Allaa ElShenawy - AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

A R C H 4 7 3 / 3 5 2 2 - D I G I TA L D E S I G N S T U D I O A N D W O R K S H O P Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed 900170273 Fall 2021

The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed Student ID: 900170273

© The American University in Cairo (AUC), December 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed Architecture Student

mesters I cannot wait until I am an architect and hopefully one day my building will make a difference in the world. Nowadays I cannot stop noticing architecture everywhere I go. It is as if my eyes were open to a new and beautiful world. I have learned to express myself through my work as I believe that architecture has its own language, and it can speak to the person.

I am a senior student majoring in architectural engineering and minoring in Psychology at the American University in Cairo. I never actually thought that I would enter Architecture as a major; I always loved art and I was an excellent student in math and science. When I was choosing what majors should I take in university my father suggested to go for architectural engineering as it combines between both art and math. At first I was scared but going through the se-

This course has helped me in having an open mind about how the design can be as we experimented with many shapes and new technology. This helped me into pushing my limits and learning many new skills that will definitely help me in the future designs I will create.

First Submission in the semester (Project 1)

Table of Contents


Project 1: Fabric Forming


Project 2: Learning from Nature


Project 3:The Parametric Facelift

This is the final outcome in this project

01 Project 1: Fabric Forming



Phase 1

03 Portfolio


Phase 2

Final Submission Project 1: Fabric Forming

5 Description of photo in a couple of lines, including explanation and/or references

01 Phase 1 01 Chapter Title ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed



Project 1: Fabric Forming


02 Phase 2 ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed



Project 1: Fabric Forming


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed


03 Final

Submission Portfolio

Project 1: Fabric Forming


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed

This is the final outcome in this project

02 Project 2: Learning from Nature


Beauty Out Of Chaos Sara Al Kabarity Allaa ElShenawy Yasmine AdelAziz


900162417 900170273 900181098

Project 2: Learning from Nature



Volcanic Lightning

Description of photo in a couple of lines, including explanation and/or references

Dormant Volcano No activity occured in volcano for a long time.

Active Volcano Volcano shows signs of activity and eruption

Volcanic Eruption Lava dome buildups and collapses several times that eventually lead to violent eruptions

Volcanic Plume

Charged Particles Densely packed particles are violently ejected and rubbed in volcanic plume. They become electrically charged

Volcanic Lightning Lightning tears through volcanic plume to connect positively and negatively charged particles

Hot volcanic ash and gas emitted into the atmosphere during an explosive volcanic eruption

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021


Chapter Title Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed


Elements of Abstraction


Project 2: Learning from Nature

17 Description of photo in a couple of lines, including explanation and/or references

Process Concept

Grasshopper Definition:

SSE as an experience has many corridors that leads into different places. this model was inspired by the flow of cirrculation.

01 Chapter Title ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed


Intersecting paths of the lightning and elements that make up the volcano create sharp and edgy elements yet smooth like the lava.


Project 2: Learning from Nature


01 Chapter Title ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed

This is a picture of the actual building we are working on

03 Project 3:The Parametric Facelift

01 Environmental Analysis




Project 3: The Parametric Facelift



As shown from the diagram, the prevailing wind are north/north west


There is a potential of wind catchers in the northern part of the glass elevation


As shown from the diagram, there is too much glare on the southern east side while the southern west side has a little self shading ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed

02 Sketches & Thinking Process



First, I wanted to create negative spaces with the louvers to break the glare and also have natural lighting.

The L shape louvers will help in having random patterns while achieving a decent natural lighting for the space.


Project 3: The Parametric Facelift


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed

03 Initial Digital Presentation




Project 3: The Parametric Facelift

Process Process:



ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed

03 Trials


VR Shots:


Project 3: The Parametric Facelift



After the first trial, I started working on this shape were the pannels used to shade on each other and there is a part of the building that didn’t have a shading device as it will already be shaded by the rest. There were many reasons that this shape wouldn’t work. The first is that in a certain time the sun will enter the area without the shading device. The second was they were all pulled to the lower right corner which wasn’t aesthetically pleasing. The third was they were very far from the original slabs; therefore, they won’t be able to be supported and will fail.

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed



Project 3: The Parametric Facelift



This was the next shape I worked on. It was not the final but it was a sketch that made me be able to create the final shape from. Here I tried to have 2 different pannels that are connected to the floor in order to be supported and to avoid the idea of having all the shading devices pulled to one point. This shape wouldn’t of worked out as it was not aesthetically pleasing and there was a gap in between that wasn’t shaded.

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed

04 Final Process

42 Shots: VR


Project 3: The Parametric Facelift



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The Panels didn’t have thickness The grid was 2D and not 3D The shading device was extruded more than the allowable distance There was an overlap between 2 shading devices There wasn’t a wall indicating a closed area The shading device didn’t have supporters

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

This was a helpful experience as it helped me see and walkthrough my project; therefore, was able to indicate the problems that I had. As mentioned before I had many problems and these were all solved later on through the process.

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed


Grasshopper Definition: Upper Surface


Middle Surface

Project 3: The Parametric Facelift


Lower Surface

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed




Project 3: The Parametric Facelift


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021


Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed


Shade and Shadow: •


As shown the pannels help a lot in reducing sunlight inside the building while having the l-shape effects inside.

Project 3: The Parametric Facelift


ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021


Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed




Project 3: The Parametric Facelift



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There must be 3 different Cura files These were the optimum positions to save as much time as possible

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2021

During the fabrication Process I faced a problem for a while to be able to load the file on cura as I was uploading all 3 shading devices in the same file. This made me have 3 different cura files to be able to load the file. I then tried to have 2 different pannels in the same tray but that didn’t work out as it crashed again. So I setteled with having 3 different cura files as after changing their orientation their time was not that long.

Allaa ElShenawy Ahmed


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©All rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) December 2021

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