The eRecord Edition #10 - 04 December 2014

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4 December 2014


Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #10

Wise Woman from the East visits WA By Mark Reidy THE CHURCH and the world need Catholics to be fully alive in their faith and to stop waiting for “professional religious to do the job” says Melbourne academic Anna Krohn, and it is a message she hopes to spread during her visit to Western Australia in early December. Mrs Krohn, currently employed at the John Paul II Institute in Melbourne, will spend a week in Perth and New Norcia delivering a series of talks, networking with a variety of Catholic contacts and liaising with JPII Institute alumni and existing students. A graduate from the Melbourne College of Divinity, Mrs Krohn spoke at the Dawson Society dinner lecture series on 2 December, and will be speaking at the Embrace the Grace Catholic Youth Conference in New Norcia this Friday, 5 December. President of the Dawson Society, Thomas Gourlay, told Archdiocese of Perth Communications and Media Office journalist Mark Reidy that Mrs Krohn’s lecture on Dogmatic Relativism was very well received and was a fitting conclusion to the year’s series. EDITION #10 | 4 DECEMBER 2014

Melbourne academic, Anna Krohn, hopes to impact many Catholics while visiting Perth in early December. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

“Anna’s presentation on the response of two German Catholics, Dietrich von Hildebrand and the Bishop of Munster, Clemens August Graf von Galen, to the fight against Nazism inspired a lively question and answer session,” he said. Mrs Krohn, whose official title at JPII Institute is Academic Skills Counsellor and Overseas Students Officer, is passionate about inspiring others to reach their God-given potential and to actively interact

with the world around them. “I like to engage with each person’s sense of vocation – their calling,” she said “to encourage them to become the fullest personality they can be through grace and in their baptism in Christ.” One of the opportunities to fulfill this desire will be provided during the Embrace the Grace Conference where she will share her ideas with young people from the Perth Archdiocese. The annual conference,

titled Let us be Lights of Hope, is the 11th to be held, but for the first time will be a joint venture between the Respect Life Office and Catholic Youth Ministry. Mrs Krohn is particularly pleased that the influence of the JPII Institute is reverberating across the nation. “We have some wonderful graduates in Perth who are taking their study and formation into some significant areas in the west,” she said. She is hoping to encourage others to become involved with the Institute and, during her time here, will share information about courses on offer, particularly the newer options available. “We now have on-line courses,” she said, “as well as a post-graduate program for psychology and pastoral care, a religious education accreditation and the development of a New Evangelisation degree.” Mrs Krohn said she had been looking forward to her trip to Western Australia and hoped to be able to contribute to the “many great initiatives” occurring here and to inspire Catholics to discover who they were created to be. “Being alive and Christian is not a spectator sport,” she said, “God has something unique for each one of us.”

Historic Visit by Archbishop Dominique Mamberti FOREIGN Affairs Minister Julie Bishop last week welcomed to Canberra the Holy See’s Secretary for Relations with States, His Excellency Archbishop Dominique Mamberti. The Archbishop was accompanied by Apostolic Nuncio to Australia, His Excellency Archbishop Paul Gallagher, who will take up the role of Secretary for Relations with States next year. The meeting marked the first ever visit by a foreign minister of the Vatican in the 40 years of diplomatic relations between Australia

Federal MPs Teresa Gambaro MP; Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells; Minister for Social Services, Kevin Andrews MP; Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop MP; Minister for Communications, Malcolm Turnbull MP; Member for Deakin, Michael Sukkar MP and Former Australian Ambassador to the Holy See, Tim Fischer AC, pictured with Archbishop Mamberti and Archbishop Gallagher. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

and the Holy See. This year also marked the centenary of the establishment of an Apostolic Delegation in Australia. Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop hosted lunch for the Archbish-

op at Parliament House where a range of issues, including the persecution of Christian minorities in Syria and Iraq, the radicalisation of young people and the common threat posed

by foreign terrorist fighters, were discussed. The meeting provided an opportunity to commemorate the strengthening of the relationship between Australia and the Holy See.

Australian Bishops call for Solidarity with the Middle East SUNDAY, 7 December 2014 has been designated a Day of Solidarity with the Christians of the Middle East by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC). The Australian Bishops received a letter of request from the Conference of Bishops and Representatives of the Middle Eastern Apostolic Churches in Australia and New Zealand seeking the support of Australian Catholics. The Conference unanimously supported the request that Sunday, 7 December 2014 be a Day of Solidarity, involving prayer and a financial offering to help alleviate the suffering of EDITION #10 | 4 DECEMBER 2014

Christians, especially the many Iraqi refugees. In a statement released last week, the ACBC said the request comes as the celebration of the birth of Christ at Christmas draws closer.

been present in the region since apostolic times are being driven out in the midst of unspeakable atrocities. The statement continued, saying that the present tragedy in the Middle East not only impacts

“We are aware that the situation for Christians and other minorities in the Middle East is deteriorating by the day” “We are aware,” the statement said, “that the situation for Christians and other minorities in the Middle East is deteriorating by the day, especially as the northern winter will set in soon.” Communities that have

upon the communities of the area, but has far-reaching implications for the peace and security of the world. “Considering the widespread significance of the crisis, we are inviting all Catholic communities

to join with us on 7 December 2014 as we ask for the mercy of God for our persecuted brothers and sisters in the Middle East.” President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Archbishop Denis Hart, said they have heard the plea of our brother bishops from the Eastern Churches. “We join them in expressing our grave concerns about the suffering of the Christian communities, that trace their roots back to apostolic times and the danger of their gradual disappearance from their ancient homelands,” he said. Full Text available at

Teachers awarded for service to sports By James Parker AT A RECENT breakfast at the University Club of Western Australia, principals and sports teachers from 67 schools were honoured for their dedication to supporting young people across a wide range of sporting disciplines. Hosted by the Associated and Catholic Colleges, an independent, secondary schools sports association providing Sport in the Right Spirit to schools in Western Australia, the 2014 Spirit Awards Ceremony included numerous accolades offered to teachers for ten or more years of outstanding service. Recognition awards were also presented for substantial involvement in sport. Guest speaker at the event was Australian dual Olympian in water polo, Canon Richard Pengelley, a former high school PE teacher, school chaplain and lecturer in Sports Science and Sub-Dean for Community at UWA, who was recently appointed as the incoming Dean to St George’s Anglican Cathedral. Pengelley shared broadly of the role of faith and religion in the history of the ancient and modern Olympic Games. “The Olympic Games,” he began, “were just one of four Greek Games with the Olympics becoming the dominant one in 776BC. For 400 years, 100 Olympiads ran a sole race called The Start, a 120-yard dash, and spent the remaining 30 days of the Olympics in religious practice and ceremony at the foot of Mount Olympus.”

Kyle March, Director of Sport at ACC Sport WA, with (right) Canon Richard Pengelley at the recent 2014 Spirit Awards Ceremony honouring the dedication of sports teachers. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

He spoke of how Christianity eventually condemned sport, with Theodosius, a Roman emperor closing the Olympics in 393AD as a form of worship of the flesh. “This attitude prevailed,” he said, “for the next 1,500 years in Christian thinking.”

manhood”. It was Arnold and Cotton who inspired the founder of the modern Olympics, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, “to resurrect the opening festival of the Olympics as a Christian festival on Easter Day, April 5th, 1896 in the cathedral

Pengelly shared broadly of the role of faith and religion in the history of the ancient and modern Olympic Games. Pengelley gave an overview of the contemporary rise of sport thanks to men such as Matthew Arnold and his chaplain, George Cotton, from the Rugby School in England. It was these teachers, he said, who came up with the theory that “sport was very important and an excellent, good avenue for producing Christian men and

in Athens–something they never tell you about the Olympics”. The Christian churches then led the way in revolutionising the approach to sport, Pengelley pointed out, as a way of drawing young men with too much time and money on their hands away from the bars and brothels, “like some of today’s young football-

ers”. He reminded those present that the Scouting movement, the YMCA and YWCA, all of them founded as Christian organisations, used sport to form Christian values within young people. “Every single professional sporting team in Australia has at least one chaplain and most have two,” Pengelley said. “Every Olympic village has chaplains which is where I received an enormous boost to my faith in my early twenties.” He spoke about the Vatican’s department of sport set up by Saint John Paul II and talked of how sport in private schools is a place where Christian values can deliberately be inculcated. Full Text available at EDITION #10 | 4 DECEMBER 2014

Exodus film, faithful to Gospel By Marco Ceccarelli THROUGH the release of another biblically-themed Hollywood film this year, acclaimed director Ridley Scott revives an epic story in the film Exodus. The 150-minute film is spectacularly filmed and relatively well acted, bringing to new life the tale of Moses as he leads 600,000 Hebrew slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt. The storyline begins on the western bank of the River Nile, in the year 1300 BCE, and initially focuses on the intimate yet rivalrous relationship between a grown Moses (Christian Bale) as General in the Egyptian army and Ramses (Joel Edgerton), the son of the Pharoah Seti (John Turturro). The exposition of Moses’ Hebrew lineage sets off his exit from the royal family and arrival in Midian, where he marries the

The Communications and Media Office has

5 FREE COPIES of the Son of God DVD to give away. To enter, simply email editor@ with your name, address and phone number and tell us where actor Diogo Morgado is from? Winners will be contacted by phone. Competition closes Friday, 19 December.

The Communications and Media Office has


A scene for the film Exodus: Gods and Kings where Moses confronts his adopted brother Ramsees. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

beautiful Zipporah (Maria Valverde). Here, Moses has his first encounter with God and learns of God’s campaign of destruction against Egypt. He thus begins an enduring struggle against the newly enthroned Ramses as Pharoah of Egypt to gain the Israelites’ freedom. While the film is far more faithful to Old Testament scripture than Darren Aronofsky’s Noah, there seems to be a somewhat needless incentive on behalf of the

director to make the movie appealing to a secular audience. This tends to deprive Exodus of some fundamental elements from the epic tale that may have better served the movie on a number of levels. It is bound to trigger meaningful conversations and perhaps encourage many to read this incredibly rich chapter of the Bible.

to give away. To enter, simply email editor@ with your name, address and phone number and tell us the name of the Australian actor who plays a major role in the film. Winners will be contacted by phone. Competition closes Friday, 12 December.

Full Text available at

Son of God series, now on DVD By Fr Peter Malone MSC The Son of God mini-series has been edited for cinema release around the world from the 2013 mini-series, The Bible. In this mini-series, there were five episodes focusing on the Gospel stories, a total of 200 minutes in all. An hour has been taken out of the mini-series. In the 1970s, Franco Zeffirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth was a mini-series that ran for more than seven hours and was also edited for cin-

ema release to 135 minutes. Both films look very good on the big screen. The film opens with the apostle, John, in old age in exile on the island of Patmos. He quotes the prologue to the Gospel and what we see is a brief collage of the key Old Testament stories, taken from the miniseries. Then, at the end, there is a return to Patmos and John, reflecting on his experience, sees the risen Lord and he and Jesus speak some quotations from the Book

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

of Revelation. One of the questions facing Christian audiences is whether they want to see yet another Jesus film or whether they have strong memories of previous films, of Pasolini, of Zeffirelli, of the 1999 Jesus with Jeremy Sisto or The Passion of the Christ. One of the blurbs chosen for marketing this film states that this is the best Jesus film and there will never be a better one. Full Text available at


What’s happening around the Archdiocese COMMEMORATIVE EDITIONS OF THE RECORD The fourth and final commemorative edition of The Record newspaper will cover the years from 1995 to 2014 and will be distributed on 10 December. Further info: contact Jamie O’Brien on 08 9220 5900 or

THURSDAY, 4 DECEMBER December Prayer Day Sr Wendy Lailey rsj will present a day of prayer from 10am–3.30pm on Thursday, 4 December at the start of Advent themed My Lord and my God! (John 20:28). This will take place at the Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. Cost is donation only; morning tea 9.30am, and a light lunch will be provided. Further info and RSVP (for catering purposes): Laura McCarthy 9334 0999 or SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 Day with Mary 9am at Good Shepherd Parish, 44 Streich Avenue, Kelmscott. Day of prayer and instruction based on the Fatima message. Video; 10.10am Holy Mass. Reconciliation, procession of the Blessed Sacrament, Eucharistic Adoration, talks on the Holy Eucharist and on Our Lady, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Stations of the Cross. Finish approx. 5pm. BYO lunch. Enq: Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate 9437 2792. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7 Day of Prayer for persecuted Christians in the Middle East. As the situation for Christians and other minorities deteriorates daily in the midst of unspeakable atrocities, the Middle Eastern and Apostolic Churches in Australia and New Zealand are inviting parishes across Australia to join them in a Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Christians in the Middle East on Sunday, 7 December. They request that we “implore the mercy of God upon our long-suffering brethren, also remembering their criminal tormentors, that God will touch their hearts and bring them to a true repentance”. (Prayers for private and public use along with a poster and flyer will be downloadable from once received.) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10 Alan Ames Healing Ministry 7pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, EDITION #10 | 4 DECEMBER 2014

2 Townsend Road, Rockingham. Mass followed by talk and healing service. MONDAY, 8 DECEMBER Pregnanc y Assistance Thanksgiving Mass Pregnancy Assistance invites all interested persons to thank God for the wellspring of His tender love which flows through their ministry. Mass will be in St Mary’s Cathedral on Monday, 8 December, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, at 12.10pm. Co-ordinator Lara Malin thanks all supporters who have helped care for any family in need during or after their pregnancy, protecting those vulnerable to abortion and healing those hurting from abortion and loss. Further info: contact 08 9328 2926 or THURSDAY, 11 DECEMBER Kolbe Catholic College to hold Carols on the Avenue. Kolbe Catholic College Rockingham is holding a Carols on the Avenue Night on Thursday, 11 December. Starring a 60-voice choir and brass band, drinks and activities commence from 5pm, with Carols commencing at 6pm. The address for Kolbe College is Dowling Street, Rockingham. Further info: contact Kolbe Catholic College on 08 9592 1500 or email info@kolbe. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 Christmas Cantata 7.30pm at St Anthony’s Parish, 15 Dundebar Road, Wanneroo. For the first time, celebrating the birth of our Saviour through music, song, drama, readings and dance. Bring the whole family. Refreshments in the hall afterwards. SUNDAY, 14 DECEMBER PAS and identityWA Christmas Mass Personal Advocacy Services (PAS) and Identitywa are joining together for a Eucharistic Celebration and Christmas Party. Join them on Sunday, 14 December at 3pm for Mass led by Archbishop Costelloe at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish, 57 Tudor Ave South, Riverton. Food and drinks are provided at the party from 4-5pm. People with disability will play an active role in the Mass welcoming people, altar serving as well as participating in gesture and movement to the readings. Contact 08 9474 3303 or rozanne.pugh@ by 28 November if you would like to attend. A Festival of lessons and carols On Sunday, 14 December the traditional nine scripture readings will be complemented with nine carols and motets, led by a vocal octet and brass quintet from WAAPA from

7-8.15pm at St Paul’s Church, 106 Rookwood St, Menora. Fr Christopher Ross OSM will preach; a supper will follow the service. Further info: 08 9271 5253 and SATURDAY 24 – MONDAY 26 JANUARY 2015 Inner Healing Retreat (Live-In) 8.30 am at Epiphany Retreat Centre, 50 Fifth Avenue, Rossmoyne. Come and experience His merciful love and forgiveness through His Word & Sacraments. Be healed, anointed, renewed & transformed. The Retreat is led by the Vincentian Fathers. Enq & Registration: Lin 0419041188/0892861238 or or website: MONDAY, 18 MAY – WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2015 2nd National Catholic Mission Conference Mission: one heart many voices 2015 is the theme of the second national conference run and sponsored by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious of Australia with the full endorsement of the ACBC. Keynote speaker will be Fr Stephen Bevans SVD from Chicago. It will be held at the SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulbourn St, Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Its purpose is to empower, affirm, enable, encourage and inspire agencies, parishes, congregations and all aspects of the Church with a scriptural and theological vision of mission while offering a platform to hear the many and varied voices that exist among us. Further info www. THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth. Mass next door at St Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am; classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 9328 8113 or au.

GENERAL ADVENT PROGRAM The 2014 Advent program Shaped by the Hand of God will be ready for delivery in November 2014. This includes a set of four master sheets for the four Sundays of Advent which may be photocopied. Each master sheet includes: Reflection on the Sunday Reading and Discussion Notes, Art and Environment Suggestions, Music for the Advent and Christmas Seasons, Children’s Advent Activities, Second Rite of Reconciliation,

Universal Prayer, Prayers for Lighting the Advent Wreath. Cost is $35 via post, $30 via email. Further info and to order: contact Geraldine on 08 9207 3350 or fax on 08 9349 0362 or registrations.cfl@perthcatholic. THE ADVENT JOURNEY Advent is a time of waiting and of preparation for the birth of the Saviour. It is a time to recognise the arrival of the Redeemer in the same way that we each came into the world – as a small, defenceless infant. To read more about this season in the Liturgical calendar, you may wish to go to the Catholic Australia website, and click on the Sacraments and Liturgy button, where you will find some background which might aid further understanding of this period in Church life. TRUTH, JUSTICE AND HEALING COUNCIL Members of the Truth Justice and Healing Council will meet next week with parishioners and the broader community in Griffith to talk about the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church’s reform agenda. “Everyone in the Catholic Church has some responsibility for ensuring the Church leadership takes a very different approach to dealing with child sexual abuse than it has in the past,” said CEO Frank Sullivan. E-RECORD PROMOTIONAL POSTERS The Communications and Media Office has commenced distributing promotional posters to all schools and parishes for the new e-Record. Please display these posters on your noticeboard, in the front entrance, in the front office or in student classrooms to encourage all interested parishioners, students and teachers to sign up. Further info: Jamie O’Brien via email at or contact 08 9220 5900. CYM SPRING SPEAKER SERIES Catholic Youth Ministry celebrates Mass every Wednesday at 5.30pm with a Holy Hour at 6.30pm, followed by an engaging speaker on Wednesdays, 1 October to 5 November and supper ($5 suggested donation) at 40a Mary St, Highgate (entrance to carpark from Harold St). Further info: 08 9422 7912 or E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations is now being delivered directly to your inbox via the new e-Record e-newsletter. The e-Record is distributed on a weekly basis and contains all the latest news, events

and photos from the Archdiocese of Perth. Parishes will also receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter which they can print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Individuals can subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending their details to subscribe@perthcatholic. Further info: contact Editor, Jamie O’Brien on 08 9220 5900 or ADULT FAITH FORMATION Deepen your understanding of your faith by enrolling in a Term Four course at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation. Courses are very affordable, range in length from 3 weeks to 8 weeks, and are offered during the day, at twilight, during evenings and on weekends. Further info: 08 9241 5221. MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS The Adult Cenacle meets with the specific intention of praying for priests on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough and on the 4th Tuesday at All Saints Church, Greenwood. 10.30am Rosary followed by Mass and then a time of fellowship. The Youth Cenacle for those aged 18 to 40s meets at St Bernadette’s on Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month with the Rosary at 8pm followed by catechesis by various priests as guest speakers (confessions available during Rosary meditations). Various social activities follow. All are welcome. Further info: Adele Coyne M) 0434 08 4184, E) or E) CREATION AND ANZAC ONLINE RESOURCES The Columban Centre for Peace, Ecology and Justice has two things that Catholics in Perth might find of interest: A Catholic Season of Creation – Sundays of September (or any other month) with a specific focus for each Sunday: # 1 – Forest; # 2 – Land; # 3 – Wilderness; and # 4 – Rivers; and The Way of Peace – ANZAC Centenary Edition 1915–2015, launched on 4 October 2014, Feast of St Francis of Assisi. Resource can be downloaded at au after launch date. Further info: Ash Prasad P) 02 9352 8021, E) pej.cmi@ INTRODUCING THE JUSTICE, ECOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE (JEDO) The Justice, Ecology and Development Office (JEDO) has replaced the Catholic Social Justice Council (CSJC) in January 2014, with new Director Carol Mitchell taking on the role from the end of February. The Office moved from the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Highgate to the Newman Siena Centre in Doubleview in midMarch. JEDO Director Carol Mitchell said: “We welcome your inclusion and participation in our ‘call to action’. As EDITION #10 | 4 DECEMBER 2014

Pope Francis stated: ‘Let us try a little harder to take the first step and to become involved’”. People or agencies can be added to the JEDO mailing list by contacting: admin.jedo@ Further info: go to

monumental journey of escape from Egypt and its terrifying cycle of deadly plagues. Also starring John Turturro, Sigourney Weaver, Ben Kingsley. In cinemas from 12 December. To preview the movie, visit http://www.

CATHOLIC LIBRARY’S BOOK OF THE WEEK A Cup of Comfort Book of Christmas Prayer: Prayers and Stories that Bring You Closer to God During the Holiday (Townsend, Susan B). With the Christmas hustle and bustle of gift shopping, cookie making, and holiday decorating, you’ll need to remember to step away and reflect. This book provides an oasis of piety and consideration. The ebook is available for access by members of the Catholic Library of Western Australia at the following link: http://www.ceowa. aspx?p=474157. (Joining the Catholic Library in Leederville is free. To join as a member, please complete and submit the online membership form at form/13185144644.)

Prepare for Christmas this year using Caritas Australia’s 2014 Advent Calendar.

HOUSE / PET SITTING REQUIRED I am seeking accommodation any time after 31 January 2015. I am a 55 plus woman and work full time for an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. I would really appreciate hearing from you should you be going away at any time throughout the year and would like to consider me to take the best of care of your home and precious pet/s. I have experience, references and WACOT Criminal Check. I can be contacted on 0428 378 517. Suzanne SPECIAL PILGRIMAGE Departing Perth on Emirates Airlines, 4th May 2015, returning Perth 27th May (early hours). Visiting Lourdes, Fatima (for 13th) May. San Sebastian de Garabandal. Santiago de Capostela. Rome. (Optional Castelpetroso) Medjugorje & Split. Spiritual Director Rev Fr. T. Bogoni. Cost $6,999 which includes all flights, Air France, Air Portugal and Croatian Airlines. All airport taxes which may be subject to change). Transfers, luxury coach travel, excellent accommodation all with ensuite facilities. Bed/Breakfast/ Evening meals. Guide 24/7. Visiting 5 countries for this unbelievable price of $6,999. Bookings now open. Enq: Eileen 0407 471 256 or EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) comes the epic adventure Exodus: Gods and Kings, the story of one man’s daring courage to take on the might of an empire. Using state of the art visual effects and 3D immersion, Scott brings new life to the story of the defiant leader Moses (Christian Bale) as he rises up against the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses (Joel Edgerton), setting 600,000 slaves on a

This year Caritas Australia’s Advent Calendar features stories which highlight our 50 year journey of working with vulnerable communities around the world. It uses the symbol of the Advent wreath to help you Learn, Pray and Act daily with and for Caritas Australia’s partners around the world. Caritas Australia’s 2014 Advent Calendar is available as an iPhone and Android app. It is also available as an online web calendar, and as an interactive PowerPoint for primary school students and families with young children. Join us as we use the Advent Wreath to learn, pray and act for a more just and fair world – a world full of hope, peace, joy, love and Light – this Christmas. Advent begins on the 30th of November, so visit to view and download the calendar today!

REFLECTIONS ARCHBISHOP COSTELLOE: BE LIVING IMAGES OF CHRIST As disciples of Christ, members of His body, it is His face we must present to our world, His compassion people must experience in every encounter with us, His words they must hear coming from our lips. In this regard, we might remember the story of the encounter between Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. At the end of that encounter, Jesus told the woman to “go, and sin no more”. But before He said that to her, before perhaps she was even able to really hear those words, He had first of all said to her, “I do not condemn you”. Pope Francis has told us that as members of the Lord’s Church we must be “healers of wounds and warmers of hearts”. And why? Because Jesus was, and we are His disciples. Our first Australian saint, Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop, is famous for encouraging her sisters to “never see a need without doing something about it”. There is a great need in our time to celebrate, protect, welcome and promote God’s foundational gift of life. We must all do something about it. That is why we are here this morning. St Mary MacKillop is less well known for also encouraging her sisters to “never forget who it is you are following”. It is only by learning from the one who is meek and humble of heart, and by being living images of Him as we seek to do something about this great challenge of our times, that God will be able to bring about, also through us, a renewal in the minds and hearts of the people of our time.

PANORAMA Please email all information to be inserted in Panorama by Friday, 5pm to or contact our office on 08 9220 5900.

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