Lesson 2 Quiz Name: For each of the following multiple choice questions, write the letter that corresponds with the best answer provided. __ 1. 子(zi) A. black C. noun suffix
B. seven D. nine
__ 2. 边(biän) A. east C. side, edge
B. white D. ten
__ 3. 包(bäo) A. book C. where
B. five D. bread; bag
__ 4. 上(shàng) A. on, on top of C. to have; there is
B. that D. top
__ 5. 儿(ér) A. part of the translation for hamburger; fort C. table, desk
B. bread; bag D. suffix in colloquial words
__ 6. 几(jî) A. how many C. noun suffix
B. part of the translation for hamburger; Chinese, D. top
__ 7. 八(bä) A. black C. top
B. paper D. eight
__ 8. 旁(páng) A. how many C. nine
B. paper D. beside
__ 9. 哪(nâ) A. this C. pen
B. where D. ten
__ 10. 六(liù) A. west C. side, edge
B. where D. six
__ 11. 头(tóu) A. black C. on, on top of
B. bread; bag D. top
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Page 1 Nov 16, 2013 11:35 PM
__ 12. 十(shí) A. east C. ten
B. none, have not D. side, edge
__ 13. 四(sì) A. that C. four
B. white D. pen
__ 14. 七(qï) A. seven C. suffix in colloquial words
B. part of the translation for hamburger; fort D. on, on top of
__ 15. 笔(bî) A. two C. suffix in colloquial words
B. pen D. six
__ 16. 两(liâng) A. at, in, on C. nine
B. seven D. two
__ 17. 下(xià) A. that C. four
B. below, down D. to have; there is
__ 18. 那(nà) A. to have; there is C. that
B. measure word for chairs D. top
__ 19. 没(méi) A. none, have not C. black
B. that D. table, desk
__ 20. 有(yôu) A. east C. to have; there is
B. where D. nine
__ 21. 堡(bâo) A. this C. how many
B. part of the translation for hamburger; fort D. side, edge
__ 22. 白(bái) A. east C. nine
B. four D. white
__ 23. 这(zhè) A. book C. table, desk
B. this D. top
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Page 2 Nov 16, 2013 11:35 PM
__ 24. 把(bâ) A. where C. none, have not
B. six D. measure word for chairs
__ 25. 桌(zhuö) A. book C. table, desk
B. noun suffix D. top
__ 26. 黑(hëi) A. east C. pen
B. black D. noun suffix
__ 27. 在(zài) A. how many C. side, edge
B. four D. at, in, on
__ 28. 支(zhï) A. six C. on, on top of
B. measure word for pens D. none, have not
__ 29. 纸(zhî) A. measure word C. noun suffix
B. paper D. top
__ 30. 五(wû) A. west C. five
B. where D. below, down
__ 31. 东(döng) A. where C. seven
B. east D. top
__ 32. 汉(hàn) A. west C. four
B. part of the translation for hamburger; Chinese, D. noun suffix
__ 33. 西(xï) A. measure word C. measure word for chairs
B. beside D. west
__ 34. 九(jiû) A. paper C. where
B. nine D. below, down
__ 35. 书(shü) A. book C. west
B. white D. measure word
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Page 3 Nov 16, 2013 11:35 PM
__ 36. 个(gè) A. white C. measure word
B. seven D. nine
__ 37. 椅(yî) A. measure word C. paper
B. chair D. none, have not
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