Yassmin Ahmed- AUC - ARCH 473/3522

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Student Portfolio

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022 ARCH 473/3522 - DIGITAL DESIGN STUDIO AND WORKSHOP Yassmin Hussein Ahmed 900181381

The American University in Cairo (AUC)

School of Sciences and Engineering - Department of Architecture

ARCH 473/3522 - Digital Design Studio and Workshop (Spring 2019)

Student portfolio documenting samples of work submitted along the course, including researchV, experimentation, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, parametric design and modeling, physical model realisation and analysis.

Student name: Yassmin Hussein Ahmed

Student ID: 900181381

© The American University in Cairo (AUC), May 2019

ARCH 473/3522 - Fall 2022


Yassmin Hussein Architecture Student

My Name is yassmin Hussein , senior architectural student at the Americ- an University in cairo. Architecture was part of my focal interests, I was attracted to the major due to its complexity and intergration of art and science.I have enjoyed the course as it wasa significant part in my transformation that had a crucial impact on my imagination and creativity skills. Since childhood I was very attracted to buildings and the vibes i get based on the space around and how it affect us in many ways. And as a i grow up i found that buildings also affect the context , surrounding, and the enviroment. I many ways such as the facade design, the interior spaces lighting and colors, the landscape, the users. Even the users has a connection between them and buildings they used to visit regularly as they must leave a print on it and the building also has an impact on us as we attach to memories, childhood, dreams and goals.


Project 01


Material Exploration Stage I.


Experimentaion Methedology

What is fabric forming?

Fabric formwork involves the use of membranes in a kind of cloth used as a mold for any material is being applied. It Is usually used to create a dramatic design form that could act as a structure membrane, a piece of furniture, or any design element.

What is casting forming

Casting, on the other hand, includes putting any type of substance into a specified mold, where it will solidify and eventually be removed.

Approach 1:

Primary experimentation


- Mixing gypsum with water

- Stabiling vertical wooden sticks

- Shaping a cloth up and down -Lifting the cloth on the wooden sticks

-Removing wooden s ticks

Materials used:

- Thin wooden sticks

- white cotton cloth - Gypsum and water

Philosophy and concept of twisting in and out

Creating curves in motion resulted in variation of height Exploring the in and out of twisting with each material. Lengthening and stretching the materials to go further with shapes and curves.

The concept of rotating and lengthening created a dynamical dramatic wave shapes and through squeezing and soaking the

Approach 2:

Primary experimentation Steps: - Twisting and crunching foil paper - leaving it until it partially dries Materials - Foil Paper


Approach 3:

Primary experimentation


- Soaking a cloth in gypsum and water mix

- Then, shaping the cloth

- Trying to balance the cloth without sticks by balancing the weakest and strongest points of the cloth

Materials - Cotton Cloth

Approach 4: Primary experimentation


- stretching and cutting the stockings

- inserting wooden stick inside a plasticine cube for stability

- laying the stocking on the wooden sticks tips, leaving the rest resting on the floor

Materials - stocking - wooden sticks - plasticine cubes


Approach 1:

Secondary experimentation


- Pouring gypsum on a cloth

- Shaping the cloth - leaving to dry


- Cotton Cloth

Approach 2: Secondary experimentation


- Inserting wooden sticks tips between the boxe’s edges

- Layering the thin cloth above the sticks

- arranging the height of the sticks - shaping the cloth


- square box - wooden sticks - thin cotton cloth

Approach 3:

Secondary experimentation selected panel


- Folding a thick paper on a rhythm

- Pouring gypsum on it

- leaving it to dry


- Paper


Parametric buildung block II.


Panel Translation Material exploration phase conclusion & work-flow diagram

Selected panel

Transition to panel and initial conceptual development

The simplicity behind subtle materials that could goes beyond has a deep connection to the in and out philosphy of twisting and rotating in yoga movements that relies on spinal cord.


Initial Grasshopper Trial and Script

Initial Grasshopper Script

Creating a rectangle with 2 point at the corners with respect to the distance grid in between in order then to construct points on the rectangle and then adjusting

After constructing points wihtin the rectangle cull pattern helped to create the flat with curves adjusted through points. After the yellow lines appeared i weaved the structure and loft it to pop up and create the wavy paper shape structure. At the end after adjusting the anchor points and the slits and curved. flipping the shape to create verticality in order to have a shadow underneathand that would create a more dynamic flow structure.


Development logical conceptual inspiration for next development

Developed Panel workflow

First i began with specifying the x and y planes of my rectangule then exploding cells and adding list items in order to selects an item or multiple items from the list.

Then instering curves through the z and y planes and in order to create a dynamic curves the geomeries were moved and merged within a polyline and evaluating the curves

After adjusting the curves in order to create a flow curves wihtin a specific distance and the curve shapes were determined through the parabola in the graphmapper.


Panel grasshopper script

At the end doubling the structure but with a clean layerings then loft to create thickness and structure and adhustingh the renders lastly.

Parametric system/cluster III. 14

Propagation of the single unit into a cluster of panels

Panel variations

A two different elevation and a dynamic top view

Graph mapper, very smooth curve iteration ration 0,1 through x and y axis

More curvy iteration ratio 0,1 through x and y axis

Tight perfect curves ration 0,5 through x and y axis

Tight curves ration 0,1 through x and y axis Extremely tight curves ration 0,1 through x and y axis 17

Whole code breakdown


Propagation of the single unit into a cluster of panels

scaling and adjusting series to achieve 2 shaped elevation structure

Achieving Horizontaility dynamical spine that goes through the panel

series of panels placed on x axis

Creating the cluster was through making a series and movement through the x axis then scaling and duplicating the series in order to create an above transparent layer that adds more volume and flow to the structure and the cluster as well.

A focal point of attraction not all rhythms and signals but most inner part and then outer parts creating an unexpedted signals waves

A rhythm of dynamical leaning and implmenting the philosphy of in and out. Inner spine reflecting the spinal cord apttitude and curves


Cluster Panel grasshopper script

The structure panel could be a landscape seating underneath a typologytype of land, or an archietcture roof that would allow natural light and cool ventiallation for a 2-3 floor building.

Folded panels in out directing in and out attraction points creating inbetween wide and tight linear curves


Facade Facelift


Double skin facade


A facade consisting of two layers that is generally made of glass. Between these two layers there is a cavity generally vary between 0.2 to 2 meters and acts as insulation against extreme temperatures, winds, and sound, dust etc. improving the building’s thermal efficiency for both high and low temperatures.

Evironmental performance especially in hot and cold arid climates

In cold climates, the air buffer works as a barrier to heat loss. Sun-heated air contained in the cavity can heat spaces outside the glass, reducing the demand for indoor heating systems. hot climates, the cavity can be vented outside the building to mitigate solar gain and decrease the cooling load. Excess heat is drained through a process known as the chimney effect, where differences in air density create a circular motion that causes warmer air to escape.

25 Double skin facade

kinetic and responsove design approach

The single module is responsive to the sun, so it opens and closes depending on the angle of sunrays to avoid glare and extra heat gain In general, Kinetic façades configuration in four main elements: geometric transformation, pattern shape, skin form and façade material. The basic forms of geometric transformations are translation, rotation, scaling, and material deformation.


Al bahar tower

Using a parametric description of the actuated facade panels’ shape, the team was able to simulate their behavior in response to solar exposure and shifting incidence angles throughout the year. A screen of this type is expected to reduce solar gain by more than 50% and reduce the building’s need for energy-intensive air conditioning.


Double skin facade application II.



Egypt has a hot desert dry climate characterized by high levels of direct sunlight and sunny skies. These climatic factors necessitate specific façade treatments to minimize heat gain. wind NNW.

Proposed approach

Primary prevailing wind NNE and secondary prevailing wind NNW.



A single planar surface drawn in rhino Constructing point same as previous iterations Connecting with previous panel but here the façade was Not going smoothly with the panel

The façade Will start to create a smooth side from the interior and the waves Will only be implemented in the exterior

Connecting the parameters to the point And lines. The panels were Very thick looking like windows

Separating between vertical shading and making it thinner but that allows a huge amount Of light.


Grasshopper script

Trial 3D panel


Panel iterations

After taking into considerations the panel concept above, the iterations of the panel in terms of rotation, axis, solid vs void iterations.

To allow this curvy movement in response to sun directions and heat gain, the outer skin could be made of a subtle materials to maintain the curves.

Rotating the facade panel vertically that intergrated with it the horizontallity dynamic of the panel and the solids and voids on panel are fixed

For futher iterations: the solid and void ratio should be studied as well as the kinteic facade movement.



V.R. Experimentation


V.R. Experimentation trial -1-

The underneath void openning was not enough to insert shadow and light inside the building.

The material was blocking the facade and the panel iterations. therefore, the users inside the building are not comfortably living and also the blockage removed the expereinece and the design iterations on panel


V.R. Experimentation trial -2-

Material adjusted due to last VR analysis. The glass behind the panel are glass as well as the panel itself is a transclucant material

The panel mechanism needs to be adjusted as well as the structure of the panel.


Enviromental application


Sun Path Analysis

The sun path in summer is coming from upwards in which it allows the panel to have the itertaions of shading on the building’s interior and exterior.

sun path code

In the kinetic process the panel would shade more in summer

The sun path in winter is coming from slightly downward in which the shading of sun would be great if the kinetic movement happen as folding the panel and closing

sun path summer

sun path winter


Wind Analysis

The wind in winter is more on the right but overall the facade is south so the wind is not really affecting the building nor the panel

Wind analysis code

The wind in summer their is minimal to no wind on panel in which will affect the iteration further on as its should be well shaded in order to create a comfortable interior.

wind rose winter wind rose summer


Solar Radiation

Solar Radiation long panel summer

First attempt: summer jun till jul ,the floors was dim with minimal to no light inside

Second attempt: summer jun till jul ,the floors started to get in light more than the last and that was due to the folding of the panel upwards.


Solar Radiation

Solar Radiation long panel summer

Third attempt: summer jun till jul ,the floors started to get in more light in each floors and that by changing the solid and void ratio.


Solar Radiation

Solar Radiation long panel winter

First attempt: winter dec till jan ,the floors was with minimal light inside with no folding.

Second attempt: winter dec till jan ,the floors started to get in more light as the panel folds upwards.


Third attempt: winter dec till jan ,the floors started to get in more light as the panel folds upwards and the solid and void ratio differs.

Solar Radiation

Solar Radiation short panel summer

Solar Radiation short panel winter

First attempt: summer from jul to aug the floors are little dim

Second attempt: winter from dec to jan the floors are little getting in more light inside.

Solar Radiation

Solar Radiation

Successful radiation on panel in summer

Successful radiation on panel in winter

Last attempt, summer jul till aug, the floors inside are partially lighten not really sunny as its in summer so shading is considered.

Last attempt, winter dec till jan, the floors inside are lighten enough as its in winter so the space needs little light.


Spatial application V.


6th floor plan

The 5th floor is extended 1.2 meters in order to have a spatical experience in between the facade and the building. like shown above

The 6th floor is recessed inside 2 meters to create a dynamic experience as the floor below is an extruded terrace 1.2 meters

5th floor plan

46 Floor plans

steel pipes to vertical mullion to beams

steel pipe to beam connection

The in between structure that attach the panel to the building are steel pipes attach from the vertical mullion of the panel in between the interaction of each vertical unit with the beams in the building.

voids section appearence in section connected with same structure as above


The whole breakdown code


The whole breakdown code

53 Fabrication VI.

First attempt of fabrication takes 2 days and 11 hrs


Second attempt of fabrication takes 14 hrs and 27 minutes after rotating and removing supports



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