The eRecord Edition #34 - 05 June 2015

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5 June 2015

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #34

Rottnest Island celebrates 40 years By Jamie O’Brien & Mark Reidy SOME 90 PEOPLE gathered last weekend to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Holy Trinity Mass Centre on Rottnest Island with the memory of Monsignor Sean O’Shea, who served at the Mass Centre for over 50 years, front and centre. Pe r t h Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey, who celebrated Mass for the occasion, said many of those present for the event had known Mgr O’Shea and had assisted him in many ways over the years with the upkeep of the Mass Centre and the other facilities surrounding it. “Mgr O’Shea’s enormous contribution to the Church’s presence on the island was affirmed,” Archbishop Emeritus Hickey said. Archbishop Emeritus Hickey went on to say that current parish priest Father Leon Russell was now carrying on the friendly tradition of Mgr O’Shea by getting to know the local business owners and residents of the island, in addition to welcoming the visitors, many of whom are school leavers. Fr Russell, who concelebrated the Mass with Archbishop Emeritus Hickey, said it is pleasing to see the place continue to breathe the life of Mgr O’Shea. “His presence can be seen everywhere,” Fr Russell said. Mgr O’Shea led the Catholic Community of Rottnest Island from 1961 1 | EDITION #34 | 5 JUNE 2015

Monsignor Sean O’Shea walks from Holy Trinity Mass Centre on Rottnest Island in 2012. Some 90 people gathered last weekend to celebrate the centre’s 40th anniversary. PHOTO: ANTHONY BARICH

to 2012 and was the catalyst behind the building of the new Mass Centre. In the early 1970s, he approached then-Archbishop of Perth, Lancelot Goody, pointing out that Mass was being celebrated in a World War II-era hut and picture theatre, proposing that a more permanent and official structure be established. The Archbishop agreed and the church, with an attached residency, visitors’ quarters, sacristy and office, was built and opened on

Sunday, 25 May 1975. Ten years later, he was able to utilise his seafaring contacts to engage the services of the US Navy to fly the newlypurchased carillon of bells to the island. He also managed to convince the Navy servicemen to install the bells via helicopter in time for the tenth anniversary of the church, when the bells were blessed by former Archbishop of Perth, William Foley. Mgr O’Shea was to spend 11 years living on the Island before retiring in June

2012, and later passing away to eternal life in December 2012. After the Mass and morning tea, when stories were exchanged, Fr Leon Russell took Archbishop Emeritus Hickey on a tour of the expanded settlement area. and introduced him to the owners and staff that now trade on the island. “The presence of the Church can hardly be ignored because of the constant ringing of the carillon of bells by the children,” Archbishop Emeritus Hickey said.

BOOK REVIEW: Dowd presents gripping bio of first Archbishop By Marco Ceccarelli Christopher Dowd OP - Faith, Ireland and Empire: The Life of Patrick Joseph Clune CSsR, Archbishop of Perth, Western Australia. St Paul’s Publications, Strathfield, NSW, 2014; pp 416; softcover. $39.95 In his latest venture into the history of the Catholic Church in Australia, Christopher Dowd OP presents an elaborate, captivating and insightful biography of Perth’s fourth Bishop and first Archbishop, the Most Rev Patrick Joseph Clune CSsR DD. Faith, Ireland and Empire traces the life of Archbishop Clune from his early life in Victorian Ireland and education in Dublin’s Catholic Missionary College of All Hallows, to his work as missionary priest in Australia and New Zealand and eventual appointment as Archbishop of Perth. The author of this book has done an exceptional job at portraying the triumphs and struggles of a talented and influential religious figure who left a significant mark on the history of the Catholic Church in Western Australia. The first two of the book’s 17 relatively brief chapters focus on Clune’s early upbringing in County Clare, Ireland, and his entry into All Hallows, where Clune began his studies for the priesthood at age 17. Dowd meticulously follows the development of a young Clune, from his ordination in 1886, at the age of 22 as a teacher at St Patrick’s College, Goulburn, New South Wales, to his entry into the Redemptorists. Despite spending four 2 | EDITION #34 | 5 JUNE 2015

Cover of Faith, Ireland and Empire: The Life of Patrick Joseph Clune CSsr by Fr Christopher Dowd. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

years in missions throughout England and Ireland from 1895 to 1898, it seems Clune was destined for what Dowd calls “Ireland’s global spiritual empire” (p 23), which includ-

the Redemptorist monastery in Wellington, the diocese of Perth was to become the focus of Clune’s ministry. In Perth, Clune assisted Bishop Matthew Gibney in

Dowd skilfully recounts the actions of a “hands on” Clune, can be considered the most captivating of the book. ed Australia as an extension of that “Greater Ireland” in need of spiritual growth and maintenance. The reader’s attention is therefore brought back to Clune’s work in Australia. From 1899 onwards, despite a period served in New Zealand as superior of

a number of tasks within the diocese, and gradually made a name for himself among the local population. Dowd’s research demonstrates that Clune was a remarkable preacher, at one time earning the title of “golden tongued orator of the golden west” (p 71).

Clune’s growth of rapid popularity, both in Australia and overseas, made him a likely candidate to the position of new bishop. His consecration as Bishop of Perth came sooner than expected as Gibney was requested by Rome to resign in March 1910. On this crucial period of Clune’s life, Dowd delivers a balanced analysis of the newly elected Bishop’s achievements and struggles in guiding the diocese. Clune inherited a vast diocese on the brink of bankruptcy, entered a bitter and longlasting quarrel with Gibney soon after his appointment as Bishop, and had to prepare for the tormenting experience of World War I. In fact, Chapters 9 to 13, in which Dowd skilfully recounts the actions of a “hands on” Clune bringing diocesan debt under control and persuading the Holy See to erect his diocese to metropolitan status, can be considered the most captivating of the book. At the same time, we also see Clune at the war front, making a strong impression as senior chaplain to Catholic soldiers. In the midst of the Anglo-Irish war of the early 1920s, Clune was even invited to negotiate between the British government and Irish Sinn Féin leaders, a role he put heart and soul into, but which did not yield the desired results. Copies of Faith, Ireland and Empire are available from the Archdiocese of Perth Historical Commission for a special price of $20. Contact 08 9220 5900 Full Text available at

OBITUARY: Fra Carlo Marchetti OSM By Fra Christopher Ross THE ARCHDIOCESE of Perth recently said goodbye to Servite Father Carlo Marchetti, who served in and around Perth for more than 45 years. Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, together with Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey, concelebrated the funeral service, which was led by fellow Servite Fra Christopher Ross, and Servite priests, as well as the Order’s Australian Superior, Fra Stephen Barker OSM, at St Anthony’s Catholic Parish, Wanneroo on 17 May. A number of parishioners, as well as parish Ppriest Fr John Daly, were on hand to pay their respects at the funeral service, in addition to the long-established choir, before interment at the Servite plot at Pinnaroo Memorial Cemetery. Below, Fra Christopher Ross provides some insight into the life of Fra Carlo Marchetti. Fra Carlo Marchetti of the Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA in October of 1925, which means he was in his 90th year when he died at MercyCare, Wembley on Sunday, 17 May. Fra Carlo was a Servite, practically by birth. He was baptised and grew up in the Servite parish of the Assumption, on the periphery of the CBD of the metropolis Chicago. His early education was with the Cabrini Sisters and not long after their foundress, St Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first American saint, was residing there. He entered the Servite seminary as a young man but broke off his training to serve in the US navy during

The funeral for Fra Carlo Marchetti’s, of the Friar Servants of Mary (Servites) was celebrated at St Anthony’s Catholic parish in Waneroo on 17 May. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

World War II. It was during this time that Fra Carlo survived a life-changing experience when the aircraft carrier on which he was serving was torpedoed. After the war, he re-entered the Servants of Mary and was ordained in 1959.

number of Italian families, especially in the market gardens, was a natural assignment for him. For most of the following almost-50 years of ministry, this remained the special concern and love of his heart. He shared living and working

For most of almost-50 years of ministry, Wanneroo with its large number of Italian families, remained the special concern and love of his heart. From the beginning of his ministry, Fra Carlo had a special affinity and affection for Italian migrant families. When invited in 1967 to come to the growing foundation of the Order in Australia, he did so with the understanding that he would principally be serving such people. Wanneroo, with its large

principally with Fra Patrick Boyle and both of them remain strongly identified with that parish to this day. The devotion to St Anthony, with its patronal Association and annual procession, remained always close to his heart. It was hard on both of them when the Order had to relin-

quish the ministry of the parish back to the Archdiocese because of ageing and personnel shortage. Fra Carlo also served for several years at St Denis Parish in Joondanna, at Servite College, Tuart Hill, and also in the Order’s community and parish in Melbourne, Victoria. But his affection for Wanneroo and its people never diminished. When ill-health and age began to take their toll, he accepted retirement and, to the surprise of many whom he encountered, began to look forward to his eternal reward. He spent several years in Nazareth House in Geraldton, where he was visited regularly by dear friends, and finally at MercyCare where, again, loved ones, especially from Wanneroo, could visit him. When the time came, he was happy to go to God. May he rest in Peace. EDITION #34 | 5 JUNE 2015 |


PART 2 - Safeguarding Children - the time is right, says expert By James Parker In this second part of a three-part series being featured in the e-Record, James Parker speaks with pioneer in child protection Andrea Musulin talks of dramatic changes taking place in the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth to face abuse head on and to minimise future opportunities of its re-occurence. Clarifying facts Musulin believes the media often do not give a clear picture of child abuse and do not answer the question ‘why the Catholic Church?’ “I talked to congregations about access to children from my background in crime and the gravitation of offenders to the Church. “They found it refreshing to hear that the vast majority of clergy are not sexually inclined to children whereas the media’s message often comes across saying the opposite. “I talked about perpetrators only making up four percent of different groups and how this equation transfers across society. This was a revelation to many as the media never presents this information.” Certain parishes have expressed to Musulin that few children attend their church. She consistently highlights that PSOs are not only for children but for vulnerable adults who are also very much present in Catholic parishes. Breaking new ground Parishioners at Mater Christi parish were totally engaged and engrossed with the launch.

Andrea Musulin, the Archdiocese’s Safeguarding Project Co-ordinator, has recently launched a pilot recruitment drive in two country and two metropolitan parishes. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

“People’s response was not one of discomfort, denial or evasion,” Musulin pointed out. “People wanted to know more. “The support from the four parish priests has been amazing. They can’t do enough.

in Australia, that the people put into these important roles as safeguarding officers are pioneers and that we may be looked to in the future as the place of best practice. “This is an additional reason why we need the best

“I mentioned to the parish councils that they too need to be mindful that what we are doing in Perth is a first in Australia...” They are happy to be a part of the solution and are proud to be. They understand the importance of what we are doing and are delighted to pilot what will serve as an example to the rest of the Archdiocese, and might reach further afield across Australia. “I mentioned to the parish councils that they too need to be mindful that what we are doing in Perth is a first

people in these positions.” Speaking of the journey forward, Musulin sees the greatest challenge will be to get young people - anything from Pre-Primary age to eighteen - to come forward and make an initial disclosure. “This is something we are constantly working through. It will be important to ensure that the PSOs’ contact infor-

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

mation is in the parish newsletter every week as well as them being appropriately visible at Mass in some way.” Launch and training The formal launch across parishes in the Archdiocese of Perth takes place on Sunday, 5 July. Prior to this, parishes will receive a formal letter about the Safeguarding Project from Archbishop Costelloe, accompanied by a DVD containing a short launch video together with launch brochures. “Parishioners will receive details about where nomination forms can be obtained,” Musulin said.

Part Three will feature in next week’s edition of the e-Record Full Text available at


What’s happening around the Archdiocese CARITAS PRAYER FOR NEPAL Loving God, we pray for all those affected by the earthquake in Nepal as we offer the words of the Psalmist, “Be strong and take heart, also hope in the Lord” (Psalm 31:25) May those who are paralysed by fear… Be strong and take heart May those who have lost or are still searching for loved ones… Be strong and take heart May those who remain trapped under rubble… Be strong and take heart May those rescue workers who provide relief and recovery… Be strong and take heart May those who are moved with compassion to help… Be strong and take heart God, whose love knows no bounds, fill all those who suffer with your comfort and peace We ask all this through Christ, our Lord. Amen FRIDAY, 5 - SATURDAY, 6 JUNE Life After Death - A Firsthand Story Come and listen to a first-hand story of Ian McCormack who was night diving off the island of Mauritius when he was stung multiple times by Box Jellyfish, which are among the most venomous creatures in the world. His testimony relates to how he clung to life while getting to hospital, was declared clinically dead soon afterwards, and how during this time he had an encounter which radically changed the direction of his life. Ian will share his story on Friday, 5 June and Saturday, 6 June, 7.30pm at the Octagon Theatre, University of WA. Free tickets available at http:// Further info or bookings: 08 6488 2440 between 12 noon-4pm. SATURDAY, 6 - SUNDAY, 7 JUNE Centenary Celebrations in Ingham, QLD Our Lady of Lourdes School in Ingham, North Queensland (formerly Ingham Convent School) will celebrate its Centenary on Saturday, 6 and Sunday, 7 June. All past students, staff and their families are invited to join in this milestone event. Event information EDITION #34 | 5 JUNE 2015

and registration forms are available at or by phoning the school on 07 4776 2719. If you have any memorabilia, photos or memories etc that you wish to share, please contact the school as soon as possible. SUNDAY, 7 JUNE Divine Mercy Program An afternoon with Jesus and Mary will be held at St Francis Xavier’s Church, 25 Windsor St, East Perth, on Sunday, 7 June with Deacon Ivan Sands and Fr Son speaking on the Body and Blood of Christ. The devotions start at 1.30pm with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy and finishing with benediction and veneration of the first class relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Confession will be available. Refreshments and fellowship will follow in the hall afterwards. Further info: Julia Murphy 08 9457 7771 or Charles Donovan 08 9342 0653. WEDENSDAY, 10 JUNE Chaplet of the Divine Mercy A powerful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Rd, Bateman at 7.30pm. This prayerful session will be accompanied by Exposition and followed by Benediction and Anointing. Also held on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Further info: George Lopez on 08 9310 9493 (h) or 08 6242 0702 (w). ‘The Joy of the Gospel’ Prayer Day The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite you to a prayer day on the theme, The Joy of the Gospel, presented by Sr Dora Maguire RSJ. This prayerful day will be held at the Holy Family parish hall, 45 Thelma St, Como, 10am-3.30pm. Morning tea and light lunch provided. Cost by donation. RSVP essential for catering. Further info: Laura McCarthy 08 9334 0999 or FRIDAY, 12 - SUNDAY, 14 JUNE Three-Day Healing Retreat Come and experience God’s merciful love, forgiveness and deliverance on this three-day residential healing retreat led by the Vincentian Fathers from 8.30am on Friday, 12 to 5pm on Sunday, 14 June at Epiphany Retreat Centre, 50 Fifth Ave, Rossmoyne. Cost $230, register at au. Further info: Lin 0419 041 188, New Norcia Spirituality Retreat The Monks of New Norcia will be presenting a spirituality retreat titled Following Christ is the authentic Christian Spirituality. There has been

a competing ‘spirituality market’ from the earliest days of Christianity. St Paul commented on it: some of his Corinthian converts were saying, I am for Paul… Apollos… Cephas… Christ. Paul said Has Christ been divided? (1 Cor 1:12-13) How can we find, recognise and live true Christian spirituality today? Further info and bookings: Bernadette 0896 548 002, FRIDAY, 12 - SATURDAY, 20 JUNE Movement of the Heart A new initiative on refugees from the Brisbane Commission’s Refugee Working Group, A Movement of the Heart, begins with a novena of prayer from the Feast of the Sacred Heart, 12 June, to World Refugee Day, 20 June which seeks to help Catholics recognise that the refugee problem has not been solved with the stopping of the boats and that the refugee problem affects 50 million lives globally. Catholics are called to give witness to God’s tender mercy and generous love which is at odds with what Pope Francis has called “the globalisation of indifference” towards the plight of refugees. To access the novena of prayer and information leading up to World Refugee Week, visit amovementoftheheart/. Further info: Peter Arndt 0409 265 476, arndtp@ SUNDAY, 14 JUNE World Apostolate of Fatima You are invited to attend a Eucharistic Hour at 3pm, in St Jerome Parish, 36 Troode Street, Munster. All are welcome. Further info: 9339 2614. St Anthony’s Day Mass and Procession St Anthony of Padua Parish in Wanneroo will celebrate the Feast of itsPatron on Sunday, 14 June with a special Mass at 11am after which there will be food and family entertainment in the grounds of theprimary school. A procession will take place at 2pm followed by Benediction and preaching at 2.30pm. All are welcome. Further info: Jeanette 08 9405 1110, Refugee welcome Fiesta and Walk If you believe that refugees are welcome in our communities and that it is not illegal to seek asylum, then consider supporting this local initiative which commences at 12 noon with Welcome to Country and speeches, followed by 12.30pm Walk of Witness and then a grand fiesta containing music and dancing, drum circle (11am), exotic foods and arts and crafts, all taking place between 11am-3pm on Sunday, 14 June at

Esplanade Park in Fremantle. Further info: events/446530722180991/. WEDNESDAY, 17 - 24 JUNE Mediaeval Monastic Wisdom This study week explores the development of the monastic movement in the mediaeval Church from 500 to 1500, with an emphasis on examination of primary sources. The pastoral implications of these writings for us in the 21st century will be the major focus. One-week intensive course from 17-24 June at Pilgrim College, University of Divinity, Melbourne. Further info: New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@new.norcia. FRIDAY, 19 JUNE Ignite Youth - Perth The third of six exciting evenings in 2015 for teens and young adults. This event includes music, inspirational talks and opportunities for reconciliation and prayer. Not to be missed! Venue info to follow. Future dates: 14 August, 16 October and 27 November. Further info: 08 9422 7912,, perth@ or visit www. Divine Mercy Prayer Group 7th Anniversary The Divine Mercy Prayer Group of St Jerome’s parish invites everyone to celebrate its 7th Anniversary from 2–4pm at St Jerome’s Catholic Church, 36 Troode St, Munster. The celebration will be led by Fr Varghese Parackal VC and will include the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet and a Healing Mass. Further info: Connie 0437 803 322 or Liliana 08 9437 3435. FRIDAY, 19 - SUNDAY, 21 JUNE Faithfully Together at New Norcia Reading Weekend: Faithfully together as One Body of Christ - Retreat guide, Sr Jill O’Brien SGS will share how worship is pivotal to the life of a Benedictine community and, indeed, to all Christians and will trace the evolution of Christian worship. There will be focus on liturgical issues relating to inculturation, popular religion, and the social responsibility that authentic worship requires. Consideration will be given to some social issues and their impact on our worship: the break-up of the parish community and decline in church attendance; the clergy shortage; ecumenical liturgical cooperation and interreligious dialogue; the credibility of preaching; and how worship welcomes or excludes the marginalised. The text for this weekend is: Worship by Keith Pecklers sj. Recommended cost for

the weekend is $300. Further info and bookings: Dr Carmel Posa sgs 0896 548 371, carmel.posa@newnorcia. SATURDAY, 20 JUNE WA Christian Meditation Community Day WA Christian Meditation Committee will host a Community Day on Saturday, 20 June from 10am-3.30pm at St Michael’s Anglican Church, 27 Gunbower Rd, Mt Pleasant. The day will include periods of Christian Meditation and there will be opportunities for discussion. Sr Shelley Barlow RNDMwill lead us in this day of exploration. All welcome. BYO lunch. Tea and coffee provided. Suggested donation $10. Further info: CMC WA 0429 117 242,, www.christianmeditationaustralia. org. SATURDAY, 20 AND SUNDAY, 21 JUNE Monster Book Sale Pater Noster Parish Myaree will be holding a Monster Book Sale with all types of pre-loved books. Saturday, 20 and Sunday, 21 June from 9am-4pm in the school parish hall. Entry from Evershed St, Myaree. Further info and to donate books: Margaret 08 9330 3848. SUNDAY, 21 JUNE Celebrate World Refugee Day Come and join in a welcome to all former refugees and asylum seekers who contribute so much to WA communities at Perth Town Hall, 1pm for a 1.30pm start, 3.45pm finish. There will be guest speakers, performance art, and acknowledging the journey. Childminding is available. The 2015 theme is With courage let us all combine from the Australian National Anthem. TUESDAY, 23 AND SATURDAY 27 JUNE eConference: Religion - Catalyst for Violence or Peace? The Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation is facilitating this 2015 eConference which will probe the Abrahamic traditions for answers to religion being a catalyst for violence or peace. It takes place at the Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview from 10am-2.30pm on Tuesday, 23 June (with lunch provided) and at Bateman Parish on Saturday, 27 June (BYO lunch) from 10am-2.30pm. To register, and further info: 08 9241 5221 or FRIDAY, 10 - SUNDAY, 12 JULY Veritas Youth Festival Save the date for this future youth rally coming to Perth. The truth really will set you free...! SUNDAY, 2 AUGUST Rugby World Cup Service A celebration of the 2015 Rugby World Cup will take place at Trinity EDITION #34 | 5 JUNE 2015

Uniting Church, 72 St George’s Tce, Perth on Sunday, 2 August from 10am offering an opportunity for nations to celebrate Christian and rugby heritage. Dress in the colours of your favourite team and bring along a flag with you. Further info: 08 6103 4222, SATURDAY, 8 AUGUST New Norcia Annual/Institute/ Theology Day The New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies presents guest speaker, Fr Luigi Gioia OSB, a monk from the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore in Siena, Italy. Fr Luigi is also the Professor of Systematic Theology and Monastic Studies at the Pontifical University of San Anselmo in Rome. He completed his doctorate in Systematic Theology at the University of Oxford with a thesis on Augustine’s De Trinitate. His examiners were Rev Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Professor Oliver O’Donovan. Cost: $50 (conc $35), including morning tea and lunch. Saturday, 8 August, 10am-3pm. Further info and bookings: Dr Carmel posa SGS 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@newnorcia. SUNDAY, 9 AUGUST AND TUESDAY, 27 OCTOBER Cathedral Concert Series A Pageant of Hymns is the theme of the second of three concerts in the St Mary’s Cathedral 2015 concert series which takes place at 2pm on Sunday, 9 August. It will feature favourites such as Finlandia, Amazing Grace, Deep River and lots more with plenty of congregation participation. The final concert is themed Music for Wind and Brass and takes place on Tuesday, 27 October at 7.30pm. It is presented jointly with the UWA School of Music and will feature the UWA Symphonic Chorus, UWA Vocal Consort and the cathedral choir in an explosion of music from the Renaissance to the present day. Tickets cost $20-$35, available from the Cathedral piety stall or online at SATURDAY, 12 SEPTEMEBER Writer’s Festival 2015 New Norcia, in conjunction with The West Australian, is hosting a writers’ festival on 12 September. Places are strictly limited. Further info: Lucy 08 9654 8018, communications@, or visit www. MONDAY, 28 SEPTEMEBER – SATURDAY, 3 OCTOBER Theology of the Body in WA John Paul II Institute for Marriage and the Family will offer a module on St. John Paul II’s The Theology of the Body which will address how the interpersonal communion of man and woman, in and through the body, images divine Trinitarian Communion. It will discuss the relevance of the

Theology of the Body for those called to the vocation of celibacy and provide vital content to engage in the mission of the new evangelisation. Drs Adam Cooper and Conor Sweeney will present the sessions. Both are engaging speakers and internationally recognised experts of this field. Venue: University of Notre Dame (Fremantle) on Monday 2-9pm and Saturday 10am-5pm. Further info: SATURDAY, 3 OCTOBER SATURDAY, 5 DECEMBER Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2015 The Australian Catholic Youth Festival is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the ACBC. Join thousands of young people in Adelaide to experience a deeper relationship with Jesus and be empowered to be disciples in the world today. Young people from Year 9 to young adults 25 years of age are invited. Further info: www. WEDNESDAY, 21 - SATURDAY, 31 OCTOBER “In the Footsteps of mary Mackillop” - An Australian Pilgrimage This 10 day pilgrimage has been prepared by the Sisters of St Joseph and designed to help you enter more deeply into Mary Mackillop’s story and spirituality. Further info including the brochure, prices, itinerary and application form: contact Laura 08 9334 0999, au. MONDAY, 7 - WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER 17-Day Pilgrimage Discover the jewels of Spain, Portugal and France visiting Barcelona, Monserrat, Zaragoza, Avila, Fatima and coming alongside the incorruptible bodies of St Bernadette of Lourdes, St John Vianney of Ars, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Vincent de Paul and St Catherine Labouré. 17 days away, consisting of 15 nights between 7 and 23 September. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr Michael Quynh Do. Further info: Sheila 0433 771979, Sue 0421 835408. SATURDAY, 31 OCTOBER SUNDAY, 22 NOVEMBER 23-Day Pilgrimage Join a 23-day pilgrimage through Central and Eastern Europe departing Perth Saturday, 31 October and returning to Perth Sunday, 22 November. The program includes visits to Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Italy. Deposit required by Sunday, 1 February with final payment due by Sunday, 3 May. Pilgrimage spiritual director is Fr John Piumatti. Cost is $6,200.00 per person. Further info: Francis Williams, Tour Coordinator 9459 3873, 0404

893877, EVERY SECOND WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH Chaplets of the Divine Mercy A powerful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30 pm. It will be accompanied by Exposition and followed by Benediction and Annointing. If you have not been before, why don’t you come along and be uplifted? Enquiries to George Lopez on 9310 9493(h) or 6242 0702(w) EVERY FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH Catholic Faith Renewal 7.30pm at St John and Paul’s Parish, Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton. Songs of Praise, sharing by a Priest, Thanksgiving Mass and light refreshments after Mass. All welcome to attend and we encourage you to bring your family and friends. Enq: Ann 0412 166 164, Ivan 0428 898 833. EVERY SATURDAY Commencing February 28 at 9am, The Instinct to Heal’ Holistic Health (24 sessions). From 10.30am -1pm, Internalize principles of successful relationships and use emotional intelligence and communication skills. For couples, singles, parents and families. Prayer meetings held every 2nd Thursday. Enq: Eva 0409 405 585 or 9418 1439;

GENERAL ADULT FAITH ENRICHMENT Enrolments remain open for Term One 2015 courses at the Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation, the Archdiocesan agency for adult faith education, where you can enrich your understanding of the Catholic faith. Further info and for details of the exciting courses on offer: 08 9241 5221 or visit www.maranathacentre. FREE ROSARY BEADS Free Rosary beads are available for schools’ First Holy Communion, Confirmation and for local and overseas missions to promote the faith. Further info: Felicia on 0429 173 541 or Hiep on 0409 128 638. ST ANTHONY’S, WANNNEROO 80TH ANNIVERSARY St Anthony’s Primary School in Wanneroo is celebrating its 80th Anniversary this year and is seeking memorabilia. Photographs, reports, certificates will be scanned and stored before being returned. Please send to: Att: 80th Anniversary, St Anthony’s School, 7 Servite Tce, Wanneroo WA 6065. Photos labelled in pencil on the back would help. Last date 14 August 2015. Further info: 08 9303 7500,

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