Yasmine Etman- AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

ARCH 473/3522 - DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO AND WORKSHOP Yasmine Etman Spring 2019


The American University in Cairo (AUC) School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019) Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including research, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis. Student name: Yasmine Etman Student ID: 900160135

Š The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019

Yasmine Etman Architecture Student

My name is Yasmine Etman, an undergraduate student in the American university in Cairo. I am currently in my fourth year of the hectic Journey of architecture. I have always had this dream and passion to become an architect. I never knew that architecture is this difficult and challenging, until I get to experience it myself. Since day one in university, I have always been pressured by deadlines, competition with my colleagues, in order to declare and to “exceed expectations” to fascinate my professors. However, the outcome is worth the effort. Designing a shelter that you know will enhance someone’s life is very relieving and encouraging to do more. Being an architect taught me that I have to think in every single aspect and detail regarding the user, while overcoming the constraints I will be facing,

like the context, the culture, the codes and many other constraints. And this what makes architecture unique and precious. Architecture is a field that faces multiple changes and advancements every single day, from sustainability to advanced construction details and many other aspects. And in order to succeed in this filed, my designs have to always be up to date to satisfy the requirements of nowadays. Therefore, I am trying to always push my limits and get to constantly know as much advancements happening around, as I believe that a successful architect is the one who is mindful and aware with the new innovations to have ideas to build upon. Nowadays, technology is the key to everything. And for architecture, the software could really push the bar high and result in out of the box designs. So knowing that I will be taking digital design course in this semester rose my excitement level significantly. As I will finally be able to implement the curvilinear facades I have always dreamt of, but weren’t able to make because I did not have the tools. I believe that it is one of the life changing courses I benefited from that will open my eyes to better designs. And Yes after reaching the end of the semester, i dont know how i was able to work without knowing about the digital programs i learned in 473. It helps in the visualization and the implementation of the abstract buildings that we see today and get fascinated. All the expert architects nowadays run most of their work using Rhino and Grasshopper, That i learned here in this course. I really appreaciate the outcomes i got out of this course.

Table Of C


-01 Project 1 Mobile Shelter for the homeless -02 Project 1I: Material Exploration -03 Project 1I: Parametric Facelift

A glimpse of the final outcome of the shelter! The lotus with its unique characteristics was used as an inspiration for the shelter design.

01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless




01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless



INSPIRATION Looking upon the whole enviroment of lotus Accompanied with the lotus, ALGAE form. this type of bacteria increases when exposed to sun.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman



Inspired from the third stage of the growth cycle of lotus plant, This stage focuses upon how lotus plant RESPONSES TO SUNLIGHT.


This behavior of the lotus plant is called Nastic movement: a response of plant parts that is independent of the direction of the external stimulus, such as the opening of buds caused by an alteration in light intensity

01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019




Yasmine Etman



Linking the blossom stage of the lotus with the daily routine of elders to create a space program SPACE PROGRAM Spaces follow the same ideaology of the lotus cycle, the spaces that are private are placed at the end of the shelter in isolation with minimal light penetrtation, and as you go in the building light start to increase and the spaces start to get wider in area and larger in height allowing public use.


How blossom stage is translated into a space program

From space program to sketch for the form 01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019






Yasmine Etman




Preliminary trials

First attempt was very static and did not fit the ideology of the space program

Second attempt trying to make the shelter more dynamic




Third attempt i was trying to make the building dynamic and implement the concept. but it needed more modifications

Material selection


01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019







Yasmine Etman




01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019




Yasmine Etman


Floor Plan


01 Mobile Shelter for the Homeless

BIOMIMCRY Reflection I am somehow satisfied by the outcome of the first phase of the course, as it was the first time for me to use rhino for modeling. At first it was very challenging and i was not able to use the program. But later, it became one of the best tools i learnt throughout my college years, and i regret know knowing it long time ago, it would have made my life so much easier. I believe that this project pushed my limits in designing a unique form that i have never made before. It opened my eyes on how nature could be very inspiring that i could derive my design approach from.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019



Yasmine Etman

14 Final 3d Form


name 01 Mobile Shelter forChapter the Homeless


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Student Etman Name Yasmine

A glimpse of the final outcome of the Experimentation process! In this chapter, we get to know different techniques for form fabric casting, then we tried to experiment ourselves to know the parameters of such a construction method.


Project II: Part I

Material Exploration



What is fabric Fabric formwork is a building technology th branes as the main facing mat

In Rome, impressions of reed were found on many structures which h ighlighted that reeds were used as formowrk. Similarly, Ancient Egyptians used reeds as formwork and r e i n f o r c e m e n t



In the 18th century, Gustav Lilienthal formally introduced the concept after designing a draped slab using mesh reinforcement


02 Material Exploration


c forwork? hat involves the use of structural memerial for concrete moulds. Ctesiphon Shell used parallel false work arches , then allow the fabric to sag in between to form corrugations then pour concrete.


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019


Research Miguel Fisac developed on the idea and started using it aesthetically rather than just for its e f f e c i e n c y .


Yasmine Etman


Concept Concrete is always perceived by people as brutal and rigid material, Even though it is well-known and characterized for it’s fluidity and how it can be shaped in any form Form wise

Enviromental wise

A Single Unit

With Different Openings

Create a unit that could be adjusted in different Portfolio

Chapter name 02 Material Exploration

Aim My goal is to create a unit that could be used in different orientations, creating different unique facades. Also i wanted to include the enviromental aspect in the experiment, so i thought of experimenting different openings that will be based on the context later on. so,.....


Creating different forms

orientations creating different forms ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman


Create a unit that could be adjusted in different Aim Because of the flexibility of the fabric casting, i was so inspired to create a unit that could be used in different orientations, creating different unique facades. Also i wanted to include the enviromental aspect in the experiment, so i thought of experimenting different openings that will be based on the context later on. so,..... Reflection The Material exploration phase was a tough one. From the research, I thought that the fabric formwork could be easily handled that I tried to change some of the technicalities and challenge its materials. However, when it came to practice, I experienced different failures that I never expected. First, handling the gypsum was not as I have expected. The density of the material was not taken into consideration while creating the fabric formwork. Accordingly, the shape didn’t come out the way it was planned because the high density of the material took got stuck in the opening of the form work. And because the formwork was made out of steel I wasn’t able to break it, thus unable to get the model out of it. In general, the experimentation failed, as there were material cracks and shrinkage that caused the overall shape to deform. The intended subtraction within the form was not achieved since the fabric got stuck within the gypsum and it would break if I tried to pull it out.




After m placed in the openi

02 Material Exploration

Orientations creating different forms

Water and gypsum to create the paste

making the paste, the fabric is n the forwmork and anchored in ings to create the intended form ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

scissors and Linen fabric to create the form and texture

Then the paste is poured in the form work, and then a bowl with weight is placed in the middle to create a void inside it.


A steel formwork (initially a light ceiling fixture) as a formwork

Then the model is left to dry

Yasmine Etman


Also, Further suggestions: to avoid the failure of this experiment 01 Pour the paste in two steps then sticking them together 02 Flip the form work and pour above it (Pneumatic technique) 03 Don’t anchor the fabric that much to prevent getting it stuck in the openings


02 Material Exploration


lessons learned 1. The material of the formwork should be changed to get the model out of it 2. The size of the openings needs to be tested and experimented. 3. The Type of fabric should be changed to create more texture

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman

26 Aim Same concept of the first trial, but with modifications to the concluded parameters. The unit changed from circular to hexagonal shape to be able to be placed next each other forming a single structure. Reflection This trial, i had the same intentions as that of the first experiment, but with modifications learned from the parameters i extracted from the first experiment. This time i changed the material of the formwork to be cardboard to be able to remove it. However, this time the failure occured due to other factors, First was the water to gypsum ratio. Here, i discovered that the more the water in the mix the weaker it is. Therefore, the model got cracked also this time but because of the water content. Also another factor was the weakness of the formwork. Because it was not hard enough, when the gypsum was poured, the 3d formwork got shrinked, due to gravity, therefore the openings were small and the outcomes of the model were not interesting as that of the first trial.




A hexagonal shape is chosen to be able to create different modules with different openings

Cardboard is lasercutted into a agonal shape with a pattern to cr the formwork 02 Material Exploration



Water and gypsum

Cardboard for the

to create the paste


Then the cardboard is stretched to transfer it into a 3d form ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

The paste is poured into the formwork on the fabric, and left to dry

Fabric for the mould

Formwork removal Yasmine Etman


Further suggestions: 1. Use harder material than carboard. 2. To test the gravitational force, try to cast in the vertical direction 3. Try playing in the size of the center opening, and the depth of the formwork


02 Material Exploration


Concluded parameters: 1. The support element should be strong 2. The Height of the openings and gravity are directly propotional (The nearer the opening to the ground the less the extrusion, the smaller the opening) 3. The Formwork if tweeked could create different variations 4. The water:gypsum ratio plays a crucial role. Breakage occur more in this experiment than the previous one because the water was more. making the mix weaker.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman

30 Aim Here In this trial, my aim was different. I wanted to test the effect of the material of the fabric on the model. So i used two different materials. Also i wanted to create a unit that has fragments. and these units could be oriented next to each other but with different opening sizes and shapes, making a random single unit at the end.


Reflection This trial was easier than the other two, and had also interesting results. This trial highlighted the idea of subtraction. The box, which was the formwork, acted as the unit and, the clay parts that were shaped randomly, acted as the openings that got subtracted from the initial unit. Also the two types of materials chosen were a sucess as the tracing paper made me visualize the soft texture, while the aluminum made me visualize the hard texture of the material.

Process Portfolio

Water and gypsum to create the paste

Crumple the paper to create texture then place it in the forwork 02 Material Exploration


two types of paper aluminum foil transparency paper


Shape the clay then put it in the forwork to create the voids ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Box for the formwork

Then pour the gypsum paste Yasmine Etman


Further Suggestions: 1. Fragments need to be more interesting. 2. Openings need to have logic be-

The closer the openings the more likely the cracks to occur

hind it. Water content is more in this model Concluded parameters: , therefore crack 1. The closer the openings , the more occured

likely cracks to occur. 2. The unit with more water content was weaker than the other.

The one made with aluminum paper had more texture


02 Material Exploration

Th sm


Material Exploration outcomes:

he other is moother

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

• The support element (formwork) should be stable, strong and flexible when removing. • The unit should have a geometric shape that is not curvilinear, to help in creating a single structure at the end. • The water content in the paste plays a crucial role in the rigidity of the model. • Distance between openings should be well studied, to prevent cracks • The size of the openings and the gravity are directly propotional. the nearer the opening to the ground the smaller the opening • The more textured the fabric , the more interYasmine Etman

A glimpse of the final outcome of the Facade! In this chapter, The lesseons learned and the conducted parameters i concluded from the material exploration phase, will be used as guidelines for the design of the facade of bloom bank.It’s the phase where i get to transfer my knowledge from sketches to digital design using grasshopper program.


Project II: Part II Parametric Facelift


Bloom Bank 36


Bloom Bank


03 Parametric Facelift




New cairo

Cairo, Egypt

Road 90

Preliminary Analysis In this phase of the project, i started with studying the site of the assigned facade i will be designing. I started with studying were exactly it is located, then a basic primary analysis was conducted to define the issues or potentials that need to be tackled by the design. and to know from where i will be approaching my ideas that will form my concept.

Prevailing wind direction



Sun Path ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman

Bloom Bank 38

Enviromental Analysis Based upon the Environmental analysis. The Prevailing wind is mostly from the North west, while Secondary wind comes from North and North east. It also explain that it is a mandatory to provide shading devices to withstand the high sun exposure that exists. Conclusion: Faรงade needs to be protected from south western sun and provide wind from north direction


03 Parametric Facelift


Faรงade Solar Radiation Analysis CONCLUSION

Solid : Void ratio


Exposure to strong sun rays (Adaptive shading device is needed) Faรงade is made of glass causing glare and high heat exposure Exposure to northern wind, due to the empty parking plot


Low sun exposure Medium sun exposure High sun exposure

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman

Bloom Bank 40

Design Parameters and Conceptual Approach

1. Different textures create interesting facade

2. Gravitational force (Attractor Point)

3. Structured single unit allow for multiple different variations for the faรงade.

Concept: Highlight the fluidity of concrete, while Creating a responsive facade that respond automatically to all the enviromental aspects the facade experience. This will be achieved by creating Hexagon panels that extrude, and change in size based on the sun movement.

A hexagon flat unit with no opening Portfolio

A single extruded unit to provide shade

3 Alternatives Medium Opening in the middle Totally closed Totally opened 03 Parametric Facelift



ADAPTIVE HEXAGON PANELS That open up based on sun direction HEXAGON CUBICLES Act as a seating area


ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Trying to visualize the facade before using grass hopper.

Yasmine Etman

Bloom Bank 42

Modeling Attempts Starting up the digital process, i started by dividing the surface into small hexagons, and each hexagon size had a radius of 3 meters to allow for the terraces to function. And the Grid was then dispatched into 3 surfaces. 1 for the terraces , 1 for the cubicles seating and one for the movable panels

Sun as attractor Sun was the main attractor used in my definition that the opening of the panels was based upon. as when there is high sun exposure, the panels close and when there is no sun exposure the panels widely open.


03 Parametric Facelift


Design finale

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman

Bloom Bank 44

Computational Process Surface was Dispatched into 3 categories To create Spatial function i wanted to make and to make a responsive facade, i categorized and splited the facade into 3.

1 cell group made the terraces and the sun is the main attractor for this group. These terraces respond to sun movement. When there is high sun exposure, the terraces extrude inwards leaving the facade flat, and as the sun lessen, the terraces extrude, allowing for users to acess.


2 cell group made the Activ are subdivided into smaller random asthetic look. And i The first attractor is the Sun sun exposure the panels ex ing shade. The other attracto 2 points indicate function o quire privacy. So the panels o is required and opens when 03 Parametric Facelift


ve Panels. These panels hexagons, to create this is driven by 2 attractors. n, Whenever there is high xtrude outwards, providor where 2 points. These of spaces behind that reopening closes, if privacy it is a public space. ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

3 cell group made the seating cubicles. This group is a passive group. It is extruded 1.5 meters that self shade the area underneath, that is required for its function.

Yasmine Etman

Bloom Bank 46

Southern Elevation Portfolio

Eastern Elevation

E l e v a t i o n s

Site Plan

p l a n


03 Parametric Facelift



Small hexagon panels In the 3d shots, it is obvious how the small hexagon panels respond automatically to sun movement. It extrudes outward and inwards based upon the sun sun direction. Also it is obvious how the other attraction point drive the opening of these panels. As when the spaces behind the panels require privacy, the hexagons closes and, when the space behind is a public one requiring wie openings, the hexagons open. Terraces Besides, it is also shown in the 3d shots how the hexagon terraces act as a one active system. Each terrace extrude in accordance with the sun movement. When there is high sun exposure the terrace goes inwards leaving the facade flat, while if there is no high sun exposure the terraces starts to extrude, allowing for acess of users. Cubicles And lastly, the hexagons at the bottom of the facade act as a seating communal space for the visitors. where it can act as a wating area for the bank, incase of crowdness or in a case, similar to that of corona that require minimal interaction. ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman


Functional Use of interion spaces

The sky garden

Lounge Meeting and Conference halls

The Terraces

Cafeteria and Restaurants Faculty Offices Bank services and waiting areas

Spaces are placed according to user needs. The bank services and faculty offices are placed at the bottom levels, for fast circulation and to maintain privacy to upper floors. The middle floor is the cafeteria, that could serve both zones the public one, which is composed of the 2 levels at the bottom, and the private zone, which is composed of the upper 2 floors. Also the number of moving terraces is the greatest at the middle floor to allow for extra communal space, serving the function of this floor. The roof garden is placed at the upper floor, serving the vip lounges for the heads of the bank and important costumers. Portfolio

The Hexagonal Seating

03 Parametric Facelift



ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Section A-A

Yasmine Etman


03 Parametric Facelift

Finale 3d shot of the facade!

Final course reflection Finally, reaching the end of the semester, i have to say this semester was very different than all previous semesters, due to the corona panademic we are going through. I have to admit it was very tough, changing to online system was very new, that put us all under stress. However, i am feeling proud of my self of reaching this level in these digital programs (that i thought that only geniuses are the ones who use it). I believe that 473 was a really life changing course that i will build upon on the future. The programs we learned are not easy at all, and expert architects are the ones who use it. So being able to learn it online is a great sucess to me. And this would have never been achieved if the course team of Drs. and Tas were not as supportive as they were. Really, this team is the real definition of support ,care and true mentors.They were available to help 24/7. I really appreciate all the effort they did to let us reach where we are today.

ARCH 473/3522 - Spring 2019

Yasmine Etman

Grasshopper Definition

The cubbicles commands

The small hexa

agon panels

Ladybug sun attractor

The terraces commands

Biblography • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

https://cerebrovortex.com/2013/10/22/octopus-concussions/ https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a837/7846314c1a5472efb4b03bc4d51c31593bbb.pdf?_ ga=2.182536166.1769715002.1581174282-1347880660.1581174282 https://www.mentalfl oss.com/article/61532/explaining-octopus-amazing-camoufl age-skills https://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/21/science/for-an-octopus-seeing-the-light-doesnt-requireeyes.html http://tolweb.org/articles/?article_id=4200 https://www-jstor-org.libproxy.aucegypt.edu/stable/2416726?pq-origsite=summon&seq=27#metadata_info_tab_contents (pg.18-19) http://www.tboake.com/bio/facadetectonics2014boake-rev.pdf https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/double-skin-facade https://books.google.com.eg/books?id=Axo0RwWs1TEC&pg=PP100&lpg=PP100&dq=princi-ples+of+double+skin+facade+in+hot+amid+climate&source=bl&ots=PWt5T_16mZ&sig=ACfU3U25SXqgfcnjs5B_Q-YCNfQaxUWdtQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiltcW2q-foAhUM3qQKHVCwBkQQ6AEwAHoECAwQKQ#v=onepage&q=double%20skin&f=false

ŠAll rights reserved, American University in Cairo (AUC) May 2019

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