Mahmoud Albassyoni- AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

Fall 2022
Mahmoud Albassyoni
Albassyoni 900192250

Mahmoud Albassyoni

I am aseniorstudent in TheAmericanUniversity in Cairo.Architecture as amajorhasmanybranches, butthiswasthefirsttime to encounterthe “tectonic” language.Structure in buildingshas alwaysbeenafunctionalelement in my designs; however,thiscourseprovided me withnew approaches on how to transformafunctional elementinto an aestheticone.Thiswas my first timeusing “grasshopper” andIwasnotthemost excitedforthisexperiencebecausethesoftware itselflookscomplicated,yetgoingstep by stepand understandingthelogicbehind it makes it userfriendly. It is useful in terms of developing parametricdesignsthatcangeneratenewand

interesting iterations of the same deign element by playing with the different inputs. It is also essential to have a variety of parameters (global and local) to explore the potential of grasshopper to its maximum capabilities. It was also interesting to study tectonic relation with the environmental approach because it gives a sense of modernity.

Table of Content 01 – Project1 A.MaterialExploration B.MaterialExplorationConclusion C.Translationintograsshopper D.PanelIterations E.Panel to clusterpropagation F.Clusterdesign 02 – Project2 A.Doubleskinfaçaderesearch B.BuildingZoningandConcept C.AnalysisandOptimization
Project 1
A Material Exploration

Gypsum powder

to create amold to control height,thickness,
andweight of
FallMaterialExplorationMahmoud 2022 Cupsfor height difference and aluminium foil as the bounding mold Conclusion: Thefinalmodelhad
to remove
Mixing gypsum and water to a 1:1 ratio Improvements: • Try2:1ratio •
manycracksand washard
frommold,but surprisingly,the aluminiumacted as the mainformwork andgavethemodel asense of
Experiment 1 Expectation:The gypsummixture is toolight, so cracks willformandwont takethe composition of the mold
ExplorationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –4

Experiment 2

Aim:Trying to controlsubtraction level in terms of the depthandseethe rigidity of the model

Expectation:The gypsummixture is toolight, so cracks willformandwont takethe composition of the mold

Modelwill be structurally supportedbecause of the thickness,but Iwillfaceproblems removingtheplastic cups

Experiment 3

Aim:Trying to test differenttextures andcreatefull circularsubtraction

Expectation:The modelwillcollapse becausethe mixture,when poured,had differentthicknesses whichwillaffectthe rigidity of it

Cup and Perfume

Wrap to ease removal

Gypsum and water 2:1

Overall mold

Pouring and levelling

Gypsum and water 2:1

FallMaterialExplorationMahmoud 2022


• Experiment2-Thefinalmodelbrokebecause it gotstuck to theplasticcup,butgypsumratiowas better

• Experiment3-Themodelsurvived,butthesubtractionwasnotverysuccessful(notfully subtracted)

ExplorationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
to create
with foil for texture FallMaterialExplorationMahmoud 2022 Foilfortexture Conclusion: Thefinalmodel survivedandturned out as
withproperand functional composition,the
of time to dryout
4 Expectation:The gypsummixturewill holdandhavethe assignedtexture, void,andoverall composition
Bowl Improvements: • Thickenratio • Addformwork Added weight (water) to ensure fixation of mold 7
amoldthat is 3d withcontrolledmold to getasense of
onlyproblemwas that it tookalot
ExplorationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –8
Material Exploration Conclusion B

Experiment 1

Aim:Trying to add formwork to create decorativeopenings forauniqueshadow experience

Expectation:The modelwillnot be supportedand removingthemini tubeswilldestroyits structuralintegrity

Expectation:The gypsummixture is toolight, so cracks willformandwont takethe composition of the mold

Experiment 2

Aim:Tryingorganic boundariesandcup subtraction to see theirimpact on the finalmodel

Expectation:The modelwillnothold becausesomeparts afterpouredwere so thin,which meansthatthe slightestmovewill breakthem

Concave pot

Wrap to ease removal

Formwork of tubes

Tubular boundary Wrap to ease removal

Cups for voids

FallMaterialExplorationConclusionMahmoud 2022


• Experiment1-Thetubesbecametheformworkandwerenoteasy to remove in ordercreatethe intendedsubtraction

• Experiment2-Themodelsurvivedbutsurprisinglythesubtractionturnedintosubmission, so the cupelementwasadded tothe composition as amass

ConclusionMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Experiment 3

Aim:Tryingorganic boundariesand check if it willcreate asee-through surface

Expectation:The gypsummixture is toolight, so cracks willformandwont takethe composition of the mold

Expectation:I believe it will be successfulbecauseI pouredthemixture intoaminimal thickness,which couldgivetheseethrougheffect

Experiment 4

Aim:Trying to create additionalelements in thegypsum model to see ifit will work or not

Expectation:The modelwillnotadjust to theadditions becausewhile pouring,themixture keptslidingoffthe aluminiumballs

Tubular boundary

Pour small amount

Smooth surface

Tubular boundary

Smooth back

Formwork and void

FallMaterialExplorationConclusionMahmoud 2022 13

Experiment 5

Aim:Tryingorganic boundariesand check if it willcreate asee-through surface

Expectation:I believe it will be successfulbecauseI pouredthemixture intoaminimal thickness,which couldgivetheseethrougheffect

Tubular boundary

Texturized and levelled

Weighted cups

Conclusion: The experiment worked and is the gypsum model I will study further for parametric design

ConclusionMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –14
Translation to C Grasshopper
FallTranslationIntoGrasshopperMahmoud 2022 Number of cross-sections Zdirectiondifference • Morecross-sectionvariation=moredynamic andirregularspace • Lessvariations=moreuniformfolds Createeachmesh by itself Loft OR Createasurface Extractcurvethenadjust OR surfacethensubtractcylinders Thickness of folds Dimensions of foldsalongx/y • Thicknessvariationswilldeterminethestrength of thepanelanddistancebetweenfolds. • Mesh • Extractingcurve • Editingvalues Thickness+number of openings Radius of openings Radiusvariationswillaffectthickness Weight of plasticcupsaffectfoldthicknesswhich affectsstrength • fullysubtracted • partiallysubtracted • Solid • Cylindershape • Scale:radius,thickness,subtraction • Inflationtool:controlthickness • RandomSelectiontool:randomlyselect openings by controllingtheirnumber. • Rotationtool:rotatethepenetrationpoint of thecylinder 17
GrasshopperMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –18
FallTranslationIntoGrasshopperMahmoud 2022
b. c. Create Curve Create Grid with points Random Point Placement 19
GrasshopperMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
Scale: radius, thickness, subtraction Inflationtool:controlthickness Random Selection tool: randomly select openings by controllingtheirnumber. =d. e. f. Connect and extrude curves Parametric cylinders on plane Rotate attractor with magnitude and direction 20

g. h.

Subtract Solids


Workflow is clearandcomprehensive; however,thetranslation to grasshopper seemscomplicatedsinceI am notfamiliar withmost of the commands


Moreresearch to haveaparametriccode needs to be done to ensure an easy, efficient,andeditablecodethatwillensure differentpaneliterationseverytime

FallTranslationIntoGrasshopperMahmoud 2022
=Extrude cylinders different Y’s
GrasshopperMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –Cylindershape Scale: radius, thickness, subtraction Inflationtool:controlthickness Random Selection tool: randomly select openings by controllingtheirnumber. Inspiration My maininspiration is fluidity,mainlywater,because itis interestinghowwaterreacts to different interactionsdifferently. Thesereactionsinclude: • Splashing • Changingdirections • Varyingheights • Formingbubbles • Stayingstill • Creatingwaves 22

Grasshopper Code

FallTranslationIntoGrasshopperMahmoud 2022
GrasshopperMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –24
FallTranslationIntoGrasshopperMahmoud 2022
Represents the number of points on line and the distance between them Copies and pasts the exact set of points in the Z-direction Controls points along bottom X-axis randomly a. b. c.

Controls points along top X-axis randomly

Joins points and merges points along top and bottom into two separate curves

Lofts (joins) top and bottom curves into a surface

GrasshopperMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
f. 26

Randomised Parameters for points on x and y planes

Create Series

Join curves and create surface

27 FallTranslationIntoGrasshopperMahmoud 2022

Iterations Conclusion:
Limited in terms of parametriccontrol
No variations(almostidentical)
Randomisingpointsallowforunexpectedresult,butalsolimit the userinput
Needimprovement in terms of understandinglocalandglobalparameters 28 GrasshopperMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Grasshopper Code

FallPanelIterationMahmoud 2022
IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –32
Old Code Create XZ Plane Duplicate plane and randomise points too Create cylinders on curved surface FallPanelIterationMahmoud 2022 33
Create Parametric Grid Randomise points and join curve Extrude curves with different thicknesses IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –Rendered 34
FallPanelIterationMahmoud 2022 35
IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –36
FallPanelIterationMahmoud 2022 37
IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –38

Relation between curvature of surface and hollow tubes

Reverse subtraction relation between surface which fills the hollow tubes

Relation between randomized points and domain, which connects as a curve

High Attraction relation between 4 parametric points.

Repulsion relation which creates tubes with randomized solid and void

FallPanelIterationMahmoud 2022


At this stage, I was able to identify the code’s local parameters and how a change in one can affect the iterations and provide new ideas and approaches for panel designs based on a variety of factors, which include:

• Number of cylinders

• Diameter of cylinders

• Extrusion of cylinders

• Spacing between cylinders

• Solid and void ratio

• Hollow or filled cylinders

• Parameter of panel

• Number of attraction and/or repulsion points

• Controlling the curve that navigates the cylinders

These are extreme parametric values to show how different parameters produce completely different iterations in terms of the form, domain, curvature, solid & void, surface, and attraction points

IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
Panel to cluster Propagation

Global Parameters

Attraction/repulsion control points with parametric magnitude which controls the relation between the tubes (pattern for facades)

FallPanelIterationMahmoud Fall2022Paneltoclusterpropagation 2022

The surface controls the behaviour of the tubes in terms of direction, intensity, and form

IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 – Mahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –



FallPanelIterationMahmoud Fall2022Paneltoclusterpropagation 2022
P A N E L C O M B O S 45
E P A N E L 46
IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 – Mahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –C L U S T E R R E S U L T
Cluster Iteration F
FallPanelIterationMahmoud 2022ClusterIterationMahmoud Increase Extrusion 4 controlling Repulsion points Increase Extrusion Increase intensity of tubes x2
Curvature 2 controlling attraction points
curvature Increase intensity of tubes x8
x-axis distance Increase domain range 49
IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –50

Variety of cluster composition

This is the main cluster design I will use in “Project 2” because it opens many door for creativity, functionality, and innovation

FallPanelIterationMahmoud 2022ClusterIterationMahmoud 51


Architecturally, the idea of “tubular” formsopen up manyoptions. It could act as:

• Shading elementswithuniquelight andshadowexperience

• Structure of thebuildingwhich dedicates the locations of windows.

• An interactivespace wheretubular voidsareusedforclimbing.

• Lightstructure as it doesnotfeel dense due to solidandvoidratios.


Personally,thisnewexperience of transforminga reallife experiment (gypsum) to a digitalised version,which is thenused architecturally reallyshows the endlessopportunities to innovation. The documentation processalso represents development.Getting introduced to thelanguage of coding shows technologicaladvancements in architecturalapproaches

It wasalsointeresting to transform codesintoactualarchitecture,andthe factthat AI cancome up withmany alternatives of the initialinput

IterationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –52
02 Project 2
Double Skin Façade Research

What is a Double skin façade?

Doubleskinfaçades.Almostaself-explanatorynameforfaçadesystemsconsisting of twolayers, usuallyglass,whereinairflowsthroughtheintermediatecavity. Thisspace(whichcanvaryfrom 20 cm to afewmeters)acts as insulationagainstextremetemperatures,winds,andsound,improving the building'sthermalefficiencyforbothhighandlowtemperatures.

Theairflowthroughtheintermediatecavitycanoccurnaturally or be mechanicallydriven,andthetwo glasslayersmayincludesunprotectiondevices.

While the concept of double-skinfaçades is notnew,there is agrowingtendency forarchitectsandengineers to usethem.

FallDoubleskinFaçadeResearchMahmoud 2022

Heat mechanism

Although double façades of the more usual buffer, twin face and extract-air types continue to be built in these regions, unique double façades have been developed that focus solely on the provision of shading as the primary means of heat avoidance. This is usually coupled with relatively high performing glazing in curtain wall skins to further limit heat transfer and solar gain. Many of these shading systems are derived from the tradition of the Islamic mashrabiya which is a wooden lattice screen that is used to allow for some air circulation while blocking significant solar radiation and providing visual privacy. This vernacular based precedent for a second layer can be seen to be naturally extended to create a new type of double façade system.

ResearchMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Types of double skin facade

Open naturalconvection:

In thistype of DSF,airis Circulatedin the middlecavity because of the effect of buoyancy.Theentrance of air is located in the lowerpart of the outerskin oron the lowersurface of it; the exit is located in the upperpart of the outer skin or on itsuppersurface. This method creates a suitable thermal resistance betweenthe innerandouterenvironment of the building,and the heatedair in the middlepartcan be naturallyused by openingwindowson the innerskin

Closed naturalconvection:

Thissystemworks by naturalconvection,butair is trapped in thespace between the twocrusts;because the thermalflows of theinnerandouter crustaredifferent,aircirculatesnaturally in the middlegap.However, natural ventilation doesnothappen in thismethodbecause of theclosedmiddle cavity

Forced convection:

In this method, air heatedin the middlegap is sent tothe room space or buildingentrance with a fan. In thismethod, the systemactsas a preheater for the air

FallDoubleSkinFaçadeResearchMahmoud 2022

Buffer System:

Thesefaçadesdatebacksome 100 yearsandarestillused.Theypredate insulatingglassandwereinvented to maintaindaylightintobuildingswhile increasinginsulatingandsoundproperties of the wallsystem.Theyusetwo layers of singleglazingspaced 250 to 900 mm apart,sealedandallowingfresh airinto the buildingthroughadditionalcontrolledmeans.

Extract AirSystem:

Thesearecomprised of asecond singlelayer of glazingplaced on theinterior of amainfaçade of double-glazing (thermopileunits).Theairspacebetweenthetwolayers of glazingbecomes part of theHVACsystem.Theheated"used"airbetween the glazinglayers is extractedthrough the cavitywiththeuse of fansandtherebytempers the innerlayer of glazingwhile the outerlayer of insulatingglassminimizesheat transmissionloss.

Twin FaceSystem:

conventionalcurtainwall or thermalmasswallsysteminsideasingleglazed buildingskin.Thisouterglazingmay be safety or laminatedglass or insulating glass.Shadingdevicesmay be included.Thesesystemsmusthave an interior space of at least 500 to 600 mm to permitcleaning.

ResearchMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Precedent 1: Publisctudio Double skin

Thechangewasmanly to findapassiveway to cooldownthemachineryinside(tocontrolthefountain) instead of having to createopenings,whichwouldtransfernoiseoutside, so thedouble-sidedfaçade wasawell-plannedmove to ventilate the spacewhilepreservingcalmness tothe garden

FallDoubleSkinFaçadeResearchMahmoud 2022

Precedent 2: A Low-Tech, Operable Skin

Architectsnowadayshavestartedapplyingtheprinciples of nature to createsmartfaçadesknown as “BiomimeticFaçades” Theparameters of thisfaçadeareair/wind,shadeandtheclimatewhichrelates to thermal andvisualcomfort.Apartfromthese, an energy-efficientfaçade shouldalsotakeintoconsiderationfactorslikesolarradiation,wind speedandhumidity.

ResearchMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Building Plot

In thisproject,theobjective is to exploreandparametricallygenerateaprototypeforabuilding façadeskinthattakesintoconsiderationissues of environmentalcomfort,spatialrelationsand humanaspectsusingapassiveapproach.Youarerequired to developaparametricallydriven buildingskinforthebuildingshownbelow(NationalBank of EgyptBranch,SouthTeseenRd,New Cairo).Themainfaçade of thebuilding isin aSouth/Southwestorientation,and so youarerequired to devise an appropriateenvelopethatprovidesadequateshadingandsunprotection.

FallBuildingZoningandConcept 2022

Building Analysis

During winter, the prevailing wind is mainly driven from the north-north-east and the secondary is from north-north-west

During summer, the prevailing wind is mainly driven from the north-north-west and the secondary is from north-north-east

Natural ventilation, Direct evaporative cooling, Solar heat gain Are required since almost 85% of the year are not in the comfort zone.

Solarradiation is lowoverall throughout the wholeyear,yet the drybulk is exceedingthe comfortzone.

Mahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
FallBuildingZoningandConcept 2022 Building Zoning Reception ManagementOffices MeetingRooms PublicOffices PrivateOffices Lounge EntranceLobby Outdoor Extension Indoor Only Outdoor Noise level decrease 67

Building Section

Mahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Top View Perspective View

Top view to show how the grasshopper code was not successful to adjust on a curve


FallBuildingZoningandConcept 2022

Conceptual Section

Mahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
the curveddouble-skinfaçadeandhow
usedforself-shading 70

Sun Path

The sun path analysis shows the direction of the sun path which indicates difference in height between seasons, months, and even time of the day in order to adjust accordingly

FallAnalysisandOptimizationMahmoud 2022

Shadow Analysis

Thisshowsvisuallytheeffect of context on the buildingfaçade,withoutinterference of double skinfaçade. As expectedfromthestudies,the partthat is exposed to thesun for morethan8 hrs is thesouthernfaçade,thenfrom6-7hrs will be thewesternandeasternfacades,and finallylessthan5hours is the northernfaçade.

OptimizationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Radiation Analysis

Optimum Radiation

Initialradiationwith no façadedesign in order to studythesolidandvoid relation of the façade.

Conclusion: Southernfaçadehasthe mostradiation, so use horizontaltubes to block the highsunrays.

Added my façadeand it blockedmostradiation fromthesouth;however, notallbecausetheorange region is stillvisible

Conclusion: Controlthesolidandvoid mechanism to ensure optimumradiation,nottoo dark or toobright

FallAnalysisandOptimizationMahmoud 2022

Here,theorangereason is almostgonebecauseI increasedtheverticaltubes in westernfacade

Conclusion: Workedwell,butnowall plansareleaningmore towardsthedarkerside, so optimization is stillnot reached

Increasedthevoidtubes aroundentrancebecause of the existingshading element,andincreased circumference on tubes in the middle

Conclusion: Most of theslabsare optimizedwithinthetarget region(124-155 KWh/m2)

OptimizationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Wind Rose

FallAnalysisandOptimizationMahmoud 2022

Conclusion: Thisvisualconfirmsthefactthatmain prevailingwindcomesfromthenorth at thehighest speed of 7.86 m/s,however,westernfaçade is used up completely so usingawindcatcherwouldhave notbeenefficient

OptimizationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

Fabrication File

1 day 10 hours 168g 56.24m

17 hours 27 minutes 168g 56.24m

1 day 8 hours 301g 101m

20 hours 47 minutes 198g 66.24m

FallAnalysisandOptimizationMahmoud 2022

16 hours 25 minutes 155g 99m

Conclusion: In order to decreasethetime,changingthepositionandrotation of thefaçade is the mostefficientbecause it indicatesthenumber of externalsupportsused.Anotherfactor is optimizing the printspeed(butputintoconsiderationthatfastermeanslessquality).

Thecentrepart is madeout of removablesupportsbased on solid or void

OptimizationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –

VR Shots and


FallAnalysisandOptimizationMahmoud 2022
properly Deformations
the structure 81
Inner plans lack vertical connection
not highlighted

Add “solid” components for shading

Add “solid” components for shading

OptimizationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
Modify slabs to allow for more activities

VR Shots and Analysis (after)

FallAnalysisandOptimizationMahmoud 2022
for vertical connection
door entranceModified slabs to accommodate different activities 83
Added atrium

Added shading element

Interesting shadow experience

OptimizationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –
Added terraces and outdoor spaces Façade does not obstruct the view

VR Shots and Analysis (after)

Conceptual Shots

FallMaterialExplorationConclusionMahmoud 2022
ConclusionMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –86


Ground FloorFirst Floor

Second Floor Third Floor

Fourth FloorFifth Floor

Sixth Floor

Seventh Floor

FallAnalysisandOptimizationMahmoud 2022


Sections showing vertical connection and variations of double heights whether defined by walls, or railings

OptimizationMahmoud AlbassyoniARCH 473/3522 –


Souza, Eduardo. “How Do Double-Skin Façades Work?” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 20 Aug. 2019,

“Double-Skin Facade.” Double-Skin Facade -an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics,

Danpal. “Double Skin Façade - Perfect Protection for the Building.” Danpal, 29 Dec. 2021,

International, Gizmodo. “5 Smart Building Skins That Breathe, Farm Energy and Gobble up Toxins.” Gizmodo Australia, 6 Sept. 2013,


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