Right on, women's lib! What more can I say? As a dedicated radical, as a supporter of the total human rights movement, I mus myself in the role of st prt sympathizer. t men It amazes m s ened by lib. E hat ding woman de eat human being. Dick Gregory said it best when he told an I.U. audience that "Women are supposed to be human beings first, and women second.Yet what can I do? Only women can iberate themselves. Only women can make a qualitative difference in their wn life styles. A man's place in this ovement is merely to sit back and b a friend, and give words of encourag ment, and if asked, advise. But even I can say, there are thin about the movement I do not like. I am disturbed at the seriousness with which the lib people take themselves. There should be room for humor in every movement. What would the anit-war movement be like without Yippies. Women's lib has shown it can use theatre through the WITCHES. If they would only smile a little more. Humor is the most deadly weapon. If you don't take yourself humorously, if you don't have the saving grace of a smile in you arsenal then no one is going to take you seriously. To be sure, I am disturbed by Silva Thins commercials. I react in disgust to advertisements for "Smart Chick" pantyhose. I am against anything that makes women appear less than human. But sometimes the movement appears to be more a reaction against admittedly primitive male attitudes than a positive statement of human growth and human value. I think I can see why lib members are so paranoid. They are not sure of their position in the world. It is easy for them to see smirks behind even the most friendly and sympathetic smile. It is easy for them to see a man's support of some of the values of marriage as support for all of the traditional, dehumanizing values of marriage and the woman's traditional "place." Let me qualify my support. Right on women's lib, but only when it seeks the expression of human potential. But only when it brings dignity and selfrespect to all people.
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