116 minute read

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Greek. That word alone makes one think of great things. Like the Acropolis, Homer, the fathers of democracy, North Jordan, rush, walkouts, boresses . . . For a sorority girl it means candlelights, sisters, and of course, a pin (sometimes two). A fraternity guy may no longer have a pin but he has memories of his beanie, 5 A.M. lineups, serenades, the night he turned 21, and the morning after . . . You're Greek if you "go back to the house" and dress for dinner, if you have study table or if the first item you hear about at every business meeting is the bill for your new home. Being a Greek means being socially active and concerned. From the houses' community projects and their increased concern about the elimination of discrimination in the system on the national as well as campus level to the weekly exchanges and parties, one realizes that Greeks are interested, involved young men and women with a definite role to play in the campus life of I.U.

PANHELLENIC EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Gail Clippinger (Corr. Sec.), Sue Stoughton (Treas.), Anita Silvey (Pres.), Jeannie Christopher (Ext. Vice-Pres.), Nancy Tellman (Int. VicePres.) SECOND ROW: Betty Marver, Linda Powell, Lynn Spicer, Anne Barrett, Sharon Counts (Rec. Sec.).
JUNIOR PANHELLENIC—FRONT ROW: Nycha Schlegel, Patty Foellinger, Leslie Oliver, Barb Malott (Pres.), Nancy Eklund (Soc. Chm.), Bobbie Zimmerman (Pres.). SECOND ROW: Lynn Spicer (Adv.), Margee Gora, Sally Ann Dunn, Karen Hansen, Barbara Baker, Jamie Elliott.


Panhellenic's most important duty of the year, welcoming rushees into the wonderful world of Greeks, began in early fall as nearly 1600 girls descended on the sorority houses for rush.
All organized women on campus are members of Panhellenic and participate in the election of officers. The governing body consists of the Executive Council, elected by all members; the Presidents' Council, presidents of all houses, and Junior Panhellenic, presidents of all pledge classes.
Panhel's main area of concern this year were improving scholastic attitude and decreasing racial discrimination.
PANHELLENIC PRESIDENTS' COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Betty Marver, Linda Powell, Sharon Counts, Jeannie Christopher (Ext. Vice-Pres.),ҟ Anitaҟ Silveyҟ (Pres.), Nancy Tellman (Int. Vice-Pres.), Sue Stoughton (Treas.),ҟ Anneҟ Barrett. SECOND ROW: Katherine Wayman, Cindy White, Carolyn Marnisch, Lynn Spicer, Gail Clippinger, Susan Velker, Carol Singer, Linda Wright, K. K. Whittemore. THIRD ROW: Sherri Salner, Alice Howard, Pamela Roberts, Joan Mcllroy, Connie Loving, Peggy Diekmann, Carole Brinkmann, Nancy Ellis, Anne Brafford.
IFC EXECUTIVE COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Frank Parrish (Adv.), Len King (Sec.),ҟTom Shriner (Int. Vice-Pres.), Jack Wickes (Pres.), Jim Heubi (Ext. Vice-Pres.), Larry Reuben (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Andy Mallor (Pledge Placement), Denny Minkle (Dir. of Rush), Ed Volk (Publications),ҟLeonard Kalikow (Special Affairs), Dave Anderson (Pub. Rel.), Larry Gregg (Schol.ҟ and Cul. Affairs),ҟ Chrisҟ Perryҟ (Self-Eval. Chm.).

Interfraternity Council
With emphasis on service to member houses, the Inter-Fraternity Council provided organization on a University-wide level for the fraternity system.
The Council aided each house in such areas as rush, pledge training, and self-evaluation as well as in co-ordinating campus programs and projects.
In November the Council sponsored a Panhellenic workshop featuring speakers and an in-depth examination of the problems facing the Greek system.
The traditional Greek Week was revived and revitalized by the Council in February. Outstanding individual leaders were recognized and the week was filled with cultural and social events.
IFC PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Maurice Miller, John Tzucker, Jacob H. Feichter Jr., David Friedlander, Greg Carter, Bob Rome, Walt Barton, Bob Duke. SECOND ROW: George Bewley, Russ Webb, Greg Huffman, Bob Burkhardt, John Borgmeier, Steve Reisinger, Barry Schnakenburg, Jeff Taylor. THIRD ROW: Tom Buckley, Steve Hampshire, Dave Perry, Steve Mahoney, Charles Richardson, Jeff Webster, Jeff Raff, Mike Shepherd.

ACACIA—FRONT ROW: Ken Faut, Roger Winkler, Larry Brawley, John Meyers, Marmaduke, Todd Raskin, Jack Brinkman, Gary Williams. SECOND ROW—Steve Gruber (Pledge Tr.), Robin Humphrey (Pledge Tr.), Bob Caine (House Mgr.), Craig Trees (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Rice (House Mother), Greg Carter (Pres.), Jeff Barr (Soc. Ch.), Denny Harrold (Jr. Steward). THIRD ROW: Dan Fowler, Tom Hendryx, Mick Tuesley, Tim Gardner (Chaplain), Doug Meyer (Corr. Sec.), Mark Dudley (Rec. Sec.), Rex Camp, Jim Taborn, Clune McDermott, Mike Reed. FOURTH ROW: Tim McColly, Howard Mohler, Graig Kunkin, Butch Chapel, Steve McDonald, Gary Schoof, Jim Schafer, Tim Gibson, Mark Vickery, Jack Hillenberg, Mark Morris, David Cornwell. FIFTH ROW: Kevin Burk, Mike Andreoli, John Stuckey, Larry Hendricks, Dave Holmes, Terence Walts, Bill Van Landingham, Frank Otterman, Stephen Tischendorf, Ed Badger, Glen Curtis. SIXTH ROW: Fred Jones, Chuck Harvuot, John Buechler, Bob Henley, Bill Johnson, Bob Nonte, Larry McCart, Donald Trigg, Nap Pozulp, Jeff Wolfcale, Bill Young. SEVENTH ROW: Jeff Chambers, Jim Logan, Ron Brown, Bill HoBars, Tom Heins, Mike Gillespie, Dave Waszak, Tom Bell, Brad Schuldt, John Klenfoth.

A new face reigned over the campus this year when the men of Acacia constructed a huge sphinx and turned the house into an Egyptian showplace for their spring "Night on the Nile" dance. But not all faces coming from the house were unfamiliar. Marmaduke seemed to be quite well-known, at least in the stores downtown where he did a great deal of shopping. The chapter had a most memorable year highlighted by the International Teas, the Iron Triangle Dance, Little 500 with the AOPis and I.U. Sing with the Tri Delts. The house received the award as the most outstanding chapter in Indiana and seemed to well deserve the honor.
All sororities have pledge walkouts, but very few have senior walkouts. Last fall the seniors of Alpha Chi walked out and took with them all of the shower curtains and call tags. It is also rumored that they had Coach Pont and the Sigma Nus worried when they organized a new football team. And they have the ATOs to thank for their landscaped lawn.
The girls of Alpha Chi Omega do more than boress, though. Every year they work with the DUs to decorate the Boy's Club at Christmas. Occasionally cultural dinners are served. The chapter's own Kit Field was honored by being chosen Miss Indiana of 1968 and by placing well in the Miss America contest, too.
Alpha Chi Omega
ALPHA CHI OMEGAҟFRONT ROW: Janice Brown (Rec. Sec.), Kathy Miller (Soc. Ch.), Nan Justice (Soc. Ch.), Holly Bennet (House Mgr.), Pam Hillery (House Mgr.), Carol Glass (Cult Ch.). SECOND ROW: Nan Nottingham (Pledge Tr.), Elise Claire Suppan (Rush Ch.), Kathy Didday (Schol. Ch.), Nancy Davis (1st Vice-Pres.), Doris Reynolds (House Mother), Alice Howard (Pres.), Sharon Granger (Corr. Sec.), Judy Jordan (Treas.). THIRD ROW: Barbara Bennett, Deborah M. Bartley, Kathy H. Vorm, Lucy Hartlove, Barb Delvecchio, Karen Krueger, Kit Field, Jane Schlanser, Kathy Massey, Linda Suitts, Cindy Winheim, Mary Rumbley, Robbie Yates, Susan Lavens. FOURTH ROW: Pam Dalhasen, Denee Jaggers, Dianne Hocker, Linda Gerald, Pat Werner, Cindy White, Barbara Banks, Barb Callinan, Linda Eberle, Kathy Dailey, Nancy Eklund. FIFTH ROW: Susan Maxwell, Brenda Biltz, Cheryl Anstett, Margo Fasules, Suzi Hall, Susie Rogers, Sally Kackley, Becky Hoeltje, Nora Westlake, Joyce Arbeiter, Kathy Wilhite. SIXTH ROW: Janice Bramlett, Sally Molder, Lynn Crider, Mary Lou Jamrose, Barb Smith, Shari Hargan, Martha Weber, Jean Widdis, Nancy Taylor, Wibby Thorn, Sue Stoughton. SEVENTH ROW: Suzy Ruppert, Valerie Scott, Anita Roth, Nan Girk, Shannon Skupas, Lin Murphy, Libby Couch, Ginger Engelbrecht, Janics Dolan.

Alpha Epsilon Phi
This year the girls of AEPhi came back to an enlarged chapter house. During the summer the addition was built to house a larger pledge class and provide a new library and lounge.
Pledge class projects included such things as the sale of pumpkins at Halloween, and the production of a puppet show for the children at the exchange home. For the show, they wrote a script and made all the scenery and costumes.
The Alpha Epsilon Phis are terrific workers. Last spring they formed a choir which worked with the people of the Educational Opportunities Fund this past year.
ALPHA EPSILON PHI—FRONT ROW: Susie Susman (Rec. Sec.), Sandy Johnston (Bus. Rush), Leslie Schultz (Soc. Rush), Sherri Salner (Pres.), Patsy Rosenberg (VicePres.), Buffie Kaufman (Treas.), Leslie Raskin (Corr. Sec.), Janice Cain (Soc. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Roberta Trattner, Lynne Greenberg, Wendy Flusser, Nadine Cunix, Marsha Weiner, Kathy Meinzer, Rita Deutch, Jana Garrison (Pledge Tr.), Karen Roodman (Schol. Ch.), Lynda Goodman, Daryl Gordon, Eloise Goldberg, Beverly Katz, Alison Antis, Dale Santock. THIRD ROW: Diana Leonard, Beth Goldboss, Debbie Farber, Ronni Frohlich, Harriet Gluckmann, Nan Klein, Judy Radow, Jill Marks, Nancy Lynch, Roberta Caplan, Sue Goldberg. FOURTH ROW: Susie Brown, Judy Freiberg, Claire Gollub, Paula Glabman, Debbie Firestone, Jane Barker, Sandy Gentner, Adrienne Rosenberg, Carol Dennis, Abby Whiteman. FIFTH ROW: Lynn Becker, Kathy Loftus, Janet Paper, Ellen Cohen, Abbie Winerman, Barb Pomeranz, Anne Rivin, Toby Melchior, Becky Bassemer, Lynne Drohlich, Kathy Sigal. SIXTH ROW: Linda Norton, Dayle Friedman, Diane Teitel, Sandy Moyer, Beth Margolin, Rory Robin, Ellen Goldstein, Marjorie Morose, Ann Feldman, Valerie Feldman.

ALPHA EPSILON PI—FRONT ROW: Louis Rieser (Sec.), Stan Miles (Sent.), Philip Greenblatt (Treas.), Marty Rosenthal (Vice-Pres.), Mildred Dillow (Housemother), Wesley Gersh (Pres.), Stephen Merren (Pledge Mast.), Barry Levin (Rush Ch.), Rob Field (Rush Ch.). SECOND ROW: Mike Berger, Tom Friedmann, Stephen Nagler, David Schwartz, Larry Stein (House Serv.), Drew Tuckmann (Schol. Ch.), Marc Nussman, Marc Berger, Gerry Waterman, Maury Tasman. THIRD ROW: A. J. Rosmarin, Edward Hirschberg, Lester Smolensky, Don Katz, Rick Katz, Phillip Wilson, Martin Silverman, Ron Engel, Wayne Myers, Steven Satz, Ira Weiss. FOURTH ROW: Gary Polland, William Schabler, Robert Fogel, Joseph Siegel, Marshall Kahn, Glenn Greene, Al Katzman, Jim New, Elliot Roth, Mark Stern. FIFTH ROW: Jay Davis, Chuck Schottenstein, Larry Sultan, Alex Csillag, Mark Bishton, Marshall Lewis, Ken Mason, Paul Abramowitz, Neil Heller. SIXTH ROW: Philip Ganz, Phillip Siegel, Larri Wolfson, Marty Galvin, Barry Hurwitz, Marvin Weinberger, Alan Bolotin, Michael Hric, Arch Sutton, Mason Goodman.

Once again Alpha Epsilon Pi's traditional presidential abduction ceremony was held with great success. This year AEPi received the body of beloved Wesley Gersh, covered from head to toe with shaving cream and tied to a table.
AEPi's annual dance, The Cob (it's rumored that this affair was originally tagged the Cornflake), also met with much favor as the Cryan Shames played to a corn-eating crowd.
Of course, life is not all fun and games for the guys of AEPi. Last semester they had the highest GPA of all the fraternities—something else of which to be proud.
Alpha Epsilon Pi
ALPHA GAMMA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Jennifer Disler, Marsha Kriegbaum, Becky Inebnit, Sandy Breitengross, Carol Griffith, Kathy Joyce, Marilynn Myers, Teddi Perkins, Karen Salek, Cheryl Dixon, Linda Miller, Gayle Mueller. SECOND ROW: Mary Gay Tiley (1st Vice-Pres.), Carolyn Rome (Rec. Sec.), Mary Kay Hilbrich (Activ. Ch.), Katherine Wayman (Pres.), Margaret Holliday (House Mother), Jane Tylichi (House Mgr.), Ginny Fisher (Soc. Ch.), Alice Straub (Corr. Sec.), Millie Elliott (Treas.). THIRD ROW: Sue Workman, Susan Mucci, Frankie Bedwell, Ginny Bucci, Betty Billman, Karen Hansen, Marie Schaekel, Ann DeMik, Sharon Cox, Sue Murchie, Nancy Norman. FOURTH ROW: Connie Robinson, Judy Cammack, Robin Murphy, Claudia Collins, Candy Roberts, Earlene Harris, Jane Hixson, Sandy Sands, Carolyn Roth, Sandy Seals. FIFTH ROW: Joan Pontius, Pam Mauk, Donna Garvey, Mary Ann Riggs, Florence Barker, Cindy Swope, Jennie Shambaugh, Amy Slifer, Hallie White. SIXTH ROW: Kathy Luken, Cindy Rex, Chris Stollery, Cherie Dehn, Linda Sobeckie, Debbie Williamson, Jane Dyer, Sara Sage, Sharon Alltop, Diana Shriner.

Alpha Gamma Delta
This year a huge birthday party was held by the Alpha Gamma Deltas for the whole chapter, celebrating the 21 years since Alpha Gams were chartered at I.U. The Acacias, their partners for homecoming, serenaded the event.
For Little 500 the girls were paired with the Delts. When the guys arrived at the house for one of their serenades, they were picked up by safety . . . ah, the heartaches chivalry can bring!
Alpha Gam pledges had the distinction of being the first to be initiated, but before that, they managed to maraude most of the fraternities, and brought back numerous treasures to show for their efforts.
It seems that Alpha Kappa Alpha provided that much welcome break necessary to the sanity of so many freshmen going through the ordeal of formal teas. Hundreds of footsore and weary girls were warmly greeted at the Chi Phi house by the spirited tunes of the harmonic Alphas. It's no wonder the AKAs are so interested in I.U. sing.
These girls are dangerous, too. This year the AKA pledges kidnapped an active and held her for ransom. Luckily she was found (in a McNutt incinerator room) before it was too late.
Alpha Kappa Alpha's annual all-campus charity dance, "The Spirit of Christmas", was held with sponsor Kappa Alpha Psi to provide funds for various underprivileged groups.
ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Gwen CroomҟAdams, Charla Powell, Margo McCallum, Paulette Suggs, (Mus. Ch.), Jacqueline Morgan (Corr. Sec.), Pamela RobertsҟSandra Pope. THIRD ROW: Kathryn Rowe, Cecelia Pursiful, (Pres.), Janice Brookins (Treas.), Shirley Love (Rec. Sec.).ҟElaine Short, Carol Sneed, Linda Powell, Sharon Counts, SECOND ROW: Sandra Woods (Ed.), Ola Jones, CharlotteҟCherilyn Lanier.
Alpha Kappa Alpha

Alpha Omicron Pi
"You had to be there" to really believe all the excitement the women of AOPi had this year. Decorating the house several times, the KDR's were doomed; the AOPi pledges repaid their hospitality by painting the KDR's sidewalk and taking their composite.
The girls "took it in the mike" with the Acacias in 1968 when they swept away with second place in I.U. Sing. The two houses joined forces again this year during Little 500.
With the ATO's in the Teke Chariot Race and the Delta Chi's in I.U. Sing, the AOPi's made 1969 a memorable year.
ALPHA OMICRON PI—FRONT ROW: Beverly Hurst (House Mgr.), Tina Sawyer (House Mgr.), Judi Massa (Soc. Ch.), Chris Marsh (Corr. Sec.), Jeanne Bolitho (Frat. Ed.), Laraine Dolen (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Bev Cade (Treas.), Susan Benford (Pledge Tr.), Mitzi Sarantos (Pledge Tr.), Carol Singer (Pres.), Yolanda Gallinger (House Mother), Judy Forkner (Vice-Pres.), Linda Munro (Soc. Rush Ch.), Karen Kelley (Bus. Rush Ch.), Barb Lacey (Schol. Ch.). THIRD ROW: Virginia Long, Gail Ransom. Pat Taseff, Janet Rhamy, Judy Waterman, Margie Gora, Jeanine Brooks, Jane Jarvis, Beverly Booton, Betty Hall, Carole Krug, Corinne Colantonio, Karen Foster. FOURTH ROW: Julie Haller, Barb Aman, Sandy Simes, Lee Ann Foust, Karen Stewart, Pat Danda, Barb Goodman, Jackie Brenner, Patty Davidson, Darby Oliver, Patti Pole. FIFTH ROW: Diane Keaton, Patty Pope, Lana Richmond, Terry Callahan, Mary Susan Eichenseher, Lynn Anderson, Pat Howard, Sara Hunter, Janice LeDrew, Sandee Bartell. SIXTH ROW: Cheryl Kettler, Eugenia Christopher, Diane Schultze, Becky Acton, Susan Cramer, Marcia Thamann, Susie Leiter, Peggy Mayer, Barb Harrison, Kathy Sanders, Christie Chaddock, Linda Hunn, Nancy Paddleford.

ALPHA PHI—FRONT ROW: Nancy Arata (Corr. Sec.), Linda Campbell (House Mgr.), Maureen Carey (Soc. Rush Ch.), Caryl Squier (Personnel), Pam Mailloux (Soc. Ch.), Katie Lunsford. SECOND ROW: Janet Merrell (Efficiency Ch.), Susie Stanley (Rec. Sec.), Sandy Walden (Treas.), Karen Hudson (Pres.), Mrs. William E. Schmitz (House Mother), Jan Curtis (Schol. Ch.), Maureen Grueter (Pledge Tr.), Susan Morris (Bus. Rush Ch.), Cindy Pattengale (Standards Ch.). THIRD ROW: Kay Kendrick, Susie Baker, Janice Findlay, Susie Kruchten, Teri Monroe, Karen Goll, Cathy Holdt, Wendy Fields, Pam Winters, Christine Ciula, Luanne Wright. FOURTH ROW: Leslie Akers, Sandy Singleton, Barb Malott, Janet Nelson, Marty Hinkle, Elizabeth Waller, Kathy Sterritte, Katy Wagner, Karen Jones, Shelley Crek. FIFTH ROW: Nancy Fields, Linda Robinson, Ginny Evans, Linda Pence, Anita Conrad, Diane Golden, Teri Martin, Robin Sue Bohrer, Judy Blackmore, Suzanne Fountaine, Janis McClintock. SIXTH ROW: Frona Murphy, Wendy Blodgett, Jo Baughman, Jennifer Kelsey, Julie Parrish, Elaine Webb, Vicki Woessner, Nancy Susott, Nancy O'Haber, Marlene Witt, Rita Schick. SEVENTH ROW: Kathy Krippner, Julie Scherer, Sharon Barnes, Susie Smith. Ann Duthie, Pam Wertz, Nanci Melone, Cindy Prather, Debbie May, Valerie Holdeman.

Will wonders never cease? At sunrise on the day of quals for the 1968 Little 500, the Betas served breakfast on the lawn of the Alpha Phi house. Not only this super service, but entertainment, too.
Last summer two of the chapter members attended a national convention in the Bahamas for a week. At this convention they were given an award for having the outstanding pledge program of all the chapters.
Alpha Phis found themselves popular targets for boresses and exchanges, and why not, with such royalty as Debbie May, Miss I.U., in the house?
Alpha Phi
ALPHA SIGMA PHI—FRONT ROW: Fred Kreiter (Con. Sec.), Ron Richardson (Sgt. at Arms), Tom Whitton (Marshall), Francis VanDermay (Vice-Pres.), Bob Duke (Pres.), Regis D'Artagnan (Mascot), Ron Maus (Treas.), John Chaney (Ed.), Ted Kreiter (Rec. Sec.), Vincent Houser (Schol. Ch.). SECOND ROW: David Newkirk, Leon Neddo, Gary Sergianni, Jerry Perkins, Dave Shockney, John Shuck, Charles Newmann, Ed Aunins, Mike Largey, Howard Jacobs. THIRD ROW: Robert Engle, Phillip Reed, Timothy Bloch, Phillip Francik, Donald Bicknell, Richard Avers, Ronald Jones, Paul Butler, Craig Heavenridge, Mike Cook, Keith Bennett. FOURTH ROW: Byron Nugen, Allen Schieber, John Lahr, James Hobbs, Mike Spencer, James Hannah, Russ Cravens, John Boruff, Dan Egler, Dennis Schalliol. FIFTH ROW: David Richardson, Larry Chapel, Jeff Snyder, Jerry McLeish, Gordon Beeman, Daniel Sintich, Robert Lewis, Steve McClung, Steve Gordon. SIXTH ROW: Daniel Paulsen, Joseph Jarvis, Gerald Arthur, Danny Joe Lucas.

Alpha Sigma Phi
It was a big year for the Alpha Sigs, in everything from the big Black and White Formal to the first anniversary of the chapter's national chartering in February. This year the Alpha Sigs initiated a new Little Sister program, too. It is unique in that the girls, who help in fraternity rush and promotions, are rushed as pledges.
The men went in with ZTA for the Homecoming festivities, and with Alpha Xis in sponsoring a spooky Halloween party for underprivileged children. Alpha Sigs and their dates also had fun at the traditional Cleo's Asp Dance.
Keeping a slanted eye, the ATOs transformed their Third Street home into China Town for their annual spring dance. Once again the yearly Blackfoot-Whitefoot dance was held with the Sigma Nus. Their "Help Week" project "did its thing" and made the house annex into a lounge. The pledges had a party for the Boy's Club and picked up some "loot" while taking them trick-ortreating. Events like Little 500 with the Thetas, I.U. Sing with the Chi Omegas, and a Christmas exchange with the Pi Phis each added to the picture making "Alpha Tau Omega 1969."
Alpha Tau Omega
ALPHA TAU OMEGA—FRONT ROW: Charlie Breeding, Bob Hevron, Denny Moeschl, Van Harlow (Cust.), Tom Gourley (Rit.), Bill Lingle, Bob Hunt, Jeff Blake. SECOND ROW: Robert Roache (Rush Ch.), Gerould Kern (Pub. Rel.), Terry Weber (Pledge Tr.), Roger Allen (Vice-Pres.), Mike Shepherd (Pres.), Everett (Mascot), Ivan Graham (Treas.), Donald Lamar (Sec.), Brian Clevinger (Rit.), Ted Najam. THIRD ROW: Stephen Friedman, Jeff Rhuland, Cab Logan, Hans Peter VanHorn, Dan Dunning, James Betz, Ben Schull, Steven Cisco, Bob Monroe, Bill Jones, Charley Landefeld, Jim Maggard, Robert Dougherty. FOURTH ROW: Don Farquharson, Tim Grogg, Dave Lorenz, Doug Ward, Gary Dyer, Tom Brooks, Bruce Briney, Greg Michalos, Nick Rader, Scott McLean, Jack Daley, Mike Feeney. FIFTH ROW: Ron Pritzke, Larry Kern, Bill Wethmueller, Gary Ault, Greg Blitz, Gary Bickhaus, Joe Reiser, Jeff Horan, Chipp Jamison. SIXTH ROW: Tony Miller, Mark Brandon, Eric Ahlvin, Robert Cisco, Michael McClain, Chip Footer, Steve Lamar, Mark Enoch, Steve McClain, Leo Bergum. SEVENTH ROW: Craig Wiechman, Lawrence Denning, Gregg Crawford, Ron Gyure, Harry Schull, Rich Fuller, Bob Nowak, John Casner, Jim Overmyer, Greg Staudt.

Alpha Xi Delta
No one can say that it was just a run-of-themill year for Alpha Xi Delta. September found the girls busier than ever and in October the Snus were frequently down on Third Street with wood and hammers trying to set up a Homecoming display while fighting off throngs of eager tissue paper stuffers.
And then there was the cold winter night when the girls suddenly discovered most of their undies missing—funny they were found downstairs after a short visit by the house waiters!
ALPHA XI DELTA—FRONT ROW: Jean Howell (Treas.), Sharon Kane (Soc. Ch.), Sherry Yorkling (Memb. Ch.), Susan Felker (Pres.), Mrs. Overman (Housemother), Susie Brown (Vice-Pres.), Joni Demkovich (Corr. Sec.), Joy Howell (Pledge Tr.), Sally Hammersley (Rec. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Sue Fink, Carolyn Cergizan, Sandy Budzinski, Connie Huffman, Elaine Powell, Peggie Brannen, Frankie Harding, Nancy Tellman, Jackqui Catt, Sherry Lammert, Lynn Clark, Sue Holm. THIRD ROW: Lyn Record, Sandi Nickerson, Valerie Nelson, Marylou Nye, Bobbie Hesselgrave, Claudia Ryden, Tere Ferris, Susan DuBois, JoAnne Czecowski, Mary Lynn Waters, Charlotte Oursler. FOURTH ROW: Cheryl Mullett, Janie Thompson, Linda McTaggert, Christie Howell, Deanna Nelson, Julie Oakes, Myra Gehret, Cyndi Terlep, Sonya Showley, Vicki Benedict. FIFTH ROW: Faye Stillabower, Debbie Bratcher, Donna Stewart, Mary Lou Herman, Barb Hamsley, Jo Ann Ripperger, Cathryn Thomas, Nancy Klinkenberg, Janis Conrad, Joanie Ostrosky, Carolyn Rader.

BETA THETA PI—FRONT ROW: Bob Nelson, Ross Poulos, Mark Stevens, Roger Truce, Mike Mattz, Jim Miller, John Craig, Pat Dunbar. SECOND ROW: Pat Bender, Jack Call, John Dick, Dave Collier (Treas.), Paul Rake (Sec.), Charles Richardson (Pres.), Tim Hirons (Vice-Pres.), Rick Reel, Chris Grossman, Dave Diehl, George Wortley. THIRD ROW: Bruce Pratt, Marshall Russell, Jim Roudebush, Steve Moore, Doug Spalding, Dan Jones, Steve Jensen, Phil Ponce, Jerry Egger, Tom Killins, Mike Fagan, Abbot Mills, Al Jensen, Scribner Ochsenschlager, Dennis Cloud, Sam Jacobs. FOURTH ROW: Bill Reel, Joe Butler, Dave Grossman, Art Foley, Tom Miller, Steve McNichols, Tim McKay, Fred Pfenniger, Curt Thompson, Alan Ross, Jerry Butler, Ross Simmons, Al Goddard. FIFTH ROW: Jack Hienton, Don Houts, Tom Compton, Ken Williams, Phil McGovern, Glen Collier, Steve Durfee, Dewey Ballard, Rich Payne, Joe Irie, Tom Hollo, Craig Myers. SIXTH ROW: Dick Santoro, Jim McCord, Mark Lannigan, Jeff Myers, Mike Kleese, Greg Friend, Greg Dils, John Arbuckle, Mike BadeII, Dave Bartlett, Pat Hurrle, Brent White. SEVENTH ROW: Jerry Jones, Mike Werner, Mike Reckley, Jameson Mauzy, Steve Reckley, Casey Kroh, Rusch Mauzy, Steve Gast, Tad Drew, Dave Haniford, Jack Shirkey, Frank Malsbury.

Mother, apple pie, the flag, Beta. Ah yes. Those things so basic to the life of the oldest fraternity on campus were magnified this year as the Betas gained a housemother and better apple pie. Also, the "Lodge" continued its institution of serenading two sororities a week. But there is more to fraternity life than extra-curricular activities. Guest speakers from every conceivable school of thought spoke to the brothers each week, providing a well-rounded program. Other activities of the year included the Barn Dance, Christmas Party, and Roman Orgy.
Beta Theta Pi
CHI OMEGA—FRONT ROW: Ann McCullough, Marty Brauer (Soc. Ch.), Gayle Thompson (Treas.), Pat Neely (Sec.), Mrs. Huff (Housemother), Carolyn Harnisch (Pres.), Maggie House (Vice-Pres.), Jan Neary (Pledge Tr.), Kathie Kamm (Personnel). SECOND ROW: Karen McKeel, Karen Patterson, Mary Ellen Weitzel, Micki O'Hara, Darlene Gaines, Jan Ehman, Patricia Orsini, Kelli Mundy, Lynn Spicer, Sherry Stewart. THIRD ROW: Cheryl Winter, Maureen Davee, Debbe Smith, Mary Pat Mills, Linda Scheider, Linda Clarke, Pat Vance, Linda Combs, Amee Bordner, Karen Hungate, Lynn McDowell. FOURTH ROW: Terry Lisby, Jill Jensen (House Mgr.), Cyndy Rhetts, Jane Farson, Nancy Powers, Edie Atkins, Suzie Walton (Pub. Rel. Ch.), Bets Weitzel, Nancy Wagner, Pam Ketner, Linda Triplett, Linda Roeder. FIFTH ROW: Terry Tinsley, Rita Roberts, Mary Small, Carolyn Smith, Judy Stebbins, Carol Davis, Linda Hall, Marcia Welty, Vicki Stephens, Judy Florchak, Vicki MacKenzie. SIXTH ROW: Lin Welage, Brenda Bubenzer, Kris Sunderman, Marilyn Bacon, Marilyn Huffman, Jane Allenduff, Pam Briney, Debbie Madaras, Gay Silke, Peggy Kellum.

Chi Omega
The Chi Omega's have undoubtedly had one of the busiest houses on campus. Last spring the house's honors included Queen of the Teke Chariot Race, first place with the Phi Delts in the Regatta, and second in the Mini. The whole house decided the Phi Delt sidewalks should be as colorful as the Chi O's Little 500 outfits and remedied the situation with gallons of pink, orange, yellow and white paint. Diane Melching held the dubious honor of being first in the FishFetching contest. And Jan Lovell proudly represented her sisters as Queen of the Rose Festival.
It was a "still" evening out in the woods when the pledges of Chi Phi fraternity moved their house to the Ozarks for the Midnight Moonshiner Dance. Hillbilly doin's and a real hog made the dance a blue ribbon winner.
Men of Chi Phi fraternity from all over the U.S. returned November 15 for the tenth anniversary of Iota Delta chapter.
Homecoming with the Sigma Kappas will long be remembered as a fired up event. After all, how often does a lawn display burn to the ground?
Chi Phi
CHI PHI—FRONT ROW: Larry Flaten, Jeff Walsh, Ron Borto (Treas.), Dave Estes (Sec.), Walt Barton (Pres.), Tom Shriner (Vice-Pres.), Denny Hinkle (House Mgr.), John Wellman (Rush Ch.), Harry Pierce. SECOND ROW: Bob Hammond, Denny Ford, Dave Tellman, Allen Linnemeier, Don Padgett, Philip Lacy, Jeremy Jones, Jon Schwartz, Bill Willard. THIRD ROW: Greg Wahlman, Bob Lange, Jim Hoff, Mike Arnholt, Tom Dietz, Mark Wahlman, Scott Davis, David Schnur. FOURTH ROW: Don Allen, Don Wright, David Differding, Ronald Richards, Gary Proud, Randy Tunis, Peter Smart, Jeff Whitford. FIFTH ROW: Mike VanTreese, Bill Spletzer, Greg Murray, Tinsley Williams, Don Johnston.

Delta Chi
The Delta Chi's certainly found it hard to keep an eye on Read Center since the University erected a "Berlin Wall." With two house bands the guys find it pretty hard to concentrate on the books, too. One active was busy adding necessary comforts to the house with various machines. If the guys are lucky, maybe he'll think of a way to put a silencer on the guitars and drums.
With such events as the "Blue Champaigne," the annual formal, and I.U. sing with the AOPi's, the year was brimmed full of fun and excitement.
DELTA CHI—FRONT ROW: Charles Wise (Schol. Adv.), Randall Burkhart (Sgt. at Arms), Bill Spangler (Treas.), Steve Reisinger (Pres.), Chris Watkins (Sweetheart), Hal Wyckoff (Vice-Pres.), Greg Lindsay (Corr. Sec.), Allan Murphy (Rec. Sec.), Dannie Kline (Pledge Coun.). SECOND ROW: Steve Brockman, Larry Mongin, Larry Fast, Carl Kowalski, Eddy VanGuyse, Richard Champion, Douglas Baumgardt, Robert Jones, Tim Nusbaum, William Randolph, Norman Lewis, Jr., Peter Sherrill. THIRD ROW: John Taylor, Den Strini, Dick Weaver, Monte Richards, Gary Sanders, Eric Rodenberg, Tom Leland, T. A. Gronau, Donald Rodda, Rick Smith, Michael Hudson. FOURTH ROW: Mark Chapman, Jim Clavio, Mike Cooper, Mike Ackerman, Steve Klepfer, James Fenney, Greg Vane, Pat Callahan, Gene Wilson, Randy Reisinger.

DELTA DELTA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Sue Connolly (Rec. Sec.), Sonia Hardin (Schol. Ch.), Gayle Underwood (Soc. Ch.), Linda Graham (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Lewis (Housemother), Peggy Diekmann (Pres.), Ann Harmening (Rush Ch.), Michelle Conn (Corr. Sec.), Lynn Owens (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Carol Morreale, Merrilyn Epst, Sandy Lloyd, Nancy Hines, JoAnne Rody, Mary Kay Komasinski, Marilee Smith, Carol Purdun, Cindy Kuhlman, Sherry Bendure, Ellen Epst, Jane McLaughlin. THIRD ROW: Wendy Johnson, Roz Ritter, Susie Claybourn, Martha Brougher, Cindy Kanne, Susan Shipe, Susan Hawke, Nancy Brougher, Jo Ann Houdeshel, Beverly Cook, Ellen Hawking. FOURTH ROW: Pat Murphy, Marcy Nordlund, Jayne Neucks, Beverlee Vance, Karen Scott, Cathy Richard, Katie Good, Kathy Greene, Pam Cox, Janet Beaver. FIFTH ROW: Carolyn Vorgang, Coreen Saxe, Jan Perkins, Connie Shinners, Becky Gurecki, Denise Matthews, Mary Kay Jones, Kathy Thiel, Pat Woodworth, Chris Rinne, Jan Strange.

This was the year for the women of Delta Delta Delta to plunge into things. First, into the WRA swimming competition where forty-six girls from the house splashed their way to fourth place. Then came Homecoming and a second place in the lawn display competition. The girls have the Fijis and "Hoosier Wizardry" to thank for that.
And never let it be said that the Tri Delts don't know how to pull off a good boress. The Delts and Sig Eps will tell you that neither showers nor hay keep the Tri Delts away!
Delta Delta Delta
DELTA GAMMA—FRONT ROW: Shelli Williamson (Corr. Sec.), Linda Steep (Treas.), Gail Clippinger (Rit.), Pat Davis (Pledge Tr.), Leslie Ewing (Pres.), Mrs. Hubler (Housemother), Sally Duey (Standards), Sue Olson (Rush Ch.), Janet Ellis (Soc. Ch.), Dorothy Furst (House Mgr.). SECOND ROW: Laurie Smith, Pat Bundy, Laura Rudolph, Shirley Norman, Lynn Camferdam, Shven Gibson, Meg Sullivan, Karma Rodholm, Gloria Vehling, Mary Wilson, Jane Siegesmund. THIRD ROW: Kathi Keppler, Debbi Dyar, Ellen Younghaus, Pam Hartmann, Janet Ramsay, Patricia Murphy, Stephanie Owens, Paulette Parnell, Jill Whiteleather, Sue Jordan, Jean Ridgeway. FOURTH ROW: Trish Walter, Mary Murphy, Jill Howtan, Jane Smith, Leslie Hopple, Jay Benschater, Tina Kallimani, Donna Waters, Jo Ellen Jenkins, Christie Litterst. FIFTH ROW: Jane Ann Potter, Cathy Cox, Lynda Woodrow, Lisa Warner, Kay Saxton, Cathy Brubeck, Ann Torcum, Kay Shipley, Sue Reuthe, Marianne Pfitzenmaier, Carolyne Boyd. SIXTH ROW: Mary Danielson, Red Davies, Lisa Contino, Patti Calvert, Karen Tucker, Michele Rackha, Maureen Flynn, Kathy Pomp, Sue Bass, Linda Corum.

Delta Gamma
What ever happened to the days of fraternity serenades resounding with the Alma Mater instead of "Well, it's beer, beer, beer . . . "? Delta Gamma decided that this was the year of the boress serenade; the Phi Delts brought water bags, the ZBTs shaving cream, and the KDRs managed to deck out the yard in tin cans, molasses and TP.
These were all different things for the eyes and ears of new housemother Mrs. Hubler—what would you think of a psychedelic anchor and the sound of fifty loud and off key voices? Thank heaven the Kappa Sigs could really sing!
With over ninety men in the house and a striking red velvet-walled dining room, the look was definitely big and new at Delta Tau Delta. Things were so good that a dozen seniors scorned the gay, independent life of apartments to "live in."
There were so many cars that parking slots were assigned and numbered. And the seniors treated the newly-twenty-one juniors . . . those extended TGIFs at Davy's, and the Oaks, and Nick's, and . . .
The Delts found time to send the biggest delegation of counselors to freshman camp, to have in their ranks the chairman of LUNA, and to begin their own Fall Film Festival.
Delta Tau Delta
DELTA TAU DELTA—FRONT ROW: William Hunt, David Wynne, David Eberly, Tony Crayden, Michael Johns, Clark Snyder, Paul Yeoman, William Hebert, R. C. Woody. SECOND ROW: Lon King (Sgt. at Arms), Steve Paige (Kitch. Head), Michel Hawley (Pledge Tr.), Max Golden (Corr. Sec.), Buz Lorch (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Hart (Housemother), Phil Ireland (Pres.), Brad Warren (Treas.), Dave Corbin (Rush Ch.), Alexander Kirkpatrick (Bldg. Fund), Rick Kiovsky (Soc. Ch.). THIRD ROW: Jim Craig, Sam Davis, John Pfenninger, Jr., George Conley, Richard Lee, Loren Habeney, David Hobson, Kerry Hubartt, Robert Leach, Valdis Ozols. FOURTH ROW: Mark Hogan, Chris Harlan, Dave Huffine, Bob Vignolo, Stan Worth, Robert Ward, Dave Robinson, Larry Hendricks, Than Lenox, Steve Smith, Steve Magel. Dan Robinson, Tim Higdon, G. D. Rayner, Tom Downs, Robert Gray II, Wayne Gillett, Jr., Bart Culver, Jerry Clapp, Gary Davis, Tom Anderson. SIXTH ROW: John Hickey, Tom Buschmann, Howard Hubler, Blaze Lucas, Richard Schwier, Harvey Sullivan, Rod Hersberger, W. T. Murphy, R. B. Hebert, Steve King, Don Stroud. SEVENTH ROW: Pat Hoehn, Jim Scanlon, John Primrose, Mark Elliott, Carleton Evans, Tom Miller, Todd Leininger, Dave Langfett, Scott Rogers, Jerome Miller, Jr., Tom Scott, Tom Baiz.

Delta Upsilon
The DU house turned over a few new leaves in the fall. The men came back to a renovated house, a rejuvenated firetruck (that can be heard at least a half mile away) and a new house mascot, Thor, donated by the DU Sisters of the Seven Stars.
The DU's second place finish in the recordbreaking Little 500 did much to boost spirits, as did some fancy yard and house "work" done by sponsor Gamma Phi's pledges. And how many of the men (now 21) will forget those nights along the Jordan?
DELTA UPSILON—FRONT ROW: Craig Roberts (Schol. Ch.), Craig Flora (Pub. Rel. Ch.), Bruce Williams (Pledge Tr.), John Grant (Vice-Pres.), John Borgmeier (Pres.), F. Thor (Mascot), Steve Jarnecke (Soc. Ch.), Bob Martin (Treas.), Dave Hennon (Rush Ch.), Dave Allard (Vice Rush Ch.). SECOND ROW: Dave Simonds, Mike Darst, Tom Beyer, Dean Bruce, Craig Peterson, John T. McDurmon, Bob Bouvy, Patrick Ramsey, Cliff DeLaCroix, Jim Dowell, Mike McDaniel, Larry Scharlow, John Craft. THIRD ROW: Bob Manalo, Pete Yoder, Gary Reed, Mark House, Steve Moore, Gary Boggs, Bruce Shreiner, D. Bruce Coles, John Smith, Christ Poole. FOURTH ROW: Max Dunn, Bob Lehr, Jim Davis, Bix Branson, Bill Kreegar, Steve Creasey, Alan McKibben, Jeffy Estes, Jim Hunt, Tom Gordon, Stephen Miller. FIFTH ROW: Mark Hancock, Dan Kuhn, Cliff Askinazi, Thomas Parker, Greg Stults, Bob Phillips, Larry Yinger, Paul Wethington, Mike Wooldirdge. SIXTH ROW: Michael Conti, Mark Stephens, Randell Anderson, John Fienning, Jason Liechty, Greg Sullivan, Dave Diesslin, Michael Livingston, Rick Aston, Larry Fagersten.

DELTA ZETA—FRONT ROW: Nancy Feltner (Rec. Sec.), Pam Miller (Soc. Ch.), Sue Nighfill (Sec. Vice-Pres.), Kathy Tamarbuchi (Sec. Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Wallace (Housemother), Nancy Ellis (Pres.), Sarah Wright (Pledge Tr.), Margee Oesch (Treas.), Peggy Bychinsky (Schol. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Phyllis Couch, Eleanor Ellis, Linda Bobo, Karen Peterson, Marty Higgins, Nina Hatfield, Mary Kay Serafin, Kathy Vollmer, Cheryl Kill, Patricia Walters. THIRD ROW: May Lee, Linda Becktold, Diana Hunter, Connie Medlock, Shelley Venick, Theresa Stepanek, Elaine Riley, Susan Dowman, Nycha Schlegel. FOURTH ROW: Ginger Dagley, Bonnie Williams, Anita Hall, Linda Larson, Pam Wright, Linda Aker, Jan Yoedicke, Patte Foreman, Marilyn Beall, Lynda Overman. FIFTH ROW: Donna Finney, Trudy Bender, Nancy Bergdoll, Pam Modrowski, Peggy Milos, Gail Spoolstra, Jan Reynolds, Pat Gresham, Ruth Hickman.

Did Apache Indians really kidnap the DZ's pledge class? That's what the actives were led to believe when bows and arrows were left behind by the pledges when they walked out. The Delta Zeta pledge class wanted to do something for a service project, so during the summer they helped run a ferris wheel at the East Chicago Fair.
The DZ's had a social program chocked full of such wild parties as a "Come as Your Favorite Candidate" party with the Alpha Sigs, and a pizza-slumber party for the DZ little sisters. They also sponsored the men of Theta Xi for the Little 500 weekend.
Delta Zeta
GAMMA PHI BETA—FRONT ROW: Jeannie Shaw (Pledge Tr.), Shelley Hoy (Corr. Sec.), Susan Kincaid (Treas.), Nancy Downing (House Mgr.), Jan Fritz (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Eckels (Housemother), Cindy White (Pres.), Kathy Erdel (Schol. Ch.), Debbie Hunt (Soc. Ch.), Charlene Ratliff (Rec. Sec.), Carol Crevistan (Rush Ch.). SECOND ROW: Mary Balaban, Suzanne Peyrot, Donna Fowler, Barbara McDonald, Molly Ilgenfritz, Kathy Leibrock, Nancy Adams, Charlynn Brandt, Marla McEachern, Ann Shafer. THIRD ROW: Sharon Smith, Celeste Latraverse, Peggy Pickard, Joyce Hamer, Sara Herrmann, Jane Johnson, Lark Lewallen, Karen Smith, Susie McKinney, Lorraine Chabot. FOURTH ROW: Joyce McMahan, Priscilla Polk, Cindy Gwyn, Karen Eldredge, Kathy Wilson, Elaine May, Claudia Nelson, Mary Groscost, Sarah Bartle. FIFTH ROW: Jamie Elliott, Susie Pihulic, Caren Gangloff, Elaine Alling, Jane Ax, Linda Clem, Mary Wilson, Sylvia Lopp, Sandy Errington, Mary Ellen Buechele. SIXTH ROW: Joan McHaffie, Karen Clark, Connie Tormolhlen, Jan Bates, Marcia Andrews, Marcia Mau, Carol Butz, Marsha Hancock, Sue Garity.

Gamma Phi Beta
Since when did the Kappa Sigs give free showers to just any group on the street? That's the question a bunch of dripping Gamma Phis asked after they innocently serenaded the guys and got ambushed and thrown into the showers for their efforts. No one can say that the Gamma Phi Beta pledges weren't active. Upon return from their walkout the group picketed the house and then paraded down Jordan. Their initiation skit also showed some super-originality; "Gammalot" was a real production complete with elaborate costumes and programs. Companion Sig Eps showed their love for the girls at Homecoming with a giant heart on the lawn—anyone need some slightly used coat hangers? I.U.'s chapter was honored early in the year by a visit from Gamma Phi Grand President Mrs. Frank Hiscock.
Without a doubt there was SOUL at the Kappa Alpha Psi house this year. The house placed second in the Teke Chariot Race and won the Intramural-Basketball trophy. The annual dance with the Sammies over Little 500 weekend was once again a grand event. Their "daily bullet" sessions were most informative. The pledges ended up outnumbered by the actives, but that didn't bother them. The year was a great experience and events like the AEPhi dance and the Educational Opportunity Fund each contributed to the making of another swinging year.
Kappa Alpha Psi
KAPPA ALPHA PSI—FRONT ROW: Maurice Miller (Pres.), Samuel Brooks (VicePres.), Carl Chapman (Treas.), Lionel Brookins (Sec.), Kerry Phillips (House Mgr.), Lecester Jackson (Dean of Pledges), Pierre Spaulding (Keeper of Facts), Robert Hamm (Chief), Don Smothers (Chief). SECOND ROW: Dave DeFrantz, John Parhm, Bob Jones, Don Silas, Joby Wright, Al Gage, Michael Branaugh, Kenneth Johnson, Timothy Roberson. THIRD ROW: Joe Cooke, Dick Lane, Willie Ward, Wilkie Garrett, Richard Harris, George Kelly, Carl Williams, Wendell Johns, Thomas Brittain, James Lawrence Taylor. FOURTH ROW: Denny Howard, Hardy Lanier, Cleve Brooks, Edwin Marshall, Ronnie Baines, Ronal! Moreland, Alandrous Harvey, Ronald Cochran, Emery Williams, Vincent David.

Kappa Alpha Theta
The Theta house took on a new appearance this year after summer workmen took out two big evergreens. But even without the trees the girls inside may have somewhat of a problem seeing out, thanks to a coat of paint applied to all of the windows by the Betas.
Never fear, the girls got back at them. They managed to remove the pinlight and lawn furniture from the Beta house and felt understandably proud, being the first to ever master that treacherous feat.
A victory in Little 500 with the Phi Psis added to the fun and psyched the girls up for another win this year with the ATOs.
KAPPA ALPHA THETA—FRONT ROW: Dottie Marsh (Schol. Ch.), Cheryl Love (Corr. Sec.), Nancy Fleischman (Rush Ch.), Ann Brafford (Pres.), Mrs. Rodecker (House Mother), Becky Eichhorn (1st Vice-Pres.), Jeanne Allman (House Mgr.), Carol King (Rec. Sec.), Molly Maloney (Courtesy Ch.). SECOND ROW: Sandy Starr, Debbie Rust, Sheri Freeman, Judy Cole, Maddie Ellis, Kathi Johnson, Jo Beth Jacobson, Marilyn Rhoades, Debbie Miller, Sue Greene. THIRD ROW: Suzanne Turgi, Nancy Ried, Sally Cooper, Sally Reed, Myra Ping, Judy Maute, Jill Foulkes, Beckie Wilson, Kris Beesley, Letitia Lybrook. FOURTH ROW: Barbie Butler, Ann Irwin, Wanda Mock, Nancy Hatfield, Merrilee Mogle, Debbie Davis, Debbie Wisely, Caryn Crandell, Judy O'Hair. FIFTH ROW: Marcie Reichart, Julie Green, Pam Campbell, Rosemary Mylet, Debbie Andrews, Sandy Evernham, Jeanne Forste, Ann Steinkamp, Cindy Rumple, Lynn Rankin. SIXTH ROW: Susan Gangstad, Jane Gossard, Joyce Welib, Sally Foley, Janet Moeller, Sarah Sawin, Julie Sutherland, Joan Allison, Toni Uhl.

KAPPA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Susan Taylor, Marti Twynham (Asst. Treas.), Linda Hawkins (Sec.), Cheri Chamberlain (Vice-Pres.), Mrs. Clarke (House Mother), Connie Loving (Pres.), Marie Norris (Rush Ch.), Mary Ann Poracky (Treas.), Susan Boyle. SECOND ROW: Ginny Gray, Linda McAllister, Margaret Trager, Anne Callen, Gatie Miller, Judy Krier, Joy Hilsmier, Kathy Weldon, Jane Curtin. THIRD ROW: Millicent Keeshan, Leenie Yurgilas, Jeanie Moser, Crissy Davis, Janet Fox, Barbara Ritter, Betsy Reed, Barb Sommer, Beth Rykhuizen, Mary Ewan, Beth Webber. FOURTH ROW: Vicki Allen, Fran Heard, Cindy McClure, Marcia Collins, Donna Nelson, Anita Greenawalt, Betsy Pond, Christine Beelke, Barbara Hand, Chris Ritter. FIFTH ROW: Mary Sue Johnson, Cynthia George, Maria Diaz, Robin Mills, Jeri Whittenbaugh, Carol Wolfe, Brenta Vincent, Nancy Wittenborn, Donna Vilet, Bobbi Chapman, Martha Fox. SIXTH ROW: Linda Cooper, Bev Fitzner, Margaret Schneider, Susan DeWitt, Barbara Baker, Linda Mackett, Linda Joseph, Jane Syrk, Susan Caras, Rose Kelly, Lana Seguin.

"Hi, neighbor!" echoed down North Jordan as the 1(13s serenaded the Sig Eps, who promptly returned the musical welcome to school. To continue such neighborly feelings, the Sig Ep and KD pledges engaged in a spirited, if not professional, football game. The pledges then got down to work and did all kinds of slavish chores for the annual "rent-a-pledge" money-making project.
Homecoming came up next and was a big success with the Theta Xis, even if the football game at the pre-Homecoming exchange was a bit soggy. At least the rain washed away the candy corn on the sidewalks!
Kappa Delta
KAPPA DELTA RHO—FRONT ROW: Jerry Walden, Brandt Ludlow, Gary Winder, Dave Sapp, Jim Williams, Judd Cook, Pete Schmitt, Randy Trebing, Jim Rakes. SECOND ROW: Bob Gregory (ProPraetor), Rick Baumgartner (Alum. Sec.), Mark Lundgren (Praetor), Ray Noppa (Centaurian), Ned Beach (Soc. Ch.), George Bewley (1st Vice-Pres.), Gary Wilson (Pres.), Ernie Yelton (2nd Vice-Pres.), Tom Dingman (Treas.), Fred Mosemiller (House Mgr.), Rich Miko (House Pontifex), Mark Bair. THIRD ROW: John Maurer, Martin Scott, Ron Cunningham, Scott Powell, Rober Vint, Larry Armstrong, Mike Stilabower, Mayer Mahoney, Len Templeton, Earl Simon, Daniel Delinger, Dave Petty, Donald Ford, Jim Chaney. FOURTH ROW: Dennis Wall, David Wood, Dave Semich, Allen Glover, Don Dotlich, John Kiernan, Mike Ryan, Bob Cummings, Dave Solan, Barry Mills, Fon Florjancic. FIFTH ROW: Pat Woodward, Greg Freshner, Gary Trent, Phillip Hadley, William Everett, Leo Hindsley, Wayne R. Glad, Greg Garrison, Tim Marlow, Stan Johnson, Greg Spiers. SIXTH ROW: Steve Wertheimer, Chris Herrington, Frank Hanou, Dave Edmonds, Nurmdi Cooper, Dave Tudor, Randy Kitterman, Robert Shaffer, Mickey Zink, Gary Pink, Tim Shambaugh.

Kappa Delta Rho
Always known for their fine scholastic accomplishments, the KDRs proudly dedicated a new house library in honor of E. Mayer Maloney, one of their distinguished alums and past National President. The men also tore themselves away from the books to accompany the Alpha Gamma Deltas during Little 500 followed by the big Spring fling—Hawaiian Luau. The KDRs were quite proud of their national Sweetheart, Alpha Phi Barbara Edmonds, for a very special reason —she became the bride of house member Fred Florjancic. Individual KDR honors were sported by the President of I.U.'s Senior Class as well as Student Athletic Board President. The pledge class gladly accepted some much-needed clean-up duties at the Bloomington hospital.
The pledge class of KKG will never forget a certain October evening. It seems a few Sigma Nu's posed as "hatchet men" to creep through the Kappa house with a shocking announcement of initiation. The actives simply didn't believe the pledges' prior remodeling of the basement justified a super-papering of the entire grounds.
The Kappas beamed with pride as they saw their singing Pickers on nation-wide television. Pity the network wouldn't allow them to sing some of the catchy melodies from their memorial Barn Dance.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA—FRONT ROW: Gail Krieble (Soc. Chm.), Kristen Keith (Sec. Vice-Pres.), Sharon Tomlin (Rec. Sec.), Marcie Telander (Personnel), Brenda Hobley (Treas.), Snowden Stookey (Schol. Chm.). SECOND ROW: Susan Deckman (House Chm), Cheryl Eley (Activ. Chm.), Carol Laswell (Pub. Rel. Chm.), Jane Whitehead (Rush Chm.), Susie Stidham (Pledge Tr.), Cathy Sprenger (First Vice-Pres.), Mrs. McClenahan (Housemother), Joan Mcllroy (Pres.), Lynn Rutherford (Corr. Sec.), Melissa Morris (Reg.), Peggy Jones (Marshal). THIRD ROW: Chris Closson, Sally Rietdorf, Cynthia Bertrand, Polly Tresselt, Polly Gamble, Melodee Meeks, Barbara Kelley, Jane Wallace, Jean Macaulay. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Rumple, Nancy Snyder, Lynn Middleton, Sue Rosebrough, Nancy Dillon, Linda Dorsett, Jan Quakenbush, Joan Woodard, Jane Proctor, Debbie Culloden, D. J. Dunn. FIFTH ROW: Nancy Lopp, Vicki Hansel], Janet Grigsby, Margie Myers, Barbara Crandall, Pam Glascock, Katy Kivett, Christine Lloyd, Suzette Slagle, Leslie Oliver. SIXTH ROW: Jean Weakley, Barbara Boyd, Fran Slagle, Jade Westfall, Kathy Kilrain, Judi Jankovich, Pam Bannon, Betsy Simpson, Jackie Pletcher, Sandy Givan, Jan Jones. SEVENTH ROW: Ann Bollei, Marilyn Ritter, Jane Whitehead, Jonni Jenkovich, Sally Adams, Nancy Schultz, Debbie Dunn, Diane Davis, Vivian Wilder, Linda Larrick.

Kappa Sigma
What could be a more perfect beginning for fall (besides school, of course) than a hayride? This was the general opinion of the men of Kappa Sigma as they chose that for their first social event. In the same spirit the Granary Ball, a somewhat modernized barn dance, was held the weekend before Homecoming. A Halloween exchange with AEPhi almost seemed like a welcome to winter, and a formal Christmas dance at the Poplars provided Kappa Sigs and their dates with above average entertainment in the mood of the season.
KAPPA SIGMA—FRONT ROW: James Bopp, Jeff Green, Jim Burns, Mike Zink, Scott Anderson, Chris Asdell, John Rufatto, Pete Roberts, Dick Summers, Jeff Blair. SECOND ROW: Bob Wildman, Rick Davies, John Platner, Randy Smith (Sec.), Bob Rome (Pres.), Dave Risner (Vice-Pres.), Gregg Summerville (M.C.), Thayne Sterling (Rush Ch.), Don Perfetto (Treas.). THIRD ROW: George Jackson, Thomas R. Ensor, Bob Hodgson, Glen Lubker, Robert Tierney, Kelly Leeman, Jack Dukie, Rick Lowes, Mike Wetzel, Richard Hindman, John Humphrey, Jack Burket, Jack Patrick, Len Peak, David Boll. FOURTH ROW: Brian Thomas, Steve Nicholas, Tom Wetzel, Bill McElwee, Rich Beers, Grant Faris, Bart Starr, Tom Holaday, Art Oehmich, Jim Malooley, Jim Ruckman, Mike McNamara. FIFTH ROW: Jim Wilson, Jeff Miller, Miles Patrick, Paul Graf, Alan Hartman, Charles Nicholas, Tom Blythe, Rick Turley, Pat Sullivan, Walt Neary, Bob Gley, Russ Hundley. SIXTH ROW: Dick Harmon, Steve Johnson, Bill Gross, Robert Clegg, Terry Curnutt, John Hughes, John Winter, Howard Campbell, Brad Sargent, Laurence Beall. SEVENTH ROW: Kern Raymond, Pete Maydin, Gary Sullivan, Bernard Miller, Jon Hall, Mark Policinski, Phil Leman, Frank Aker, John McConnell, Gary Peterson, Bud Green.

LAMBDA CHI ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Tom Cannon (Soc. Ch.), Bill Lawrence (Pledge Tr.), Rex Horsewood (Sec.), David Fisher (Vice-Pres.), John Reid (Pres.), Roy Rice (Treas.), Zach Cornea (Rush Ch.), Stephen Browne (Pledge Tr.), Rex Cowan (Rit.), Ted Smith (Schol. Ch.). SECOND ROW: Duncan Hall, Scotty Hutton, Jon Gordson, Budd Fletcher, Steve Roberts, Tom Crandrall (Head Coach), Jade Butcher, Thorton Tatara, Barry Burnett, Bob Windell, Bart Starr. THIRD ROW: Robert Assiff, Joe Knauer, Tom Locke, Mike Hedden, Dennis Longer, Gary Gentry, Mike Smith, Bruce Williams, Alex Emmans, Phil Smith, Bob Meeks. FOURTH ROW: Mark Hamm, John McDonald, Denny Knierim, Al Bennis, Gregg Rogers, Larry Koeneman, Matt Mepote, Gil Stagnard, Mike Kotora, Gerry Brown. FIFTH ROW: Jeff Fulmer, Ian Reynolds, Charlie Thompson, Mike Greener, Gary Schimmel, Jay Creveling, Bob Vance, Terry Paxson, Mike Starr. SIXTH ROW: Don Fehd, Rick Bartholomew, Steve Hantzis, Jeff Kotora, Kent Reed, Ted Chabraja, Greg Utken, Jon Lindemann, Steve Keeber, Tom Potts.

Campus organizations and community projects loomed large on the horizon for Lambda Chis this year. The men are proud to boast of their Easter egg hunt for the children of Bloomington and of their fund raising drive to help fight Multiple Sclerosis. The Lambda Chis have been active on campus too, having men on both the Union Board and the Student Athletic Board.
Social life was never to be forgotten at "the house on the hill." An exchange at Cascades, a walkout to New Orleans, and the annual lawn party all show that Lambda Chis like to "live it like it is!"
Lambda Chi Alpha

OMEGA PSI PHI—FRONT ROW: Reginald Hayes (Basileus), Norman Werden (Keeper of Rec. and Seals), Butler Dowery (Grad. Adv.), Eugene McDonald (Keeper of Fin.), James Ricks (Vice-Basileus). SECOND ROW: James Woodford, Jr. (Soc. Ch.), Michael Goodrich (Rush Ch.), Melville Yancey, James Holman (Pres. Aid), Lee Barnes (Ed.), Darryl Armistead.
Omega Psi Phi
How can you lose the Teke Chariot Race when you have some of the fastest things on two feet pulling for you? This is what people were saying after the men of Omega Psi Phi chased in a first place at the late spring event.
The guys seemed to do really well in the intramural field, too, and when you hear the strains of "Kill, Clarence, kill!" you can be sure that somewhere there are a few brothers in the stands (and maybe even down on the field).
When the game is over the Omega Psi Phis usually find time for a little time for a soul type sing-along.
Highlights of a grand year at the Phi Delt house bring to mind such occasions as the SheDeli pledge dance and the Beachcomber Ball. The renewal of the Miami Triad Dinner Dance added its own to the festivities. Having three brothers competing in the Summer Olympic Games in Mexico City and bringing back their medals was truly an exciting and proud occasion for the Phi Delts. The house enjoyed Homecoming with the Kappas and Little 500 with the Alpha Phis and with all these activities were still able to maintain their scholastic role.
Phi Delta Theta
PHI DELTA THETA—FRONT ROW: Dale Conger, Charlie Asmus, Vic Malinovsky, Jerry Wiseman, Michael Cook, Rick Thompson, Chuck Johnson, T. C. Currens, Tom Warburton, Jim Counsilman, Steve Kautzman. SECOND ROW: Bob Geers, Loren Hunt, John Peacock, Rick Castle (House Mgr.), Al Vaughn (Pledge Tr.), Jeff Raff (Pres.), Eileen Bartholome (House Mother), Jim O'Neal (Vice-Pres.), Bob Fischer, Jim Anderson (Sec.), Steve Salge (Rush Ch.). THIRD ROW: Dave Marker, Rick Stover, Joe Kenworthy, Mike Bernacchi, Jerry Paxton, Jim McGaha, Larry McFall, Rick Reed, Dave Brunoehler, Chuck Hasbrook, John Coffman, Bill Baird, Dan Hylant. FOURTH ROW: Ron Hanna, Everette Barnard, John Nolan, Jim Johnson, Duane Medlock, Chuck Miller, Ward Hey, Jack Francisco, Warren Dunn, Rick Canaan, Tom Geiman, Bill Moor, Marty Clift. FIFTH ROW: Gary Bouslog, Bob Duncan, John Warton, Bob Stevens, Rick Small, Joe Thomas, Corky Gilmore, Larry Steele, Earle Hites, Dave Mills, Dick Zimmerman, Dave Ardapple. SIXTH ROW: Paul Langille, Robert Miller, John Martin, Mike Finley, Mike McCroskey, Norman Peacock, George Sigler, Ted Lynch, Rob Kaade, Frank Huse, Pat Carney. SEVENTH ROW: Bill Paulus, George A. Long, Tom Williams, Bill Barthold, Dave Clifford, Jerry Miller with Erma, Tom Moore, Steve Bailey, Jeff Bugbee, John Burns, Steve Chase.

Phi Epsilon Pi
The Phi Epsilon Pi's big event of the year was the "Phi Ep Big Bamboo." It was their first all campus dance featuring the band, The Chosen Few. The Christmas semi-formal dance and a spring formal dance highlighted the Phi Ep social calendar.
The men of Phi Epsilon Pi concentrated on intramurals, participating actively in baseball, basketball, football, and tennis. Another first for the Phi Eps this year was taking first place in the organized float competition at Homecoming.
April brought not only spring showers, but also brought down the Phi Ep moms to enjoy the festivities of Mother's Weekend.
PHI EPSILON PI—FRONT ROW: John Scott, Gary Haymond, Bill Munse (2nd VicePres.), Dave Perry (Pres.), Jeff King (Ist Vice-Pres.), George Hahn (Treas.), Les Tyler (Sec.), Albert Dewey. SECOND ROW: Dale Tyree (Asst. Pledge Tr.), Jerry Long, Dick Davis (Soc. Ch.), William Happe, Bill Bolinger, Tom Taylor, Jim Glock, Steve Richwine (Pledge Mast.), Mark Leffers. THIRD ROW: Ted Long, Steve Barnes, Art Small, Robert Sabol, Chris Gray, Paul Obringer, Malcolm Smith, Mike Lahne, John Lang.

PHI GAMMA DELTA—FRONT ROW: Jack Ransonn, Brian Farrell, Suzy Rosen, John Love, Allen Foley. SECOND ROW: Rick Fay, Carl Fischer, Peter Skafish (Rec. Sec.), Dick Handley (Pres.), Dennis Smith (Hist.), Mike Schatzlein (Treas.), Steve Pollom, Don Ammerman, Dave Westfall. THIRD ROW: W. C. Erdel, Bruce White, J R. Mathias, Howard Keller, Robert Warfel, Rich DeCamp, Tom Yoder, Don Bredle, Waldo Finlayson, Clarke Randall, Warren Woolcott, William F. Billman, Jim Teter, Dave Handley. FOURTH ROW: Randy Copeland, Steve Lyman, Steve Hockett, Scott Ricke, Carl Vorhies, Ron Kerby, Jim Brauer, Steve Floyd, Greg Schomaun, Fritz Steck, Mark Wheeler. SIXTH ROW: Reed Miller, John Diekmann, Dave Reider, Tom Kelly, Bill Goodman, Paul Mannweiler, Tom Wilson, Joe Kosarko, Jimmy Wilson, Jim McGee, Wayne McDonald. SEVENTH ROW: Mike Griffin, Tom Swanson, Greg Kamp, Doug Moore, John Eckert, Craig David, Doyle Stephens, Jay Reynolds, Chuck Parsons, Sam Wade, Randy Price, Willie Deems.

The 1968-69 school year at the Fiji house was immediately marked with a mass proliferation of stereo component systems and TVs. Each room became an entertainment center (in more than one respect), as the men of Phi Gamma Delta anticipated, with open arms and closed doors, a University visitation policy. In a year that was characterized by revolutionary changes of campus, the Phi Gams kept pace by completely eliminating Sugar Frosted Flakes from their breakfast menu. Other, more significant decisions were made, too, and old traditions such as Fiji Isle and good intramural teams were part of the life of every Fiji.
Phi Gamma Delta
PHI KAPPA PSI—FRONT ROW: Ray Szarmach (House Mgr.), Mike Nolting, Steve Andrews (Pledge Tr.), Richard Nusbaum (Treas.), Jeff Taylor (Pres.), G. Balkema, George Strauss (Vice Pres.), David Shaw (Rec. Sec.), Mike Smith (Corres. Sec.), Paul Helmke (Pledge Tr.). SECOND ROW: Mike Spencer, Gary Laney, Kemp Harshman, Jim Weddell, Mike John, Mike Bolos, Dave Young, Steve Strawbridge, Brent Myers, Mark Malangoni, William Pechinpaugh. THIRD ROW: David Gettle, Tom Zeller, Tom Earhart, Royce Sheetz, Bert Dovo, Jeff Mauk, Jim Cenkle, Bob Matus, Peter Kirtland Marsh, James C. Perry, Gary Messersmith. FOURTH ROW: Kirk Wilhelmus, Mike Kiser, Bob Meeks, Brent Furbee, Mike Monahan, John W. Green, Tom Johnston, Jeff Long, Terry Beach, Doug Phillips, Don Hermann, Lincoln Baker. FIFTH ROW: Dave Varner, Jim Houghton, Mike Kramer, Dale Chattin, Paul Buchanan, Kent Agness, Timothy King, Dave Culp, Wilbur Phillips, Thomas Searcy, Paul Coulis. SIXTH ROW: Bob King, Steve Bowles, Terry Hornbacher, Will McMahan, Ted Pfeifer, Mark Piepenbrink, Mike Coppes, Steve Priddy, Tim Simmonds, Alan Obden, Rodger Wrege, K. G. Walker.

Phi Kappa Psi
It was the beginning of a very hot calendar year this fall when the furnace blew up, sending scantily-clad Phi Psi's spilling into North Jordan in the middle of the night.
What Alpha Gam could deny the soaring temperatures the night of the Dirty Dozen Boulder run, with I.U. linebacker Don Silas still laughing?
But the warmest day of all couldn't be dampened by showers as Peaches, Cream, Twiggy, and Gluffer brought home the Phi Psi's sixth Little 500 trophy on the shoulders of Kevin, Ozzie, Tile, and Babbles.
Weather balloons were supposed to set the scene for Phi Kappa Tau's Homecoming Dance. But after several uncooperative balloons exploded they settled for their second choice-10,000 balloons spread throughout the house.
A thick layer of leaves generously covered with syrup provided a beautiful, if somewhat sticky, exit for the pledges' walkout. Half the men swear to the fact that roaming their halls is a ghost, apparently a long-term tenant. Now the question is whether the ghost will follow them to their new house on North Jordan.
Phi Kappa Tau
PHI KAPPA TAU—FRONT ROW: Norman Tapper (Kitchen Steward), Bob Frankowiak (House Mgr.), Dennis Talarek (Pl. Master), Bruce Smith (Sec.), Steve Kafoure (Vice Pres.), David Friedlander (Pres.), Robert Schoatz (Treas.), Walter Buchanan (Soc. Ch.), Dean Sterrett (Rush Ch.), Brian Clark (Chaplain). SECOND ROW: Charles R. Nicholls, Jr., Robert Banks, Dick Byrd, Dave Simstad, John Phelps, Sam Detmer, Doug Porter, John Belcher, Bill Hammack, Norb Matulis, Mike Kafoure. THIRD ROW: Harry Dearing Narciso Ortiz, John Tobin, Tom Haggerty, James Gallo, William Chambers, Robert Jeffrey, Anthony Gutzwiller, Tom Bennington, Cordell Hurd, Howard Bagan, Daniel Jackson, William Bamford.

Phi Kappa Theta
There certainly were enough pledges "running around" the Phi Kappa Theta house this year. The house had such a large class, in fact, that the Little 500 bike team was chosen from its members. With the increase in membership, the men began looking into plans to build a new house on North Jordan Avenue.
The men were also busy "running" their social lives this year. Their calendar included Homecoming with the Delta Zeta, Little 500 with Alpha Gamma Delta, and the usual round of serenades.
PHI KAPPA THETA—FRONT ROW: Charles Colyer (Treas.), Curt Hayden (Ath. Dir.), John Kochis (Rush Ch.), Robert Benton (Soc. Ch.), Russ Webb (Pres.), Jim Chiesa (Vice Pres.), John Hutton (Sec.), Joe Evinger (Pledge Master), Gregg Werling. SECOND ROW: Bill Davenport, Joe Amaral, Jack D'Amato, George McCormick, Art Jacikas, Kenneth Long, Phil Glawe, Douglas Davis, William Ptak, Mac Ashby, Jack Wickes. THIRD ROW: Tom Garnier, Steve Hoffer, Hartsaw, Jack Ziegler, Howard Vogel, Vince Volpe, Terry English, John Pacific (Schol. Ch.), Fran Schafer, Frank Hall (Schol. Ch.). FOURTH ROW: Mark Stevens, Bill Foster, Ivan Kerr, Jim Rehmer, Dick Yeoman, Ron Newton, Bill Fetsch, Joseph Horn, Frederick Wulff. FIFTH ROW: Lynn Workman, Mike Clayton, Dan Selvaggi, Paul Perconti, Ron Reinhart, Tom Obremski, Tom Rucinski, Dan Marias.

PHI SIGMA KAPPA—FRONT ROW: Don Cartwright (Rush Ch.), Don Sramek (Soc. Ch.), Dave Anderson (Cent.), Martin Reuille (Pres.), Harold Resmussen (Vice Pres.), Phil Huffman (Inductor), James Stowe (Treas.), Greg Huffman (Sec.). SECOND ROW: Steve Lawrence, John Fisher, Fred Bowman, Allen Austin (Chap. Advisor), John Bates (Pledge Tr.), Doug Harris, Wayne Gunn, Sean Jenkins. THIRD ROW: Jerry Mignogna, Wayne Hubbard, Wayne Murray, Terry Stoermar, Bob Martindale, Steve Pettit, William Bailey (Auditor), John Reifeis, Larry Elkins. FOURTH ROW: Daniel Pfaff, Paul Bostrom, Joe Gilchrist, John Camp, James Anderson, James Rosenau, Robert Anderson, Lance Sandleben.

At the backfire of their first pinlight theft of the year, the men of Phi Sigma Kappa were hesitant about attempting a second such escapade.
A hayride in October and a Swiss Dance in November kept the Phi Sigs socially active during the fall. Winter brought the Christmas season with the tree-trimming, the semi-formal banquet, and the "gag" gift exchange among all the house members.
Spring semester was highlighted by a moonlight formal dance in April and I.U. Sing with the women of Kappa Delta. "The Song is Love" was the theme of the small-group production for I.U. Sing in March.
Phi Sigma Kappa
PI BETA PHI—FRONT ROW: Susan Sheehan (Schol. Ch.), Gale Lorenc (House Mgr.), Karen Thompson (Treas.), Ellen Hay (Rush Ch.), Ellen Heston (Vice Pres.), Helen Lemert (House Mgr.), K. K. Whittemore (Pres.), Ann Hoisted (Rec. Sec.), Gigi Pinnell (Soc. Ch.), Jan Henning (Corres. Sec.). SECOND ROW: Pam Holta, Winny Winter, Linda Hallworth, Vicki McQueary, Robin Sunday, Yvonne Satterblom, Wendy Maltby (Pledge Tr.), Julie Ekblad, Debbie Black, Sally Ann Dunn, Sheri Brownlee, Kenda Shank, Susie Black. THIRD ROW: Lynne Kahn. Sue Amick, Lenda Whitlow, Janelle James, Susie Warner, Mary Whitlow, Debbie Shumaker, Diana Hague, Debbie Lindenschmidt, Debbie Childress. FOURTH ROW: Ann Schumacher, Sharon Hartley, Sally Hartman, Mary Weir, Crickette Bender, Nancy Heinsen, Becky Bailey, Jenifer Drew, Ann Walls, Nena Andorn. FIFTH ROW: Jill Grossman, Cheryl Wheatley, Janice Patterson, Kathy Whitham, Cendy Whitham, Suzy Zoeller, Sarah Lenox, Mary Osmon, Wendy Franey, Pat Scrivener, Candy Pholenz.

Pi Beta Phi
The Acropolis of Third Street was the sight for a traditionally Greek year—from athletic contests to beauty pageants. Mimi Littlejohn was crowned Queen of the Indianapolis 500 and there were two runners-up in the Miss I.U. contest.
Mary Poppins "hit the Dust" in I.U. Sing and the Dad's Day cookie shine was made even more interesting by a little dance by the daddies. And seniors, remember being awakened very early one morning by the sentimental strains of the juniors serenading?
"Cinderella Strikes Again" was the theme of the lawn display which the Pikes and Thetas dreamed up this year and earned them best lawn display award at Homecoming. The men are also equally proud of their intramural football team; they managed a second place this year.
By early December plans were finally complete for the Pi Kappa Alpha annual Dream Girl Dance and Dream Girl Crowning.
Pi Kappa Alpha
PI KAPPA ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Dan Dickey (Soc. Ch.), Bill Talkington (Pledge Tr.), Mike Flannagan (House Mgr.), Mike Allen (Vice Pres.), Kim Dunnick (Pres.), Perry Adair (Sec.), Fred Landis (Treas.), Ray Prosser (Rush Ch.), Dan Queener (Pledge Tr.). SECOND ROW: Carl Newton, Peter Guzinya, Hank Henry, Mike Keiser, Steve Mahoney, Jeryl Luegers, Tim Rohleder, Dwayne Hann, Douglas Kichler. THIRD ROW: John Luros, Gary Costa, Stephen Steinberger, Christian Rhetts, John Shore, Jeff Ferguson, Bob Foster, Chris Norman, Gregory Lewis, Craig DeLaney, Charles Schlensker. FOURTH ROW: Jim Pielemeier, Jack Heavrin, Dave Hawk, Terry Sutton, Daniel Bates, Steve Hayes, Jim Killen, John Tallmadge, Doug Canell, David McCullough. FIFTH ROW: Bruce Sachnell, Doug Wissing, Mike Roman, Tom Pogue, Steve Mason, Duane Flannagin, Harrison Zoercher, John Potten, Rawson Atkin.

Pi Kappa Phi
The men of Pi Kappa Phi faced a perplexing problem this year—what to do with a slightly used casket, the gift of alumni. They considered keeping it, but none of the men had made any •reservations for that sort of thing. Of course there were those guys in Hepa Hall, struck by a plague of infectious hepatitis.
The "boy Pi Phi's" received another honor this year—the Houser trophy for public service and improvement of their chapter. They vied for that honor with 65 other chapters.
PI KAPPA PHI—FRONT ROW: Randy Bryan (Soc. Ch.), Tom Hunt (Warden), Jack Fox (Treas.), Wm. Reiners (Hist.), Tom Buckley (Pres.), Larry Gregg (Chaplain), Mike McMurtrey (Sec.), Richard Bender (Rush Ch.), Dale Huffman (House Mgr.). SECOND ROW: John Peterson, Sam Power, Joe Keeler, Terry Russell, Bob Woodruff, Paul E. Bender, Jay Platt John C. Dahl, Jr. THIRD ROW: Gary Ormont, Dave Weber, Jim Wright, Richard Prather, William Sturgeon, Michael Kirby, Robert Briganti, Joe VolImer, Mike Sanders, Carl Harlan, Robert Kaufman. FOURTH ROW: Terry Steiner, Tom Arnold, Andy Loh, Richard Hall, Curtis Thompson, Warren Lindle, Barry Polley, John Lemen, Tom Flanagan, J. Chris Stanton. FIFTH ROW: Ken Guffey, Steve Zeigler, Rodney Frazier, John McDaniels, George Hofman, John A. Reilly, Bill McClintic, Mike Hensley, Scott Bryan, Stan Conway, Jim Montgomery.

SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON—FRONT ROW: David Schumacher, Bob Kleymeyer, John Byrd, Dan Weldy, Jeff Hilburn, Dennis Burgette, Bob Gibson, Richard Clops. SECOND ROW: Mike Wells, Tod Keithley, Jack O'Bryan (Rush Ch.), J. R. Long (Warden), Russ Standler, Randy Leerkamp (Pres.), Tom Atz (Vice Pres.), Walt Beaver (Chronicler), Douglas S. Walters, Dave Keckley (Chaplain). THIRD ROW: Denny Walsh, Bill Simon, Brett Keene, Lee Bezold, Mark Betner, Mike Miller, Ross Flaningam, Mike Mount, Dana Trier, Tom Greene, Jay Keithley, Ron Yary, Bill Bass, Hieny Mooney. FOURTH ROW: Frand Bodwell, David Martin, Mike Mohrman, Mark Moore, Jock Heaton, Doug Cassman, Dave Lawson, Tim Kaehr, Jim Votaw, Bill Boyles, Don Marianos, Chuck Thomson. FIFTH ROW: Bruce Erhardt, Fred Mundy, John Graub, Ernie Nobbs, Eric Knudsen, Levi Mitchell, John Weldy, Jim Mohar, Dick Larmore, Bill Bordner, Don Simpson, Gordon Love. SIXTH ROW: Roosevelt Brady, Casey Simpson, Jeff Gage, Jeffrey Hodge, Spyridon Stratigos, Dave Gray, Steve Russo, Gary Pence, Bill Schuette, Todd Curran, Ron Stevens.

Throughout the year the SAEs pride themselves on the fact that they can turn any situation, good or bad, into a reasonably good time. This being an olympic year, the men excited passersby with the Gamma Olympics, where the whole house engages in a decathlon, including ice cream sandwich eating and chair balancing.
Remember the time when the radio-TV building caught fire? The SAEs were the first one on the block to pitch in and aid the firemen. They were especially helpful when the firefighters decided to break out the windows. So remember, in case of fire, call SAE.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
SIGMA ALPHA MU—FRONT ROW: Steve Kriegshaber, Ron Grumbacher, Ken Hummel, Jerry Bronstein, Sam (Mascot), Mike Popkin, Don Fehr, Jim Bernstein, Dave Feigenbaum. SECOND ROW: Lowell Weiner, Barry Kahn, Barry Cohen, Marvin Fish, Steve Green, Wally Panikowski, Jim Callen, Bill Eastman, Bruce Beitman, Larry Hoffman, Dick Gould. THIRD ROW: Marty Saltzman, Lenny Kalikow, Jay Goldman (Treas.), Ron Levenberg (Vice Pres.), John Tzucker (Pres.), Donald Scheiber (Grad. Schol. Advisor), Barry Pearl, Larry Spovach, Marty Snyder, Ben Goldfarb. FOURTH ROW: Joe Leffel, Mark Bass, Marc Milgram, Rick Ormand, Rick Wiener, Skee Skurow, Steve Halper, Roger Mervis, Marc Hilton, James Novick, Bob Dumes, Mike Pleatman, Paul Knopf, Rick Goldenberf, Rick Fry, David Zellinger, Jim Stefnik, Ir y Wise. FIFTH ROW: Loren Lopata, Marty Levine, Don Bern, Andy Bogart, Bob Shapiro, Mark Cohn, Lonny Axelrod, Steve Dann, Jay Tobias, Kenny Gallinger, Rus Samel, Steve Friedman, Bob Borman, Tom Alexander, Les Goldboss, Bill Eastman, Bruce Beitman. SIXTH ROW: Paul Uslan, Bob Riskin, Alan Gassel, John Golper, Brock Bernstein, Gary Fuchs, Bob Malman, Neville Richter, James Goldberg, Randy Waldman, Dave Schwimer, Steve Schragman, Steve Weiss, Burt Jacobs. SEVENTH ROW: Jeffer3 Freemas, Michael Rose, Alan Linker.

Sigma Alpha Mu
The men of Sigma Alpha Mu can be quite proud of themselves having raised $800 in their Heart Fund "Bounce for Brats." Almost topping that was a second place in Homecoming float competition.
The year wasn't all work and no play . . . the men did come up with a swinging Hippie Party in the fall and an out-of-sight Cave Dance second semester.
There's a rumor going around that "Contagious Cogitation" has infected the men of Sigma Chi. The diagnosis has been repeatedly substantiated with evidences of the symptoms: new ideas in fraternity recreation, service and self-improvement.
The first signs came as the men initiated the Miami Triad with the Betas and Phi Delts, and continued to give active support to the Sigma Chi national project, Wallace Village, which helps hundreds of mentally retarded children each year.
All suspicions were confirmed when no less than ten actives attended the annual workshop. Hopes are high that at some time Sigma Chis will have a chance to infect other Greeks and campus organizations.
Sigma Chi
SIGMA CHI—FRONT ROW: Jim McIntire, Mike Jordan, Doug Klueh, John Harris. SECOND ROW: Mark Woolery (Rush Ch.), Hank Hawkins (Kustos), Larey Durr (Kustos), Bill Hamilton (Pledge Tr.), Sig Myers (Treas.), Steve Hampshire (Pres.), Alan Bailey (Vice Pres.), Jamie Buhr (Sec.), Michdel Bash (Pledge Tr.), Frank Hamilton (Rush Ch.), Dave Rimstidt (Soc. Ch.), Lex Dalton (Soc. Ch.). THIRD ROW: Steve Tushelberger, Tim Worthington, Brent Bramblett, Craig Beardshear, Steve Cooper, Tim Kennedy, Jeff Hampshire, Danny Stewart, Tom Houlihan, Rick Crnovich, Chris Claus, Paul Bognanno, John Rhoades. FOURTH ROW: John Roesch, Lawrence Smith, Robert Zerbe, Kermit Botkin, Craig Hendel, Jeffrey Muir, David Wickland, Jon Vandivier, James Carr, James Kubley, Richard Kintigh, Mark Lee. FIFTH ROW: Sam Dberwein, Sharles Cal-r, Richard Kuhn, David Ashenfelter, Don Kuhs, Stephen Smith, Daniel Coplen, Hugh Conway, Kenny Knue, Tom Chatterton. SIXTH ROW: Larry Brechbuhl, Mike Hayes, Gene Renuart, Mick Linn, Gary Gonzenback, Steve Babcock, Scott Woolery, Roy Burbrink, John Firz, Tim McKinney, William Dunn. SEVENTH ROW: Jerry Lopez, Dan Catt, Dave Giltner, Francisco Almmafro, Dick Lopez, Stephen Huse, Greg Clark, Bruce Mundt, Bob Kraft, Jeff Hoffman, Bill Conkin, Jim Bowie.

Sigma Delta Tau
Let it never be said that the SDT's are lacking —with the exception, of course, of their composites, pinlight, and wooden crest which they rarely possess.
The SDTs were missing quite a lot the morning after their pledge walkout . . . to explain where everything was hidden would be a long story. The actives avenged themselves successfully, it's told. This year's Homecoming was the year of the unfloat according to SDT and ZBT. The joint lawn display was just that.
Two interesting dances included a picnic dinner in Brown County with Groovy and the Electras and a lawn dance with the men of Lambda Chi.
SIGMA DELTA TAU—FRONT ROW: Janet Smith (Rec. Sec.), Anita Dansker (House Mgr.), Patty Segal (Standards), Jill Friedman (Pres.), Mrs. Burkhart (Housemother), Betty Marver (Vice Pres.), Karen Smith (Corr. Sec.), Sue Fitterman (Rush Chm.), Marilyn Sass (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Jo Ann Eishman, Nancy Linderman, Roehelle Abramson, Madi Lundin, Janis Rochman, Jeanne Tiber, Bari Klein, Toby Silverman (Sco. Chm.), Ellen Menaker. THIRD ROW: Sherri Kamin, Ruthie Rosenblum, Sue Wagman, Bonnie Handler, Anne Bauer, Barbara Roth, Roz Goodman, Joan Herzberg, Bonnie Ferner, Sharyn Goodman, Michelle Koplow, Rochelle Klitzky. FOURTH ROW: Carole He'fen, Renny Ruekberg, Joanne Silverstein, Pam Sumner, Laurie Magid, Paula Cytron, Eileen Pinkus, Judy Stern, Hazel Witte, Barrie Katz, Ann Brickman. FIFTH ROW: Rose Csillag, Suzy Rosen, Terry Rosenblatt, Wendy Monroe, Judy Benjamin, Susie Belker, Pat Patterson, Sally Greenwold, Julie Rosenthal, Dora Kerner, Bette Altman. SIXTH ROW: Lisa Binswanger, Jackie Barab, Beth Schiff, Teri Schuler, Brenda Fox, Lee Anne Bell, Marilyn Freed, Laura Dorfman.

SIGMA KAPPA—FRONT ROW: Sue Schalliol (Treas.), Linda Burris (Rec. Sec.), Mary Moore (Soc. Ch.), Sharon Dingle (Vice Pres.), Linda Wright (Pres.), Mrs. Bennett (Housemother), Rachel Philpot (Grad. Advisor), Debbie Donovan (Vice Pres.), Susie Slatterly (Corr. Sec.), Judy Bowerman (Schol. Ch.), Maribeth Cox (Rush Ch.), Judy Bowers, Anne Bednar, Pornchulee Achava-Amrung, Becky Beams, Susie Exner, Bobbie Zimmerman, Jull Hirschman, Etta Margason, Martha Robertson, Debbie Atz, Linda Snyder, Nancy Oddi. THIRD ROW: Georgette Funk, Jan Thompson, Dianne Meeks, Beverly Wolf, Sori Stang, Julie Donner, Judy Mueffe, Babs Harrison, Judy Stoelting, Cindy Cornish, Debby Riester, Elaine Kaiser, Suzanne Cripper. FOURTH ROW: Sherry Hicks, Nancy Hicks, Nancy Canfield, Sandy Irmscher, Jacque Ackerman, Pam Colburn, Sharon Dunwoody, Linda Lanam, Sue Adams, Jean Parnell. Nancy Morris, Marty Sixsmith, Lynn Wheeler.

With their fifty year anniversary coming up this year, Sigma Kappa can look back with pride on all they've done in their half-century on the I.U. campus. On the national level the emphasis is on philanthropy. The I.U. chapter follows this policy by entertaining the Senior Citizens of Bloomington each year with a Christmas party. Their annual Christmas dance is thrown by the seniors. The night before the dance the girls decorate the house and then serenade the other girls with carols.
The pledges took their walkout to Ball State— taking with them the phone mouthpieces and leaving behind a great slide made out of mattresses.
Sigma Kappa

SIGMA NU—FRONT ROW: Dan Pfleging, Dave Wright, Jim O'Connor, Bob Musk, Michael Etchison, Timothy Wade, Charles Tabor, Rick Morris, Bill Stenberg. SECOND ROW: Jerry Maburn, Gabe Oliverio, Mark Toth, Kevin Tam, Richard Searles, Larry Myers (Treas.), Mike Kistler (Pres.), Larry Greathaus (Pledge Tr.), Chuck Cline (House Mgr.), Bob Richmond (Recorder), Dan Blom. THIRD ROW: Scott McCrea, Rob Johnston, Jerry Srebalus, R. S. Scharnowske, Scott Townsend, Jim Campbell, E. G. White, Rock Coleman, Lowell Shonk, Rick Atkinson, Spike Abernathy, Jim Maddox, David Wilson, Gary Souders, Don Schramm, Jerry Babb. FOURTH ROW: Scott Sparks, Mickey James, Robert Geant, Wayne Shircliff, Bill Ellis, Jerry Babb, Steve Mustin, Gary Moore, Randy Wright, Greg Long, Bob Waters, Spider Miller. FIFTH ROW: Gib Miller, Jeff Stocksdale, Steve Hanson, Fred Hoepker, Brad Zirkle, Craig Hopple, Jim Campbell, Bill Neale, Tim Shafer, Mark Bailey, Steve Rogers, Bart Hahn, Mickey Niles, Richard Johnson. SIXTH ROW: Dana Meyer, Bill Beck, Bill Curley, Charlie Weisbrod, Jeff Newburg, Greg Brown, Doug Deck, Mark Moseley, Mike Antrim, Greg Thomas, Bill Olds. SEVENTH ROW: Roger Maynahan, Dan Dro, Ruso Richardson, Jim Greathouse, Steve Barnett, George Nicholos, Bob Pegg, Randy Lutterman, Roger Bixby, Jeff Quinn, Mike Fitzgerald.
Sigma Nu
Everything's going great! ! With the intramural football championship under their belts, the men of Sigma Nu went on to greater things, like having some real honest to gosh football players, and no less than seven varsity basketball players.
Undoubtedly one of the grooviest parties of the year was the "Bar Room Brawl"; the only close competition came from the campus renown "Voo Doo" dance in May. Earlier in the year the Snus sponsored a Halloween party for the children of the Exchange Home and a foreign students Christmas party. Another big event was the election of Herman B Wells as Sigma Nu national president.
An overflow crowd packed the North Jordan tennis courts as the Sig Eps and Tri Delts began the year by sponsoring the all-campus Grum. Later in the season a premature Ice Age failed to cool Sig Ep spirits as dinosaurs, cavemen and Tasmanian monsters roamed the premises at the fall pledge dance.
After the partying, the Sig Eps sponsored Easter and Christmas dinners for underprivileged children of Bloomington and established a scholarship fund for needy students with I.U. Foundation.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
SIGMA PHI EPSILON—FRONT ROW: Wally McOuat, Jim Marian, Mart Mollman, Jim Lisher, Dave Geiger, W. John Sellins, Craig Buford, Phil Wade, Mark Johnson, Ron Poellein, Richard Prange. SECOND ROW: Richard Dyson, Richard Fess, John Miller (Chaplain), George Babcock (Recorder), Warren Weaver (Sec'y), Mrs. Ruth Young (House Mother), Jerry Rodeen (Pres.), James Sin (Adviser), Larry Mull (House Mgr.), Steve Jalovec, Jerry Collins, George Holinga (Soc. Chairman). THIRD ROW: Glenn Talbert, Bob Henderson, J. J. Cattar, Bill Prall, Ed Ede, Bruce Hodges, Craig Moore, Mark Kight, Keith Eschenbaum, Mark Mullee, Ed Schellsmith, Howard Wisher, Rick Lutterbach, Dave Bresler, Dave Tydeman, Roger Shaw. FOURTH ROW: Ken Myers, Chuck Earle, Tom Viesse, John Saier, Dick Bryant, Harlan Stratton, Mike Webb, Bill Spain, Dale Terrell, John Wrightman, Jeff Smith, Dave Danda, Bill Morton, Charles Talbert. FIFTH ROW: Terry Laymon, Terry Bornman, Larry Becker, Ron Thompson, Larry Longacre, Dick Clark, Tom Heard, Dale Fath, Rick Contino, John Derr, Mike Pfrang, Larry Dust, Mike Mathews. SIXTH ROW: Greg Levenduski, Jack Bailey, Ted Johnson, Rick Vogel, Larry Cox, Chip Owen, Steve Downs, Bill Larton, Bill Whitten, Dave Einhous, Craig Hamilton. SEVENTH ROW: Jeff Marlin, Chuck Welder, Dick Barnaby, Mark Wade, Dave Hooper, John Lehman, Mark Schauss, Ted Meek, John Bard, Ron Ernst, Jon Morrow.

Second semester came and the Sigma Pis picked up and moved into their new house far out on North Jordan. The pledges were quite busy painting the interior of the house with their helpful dads, and also seemed to find time to plaster stickers all over campus during their mock walkout.
This year the men came through again with another successful Vietnamese Refugee clothing drive.
SIGMA PI—FRONT ROW: Joseph Barker, William Strueh, Ed Baran, Ed Cord, Rick Luff, Craig Hollenbeck, Jim Siegfried, Don Stover, Steve Lasher, Phil Reising. SECOND ROW: Bob Todd, Nick Joest (Alum Coun.), Mike Fortuna (Sec.), Mike Frederick (Vice Pres.), Don Headry (Pres.), Jeff Webster (Treas.), Richard Scott (Herald), Pete Jovanovich, John Esmay (Pledge Tr.). THIRD ROW: Dave Hathaway, David Phillips, Barry Hoffar, Larry Auble, Denny Thomas, Howard Weinraub, Tim Rasmussen, Patrick Webster, Richard Maloney, Dean Houser, Robert Decker. FOURTH ROW: Tom Enochs, Ed Rogers, Charles Gristead, Edward Rosenwinker, Bob Phillips, Dennis Monroe, Rick Joy, Jim Norton, John Pawlowski, Hohn Faulkner, Bob Poehler, Mike Scott. FIFTH ROW: Pete Gawthrop, Bob Hoffman, John Nulton, Les Francis, Tom Clark, Phil Ellis, Jim Dunn, Jerry Mutchler, Lloyd Mobley, Dave Dolch, Harry Denson, Dan Wilcox. SIXTH ROW: Tom Shallington, Skip Dayhuff, Mark Richardt, Gregg Newman, Marty Braaksman, Bob Hass, Roger Addison, Rick Jones, Bob Bitzer, Dan Schwartz, Sam Deutsch, Tom Windier, Mike Kerr.

THETA CHI—FRONT ROW: Roger Long (Rush Ch.), Ray Burnett (Soc. Ch.), Bob Pampe (Rush Ch.), Mike Fruehwald (Treas.), Bruce Pennamped (Pres.), Tom Kocoshis (Vice Pres.), Mike Thomas (Sec.), Roger Peckham, Richard Simon, Mark Skarich. SECOND ROW: John Morgan, Dave Truitt, Paul Lillis, Steve David, Dan Drake, Jim Simpson, Steve Gorman, Greg Imboden, Bruce Nagel, John Harlan. THIRD ROW: Paul Refakis, Don Klusmeier, Eric Keasey, Steve Englert, Paul Dixon, Roby Barco, Larry Chitwood, Ken George, Richard Hinz, Duane Mercer, Chuck Quilty. FOURTH ROW: Joe Jacoby, Dave Wetnight, Bruce Snow, Steve Mock, Bob Quilty, Dave Holt, Ed Koday, Ron Oakes, Dwight Rosenbarger, Jeff Hayes. FIFTH ROW: Gary Harper, Richard Nagel, Roger Deckard, John Bosse, Steven Kerr, Randy Studle, Jim Hoffman, Steven Miller, Terry Bechtel, Mike Boswell. SIXTH ROW: David Demorotski, Gregg Coffey, William Richards, Dan Jacoby, Jeff Hipskind, Dan Arthur, Bill Isenbarger, Tom Hoffman, Bill Salisbury, William Jackson, Dick Arnold.

This year was a landmark for the men of Theta Chi. With plans finalized for the move to North Jordan next year, the men still managed a full social schedule which included Homecoming with Ruter House in Wright Quad, I.U. Sing with AOPi's, and Little 500 with the Sigma Kappas.
Highlighting the fall semester was the construction of the Homecoming Lawn Display, "Whip the Wolverines," with the Ruter House girls.
University construction on their side lot hampered the Theta Chi's annual Bike Bounce during Little 500 weekend.
Theta Chi
TAU KAPPA EPSILONҟFRONT ROW: John Rademaker (Hist.), Bret Pennington (Chaplain), Don Henry (Treas.), Darrel Scott (Pledge Tr.), Jay Feichter, Alex Smith (Pres.), Mike Pierson (Soc. Ch.), Christopher Bennett. SECOND ROW: Larry Lamp, John Mensch, Jim Wilson, Dan Flanagan, Bruce Goens, Jim Larrick, Gary Bierbaum, Dan Mossman. THIRD ROW: Steve Chenoweth, Lee Rohrer, Rick Coffman, Tom Haggard, Don Lieberum, Mark Tinsley, Terry Dittrich, Jack Shadwell. FOURTH ROW: Gym O'Brien, Dennis Voelker, Dan Ferrell, Bill Sobat, Dick Robley, Denny Ford, Ed Nemeth. FIFTH ROW: Scott Morrison, Rick Clark, Wayne Weinberg, Jeff Gravelle, Doug Kauffman, Tim Swoveland, Mike Kennedy, Bill Hill.

Tau Kappa Epsilon
Lost: one brother of Tau Kappa Epsilon and his date. Missing since the TKE hayride in the fall when they jumped off the wagon. If found, please head in the direction of the chapter house.
Found: a new record set by the men in B-team basketball. They lost by the most points ever in an intra-mural game-125-4.
Wanted: plans for fall pledges' walkout. Who knows, maybe they'll make it next year as actives. Also, a suitable name for house pet Kinkajou.
For Sale: one slightly used chariot and extra protection for intramural football opponents.
Teke Chariot Race
Women and song (and more than likely a bit of wine, too) were combined with togas and chariots at last year's TKE Chariot Race. The men of Omega Psi Phi walked off with the trophy after breaking the record—they ran the 60-yard dash in seven minutes flat. The festivities, complete with a queen, Janet Lovell, began with the float competition won by Phi Delta Theta, proceeded with the race, and came to a smashing close with a dance featuring the Lovin' Spoonful.

Theta Xi
The actives of Theta Xi were surprised after the pledge walkout; it seemed that the pledges hadn't done a thing to the house . . . until they began to notice the absence of certain necessities like shower heads, silverware, toilet paper . . .
In the recently started Little Sisters program the girls, like regular pledges, have to learn the history and mysteries of the house, and they also enjoy a boress or two—with the woman's touch of course.
A tree decorating party highlighted their annual Christmas dance. Also in this spirit the Biram Exchange is held. Names are drawn and each guy gives the assigned brother a boress gift.
THETA XI—FRONT ROW: Gary Bell, Joe Greene (Schol. Ch.), Mike Singer, Al Micks (Vice Pres.), Hannibal (Mascot), Barry Schnakenburg (Pres.), Tom Williams (Treas.), Greg Messong (Sec.), Joe Reiswerg (Pledge Tr.). SECOND ROW: John Hillier, Michael Franceschini, Paul Burnore, Al Shumard, Walter Plant, Roger Ahlf, Steve Stewart, Dan Kilgore. THIRD ROW: Ben Miller, Bob Murray, Ken Dwenger, William Bennett, Robert Solomon, Paul Fisher, Ivon Solomon, Larry Lewis, Dale Pleak. FOURTH ROW: Mike Archer, Rick Elston, Gary Uffman, Steve Dunn, Wayne Segneri, Steve Forsyte, Jim Davis.

ZETA BETA TAU—FRONT ROW: Larry Salilosky, Dave Felstein, Larry Reuben, Tony Maiclenberg, Bill Levin (Vice Pres.), Mrs. Erma Kaufman (Housemother), Mike Berelutsky (Pres.), Alan Potasnik (Hist.), Jim Savitz (Soc. Ch.), Alan Levy. SECOND ROW: Alan Weisberg, John Davidson, Tom Schneider, Mark Zuckerman, Keith Kauffman, Bob Wagner, Jeff Schulkin, Jorin Brown, Jim Trockman. THIRD ROW: Terry Silver, Edward Jacobson, Alan Katz, Gary Calderon, David Maidenberg, Bruce Goldberg, Dave Roskin, Don Simkin, Art Azen, Murray Passo, Sherm Goldenberg. FOURTH ROW: Steve Medwell, Barry Michael, Ron Rabin, Rick Linkimer, Rick Cochran, Larry Moses, Alan Newman, Ken Kleban, Mike Hatcher, N. J. Taslitz. FIFTH ROW: Steve Logan, Mark Cooper, Ed Golden, Harry Frank, Art Sagalowsky, Mark Stolkin, Mike Paul, Mike Friedman, Jack Snyder.

The ZBTs at I.U. triumphed both campus and nation-wide this year by winning the National Founders Trophy for having the best chapter in the U.S., by having a member rated the most outstanding ZBT in the nation, and by claiming junior class vice-president and treasurer of IFC as members of the chapter, too.
Zeta Beta Tau also proudly claimed possession of the most sorority composites on campus and the origination of Homecoming's first unfloat.
Most ZBT actives will readily profess that there are a few things they would rather have in their grape juice than methyl blue, despite the great effect.
Zeta Beta Tau
ZETA TAU ALPHA—FRONT ROW: Kathy Taylor (Rush Ch.), Bonnie Fuson (Treas.), Pam Pearson (Vice Pres.), Carole Brinkmann (Pres.), Mrs. Gladys Bryant (Housemother), Cindy Springer (Vice Pres.), Judy Pieschala (Rec. Sec.), Cindy Nelson (Hist.), Louisa Fair. SECOND ROW: Chris Gazel, Diane Koeneman, Sherry Myers, Chris Thorngate, Nancy Smith, Cassie Young, Susie Carroll, Chris Billips, Pat Carter, Jane Messman. THIRD ROW: Marilyn Ezri, Jan Getz, Linda Roscoe, Judy Caldemeyer, Kathy Keck, Cindy Wehrly, Susie Zobel, Beth Porter, Louise Leisey, Marilyn Born, Patti Esposito. FOURTH ROW: Cheryl Slossom, Gretchen Smith, Patty Foellinger, Phyllis Wright, Jody Sollohub, Bobbie Fulton, Nancy Aukerman, Sondra Garrison, Edie Hughes, Barb Wilkinson. FIFTH ROW: Georgianna Marks, Marsha Humbaugh, Jenny Hanna, Ardella King, Mary Lang, Jan Hines, Wanda Board, Donna Simon, Cindy Smith, Vicki Alber, Linda Ingram. SIXTH ROW: Mary Louise Brock, Sue Bishop, Bonnie Sando, Marty Wright, Linda Lange, Sandy Garritson, Cheri Herman, Joanne Persinger, Kathy Bogner, Diane Whallon.

Zeta Tau Alpha
Z etas + waiters = parties + pranks E nter: Energetic Mother B. T he Mortgage Burning! First on the Row. "A Victory's A Brewin'" at Homecoming. T eas, coke parties, skits—a new pledge class. A t Christmas time—fire in the fireplace, mistletoe, and parties. U nity in walk-outs for pledges and seniors. A n increasing rapport founded at Faculty
Dinners. L ambda Chi's made Little Five jive. P umpkins, popcorn, and pledges perform at the
Hospitality House. H appiness is a Theta Xi-ZTA entrance in I.U.
Sing. A nother rewarding year!

Residence Halls

IRHA—FRONT ROW: Duane Huffer (Treas.), Ken Martlage (Vice-Pres.), Todd Kendell (Pres.), Jim May (Vice-Pres.), Pam Gentry (Vice-Pres.). SECOND ROW: Sue Martlage (Sec.), Cande Steckol, Marji Morris, Nancy Conard. THIRD ROW: Tom Hennessy (Adviser), Walter Johnson, Ron Jourdan, John Fisher, Greg Larkin, Mike Banta.
The Inter Residence Halls Association provided an organized, unified voice to the administration from all students living in the halls of residence. Every student living in a dorm was represented and thus had a voice in the IRHA government.
The governing bodies of IRHA were split into three branches. The legislative branch is the Presidents' Council which is composed of the presidents of all housing units. IRHA Judicial Board served as an appellate body, hearing cases from center boards, and had original jurisdiction in cases between centers. The executive functions were carried out by IRHA President Todd Kendell and his cabinet.
The IRHA tried to make residence hall living worthwhile and enjoyable and allow the residents as much self-government as possible.

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Briscoe Quadrangle
Living at Briscoe means that you're always the first one on the 7:00 AM bus in the winter (that's security!), part of the biggest crowd at the basketball games, and could be a spectator at football games from your very own room. And if you're a PE major it means that guys from other dorms hate you as you run across the street to classes.
For the girls it means lots of pledge serenades because of neighboring North Jordan or meeting your guy for dinner, two hours before your date, in rollers.
The men and women of Briscoe enjoy working together on such projects as Homecoming, I.U. Sing and Campus Chest.
Executive Council

BRISCOE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL —FRONT ROW: Sandra Johnson, Sherry Carmichael, Mary Denniston, Mame Moeller. SECOND ROW: Joseph Jones, Jeffrey Peterson, Jim May, Mike Schaum, Jerry Butzer.
Board of Governors
BRISCOE BOARD OF GOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: Elena Looper, Cathy Craig, Mary Jo Barnett, Mary Hardin, Margie Elston, Toni Beumer, Debbie Ladson. SECOND ROW: Dave Orr, Steve Hess, Ray Applegate, Rick May, Skip Havely, Gene Baker, Bill Kendall.

BRISCOE SA—FRONT ROW: Saundra Thurman, Karen Shields (Vice Gov.), Elaine Knowlton (Gov.), Karen Cain, Peggy Brown, Marcia Miller. SECOND ROW: Phyllis Browder, Peg Koester, Melinda Childers, Alice Pendleton, Pat Ploski, Linda Smith, Julie Amsden. THIRD ROW: Sharon Kaelin, Carolyn Kaelin, Michele Principe, Florence Wares, Marilyn Brewer, Bev Monroe, Margaret Hollers, Jan Kamman, Brenda Hunter. BRISCOE 413—FRONT ROW: Larri Wolfson, Ray Cooper, John Easterday, Bernard Bigham, Steve Hess (Gov.), Chris Lipkaman (Vice Gov.), Dave Williams. SECOND ROW: Greg Easterday, Al Frank, Dennis Walton, Scott Reller, Charles Downey, Dave Coffman, Terry Edserman. THIRD ROW: Dennis Collins, Ken Mason, Rick Raab, Bob Hodler, Paul Downs, Rick Zeiger, George Ross.
BRISCOE I0A—FRONT ROW: Marionnette Bullock, Jackie Manor, Mary Harden (Gov.), Ginny Armstrong, Maxine Benmour, Pamela Kingsbury. SECOND ROW: Mona Ross, Ellen Wilson, Marsha Bryant, Sharon Hayes, Kathleen Sobieski, Mary Lou Meyer, Penny Nichols. THIRD ROW: Karen Emmelman, Linda Ivancich, Pam McCullough, Sherry Welch, Colleen Starck, Lois Overton.

BRISCOE 11B—FRONT ROW: Gary Metz, Mike Dworecki, Dennis Reedy, Glenn Cripe, Jim Coe (Vice Gov.), Jeff Pilman, Alan Kado. SECOND ROW: Rick Burbee, Ronald Rothbauer, John Jodersky, Jerry Rose, Steve Willis, Mike Mullis, Burton Folsom, Phillip Frederick, Michael Bowman, Mike Niemeyer. THIRD ROW: Bill Sockrider, David Fetters, Gordon Robbins, Mack Stocksdale, Greg Patrick.

Forest Quadrangle
Since its beginning Forest Quad has been known as one of the most active girls' dorms on campus. Orientation Week, 1968, Forest welcomed its hundreds of new students with a street dance, and later in the month an old-fashioned hayride was planned.
One of Forest's major concerns this year was their "give a damn" program. The girls involved in the project sold buttons with the name of the program on them, gave tutoring to students in need of it and had a special program geared toward elderly people in the community.
The girls also participated in the Wright-Forest Leadership Retreat and held a Valentine's Day dance at the Poplars.
Executive Council

FOREST CO-ORDINATE AND EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Sara Behrman, Carol Boarman, Barbara Jo Tarrant. SECOND ROW: Candace Harrison, Revetta Perkins, Barbara Baumeister.
Governors and Vice governors
FOREST GOVERNORS AND VICEGOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: Kay Gilley, Cheryl Werner, Helene Steinhauer. SECOND ROW: Jan Conwell, Pam Flummer, Lynda Fasick, Cynthia Thomas.

ARDEN—FRONT ROW: Linda Ade, Beck Stafford, Mina Hohlen (Vice Gov.), Pam Flummerfelt (Gov.), Vicki Adams, Ann Kandrac, Phyllis Yost. SECOND ROW: Laura Robins, Regina All, Wanda Biggs, Nancy Jo Pinney, Karen Landgren, Nancy Langguth, Sally Scobee, Ginny Schroer, Jerry Grieger.

ARGONNE 2, 3, 4, 5—FRONT ROW: Barbara Baumeister, Shirley Rick, Sara Behrman, Kay Gilley (Vice Gov.), Barb McManus, Cynthia Kurtz, Barb Johnson, Kathleen Hain (Gov.), Nance Kaufman, Pam Fuehrer. SECOND ROW: Carolyn Borst, Danna Raitzin, Candy Rosen, Jane Curran, Jane Burcham, Valdena Vincent, Margaret Fink, Raenae Pickens, Rita Nebolsky. THIRD ROW: Carolyn Brooks, Candy Ridenour, Diane Atz, Gina Nelson, Mary Filippini, Kathy Allen, Misi Perkins, Stephanie Baumann, Sally Senzell, Delores Marik. FOURTH ROW: Natalie Perry, Carol Ann Martin, Barbara Hassill, Deanna Davenport, Linda Benter, Lily Kwee, Gayla Houze, Susan Smith, Mary Jane Luger, Andrea Mehlig, Cindy McKinley. FIFTH ROW: Linda Swaby, Sharalyn Davis, Sylvia Doyne, Mona Morris, Lynn Finke, Dianne Tracy, Susan Slingerland, Marcia Mrzlock, Sonja Hancock, Judy Russell, Becky, Rupright, Susan Stephens.
Birnam Wood
BIRNAM WOOD—FRONT ROW: Sue Nance, Beth Halevy, Lynn Gerber, Cathy Connor (Gov.), Nancy Sullivan, Mariann Wiltshire, Lois Ritter (Vice Gov.), Vicky Bucher, Janet Woodward, Kris Behrman. SECOND ROW: Janet Close, Chris Sunderland, Leslie Kimbrall, Ann Schwinghammer, Debbie Stevens, Ryta Craig, Ellen Weinberg, Lucinda Graessle, Linda Hawkins. THIRD ROW: Sally Hampshire, Julie Cunningham, Betsy Turner, Sue Rawley, Mary Moser, Linda Sharkey, Karen Roberts, Debbie Holloway.

TANGLEWOOD—FRONT ROW: Patti Huddleston, Melody Niblock, Marcia Borodkin, Cheryl Oakes, Beth Bachman (Vice Gov.), Donna Fambrough, Jan Conwell (Gov.), Mary Lynn Schnarr, Nancy Mitchell, Allyn Lucas. SECOND ROW: Louise Farson, Linda Garnitz, Kaye Anderson, Joann Wasson, Jean Carbon, Margie Schnell, Christy Senes, Mary Macy, Cheryl Schepper, Connie Hilgedieck, Chris Yarovsky. THIRD ROW: Trudy Fennimore, Sharon Holsinger, Judy Ridenour, Cindy Draving, Patty Schaus, Pam Thomas, Jean Hunter, Kitty Bjorklund, Nancy Kracht, Charleen Browning, Jane Beauchamp. FOURTH ROW: Diane Heestand, Lucinda Lehman, Kathleen Ayer, Yvonne Jaynes, Ruth Piepenbrok, Jacque Bell, Jennifer Hood, Pat Caughey, Fran Weber, Kay Dauler, Jeanie Brandes, Jenny Lind. FIFTH ROW: Lisa Andrysiak, Sarah Dumas, Jeannette Baird, Lisa Sanders, Sarah Roach, Sauka Nenadic, Suzanne Amstutz, Jan Allemeier, Kathleen Christopher, Cindy Conwall, Lois Baum, Eula Seawood, Pat Russell.

SHERWOOD 7 AND 8—FRONT ROW: Jane Morris, Brenda Runcheon, Sherry Wollenberg, Helene Steinhauer (Vice Gov.), Barbara Barrows, Kathleen Roorda, Leslie Phelps. SECOND ROW: Luba Solgalow, Sue Lawson, Carole Rees, Sandie Akard, Marmie Tuerff Marian Schulein, Julie Groman, Debbie Engber, Jerry Malooley. THIRD ROW: Sandra Beers, Lynnette Huddleston, Beverly Sawell, Janan Warner, Revetta Perkins, Carin Schwartz, Diana Pierson, Melinda Miller, Connie Haberstick, Deborah Stanley. SHERWOOD 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Patricia Balnius, Margaret Finucane, Tammy Novachenko, Cynthia Thomas (Gov.), Sandra Thompson, Cheryl Robinson, Merrily Miller. SECOND ROW: Michelle Smith, Cyndee Molenda, Jayne Ikaua, Fiona Fortson, Linda Plummer, Ann Hager, Rickie Spurr, Suzette Lechner. THIRD ROW: Diana Stein, Donna Walle, Linda Ausman, Yvonne Phillips, Molly Smith, Pam Smith, Diane Wagner, Debbie Saffer, Kathy Torphy. FOURTH ROW: Diana Mills, Cathy Elbert, Sandy Bowen, Pat Gadzala, Jeanne McAloon, Phyllis Tapscott, Jane Kerr, Mary Livingood, Ellen Conner, Kathy Karwasinski. FIFTH ROW: Carol Boarman, Corene Jones, Jan Orme, Barbara Jo Tarrant, Karen Coggeshall, Kathy Kennon, Karyn Pierson, Niesha Marlowe, Pam Williams, Claire Mangers.

VERDUN—FRONT ROW: Patricia Reed, Wanda Lough, Marcia Katz, Carol Reer (Gov.), Cheryl Werner (Vice Gov.), Susan Ralstin, Fran Loomis. SECOND ROW: Jackie Beaver, Joan Romick, Susan Hmurovik, Marilyn Steely, Nancy Poling, Pam Lewis, Carol Losiniecki, Cindy Hare, Betty Jo Haub, Nancy Scott. THIRD ROW: Mary Pendleton, Shirley Gunn, Janis Coffman, Kaye Fichman, Darle Groth, Jenny Lee, Pamela Brest, Sally Newhard, Sue Osterhaus, Mary Parker, Marcia Matthews, Trudy Cavallo.

Foster Quadrangle
Not every residence hall can boast of its own coffee house on the premises, a snow slide in the back yard and a cemetery in the front yard. The one exception is Foster Quadrangle.
At almost any time of the year you can expect to see guys playing football in the front of Shea, students of the Foster Quad program in small group discussions or enormous lines outside Gresham dining hall. And when winter comes the kids find there's nothing that unites a unit like a good snowball fight.
These are all things that help to make Foster Quad a "Foster home" for many students on campus.
Board of Governors
BOARD OF GOVERNORS— FRONT ROW: Joanne Altschuler, Janey Willard, Ginny Frey, Bonnie Winer, Sandy Nunn, Kathy Gerig, Susan Westman, Janey Sanders. SECOND ROW: Dennis Daily, Michael Robling, Greg Johnson, Paul Wendzonka, Craig Hlinka, Ron Tunis. THIRD ROW: Mike Hill, Roy Geffen, John Keller, Bruce Jennings.

Executive Council
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Donna Plymire (Sec.), Jim Logan (Pres.), Tobey Benas (Vice Pres.), Marc Wilchins (Treas.). SECOND ROW: Chuck Davis, Louise Booth, Bill Chapman, Susan Snyder, Dan Niles.
Harper and Shea
HARPER 2 AND SHEA 1—FRONT ROW: Janice Mallik, Tim Hovanec, Suzanne Genier (Vice-gov.), Craig Hlinka (Gov.), Sandy Nunn (Gov.), Bruce Ramsey, Gail Smith, Jim O'Brien. SECOND ROW: Linda Muskin, Huynh Thitruc Nuong, Stacey Wernick, Donna Wiley, Susie Price, Lynna Zabel, Jane Sachar. THIRD ROW: Tony Ranieri, Jeff Davidson, Red-dog Kirklin, Steve Corona, Edward Hake, Rick Wells, Martin Kocman. FOURTH ROW: Marlene Burnstein, Martha Wallace, Barbara Martin, Karla Boyd, Regina Oglesby, Joyce Holloman, Linda Myers. FIFTH ROW: Clint Pletcher, Jack Conner, Renee Allemann, Jan Gescheidler, Lynette Fisher, Ann Knopp, Chris Morr, Jennifer Welsh, Juanita Brittain, Tom Dorman, Larry Hobson.

Harper and Shea
HARPER 3 AND SHEA 2—FRONT ROW: Stephen Roberts, John Fetters, John Bonacorsi, Tal Middleton, Rick Clifford, Pat Grandy, Doug Endsley. SECOND ROW: Larry Alport, Larry Johnston, Bruce Jennings (Gov.), Judy Zimmerman (Vice-gov.), Ginny Frey (Gov.), David Morgan (Vicegov.), Steve Haas, Doug Gwyn. THIRD ROW: Luann Graft, Donna Mahrwold, Beth Farekas, Penny Snow, Carla Bernon, Janet Horn, Carol Chrisman, Mary Houghton, Debbie Leman, Polly Roberts. FOURTH ROW: Griff, David Henesy, Jim McFadden, Ralph Howers, Nelson Bye, Dan Stout, Allen DeWitt, Dick Dickmeyer, Rob Sanders, Fred Hershberger. FIFTH ROW: Art Georgion, Jan Godfrey, Janet Snider, Linda Nagy, Elaine Ellison, Barbara Steffel, Ginny Walters, Kathy Clark, Lauri Jacobs, Keith Meredith. SIXTH ROW: Dom Forgianni, Robert Allen, Maureen Gaspar, Kathy Hoshaw, Nancy Wilder, Carol Slusser, Jerlyn Southwick, Bard Passage, Jerry Hill.

HARPER 8 AND 9—FRONT ROW: Susan Howe, Mary LeClere, Joyce Tingley, Janey Willard (Gov.), Rhonda Ballentine, Linda Rice, Becky Brown, Sharon Kramer. SECOND ROW: Patricia Rigdon, Mary Chandler, Linda Kleibek, Virginia Earle, Jane Pruitt, Cheryl Coons, Jackie Dunn, Walda Ebert, Terry Geesken. THIRD ROW: Anne Harris, Beth Mahne, Jill Evans, Joyce DeDapper, Sue Ann Traster, Jeanne Larsen, Cindy Sahm, Donna Owens, Becky Pike, Sherry Bess, Betsy Walker. HARPER 4 AND 5—FRONT ROW: Cheryl Glaser, Jan Plummer, Debbie Nosko, Joanne Altschuler (Gov.), Peggy Hush (Gov.), Sudy Goodrich, Susie Thews, Terry Waters. SECOND ROW: Janet Hermanson, Sandra Grabarek, Barb Green, Michelle Chambers, Mary Beth Haag, Linda Sue Emmerth, Shelley Brenner, Penny Fortinberry, Linda Utter. THIRD ROW: Sue Grovich, Sue Nemoth, Nancy Helmberger, Margy Kuntz, Mary Chappuis, Jackie Uecker, Milne Kintner, Juliet Goldschmidt. FOURTH ROW: Debbie Wohlford, Susi Snyder, Ann Starzynski, Ronda Miller, Roberta Halvorson, Lucretia Scammahorn, Marilyn Dumitru, Lisa Langohr, Teresa Dale, Carol Gilmore, Sally Pendergast. FIFTH ROW: Cinda McFall, Elaine Helt, Linda Phebus, Carol College, Polly Prude, Kathy Chatmon, Johan Coleman, Phyllis Peck, Joan Southerton, Ann Katterherny.

MARTIN 3—FRONT ROW: John Gergacz, Jerald Hand, Jay Jackson, Charles Meador (Gov.), Charles Schalliol, Roy Geffen (Vice-gov.), Mark Schenk, Emerson Kanode. SECOND ROW: Sam Denning, Bill Jones, Reed Thompson, Gary Norman, Larry Tavel, Richard Frischkorn, Tim Duncan, Ward Weichert, Greg Pool, Don Newcomb, Richard Lake. THIRD ROW: Jeff Lentz, Mike Browne, Dave Robertson, Phil Zink, Tom Kennedy, John Hawkins, Bob Keller, Kent Hardin, Paul Sher, Ken Riney, Bill Chapman, Chuck Laheny, Ronald Trietsch. JENKINSON 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Janice Morgan, Penny Gaither, Arlene Nierengarten, Margie Flowers, Bonnie Winer (Gov.), Joyce Bircheff, Karen Siskind, Susan Prince. SECOND ROW: Lynne Tatlock, Donna Dubinsky, Donna Aburn, Anne Berlin, Jennifer Bratton, Judy Manring, Nancy Sukup, Shirley Voliva, Lena Hays, Connie Whitaker, Nancy Krieger, Ilona Hess. THIRD ROW: Chrisann Walker, Linda Godwin, Nancy Brown, Margee Foulke, Teri Shorter, Nancy Wills, Sharon Kopinski, Sandi Simmons, Vicki Reiko, Carol Ballinger, Sandy Bergstrom, Pam Spradley. FOURTH ROW: Peggy Pearson, Jackie Kohl, Sally Steele, Sylvia Harper, Debi Keesling, Cheryl Raman, Judy Domkowski, Bev Rains, Marcia Welsch, Colleen Donaghe, Jackie Shue, Linda Nichols.


AYDELOTTE—FRONT ROW: Becky Graves, Jennifer Evans, Judith Cocquyt, Patricia Kelly, Karen Lind, Carol Fuller, Barbara Leer, Nancy Mattingly, Cynthia McNamara, Frances Foy. SECOND ROW: Martha Guy, Claudia Hudson, Catharine Suthard, Margaret De Graff, Mary Hunt, Rosemary Lasota, Lydia Reese, JoAnn Zmirski, Marti Yoder, Nancy Tailor, Carol Ziering, Patricia Redden, Ellen Smith, Mary Jane Hostetler, Jane Morris, Pat Lukacsek. ,ҟ 4, e 4.14* ,,, ♦ - • *, 0.0,-e*•0 0 • • •
GRC Center Council
EXECUTIVE COUNCIL AND BOARD—FRONT ROW: John Lisher (Treas.), Walter Johnson (Pres.), Clarine Nardi (Vice Pres.), Brenda Horn (Sec.), Margie Arnold, Mary Epple. SECOND ROW: Janeann Pitz, Linda Landskroener, Larry Mangus (Adviser), Ron Danks, Kerry Perkins, Thomas Pytynia, Karen Edwards, Charlee Duney.

VOS—FRONT ROW: Cindy Gidley, Kathy Vehe, Sharon Neal, Margie Arnold, Gay Sutphin, Mary Lappie. SECOND ROW: Doris Feffer, Nancy Swickard, Lola McPheron, Judi Antkowiak, Sharon Weiler, Linda Crane, Debbi Misner, Kathy Makielski, Carol Lappie. THIRD ROW: Deborah Ferraro, Sandy Shapiro, Rita Brindley, Nancy Heck, Kathleen Ashcraft, Dianne McClure, Cynthia Palmer, Mary Katherine Newton, Terry King, Michele Reiling. FOURTH ROW: Doris Holmberg, Mari Jo Swartz, Cathy Brown, Sara McDaniel, Becky Drury, Angi Grobauskas, Niki Krisko, Tina Fagan, Carol Nelson, Eva Beach, Vicki Bauer, Marcia Hermann.
HERSHEY-STEMPLE—FRONT ROW: David Craig, David Lazarus, Pete Maviza, Linda Landskroener, Judy Madsall, Phyllis Morton, Jennifer Lee, Karen Cecil, Steve Applebaum, Gary Stair. SECOND ROW: Chris Nottingham, Steven Neoenschwander, Kristen Krathwokl, Vivian Gladden, Dorothy Manlief, Pam Brondage, Ramona Leitner, Ruth Ellen Heflen, Donna Horton, Sue Johnson, Sandy Davis, Janica Farian, Bill Truax, Roy Applegate. THIRD ROW: Russell Otte, Roger Chrastil, Dennis Lamey, Robert Philips, David Miller, James Easterday, Mike Garrett, Ralph Farmer, K. M. Wilk, Larry Stickler, John Sjoquist, David Richardson, Ken Wagner, James Kilmer.
Specialties of McNutt Wheaties—breakfast of champions, served every morning to the many I.U. athletes living at McNutt.

Coffee—served on special occasions (namely, the McNutt coffee houses), usually to the sounds of poetry reading and folk singing groups.
Wassail—this specialty is served only during the Christmas season at the McNutt Madrigal Dinner. Order this item and you will be serenaded by the Choralairs.
Sex—seminars, that is. Must be female to attend.
McNutt Quadrangle
Board of Governors
FRONT ROW: Steve Peterson (Student Gov't Adviser), Miss Reilly (Head Counselor), Mark Willoughby, Kathy Slaton, Chris Blomquist, Margie Morris, Ken Rader, Sandy Ziegler. SECOND ROW: Elana Levy, Nora Wolf, Debbie Dorsey, Mary Scifres, Sandy Gagel, Sue Celli ni. Nancy Carlton, Terry Eschenbach, Mary Jo Wetzel, Mike Mueller. THIRD ROW: Jay Kirkpatrick, Eileen Sullivan, Debbie Gore, Jary Sierkey, Mike Nichols, Bob Rudd, Steve Canfield, Marty Perez, Steve Parker, Randy Roller. FOURTH ROW: John Andrews, Greg Hary, Tom Navrot.
Executive Council

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Chris Blomquist (Vice Pres.), Margi Morris (Pres.), Ken Rader (Vice Pres.). SECOND ROW: Kathy Slaton (Treas.), Sandy Ziegler (Sec.).
CABINET—FRONT ROW: Paula Noblet, Renee Francis, Claudia Pernell, Janis Kotora, Wendy Ratliff, Susan Smith. SECOND ROW: Nora Wolf, Jay Kirkpatrick, Terry Eschenbach, Tom Navrot, Sandy Gagel, Mark Willoughby.
Judicial Board

JUDICIAL BOARD—FRONT ROW: Dave Miller, Mark Snelson, Bea Mould, Don Aripoli (Adv.). SECOND ROW: Dave Hathaway, Jim Ashby, Bob Braitman, Rick Thorgren.
BORDNER BASEMENT, GROUND AND 1—FRONT ROW: Bruce McDonald (Vice-Gov.), John Simpson, Richard Peach, John Williams (Gov.), John Treat, Jan Moorhead, Jim Pratt. SECOND ROW: Tom Barker, John Rasmussen, Patrick Rogers, Mark Fry, Stephen Zeilengold, Roger Pritzke, Greg Wasson, Bill Thistlethwaite. THIRD ROW: Steve Cassidy, Richard Gregorczyk, Terence Cooper, Steve Barlow, Steve Allen, David Bussard, David Chanley, Rob Sutherlin, Gary Sharp. FOURTH ROW: Mark Scherschel, Lew Rhinehart, Larry Duhamell, Sam Gardiner, Steve Gillner, John Kindig, Jon Long, Dennis Cook, Joe Cottingham.

BORDNER 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Dave Mather, Bill Coyle, J. P. Palguta, John Eagleson, Charles Geile, Richard Loverich, Barry Bateman. SECOND ROW: Ken Ferres, Mike McKnight, Mike Pampalone, Jim Stoneburner, Kathy Kingsley, Dan Cline (Gov.), Randy Kreizenbeck, Jamey Costino (Gov.), Gregg Hay. THIRD ROW: Ronald Schutz, Terence Cooper, Tom Sheneman, Jack Humphrey, John Lofland, John Gear, Gary Lohaus, Gruss Feuquay, Jim Hornaday, Sam Coburn, Gilbert Gambill. FOURTH ROW: Jim Anderson, Denny Turner, Chuck Hilbrich, Richard Friedberg, Eddie Kuklenski, John Schaefer, Roger Bass, Phil Ayer, Steve Muha, Wayne Young. FIFTH ROW: Jeff Randall, Raymond Booth, Tom Denney, Merrill Matlock, Steve Burries, Tom Mathis, Mike Messenheimer, Dennis Howett, Larry Hill.

BOCOBO GROUND & 1—FRONT ROW: Sara Porter, Kim Torgerson, Nancy Mahuren, Marion Moxely, Nancy Hamilton, Michele Johnson, Meg Barth, Nora Wolff. SECOND ROW: Linda Peyton, Carol Suroviak, Marji Morris, Claudia Perna], Mary Lou Johnston, Patricia Crary, Pam Wise, Nancy Konzelman, Mary Mohler, Carla Trager. THIRD ROW: Linda Blank, Sharon Cotton, Marcy Adler, Barbara Mullin, Sue Otlewski, Sue Boyce, Judy Earhart, Margaret Tinder, Marcia Hardesty. BOCOBO 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Sandy Wilson, Gaylene Goren, Doris Felsher, Georgia Henrie, Nancy Carlton (Gov.), Pat Olson, Eileen Sullivan (Gov.), Susan Leopold. SECOND ROW: Mary Ausich, Barb Bruno, Laurie Filderman, Merry Kime, Terri Tompkins, Lynne Ross, Susan Bella, Becky Spitznogle, Debbie Nagy, Theresa Brier, Jan Hachlica, Louise Racich. THIRD ROW: Veda Bonomo, Marilyn Gill, Judy Hershey, Ricky Gross, Sheila Poellein, Sherrill Whitney, Carole Watson, Renee Francis, Jackie Gonder, Charlene Serynek. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Arch, Ginny Shoup, Cheryl Schmidt, Ruth Klein, Judith Brennan, Ann Dougherty, Connie Watson, Linda Holsapple, Barb Schreiner, Dianna Bartholomew, Peggy Bonfield, Susan Jollief, Wendi Ratliff.

CRONE BASEMENT & GROUND —FRONT ROW: Mike Mueller (Gov.), Patrick Miller (Communications), John Edkins (Soc. Ch.), Jay Kirkpatrick (Gov.), Michael S. Klaybor, Lee 0. Wagoner (Sec.), Bob Bubnovich (Asst. R.A.), Christian LeBris (Couns.). SECOND ROW: Mark Hanak, Gordon Doyle, Mark Doyle, Tom Leowakis, Mike Weimer, Bob Lehman, John Barksdale, Charles Washington, Max Carpenter, Andy Hudson, Ron Cochran, John Frushour. THIRD ROW: Doug Meissner, Kent Bell, Darwin Schmidt, Craig Barker, Ian Kirkpatrick, Gordon Bokelman, John Little, Terry Vaidek, Lance Feighner (Sec. Stud. Aff.), Steve Goodrum, John Beatty. FOURTH ROW: Alan Kluman, Robert Rush, Danny Slaton, Stan Hamilton. Gary Thompson, Dave Tiller, Den Shafer, Thomas Siather, Michael Wegner, Glenn Talbert, Kevin Weldy. BRYAN HALL—FRONT ROW: Tom Nawrot (Gov. II), Carl Dyszkiewicz (Wing Treas.), Tom Kruyer (Fire Marsh.), Mike Nichols (Gov. I), Stan Young (Couns.), John Walda (Frosh. Pres.), Jim Ashby (Jud. Brd. Mem.), John Patten (Fl. Couns.). SECOND ROW: Michail Cordry, Ray Johnston, J. D. Rench, Steve Cherry, Lewis Schloemer, Larry McCavley, Robert Shelby, Jesse Sickels, Bill Dahlkamp, Attila Yaprak. THIRD ROW: Farhan Shawaf, E. B. Hendrix, James Swonder, Charles Owen McCormick, Mike McKeon, Marc Maiatico, Tim Galuin, Dave Solomon, William Weichsel, Jim Youngman. FOURTH ROW: Brad Robison, Mark Brunfild, Ralph Conti, Marty Perez, Dave Arnold, Bill Rikard, Jeffrey Whaley, Bruce Dryer, Dennis Neuschwanger, Bill Rahe, Charles Flowers.
CRONE II & Ill—FRONT ROW: John Gall, Al Jenkins, Keith Brauer (Fl. Couns.). SECOND ROW: Bernie Glim, Jim Ferguson, Ed Brooks, Carl Lagenaur, James Luetkemeier.

DE JOYA G & I—FRONT ROW: Jean Skiora, Miriam Moy (Fl. Couns.), Janet Pingleton (Fl. Couns.), Mary Alice Arnold (R.A.), Teri Eschenbach (Gov. Gr.), Janet Lear (Couns.), Christina Kowalski (Treas.), Sally Cissel (Fl. Couns.). SECOND ROW: Kathy Kelly, Nancy Keller, Iris Trent, Sue Ice, Chris Elibasich, Louise Goss, Rita Webb, Donna Smith, Julia Ebert, Pamela Witt, Mary Patryas. THIRD ROW: Julie Himes, Ramona Robards, Beth Fushelberger, Beverly Dietrich, Marsha La Tourette, Pam Powers (Fl. Couns.), Donna Wadsworth, Sally Sheehan, Mary Jo Falvey. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Patterson, Sharon Peregrine, Jane Brenneman, Mary Anne Leer, Vicki Dearholt, Janet Garrott, Debbie Martin, Sherry Boone, Jayne Preston, Deanna Dewers, Deidre Koranda.
DE JOYA 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Cheryl Behrendt, Shirley Katunick, Vonnie Wiesjahn, Jalna Wagoner (Gov. 3), Mary Seifres (Gov. 2), Nancy Crawford, Jane Brennan, Barb Harris. SECOND ROW: Sharon Krueger, Tonja White, Sherri Kress, Susan Taylor, Dottie Nyland, Jean Brennan, Patricia Szymczak, Linda Harlan, Valerie Drozda, Sherry Beals, Susan Desits, Janice Olszewski. THIRD ROW: Catherine Miller, Alyce Mart, Cindy Eck, Debbie Goar, Agnes Lannom, Linda Day, Lynda Petrie, Dianne Dimick, Cathy Medick. FOURTH ROW: Pat Mertel, Sally Young, Karen Gorman, Paula Baldwin, Kathleen Rosenwinkel, Kathy Gerometta, Ann Taylor, Kiki Zulick, Maureen Callahan, Norma Coffman, Priscilla Osovski, Lynn Vanatta. FIFTH ROW: Pam Brown, Ceci Hathaway, Linda Malik, Kathleen Slaton, Linda Schneider, Peggy Wally, Patty Moll, Kim Haseh, Diane Glogowski.

DELGADO GROUND—FRONT ROW: Nancy Ulm, Linda Jacobs, Patti Hendricks, Jan Elaine Hughes, Carol Kiep, Melissa Whisler, Bev Martin, Janet Capp. SECOND ROW: Cathy Philpott, Janet Schuer, Joy Klaucker, Beth Barrett, Susan Smith, Sandy Gagle (Gov.), Jill Moss.

DELGADO TWO—FRONT ROW: Sue Berger, Verjie Llamas, Barbara Schisler, Debbie Dorsey, Joan Casper, Beth Hary, Marsha Crouse. SECOND ROW: Janet Gardner, Linda Maple, Verdell Anderson, Margie Shuer, Jan Briggs, Kathy Kingsly, Dawn Dorey, Suzanne Miller, Katie Lehman. THIRD ROW: Kathy Henderson, Connie Groeninger, Kathy Hartwell, Lynn Forster, Susan Tepas, Diane Moore, Diane Doll, Peggy Dunn. DELGADO ONE—FRONT ROW: Karen Kay Kress, Janice Ritz, Fran Nudi, Mary Jo Wetzel (Gov.), Diana Lane, Donna King, Mary Bonczek. SECOND ROW: Gretchen Coleman, Kathy Lucas, Linda Claeson, Julia Bryant, Nancy Middleton, Karen Allen, Jenny Pineur, Joyce Etter. THIRD ROW: Nikki Martin, Barbara Witniki, Susie Ellis, Emily Swanson, Carolyn Jedd, Fran Rothehild. FOURTH ROW: Codylo Droza, Amy Taylor, Paula Noblet, Sue Helmken, Linda LaChapelle, Kathy Grabbe, Becky Hall, Katie Burford.

DELGADO 3—FRONT ROW: Sue Cairns, Bev Skelton, Jeanette Stovall, Sandi Lehman, Elana Levy (Gov.), Gail Thrapp, Laurie Barrett. SECOND ROW: Mary Kompier, Pam Cunningham, Candy Kruse, Cynthia Lynch, Katie Alter, Paula Seybert, Rose Marie Skonieczny, Laurie Groves. THIRD ROW: Linda Ethridge, Christie Troup, Adele Cohen, Carol Needle, Ann Moore, Lucinda Muller, Marcia Griffin, Cathy Bajusz.
Rumors circulated through MRC this year that Smith Hall has a ghost. The men promptly organized clubs to search for the mystery creature, but, so far, to no avail.
MRC also has the distinction of being the dorm on campus with a 100 to one ratio of cars to parking spaces—an equally trying experience for all those involved.
Tradition seems to be what the men of MRC thrive on. Quiz bowls, trivia bowls, athletic contests and awards, and a consistently high academic standing round out the activities for the oldest housing unit on campus.

Men's Residence Center
Board of Governors
BOARD OF GOVERNORS— FRONT ROW: William L. Stevens, Joseph M. Berman, John C. Fisher (Pres.), Jerry D. Allen, Rich Hattendorf. SECOND ROW: Bob Arrowsmith, Arthur Banks, Dennis Klemm, John Newman.

CRAVENS A AND C.—FRONT ROW: Bob Dailey, Ed Kleine, Rick Hattendorf (Gov.), Donald Lane (Vice-gov.), Dennis Riggs, David Mathias. SECOND ROW: Steven Angle, Millard Eisler, Jean-Pierre Shultz, Stuart Deuring, Roger Key, Larry Penrod, Christopher Greenleaf, Robert Blair.

EDMUNSON 2—FRONT ROW: Hank Prebus, Nick Timm, Phil Elliott (Vice-gov.), Jerry Allen (Gov.), Samuel Jeffrey, Cary Frederick, Larry Graliczak, Rocky Gottman. SECOND ROW: Tom Stoller, Brad Cooper, Dietrich Snelling, Chuck Johnson, Henry Mierzwa, Jim Brunenkant, Milton Brandenburg, Dave Tanner. THIRD ROW: Gary Selfridge, Chris Babcock, Dick Sanders, Alex Gulaboff, Jon Brown, Charles Smith, Jay Burke, Dennis DeWell, Christopher Maternowski. FOURTH ROW: Jeff Whitesel, Gary Conner, Scott Custard, David Kennedy, Herbie Hughes, Stephen Long, Jim Bere, Dan Wendling, Jim McCormick. CRAVENS B—FRONT ROW: Larry Ingram, Tim Shula, Eddie Daniels, Jr., Ronnie McCloud, Bill Marvin (Gov.), Steven Kellam, David Gray. SECOND ROW: Michael Gibson, Gary Coburn, Bill Thwing, Kyle Rarey, More Schulz, Barry Kessler, Manuel Heredia, Bill Waits.
Edmuns on

EDMUNSON 4 AND SMITH (FRONT ROW: John Newman, Rick Koleszar, Bill Stevens (Gov. 4), Steve Cronk (Vice-gov. 4), Phillip Neff (Gov. 1), Tom Wilhelm, Lawrence Kutt. SECOND ROW: Frank Mula, Terry Roberts, Tom Benedict, Alec MacWatt, Ruben Feliciano, Merritt Carlson, Frederick Ball. THIRD ROW: Allen Aukerman, Alexander Chai, Thom Gustayson, William Brunsman, Richard Balash, Gerald E. Taylor, Mike Fatula. EDMUNSON 3—FRONT ROW: Gerry Hollis, William Feller, Frank Leach, Joe Berman (Gov.), Steve Sukel, Terry Hannigan, Ralph Bruner. SECOND ROW: Gary Hinz, David Fruit, Alan Wilhite, Kurt Mishberger, Eric George, Mac Heald. THIRD ROW: Oliver Fields, Chris Fenwell, Marc Horn, Dobson Burton, Chuck Van Dyke, Jeff Anderson, Tom Enochs.
SMITH 2—FRONT ROW: Arthur Banks (Gov.), Lucio Bartolai (Vicegov.), Dom Mangone, Jack Patton, John Moore, Bill Guber. SECOND ROW: Jim Sottong, Charles Dickinson, Marshall Jowers, Kenneth Hanig, Maurice Daniels, Terry Eldrid, Kurt Mayhew. THIRD ROW: Terry Persinger, Larry Mayhew, Charles Jessup, Kent VanValin, Ben Stafford, Dennis Hasting.

SMITH 3—FRONT ROW: Gary Edwards, Mike Anderson, James Roessler (Vice-gov.), Ronnie Bishop, Tom Thamann, Lawrence Coman. SECOND ROW: Kirk Bigelu, Richard Mao, Tony Kohne, Ed Richardson. Steve Shultz, Andy Peschel, Dave Coughlen.

Read Center
With a little inspirational help from H. J. Heinz, the winning combination of Read Center and MRC once again captured firstplace honors in the annual Homecoming float contest. This year's entry which urged the Hoosiers to "Pour It On 'Em" was the third consecutive winner of the two residence halls and so earned its creators the right to permanent possession of the traveling trophy.
The nearly 1200 women of Read combined their talents and skills to organize such activities as a film series (the main attraction of which was that it was free), Little Sisters' Weekend, and the only three days in the year when all 600 rooms were simultaneously immaculate, Mothers' Weekend and Dads' Day. At the beginning of the year, upperclass residents volunteered to be "Big Sisters" to the influx of frazzeled freshmen who descended en masse for Orientation Week.
Judicial Board

JUDICIAL BOARD—FRONT ROW: Janet Armstrong, Bonnie Personett, Pamela Neal, Beth King. SECOND ROW: Ruth Hitchcock (Chairman), Joy Kay Hatfield.
Center Council
CENTER COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Rona Alexanderҟ(Vice-pres. Programming), Sherry Daughtery (Exec. Sec'y), Cande Steckol (Pres.), Phyllis Roell (Curryҟ Vice-gov.), Ethel Finn (Soc. Co-chairman). SECOND ROW: Sue Van Hoy (Soc. Cochairman), Joyce Carlile (Curry Gov.), Karen Berry (Beck Gov.), Susie Lane (Landes Gov.), Susan Edwards (Landes Vice-gov.), Carol Snook (Center Comm. Coord.), Sue Adley (Clark Gov.).
BECK 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Sandi Mitchell, Mary Sue Harrwell, Debbie Chamberlin, Kathy Mueller, Sharon Macke, Vicki Renz, Susan Cooksley. SECOND ROW: Debbie Goodwin, Grace Hamilton, Judy Yates, Judy Ferrell, Marita Sanders, Thetis Roudebush, Susan Engle, Charlotte Smith, Nancy Cripe.

BECK 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Sue Hall, Natalie Johnson, Peggy O'Connor, Donna Thomas (Vicegov.), Karen Berry (Gov.), Sharon Benton, Laurie Scheffers, Harriet Ann Levi. SECOND ROW: Cindy Hall, Melinda Wallace, Jeanne Meyer, Deborah Gallup, Jordan Hamm, Ann Trudeau, Louisa Lipps, Marsha Brooks, Laura Meyer, Maurita Elrod, Barb Singer, Mary Heiny, Carolyn Kepley, Martha Grodrian, Jayne Deeb, Sue Azevedo.

CLARK 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Susan Nethery, Lynn Mundy, Sally Ulrich, Julia Baker, Sue Adley (Gov.), Cari Small, Susan Fligeltaub. SECOND ROW: Tanya Fessler, Vikki Velkoff, Cheryl Gettinger, Janet Rippy, Karen Williams, Bonnie King, Judy Geder. THIRD ROW: Melinda Clark, Tomya McCarthy, Deborah Knight, Carolyn Hurst, Jo Peckat, Marjorie Sieb, Pat Hurley, Mary Jones. CLARK 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Pat Hayes, Ethel Finn, Sherry Glass, Linda Alberty, Teri Senior, Teri Dillon, Beth Basanda, Janet Lundy. SECOND ROW: Christie Dable, Karla Organ, Marge Homan, Jane Ebbinghouse, Debby Ray, Sue Lang, Marsha Bowers, Jo Hensley, Kim Mikkelsen. THIRD ROW: Julia McCrosky, Susan Van Hoy, Susan Roth, Peggy Parmele, Janet Hardman, Connie Wolfcale, Susan Stout, Stephanie Meyers, Bonnie Gallivan, Kathy Cook, Loretta Horvath.

CURRY 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Lee Ann Oatess, Deborah Newby, Joyce Carli le (Vice-goy.), Pam Hamilton, Patti Ruppert. SECOND ROW: Mary Collins, Barbara Back, Pam Stevens, Connie Branch. CURRY 2 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Berry Fitzner, Martha Nugent, Barbara Foltz, Carol Pendleton, Bonnie Hall (Gov.), Penny Freedman, Becky Drennen, Katy Lieber. SECOND ROW: Nancy Walters, Nita Hicks, Karen Bowen, Bonnie Newman, Sharon Pavach, Priscilla Tucker, Teresa Walker, Ann Elsner, Magda Csetenyi. THIRD ROW: Janice Frech, Janice Talbert, Elodee Hopper, Jan Lettelleir, Pat Lucas, Ann Bricker, Sherry Duffin, Andrea Haste, Denise Melton.
LANDES 2, 3 AND 4—FRONT ROW: Diane Million, Debbie Harrison, Lynn Lisarelli, Carol Wolfe, Vickie Furlong, Ann Bundy, Lynn Rockwood, Susan Ehereenman. SECDND ROW: Judy Donohue, Debbie Grosenbacker, Janet Krampe, Ruth Rudie, Marcia Carney, Nancy Hitchison, Eileen Grosse, Beverly Holdcraft, Brenda Lualdi.

LANDES 4, 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Julie Funkhouser, Bobbi Somers, Bonnie Gordon, Susan Edwards (Vice-gov.), Janis Dugle, Linda Nevel, Mary Markowicz, Barb Carroll, Barbara Best. SECOND ROW: Barbie Bonham, Carolyn Hester, Cathy Loman, Judy Anderson, Candice Lemen, Sara Vaughn, Ann Ricke, Jeanette Bennett, Cynthia Walton, Pama Jonner. THIRD ROW: Mary Menzies, JoAnne Dubec, Jeannie Bernikowicz, Diane Glowacki, Joy Kay Hatfield, Linda Morgan, Lois Leavitt, Cindy Philbrook, Anne Brooks. FOURTH ROW: Cheryl Schaekel, Brenda Ferguson, Beth Brinker, Deedra Rumyan, Mindy Miller, Sandra Ptucha, Linda Myers, Sharon Menshilwood, Theodotia Hartman, Becky Williamson.

Teter Quadrangle
In 1968-69 Teter Residents learned an enormous amount about nothing in particular and everything in general. For instance, did you know that open visitation works out even better in a coed dorm? you can spend an awful lot of money going to Crosstown each day? since Wright went co-ed the men of Teter spy on them, too? the cafeteria line is mostly guys in the mornings? (these are probably the ones who are first in line every night) there are rooms in the basement that even the janitors can't find? phone boxes are not the grooviest thing that ever happened? with a little bit of spirit and 1500 kids you car get a lot done? —that's Teter this year.
Executive Council

TETER EXECUTIVE COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Mona Hernandez, Mary Jane Breitenbach, Jane Fisher. SECOND ROW: Ken Martlage, Chester Bailey, Bill Erlacker, Greg Larkin.
Center Council
TETER CENTER COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Jerry Fritz (VicePres.), Kathy Petrucce, Kathy Waite, Manci Yates, Mary Jane Breitenbach (Vice-Pres.), Greg Larkin (Pres.), Ken Martlage (Pres.). SECOND ROW: Linda Ryan, Joy Principat, Pat Wince, Melinda Sobraski, Jody Racine, Cheryl Lucas, Caryl O'Brien, Eileen Thacker, Jennifer Rinehart. THIRD ROW: Steve Dickhaus, Robert Connell, Steve Bowser, Joe Brenner, Randy Hammond, Bob Shaffer, Bob Weith, Bill Royalty, Russ Smith.

WISSLER 2—FRONT ROW: Steve Griggs, Steve Messman, Steve Bowser (Gov.), Steve Peterson, Thomas Watson, Dan Munger. SECOND ROW: Robert Kleiner, Tom Eastridge, Dan Fridh, Mark Rickert, Roger Hall, Melvin Collins, Dave Dicus.
WISSLER 3—FRONT ROW: Dick Kaplan, William McFarland (Vice Gov.), Kathy Healy (Sweetheart), Bob Shaffer (Gov.), Ken Mortlage, Robert Clayton. SECOND ROW: Erick Springer, Steve Pieper, Eric Richardo, Mark Esenwein, Jow Huff, Darrel Davis, Steve Kearney. THIRD ROW: David J. Cadwell, Greg Grummell, Bill WinsCott, Steve Clason, Dave Duffin, Dale Wynn.

WISSLER 5—FRONT ROW: Hifzi Mehmet Sarioglu, Richard J. Mlynarski, Paul A. Hugentober, Richard L. Messner, Thomas C. Frey. SECOND ROW: J. Mark Thomas, Michael P. Gorski, Dennis Dill, Steve Underwood, Bruce Novak.
THOMPSON 3 AND 5—FRONT ROW: Doug Lacey, Rod Cochran, William Royalty (Gov.), James Moore. SECOND ROW: Mel Jacobson, Ken Fife, Glen Sargent, Richard Gayle.

THOMPSON 4—FRONT ROW: Greg Larkin, Keith Kennedy, David Watters, Tim Seehausen, Larry Fisher (Vice Gov.), Bob Weith (Gov.), Dallas Bauman, Michael Albert, Gregory MacLennan, Jake Dunton. SECOND ROW: Randall Peters, Richard Yoder, Bill Thompson, Tom Allen, Greg Eaver, Jim Post, Craig Goodwin, Steve Warren, Ronnie Powell, Greg Matt, Stan Franklin. THIRD ROW: Mike Popescue, Neb Ellis, John Drabecki, Leonard Zeabart, Michael O'Connell, Stephen Hatfield, Thomas Cicarella, Ed Knoop, Rick Cooley, Roger Barker, Jim Jacobs. FOURTH ROW: Steve Spicer, Rod Beck, John Barnard, Ron Sullivan, Mike Lunsford, Steve Fouts, Issam Shaban, John Lienhart, Chet Bailor, Mark Catt, Dan Hogan.

BOISEN 3 AND 4—FRONT ROW: Lynn Barrett, Cydney Finkel, Roberta Rakow, Cynthia Winters, Sandy Coffland, Andi Bryer, Marjorie Etchison, Diana Weiler, Cherri Merchant, Yvonne Lowe, Carol Nichols. SECOND ROW: Janie Mersereau, Karen Thompson, Kathleen Cooper, Carol Abdon, Marilyn Lewis, Susan Yokel, Jane Bender, Connie Bee (Vice Gov.), Jean Siders (Vice Gov.), Nancy Michael (Gov.). THIRD ROW: Rosie Rose, Yvette Grady, Jennifer Grimes, Beverly White, Marilyn Carroll, Sue O'Malley, Vera Langner, Carolyn Vaught, Vanita Clements, Maureen Dayton. FOURTH ROW: Roseanna Bothwell, Betty Ferguson, Barbara Swinney, Kathy Wilke, Jane Murray, Pam Wampler, Carol Sue Hall, Nancy Paris, Colleen Mercer, Susan Ware, Vernelle Bush. FIFTH ROW: Muffet Schumacher, Jill Kliphardt, Debbie Ringer, Peggy Martin, Paula Eley, Linda Wagonseller, Maureen Sullivan, Janis Nemeth, Evelyn Dabrowski, Irene A. Bafalowkos, Elizabeth Stronowicz, Nancy Powers. BOISEN I AND 2—FRONT ROW: Rita Downard, Cindy Bohlen, Jannette Hendrickson, Cheri Colter (Vice Gov.), Jody Racine (Gov.), Eileen Thacker (Gov.), Susan Jackson, Nancy Sullivan. SECOND ROW: Margie Brazina, Pam Wentland, Bonnie Gardner, Libby Marschke, Jackie Hughes, Cathy Worthington, Suzanne Robey, Kathy Murray, Cheryl Davis. THIRD ROW: Mary Jo Schock, Susan Freiberger, Pam Martin, Carol Wright, Sally Stenholm, Karen Hall, Linda Williams, Carolyn Turnbaugh. FOURTH ROW: Joan Barrett, Judith Newberg, Barb Whitmore, Jo Sabkel, Jane Scholl, Sheilah Abramson, Debbie Richardson, Cheryl Burack, Liz Colby.

ELKIN 2—FRONT ROW: Martha Probst, Judy Jared, Anita Becht, Patricia Wince (Gov.), Rhonda Keller (Vice Gov.), Penni Johnson, Jan Mattasits. SECOND ROW: Linda Davis, Kathy Rittenhouse, Patricia Apostol, Marianne Moore, Kamala Buckner, Kathleen Clancy, Karen Lobert, Susie Wagner. THIRD ROW: Elaine Mitchell, Kathy Weber, Linda Schwartz, Bev Ripple, Donna Jean Hartke, Pat Dyer, Diana Miller, Jacqui Wise, Susie Kirkdorfer.
r r .11,1
ELKIN 1 AND 3—FRONT ROW: Mary Piepenbrok (Vice Gov.), Leslie Jamison, Tanna Boehm, Abby Tweedle, Katina Burgess, Debbie Heath, Tracy Lynch, Sarah Bapst, Shay O'Neil, Jill Oxley (Vice Gov.), Cheryl Lucas (Gov.). SECOND ROW: Pam Deputy, Lynette Walker, Debbie Paxton, Jan Jacks, Gail Shaffner, Chris Nicolle, Janice Bennett, Lana Smith, Stephanie Young, Jeanie Emery, Bev Schisler. THIRD ROW: Jenifer Waters, Cindy Restrick, Lisa Anderson, Sally Wakeland, Susan Glick, Marilyn German, Jeannie Ridinger, Marjorie Covell, Sylvia Partlowe, Lorraine Paskash. FOURTH ROW: Pat Gordon, Andrea Gutterman, Diana Dickensheets, Nancy Lange, Stephanie Gradolf, Sheryl Skillman, Susan Moffett, Momie Jennings, Linda Kalberger, Erma Stephens, Jena Anderson. FIFTH ROW: Sandy Irwin, Linda Stillabower, Linda Wagley, Susie Wallgren, Carolyn Olsen, Sue Wildman, Sue VanAntwerp, Lisa Vogel, Karen Williams, Bonnie Miller.
RABB I—FRONT ROW: Terri Toole, Jan Gysin, Anne Denny, Linda Ryan (Gov.), Gail Eger (Vice Gov.), Alana Lundgren, Sherry Glaser. SECOND ROW: Becky Hueber, Carol Reusser, Jane Zimmerman, Jane McCallister, Cathy Hutchinson, Carol Huges, Jerry Herd, Nancy Wagner. THIRD ROW: Minnie Touser, Karen Bolen, Rosumund Abel, Judy Millar, Tammy Griffith, Linda Forbess, Sigrid Bolinder.

RABB 5 AND 6—FRONT ROW: Linda Slater, Susan Altum, Bernadette Sobeck (Vice Gov), Joy Principatlo (Gov), Doris Schornstein. SECOND ROW: Cindy McLaughlin, Becky Weimer, Julie Durnell, Ellen Earley, Sheila Scott, Carol Ann Nix, Marcia Woods, Linda Riley.

Willkie Quadrangle
Willkie's a winner! After a Willkie-ite was crowned the 1967 Homecoming Queen and Willkie captured the 1968 I.U. Sing, a tradition of "winning big" was established.
Continuing this precedent was the Willkie Mini Team who rode away from its competitors to a first place victory. Not letting all the success of the previous year go its head, Willkie tried even harder to maintain its Number One reputation by capturing first place for independent lawn displays at Homecoming. The display, "Hoosiers Will-Key Up To Victory", sent Willkie off on another banner year.
Center Council
WILLKIE CENTER COUNCIL— FRONT ROW: Barbara Ross, Karen Carpenter, Pam Gentry, Nancy Conard, Carolyn Coleman, Dorothy Bienko, Debbie Bishop, Kathy Fiandt. SECOND ROW: Barb Halten, Sandy Taylor, Laura Garrittson, Pam Roth, Gayle Dannoch, Sharon Walsh, Chris Szabo. THIRD ROW: Bill Coulehan, Ken Moscanello, Tim Brink, Bill Baron, Mark Lubow, Mike Hoyt, Stu Bloom, Stan Chen, Richard Lewis, Susie Chong, Madonna Nowviskie, Alan Davis.


WILLKIE NORTH 3, SOUTH 3— FRONT ROW: Nancy Conrad, Pam Gentry, Sunni Matthews (Vice Gov.), Mark Lubow (Gov.), Gail Brachulis, Jon Goodman, Chris Szabo (Gov.), Alan Federoff. SECOND ROW: Becky Fraser, Linda Gajeda, Dale Scott, Garry Waltz, Mary Williams, Marty Moore, Richard Starr, Dave Greteneord, Steve Pock, Mark Shumard. THIRD ROW: Frances McCullough, Linda Overman, Becky Lungren, Suellen Jackson, Geraldine Niwao, Connie Neibert, Margie Conet, Maureen Widduck, Donna James, Joanne Maddock. WILLKIE NORTH 2—FRONT ROW: Karen Carpenter (Gov.), Jane Brooks, Debbie Schildcrout, Pat Young, Pat Pessemier, Sue Baillie. SECOND ROW: Yvonne Mason, Anne Schaffner, Glenna Crooks, Meg Sockrider, Jan Schulz, Glenda Rynearson. THIRD ROW: Nancy Green, Pam Coget, Diane Kami, Sue Livingston, Stella Kuwaye, Barbara Schankerman, Dee Ann Benjamin, Jeanne Stangle.
WILKIE NORTH 4, SOUTH (FRONT ROW: Nora Vega, Cheryl Flick, Cheryl Archer (Vice Gov.), Sue Anne Brewer, Bill Coulehan (Gov.), Ken Mickelson, Sam Passo, Albert Davis Woodward, Rhana Carnes. SECOND ROW: Craig Patrick Cassidy, James Gladden, Steve Heffelmire, Mark Hermes, Penny Norman, Dave Whit field, Tom Crowe, Richard Anthony Brown, Chuck Stewart, Dick Luchtman. THIRD ROW: Becky Shady, Janet Dutome, Jan Bryant, Betsey Millholland, Debbi Cutler, Susan Hinkle, Laura Springola, Lois McBride, Jamie Lisa Moss, Leslie Fielder, Sharon Carmichael. FOURTH ROW: Susan Herr, Sue Bennington, Barbara Andrews, Karen Frass, Carol Sheeta, Diane Carbro, Jackie Humphrey, Susan Miller, Larry Wilson, Fred Weatherford, Richard Ison.

WILLKIE SOUTH 4—FRONT ROW: Leon Hostetler, Bill Trowbridge, Chris Westland (Vice Gov.), Sue Baillie (Sweetheart), Michael Hoyt (Gov.), Joe Gennaro, Jim Trowbridge. SECOND ROW: Doug Murdock, Ron Lazar, Jim Linden, Dick Altman, Paul Eicher, Joe Meek, Bob Mueller, Greg Lowery. THIRD ROW: Ken Wilson, Dave Long, Russ Sonafrank, Mike Cooper, Lynn Mitchell, Chuck Chambers, Robert Hackbirth, Steve Hanna, James Brown. FOURTH ROW: Chris McReynolds, Stuart Franson, Alan Mattern, Jim Hemstreet, David Bechler, Tom Smith, Chuck Orr, Dave Trask.
WILLKIE NORTH 5, SOUTH 5— FRONT ROW: William Buchanan, Linda Tomlin, J. Patrick Glynn, Janet Meece, Steve Wibbler (Vice Gov.), Sandra Taylor (Gov.), Brian Millhoff, Teresa Rohrbaugh (Vice Gov.), John Bizzell. SECOND ROW: Joel Schapmeyer, Don Rogers, Charles Van Ausdall, Gary Wedow, Douglas Hulman, Lee Pearson, Phil Eversomon, Bob Roberts, Alex Williams. THIRD ROW: Mary Ann Rozdelsky, Bekki Douglas, Susie Chong, Debbie Lair, Wendy Louser, Judy Dean, Mary Ann Deniston, Linda Gardner, Pam Guy, Elaine Hohmann. FOURTH ROW: Dave Simanton, Beth Hill. Tom Crawford, Larry Goldstein, Mike Timpe, Denise Stevens, Jacqueline Jones, Sue Moehlmann, Barbara E. Turner, Marsha Franklin, Verlee Warfield.

WILLKIE NORTH 6 AND 10— FRONT ROW: Shirley Duncan, Linda Lifschultz, Linda Bell (Vice Gov.), Barbara Ross (Gov.), Kathryn Fiandt (Gov.), Sharon Schwietert (Vice Gov.), Julia Fullenwider, Barbara Thompson, Cheryl Nietfeldt. SECOND ROW: Susan Coburn, Diana Simpson, Diane Huren, Judy White, Rosemary Ingram, Joyce Konke, Jane Bullock, Barbara Beach, Sue Lampert, Polly Novak. THIRD ROW: Teresa Pence, Sandi Pockros, Linda Vest, April Arany, Sandy Smith, Debbie Plank, Julie Light, Sue Schwartz, Pamela Petry, Terry Jo Baringer, Beth Ann Jablonski. FOURTH ROW: Donna Biehl, Rita Zurawk, Patti Tomich, Sharon Hanna, Ann Mcllroy, Cheryl Stokes, Joan Auffart, Mary Jo Pickhardt, Cyndee Franklin, Jeanette Johnson. FIFTH ROW: Mary Catherine Wheeler, Meg Ellen Grandfield, Jane Douglas Berguson, Cheryl Ziegler, Claudia Chaney, Vicki Wolfcale, Sally Johnson, Lydia Kowalski, Jan Nattier, Pam Price, Jo Miller.

WILLKIE NORTH 8, SOUTH 8— FRONT ROW: Cathy Cohen, Carolyn Coleman, Kris Langdon, Barbara Bennett (Vice Gov.), Dorothy Bienks (Gov.), Richard Lewis (Gov.), Bill Volk (Vice Gov.), Rob Gond, Carl Henschen. SECOND ROW: Tom Webb, Morris Tubesing, Ken Sernberg, Sara Spur, Mary Moody, David Porter, Melinda Rodgers, Marilyn Musselman, Alleyne Toppin, Margaret Komisars. THIRD ROW: Penny Cockett, Gunta Augenbergs, Andy Roth, Diana Rzepka, Melinda Mandell, Sue Wolf, Darlene Ginder, Rosie Martin, Kathy Fairleigh, Mary Wright, Nancy Mayer. FOURTH ROW: Richard Friend, Joanne Moser, Melanie Hitchcock, Linda Tolmay, Pat Darnell, Judy Baughman, Patrick Walter, Mary Ann Koestner, Steve Hatfield, J. C. Bogan, Steve Pirkle, Bruce Fraser. FIFTH ROW: Jessica Hart, Robert Williams, Stephen Bibler, David Worth, Greg Devetski, Henry Hartman, Carlos Asay, Jon Howerton, David Koerner, David Haugk, Rick Buckmaster. WILLKIE NORTH 7, SOUTH 7— FRONT ROW: Gregg Thompson, Rosann Cart, Rick Cary (Vice Gov.), Pamela Roth (Gov.), Ole Nelson (Gov.), Kate McNell (Vice Gov.), Mike Downard, Lucinda Miller, Donald Lang. SECOND ROW: Greg Crail, Dan Fox, Tom Mildala, David Brooks, Mike Lasko, Phillip Roth, Roy Boston, John Stafford, John Wuertz, Fred May. THIRD ROW: Janet Moore, Carol Reed, Sylvia Heckman, Carol Wendt, Sara Stoller, Margaret Roy, Deborah Plumb, Emily Allyn, Nancy Hay. FOURTH ROW: David White, Patsy Weber, Joan Torrieri, Sue Nolst, Sandy Haskell, Sharon Leffew, Shelly Scott, Steve Ruhl, Peggy Ploetner, Candi Magner. FIFTH ROW: Dianna Withers, Jane Melick, Carolyn Thompson, Sharon Comerford, Jane Vohden, Jennifer Hackworth, Barbara Ziara, Ron Moore, Craig Spaulding.

WILLKIE NORTH I1, SOUTH 1 I —FRONT ROW: Richard Knight, Kathy Schulze, Carl Roach, Catherine Land, Don Ryszka, Debbie Bishop, Dave Kelleher, Susan Yoset. SECOND ROW: Kathie Sue Corrigan, Ginny Jones, Cathy Hacker, Gail Pluta, Patsy Hussey, Susan Dunkle, Roberta Marchese, Cathy Del Prete, Brenda Ragen. THIRD ROW: Chris Church, Monte Smith, Jim Williamson, Jim Thayer, Debbie Bechler, George Rector, Mary Beth Hyland, Charlotte Burgess. FOURTH ROW: George Peterson, Doug Smith, Kerry Borders, Jack Schroeder, George Dudzik, Dennis Stevens, Phillip Lutes, David Wakeland, John Dabel. WILLKIE NORTH 9, SOUTH GROUND AND 1—FRONT ROW: Donna Sue McNair, Margatet Datzman, Deborah Herdman, Charlie Brochin, Janet Meyer, Pam Zeiher, Rick Smith, Nancy Kelley. SECOND ROW: Sharon Thompson, Ray McMann (Vice Gov.), Cindyҟ Gable (Gov.), Max Bessler, Pat Meeks, Stew Bloom (Gov.), Laura Garrettson (Vice Gov.), Chris Cullnane, Claudia Cannon. THIRD ROW: Marilyn Wissel, Joyce Brinson, Joani Thornburgh, Lynn Haiff, Deborah Conley, Linda Verduin, Judie Teraspulsky,ҟ Anita Herring, Barbara McCammon, Darlene Potrzebowski. FOURTH ROW: John Kondrath, Bruce Smith, Dave Stone, Becky Mittendorf, Diane Petrakis, Scott Ackerson, Garyҟ Haag, Duane Goheen, Dave Moltz,ҟ Ernie Campbell, Mike Hamilton, FIFTH ROW: Kathy Hunn, Shae Delaney, Patricia Palmer,ҟ Michaelҟ Berry, Myra Heintzelman, Cathy Deal, John Bahr, Karen Delehanty, Alicia Gramkow, Patricia Wick.
WILLKIE SOUTH 2—FRONT ROW: Al Blake, Hugh Hanlin, Frank Degler (Vice Gov.), William Baron (Gov.), Lee Strawhun, Tom Gorseline. SECOND ROW: Harold Best, Steve Lantz, Joe Schroeder, Terry Usrey, Terry Thompson, Al Brands, Jim Berger.

WILLKIE CO-OP, NORTH AND SOUTH—FRONT ROW: Darrel Heide, Larry Hankins, Donald Bevis, Kenny Bevis, James Berndt, Thomas Bach, David Moss, Elliott Taylor, Bradley Pfaller, Mike Broome. SECOND ROW: Keith Patrick, Linda Patrick, Judy Campbell, Cathy Welsh (Vice Gov.), Sharon Walsh (Gov.), Sharyl Welsh, Bob Majewski, Bob Ford, Tom Broyles, Alan Cartwright (Vice Gov.). THIRD ROW: Geneva Hunsucker, Joyce Fish, Janice Wilhelm, Martha Bohler, Stanford Chen (Gov.), Neil Trout, Yen Phan, Linda Kachert, Margaret Boyd, Becky Papgitt, Karen Parchem. FOURTH ROW: Teresa Bottorff, Elizabeth Havenstein, Helena Ruhelhoff, Madonna Nowviskie, Kathy Puh, Deborah McKinney, Carolyn Jean Vick, Eloise Butor, Sue Bratton, Alice Zarkin. FIFTH ROW: Janet Schaber, Pauline Hasksm, Sheryl Michelson, Pat Leahy, Mary Streicher, June Ann Ladd, Marti O'Tain, Malinda Yoder, Larry Slaton, Ed Dettmer. SIXTH ROW: Roger Glasgow, Cliff Shockney, William Fettig, James Kapsa, John Eels, Jim Hickman, Michael Gostola, Rick Bangert, Dan Gettinger, Joseph Kapsa, Thomas Adams, Douglas Wood, Martin Lindahl, Bob Moss.

Wright Quadrangle
Wright Quadrangle has traditionally been an all male domain. This year things were entirely different. By decree of the University, females became a vital part of life at Wright. There appeared to be few problems for the males to become accustomed to having the girls around, however, rumor has it that for a time etiquette books were high on the reading lists of Wright men; running a close second were lists of names of new residents of Todd, Hall, Ruter and Campbell houses.
Along with females came elegance to the quad. Carpeting now covers the hallways, making happenings in the halls much quieter. Also contributing to the new image was the addition of phone boxes. Nothing like a gaping hole in the wall to insure privacy!
Need it be said that Wright Quadrangle still possesses an atmosphere all its own.
Board of Vice Governors

WRIGHT BOARD OF VICEGOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: Bill McConnehey, Judy Malone, Barbara Sayre, Helen Heicher, Barney Maynard. SECOND ROW: Douglas Templeton, Michael Johannes, Russ Havens, Bruce Conley, Terry Fancil, Don Spillman.
Board of Governors
WRIGHT BOARD OF GOVERNORS—FRONT ROW: John Heckman, Debbie Hartlage, Mary Elizabeth Rudd, Irish Wright, Karen Wells, John Smith. SECOND ROW: Robert Kuzman, Pete Hamang, Gerald Thomkins, Tim Yeager. THIRD ROW: McClellan Cox, Dennis Curry, Don Corbin, Pete Wade, John Sheehan, Doug Cregor.
Judicial Board

WRIGHT JUDICIAL BOARD— FRONT ROW: Jackie Smith (Adviser), Jane Woodward, Jenni Fogelberg. SECOND ROW: Jennifer Stein, Nancy Newsom, Marcia Bibler, Becky Dunnuck. THIRD ROW: Pat Stetzel, Mark Maxwell, Serge Barrios, Dan Rushing, Wayne Boswell (Adviser), Charles Moore.
Executive Council
WRIGHT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL—FRONT ROW: Karen Wells, Sheryl Shipman, Marty Hasz, Nancy Sharp. SECOND ROW: Bill McConnehey, Ron Jourdan (Pres.), John Silvestri, Bruce Conley (Vice-Pres.), Barney Maynard, Jim Widner. THIRD ROW: Charles Mooer, Michael Shaw, Pete Wade, Tim Yeager.
Dewey and Hall

DEWEY AND HALL—FRONT ROW: James Barnes (Gov.), Trish Wright (Gov.), Doug Flint, Judy Malone (Vice Gov.), Lynne Chazanof (Sweetheart), Stephen King, Anne Gowan, John Trent, Barb Walcrko. SECOND ROW: Don Pelsor, Stephan Miller, Charles Moore, Stephen Hammel, Jansen Chazanof, Paula Hill, Doug Baker, Mark Goodman, John Hallanger, Robert Kuzman. THIRD ROW: Nancy Newsom, Kajsa Berg, Debbie Corcoran, Kay Raschke, Marcia Bibler, Kathy O'Brien, Christine Lucterhand, Jan Kubiniec, Steve McBride. FOURTH ROW: Yuen Sek Yuen, Adelene Mabry, Sue Billion, Randy Green, Kathy Smock, Connie Mitchell, Karen Wells, Sheryl Shipman, Karen Brallier, Marcia Prucy.
DODDS—FRONT ROW: Jerry Potnick, Terry Dininger, Frank Kyle, Evan Cooper, John Heckman (Gov.), William Long, Jim Engledow, Don Spillman (Vice Gov.), John Spiros. SECOND ROW: Frank Scheer, Richard Felty, Mike McKnight, Leon Miller, Jeff Morse, Ken Minnis, Ted Goetz, John Milner, Larry Boller, Jerry Bolanowski. THIRD ROW: Phil Whisler, Barry Glick, Charles Koch, Tom Hanna, Howard Detamore, Tom Keck, Jerry Sturgis, Scott Lloyd, James Hays, John Lagarde, Steve Hanna. FOURTH ROW: Paul Argyelan, John Helzer, Nick Weyland, Jeff Willsey, Bryan Bernstein, Tom Baldwin, Doug Jones, Ping Chung Cheung Wong, Mark Cole, Mark Maxwell. FIFTH ROW: Tom Bennett, Richard Nix, Pat Dailey, Greg Gifford, Ted Petranoff, Jim Stroud, Mike Howard.

DUNN—FRONT ROW: Stephen Bangert, Randall Polk, Tim Kulik, Shirley Burgi (Sweetheart), John Pont (Adviser), Helen Heicher (Sweetheart), Rick Daniel (Vice Gov.), Ken Moss, Gene Sanford. SECOND ROW: Terence Bays, Robert Louda, Mark Patty, John Hyatt, Danny Chapman, Steve Higgins, Jim Wright, Jon Bixel, John Sutton. THIRD ROW: Philip Schafer, Thomas Weintraut, William Lee, Gregg Holycross, George Kiracofe, Bill Gorrell, Mark Allison, Ed Given, Roger May.

FERGUSON—FRONT ROW: Mike Kras, Todd Cook, Mike Lingis, Doug Templeton (Vice-Gov.), Dennis Curry (Gov.), Austin Caswell (Adviser), Judith Caswell (Sweetheart), Tim Elliott, Timothy Stites, Stuart Grankel. SECOND ROW: Bob Long, Steve Jones, Ed Hudelson, Ken Carnnhan, Mike Martindale, Brad Williams, John Stromberger, Dorsey Ketzenberger, Jim Finegan, Terry McBride, Frank Witecki, Ron Peercy, Dave Deaton.
ELLIOT AND HARNEY—FRONT ROW: Jimmy Mazurkiewicz, Bill Shipton, Carl Cindric, Bob Clawson (Gov.), Linda Kirk (Sweetheart), Mark Maynard (Vice Gov.), Ken Garrett, Bill Ketcham, Jim Muntz (Gov.). SECOND ROW: Jim Graham, Gordon Wright, David O'Neal, John Haste, Glenn Rose (Vice Gov.), Jack Humphrey, Bill O'Neal, Mike Johannes. THIRD ROW: Larry Wargel, Steve Williams, Mike Trbovich, Don Smith, Lee Cochard, John Bodenhamer, Mike Vandiver, Mike Guest, Steve Dugan. FOURTH ROW: Carl Williams, Narbert Welch, Larry Davis, Dan Elliott, Sam Burrows, Kerry Dalzotto, William Huhn, Jack Allen, Rod Kinney. FIFTH ROW: Jim Robinson, Bruce Edgeman, David Jakush, Tom Benson, Kevin Van Bentler, Eddie Blue, David Adams, David Mann, Gary Davis.

HUMMER—FRONT ROW: John Horst, Bill Pritchett, Dave Walling, Gerald Thompkins (Gov.), Jeff Alexander (Vice Gov.), Tim Leslie, Rick Grigsby, Frank Hoover, Joseph Toma. SECOND ROW: Darrell Wittmer, Eric Dils, Toni Rottinghaus, Nick McCoy, Clark Kaufman, Ken Keppen, Ken Dolezal, Dave Himm. THIRD ROW: Eddie Tressler, Scott Scheibler, Geoffrey Schacht, Steven Schacht, Robert Vote, Patrick Smith, John Davis. FOURTH ROW: George Aoki, Larry Shields, Gary Taylor, Jim Frets, Howard Schwartz, Timothy Watson, Roger Campbell, Tim Thomas, Lou Grothaus. H A RDI NG—FRONT ROW: Steve Wilson, Ken Johnson, Paul McAuliffe, Pam Wilson (Sweetheart), Pete Flamang (Gov.), Barney Moss (Vice Gov.), Ralph McCaw. SECOND ROW: Paul Hillis, Steve Hall, Frank Kritsch, Ernie Bott, Rick Jolliff, Graham Hill, Dean Abbott, Rick Mount. THIRD ROW: Floyd Shewmake, Greg Smith, Gary Broling, Bruce Evans, Hugh Wyrick, Larry Norris, Don Mauk. FOURTH ROW: Ken Ritchie, Tom Ringelspaugh, Tom Quayle, Larry Botz, Dave Roach, Milt Hicks, Mike Taffe, Robert Barnes.
JENKINS—FRONT ROW: Wayne Bostwell, Mike Horvath (Vice Gov.), Bob Evory, Lyndon McCurdy, Dave Frohman, Tom Cameron, Mike Wroblewski, Pete Wade (Gov.). SECOND ROW: John Lambros, Jim Touloukian, Phil Updike, Theodore Tetzie, Bob Guignon, John Neil, Craig Kibbe, Ronald Landin, Joe Dominik. THIRD ROW: Robert Shwetz, Timothy Chan, Tony Cheung, Bob Shoemaker, Greg Vaught, Dennis Hardin, Bob Perry, Bill Nalle. FOURTH ROW: Dave Schweitzer, Tom Alton, Dennis Turner, Rod LeDrew, Terry Dugar, Steve Feldman, Art Miller, Fred Oppenlander, Chuck Waggoner.
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LOWE—FRONT ROW: Richard McClelland, George Crossland, James Brown, Steve Marion, Bob Peters, John Sheehan (Gov.), Ross Havens (Vice Gov.), Robert Brito, Ron Pyland. SECOND ROW: Jerry Decker, Scott Welty, Lorin Kitch, Kyle Hudson, George Young, Robert Kwong, Thomas Niehaus, Jack Davids, David Anderson, Terry 'Stauffer. THIRD ROW: Scott Kingcon, Roy Adams, Ray McCarty, Bill Turner, Marty Sabo!, David Overgaard, Arnold Braun, David Sproull, Mike Johnson, Richard Brooker, Richard Engelking.
NICHOLS—FRONT ROW: Jeff Cheung, Pakale Fernandes, Tom Lappie, Bruce Beatty, Rob Lenicheck, Phil Mac Harg, John Berry, Tim Yeager, Mike Shaw. SECOND ROW: Dennis Checkley, Charlie Haviza, Mike Mattasits, James Ferguson (Gov.), Bob Krause (Vice Gov.), Tom Pope, Ted Proctor, Stanley Berg. THIRD ROW: Glen Eash, Bill Failey, William Bussell, Wesley Ferrell, Jim Brown, Larry Kuszmaul, Steve Buck, Tim Cordell, Marion Roglich.

PARKS—FRONT ROW: Boyd Hahn, Arland Reinhard, McClellon Cox (Gov.), Barbara Sayre (Sweetheart), Bill McConnehey (Vice Gov.), Dwight Smith, Steve Cates. SECOND ROW: James Mott, Frank Kubla, John Petrie, Alan Oliver, Bill Scott, Mark Harvey, Eric Crosley, Steve Hartman. THIRD ROW: Colley Knerr, Parker Brandley, Larry Butt, Joe Fiscel, John Fisher, Jim Eggleston, Bill Eigelsbach, Pedro DeJesus, David Tutacko. FOURTH ROW: Tom Kelly, John Bleicher, Sidney Marks, Bob Delph, Mike Arata, Don White, Carlton Reinhard, Martin Nehring, Bob Funcannon, Mike Savell.

RUTER—FRONT ROW: Toni Heiney, Helen Heicher (Vice Gov.), Patricia Tyson (Gov.), Linda Huckleberry, Carol Mysse, Lynette Bevers. SECOND ROW: Ann Thompson, Katherine Jones, Diana Bright, Karen Hester, Kathy Enslen, Connie Peters, Kathy Kuhn. THIRD ROW: Gloria Berlanga, Julie May, Terry Mendenhall, Margaret Hart, Nancy Sharp, Sandy Gradle. ROLLINS—FRONT ROW: Robert Doran, Jay Rigsley (Gov.), John Gilmore, Eileen Pruett, Steven Fink, Bob Holmquist, Ralph Peters. SECOND ROW: Paul Craven, Jerry Johnson, Scott Allman, Steve Allen, Steve Sinclair, John Hoffman, Bruce Clevenger, Charles Manning, David Pierson, Bob Schimp.

TODDҟFRONT ROW: Jennifer Cox, Donna Maschino, Marty Hasz, Gail French, Erma Schafstall, Peg Haznedl,ҟAnn Robison. SECOND ROW: Christine Falewicz, Barbara Craig, Marilyn Platte, Debbie Hartlage (Gov.), Gail Zilla (Vice Gov.), Linda Fetter, Sharon Edwards. THIRD ROW: Carole Masters, Amanda Whittemore, Kathy Roach, DebbieҟStretch, Carol Hutchison, Margaret McKenzie, Connie Newsone, Sister John Mary Lippert, Susie Curl, Becky Dunnuck. FOURTH ROW: Kathy Manville, Linda Hutchison, Eileen Purett, Debbie Marshall. STOCKWELL--FRONT ROW: Barney Maynard (Vice Gov.), Steve Higdon. Gary Morgan, Tom Connolly, Don Corbin (Gov.), Dean Harriss, Dave Wallace, Pat Stetzel, Jerry Crowe, Larry Clifford. SECOND ROW: Bruce Wheeler. David Gross, Terry Johns, Tom Brown, Larry Gottell, Tim Byrd. Don Yarnell, Silas Warner. THIRD ROW: LaMar Peterson, Hector Fernandez, Dennis Stalter, Tim Wade, Bruce Conley, Bruce Whitinger, Richard Palmer, C. W. Yeager, Larry Sutlan, Daniel Bowling. FOURTH ROW: John Robinson, Steve Tokarski, Bill Hameetman, Ron Fields, Jim Widner, Craig Hartzer, Al Demovich, Mike Schriefer, Greg Johns.