r1 in thc final frontier Mini 500 participants bike for ry, ii
by Kathy Revtyak
s darkness descended and the crowd fell silent, a lone spotlight pierced the abyss, its beam catching a hangingrefractive ball and throwing stars throughout Assembly Hall. In the spirit of Mini 500's theme, "Star Trike," the A north end of the arena had also been decorated with a large Starship Enterprise. Trikes promised to "...cross the final frontier and trike where no one else has triked before..." littered the three tracks on the Hall's base level. The members of 56 four-person teams anxiously awaited the end of the opening ceremonies as senior Kristin Hori, Steering Committee member of the IU Student Foundation and organizer of the 42nd Mini 500 race, welcomed the 21 men's, 25 women's and 11 co-ed teams to
Junior Jennifer Lantz tries to stabilize her trike after an unsuccessful hand-off from junior Julie Kendrick. Their co-ed team of Pi Kappa Phi - Delta Gamma double fouled with Evans Scholars' co-ed team forcing another run of the heat, which the Evans team won. Opposite page: Prior to the 8 p.m. start of the Mini 500, team Alpha Gamma Delta awaits their introduction in the south tunnel of Assembly Hall. Teams from all three divisions—Men's, Women's and Co-ed—paraded across the Hall's floor before the event. Photo by Monty Howell.
86 Calendar
the April 19 event and invited them to line up for introduction to the crowd. Meanwhile, in the two southern tunnels of the Hall, the collage of participating teams cheered, chatted and discussed strategy. Many teams wore matching t-shirts, others donned similar hats and shoes and still others wore creative costumes, such as animal masks and all plaid. Most inconspicuous of all were the Read Beck Buffleheads, outlandishly dressed in bright, mismatched women's clothing, sporting colorful wigs and miniskirts. Despite their outfits, the defending champions of the men's division huddled amid the chaotic cheers to discuss strategy. "The competition here is tough. Our qualifying continued