HopGossip! Autumn/Winter 2020

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Adders for all! By Dr Pete Minting - Scottish Project Contractor We are now offering free online access to a selection of adder photos, as part of our efforts to try and protect the welfare of this species by reducing disturbance. Wildlife photographers have kindly donated some of their adder photos to our free online library. These photos are free to use for educational or creative projects which portray snakes in a positive light. The striking zig-zag pattern of the adder is an excellent source of inspiration for wildlife art. If you zoom in closely, you will be able to see how amazingly intricate the body of an adder is, from the keels (ridges) on each scale, to the vibrant colours of the eye. We have included highresolution images which should result in good quality prints, if printed. To see the library and read our terms and conditions, visit our website: www.arc-trust.org/free-adder-photo-librar-intro Photo: Male adders ’dancing’ © Rodger McPhail

Hop off the Press!

Major new project for Scotland! By Jim Foster - Conservation Director


ARC is thrilled to announce a major new project. Thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, a new collaborative programme will work on urgent action to save more than 40 of Scotland’s most vulnerable coastal and island species, including the natterjack toad. Species on the Edge is a bold and ambitious partnership project by a consortium of eight organisations (Scottish Natural Heritage, ARC, The Bat Conservation Trust, Buglife, The Bumblebee Conservation Trust, Butterfly Conservation, Plantlife and RSPB Scotland). The project will catalyse action along Scotland’s coasts and islands, and involve communities in the conservation of some of our rarest species.

The project, which began in October, will combine expertise and resources to develop a four and a half year programme for seven project areas, from the Solway to Shetland. ARC’s Species on the Edge Coastal Treasures Project Development Officer, Paul Kirkland, is leading on plans to help the rare natterjack toad, alongside other species occurring on the Solway coast.

Pool frogs take a leap forward! By Jim Foster - Conservation Director ARC is delighted to announce the pool frog is to receive a major boost in East Anglia. ARC has been awarded significant funding through the government Green Recovery Challenge Fund to deliver conservation action for this iconic yet critically endangered animal. Working with a range of partners, until March 2022, ARC will consolidate the existing pool frog population through captive rearing of tadpoles, restore pool frog breeding ponds, train volunteers to survey for pool frogs, undertake specialist monitoring, bring pool frogs to a wider audience through commissioned videos and plan future pool frog reintroductions. The “Recovering the pool frog, England’s rarest amphibian” project will employ a new specialist team to work with partners to take the next leap forward for pool frogs. We will be communicating the results of the project from spring 2021.

Pool frog © Jim Foster (ARC)

Emma’s marathon for ARC By Angela Reynolds - Editor Congratulations to ARC Friend Emma Debben for completing the New Forest Marathon in September and raising £815 to help support ARC’s work! Coronavirus restrictions meant that the event was considerably delayed but eventually went ahead as a closed event. Emma decided to run her local marathon to help ensure that the amphibians and reptiles she loves will still be around for her children to enjoy for years to come, including her favourite reptile, the slow worm. “I want to say a huge thank you for all the help and support from everyone for donating and cheering me on. The support from ARC has been amazing, I highly recommend fundraising for them! The Marathon was tough and oh so hilly! But the event was extremely well organised, all the runners were responsible with social distancing throughout the course, with traffic lights on the start line and a queue and overtaking system any Brit would be proud of. I managed to finish in 5hrs 4 minutes, which I am really happy with (my goal time was 5hrs)”, said Emma. Planning your own challenge? Visit www.arctrust.org/Pages/Appeal/

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