Freshman Andrew Gaskell of Delta Upsilon, along with the fraternity's pair, Alpha Epsilon Phi, perform their skit "Tainted Love." More than 3,000 students participated in IU Sing.
rilliantiv colored beams of light shot though the dense smoke as members of Chi Omega and Delta Tau Delta took the stage. Their skit, "When Cookie Met Sally," a love story set in outer space, swept IU Sing. They won five of the six divisional awards: first place in Division B, Overall Winner, Vocal Award, Choreography Award and the Production Point Award. The 66th annual IU Sing took place Feb.I0-11 at the Auditorium, which was filled with excited and spirited perfOrmers. More than 3,000 students took part in the organization, planning and performing of this celebration
42 Calendar
of musical and dance arts. Acts are judged b y a panel of six distinguished members of the musical community who evaluate on vocal and musical achievement as well as choreography. There are two divisions groups can enter — Division A has 70 or fewer participants and Division B has 70 or more participants. In Division A, the winning act was Alpha Chi Omega and Phi Kappa Psi's "Pig Talcs," second place went to Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Chi's "Dirty Laundry" and Delta Gamma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon's "Let's Play a Game" received third place. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sigma Phi Epsilon received the George E.
Schlafer Award, which signifies the "Spirit of IU Sing" as he saw it when he fOunded it in 1928. In Division B, Alpha Phi and Pi Kappa Alpha won second place for "After these Messages," and Phi Mu and Alpha Sigma Phi won third place for "Set in Stone." These successful acts were written and orchestrated by songleaders, who also periodically met with the songleader producers from all acts to coordinate the event. Sophomore Jodi Hechtman, songleader for Chi Omega, said, "It was very stressful. You have to be dedicated, but it's all worth it in the end when you see all of your hard work on stage." continued