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Work and play..

harder than one can imagine, keeping them equal . . But there must be a balance. The scale tips: that lost weekend, final week, And yet— the scale balances It must.

IRHA System Rarity in American Universities

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Indiana University has one of the few residence halls organizations in the U. S. that governs both women and men under one constitution with all undergraduates who live in university housing coming under the system.

Founded in the spring of 1960, the Inter-Residence Halls Association is a combination of the MRHA and the WRHA. IRHA contains three levels of government —hall, center, and inter-residence units.

The hall or unit serves to help build unity in the residence. Regular corridor meetings are designed so that problems can be discussed and residents can become acquainted with unit and campus activities.

Composed of an executive council and cabinet, the center government correlates the activities of individual units within the center.

The inter-residence unit contains a legislature and a Judicial Board.

IRHA Residents' Assembly

FRONT ROW (left to right): Betty Beckort (Vice-Pres.), Harry Price (Vice-Pres.), James Grandorf (Pres.), Kathy London (Treas.), Sandra Dressel (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Anita Rosenthal, Judith Stahlhut, Susan Hecht, Linda Brookover, Carolyn Kay Badallet, Emily Jane Carter. BACK ROW: Robert Wilder, Michael Donovan, Charles Gwaltney, Lawrence Giddings, William Vukowich, James L. Roberts, David R. Perry, Hal Swain.

IRHA Judicial Board


FRONT ROW (left to right): Lynn Scott, Mary McClellan, Willoughby Jarrell, Patricia Faulkner. BACK ROW: James Barger 4 (Chair.), David Pierce, Charles Kachel, Jack Leonhardt, Ashley Hastings.


Hummer House

FRONT ROW (left to right): John Lindsey, Ronald Gribble, Bobby Arrowsmith (Counselor), Anthony O'Bryan (Gov.), Pamelia Hammer (Sweetheart), Errol Beumel (Sec.-Treas.), David Gilman, Mark Sick. SECOND ROW: Frederick Cox, Harry Scott, Ronald Sexton, J. Robert Lyons, Stephen Beison, David L. Rodgers, Douglas Campbell, Ronald Shepherd, Forest Radding Jr. THIRD ROW: Jerry Honda, Karl Swain, Dean Zollman, Philip Kelso, David Frederick, Robert Lively, Robert Lemen, Robert Kirkpatrick, John Michaels, Lance Harrison. BACK ROW: John Cullison, Philip Silcox, Stephen Ray Powell, Gary R. Holstrom, Lowell R. Weber, Cullen L. Athey, James Fleck, Aubrey Zoot, Robert C. Miller.

Hummer House Paper Carries Full-Color Cartoon


"Build and improve" can be the motto for Hummer House this past year. Last year represented a new beginning for them as a house, and they have had to work hard, to build and improve. Thus far this motto has paid off. They have raised their scholastic standing in the Quad and are the authors of the famous newspaper, the Hummer House Hammer. This newspaper is the first unit paper to have a full-color cartoon on the front page. And at Christmas they sent 2,000 issues of the Hammer in the form of a Christmas card.

The activities of Hummer House include "The Spot" at Fall Carnival, Campus Quiz Bowl semi-finalists, exchange dinners, their April Fool's Frolic and other dances, dinners for such dignitaries as President Wells and Dean Samuel Braden, and intramurals with participation in football, basketball, baseball, and the league championship in bowling.

Dodds House

FIRST ROW (left to right): Terry Murphy, Larry Blossom (Sec.-Treas.), Henry Prebys (Alumni Sec.), Jeffrey Graves (Gov.), Stephen Peterson (Vice-Gov.), John Branham, James Schoemer (Counselor), James Woodward. SECOND ROW: David Shea, Ted Miltenberger, Sigmund Toth, George Turner, Kent Grainger, John D. Walker, Harold Edelman, Arthur J. Canning, Ronald Wines. THIRD ROW: Robert Douglas, Donald Adams, James Barger, John Moore, Frederic Haman, John H. Georgi, Stephen Strole, Sanford Opperman, Vincent Yoder, Thomas Wright. BACK ROW: Matt Coolman, David Morrical, John Greenman, William Weaverling, Bruce Collier, David Chesney, Richard Goul, Roland Fines, James Borse, Larry Miller.

Dodds House Wins Trophies in Three Sports

The men of Dodds House in Wright Quadrangle hastened in 1961 to put to use their newly purchased trophy case. Dodds House teams won the billiards, fall bowling league, and football championships.

Dodds House men participated in and received honors from several other campus activities, including Fall Carnival. Working with Curry House, the men created the "Pink Garter Saloon," which was rated highest in originality and design in the game of chance category. "Showoody Fountain," the Dodds House entry in the Homecoming display contest, won a first prize. And one of the unit's teams advanced to the semi-finals in the Campus Quiz Bowl.

Unit social functions also kept Dodds House men busy during the year. Among the main events on their social calendar were the annual Harold's Club Casino, a picnic with the women of Read Center, and an informal Valentine's Day dance.


Lowe House

FRONT ROW (left to right): George Bergin (Counselor), Terry Smith, John Liverseidge, John Kingsbury, Theodore Mager (Treas.), Theodore Sobol (Gov.), Mary E. Selman (Sweetheart), Thomas Kruger (Vice-Gov.), Brent Neff, Stephen Gregory, Peter M. Pferrer, Russell Palmer. SECOND ROW: Wayne Hinkel, Frank Vargo, Alan Sprinkle, Vincent Master, Richard L. Walker, Ernest Miller, Raymond Modesitt, John Whitmore, Thomas Ranck, Ronald Swygart, Dave Barksdale, Vincent Katz, Richard Crawford. THIRD ROW: John i'horman, Dennis Bryerton, Robert Dybel, Steven Hubbard, Eugene Klinker, Jeffrey Demby, Jack Kellerman, James Foster, Larry Hall, Edward Smithson, Charles Coburn, Duane Hobley, Donald Wertz, John Nixon. BACK ROW: Don Patcheak, Frederic Nix, Larry Wilson, Milo Nadler, Richard Bass, Dale A. Richmond, Melvyn A. Estey Jr., Larry A. Fox, Clarence A. Mumford, Wallace Kalb Jr., Charles Heinsen, J. Charles Cain, Robert Bargmeyer.

Lowe House Puts Up All-Quad Christmas Wreath


The all-Quad Christmas wreath put up annually on the south side of Wright Quadrangle is placed there through the efforts of the men of Lowe House. Hanging the wreath has become a tradition of the unit.

In Fall Carnival Lowe House's booth won second place for originality and design. Other honors included the JAWQ tug-of-war championship and a first place in intramural bowling.

The unit also participated in Little 500 and entered the Homecoming decorations competition, and they included open houses, date dinners, and dances on the social calendar. In regard to dances, the men of Lowe House sponsored more dances during the first semester of the 1961-1962 school year than during the entire preceding year.

On the sports scene, the men entered teams in intramural competition in basketball, football, handball, and softball, in addition to volleyball.

Parks House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Cliffard Ryan, James Lake, Jack Leonahrdt (Gov.), Kari Aldrich (Sweetheart), William Lafever, Edward Enghaus (Sec.-Treas.), William Tower. SECOND ROW: John Martin Johnson, Alan Harden, Douglas Hughes, Keith Patrick, James Booth, Harve Harris, John Baker, John Schaffer. THIRD ROW: Wayne Larson, Michael Richards, Ronald Brecker, Ross Faris, Barry Macy, Barry R. Niemann, Samuel Parker. BACK ROW: Ron Finkbiner, Gerald Jendreas, Keith Miser, Walter Buchanan, Flavius P. Rhodes, Larry Wright, James Pridgeon, Robert Bratton.

Parks House Named Outstanding Unit in JAWQ

Voted the outstanding house in Wright Quad for 1960-1961, Park House received many other awards at the annual awards banquet for JAWQ units.

Among the other honors were awards for outstanding house newspaper, outstanding community service, and outstanding governor.

Among the traditions of Parks House are annual competition between freshmen and upperclassmen in softball, football, and basketball. And the annual Battle of the Tin Bucket takes place each year against the men of Cary Hall-D from Purdue.

The men of Parks House entered Fall Carnival, presented their annual Christmas semiformal dance, and, in addition to picnics, hayrides, and other dinners and dances, presented Parks House Week. The week is devoted to activities exemplifying the entire year's activities of the unit.


Fergason House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Ecklebarger, Lyle Dickes, Robert Cooper, Robert Duthie, David Robinson. SECOND ROW: Charles Whittenberger, Jerry Judy, Calvin Nigh, R. Bruce Boley, Thomas H. Hopkins, Joseph Spradlin. BACK ROW: Robert Bley, Gary Willey, Harold O'Dell (Vice-Gov.), Theodore Brown (Gov.), William Johnson, Glenn Cardwell, Donald Buhr.

Stockwell House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Dr. Fred Mills (Faculty Associate), Norbert Wessel (Sec.-Treas.), Glen Chambers (Counselor), Billy Walden (Gov.), Sharon Thomson (Sweetheart), John Burson Jr. (Vice-Gov.), Tom Gruber, Willard Travis, Kenneth Barker. SECOND ROW: Paul Goralski, Nolan Pahud, Richard Hoffert, James Carpenter, Robert Swan, Gene Van Deman, Joel Rose, Robert Wilder, Ronald Shoemaker, Gary Signorino. THIRD 348

ROW: Bruce Whitham, Paul Mosele, Paul Langley, Joseph Beickman, Michael Brown, Kenneth Baldwin, William Ewan, Robert Fowler, Paul Steven Owen, Russell Hartley, Archie Adams. BACK ROW: Ronald Shaner, Jerry Hildebrand, James Leeper, Allen King, Phillip Pate, Stephan Storms, Ivan Jahns, Donald Ray Cushman.

Dunn House

FRONT ROW (left to right): William K. Bissey, Robert Rockwell Gracoletti, Gerald Bremer, William Frederick (Vice-Gov.), Tom F. Broadley (Gov.), Gordon Harter (Sec.), Melvin Charles Moll, Jarrett B. Pence, Dino Antonelli. SECOND ROW: Robert Beesley, James Marks, Jeffrey Wilson, Thomas Elias, Terry Perigo, Jack May, Andris Baltpurvins, Martin Gelman. BACK ROW: Robert J. Campbell, Roger Holdcraft, Lawrence Voorhees, Fredrick Boese, John Mahoney, Larry Joe Shields, Max Keaffaber, Michael R. Clark, Charles W. Boylen.

Elliott House

FRONT ROW (left to right): John Rumple, Orlend F. Schroeder, Ronald Bailey, Douglas Hensley, Richard Cicenas (Sec.-Treas.), Verne Victor Owen (Gov.), Frank Kominowski (Counselor), Don Morton (Vice-Gov.), William Righeimer, Joe Heath. SECOND ROW: Ivan Portnoy, Dennis Hartmann, Donald Forrest, Ronald McColly, William Cieadlo, Donald Brown, Donald Bodenberg, Gerald Bitner, Randall Smith, Max Clay, Donald Appelquist. BACK ROW: Don Meyer, Stephen L. Wilson, James Patton, Wayne Plump, John Cowan, Nick Engels, Charles Saunders, Bruce Bonner, Thomas Streeter, William Lloyd, Robert B. Alexander, David Walsman.


Harding House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Gary Myers, Robert Gentry (Counselor), Robert Goss, Harvey Kagan (Sec.-Treas.), Stanley Hamilton, Raymond Pheifer, Michael Brugos (Gov.). SECOND ROW: Phillip Conaway, Paul Schneider, James Lavanchy, William McGill, Michael Machlis, Charles Stephens, Ivan Joe Brown, Raymond Zeigler. BACK ROW: Phillip Gibbs, Ronald Nicholson, William Grimes, Ronald Dunn, George Lassiter, David Yegerlehner, Maurice E. Crosby, Michael Aaron Roy, Kenneth Webb, Stephen Henley.

Rollins House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Samuel Gumbel, William Melton (Sec.-Treas.), Judy Bonnett (Sweetheart), Frederick Cass (Gov.), Jerry Very (Vice-Gov.). SECOND ROW: Darrell Cook, McDawson Lee Burton Jr., Robert G. Greiwe, William Brigham, James Ferguson, Carl Douglas Weaver, James L. Whiten. 350

THIRD ROW: Jeff Dye, William D. Black, John Huffman, Samuel Stephens, James Holland, Robert Eastburg, Alfred Turner, Don Gindelberger. BACK ROW: Barry Quimby, Michael Blombach, Karl Lohse, George Huffman, Thomas Solomon, Brian O'Connor (Counselor), Jay Saul.

Hall House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Kenneth Miller (Gov.), John Szymoniak, James Edwards (Treas.), Robert Meinzer, Michael McCarthy, Dennis Szot (Vice-Gov.). SECOND ROW: Allen Austin, Thomas Samuel, John Joseph Foncannon, Kenneth Petyo, Robert Cicenas, David Stevenson, Wallace Mills. BACK ROW: James Kennedy, Jack Bowers, Juris Lasmanis, Robert P. Messersmith, Michael Otto Hemphill, William Stephen Brown, Phillip Balasa, Thomas Fraser, Larry Graves, Kenneth T. Porter.

Dewey House

FRONT ROW (left to right: Norman Boske, Robert Schumm, Manley Scheurich (Treas.), Larry Richards, Marshall Waller, Donald Demas, Daniel Reeve, Roupen Berberian, Robert Lilly, Clayton Seth. SECOND ROW: Paul Knachel, Ron Adley, Ronald D. Johnson (Gov.), Jerry Hetrick, John Geberin (Counselor), Kenneth Lukenbill, Mark Sears, Morris Elstien, E. Edward Gutwein. BACK ROW: Paul Von Tobel, Wayland Hicks, John Klotz, Paul D. Gutwein, Marvin Gutwein, William Barrett, Adam Kocal, David Seufert, Louis Hall, Clement Sniadecki (Vice-Gov.).


Harney House

FIRST ROW (left to right): George Maxton Sowers, Terry Quinn, William Mallatt (Vice-Gov.), Larry Kaseff, Francis Martin, Kyle Tschaen, Stephen Martin, Thomas Rose. SECOND ROW: Larry Chen, Robert Reynolds, Warren Boyd, Joe Hughes, John Adkinson, Thomas Presbys, Neil Stahl (Sec.-Treas.), Robert Chesebro (Counselor), Frank Shepard. BACK ROW: Lawrence Huber, William Reiber, Gary Mullins, Richard Money, William Cordell, Auburn Kit Turner, James Marshall, Richard Graf.

Ruter House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Wendell Rose, Berndt Mann (Sec.-Treas.), Wesley Bucher (Gov.), Tommye Glaze (Sweetheart), Jimmie Thurston (Vice-Gov.), Robert Blessing, John David Lee. SECOND ROW: Grover Bishop, Leo Schlotter, Robert Wright, Michael Tanner, Raymond Rodriguez, George Kitzinger, Tom Harker, John Zahn. THIRD ROW: William Haley, William 352

Renner, Andrew Caruso, Alan Bode, Paul Romey, John Merrill, Frederick Zahrt, Boyd Baker, Gerald Herche. BACK ROW: Jeffrey Kennedy, William M. Love, William F. Kirkman, John A. Trumbull, Don Fearrin, David Case, Larry D. Arthington, Don Loftus, Gary Hahn, Harold J. Thompson, Robert Hadley, Donald W. Ernest.

Campbell House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Ronald Van Sessen, Robert Moore, Timothy Ravencroft, Larry Davis (Vice-Gov.), Ronald Waugh (Treas.), Leif Nulsen (Gov.), Darcie Simpson (Sweetheart), John Boyce, William Claymon, Merrill Demaree, Paul Stoffer (Counselor). SECOND ROW: Richard Holden, Norman Pozner, William Herring, Ted Moore, John MacDonald, Donald E. King, Michael Carroll, Thomas Wheeler, Robert D. Hollingsworth, Shephen Allen, Paul Harkness. THIRD ROW: Thomas Hallett, Earl Bruning, Harold Hyden, Charles Harris, David Ricker, David Lash, Gerald McCullum, George Walker, Harry Metzger, Dean Jung, Andrew Richter, Charles La Bolt. BACK ROW: Kenneth Johnson, John Lain, Donald Stafford, Jerry Hedges, Loren Martin, Ted Nicholas, Richard Brammell, Thomas Crouch, Robert Sawicki, Kenneth Button, Robert Koepke, John Barth, Timothy Havey.


FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan J. Davis, Carole White, Cynthia Sazama, Sally Sweitzer. SECOND ROW: Carolyn Nash, Patricia Fry, Dorothy Jane McCaffrey, Almeda Harger, Jean Smith, Donna Stull, Sigrid Trombley, Lynda Coy. BACK ROW: Mary Ruth Taylor, Mary Rothert, Sara Adair Main, Susan Tripp, Frances Lindley, Phyllis Petscher, Sharon Ofsaiof, Barbara Kline.

Mary Ruth Taylor (Communications), Karen Chulock (Activities), Beverly Walker (Sec.), Susan Tripp (Pres.), Carolyn Nash (Treas.), Anita Rosenthal (Recreation), Rebecca Louise White (Social), Barbara Burgdoerfer (House Manager).

LEFT TO RIGHT: Carolyn Nash, Susan Tripp, Beverly Walker.


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Read Center's Orientation Program Successful

"Four Queens and a King," standing for the four wings and Daniel Read, was the theme of a successful orientation week at Daniel Read Center, the largest dormitory for women at Indiana University. Included in the program was an out-of-doors mixer with the men of Wright Quadrangle. The mixer centered around a Japanese theme.

Tips from a model, a style show, and a panel discussion on morals and manners constituted social education week, which prepared the women for such formal occassions as their "Man of My Heart" Valentine's dance in the Frangipani Room of the Union Building.

Other activities of the center included Mothers' Weekend, a Homecoming float, and a spring open house.

The four houses of Read Center—Beck, Clark, Curry, and Landes—individually participated in exchange and scholarship dinners, intramural sports, choirs, Christmas parties, Pixie Week, Fall Carnival, and Little 500.

FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Frichie, Judith Edwards, Rebecca Martin, Janice Rumph. BACK ROW: Miss Lou Pontius (Adviser), Marla Miller (Chair.). Ti


Beck House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Ervin, Patsy Pennington, Sharilee Bayless, Donna McKinley, Darlene McGregor. SECOND ROW: Leslie Heyward, Dianne Beams, Ruth Barr, Barbara Purdue, Nancy Paras, Susan Hendricks. BACK ROW: Brenda Noble, Constance Brown, Linda Bower, Paulette Rubin, Karen Nash.

Beck House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Ramona Lynn Pheifer, Carole Eva Bell, Carol Augustus, Rebecca Russell, Roberta Russell, Alice Livingston, Linda Gorseline, Susan Bargholz. SECOND ROW: Myra Hamilton, Louise Schneiderman, Sandra Jackson, Susan Wheaton, Judith Anne Stanley, Sally Sweitzer, Sherry Weller, Jill White, Martha Engel, Juanita Rivers, Gail Gritzbaugh. THIRD ROW: Rita Scott, Elizabeth Kendall, Barbara Joyce 356

Fronczak, Carolyn Tidd, Cynthia Foster, Louise Newhard, Carol Alter, Susan Bovenschen, Sondra Ruston, Julia Dianna Dennis. BACK ROW: Sandra Harvill, Suetta Kehrein, Dixie Clark, Mary Susan Stutsman, Jade Simon, Patricia Russell, Joan Reising, Virginia Carter, Cynthia Patterson, Mary Jane Rothert, Colleen Jill. Wilson.

Beck House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Ramona Lynn Pheifer, Carole White, Aleta Shumaker, Karen McClung, Marilyn McClure, Phyllis Wiseman, Sandra Goldstein. SECOND ROW: Kathie Schilling, Carol Butler, Sally Butz, Mila Robinson, Sonya Gwynn, Julianna Miller, Jos Ann Moser, Betsy Green. THIRD ROW: Susan Thompson, Rebecca Martin, Irene Evertts, Carol Traub, Nancy Martin, Martha Hinkle, Susan Peterson, Carole Kuester, Joan Wilson. BACK ROW: Sherrill Mullikin, Linda Knapp, Linda Murbach, Carol Romine, Patricia Kinnett, Janice Heemstra, Tamara Steinmetz, Ann Eberhart, Anita Kindred, Betty McGregor.

Clark House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Paulette Foremming, Nancy Mills, Sylvia Ehrman, Alice Stiles, Sally Dill, Carol Morton, Donna Stull. BACK ROW: Linda Bulson, Sheran Koetje, Carolyn Sue Wilson, Gloria Crick, Lee Weninger, Jane Ingram, Sally Hasselmann.

Clark House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Marsha Frazier, Carolyn Baumgartner, Patricia Boswell, Linda Watkins, Sara Adair Main, Judith Bessire, Prudence Banister. SECOND ROW: Joyce Peace, Janice Kay Percifield, Janice Kreiselmeyer, Judith Robertson, Phyllis Bettge, Dorothy Jane McCaffrey, Mary Jo Thompson, Marsha Zeitlin. THIRD ROW: Donna Stull, Susan Hines, Elizabeth Steele, Janice McMillin, Sondra Kay Beineke, Susan Mangel, Norma Said, Phyllis Hunt, Ellen Schaper, Carol Tice, Karen Sue Johnson. BACK ROW: Mary Jane Niness, Marcia Shadley, Mary Frischie, Joan Hargis, Patricia Young, Susan Tripp, Maryellen Frazier, Betty Jean Carroll, Gerry Sue Wilson, Judy Pifer, Sandra McNaughton.

Clark House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Treva Davis, Karyl Widen, Carole Miller, Judith Morris, Nancy Arnold, Camille Watkins, Nancy Starks. SECOND ROW: Diana Haddad, Barbara Timmerman, Sharon Ann Harpring, Louise Nagusky, Barbara Hess, Joan Bruno, Caryl Green, Kay Boughman. BACK ROW: Judith Keresztury, Janet Goodpaster, Eileen Schaeffer, Bonnie Therriault, Margaret Jarrard, Sharon Berry, Lillian Cichon, Barbara Jasinowski, Susan Pyle, Elizabeth Bunner, Edith White.


Curry House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Bell, Carol Theobald, Margery Resnick, Brenda E. Paul, Sandra Shuster, Sidenia Maines, Mary Linda Shehorn, Cossette Jarvis, Patricia Foale. SECOND ROW: Karen Lineback, Patricia Losiniecki, Patricia Owens, Margaret Gray, Sue Holliday, Carole I. Harris, Sandra Bean, Donna Berns, Noelle Musselman, Nancy Young. THIRD ROW: Janet Day, Linda Schwallie, Mary Kay Sieber, Emily 360

Cronau, Pamela Morris, Ruth Ann Brown, Ellen Joseph, Karen Francke, Susan Siegel, Ann Paulsen, Mary Ann Thomas. BACK ROW: Ann Hobson, Patty Jo Bowman, Charlotte Pfluger, Catherine Dolzall, Mary Lee Seibert, Mary Jean Burnett, Susan Jane Davis, Sue Ellen Wilkinson, Suzann Hengstler, Sigrid Trombley.

Curry House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Pace, July Lyons, Linda Price, Karen Hunt, Karen Stout, Elizabeth LieVan, Shirley Applegate, Janet Eberle, Marilyn Myers, Julie Parrott. SECOND ROW: Judith Forney, Ann Bound, Reva Seale, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, Carolyn S. McCullough, Sue Wagner, Linda Roth, Ruth Miller, Victoris Owen. THIRD ROW: Jane Jackson, Barbara

Curry House

Fenton, Dottie Holland, Sara Dyer, Susan Warwick, Jean Hurt, Diane Wielend, Linda Jean Miller, Sharon Bratina, Judith Juncker. BACK ROW: Marsha Wiggam, Patricia Meek, Rebecca Parmenter, Mary Dugdale, Sandra Singer, Karen Bloom, Diane Tellman, Frances Sue Merchant, Janet Mizer, Carolyn Smith, Rebecca Newsom.

FRONT ROW (left to right): Pamela Davis, Linda Anne Miller, Mary Ann Spahr, Barbara Kline, Susan Elliott, Heather Whittemore, Sherrard Mowry. SECOND ROW: Ruth Ake, Susie Imel, Joan Callahan, Beverly Porter, Janice Schurch, Rebecca Collins, Diana Davidson, Sandra McMullen. THIRD ROW: Tamra McCready, Mary Lynn Wiese, Jo Anne Knable, Judith Ulerich, Mary Jane Goodson, Judith Ireland, Rebecca Grimes, Mary Mahan, Sharon Winslow. BACK ROW: Barbara Sprague, Linda G. Scott, Diane Wiggins, Wanda Hash, Quindaro Groth, Ruth Ann Jung, Merrily Severin, Harriett Hyatt, Caroline Stafford, Carolyn Chapin.


Landes House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Mary Kay Teboe, Joanne Reiff, Sylvia Sloker, Jane Marie Thompson, Irene Ingalls, Judith Shepherd, Pamela Krabbenhoft, Lynne Wickerham, Lynn Davis, Mary Lou Grigsby, Pamela Jan Fuller. SECOND ROW: Donna Ranich, Diane Bauer, Sharon France, Bonnie Bierly, Marcella Schahfer, Virginia McLeay, Jane Nelson, Janet Bradford, Sue Ann Deems, Betty Huffman, Marcia Merkle, Rachel Hancock. THIRD ROW: Christina Burgess, Carol Bair, Anne Hughes,

Landes House

Cathy Lass, Suzanna Rossell, Barbara Macy, Nancy Shepherd, Kathy Rush, Mary Ann Craig, Martha McKeehan, Carolyn Terfler, Mary Jo Brant, Lois Klintworth. BACK ROW: Elizabeth Porter, Elizabeth Engebretson, Lynda Beltz, Marybeth Furr, Gretchen Bothast, Constance Gill, Mary Barter, Pat Graves, Shirley Smitherman, Julie Johnson, Sharon Bobb, Mary L. Burdick, Mary Myers, Nadine Naughton, Letitia Ligocki.

FRONT ROW (left to right): Sandra Ghere, Patricia Fitch, Beverly Tucker, Carolyn Tracy, Rita Reynolds, Susan Munger, Sharon Durr, Carolyn Robinson, Margaret Radigan, Marsha Hunt, Sandy Cooper. SECOND ROW: Helen Hoffmann, Kay Maley, Nancy Macy, Natalie Hershon, Donna Zweiban, Elaine Bishop, Catherine Mallett, Johanna Wright, Janet Janson, Rita Cellini, Karen Squier, Penny Nichols. THIRD ROW: Jamie 362

Barlowe, Joanna Ross, Susan Davis, Carol Quackenbush, Beverly Walker, Mary Herrin, Mary Behen, Mary Kay McGlaughlin, Terry Morrison, Andrea Hatrak, Sharon Lebo, Bonnie Stolp, Carol Mattingly. BACK ROW: Sandra Torok, Karen Thomas, Norma Nelson, Carole Jane Jackson, Mary Joyce Simpson, Pamela Wilhelm, Frances Lindley, Pamela Best, Nancy Oliver, Mary Nix, Patricia Sebahar, Joan Gahimer, Alice Strange.

Landes House

FRONT ROW (left to right): Marilyn Simon, Carolyn Brooks, Linda Vandenbark, Mary Taylor, Barbara Robertson, Margaret Nesbit, Sheilah Talbert, Carol Scott. SECOND ROW: Kathryn Sanders, Terri Pean, Barbara L. Shaw, Marcia Shanks, Linda Smeltzer, Marsha Unger, Sue Witt, Pat Lowenhart. THIRD ROW: Bonita Bauer, Constance Beard, Lana Pursley, Marcia Mondary, Phyllis Lowery, Karen Greiner, Alice Ann Fox, Barbara Badertscher, Sue Ryker. BACK ROW: Jane Jacob, Nancy Dyer, Karen P. Campbell, Mary Hamilton, Susan Metzner, Pat Fry, Priscilla Logan, Mary Kay Robbins, Barbara Krueger, Sara Williams, Diane Mages, Victoria Foster.


Men's Residence Center Reopened as Dormitory

FRONT ROW (left to right): Philip Hempleman, William Michael Hartman, William Busse. BACK ROW: George H. Murphy Jr., James Baird, Jon Brown, David Maxwell.

Reopened this year as a residence center after use as an Air Force dorm, the Men's Residence Center is largely a freshman dormitory. There are three units in MRC, Smith, Cravens, and Edmondson Halls.

The MRC Executive Council spent much of its time first semester in writing a constitution, and now, a board of governors has been established as well as a judicial board and hall co-ordinators. A center newspaper, "The Tower," was also started, and, since the beginning of this year, the center has formed a library of about 5,000 books.

Men's Residence Center sponsored two dances, a Christmas dance and "The Roaring Twenties." On the unit level, the men joined with women's residences for mixers and exchange dinners.

Now working on plans for next fall's Orientation Week, the center is preparing a booklet to help acquaint new students with Indiana University and MRC.

Executive Council

LEFT TO RIGHT: Dale Tarnowieski, Nikiforos P. Diamandouros, David Molnar, Dean Wright, Hal Swain, William Vukowich.


Craven's Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Glenn Hackel, Jerry Haberman, Kenneth Waugh, Lawrence Mann, Joshua Brady. SECOND ROW: Stanley Adsit, Roger Swinford, William Mullin, Richard Conaway, Donald Bennett, Thomas Pawloske, Marvin Dellinger, William N. Mbote (Treas.). BACK ROW: Thomas Peters, Cornelius T. Miller (Vice-Gov.), William Busse (Gov.), William Robert Martin, Richard L. George, Earle L. Ciaglia, Bernard Hoffman, Robert Garfield Buckner III, Richard Dean.

Craven's Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Max E. Martin, Jesse Martinez, Ralph W. Stacy, Henry Labhart, Dale Spangler, Lawrence Sprengelmeyer, James LeRoy Morgan, Guy Parcel. SECOND ROW: Carl Johnson, Jerry Real (Vice-Gov.), Stanley Augsburger, David Wieggel, James Kramer, Frederick Hummert, Paul Hempfling Jr. BACK ROW: John Pritchard, Thomas Wolfe (Sec.-Treas.), Michael Wertz, Gary Darnell, James Queen, Alvin Watkins, Philip Hempleman (Gov.), Roger D. Spickler.


Edmondson Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Dean Wright, Raymond Doyle, William Rieck (Gov.), Michael McLaughlin (Sec.-Treas.), Ray Auble. SECOND ROW: John W. Moore (Counselor), Victor Brotko, Gordon Mullikin, Michael L. Graf, Richard L. Keach, Jerry L. Huston, Jerome Gerde. BACK ROW: Peter Schmidt, Jeffrey Orr, Donald Kamerer, Arnold Cole, Thomas Plikuhn, William Paige, Richard Yeager.

Edmondson Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Henning, Michael Humphrey, Tony Shelvis, Richard J. Maxwell, Rodolphe Rouhana. SECOND ROW: Ronald K. Anness, Daniel Walters, 366

Jon Brown, Michael Heyns, Larry Jones, Robert Martin. BACK ROW: Richard Swain, William Paige, Carl Hunteman, Richard Summers, Larry Geddings, Stan Wilson, Larry Siesky.

Edmondson Hall

4&4. FRONT ROW (left to right): Robert Walker, Al-Khalisi Hussain, William Johnson, Victor Brotko. SECOND ROW: Larry Hardesty, David Blackwell, Charles Runner, Richard Lecklitner, Richard Gilbert. BACK ROW: Michael Perine, Theodore Reiter, Robert Van Nest, Lynn Garrett, Cyril Mehringer, Robert Barry (Counselor).

Smith Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Roscoe C. Clark Jr., William E. Sterrett, James L. Baird (Gov.), John L. Wyre, David L. Martin. SECOND ROW: Robert L. Gorman, Michael W. Yocum, Edward L. Shuter, John R. Michael (Sec.-Treas.), Thomas L. Narron, Michael Cornfeld. BACK ROW: Philip Furber, Donald Lee (Vice-Gov.), Ronnie Wade, Walter Haislip, Leland Baxter.


Smith Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): James M. Gromer, Charles Pine, Frank Kasle, Barrie Zimmerman, Charles L. Davis, Allan Jones, Larry Thaxton. SECOND ROW: Joseph Lovasko, John Michael Cooper, Michael Jessin, Charles William Ertel (Vice-Pres.), Ronald Jongsma, Michael Sims, W. Warren Wood, Gary F. Davis Jr. BACK ROW: Daniel Leaman, Robert E. Smith, Thomas Niedermeier, William Michael Hartman (Gov.), James McDonald, Richard L. McDonald. Kenneth Kerr (Counselor).

Smith Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Keith Kingman, John Plunkett, Richard Leon Edwards (Vice-Gov.), George Murphy Jr. (Gov.), Joseph Songer (Treas.), Richard Herre, Robert Atherton, Norman E. Wade. SECOND ROW: Harold Hinds, David Ellmore, Rich368

and Hagenston, Paul Borden, John Eisel, Peter Walter, Gerald Peters. BACK ROW: John Hiigli, Thurman Gladden, Edward Pearson, James J. Humphrey, Arnold Cole, Steven Lunsford, Richard Bradshaw, James P. Best.

Wells Center Council

FRONT ROW (left to right): Wesley Davis (Treas.), James Cornell (Vice-Pres.), Judith Stahlhut (Pres.), Barbara Wilson (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Jane Carter, Sally Kiefer, Karen Griffey, lnga Watson, Jacqueline Glaze. BACK ROW: Mary Jane Reilly (Adviser), Marcia Warnke, Ronnie Hancock, Robert Taber, Eugene Jongsma, Sue Campbell.

Forest Hall Only Men's Unit in Wells Quadrangle

Memorial, Morrison, Sycamore, Forest, and Weatherwax Halls are the University dormitories making up the Wells Quadrangle housing unit. Except for Forest, which is a men's unit, all the housing units of Wells Quad are women's dormitories.

Seniors are honored annually when each hall sponsors a recognition banquet for their outstanding academic work and activity participation. All the units also participate in the Fall Carnival and Little 500, either as separate units or on a center basis. Intramural sports, such as swimming or basketball, take place among the women's dormitories.

The annual Christmas dance takes place in the Frangipangi Room of the Indiana Memorial Union. Other social activities in which the units participate together are exchange dinners and open houses.

An informal program is presented every Wednesday night for one half hour by the center. It consists of a student talent show, although sometimes faculty members participate.


Forest Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Danny Littell, Mike Pate, Richard Balakir, Robert Taber, Ronald Hancock (Governor), Alfred Fisher, Frank Budreck, John Pope. SECOND ROW: William Dudding, Phillip Kinman, Warren Blackmon, William Berry, Charles Mann, Wesley Davis, Richard Whitlow, Deane Smith, David Ober, Stan Keller, Robert Phillips, Jerry Krueger. THIRD ROW: George Steineberger, Allen Lewis, James Swinson, David Lockhart, Stephen Mills, James Haskett, Robert Keyes, Terry Fleshman, Joseph Ford Williams, Samuel K. Gwin, Stephen Hartgrove. FOURTH ROW: Jerry Moore, Edward Clausen, Eugene Jongsma, John Yoder, Edward Miesel, Kurt Gloger, Rodolfo Lozano, John Peters, David Harris, Donald Pearson, Jerry Price. BACK ROW: Norris Lohman, James Yockel, Robert Brookshire, James Stack, David Flinn, John Knoll, William Fawcett, Edsel Reeves, Charles Plost, Roger Sawtelle, James Cornell, William Vann Johnson, Maurice Benton.

Memorial Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Patti Waggoner, Mar ) Ware, Aurelia Pasko, Kathleen Helton, Gloria Hartman, Carol Oshiro, Carolyn Hershman. SECOND ROW: Sue Gerrard, Grace Manous, Nancy Woodworth, Karen Sue Kjelstrom, Christine Moudy, 370

Carol Neal, Joyce Lee Klaiber, Sharon Lee Thompson. BACK ROW: Nancy Ann Starkel, Nancy Lynne Holloway, Sandra Lou Nelson, Sarah McIntyre, Jacquelyn Craig, Martha Jane Koelling, Beverley Davis, Jeanette Ross, Corinne Johnson.

Memorial Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Sandra Martin, Tran Thi Kim-Sa, Cheryl Gates, Cynthia Langdon, Judith R. Miller, Suzanne Linkhart, Sandra Higa, Mattie Camerson. SECOND ROW: Nancy Peters, Carole Sosby, Linda Thompson, Frances Sarger, Diane Gindelberger, Judith Brown, Pauline Pierson, Sara Stone, Maryellen Rozcicha. BACK ROW: Alona Kessler, Barbara Tankersley, Shirley Pond, Janet Hoffman, Gwendolyn Stewart, Sally Myers, Elizabeth Harmon, Carol Rafert, Sue Fetters.

Memorial Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Carolyn Beck, Carol Lynne Adams, Rosemary Orr, Elaine Weiss, Lucinda McClwain, Christine Counterman, Rosemary Chappell, Betsy Williams. SECOND ROW: Mary Alice Tolson, Ellen Hill, Joyce Brosey, Ann Chard, Patti Donnelly, Bonnie Bucha, Beverly Means, Susan Finch, Nancy Brown. BACK ROW: Arlene Dickover, Lindsay Mitchell, Myrna Reynolds, Sheila Anderson, Jane Caseley, Janet Canada, Patricia Greene, Colleen E. Bailey.


Morrison Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Sandra Fritz, Linda Hocard, Judith Smedley, Carole Wiggington, Loretta Piggee, Karen Wilson, Charlotte Robbins, Judith M. Fields. SECOND ROW: Penny Ritter, Karna Hoffman, Marilyn Craig, Nancy Baltes, Judith Leipnitz, Rebecca Kindred, Carole Ann Johnson, Lynda Bell, Janet Good. BACK ROW: Carole Brunson, Ruth Tyndall, Emily Stonerock, Mary Judith Buchanan, Carol Panicucci, Sandra Cotton, Ida Lou Klingele, Diane Zehring.

Morrison Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right: Jeanne Niji, Patricia Faulkner, Cheryl Dille, Eugenia Forst, Elizabeth Braden, Nancy Miller, Enid Brown, Janet Foy, Laura Mae Watkins. SECOND ROW: Kathryn Hindmarch, Kathie Harsh, Beverly Bain, Sharon Bianco, Marilyn Lentz, Lenora Lasley, Jo Ann Dobccki, Marianne Doyle, 372

Sharon Simth, Alayne Cook. BACK ROW: Diane Hamilton, Lana Braddock, Glenda Ganny, Carolyn R. Jones, Marcia Warnke (Lt. Gov.), Judy Overbeck, Lynda Byrd, Phyllis Mills, Sandra Conti, Barbara Henry.

Sycamore Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Rosalia Serardi, Roberta Leifer, Sharon Motts, Amy Miller, Judy Vincent, Donna Smith, Marcia Griffin, Mary Stockamp. SECOND ROW: Jacqueline Sayag, Jane May, Judith Giecho, Nancy Lukens, Margaret Oliver, Lynn Warner, Melba Brown, Nancy Newman, Carolyn Young. THIRD ROW: Cynthia Myers, Romona Finnell, Darlene Peters, Evelyn Leininger, Shirley Frain, Sally Kiefer, Ann Windell, Jackoline Tolle, Elaine Murphy, Ann Jaksich. BACK ROW: Janis Ungerer, Leah Kay Leifer, Alice M. Smith, Linda Fiscus, Barbara Finley, Lynn Moss, Conna Gray, Nancy Bridges, Cynthis Sprong, Shirley Werner, Sharon Hinchman.

Sycamore Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Rebecca Hostetler, Beverly Krick, Inga Watson, Jean Cook, Sue Foster, Diane Keisling, Jacqueline Glaze, Elaine DeBold. SECOND ROW: Sandrajean Henderson, Barbara J. Rice, Abigail Hall, Peggi Gamble, Susan Durfee, Faye Speller, Penny Gilbert. THIRD ROW: Pauletta Sue Cole, Betsy Nick, Janet Glick, Ellen Holmann, Carol Corley, Sarah Evans, Judith Tenison, Victoria Antonini. BACK ROW: Jacqualyn Jeffers, Carolyn Gralfe, June Krug, Debra Feldman, Diane Horwath, Judith Lowe, Jane Parker.


Sycamore Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Aileen Tanaka, Madge Reising, Patricia Saarinen, Sharon Darko, Dawn Wood, Darleen Butler, Judith Lee, Linda Baffo, Sandra Dressel, Judith Reed. SECOND ROW: Betsy Bendorf, Kathleen Bresnahan, Martha Goode, Sandra Fleener, Barbara Jenkins, Vicki Sithen, Melinda Morrow, Janice Bremer, Petra Manning, Marilyn Rush, Janice Luke. THIRD ROW: Karen Buschman, Judy Booker, Joan Sherby, Patricia Morgan, Phyllis Plummer, Barbara Shook, Alice Eicholz, Suzanne Siegesmung, Rose Ellen Messerschmidt, Annette Lynch, Sandra Shirock, Kathleen Zvonar. BACK ROW: Carolyn De Vore, Martha Williams, Arlene Matis, Oma Birl, Anne Sherbondy, Carol Hall, Patricia Lavis, Joyce Cain, Nadara Zima, Marcia Oddi, Judith Zellers.

Sycamore Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): E. Linda Canfield, Lydia Brasher (Sec.), Joneth Emerson (Vice-Pres.), Sue Campbell (Pres.), Margaret Frye, Margie Wysong, Judith Stahlhut. SECOND ROW: Sue Landon, Peggy Burns, Rebecca Sprunger, Rebecca Joanne Weir, Beverly Rutz, Loralee Pahl, Linda Bocaton, Mary Quin. 374

THIRD ROW: Mary Kocher, Linda Higgins, Kay Lee Wilson, Julie Carpenter, Kathryn Seulean, Marian Clarouist, Jean Kelley, Gayle Posselt, Sherry Hostetler, Sue Piper. BACK ROW: Diane Benson, Julie Groscost, Janis Milligan, Anne Doty, Carol Chidester, Donna Person, Bonnie Cadwalader, Barabra Goldberg.

Weatherwax Hall Once a Social Sorority House

Formerly a social sorority house, Weatherwax Hall is now a women's dormitory considered a part of Wells Center. Named after a former I. U. professor, the house provides living quarters for 31 undergraduate women.

The residents of the women's co-operative dormitory took time out from house work and classes to bring honors to their unit. The I. U. tennis trophy was won by one of the residents in the fall, and the unit worked together to donate the most blood from any one housing unit during the blood drive.

Women of Weatherwax live in a diversified atmosphere for the residents are from Great Britain, Yugoslavia, and Germany, as well as the United States.

Among the social events sponsored by the unit are a Valentine's Day dance and a Christmas party.

In the spring, the women of Weatherwax forgot about classes for a day when they gave a date-affair picnic at McCormick's Creek State Park.


FRONT ROW (left to right): Ann McKeown, Sandra Stone, Judy Clark, Carol Chapman, Bette Patterson, Patricia Hasler. SECOND ROW: Ruby Burgess, Nancy Beaman, Cathie Coan, Arlene Hamot (Sec.-Treas.), Sharon Jacques, Lois Rolf, Donna Harris. BACK ROW: Karen Griffey (Gov.), Barbara Skapa, Elvera Kleinschmidt, Geraldine Keeley, Glenda Mitchell, Judy Martin (Lt. Gov.), Amber Bevers.

Mason Hall Brings Trees Center Units to Eight

With the opening of Ruby Mason Hall in September, the facilities of Trees Center were expanded to include eight units. Planned as a co-operative unit, Mason has been operated this year as a regular women's dormitory. The new dorm on Seventh Street and Union Street houses about 80 women at present.

Although many of the units in Trees are scholarship halls—the residents have residence scholarships from the University—center-wide and unit activities throughout the year emphasize the social as well as academic side of university life. For example, in the fall the center presented the "Mid-term Bawl," and in the spring a center-wide dance was given.

Trees Center also participated in Fall Carnival with their game of chance, "Pillow Pitch."

The Trees Center Judicial Board, now in its second year of operation, makes all major decisions concerning center activities.

Executive Council

FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Jane Williams, Yvonne Chang, Penny Sacopulos, Betty Guthrie, Greer Dawson. BACK ROW: D. Wayne Crowley (Treas.), Charles Gwaltney (Pres.), 376

Michael Donovan, James Bourne, David Moore, Jerry DuWayne Smith, Larry Lee Davis.

Oak Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Greer Dawson (Gov.), Mary V. Frank, Judy Iverman, Sharon Petrie, Carol Olson, Beverly Railsback. BACK ROW: Harriet Walker, Hazel Goodman, Sharon Hoy, Mary Kathryn Huston, Pamelia Hammer, Marilyn Hostetler, Patricia Smith.

Oak Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Margaret Conroy, Nancy Ralstin, Bonnie Whitley, Martha Brandenburg. SECOND ROW: Diana Alvarez (Sec.), Donna Alexander, Margaret Kunkel (Treas.), Jan Reeta, Linda Gering. BACK ROW: Judith Voght, Marjorie Dunn, Sandy Sokola, Lynda Davis (Vice-Gov.), Kay Dickey, Sharon Stultz.


Pine Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Gwendolyn Radcliffe, Frances DiNoto, Melinda Hendry, Betty Guthrie (Gov.), Kitty Kelley (Sec.), Jo Nell Ramey (Vice-Gov.), Beverly Whitinger, Nancy Monaghan, Jennifer Lee. SECOND ROW: Patsy Smith, Gatha Wesner, Carol Struewing, Judy E. Fields, Beth Ann Robinett, Christine DeWulf, Katharine Chueden, Rita Callecod, Janet Donaldson. BACK ROW: Anna Caroline Schildroth, Gail Sermersheim, Nancy Southwood, Rosemary Tuesley, Carol Sue Turner, Kathy London, Dixie Webb, Carolyn Galik, Elinor Parker, Vickie Wagner.

Mason Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Lynda Jane Reeves, Patricia Lewis, Rebecca Ann White, Sandra Cooper (Sec.), Carolyn King, Nancy Bohren, Betty Woehler, Suzanne Thomas. SECOND ROW: Patricia West, Roberta Marner, Sandra Rose, Holly Wilson, Sharon Richardson, Carolyn Rosenberger, Barbara Hvale, Sue Barnes, Sarah Eldridge. THIRD ROW: Carol Wilkinson, Carol 378

Ludlow, Penny Sacopulos (Gov.), Judith Eisenhut, Barbara Leminger, Mary Ferkins, Sharon Gardner, Anne Cooper (Vice-Gov.), Donna Dee Buckles. BACK ROW: Patricia Bayly, Judith McQueen, Martha Cleveland, Cheryl Pontius, Shannon DeLaney, Diane Wallick, Karen MacMurray, Judith Myers, Suellyn Solliday, Nancy Lucas, Michael Carolyn Walter.

Laurel Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Michael Rogers, Warren Spencer, Robert Evans, Dale Terry, William Hendrey, S. John Kaldahl, Jerry Holtray, Robert D. Jones. SECOND ROW: Gerald Flanagan, Richard Dennis, Craig Hinshaw, Jack Hartman, Edward Kuespert, James V. Adams, Robert Jarnecke, Jerry Duwayne Smith (Gov.), Jay Montgomery. THIRD ROW: Michael Lynch, John Storck, Keith Edmonson, Dennis Jeray, Verlin Mossman (Sec.-Treas.), John Huston, Michael Ormiston, David H. Williams, Mike Eskitch, Carl Stone.

Upper Linden Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Lawrence Burket, Jerry Dougan, James Justic, Floyd McWilliams, Ronald Hofer, William Edward Wilson, Harold Kittrell. SECOND ROW: Wayne De Armon, David Strohmier, William Carter (Vice-Gov.), Thomas J. Kennedy, Larry Bartel, James Stebbins, William Godfrey, Donald Shortridge. THIRD ROW: Ronald Florer, Joel Firme, Michael Phillips, Michael Hunt, George James Boeglin, William Reynolds, Ardee Helm. BACK ROW: Michael Donovan, Andrew Rowlas, James E. Bourne (Gov.), Daniel L. Davis, Robert L. Kluesner, James J. Harris, Robert L. Wantland, Lawrence B. Fluhr.

Walnut Hall

FRONT ROW (left to right): Richard Chappelle, Randolph Clarke, Gary Tuehl, Charles Baker, Walter A. Kalberer. SECOND ROW: David Nicholls (Vice-Gov.), Charles Nichols, James 380

Schnell, Philip Ferguson (Gov.), David Moore (Gov.), Barrett Shelvis. BACK ROW: Glen Davis, Ronald Campbell, William Yarber, Glen Kooy, Garland Kent Dunbar, Joseph Wenzel.


Tower Quadrangle A Successful Experiment for I U



Tower Quadrangle I U. First Coed Dormitory

Indiana University's first experiment in coeducational living was Tower Quadrangle. Opened three years ago, Tower was intended to have four buildings for men and one unit for women. Because of the increased female enrollment, however, the University has altered the setup to maintain three units for women and one for men.

The Center Council, which provides over-all government for the center, co-ordinates the activities of the individual units and halls into an effective governing system for the center.

Facilities at Tower Quadrangle include both coed and non-coed recreation rooms, a center library, and a proctored study table system. The libraries contain reference books and recreational materials.

Starting second semester off right, Tower's entry in the small group division of I. U. Sing won first place for their presentation of "Purdue Enters the I. U. Sing."

Towers A

FRONT ROW (left to right): Thomas Hofer, Charles W. Beck, Fred Smith, Ralph Minton, Gerald Paloski, Richard Hudson, Gordon Lewis, Donald A. Lackovitch. SECOND ROW: Stanley Pequignot, Graydon Miars, Phillip Simpson, John Stephen 384

Schechter, Stephen Kelly, Gerald Scheltens, Paul Dickover. BACK ROW: David R. Perry, Carl T. Johnson, Michael Trueman, Harry Hensley, James D. Bailey, James M. McKown, Richard Thorn, Ronald L. Ellis.

Towers A

FRONT ROW (left to right): David Alwood, Steven Lumm, Vaughan Hankins, John Wiley, Byard Herrman. SECOND ROW: Larry Hand, Larry Schneider, David Spence, Robert Clark, Richand Farrar, David Adams. BACK ROW: Craig Holmes, John S. Race, David Pray, William Peters, John James Mallas, Richard Guggenheimer, Vern Idom.

Towers A

FRONT ROW (left to right): Terry Collings, Stuart M. Lefkowitz (Counselor), Kenneth Sears, Steven Anschel, Charles Jackson, Jerry Smedley. BACK ROW: Mike Waldron, Warren Williams, William E. Anderson, William Pletka, Michael Sullivan, Larry Coe, James Drummond.

Towers A

FRONT ROW (left to right): Donald Wynne, Gene H. Johnson, Thomas Danielson, Ian Weiss, Charles Hafron, Joseph Dickey, Michael Judd, Thomas Kramer, Michael Heath. SECOND ROW: Robert Carpenter, Thomas Parrett, Howard Jones, James Short, Charles Casper, Paul Darlington, David Mercurio, Galen Lutz. BACK ROW: Richard Weirick, Wayne Palmer, Timothy Shrewsbury, John Kallenberg, John Lierman, David Sunny, Charles Miller, Robert Humphrey, Richard Lemmon.

Towers A

FRONT ROW (left to right): Gregor Preston (Gov.), Richard Bowman, Ricky VanLue, Carlos Thompson, Michael L. Fisher. SECOND ROW: Lawrence Friend, Edward Samper, Frank Den386

zinger, Dennis M. Lambert, Robert Ashbaugh, Richard Snodgrass. BACK ROW: John Peckham, John Yoars, Ronald White, Ned Farry, Thomas Tolbert, Gary Leips, Thomas Strait.

Towers D

FRONT ROW (left to right): Larry Coleman, Douglas Robert, David Swager, Walter Corbin, Stanley Kremp, Joseph Kennedy. SECOND ROW: Charles Denzinger, Walter J. Schaefer, Lawrence Clifford, Melvyn Kaczmarek, Ernest Kochis, Patrick D. Crain, Charles Mascus.

Towers B

FRONT ROW (left to right): Charlotte S. Wasmuth, Judy Floretta, Merry Ring, Aida E. Creer. SECOND ROW: Kathy Costello, Connie Oldham, Connie Moore, Judith Baker, Bonnie Brouwer. BACK ROW: Mary Ann Clark (Gov.), Rebecca Scudder, Mary Ann Shumann, Carolyn Wall, Donna Moots, Elaine Daugherty.

Towers B

FRONT ROW (left to right): Eleanor Snyder, Paula Dodd, Carol Sampson, Mary Barnes, Ronda Kay Brinkley, Marilyn Roeske, Frieda Fordzce. SECOND ROW: Carol Klepfer, Kathy Hutchins, Judy Alleman, Katherine Ware, Violet Lowe, Mary 388

Carrabine, Shirley Flannery, Wilma Kay Welch. BACK ROW: Nancy Arch, Sandra Miller, Sarah Bavender, Linda Burns, Karen McCarthy, Charlotte Bell, Susan Spiers, Ruth Ellen McCallister, Lori Watson.

Towers B

FRONT ROW (left to right): Georgia Nagai, Catherine Darst, Jane Atkinson, Sherrill Kennedy, Mary Jane Rick, Christine Gabel, Gail Ewing, Roberta Helfrich. SECOND ROW: Marcia Myers, Vivian Lowe, Ellen Chrispyn, Carolyn Davis, Martha Snider, Jane Baas, Mary Sadner, Elaine Kirsh, Claire Malis. BACK ROW: Kay Kitchen, Barbara Blount, Judith Quillen, Donna Klyn, Barbara Bauge, Linda Bradrick, Christine Copeland, Julia Ann Fraze.

Towers B

FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Burley, Sharon Curtis, Vicki Green, Sue Hinchman, Martha Lochridge. SECOND ROW: Cynthia Polhemus, Patricia Talbert, Billibet Rush, Judith Mishler, Judith Swank, Phyllis DeVeary. BACK ROW: Janet Walquist, Sarah Lang, Sara Rugenstein, Deanne Dailey, Rita Carpenter, Nancy Gould, Judith Guy.


Towers B

FRONT ROW (left to right): Brenda Short, Judith Jensen,ҟer, Linda Bohren, JoAnn Karesh. Gracie de LaPena. BACK ROW: Patricia Horner, Susan Spring-

Towers C

FRONT ROW (left to right): Karen Clark, Bertie Miller, Brenda Lankford, Ilka Jane Aronson, Donna F. Miller, Constance Richards, Janet Christner, Paulette Nemeth. SECOND ROW: Karen Findley, Barbara B. Melcher, Linda Stewart, Karen Neal, Lis390

beth Osgood, Mary K. Wyczawski, Marcella Schahfer, Nancy Shinneman, Catherine Diane Sagers. BACK ROW: Carol Lynn Mitchell, Rita Kolanko, Judy-Jo Dye, Bernice Statman, Judith Wilt, Barbara Baker, Judith Costello, Susan Dodd.

Towers C

FRONT ROW (left to right): Sue Smith, Joan Exford, Karen Amstutz, Betty Sue Wilson, Linda Hawkins, Sandra Orr, Jamie Raber. SECOND ROW: Mary Ann Miner, Lynda Rehm, Linda Lawson, Evelyn Szczerba, Carol Fraze, Sharon Marsh, Dorothy Weninger, Karen Yeager. THIRD ROW: Barbara Lindblom, Olga Litwinko, Martha Robinson, Barbara Foltz, Mary Anne Gilmer, Starr Soltmann, Barbara Wallace, Ruth Souder, Marlene Slavin. BACK ROW: Donna Bergstrom, Marcia Mithoefer, Mary Vinquist (Counselor), Nancy Sell, Diane Hippensteel, Ann Hubertz, Stephanie Thomas, Wanda Bailey.

Towers C

FRONT ROW (left to right): Darlene Be Miller, Linda Faris, Faythe Stevenson, Kathryn Proper, Jacqueline Gordon, Malinda Turpin. SECOND ROW: Jacqueline Wilhite, Darcie Simpson, Carole Carter, Karen Lucas, Cherie Chidester, Judy Summers, Becka Herrmann. BACK ROW: Sarah Ingram, Sue Margedant, Lynda Arnholt, Patricia Thorne, Sara Hoff, Myra Duckworth, Hope Hanko, Susan Cole.


Towers C

FRONT ROW (left to right): Gail Wake, Doris Mueller, Dixie Neville, Ruth Ann Bales, Carole Troyer. SECOND ROW: Sandra Kroczek, Teresa Eyer, Suetta Spangler, Kay Krider. BACK ROW: Sandra Barto, Susan Ruebush, Elizabeth Chapman, Jean Hamm, Joyce Schrader.

Towers E

FRONT ROW (left to right): Susan Nelson, Linda Arnold, Beth Curley, Barbara Elliott, Caroline Burmeister, Sally Lied. SECOND ROW: Sharon Forsberg, Susan Simms, Monika Hesse, Barbara Yanney, Betty Bates, Lana Ewing, Cynthia Ferguson. THIRD ROW: Susan Ulrich, Betty Beckort, Sue Schenkel, 392

Marilyn Wilson, Constance Symonds, Phyllis Neidigh, Kathleen Nagy, Vonya Cantwell. BACK ROW: Yvonne Singer, Sara McDonald, Patsy Yoder, Carolyn Ridenour, Nancy Legare, Jacquelyn Smith, Karen Merkey, Margaret Baluk.

Towers E

FRONT ROW (left to right): Connie Ritchie, Judith Cline, Barbara Cummings, Sharon Fuller, Connie Arnold, Betty McBride, Vivian Gluck, Jeanie Sawchick. SECOND ROW: Ruth Milhous, Kirsten Boyd, Carol Tullis, Barbara Chadwick, Janeann Parks, Andra Van Abeele, Carolyn BonDurant, Judith Fawley, Sandra Drake, Judith Green. BACK ROW: Joyce Turner, Jane Haefele, Alice Jean Heuck, Sandra Sauvain, Patricia Kellison, Elizabeth Powers, Sharon Berta, Wanda Slipher, Rose Marie Burton, Linda Chapman.

Towers E

FRONT ROW (left to right): Sharon Merk, Sylvia Gall, Kathie Hinchman, Bonnie Thrush, Joann Young. SECOND ROW: Carol Johnson (Sec.-Treas.), Laura Favarato, Judy Leipnitz, Margaret Robbins (Gov.), Ruth Nedderman, Linda Moulder. BACK ROW: Nancy Malone, Janice Lutz, Deborah Bernd, Linda Jackson, Ann O'Malley.


Towers E

FRONT ROW (left to right): Patricia Allen, Virginia Dunlap, Anne McCormick, Glenda Gray, Susan Dufrane, Carol Herrmann, Ruth Fisher, Katharine Kendrick. SECOND ROW: Janet Haines, Darla Divietro, Juanita Talbott, Susan Butz, Nancy Tompkins, Merrilee Pate, Georganne McDonald, Gladys Hilda Webber, Marsha Baird. BACK ROW: Janice Toney, Linda Richardson, Judith Kernohan, Helen Bibbee, Mary Swartout, Kay Costello, Karen Hostetler, Carolyn Wastjer, Lynn Benson, Mary Rupp.

Towers E

FRONT ROW (left to right): Barbara Eaglen, Linda Stoner,ҟJurkiewicz, Marilyn Hicks, Glorianne Curtis, Margaret 1 lart. Phyllis Sheetz, Susan Pollock. BACK ROW: Mary Abrell, Mary 394


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