Architecture Portfolio

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EDUCATION - MASTER DEGREE - Archicture & Innovation IUAV University - Santa Croce, Venice, IT - COURSE OF 3D PRINTING IUAV University - Santa Croce, Venice, IT Prof. Arch. Benno Albrecht - WORKSHOP / TV 2020 Smart City Lab. Int. workshop Smart City & Smart Building IUAV University - TU Delft University Prof. Dr. Medardo Chiapponi - BACHELOR DEGREE - Architecture IUAV University - Santa Croce, Venice, IT


Andrea Schiavinato



Date of birth:



Rue Franz Merjay 102 1050 Ixelles, Bruxelles, BE


+32 492175619


- LICENSE TO PRACTICE OF GEOMETRA Istituto superiore Andrea Palladio, Treviso, IT - WORKSHOP / W.A.V.E 2012 IUAV University - Santa Croce, Venice, IT Seeking refuge - Arch. Laura Alvarez - WORKSHOP / W.A.V.E 2011 IUAV University - Santa Croce, Venice, IT Memory garden - Arch. Italo Rota - WORKSHOP / W.A.V.E 2010 IUAV University - Santa Croce, Venice, IT Water’s types - Arch. Alberto Cecchetto


WORK EXPERIENCES - Eng. Office Geom.Bandiera - COLLABORATION Via Ca’ Morelli 10/b, 31056 Roncade, IT 11/2008 - 10/2016 Job - Chief designer

- AA School of Architecture Visiting School in Brussels, House of politics 07/2017 Job - Teaching assistant

- Eng. Office Geom. Marton - STAGE Viale F.lli Cairoli 15, 31100 Treviso, IT 09/2008 - 11/2008 Job - Designer

- Bernard Dubois Architects - INTERN Boulevard de Waterloo 58, 1000 Bruxelles, BE 11/2016 - to age Job - Designer

- Eng. Office DLL Tecnostudio - STAGE Postumia Ovest °117, 31048 S. Biagio C. , IT 09/2007 - 09/2008 Job - Designer

- External Reference Architects - ERASMUS + Plaza Lesseps 30, 08023 Barcelona, ES 07/2016 - 10/2016 Job - Designer

- S.S.D. Polisportiva Casier Via E. Fermi n°1, 31030 Dosson di Casier, IT Season 2006/2007 Job - Basketball coach

- TIME FOR IMPACT | events - VOLUNTEER Venice Biennale of Architecture 05/2016 Job - Events co-manager

- Kromeidon S.r.l. Graphic studio - STAGE V.le San Marco 71, 30020 Marcon, IT 07/2005 - 08/2005 Job - Web designer

- ETB Studio - TRAINEESHIP + COLLABORATION Via Sant’Antonino 68, 31100 Treviso, IT 12/2015 - 04/2016 Job - Designer - Eddo Vanzo Architect - TRAINEESHIP Via Friuli 1, 31057 Silea, IT 05/2013 - 06/2013 Job - Designer




- SCALASCULTURA 2016 scultura-2016

- COMPUTER SKILLS Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Premiere Autodesk Autocad 2D Google SketchUp + Vray Graphisoft ArchiCad McNeel Rinoceros Microsoft Office Suite

- Y.A.C. - University Island - AC-CA - Tokio Music Centre - ArchMedium - Tokio Replay Centre competition/trc

••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• •••••

- OTHER SKILLS Good manual dexterity for the creation of architectural models, fast in learning software - LANGUAGE Italian - Native language English - Advanced French - Basic | taking class Spanish - Basic

PUBLICATION - DOMUS n°985 extra - The Smart city TV 2020 Smart city Lab. - pag. 20 to 22

- MEMBERSHIP & LICENCES Member of CAI (Italian Alpin Club) Licenced italian basketball coach Driving licence - B

EXHIBITION - Triennale Milano - Esportare il centro storico Via S.Martino della Battaglia 18, Brescia, Italy Curated by Benno Albrecht and Anna Magrin tro-storico/

- INTERESTS Contemporary art, literature, hiking/climbing basketball



qualified qualifiedcolaborator,. colaborator,.InInthis thisperiod periodAndrea Andreawas wasinvolved involvedininhis hisfunction functionas asaaproject projectarchitect, architect,ininthe thedesign design phase phaseand andpreliminary preliminaryproject projectphase, phase,as asweIl weIlas asthe thecompetition competitionproject. project.Andrea Andreacarried carriedout outthese thesetasks tasksininall all cases casestotoour ourcomplete completesatisfaction. satisfaction.We Wefound foundAndrea Andreatotobe beaahighly highlyresponsible responsibleand andcommitted committedemployee, employee, having havingaahigh highdegree degreeofofinitiative initiativeand andsense senseofofresponsibility responsibilityand andexceedingly exceedinglyconscientious. conscientious.He Healways alwaysfulfilled fulfilled the thetasks taskswith withwhich whichhe hewas wasentrusted entrustedcarefully carefullyand andexactly. exactly.Thanks Thankstotothe thespeed speedwith withwhich whichhe heassimilated assimilatednew new information, information,he hewas wasable abletotofamiliarise familiarisehimself himselfwith withthe theidiom idiomofofour ourhighly highlycomplex complexmajor majorprojects projectsininthe thebest best Mr Andrea Schiavinato was developing a stage from 2015 until in our architecture office2015 as auntil March in our architecture office as a MrDicember Andrea Schiavinato wasMarch developing a stage from Dicember possible way, way, and and toto resolve resolve complicated complicated problems rapidly rapidly with withuntil an anMarch overview overview ofof the the situation. situation. We Weas would would Mrpossible Andrea Schiavinato was developing a stageproblems from Dicember 2015 inAndrea our architecture office a qualified in colaborator,. In this was involved in his function as a project architect, in the design qualified colaborator,. In this period Andrea was involved his function asperiod a project architect, in the design particularly particularly like liketotoemphasise emphasise his hishighly highlycommitted, committed, reliable reliable and systematic systematic manner ofofas working, working, his hisexcellent excellent qualified colaborator,. In this period Andrea was involved in preliminary hisand function as phase, a manner project architect, in the design phase and project as weIl the competition project. Andrea carried out these tasks in all phase and preliminary project phase, as weIl as the competition project. Andrea carried out these tasks in all cases to our complete satisfaction. We found Andrea to be a highly responsible and committed employee, professional professional knowledge knowledge and and his his weIl weIl grounded grounded drawing drawing and and CAD CAD skills, skills, of of which which he he made made efficient efficient and and phase and preliminary project phase, as weIl as the competition project. Andrea carried out these tasks in all cases to our complete satisfaction. We found Andrea to be a highly responsible and committed employee, having a high degree of initiative and sense of responsibility and exceedingly conscientious. He always fulfilled purposeful purposeful use.Andrea Andrea was wasable abletoto find find ideal idealAndrea solutions solutions even dificult dificult situatiorts situatiortsand andwhen when working working under undertime time cases to our use. complete satisfaction. We found toeven be ainin highly responsible committed employee, having a high degree of initiative and sense of responsibility and exceedingly conscientious. He always fulfilled the tasks with which he was entrusted carefully and exactly. Thanks to the speed with which he assimilated new pressure. pressure. having a high degree of initiative and sense of responsibility and exceedingly conscientious. He always fulfilled the tasks with which he was entrusted carefully and information, exactly. Thanks thetospeed withhimself which with he assimilated newhighly complex major projects in the best he wastoable familiarise the idiom of our Andrea was was weIl weIlable able totofind findhis hisfeet feet ininthe theand international international ambience ambience ofofspeed our ouroffice. office. InIninternational international projects projects he theAndrea tasks with which he was entrusted carefully exactly. Thanks to the with which he assimilated newhe way,ofand resolve complicated problems an overview of the situation. We would information, he was able to familiarise himself withpossible the idiom our tohighly complex major projectsrapidly in thewith best applied appliedthe the relevant relevant standards standards quickly quickly and andreliably, reliably, and and demonstrated demonstrated aahigh high degree degreemajor of ofintercultural intercultural competence. competence. information, he was able to familiarise himself withparticularly the idiom of to ouremphasise highly complex projects in the best his highly committed, reliable systematic manner of working, his excellent possible way, and to resolve complicated problems rapidlylikewith an overview of the situation. Weand would As Asaaresult result his hisloyalty and andteam teamspirit, spirit,Andrea Andrea was wasrapidly extremely extremely popular with with hisof superiors superiors and andcolleagues. colleagues. His professional knowledge and his his weIl grounded drawing and would CADHis skills, of which he made efficient and possible way,ofof and toloyalty resolve complicated problems withpopular an overview the situation. We particularly like to emphasise his highly committed, reliable and systematic manner of working, his excellent purposeful use. Andrea was able to find ideal solutions even in dificult situatiorts and when working under time behaviour behaviour was was atall alltimes timesconsiderate, considerate, friendly friendlyand and correct. correct. Wevalued valuedhis hishighly highly as an anemployee. employee. Andrea Andrea particularly like toatemphasise his highly committed, reliable andWe systematic manner ofas working, his excellent professional knowledge and his weIl grounded drawing and CAD skills, of which he made efficient and pressure. finished finishedhis his stage stagewith withus usisishis leaving leaving our office. office.We We are arevery very sorry sorry totolose losehim,and him,and would would like totothank thank his hisfor forthe the professional knowledge and weIlour grounded drawing and CAD skills, of which he like made efficient and purposeful use. Andrea was able to find ideal solutions even in dificult situatiorts and when working under time Andrea was weIl able to find his feet in the international ambience of our office. In international projects he valuable valuablework workAndrea he hehas hasdone doneable for forus. us. Wewish wishhim himall allthe theeven best bestfor his hispersonal personal and andprofessional professional future. future.under time purposeful use. was to We find ideal solutions infordificult situatiorts and when working pressure. applied the relevant standards quickly and reliably, and demonstrated a high degree of intercultural competence. pressure. As a result of his loyalty spirit, was extremely popular Andrea was weIl able to find his feet in the international ambience of and our team office. In Andrea international projects he with his superiors and colleagues. His Andrea was weIl able to find his feet in the international ourconsiderate, office. In friendly international projects he behaviourambience was at all of times and correct. We valued his highly as an employee. Andrea Arch. Arch.the Alessandro Alessandro Tessari &&Arch. Arch. Matteo Matteo Bandiera. Bandiera. applied relevant Tessari standards quickly and reliably, and demonstrated a high degree of intercultural competence. finished his stage witha us is leaving We are very sorry to lose him,and would like to thank his for the applied the relevant standards quickly and reliably, and demonstrated high degreeour ofoffice. intercultural competence. ETB studio studio AsETB a result of his loyalty and team spirit, Andrea was extremely popular with his superiors and colleagues. His valuable work he has done for us. We wish him all the best for his personal and professional future.

As a result of his loyalty and team spirit, Andrea was extremely popular with his superiors and colleagues. His behaviour was at all times considerate, friendly and correct. We valued his highly as an employee. Andrea

behaviour was at all times considerate, friendly and correct. We valued his highly as an employee. Andrea finished his stage with us is leaving our office. We are very sorry to lose him,and would like to thank his for the Arch. Alessandro Tessari & Arch. Matteo Bandiera.

finished his stage with us is leaving our office. We are very sorry to lose him,and would like to thank his for the valuable work he has done for us. We wish him all the best for his personal and professional future. ETB studio valuable work he has done for us. We wish him all the best for his personal and professional future. Arch. Alessandro Tessari & Arch. Matteo Bandiera. Arch. Alessandro Tessari & Arch. Matteo Bandiera. ETB studio ETB studio ETB ETB

via viaSant'Antonino, Sant'Antonino,68 68 I I 31100 31100Treviso Treviso I I +39 +393290657015 3290657015 I I +39 +393286848242 3286848242 I I


via Sant'Antonino, 68

I 31100 Treviso


+39 3290657015



via Sant'Antonino, 68

I 31100 Treviso


+39 3290657015


+39 3286848242 I

+39 3286848242 I









Locat io n : G o r izia, I taly 45°56’06.72”N 13°37’09.48”E The building area is situated in the border of the city centre, a kind of bridge between the outskirts and the famous historical city centre. The project, due to it’s strategic position, becomes to be a new core made by various activities for the society, especially for young students, to revive a city that is dying because of the economic crisis.


The main strategy that origins the design project is voluntarily strong and sharp. This shape of the building reflect the necessity to realize a new public space , social meeting and passage to put in communication different part of the city. These pubblic space create a vertical connection between the upper floors, specifically intended for university students, and the lower floors dedicate to the community. The upper floors are slender and focus on the students, as promoters of a social and economic revival of the city in contrast with the lower floor that is stocky and mainly commercial, dedicated to whole the communyity in support of the pubblic space on the ground floor. This continual contrast generate heterogeneous situations that find solution in the open spaces on the ground floor. With this project, on the border between the suburbs and the city , i wanted to create a seam, a connection that allows more openness and a relaunch of the image of the city.


reading rooms


vertical connections










P O L Y | V O L P



Locat io n : Vo lpago de l M o n te ll o, Trev i so, I ta ly 45°48’50.4”N 12°07’21.1”E The area of this polyfunctional center is situated into the quit of the woods and is accessible through a path that leaves behind both the main road and surrounding built. The peaceful harmony of the clearing is emphasized to give breath to the user walking down the path and to find here himself in the sorting point from which he can lead to the various public activities. From here, the sight opens to the surrounding panorama and reaches the farther horizons thanks to the elevated position and the natural characteristics of the spot.


The main strategy that origins the design project is voluntarily strong and sharp. Straight cuts of the ground want to recall the old military settlement that had an enormous impact in the area and is still today greatly perceived walking in the woods. The choice of a vigorous geometry and the imposing aesthetic of the paths aim in this sense to emphasise both the monumental perception of the site and their distributive function.


The feeling of compression forced by these spaces is then balanced through large openings that are though only accessible from the inside of the buildings and claim the necessity of lookouts among the volumes surrounding the scene.

path ramp reception

The project develops following three main directions that look to the river Piave, the village of Ciano and the stunning Pre-Alps, and aims to have the minimum impact on the existing natural settlement so that every detail is carefully considered as the least invasive -but still efficient- option. Walking the long path that from the main road leads to the major volume, it is possible to easily identify the other corridors that create with the existing trails a bigger system and a unique experience.

restaurant kitchens reading room residences auditorium swimming pool and gym warehouse parking square library reading room









research centre

research centre

sports centre








Locat io n : S . B iagio, Ve n e zia, Ita ly 45°42’61.70”N 12°30’96.68”E Close/d to Me is a ephimeral project in an island in Venice to welcome the immigrants and create the feeling of integrity on the moment of the arrival. The modular structure enables to inhabit different amounts of people. The main intention was to avoid the isolated situation of the island and create a hub for their social activities.












Locat io n : Po r to To lle , Rov igo, I ta ly 44°57’29.2”N 12°29’32.2”E The Marine Research Centre is one of the proposals to renovate the area of the ex Enel Power Station in Porto Tolle. The building is composed by two steel and glass volumes, a public one with conference hall, library, restaurant and the private one for the workers. This two boxes support an perfored roof to illuminate the environments.







SC ALAS CULT URA 2016 Design co m pet it io n The Ribbon is a proposal for an international competition. The theme of the brief was to realize a stair with only one material, the steel, and develop a new concept for a stair. A sculpture, as the name of the competition Scala Scultura, is something that have to be powerfull and attractive, not just a common connection between the levels. Because of this the stair is made by simple ribbons, one next to the other one, laser cutted and turned several time. Each bend is structure and step at the same time, fix to the cieling sinking into the space. The aim of the project was to give the feeling of lightness and suspension, create an object that is functional, cheap and monumental at the same time.



Andrea Schiavinato

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