As the nation’s leading publisher of books of local nonfiction and rarely explored pockets of history, Arcadia’s mission is to connect people with their past, with their communities and with one another. Arcadia has a remarkable catalog of 22,000 titles exploring the story of America one town or community at a time. Using its proprietary Store Match system, Arcadia can create a highly customized hyperlocal book assortment for any storefront in the nation.
Your Town is History Two-Tier Corrugate Display 07 38555578 7w / 9.75d / 14h Holds 25 books
Your Town Made History Two-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 3028 1 7w / 9.7d / 14h Holds 16 books
Find Your Place Two-Tier, Double Wide, Corrugate Display 97815897 32742 11w / 12.5d / 15.5h Holds 24 books
Local Love Two-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 32957 7w / 7.5d / 18h Holds 10 books
Red Two-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 32810 7w / 7.5d / 8h Holds 10 books
Green Corrugate Display 97815897 33350 14w / 6.25d / 9h Holds 20 books
Long Live Local Two-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 31899 11w / 11d / 18h Holds 24 books
LOL Jokes! Single-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 32674 7w / 6.5d / 16h Holds 12 books
Read In Peace Two-Tier, Double Wide Corrugate Display 97815897 32988 14w / 6.25d / 9h Holds 24 books
Read In Peace Two-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 32490 7w / 12d / 17h Holds 16 books
Spooky America Single-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 32513 7w / 7.5d / 14h Holds 12 books
Batty for Books Alternate Topper
97815897 31943
Arcadia’s proprietary Store Match service provides a complete assortment of titles, unique to your particular store, based on a highly detailed understanding of the local area you serve, and drawing on the more than 22,000 local interest titles published by Arcadia Publishing. It ensures the right books about the right places are selected for your particular store. Contact your sales representative for a complimentary Store Match service and to order.
A sample YourTown Store Match result
Red SingleTier Corrugate Display 97815897 32827 9w / 6d / 12h Holds 12 books
Cajun Classic Single-Tier Corrugate Display 97815897 32582 9w / 6d / 12h Holds 12 books
Home for the Holidays Corrugate Display 97815897 33039 7w / 7.5d / 18h Holds 16 books
Arcadia Publishing believes that preserving local and regional history is critical to appreciating America’s cultural diversity. We have expanded our family of publishers to include other imprints who share the same goals as us. Discover all of our imprints below as we continue to celebrate your hometown’s history. Composed in a unique pictorial format with over two hundred vintage images and accompanying captions, Arcadia books animate the cherished memories, people, places, and events that define a community. Publishing varied and dynamic titles complete with rich archival materials to illuminate each text, History Press books are useful resources for research and preservation. Each book is infused with local color and aimed at a general readership. Delightful, engaging titles for readers aged 0–12. Celebrating home, family, and adventure with series ranging from first words to spooky stories, these energetic and heartfelt titles help children develop a sense of place and appreciation for local flavor. Producing books from and for America. With thousands of published titles and partnerships with historical groups, museums, national parks, and companies, Applewood keeps the stories and history of America alive. Pelican Publishing has been committed to publishing books of quality and permanence since 1926 and continue to push the perceptions of Southern publishing while remaining focused on stories of interest to generations of readers.
Barnes & Noble Booksellers BOULDER, CO
Florence Griswold Museum O L D LY M E , C T
Tale of the Cod CHATHAM, MA
The Sebring Soap Company SEBRING, FL
Keith’s Collectibles F R E M O N T, C A
t Redoux Home Marke A MANDEVILLE, L
The Space Needle S E A T T L E , WA
Artisan’s Books & Coffee E V E R E T T , WA
rovement Friedman’s Home Imp CA , A M U L P E TA
Hanging Wire End Cap Display 97815897 32421 17w / 6d / 30h Holds 42 books Hanging 6-pocket display ships fully assembled and accommodates multiple fixture options: peg mount, wall mount, upright stand.
Birchwood Two-Tier Display 97815897 30502 14w / 6d / 9h Holds 24 books
Revolving 16-pocket Wire-Rack Display 97815897 30366 16w / 70h Holds 96 books Ships partially assembled
Revolving 8-pocket Wire-Rack Display 97815897 30540 12w / 35h Holds 40 books
The Story of Your Town 9781589733114
Choose from a variety of revolving display toppers! Floor spinners are a great way to increase revenue in your store while saving space. Arcadia’s fixtures allow retailers to display local-interest titles face out, so books sell like impulse items or giftables.
Focused On Local 9781589732773
General Kids 9781589733213
Easter Kids 9781589733206
Father’s Day 9781589732872
Home for the Holidays 9781589733046