta Argals, Carol T. Steinkamp, Joan Miller, Linda Smith, Ernestine Eppenger, Alice Ehlen, Barbara Carr, Marilyn Tobias, Pamela Smith, Patricia Hobson, Kitty Southard, Judy Dickman.

Pine Competes With Itself in Scholarship

Last year WRHA removed Pine Hall from the scholastic competition among the women's residence halls and placed it in competition with itself. In the last 13 years Pine Hall had won the WRHA trophy the majority of times. WRHA awarded Pine Hall a permanent plaque for continual high scholarship. Each year the dormitory has an average of 2.09, a plate with Pine Hall inscribed on it will be attached to the new plaque.

The 110 women in Pine Hall of Trees Center are

all recipients of residence scholarships. In addition to working at least 10 hours a week on campus, the women work two hours more in the dormitory.

In the fall Pine gave two open houses, one for the students and the other for faculty members and administrators. Participation in the Trees Center Variety Show was one of the major projects of the hall. As a Christmas project the women bought gifts for the teenagers at the Christian Center.

Joan Miller and Jane Borho salute the symbol of their dorm with a chorus of "Oh Christmas Tree."


South Maple Hall

ROW 1: Jack Kaldahl, Alan E. Johnson, George Walker, Sandi Huestis (Sweetheart), Margaret Wimer (Sweetheart), Judy Kaser (Sweetheart), Sam Hicks, John Reimer, Chester McClain. ROW 2: John Cluver, Michael Meginnis, Seward Guy, Jerry Dickason, Karl Wolff, Gerald

Weatherwax House

Lahmann, Mike Eskitch, Tom Redmond. ROW 3: Ronald Schatz, Dan Prickett, Edwin L. Hall (Secretary-Treasurer), Lawrence Prichard, Max Bailey, Joseph Janusonis (Governor), Carl L. Boyd, David M. Shoemaker, William A. Schwender.

ROW 1: Kathryn Swank, Mary Lynn May, Karen Anne Walker, Lois Bledsoe, Elvera Kleinschmidt, Cathie Coan, Bette Patterson, Patricia Hasler. ROW 2: Judy Stahlhut,


Judith A. Anderson, Janeille Leader, Julie Burns, Netha Loyce Harmon, Glenda Mitchell, Ruth Cummings, Ruth Glass, Wilma Maack.

Morrison -Teke Booth Wins Fall Carnival Prize

"The Morrison-Teke Association," a stock exchange, won first prize in the "game of chance" division of Fall Carnival. Morrison and Tau Kappa Epsilon, social fraternity, sponsored the booth.

Morrison also won the women's intramural trophy for basketball and participated in baseball, bowling, tennis, and other sports. One of their main social events was the "Christmas Cotillion," a Wells Quad dance. At the annual center scholarship banquet, 13 upperclass women from Morrison were awarded certificates for outstanding scholarship in spring of 1959.

One of the goals of Morrison this year is to provide not only a home for the women but also a place where they can develop friendships and learn to accept responsibilities.

During orientation week Morrison had meetings to acquaint freshmen with dormitory living. Skits built around the theme "Alice in Collegeland" showed life in Morrison. During Pixie Week the women secretly helped one another and then revealed their identity at a party ending the project.

Informal dorm councils co-ordinate the many ideas which contribute to workable regulations.



ROW 1: Lynne Matusow, Janet Pfeiffer, Pauline Luthi, Penny Ritter, Judy Davidson, Carol Honda (Treasurer), Judy Bobick (President), Nancy Dillingham, Carolyn Alberring, Frances Cooperman. ROW 2: Sandy Lannan, Janet Good, Carrie Ann Norris, Nancy Hampton, Charlene Robinson, Becky Magurean, Nancy Baumgartner, Ann Orbaugh, Joan Auble, Barbara Fiechter. ROW 3:


Cordia Price, Sonia Bradley, Jeannie Seright, Claudia Mitchell, Edith Ferber, Jean Breese, Barbara Brajcki, Brenda Bardos, Emily Griffin, Nancy Kelly. ROW 4: Jane Price, Lynn Holmes, Marilyn McIntyre, Earlene Carter, Judy Kanning, Mary Noel, Judy Buchanan, Rosemary Larracuenta, Beverly Husvar, Pamela Owings, Mary Rose Kemp, Ann Bockstahler.


Forest Hall



ROW 1: Paul Troyer, Wendell Ropp, Paul Swadener, Jim Krider, Charles Filippo, Charles R. Baker, Ray Hoffman. ROW 2: Robert Carver, Avery Carmack, Jon Holtzman, Frank Slaby Jr., Raymond Scott, Jim Cornell, John Lind, Ron Hallberg, Harlan Booher. ROW 3: Lynn Webster, Karl Coyner, Dale Burger, Ned Wright, Dick Beaver (President), John Staley (Counselor), Herb Hoeltke, Jerry Krueger, Glenn Schram, Stanley Trager, Bill Briscoe, Tom Everitt, Jim Kobold.

ROW 1: Richard E. Miller, Ben Benjamin, Bill Solloway, Jerry Moore, Wayne Hughes, Glen Kelley, Paul Leak. ROW 2: Parviz Jenab, James E. Buescher, Emmett Hunter, Edward Mahoney (Counselor), Keith E. Collins, Robert R. Carter (Governor), Andrew Chmiel, Elliott J. Harris, Paul Baranko, Rodolphe Rouhana. ROW 3: Tom Power,


Barry Hoover, John Reynolds, Jim May, Alan R. Diodore, Eldridge Baker, Ron Kase, Neil R. Brooks, Doug Denmure, Don D. Doxsee. ROW 4: James E. Smith, Charles Harrison, Prentice White, Henry Townes, Robert Taber, Michael Slobodkin, James Patrick, Doug Lewellen, Donald Steele, Mike Pace, Alan Day.

The Board of Governors chooses committee heads for the Quad winter dance.

Forest Made Trial Upperclass Dorm for Men

When Men's Residence Center closed last fall and the men there moved to Wells Quadrangle, Forest Hall became an experimental unit. The University experimented with Forest as an all upperclassmen dormitory with emphasis on high scholarship.

After moving, the men of Forest began a de-emphasis on unit government and worked towards co-educational governing with the three women's halls in Wells. Forest's three units, the Rangers, Archers, and Falcons, each elected a governor and five other officers. The governors and vice-governors make up the Forest Board of Governors, which, with the women's Center Council, forms the Wells Quadrangle Executive Council.

The individual units in Forest planned hayrides, mixers, and picnics; but the entire hall worked with the women's units on their Homecoming display "Today's Menu—Wolverine Stew." For Fall Carnival they joined with Sycamore on "Le Coq d'Or."

After weeks of work, the men of Forest finish their Fall Carnival booth.


Memorial Encourages Competition in Study

At Christmas Memorial gave an open house to display its seasonal decorations.

The women of Memorial Hall put special stress on scholarship this year and encouraged friendly competition between corridors by buying a large paddle for the lounge. The paddle will be engraved with the name of the corridor with the highest grade average.

For the first time the empty rooms which are left after the semester begins will be put to use in Memorial. The women are converting the empty rooms into temporary lounges and sewing rooms until they are again needed for living quarters.

For the second consecutive year, Memorial's swimming team won the over-all intramural championship. Their basketball team was also strong in intramurals.

Other extra-curricular activities of Memorial included exchange dinners and mixers with men's housing units and open houses for the rest of campus. During the Christmas season elaborate corridor decorations were shown at an open house for other dormitory units.

ROW 1: Ann Cleveland, Karen Stonecipher, Marjene Motsinger, Sharon Stonecipher, Rita Stewart, Kay Conboy, Joan Grigonis, Paula Burk, Letitia Lowdermilk. ROW 2: Patricia Harrod, Phyllis Donner, Janet Bailey, Carol Ann Loyd, Margaret Pock, Rita Miller, Lois Price,

400 Anna Puisans, Arlene Dickover. ROW 3: Janet Seids, Betty Booth, Cathy Caranasios, Maureen Kovich, Judy Selis, Judy Seddelmeyer, Peggy Ramey, Lona Gail Day, Nancy Ruth Fisher, Phyllis Sonntag, Patti Page.

ROW 1: June Kirk, Kathleen Hoffman, Sally Strole, Judy Pasquale, Marcia Hurt, Nanette LeBlanc, Susan Wagoner (President), Sofia R. Tason, Sarah Carson. ROW 2: Carolyn Clevenger, Elizabeth Nickel, Patricia Halstead, Gloria Senesac, Janice L. Major, Robbie Eloise Gholson, Nancy Simonson, Jeanette Hornbaker, Mary1, ellen Selby. ROW 3: Pam Mountz, Georgene Brunell, Julie Carpenter, Anne Debnam, Isabelle Turner, Joy Gideon, Betty Ahlemeyer, Pat Iremonger, Mildred Turner, Gail Annette Archer, Maureen Cunningham, Sharon Williamson.

ROW 1: Vera Stambolos, Becky Muhl, Jane Meade, Marilyn Meeker, Jennifer Locke, Ann Veirs, Alice Ann Norton, Jean Ann Cater, Judy Stevens, Jodelle Bechtold. ROW 2: Linda Murch, Kay Diggs, Gretchen Bradley, Carolyn Dolphin, Karen Langdon, Karen Mallett, Ann S. Ritsert, Peggy Mahorney, Cindy Sharvelle, Peggy Wilhite, Marlene Voeglli. ROW 3: Mary Ann Greenwald, Marsha Pickard, Bonnie Manny, Margi Norton, Mary Jane Wade, Susan Ganser, Brenda Barton, Marilyn Thiel, Dorothy Richards, Susan Southerland, Ellen Hollingshead.


Sycamore Hall

ROW 1: Yvonne Williams, Elaine Kotler, Marilyn May, Claudia Litkenhous, Karen O'Brien. ROW 2: Fay Speller, Janet Copus, Judy Stubbs, Sharon Voisard, Betty McCallum, Nancy Jane Miller. ROW 3: Martha Fowler, Marlene Maxwell, Mary Jane Zellers, Carolyn Taylor, Virginia Tobin, Janice Champ, Mary Klein.

ROW 1: Rachel Abrell, Jocelyn Kopper, Julia Hamilton, Linda Greaf, Mary Jane Patterson, Pat Fitzsimmons, Judi J. Johnson, Susan Everett, Sandi Dressel, Helen Fowler, Carlagene Plummer, Kaye Brodie. ROW 2: Joyce Winings, Barbara Siener, Nancy L. Beavers, C. Sue Johnson, Sharon Kellogg, Sara E. Davies, Sharon Whitesell, Sarah Shideler, Margaret Moore, Rose Rodell, Sandy Posvar, Carolyn Hedden. ROW 3: Dianne Crossett, Eva


Plumley, Cynthia Kelemen, Winifred Julian, Joanne Magner, Lucille Looney, Darlene Spindler, Susan Sandberg, Lynda Groves, Nancy Balsbaugh, Jane MacLennan, Eleanor Lawless, Jan Purkhiser. ROW 4: Carolyn Steele, Susan Hill, Margot Miles, Linda Harman, Ann Dwyer, Barbara Hallinin, Karen Fisher, Pat Lavis, Fern Lipner, Susan Lipner, Margaret Serviss, Marilyn Kesler, Judith Peck, Diana Haddad.

Sycamore Hall

ROW 1:1: Nancy Whicker, Lois Denny, Janet Glenn Harlow, Rose Tonis, Mary Foster. ROW 2: Letitia Gookins, Karen Mackin, Sylvia Holloway, Janet Loudermilk, Sandra Thayer, Adele Kusbel, Carole Beazley. ROW 3: Carol Lander, Gail Miller, Jan Ledden, Judy Gansinger, Mary Lou Downes, Beverly Bullions, Donette Bushaw, Dianne Brandt.

ROW 1: Marilyn Jenkins, Sharon Duggan, Judy Vincent, Joyce McCutchan, Mandokht Ostovany, Roxy Hubbard, Sharon Glenn, Mary Sue Franklin, Nancy Jo Liechty, Bev Adkins. ROW 2: Bobbie Jo Leifer, Karen Kneisley, Diane Harper, Dorothy Jaksich, Leah Kay Leifer, Beth Lancaster, Margaret Farley, Katie Phares, Patricia Lavengood, Joan Lowe, Janet Banta, Carol Berns. ROW 3: Ruth Raatz, Linda Murray, Karen Fromhart, Sarah Burke, Joyce Mirza, Linda Wilms, Lil Lunn, Polly Fine, Frances Grandys, Janet Elaine Johnson, Sherry Kay Holland, Corinne Gail Kolshak.


Wright Board of Governors Sets Policies

Nonchalance belies the efficiency of board officers.

Student government is an extensive organization in the Joseph A. Wright Quadrangle, formerly called the Men's Quadrangle. The Wright Board of Governors supervises individual unit government and acts as a policy making body for the entire center.

The governors of the 16 undergraduate and the two graduate units in the Quad make up the board. Its purpose is to serve as a central student authority in the center and to determine residence policies. It also plans the budget for the Quad and decides how finances will be allocated to its many interest and activity groups. These groups include clubs on photography, the arts, public relations, and athletics.

Every Monday the Board of Governors meets in the Blue Room of the Quad to discuss problems which have come up and to take care of all business matters concerning Wright Quadrangle.

ROW 1: Larry Rothrock, George Kellams, Don Harle (President), Lee Mellinger, Jon Todd, Marshall Heinold, Richard Douglass, Kent Oram. ROW 2: Patrick Sanders (Council Adviser), Alan Sidel, Paul Pomeroy, Richard Hokanson (Vice-President), Dale Dubin, Tom Renaldi

404 (Secretary), John Baehrend. ROW 3: Eugene Reisinger, Rolland Stephens, Billy Martin (Business Manager), Gary Fike, James Daniel Bailey, Bob Seybold, Ronald Schultz, Donald Mucherheide.

Quad Unit Officers Carry Out Difficult Jobs

The students in Wright Quadrangle feel that student government is their responsibility; therefore, those persons who are elected to offices have a difficult task to fulfill.

Each of the 18 units in the Quad is governed by a group known as the Unit Council. A council is composed of a governor, vice-governor, secretary-treasurer, social chairman, and athletic director. Once a week before the unit meeting the council discusses unit policies and problems.

It is the duty of the unit governor to carry out decisions, regulations, and policies set by the Quad Board of Governors and the MRHA Executive Board and to co-ordinate all his unit's activities. The other officers are in charge of their specific aspects of dormitory life.

Each spring the Quad gives a recognition banquet. At the dinner, the most improved and the most outstanding units receive awards.

Unit members offer ideas on improving quiet hours.

ROW 1: George Kellams, Larry Rothrock, James Barger, Kenneth Warbritton, Paul Pomeroy, Milo Nadler, Jim McCauley, Bill Heller, Jerry Hedges, Matthew Sullivan, Marshall Heinold, Dannie Stoner, Tom Scott, Kent Oram, Eddie La Duke. ROW 2: Francis Solms, Bruce Farthing, Judd Lowenhar, Eugene Reisinger, Frank Kominowski, D. Ben Ewton, Paul Glawe, Ronald Schultz, John Herkless, Ted Grisell, Larry DeVine, Dave Jannsen, William Braunlin, Max Moss, Dave Lester, Norman Pollack. ROW 3: Lee Mellinger, Alan Sidel, Jim Beaver, Wally Sherritt, Jim Barroquillo, Larry Joe Shields, Phil Westrick, Seth Bean, Jon Todd, Thomas Highland, Richard Douglass, M. D. Roark, Jerry Alyea, William Biron, Richard Spolyar, Barry Deutsch, John Baehrend. ROW 4: Leonard Sills, Russ Hartley, John Wells, Ted Brown, Ronald Ayers, George Huffman, Gary Fike, Walt Buchanan, Alvin Koestring, James Daniel Bailey, Paul Von Tobel, David Skomp, Donald Mucherheide, James Lee Long, Denny Scheff, Dale Dubin.


Campbell House

ROW 1: Dick Hardy, Norman Pollack (Secretary-Treasurer), Felix Owsley, Jerry Alyea, Dave Payne (Counselor), Dale Dubin (Governor), Denny Scheff. ROW 2: Gary L. Davis, Tom Grant, James G. Johnson, Wayne Ballard, Bruce Schafer, Tom Moore, Charles Harris, Jerry Becker, Jonathan Bowman. ROW 3: Larry Alyea, Ron Waugh,

Dewey House

Ralph Amos, James E. Nicely, Ralph W. Jones Jr., Dave E. Magnuson, Paul Misch, Charles La Bolt, Thomas Barefoot, Orris Howard. ROW 4: Jerry Stelmach, Russ Lash, Dave Bassler, Larry Lehman, Ronald Martin, Robin Baumann, John Zimmer, Wayne Herman, Jim Long, Green Freshman.

ROW 1: Manley Scheurich, Paul Von Tobel, K. Richard Rice, John Coe, Shelley Coe, James Nagy (SecretaryTreasurer), Larry Miltenberger (Counselor). ROW 2: Paul Batties, Marshall Waller, John Herbst, Flawn Sailor,


Ronald C. Demas, Donald J. Demas, Meng Lawrence Lu. ROW 3: Wilson Allen, David Seufert, Samuel Cox, Ronald Grams, James Oliver Turner, Addison Humphrey, Leonard Vanderbosch, Joseph Corey.

Dodds House Named Top Wright Unit

Dodds House has been named the most outstanding unit of Wright Quad for the last six years. In 1959 both the Quad Board of Governors and the Quad Secretarial Council gave it awards for being top unit in the center. Each spring Dodds has a recognition banquet at which certificates are given to seniors, outstanding upperclassmen, freshmen, and athletes. The awards are based on scholarship and participation in unit activities.

In the 1959 Little 500 Dodds House took ninth place. Their unit sweetheart, elected by popular vote, represented them at the Little 500 and at social events. The Dodds men also participated in intramural football, basketball, softball, and bowling.

The Dodds House black hearse carried Jawn Purdue's body in the annual Homecoming parade. Among their other social events was a Christmas boress party at which they exchanged humorous gifts. The second semester they gave their annual Moonglow dance and Harold's Club party.

Past victories encourage Dodds men to do their best.

ROW 1: Don Stevenson, Mark Rousseau, Larry Rothrock (Governor), James Barger (Secretary-Treasurer), Ronald Ayers, Kenneth Warbritton, Jeffrey Graves, Patrick Sanders (Counselor), James Woodward. ROW 2: Bob Yeager, Stanley Hannah, Steve Moberly, Errol Rayl, Bill Weaverling, Ken Carlin, Larry Blossom, Fred Cuppy, Fred Froeschke. ROW 3: Gerald Habig, John Georgi, Max Stinson, Dorran Vogler, John Laun, Reed Riner, Ralph Hiatt, George Marks, Jim Nahrwold, Ron Wines. ROW 4: Curt Simic, Fred Burnham, Tom Freed, Lynn McQuern, Steve Schott, John Beckley, Mike Alyea, Tom Tucker, Green Freshman, Emil Weber, Phil Mings, Steve Steward.


Dunn Plans Exchange With European Dorm

Politics is discussed in the Dunn House lounge.

Working with the "Person-to-Person" agency of the U. S. Information Service in Washington, D. C., Dunn House has made plans with a European dormitory for a mutual adoption. The two dormitories will promote international cultural exchange by planning simultaneous social functions, and using similar constitutions and the same pin.

When this plan is put into effect, Dunn House will be one of the first dormitories in the world to participate in the mutual adoption plan. The unit is also establishing a similar plan with a women's dormitory at a Florida university.

In spring of 1959, the unit won three trophies for intramural bowling. Last fall Dunn House also became champions of intramural independent bowling.

After the Ballet Espanol, Dunn House sponsored a campus-wide reception. Throughout the year they also had several dances and a hayride.

ROW 1: Jean Ann Cabiness, Paul Pomeroy (Governor), Eileen Worstell, Bruce Seward, Tina Vanderwall (Sweetheart), Jim McCauley, Judy Kamman, Larry Joe Shields (Secretary-Treasurer), Rebecca Erdel, Bill Heller (ViceGovernor), Sandi Dressel. ROW 2: Robert Foreman, James Crane, Tim Trulli, John Stuart Shaw, James Oswalt, Robert Giacoletti, Jim Toppe, Bruce Smith, Gavin Aitkens, Dick Monroe (Counselor), Bob Kramer. ROW 3:

408 William Bissey, Dan Seiters, Clayton Fleming, Steve Lewis, Dave Waltman, Charles Blackford, Tom Sweazy, David Hoadley, Bill Rozycki, Gordon Fancher, Jerry Lloyd, Ron Dice. ROW 4: Dave Kingen, James Cole, Morris McKee, David Winks, Gary Wilkinson, Homer Neal, William Conner, Douglas Fresh, Richard D. Whissen, John A. Franz, R. Joe Abrell, Martin Dean Williams, John Strom, Ward Tennis.

Elliott House Entertains Underprivileged Boy

Elliott House helped to spread Christmas cheer this year by entertaining an underprivileged child from a home for crippled children. At a Christmas dinner in the boy's honor, he was presented with a gift from the men of the unit and then guided through the Quad. Elliott also donated money to the home to buy a new motion picture projector.

As champion of all independent men's athletics in 1958-1959, Elliott House was kept busy defending its titles. Football, basketball, softball, and bowling were all sports in which it competed.

One of the unit's latest projects is that of keeping records on all alumni of the unit, their achievements and activities. A regularly published newsletter publicized information on alumni.

Social activities for the year were numerous. In the fall the unit gave a masquerade party and a hayride. During both semesters it had several exchange dinners and record hops.

A Homecoming display shows Elliott's athletic interest.

ROW 1: Bill Eggleston, Phil Frye, Tom Scott (SecretaryTreasurer), Dannie Stoner, Ervin Martin (Counselor), Jerry Hedges (Vice-Governor), Larry Armstrong, Kent Oram (Governor), Monte Stuart, Eddie La Duke. ROW 2: Nasser Nafari, Michael A. West, Larry G. Kaseff, Harold Huff, Dennis Boring, Kenneth R. Greene, K. Phillip Greene, William J. Righeimer, Dennis W. Hartmann, Robert L. Dayson. ROW 3: Paul Cousins, Bruce Klepinger, Ken Alward, Tom Banaszak, Russell Hale, Jim Colter, John Kirkpatrick, Leon Rix, Paul Unger, Robert Taylor. ROW 4: Bill Christley, Ron Abbott, Steve Berkey, Billy Martin, Larry Chizum, Dan Schumaker, John Batzel, Marte Roth, Sam McPherson, Charles Drake, Tom Stevens, Jim Grandorf, Jim Bienemann, Tom Waechter.


Fergason Tops Independent Units in Little 500

Placing higher than any other independent housing unit in the race, Fergason House took eighth position in the 1959 Little 500. The sweetheart of the dormitory was the unit's guest of honor at the race.

On November 23, Fergason House had its annual Sweetheart Banquet. The women who had been nominated for sweetheart were guests of the unit. Throughout the year the girl who was chosen represented the unit at all the social and athletic events it sponsored.

Exchange dinners with women's housing units and dances were part of the year's activities. However, the men also participated in all intramural sports.

To stress scholarship, Fergason House has organized quiet hours committees. Three men on each floor are in charge of enforcing study rules. Any violations or complaints about quiet hours conditions are taken to these committees, thus lightening the load of the scholarship chairman.

With attendants Joyce Pierson and Sue Petrie, Judy Mattox reigned as queen over Fergason House activities.

416 Is

ROW 1: Don Harle, David Gilman, Ervin Brown (Counselor), Marshall Heinold (Governor), Ted Brown (ViceGovernor), Seth Bean (Secretary-Treasurer), Phil Westrick, Jim Barroquillo. ROW 2: Mike Solier, Charles Whittenberger, Don Buhr, Rex Killian, Jerome Green, Richard Binford, Donald Meek, Steve Knoop. ROW 3:

410 Joe Marando, George Parker, Paul Schneller, Richard Schneider, Scott Johnson, Don Hope, Donald M. Henry, Klem Lebamoff, James Elliott Miller. ROW 4: Jerry Judy, Ron Byron, Gary Willey, Budd Dietrich, Thomas Wickman, Dwayne Combs, David Harpold, Ramen Hill, Harold Hartman.

Hall House

ROW 1: Richard Moulton, Edward Ziel, Don Notaro, Jerry Graw (Secretary-Treasurer), Gary Fike (Governor), Diogenes Galanos, Don Bucheck, Jesse Viers. ROW 2: David J. Yancich, Harold Nicklas, Dale Feick, Don Oster, Steve Allyn, Ross Krider, Paul Cooke, Ed Hiatt, Doug Shue (Counselor). ROW 3: Dennis Malone, Alan Coyner,

Harney House

Steve Bright, Dick Harrell, Terry Talley, Michael Brunsman, Mike Mathews, Dave Zimmerman, Ken Watson. ROW 4: Larry Eugene Zahm, Greg Murphy, Stan Harris, Kent Freudenberger, Stan Morris, Gerry Walter, Wayne Brummer, Richard B. Davis, Harlan Brown, Tom Renaldi.

ROW 1: John Harrod, Phil Greer, Roosevelt Warren, Ted Beer, Phillip Rambo, Thomas Highland (SecretaryTreasurer), Richard Douglass (Governor), Joe Middleton (Counselor), Lynn Stafford. ROW 2: Earl Nading, Charles Turk, Morris Watson, Tom T. Davis, Larry Wilson, Karl Kottlowski, Robert Wittenberg, Myron Trowbridge, Joe Hughes. ROW 3: Charles B. Richwine, James W. Flockencier, William E. Wilson, Thomas Anderson, Larry Hankins, David Ziegler, Richard Anderson, Jim Millington, Bob Pett.


Harding Wins Wright Quad Tug of War

A "spirited" trio jestingly toasts spirits.

The 62 residents of Harding House pulled together in all their activities this year but especially in the Jordan River tug of war. As a result of their concentrated teamwork, Harding became champion of this Wright Quadrangle event.

An annual Christmas boress party was the main activity of the fall semester. At this informal stag affair, entertainment was based on the nature of the presents which were exchanged.

Introducing a new program to Quad social life, Harding House sponsored an all-unit gaming party the second semester. Roulette wheels, black jack tables, and chorus lines carried out the theme of "Little Ree" as the 17 other units "gambled" at Harding's expense.

Throughout the entire year the unit sponsored hayrides, dances, and exchange and faculty dinners. The Harding House Herald, a bi-monthly newspaper, publicized all these events as well as the unit's participation in intramural sports. At the end of the year Harding House went to Brown County for a steak fry.

ROW 1: Steve Woerner, Larry De Vine (Vice-President), Ronald Schultz (Governor), Paul Glawe, Dave Jannsen, Ted Grisell (Secretary-Treasurer), Greg Wasz, Ron Hodgen, Jarvis Davis, Richard Riffer. ROW 2: Glenn Talley, Robert John Neff, John Gross, Jim Taylor, Monte Stump, Joe Belli, Stanley Hamilton, Robert Forney, Robert Sena, Larry Larimore, Charles Banta. ROW 3: Richard D.

412 Miller, Phil Geberin, Dennis Wright, Harvey Kagan, David Cull, Jim Schroeder, Tom Hunt, Ken Dale Webb, Melvyn Anderson, John Glad. ROW 4: Arvin Arthur, Jeff Ehrhart, R. Michael Gray, Robert Weingart, Lee Wotherspoon, Larry Fox, Scott Searight, Dick Drubert, Bob Arrowsmith, Howard Reid, Kenneth Rucker, Ernest Payne.

Hummer House


ROW 1: Jo Woon Suk, Ampan Penroaj, Walt Perciak, William Braunlin, John Baehrend (Governor), Husny Abbas, Prinya Angsusingha, Chana Pranomsri. ROW 2: Sophan Virachai, C. Nicola Honud, Edward Nathaniel Smith, Sutarm Sugragarn, Yuan-Hsiang Huang, Charles

Jenkins House

W. Greenwood, Pinyo Satorn, Christian M. Havig, Sudat Orkweha. ROW 3: Charoon Komolboon, Kim Sang Hyun, Charles Donahue, David Pearson, Milton Snyder, James Stieglitz (Counselor), Wee Chong Heum, Richard Merriwether, Boonearn Milindasuta.

ROW 1: Williamson Newsom, Wallace Sherritt (Secretary-Treasurer), Don Glore, Beth Pierce, D. Ben Ewton, Carol Ensign, George Kellams (Governor), Al Dubiak, Jack Charnley. ROW 2: John Glover, Ervin Watts, Ward Harlan, Warren Gray, Leland Matthews, Dean Harris, Meredith Little, Howard May, Don Shoultz, Kent McGlone. ROW 3: Stan Hines, Bill Sukel, Paul Long, Walter Rasdall, Dan Humfleet, Ron Wortley, Joseph Hickox, Howard Chapin, Thomas R. Smith. ROW 4: Dave Murrell, Thomas Phillips, Dennis Henry, Don Wasson, John Longcamp, Mike Mader, David Stanger, Marvin Carter, Richard Downs Wright, Michael Lenart, Roger Curtis. 413

Lowe Develops Social Skills and Scholarship

Success in studies, a sense of belonging to the group, and the development of social skills were the primary goals of the Lowe House Lancers.

Having realized the need for emphasis on scholarship, the men organized a study program with special study hours, tutoring, and counseling for freshmen. The social program, however, was also stressed. Lowe House planned exchange and faculty dinners, serenades, and Bohemian, Bowery, and Christmas parties. In the fall they had monthly dances in the unit lounge and picnics in Brown County. An outstanding bowling team and participation in other intramural sports created a great interest in sports.

Lowe House also adopted a new constitution, a crest, and official stationery.

Lowe carolers carry Christmas to fellow residents.

ROW 1: John Thorman, John Nixon, Paul Bruner, Tom Kruger, Mark Peltz, Milo Nadler, Harry Keith (Counselor), Dave Michels, Vic Leal, Doug Leatherbury, Joe Wysong, Max Moss, Joseph Castillo, David Lester (Secretary-Treasurer). ROW 2: Arthur Carter Jr., Harvey Rubinstein, Roger Pfingston, Warren Grimwood, David Bowman, Bill Hair, Walter Slamkowski, Denny Koehlinger, Albert Lee Stilwell, Steve F. Jones, Don E. Miller, Jerry W. McCoy, Juistino Bove. ROW 3: Denny Lortz,

414 Jerry Cowan, Paul Flick, Jim Noveroske, Henry B. Carter, Robert Meeks, Bruce Mouser, Steve Storms, Glen Olson, Wayne Isom, Chris Schwabe, Wayne Hinkel, Robert N. Thompson. ROW 4: Mark Hayes, Steve Tracey, Michael Milausnic, Charles Saunders, Wilbur Mitchell, Mike Sehy, Melvyn Estey Jr., Jim Helgason, Mike Rogers, Paul D. Brown, Don Patcheak, William A. Irwin, Peter Frantzen.

Nichols House

ROW 1: Irving Levy, Jim Talbert, Harry Bash, Henry Shepherd (Secretary-Treasurer), Stephen Wootton, Lawrence Joseph, Larry Schuppert. ROW 2: Bill McMillen, Jack Null, Rich Wirey, Pete Smith, Sidney Zerbe, Don Kern, Bob Kistler, Gary Miller, Robert Philip

Parks House

Oliver. ROW 3: Mack Klein, Larry Muncie, Reg Ferguson, Mark Erlanson (Counselor), Phil Knotts, Lee Beeman, Terrill MacMillan, Allen Nahrwold, Bob Seybold (Governor), Denny Knapp.

ROW 1: Jim Heyne, Bruce Farthing, Frank Kominowski, Judd Lowenhar (Secretary-Treasurer), Pat Thompson (Sweetheart), Francis Solms (Vice-Governor), Fred Trippel, William Tower, Yiu-Cheong Poon. ROW 2: Keith Miser, Kenny Dahlsten, Jerry Niemiec, John Hays, L. Frank Wilson, Bob Puetz, Dale Glenn, Ken Buchanan, Martin L. Downey, Malcolm E. Stern. ROW 3: Rich Chronowski, Gary Pierce, Phil Coffey, Dale Edson, Morris Rosen, Donald Ray, Robert Dills, Gary Parker, Jack Leonhardt, Bill Brandenburg, Hans Peter Breuer. ROW 4: Winston Fairfield, James B. Mosier, Harry Price, Dave Major, Thomas W. Smith, Roland Steine, Dave Krider, Royce Hartsough, David Raymond Carter, Harwood Smith, Jerry Dean Martin, Steve Dygert.


Rollins House

ROW 1: Larry Franks, John Eisterhold, Jon Todd (Governor), Alan Savage, Walter Buchanan (Secretary-Treasurer), George Huffman (Vice-Governor), William Carlisle, Kent Lindquist (Counselor). ROW 2: Richard Edmunds, Robert Radcliffe Jr., Don Pollock, Bill Bucklin,

Ruter House

Bill Melton, Barry Quimby, John Curtis Huffman, Glen Chambers, Rudy Thoman, Keith Balser. ROW 3: Jim Herrick, Don Ernest, Don Bohland, Sherrill D. Miller, Tom Gallagher, James Layman, Joe Holwager, Ronald Ault, Joe Schlichte, Burton Siegel.

ROW 1: Gary McCarty, Dennis Murvihill, Paul White, Lee Mellinger (Governor), John Morgan, Ronald Urdal, Doug Gemmer. ROW 2: Gordon Sims, Richard Rosenberg, Ronald Klusman, John Lyon, James Rose, John Meyer, Mike Brockman, Raymond Maselli. ROW 3: 416

Charles Betzner, Berndt Mann, John Thomas Huffman, John Herkless, Robert Delaney, Tom Burke, Bill Biron, Carl S. Bond. ROW 4: Rolland Stephens, Jerry McRae, John P. Baker, Frank Kramer, Alvin Koestring, Thomas Canada, Richard Gribble, Glynn Custred, Gilbert Luna.

Stockwell House

ROW 1: Lowell Naito, Alan Sidel (Governor), Gary Madderom (Counselor), Russ Hartley, Bill Huffer, A. B. Rudy. ROW 2: Malcolm Duncan, Tom Case Burkhart, Truman Stevens, Fred Betz, John Westfall, Pat Corsi, Joseph Beickman, Jim Crowley. ROW 3: William Osburn, Richard Batchelor, Steve Henley, Art Willis, James Rigsbee, Marty Zanger, Frederick William Molland, Clarence Coyle, John Goodyear, Robert Niblick.

Todd House

ROW 1: Dave Krizman, Donald Mucherheidi (Governor), 2: John Cecrle, David O'Hagan, Somsak Sansukh, John John Assedri, George H. Bock, Donald E. Barrett. ROW M. Knego, Henry C. Turk, Francis M. Manga.


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