The eRecord Edition #92 - 28 July 2016

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28 July 2016



Edition #92




AT THE threshold of World Youth Day and the meeting with Pope Francis, Perth pilgrims could not have received better words of encouragement than those recently spoken by Archbishop Costelloe at Our Lady of Mercy Parafia Rzymskokatolicka NMP Matki Miłosierdzia in Warsaw on Friday, 22 July. During a special Holy Hour as part of a two-week pilgrimage to Poland for the 2016 World Youth Day, which began with a blessing of a fire and a candle procession inside the Church, the Archbishop made reference to the soon-to-be-exposed body of Christ and strongly encouraged pilgrims to enter into communion with Jesus ahead of World Youth Day. “Our faith,” the Archbishop said “before it is about rules to follow or doctrines to believe or moral values to defend, is about a person, Jesus, who calls us to come to Him, especially when we are weary and overburdened, and allow Him to give us rest.” The Archbishop reminded those present how St Pope John Paul II, who was of Polish origin, would often encourage the faithful to contemplate the face of Christ and stressed how important it was to be united with Christ in order to live wholesome, authentic lives in which we live as “our best selves”. Tapping into that burning desire, often particularly alive in young people, to be authentic and to be real, Archbishop Costelloe invited the pilgrims to see Jesus Christ as the key to this authenticity. As someone who frees men and women from sin, from that which imprisons them, the Archbishop explained, He is the road through which one can truly be himself or herself. “We see it all the time in the Gospels.

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe lights a candle during a special Holy Hour held on Friday, 22 July 2016 at Our Lady of Mercy Parafia Rzymskokatolicka NMP Matki Miłosierdzia in Warsaw. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

There are so many stories in which Jesus reaches into the lives of people who, in one way or another, are anything but free, and brings them the gift of life. “Sometimes, it is a freeing from physical

suffering. A great example is the story of Jesus curing a man who was blind

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Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton recently celebrated the Feast of St Mary Magdalene with youth from Perth and Melbourne during the WYD pilgrimage to Poland. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

By Marco Ceccarelli

A MERE six weeks after Pope Francis raised the 22 July memorial of St Mary Magdalene to a feast on the Church's liturgical calendar, Perth pilgrims on their way to World Youth Day had the privilege of celebrating the feast with a Mass celebrated by Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton. Held at Our Lady of Mercy Parafia R z y m skok atol ick a NMP Mat k i Miłosierdzia in Warsaw, the Mass focused on the important role Mary Magdalene plays in the history of Christianity and how her life-changing story led others, namely the Apostles, to the risen Jesus Christ. Bishop Sproxton emphasised this importance, referring to Mary as the person tasked by the Risen Christ to announce to the Apostles that He lived – He who was the source of her healing and new life. “This is the story of Mary Magdalene,” Bishop Sproxton told pilgrims. “We need to remember that we all have our own stories. They are the stories of encounter we have had with

Jesus. They may not seem to be as important or dramatic, they may be just be plain and ordinary. “But that does not matter, they are our stories, our histories with God. These events are precious, to be remembered from time to time,” he added. Bisop Sproxton briefly dwelled on the significance of having an encounter with Christ, of having “one’s own story” and its relevance for the pilgrims who were preparing to see the Pope. He explained how these stories are about our experiences of God and how these, in turn, stir us to deeper faith – a movement of consolidation, a time to be courageous and to be kind and respectful. “Such experiences are precious, for we can draw on them in the future as we grow in the Christian life. They are our own stories that we can tell to others. No one can argue against your experience. It will be your story. They will listen, as Mary was listened to by the Apostles: she was the Apostle to the Apostles. Her experience led them to the faith in the Resurrection. “Our stories can have the same power to lead our friends to faith and

trust in Jesus Christ,” Bishop Sproxton concluded. MARY MAGDALENE INCLUDED IN PRAYER FOR YEAR OF MERCY Preaching about St Mary Magdalene in April 2013, Pope Francis highlighted Christ's mercy toward a woman who was "exploited and despised by those who believed they were righteous" but she was loved and forgiven by Him. Her tears at Christ's empty tomb are a reminder that "sometimes in our lives, tears are the lenses we need to see Jesus", the Pope said during Mass in his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae. Pope Francis also mentions her specifically in the prayer he composed for the Year of Mercy: "Your loving gaze freed Zacchaeus and Matthew from being enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep after his betrayal, and assured paradise to the repentant thief". Information supplied via CNS and the Archdiocese of Perth Full Text available at 2

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from birth. At other times, it is freedom from sin as when, for example, the woman washes the feet of Jesus with her tears and dries them with her hair. On that occasion, Jesus speaks of the great love the woman shows Him because her many sins had been forgiven.” Referring to faith in God as much more than a simple following of rules or as an intellectual exercise, Archbishop Costelloe quoted St Paul who often spoke of “a faith which, at its heart, is an act of trust”. “It is the kind of faith which characterises the Divine Mercy devotion, which was born here in Poland and which is expressed in the simple words which

accompany every version of the image of Divine Mercy: Jesus, I trust in you. It is the same faith which we find in the story of Abraham." Inviting the pilgrims to ask for the gift of trusting faith and to take it to the World Youth Day, the Archbishop suggested that all those present at the Adoration Mass repeat “Jesus, I trust in you” in their minds as they contemplated the Blessed Sacrament. Hundreds of young people from across Australia, 180 of which are from Western Australia, are currently making their way to Krakow, Poland, for the largest Catholic youth gathering on record that is known as World Youth Day. Archbishop Costelloe and Auxiliary Bishop Sproxton have joined a group of 35 young people from Perth in making

the WYD journey, commencing their trip through Rome and Turin, before meeting another 45 pilgrims from Perth to continue on their pilgrimage in Warsaw, then to Krakow for the main event. The Perth contingent has participated in what is called “Days in the Dioceses,” a pre-gathering event which sees young people engaging in charitable events. Taking place in the week prior to the main WYD event, every diocese in the country hosts pilgrims in an effort to show pilgrims the richness of the local church and welcome them through hospitality.

Full Text available at


SOUTHERN Cross Care has been likened to a light in the darkness by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey during a Mass to celebrate the aged-care organisation’s 50th anniversary. About 250 people attended the Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, 21 July, including Knights of the Southern Cross, present and past board members, staff, volunteers, family and friends. Southern Cross Care was established as Southern Cross Homes in 1966 by a group of men from the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross in WA and is, today, one of Western Australia’s leading agedcare providers. The determination and commitment of those men – Joseph A Cooke, Norm Dallimore, J Roy Fergusson, Gerard G Pilkington, Colin Pollett, Bernard F Prindiville, Francis J Townsend, John W Wall and Vincent T Davidson – have left an incredible legacy. Southern Cross Care currently supports more than 3,000 Western Australians through a range of services, including aged care; dementia, disability and mental health care; respite; retirement villages; accommodation; residential care and ageing in place. The Mass was celebrated by Emeritus

John Dwyer, State Chairman of the Knights of the Southern Cross, addresses the congregation at the Southern Cross Care 50th Anniversary Mass. Photo: Ron Tan PHOTO: RON TAN

Archbishop Hickey who, during his homily, reflected on the First Reading from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah (58:7-10). He said Isaiah spoke of the importance of showing love and mercy – an appropriate theme during this Jubilee Year of Mercy. “If we are to be loyal servants of Almighty God, not only should we pray to and

worship Him with our voices, but also with the way we relate to one another other, especially to the poor,” he said.

Full Text available at 3

PERMANENT DEACONS’ 10TH ANNIVERSARY A decade on, Deacons continue to inspire By Caroline Smith IN 2006, 14 MEN were ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Perth. A decade on, the Deacons spoke to The eRecord about how their work as Deacons has inspired them. Ten years on from their ordination, Permanent Deacons Patrick Moore and Paul Reid say they continue to learn and grow in these positions, despite taking on quite different roles in the Archdiocese. Permanent Deacons are men – married or single – who are called to be ordained ministers of the Church, undertaking a spiritual role in the Archdiocese at a specific parish or location. Deacons can preach, celebrate baptisms, marriages, conduct Communion Services and other liturgical celebrations such as funeral services but are unable to celebrate Mass, anoint the sick or give absolution. For Deacon Moore – who is a chaplain to seafarers at Fremantle’s Stella Maris Centre and a member of the Apostleship of the Sea (AOS) – becoming ordained meant taking on more than just a new role and new responsibilities. “Ordination means the taking on of a new identity, an identity which takes some time to ‘fit’,” he said. “Like a new pair of jeans, very uncomfortable at first, the identity has to be lived in and then washed in prayer and reflection.” Renewal was also a theme at the Stella Maris Centre itself, which had been closed down

Fourteen men were ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Perth in 2006. The eRecord is celebrating the anniversary with a week-by-week account of their experience. PHOTO: JAMIE O'BRIEN

for almost two years when Deacon Moore was sent there in 2006. “The Centre did not really start functioning properly for another nine months,” he said. “During that time, I tried to learn as much as possible about the work of the Apostleship of the Sea and about the daily operations of the Port. Because of the dangerous work that many men encounter at sea, helping them on a personal level is often part of Deacon Moore’s chaplain role, as in one instance when a Filipino seafarer was badly injured in a fall in late 2006. “The episode was very important in my own formation as a chaplain to the seafarers. “I learned of the great importance many of them put on their

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relationship with God even if their prayer life tended to be spasmodic: separated from family and friends for very long periods, many seafarers suffer from loneliness and depression. “Finding a welcome in Stella Maris centres round the world is of enormous importance to these men.” He added that, in taking on this role, people at Stella Maris were following Jesus’ exhortation to ‘welcome the stranger’. As part of his chaplaincy work, Deacon Moore has been called upon to bless ships and to conduct on-board Communion services. In his role as Parish Deacon at Armadale, he has conducted baptisms, marriages and funerals and preached the Sunday homily on a regular basis. He has

always received great support and encouragement from the parishioners and from his family. Deacon Reid – who is based at his home parish of Sacred Heart in Mundaring – said that the diaconal ministry for him was about striving to be a faithful servant who brings the Good News to all in his parish appointment. “Pope Francis, in a recent homily to deacons in Rome, reminded us that, as a first step, they are asked to be available,” he said. “Being available to all is an imperative. To be a married deacon who serves, availability is about that balance of family and ministry.” Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PL ANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist RACHEL CURRY Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

CHRISTINE JAQUES Proofreader BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer

PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese THUS, 28 JUL - 20 OCT

DISCOVERING RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TOGETHER The Archdiocese of Perth invites you to a course on Restorative Justice, a way of building relationships in any setting - families, parishes, organisations, communities, workplaces, etc. Explore a new way of relating to people and learn how to address the harm caused either to us or by us which leads to broken relationships. Facilitated by Barbara Harris and Fr Paul Pitzen from Emmanuel Centre, at Catholic Pastoral Centre, 40A Mary Street, Highgate over four Thursdays, once a month commencing 28 July, then 25 August, 29 September and 20 October, 9am-12.30pm. Cost free. All welcome. Registrations required ASAP as places are limited. Further info: Claire Chew or 08 6104 3600. FRI, 29 JUL

MUSIC FOR MASSES WITH CHILDREN - WORKSHOP The Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara will be holding a Music for Masses with Children Workshop on Friday, 29 July, 10am-12 noon. Please register by 15 July at registrations.cfl@ Further info: 08 9207 3350, www.

PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on a theme, followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. Optional sharing of our faith with others on the journey, adds to the richness of this prayer time. Friday, 29 July 2016. Morning


EDITION #91 | 21 July 2016

session, 10.30-12noon and evening session, 6.30-8pm, Mary MacKillop Centre,16 York Street, South Perth. (Parking in York Street). Theme, I am the light of the world the spirit of God, present in our daily lives. A reflection on our awareness and openness to God who dwells among us. RSVP essential by 27 July, 08 9334 0999, laura.mccarthy@ FRI, 29 - SUN, 31 JUL


What does it mean to believe in a merciful God? How do we show mercy in our lives? How do reconciliation and forgiveness connect with mercy? How are mercy and justice related? This topic is relevant in the Jubilee Year of Mercy and this reading weekend will enable a conversation to address these important questions in our time. Presented by Margaret Malone SGS. The text for the weekend is: Mercy; The Essence of the Gospel and the Key to Christian Life, by Cardinal Walter Kasper, available at www. or through the Benedictine Institute for $25. Recommended cost $300. Further info: Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel. p o s a @ n ew n o r ci a .w a .e d u . au; Jill O’Brien, jill.obrien@ FRIS, 29 JUL – 16 SEPT


Every Friday, 10-12.30pm, 29 July to 16 September at Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Luke presents a new picture of Jesus, a new slant on relationships, new insights into the role of women

and much more. A study of this Gospel is a must do! This Centre for Faith Enrichment course is presented by Mrs Jan O’Connor. Cost: $60. Further info: or to register visit,, or cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. SAT, 30 JUL

LITURGY COMMITTEES WORKSHOP II Liturgy Committees Workshop 2 explores the Mass in further detail and the role of ministries within the Mass to promote full, conscious and active participation of the faithful within the Mass and life of the parish. Saturday, 30 July, 9am-12 noon, Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara. Cost $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info: 08 9207 3350 or www.liturgycentre.; registrations.cfl@ SUN, 31 JUL

WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 PERTH FESTIVAL “You’re only a screen away” Free Event – local WYD celebrations. You are invited to bring your friends and family to for a special screening of World Youth Day with Pope Francis and entertainment from Ignite Live Band and Kukuleczka Polish dance group at Northbridge Piazza, cnr Lake and James Sts, Sunday, 31 July, from 1-3pm for an afternoon of festivities followed by Mass, 5-6pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. Further info: Catholic Youth Ministry, 08 9422 7912 or 31 JUL & 7 AUG


Sunday 31 July and 7 August, 2-4.30pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Presented by Rev Dr Tom Ryan, these two Sunday afternoon Centre for Faith Enrichment seminars explore the “who” and “where” of Jesus in our lives by drawing on the writings of St Thomas Aquinas, stories of real people, Luke’s Gospel and the work of Pope Francis. Scripture texts will be suggested for people as a follow-up in prayer after the seminars. Cost: $15. Further info: or to register, visit, or cfe@, or call 08 9241 5221. MON, 1 AUG

COPING WITH CHANGE Emmanuel Centre and Our Lady of Grace Parish warmly invite you to a mental health talk titled Coping with Change presented by Tasha Broomhall from Blooming Minds. The session will cover how change can affect individuals, how individuals can learn to better manage emotional wellbeing and proactively build resilience. Participants will learn strategies to proactively reduce personal stress and develop an individual plan to support themselves through times of change. Monday, 1 August, 10-12pm, Our Lady of Grace Parish, 3 Kitchener St, North Beach. Please RSVP; Cheryl or Christine 08 9448 4888. WED, 3 AUG


10-12.30pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Presented by Rev. Dr Tom Ryan, SM, this Centre for Faith Enrichment workshop will explore what The Velveteen

Rabbit can tell us about being Real, namely, about being one’s true self. What can we learn from this book about prayer, humility and a sense of humour in becoming Real? Cost: $7.50. For more information or to register, visit,, or 08 9241 5221. THU, 4 AUG

ANNUAL WAAPA CONCERT The Annual WAAPA Concert will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral Thursday, 4 August, 7.30-9.30pm. This has also become an annual ‘fixture’ in the Cathedral – always a great occasion when we host the young WAAPA students and their lecturers (some of which take part in the actual performance). For tickets 08 9370 6636. SUN, 7 AUG

HOLY HOUR OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Praying that the Lord will grant us generosity to respond courageously to His call to become the person He is calling us to be, is everyone’s sacred duty. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, let us all redouble our efforts in asking the Lord of the harvest to send more labourers to His harvest. Therefore, you are all invited to join His Grace Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB for A Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations, Sunday, 7 August, 3pm, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. The Holy Hour will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Spiritual Reflections and Benediction. Further info: Fr Jean-Noël Marie, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Perth, 08 9220 5901 or vocations@ SUN, 7 AUG

THE SCHOENSTATT MOVEMENT Join us for an Introduction to Schoenstatt and the Covenant of Love, Sunday, 7 August, 2pm at The Schoenstatt Shrine, 9 Talus Dr, Armadale. Further info: Sister M Elizabeth 08 9299 2349. 2

EDITION #91 | 21 July 2016



The first Sunday devotions to the Divine Mercy will be on Sunday 7 August, 1.30-3pm at St Frances Xavier's Church, 25 Windsor St, East Perth. The program is exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Rosary, Confession, Divine Mercy Prayers, Benediction and Veneration of the relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Fellowship in hall afterwards. Further info: Julia or June Murphy 08 9457 7771. THUS, 9-23 AUG


Every Tuesday 7.30-8.15pm, Online – live and interactive! This short, user-friendly, online Centre for Faith Enrichment course presented by Rev. Dr Charles Waddell looks at what it means to form our character in order to live as authentic disciples of Jesus. Topics to be covered include the virtues, conscience, and moral decisionmaking. Cost: $15. For more information or to register, visit, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. THUS, 11 – 25 AUG


Every Thursday 7.30-8.15pm, Online – live and interactive! If God is good and loving, why is there so much suffering in the world – and in our own lives? Why do prayers seem to go unanswered? This short, userfriendly online Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Rev. Dr Charles Waddell, will try to grapple with these ageless and ever-new questions. Cost: $15. For more information or to register, visit au,, or 08 9241 5221. THUS, 11 AUG – 1 SEP


Every Thursday 10-12pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Join us as we explore in book-club style Radical Amazement by Judy Cannato. This book explores the marvels of creation in the light of faith. This Centre for Faith Enrichment program

is facilitated by Sr Shelley Barlow, RNDM. Cost: $30 – includes copy of book. For more information or to register, visit, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. FRI, 12 AUG GOVERNOR’S PRAYER BREAKFAST You are warmly invited to the 2016 Governor’s Prayer Breakfast, Friday, 12 August, 7.15am for 7.30am, Crown Perth Grand Ballroom, Great Eastern Hwy, Burswood. Patron, Her Excellency The Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC. Tickets: $60 individual tickets (seated at tables of 10). To register visit or 0435 095 077. SAT, 13 AUG

MEN’S BREAKFAST AND TALK ON PERPETUAL EUCHARIST ADORATION A Men’s Breakfast and talk on Perpetual Eucharist Adoration, led by Fr Doug Harris will be held on Saturday, 13 August, 9am at St Bernadette’s Church, 49 Jugan St, Mt Hawthorn. All welcome. Registration essential for catering purposes 08 9444 6131 or glendalough@ by 8 August. SAT, 13 AUG

CELEBRATIING 150 YEARS FOUNDATION – SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH OF THE SACRED HEART The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite all relatives, associates, friends and past pupils to celebrate 150 years of their Foundation as The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, to say thank you for all you have given to us and God’s faithfulness. Dr Michele Connolly RSJ from the Catholic Institute of Sydney will lecture on The Mission of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark: Invitation into my mission as a disciple of Jesus. La Salle College, 5 La Salle Ave, Middle Swan, Saturday, 13 August, 9am cuppa for 10.15am-3pm. Refreshments and lunch provided. For public transport, take the Midland line from Perth, or Transperth buses to Midland Station and please indicate when you RSVP. Transport provided between 9-9.45 am. RSVP essential, Laura 08 9334 0999 or laura. SUN, 14 AUG

ST MARY’S GUILDFORD – CHURCH ANNIVERSARY AND SCHOOL REUNION Former students of St Mary’s Primary School, past and present parishioners of St Mary’s Parish, are cordially invited to a school reunion and to the celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the current church (1936-2016). Sunday, 14 August, 9.30am, St Mary’s Church, 21 James St, Guildford. Celebrations will start with Mass celebrated by Emeritus Archbishop Hickey followed by a social gathering and morning tea in the parish hall. Further info and RSVP: Cheryl Harris (nee Morley) 08 9378 1909/0417 923 417; Jim McCarthy 08 9274 4498/0400 151 076; Emmanuel Calleja 08 9379 2012/0405 974 432. 14 AUG 2016


Sing the Classics!! Sunday, 14 August, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth 2-4pm. The second of our 2016 Concert Series. It involves the Cathedral Choir, organ and small string ensemble. For tickets visit www.ticketswa. com or 08 6488 2440. SUN, 19 AUG


Queen of Apostles Parish, Riverton and Christian Pilgrimage will hold a pilgrimage information night to Jordan and the Holy Land scheduled for 5-20 May 2017. The session will be held on Friday, 19 August, 6.30pm at Epiphany Centre, 50 Fifth Ave, Rossmoyne. For registration, Randa 0431 125 533 or randa@


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