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Shaun Downey was born in Mississauga, Ontario, at the Angel Art Academy in Toronto from 1998-2001, program from Sheridan College Shaun strives to breathe fresh life into realist painting of his own life and surroundings. His paintings have in present day. Often painting his wife and friends voyeuristic glance into his world as he reveals his efforts
As outside viewers, we find ourselves longing to understand their lives are like, and which chain of events led them meticulously rendered paintings call out to be understood, assumptions.
Downey’s work was shown in 2010 at the National Portrait Award. His painting “Blue Coco” was chosen as the leading posters throughout the London subway system, and Portrait

Canada in 1978. He studied drawing and painting 1998-2001, and graduated with honours from the Illustration College in Oakville Ontario in 2002. painting by combining classical ideals within the context have elements of decades past, but are firmly grounded within the confines of his home, we are allowed a efforts to capture the fleeting beauty of modern life. understand who Shaun Downey’s subjects are, what them to the exact moment the artist has captured. His understood, but we the viewer are left to make our own assumptions. Portrait Gallery in London, as part of the BP Portrait leading ad image, appearing on the catalog cover, on on a large banner draping the front of the National Gallery.