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High Streets Task Force Product Prescription

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Based on our recommendations, we would like to offer you the following products. This has been decided after considering your key barriers to transformation and what we have concluded as the best way to help you achieve your transformation goals.

High Streets Task Force Products Prescribed:

Product prescribed Rationale Expert support

Due to the need for you to address the high number of dilapidated heritage buildings on the Esplanade and Culver Parade, we are recommending the provision of expert support from the Design Council which focuses on repurposing buildings.

This expert should use the two-days of support that we can provide to work with you to formulate a strategic approach to improving these units. This should begin to address the issue of high street blight caused by the state of these units that has been outlined above.

Further detail regarding this support can be found in the attached product summary/guidance documentation.

Developing a Shared Vision Workshop

I have recommended that, alongside the above Expert support, Sandown would benefit from a Developing a Shared Vision workshop.

This is a three-hour workshop offered by the High Streets Task Force to share ideas about a place, its vision development, and common goals that can change perceptions and attract local engagement and investment.

The workshop is delivered remotely by a High Streets Task Force Expert with local authority lead members and officers, town centre stakeholders, community members and groups, local place partnerships, local traders and business, and anchor institutions.

Online learning/resources

Repositioning: developing collaborative, inspiring visions that achieve change – this webinar helps place leaders to consider their local vision, how this can be formed most effectively, and how it can impact the transformation of high streets. You can access this online resource here.

Transforming places through heritage programme: Interim report - This 2021 report from DCMS presents interim findings from the Architectural Heritage Fund’s Transforming Places through Heritage (TPtH) programme. It maps the programme’s success against five ‘critical success factors’: helping make high streets fit for the future; protecting historic buildings; building local capacity; piloting innovative; and maximising positive social impacts around restoring historic buildings. Case studies are provided throughout. You can access this online resource here.

Principles of Town Planning in relation to High Streets and Town Centres (RTPI) - High Streets Task Force partners, RTPI, provide an introductory video on town planning and its relation to high streets. Presented by Task Force Expert, Stefano Smith. You can access this online resource here.

People, culture, place: The role of culture in placemaking - This report explores the role of culture in improving a wide range of measurable outcomes, from education and wellbeing to economic growth and community cohesion. It shares best practice to help decision-makers better understand their role in placemaking You can access this online resource here

Next steps:

If you would like to accept these products, please let us know by return email, along with a contact for the person/people who will be leading on each product so we can start to make arrangements for future support. More information about these products can be found on the HSTF website here.

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