The eRecord Edition #01 - 01 October 2014

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October 2, 2014

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #1

St Kieran’s still blossoms at 100 THE PARISH of St Kieran’s in Osborne Park has undergone many changes in its 100 year history, but the spirit of community continues to blossom, Parish Priest Fr Michael Gatt proclaimed during the Centenary celebrations on July 27. “Like all parishes, this one has had many ups and downs...but the ups have far outweighed the downs,” he stated in the parish’s commemorative booklet, “(and) the response, support and co-operation of the parishioners has been enormous.” Fr Gatt first recognised the special qualities of the parish in 1978 – however his dream of serving there was not fulfilled until February 2000. It was a joy reflected during the centenary Mass concelebrated by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton and Fr Gatt with more than 500 current and former parishioners. The celebrations, which Fr Gatt described as very exciting and momentous, incorporated the cutting of a cake by parishioner Mrs Grazia Galante, who was also celebrating her 100th birthday. The original church building, named after the first Irish born saint, was blessed and opened by Archbishop Patrick Clune in November 1914. A school was opened EDITION #1 | OCTOBER 2, 2014

Parishioners, young and old, process up the aisle holding pieces of the parish’s 100 year history at a mass celebrated by Fr Gatt on July 27. PHOTO: SUPLLIED

on the Osborne Park site in 1934 and in 1937 St Kieran’s, which had fallen under the umbrella of the Leederville parish since its

Tower in 1954, a Presbytery in 1957, a new church building in 1983 and the original church building was converted into a Parish

“Like all parishes, this one has had many ups and downs...but the ups have far outweighed the downs” inception, was granted its own status as a parish. In 1939 a Sisters of Mercy Convent was established, followed by a new Church Hall in 1951, a Bell

Centre in 1988. Since arriving in 2000 Fr Gatt - now the longest serving Parish Priest at St Kieran’s - has also overseen amongst other chang-

es, refurbishments to the Parish centre in 2004 and the installation of a new roof in 2011. Fr Gatt thanked both past and current community members for their roles in creating the successful parish that is operating today. “I gratefully acknowledge the good and hard work of my predecessors together with so many lay people,” he said. FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT

The results of God’s ideas: Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin’s 40th priestly anniversary By Mark Reidy WHILE Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin’s priestly vocation has spanned 40 years and five popes as well as being witness to a number of transitions within the Church, he is adamant that the final words added to the reshaped Canon Code in 1983 should always be the guiding principle of Catholic faith. “When the definitive work of the Second Vatican Council finally arrived on the desk of Pope John Paul II in 1983, he would, in a moment of inspiration, include a sentence that would embrace all that preceded it,” Mgr O’Loughlin shared in a recent interview to acknowledge his 40th anniversary. “He [John Paul II] wrote that the salvation of souls must always be the supreme law in the Church. With Mgr O’Loughlin’s mu l t i p l e ro l e s as Monsignor, parish priest at St Columba’s Parish in South Perth, as well as a sitting member of the State Marriage Tribunal and the national appeals tribunal, and with a Doctorate of Canon Law, it is wisdom well formed. The gentle-natured and modest Monsignor, who celebrated his anniversary on August 31, appreciates the unique perspective he has been given - having been raised in a preVatican II era, but having received training in a post Vatican II Church. Born in Fremantle in 1949, the middle child of eight boys and one girl, EDITION #1 | OCTOBER 2, 2014

nificant impact on Mgr O’Loughlin. Referring to him as the “Pastor of the World”, he compared Pope John Paul’s II’s personalist philosophy with those of St Augustine and St Thomas Aquinas and his contemplative expertise to St John of the Cross. “His sense of composure and public prayerfulness was both original and stunning,” the Monsignor recalled. One of the greatest gifts of this long serving Pope according to Mgr O’Loughlin, was the 129 talks he gave between 1979 and 1984 on the human person and sexuality. It was to become known as “The Theology of the Body” and Mgr O’Loughlin had the privilege of exploring these presentations during his own Doctoral studies. “These were inspired Monsignor Brian O’Loughlin’s priestly vocation has spanned 40 talks and showed Pope years, five popes a number of transitions. PHOTO:: M REIDY John Paul II as a teacher, the likes of which we hadn’t Mgr O’Loughlin attended God’s idea or mine?” Mgr seen since Pope Leo the primary school at Iona O’Loughlin said. Great during the fifth cenPresentation College folIt was a fork in the road tury and Pope Gregory the lowed by five years at moment which would Great in the sixth century,” Christian Brothers College see him enter St Charles he said. Mgr O’Loughlin Fremantle, before leav- Seminary in 1967 at the believes he was the perfect ing to work in a paint and age of 18, completing his Pope for that point in hishardware store. Leaving Certificate as well tory as he was able to mainHis desire for further as studies in Philosophy, tain the balance of highest education, however, did not before moving to St sanctity while effectively diminish and he began his Francis Xavier Seminary communicating with the Leaving Certificate at night in Adelaide. It was here world and counteracting school. During this time that he was ordained to global secularisation. he was also an altar server the diaconate in 1973 and Mgr O’Loughlin’s life has for [the recently deceased] to the priesthood in St indeed encompassed an Mgr Sean O’Shea, who was Mary’s Cathedral in Perth era of great change, both to become instrumental in on August 31, 1974. personally and within the shaping his future. With 28 of his priestly Church, and it is a journey “It was Mgr O’Shea who years spent under the he says he will continue to directed me to the Church’s leadership of Pope John embrace. Vocational Director when I Paul II it is natural that the asked him, how do I know Church’s first Polish Pontiff FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT if becoming a priest is would have the most sig-

Bruce Rock parish hits 50 years ST MARY’S Bruce Rock Parish celebrated the 50th anniversary of the opening and blessing of their church in July. Salvatorians Superior for Australia Fr Karol Kulczycki SDS celebrated mass for the occasion, assisted by Parish Priest Fr Francis Kot SDS. A celebration lunch at the Recreation Centre presented a great opportunity for sharing of stories and re kindling friendships. An anniversary cake was cut by senior parishioner Dorothy Negri and PP Father Francis Kot. FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT

Presentation Sisters who had previously served in the former Convent School and the Sisters from St Joseph who currently conduct a Wheatbelt-Mission were present. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Called from youth: Fr Sean’s twentieth year By Mark Reidy NOT LONG after Father Sean Fernandez began an engineering degree over a quarter of a century ago, he became convinced his destiny in life was to build spiritual bridges, not just physical ones. In a recent interview to discuss his impending 20th anniversary on December 16, the Attadale parish priest revealed that his desire for priestly ordination had been ignited during his childhood years in Singapore. “Faith was integral to my family life”, Fr Sean shared, “And I knew I wanted to be a priest since I was 5 years old.” It was a desire further inspired by his childhood parish priest, Fr Saussard, and one he carried with him to Australia when, at the age of 15, his family immigrated to Perth.

Father Sean Fernandez reveals that his desire for priestly ordination had been ignited during childhood. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Fr Sean wanted to join the Seminary immediately after graduating from Churchlands High School, but his parents, who were always supportive of his call, encouraged him to wait. He could, however, no longer continue to ignore the urge within, and after speaking to Fr Peter

McCudden, the priest at the family’s parish in Floreat, his future as an engineer came to an abrupt halt. “Fr McCudden was delighted and said that he hoped I would succeed him one day,” Fr Sean recalls, which had prophetic undertones - he would later minister for a brief period in the

Floreat-Wembley parish. Following his meeting with Fr McCudden, Fr Sean spent a few months at St Charles Seminary in Guildford, under the gentle tutelage of Fr Justin Bianchini and Fr Don Sproxton, before being accepted as a seminarian for the Archdiocese and sent to St Francis Xavier Seminary in Adelaide. After his Ordination at St Mary’s Cathedral, Fr Sean became assistant parish priest at Whitfords parish, before stints at FloreatWembley and City Beach Parishes. In 1999 he was sent to Rome for seven years where he completed a doctorate in Theology and Teaching at the Pontifical Gregorian University. FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT EDITION #1 | OCTOBER 2, 2014

The best news in the best way EDITORIAL WELCOME to the first edition of the new e-Record. This new format of communication for local news and events from across the Archdiocese of Perth is a major step for religious news – not just in Perth but for the whole of Australia. For the first time in its history, the Archdiocese through the newly established Communications and Media Office - will draw upon the wonders of email technology to distribute its news and information not only locally but across the world. While many of the recent changes are still embryonic, we are grateful for the patience and understanding shown by so many of our readers. We encourage all past readers of The Record wherever possible to embrace the new format as we work to ensure the Gospel finds its place within our ever

changing modern society. Many of our readers will understand that we live in a world that is changing and is somewhat growing smaller and smaller. The increasing use of a wide range of technology provides us with a multitude of avenues to explore what is happening around us - but doesn’t necessarily bring us closer together.

who in his recent message on social communications, states that good communication helps us to grow closer, to know one another better, and ultimately, to grow in unity. The new e-Record – in its print and digital formats - aims to do precisely that. The entire team at the Archdiocese of Perth Communications and

The increasing use of technology has provided us with [many] avenues to explore what is happening around us. The news being communicated today is laden with information. All of this challenges us and can pose questions – sometimes with destructive overtones – as to who are we, what is life about and more increasingly why do we need Christ in our life. With this in mind, it is important that we heed the advice of Pope Francis,

Media Office is working hard to ensure we provide you with the best news and information from our parishes, schools and various organisations. Our aim is to support the Catholic faith, while challenging each one of us to deepen our knowledge of and intimacy with Christ. Most importantly, we hope to display the evidence that our God is

truly a God of Love. This new format emphasises the words of Pope Francis who, in his 2013 apostolic exhortation, Evangelli Gaudium, shared his dream of a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channelled for the evangelisation of today’s world rather than for her own self-preservation. His desire is to bring a new evangelising fervour and a new capacity for dialogue with the world whereby the Church is renewed (s.29). Please consider sharing the attached good news with your family, friends and colleagues! If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact our office on 08 9220 5900 or via email to office@

Sharing at the start of new homeless shelter By Mark Reidy AN OFFICIAL soil-turning ceremony on August 14 marked the beginning stages of a new homeless shelter in the city that will not only provide overnight accommodation for up to ten chronically homeless men and couples but will ensure the name of St Vincent De Paul Society’s longest serving volunteer will be remembered for many

years to come. Attending the launch of Tom Fisher House, alongside Premier Colin Barnett and St Vincent De Paul Society CEO, Mark Fitzpatrick, was the 93-year-old Tom Fisher who has served the organisation over the past 52 years. “It is fitting that Tom Fisher should be giving his name to this shelter”, the Premier announced during the ceremony.

“Because it will continue offering the same compassion, support and hope he has offered to so many during his time with the charity.” The initiative is a collaborative partnership between the State Government and the St Vincent De Paul Society, the fruit of a meeting between the Premier and the Heads of Churches in 2010. The Department for

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office. 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

Housing has provided $4 million for the purchase of land and capital works and the Department for Child Protection and Family Support will contribute $1.4million for running costs over the first three years. Mr Fitzpatrick said the St Vincent De Paul Society would provide for the day to day operations. FULL TEXT AVAILABLE AT


What’s happening around the Archdiocese SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4 Session #3 – 2014 Lecture Series of WAVN The 3rd of 4 gatherings to be given in the 2014 Lecture Series of WAVN (Western Australia Vocations Network) will be given by Sr Terry Rickard OP (Executive Director, RENEW International) on Saturday October 4 between 10:00am-1:00pm at the Newman Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview on the theme of How does the New Evangelisation make disciples? The focus of the workshop will be on creating a more welcoming and vibrant parish through introducing practical methods and tools for parish staff, lay leaders and ordinary folks in the pew. Concrete examples will be provided to empower people to share their faith story in the parish, home, work place and social arena. Short videos will involve participants in an interactive experience of identifying turning points in their own faith journey and learning how to share those turning points with others. Registration can be completed on the WAVN website: www.wavocations. com (see Events Bookings). Cost: $10, Morning Tea available. Further info: P) 9241 5226, E) wavnsm@gmail. com. (CEO Accreditation Approved ‘Knowledge’ component) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 Pipe Organ Concert This concert takes place to commemorate the installation of the historic Clifton Organ on Sunday October 5 at 2:30pm in St Anne’s Church, 11 Hehir St, Belmont 6104. The concert will be played by Dr Andrew Cichy, who studied organ music in Oxford and Europe, and will include works by Bohm, Pachelbel, Bach, Buxtehude, Couperin and Zipoli. Afternoon tea cooked by Fr Brian Limbourn follows in the hall at 3:30pm. All are welcome. Further info: Fr Michael Rowe P) 9277 2251. MONDAY, OCTOBER 6 Symposium – Awakening the dreamer, changing the dream Have you considered helping to bring about an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on planet earth? This symposium, to take place on Monday 6th October between 1–4:30pm in the Seminar Room, Catholic Pastoral Centre 40/a Mary Street Highgate brings people together, talking, thinking, providing inspiration to change the world through local activity. You will leave informed and empowered to make your own choices about how you’ll respond, and what actions to take. Presenters are Sheryl Carmody (MercyCare) and Lucy van Kessel EDITION #1 | OCTOBER 2, 2014

(Presentation Sisters). Parking in entrance off Harold Street. Cost: $10 on the day. Further info and to RSVP by 1st October: scarmody@ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 Ministers of the Word Workshop This takes place on Tuesday 7th October from 7:30pm-9:30pm at the Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara. Cost is $10.00 per person. Registration is essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy 28 Marda Way, NOLLAMARA WA 6061. P) 9207 3350, F) 9349 0362, E) au., W) www.liturgy.perthcatholic. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 – SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 Believers on trial: god’s spies, stories of martyrs. You don’t have to leave home to be ‘on trial’ Dom Michael Tunney osb will speak about the martyrdom of Christians, very much a feature of our contemporary world between Friday 10th-Sunday 12th October at the Benedictine Monastery Guesthouse, New Norcia. The martyrs’ stories are about where power is recognized, the power that bestows life, a new depth of truthful living, a new and deeper centre to the self relocated in the life of Jesus or standing in the place where Jesus stands; not a power that simply commands. What is this power Christian martyrs of today can still see? Is it worth the cost of everything; even life? Cost is $250. Further info and enquiries: P) 9654 8002 or visit FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10 – FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 Silent directed retreat Led by Sr Bridget Kayser rsj between Friday 10th- Friday 24th October at St John of God Retreat Centre, 47 Gloucester Cres, Shoalwater at the cost of $1,500 per person. Further info: enquiries/bookings to Upper Room, Sr Bridget Kayser rsj P) 9593 4918, or SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 Mental health week 2014 On Saturday 11th October at St Francis Xavier Church, 23 Windsor St, Perth Archbishop Emeritus Hickey will lead a journey of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Hope beginning with an opportunity for individual Reconciliation at 11am followed by a Mass of Forgiveness and Healing to conclude at 2:30pm. A light lunch will be provided. Notification of attendance will assist with catering. Auslan Interpreter, PowerPoint and Audio Loop provided. This is a free event. Further info: Barbara Harris at

Emmanuel Centre P) 9328 8113 or E) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 Celebrating the 5th Centenary of the birth of St Teresa of Avila The launch of the 500th anniversary of the birth of St Teresa of Avila will take place on Sunday 12th October from 3:30pm-5:45pm with Mass celebrated at 6:00pm with Bishop Don Sproxton at Infant Jesus Parish, Morley, beginning with afternoon tea and featuring a talk on Teresa’s spirituality by Sr Jennifer Jones, O.C.D. (via Skype from her monastery), and a Teresa-focussed prayer experience. Further info or to register: P) 9276 8500, E) ijparish@carmelite. com. (The Teresa 5th Centenary Celebrations in the Archdiocese of Perth are a collaboration between the Discalced Carmelite Parish of Morley and the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation.) National day of prayer for mental illness A National Day of Prayer for Mental Illness Awareness Recovery and Understanding has been widely supported since it began in America in 2004. This year it is planned to happen on Sunday 12th October. Parishes and individuals are encouraged to participate in whatever manner best suits them. A range of appropriate Worship & Prayer Resources can be downloaded for free from a number of websites, links to which can be found at the Nouwen Network website - www. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Quiet Day A quiet day of prayer and reflection will take place on Tuesday 14th October from 09:30am-3:30pm at Nathaniel’s Rest, 800 Gill St, Mundaring. Cost is $20; BYO lunch. Further info: Dayspring Centre P) 9376 1400, or au. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15 Prayer Day A prayer day presented by Sr Dora Maquire rsj will take place on Wednesday 15th October between 10:00am-3:30pm focusing on “There was a passionate generosity in Jesus, an ache to be joined at his table, by the lost and the desperate.” (D. O’Leary “ Man’s hungry heart”). Further info re venue and enquiries: Sr Kathleen Dawe P) 9527 2517 or E) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Catholic man breakfast series The next breakfast will be on Thursday 16th October from 7:00-

9:00am sharp, hosted by Bishop Don Sproxton, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, with keynote speaker James McMahon, the current Commissioner for the Department of Corrective Services in Western Australia and Deputy Chairman of the West Coast Eagles. The breakfast will take place at the Duxton Hotel, 1 St. Georges Tce, Perth. Further info: Kim Metcalf M) 0414 537 023, E) cmbs@menalive. ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) Hear about human trafficking and modern day slavery; reflect on how we contribute to human trafficking in our lives; explore actions you can take to counteract trafficking on Thursday 16th October from 1:003:00pm in the Ruah Training Room, Suite 67 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth (opposite City West station and Scitech. 2 hours free parking with ticket cnr Sutherland/Railway St) Cost: $5.00 for ACRATH. Further info and to RSVP by 10th October: Lucy van Kessel E), P) 9384 5433. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 Human face to asylum seekers – a community awareness session Come and hear Afsoun Mohammadkhani share first- hand, personal experience of what it entails to seek asylum followed by an information session with MercyCare presenters Sandra Bartlett and Brenda Lee. This takes place on Thursday 23rd October between 2:00– 4:30pm at South Perth Library Function Room, Cnr Sandgate St/South Terrace, South Perth. Further info and to RSVP by 16th October: Brenda P) 9442 3415 (Thursdays & Fridays) and E) blee@ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 – MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 4-day retreat for seniors Presenter Sr Anna Warlow sgs invites you to come and rest a while by the sea between Friday 24th Monday 27th October to consider the spirituality of ageing. This is limited to 12 retreatants at the cost of $240 each. Further info: Sr Kathleen Dawe P) 9527 2517 or E) jdawe@ MONTH OF NOVEMBER Ways of Telling – Insight into 19th Century life New Norcia’s Dom Rosendo Salvado’s recording of Aboriginal achievement has been recognised as the ‘single success’ in 19th century Australia mission history, possibly because it was also one of the most photographed. Salvado,

leading the mission for 54 years, used photographs widely for reporting and fundraising purposes among his supporters in Europe. This November, New Norcia’s large photographic collection will be the subject of Ways of Telling, a unique symposium to be held at the State Library of Western Australia. Photos date from 1867, and show how in the 1880s New Norcia was home to around 150 Aboriginal people and 70 monks. Ways of Telling is the final public event of the Benedictines’ bicentenary year celebrations. Numbers are limited so please register as soon as possible. Further info and registration: Peter Hocking E) or P) 9654 8018; or Michelle Ebbs E) or P) 0419 401335; W) www.newnorcia. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1 Save the date: put on your dancing shoes! Support the Archdiocese’s Personal Advocacy Service at a Fundraising Dance to be held at the Herb Graham Centre, Mirrabooka at 7:00pm on Saturday 1st November. Entry $20/ pp. All proceeds to Personal Advocacy Service. Further info and to purchase tickets: Greg D’Souza M) 0438 107178 and THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Mass for deceased priests of the Archdiocese Archbishop Costelloe will celebrate Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral at 12:10pm on Thursday 6th November for the repose of the souls of deceased priests from the Archdiocese of Perth. Everyone is welcome to attend. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Women’s Retreat Day This retreat is an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and to live a more spiritually orientated life. The day is an opportunity for quiet reflection in the company of other women. Come alone, with friends or family. Retreat director: Celia Joyce MPS. Dates: Saturday 8th November (9:30am 4:00pm). Bring your own lunch. Cost: $60.00 Click here to download the brochure for the retreat. Click here to register on-line. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Final lecture - 2014 lecture series of WAVN The final of 4 lectures to be given in the 2014 Lecture Series of WAVN (Western Australia Vocations Network) will be given by Sr Margaret Scharf OP (Director, Dominican Institute for Spirituality) on Wednesday 12th November between 5:30—8:30pm at the Newman Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, Doubleview on the theme of The Vocation of the Child. Further info and to register: P) 9241 5226, E) wavnsm@gmail. com. (CEO Accreditation Approved EDITION #1 | OCTOBER 2, 2014

‘Knowledge’ component) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 – FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Controversies and dilemmas in couples therapy Couples therapy, on the surface of it, looks like a straightforward endeavour. However, it can often be easy to be drawn into a series of confusing engagements and hidden agendas that challenge the counsellor in a profound way. This two-day workshop given by Dr Paul Gibney is suitable for anyone engaging in counselling or therapy with couples and will address some of the frequent controversies and dilemmas of couples’ therapy including: successful therapeutic strategy, working with implicit and explicit contracts, desire and belonging - the politics of longterm unions, addressing recurring relational trauma, helping clients leave abusive relationships. The aim of the workshop is to promote new levels of understanding, intervention and healing for all those who undertake this demanding and rewarding work. It takes place on 13th-14th November (9:00am-4:00pm) at Technology Park, 2 Brodie Hall Drive, Bentley. Cost is $570. Further info: Vanessa Seebeck P) 9263 2122, E) Vanessa.Seebeck@ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Save the Date: Archdiocesan Day to celebrate life Archbishop Timothy Costelloe will be the main celebrant at a Mass in St Mary’s Cathedral to celebrate the dignity and wonder of human life on Saturday 22nd November at 10:00am. The Mass will be followed by a festival in the cathedral locality where groups involved in raising the dignity of human life will display and share the important work they do. Put the date in your diary. Clergy are invited to come and concelebrate. Please consider bringing your family, friends or a parish group along with you. More info to follow at a later date. Life is a gift to be celebrated! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 150th Anniversary Augustine’s church



St Augustine’s Church, Myers Flat, is the oldest church in the Diocese of Sandhurst and celebrates its 150th anniversary on Sunday 23rd November. Built in 1864 on the Bendigo goldfields in central Victoria it served the huge influx of people from all nations with miners dispersing into other areas and states once the rush finished. The anniversary organising committee

hopes to reach descendants of the first settlers to the Myers Flat area. Further info: Mrs Aylene Kirkwood A) 40 Napier Street, Eaglehawk, Vic 3556, P) 03 5446 9528.

GENERAL SAVE THE DATE: GALLIPOLI PILGRIMAGE 2015 Join Mgr Michael Keating on a pilgrimage to Gallipoli on the 100th Anniversary of the landing from 29th May – 12th June 2015, visiting Istanbul, the Seven Churches of the Book of Revelation, Ephesus, Tarsus, Cappadocia, Antioch and many other places. Cost is under $5,500 with two sharing and includes Emirates economy return, 4-star hotels, dinner and breakfast, all tips, buses, and excursions. Further info and to register your interest: Monsignor Keating P) 9223 1356. 2015 MESSAGE FOR WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES Pope Francis’ 2015 Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees, entitled A Church without frontiers, mother to all begins: “Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus is ‘the evangeliser par excellence and the Gospel in person’. His solicitude, particularly for the most vulnerable and marginalised, invites all of us to care for the frailest and to recognise his suffering countenance, especially in the victims of new forms of poverty and slavery. The Lord says: ‘I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me’. The mission of the Church, herself a pilgrim in the world and the Mother of all, is thus to love Jesus Christ, to adore and love him, particularly in the poorest and most abandoned.” To read the full message, click here. E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations is due to commence distribution from October 1 via the new e-Record e-newsletter. The e-Record will be distributed on a weekly basis and will contain all the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese of Perth. Parishes will also receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter which they can print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Individuals can subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending their details to subscribe@perthcatholic. Further info: contact Editor, Jamie O’Brien P) 08 9220 5900 or E)

THE RECORD COMMEMORATIVE EDITIONS UPDATE The Communications and Media Office team are currently in the process of working on The Record Commemorative Editions. Due to printing and mailing arrangements, four Commemorative Editions will be distributed as per the normal process of The Record from October 29. The second edition will be distributed on November 12, the third edition on November 26, and the final edition on December 10. Further info: contact Editor, Jamie O’Brien P) 08 9220 5900 or E) ADULT FAITH FORMATION Deepen your understanding of your faith without the pressure of exams or assignments by enrolling in a Term Four course at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation. Courses are very affordable, range in length from 3 weeks to 8 weeks, and are offered during the day, at twilight, during evenings and on weekends. Further info: P) 9241 5221 or visit MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS The Adult Cenacle meets with the specific intention of praying for priests on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough and on the 4th Tuesday at All Saints Church, Greenwood. 10:30am Rosary followed by Mass and then a time of fellowship. The Youth Cenacle for those aged 18 to 40s meets at St Bernadette’s on Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month with the Rosary at 8:00pm followed by catechesis by various priests as guest speakers (confessions available during Rosary meditations). Various social activities follow. All are welcome. Further info: Adele Coyne M) 0434 084184, E) adelecoyne@ or E) Vivianna.Boyle@cpfs. CREATION AND ANZAC ONLINE RESOURCES The Columban Centre for Peace, Ecology and Justice has two things that Catholics in Perth might find of interest: A Catholic Season of Creation – Sundays of September (or any other month) with a specific focus for each Sunday: # 1 – Forest; # 2 – Land; # 3 – Wilderness; and # 4 – Rivers; and The Way of Peace – ANZAC Centenary Edition 1915 – 2015, to be launched on 4th October 2014, the Feast of St Francis of Assisi. Resource can be downloaded at au after launch date. Further info: Ash Prasad P) 02-9352 8021, E) pej.cmi@

PANORAMA The print version of the e-Record also contains Panorama. Please email all information to be inserted in Panorama by Friday 5pm to office@therecord. or contact our office on 08 9220 5900.

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