The eRecord Edition #108 - 17 November 2016

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17 November 2016

By Marco Ceccarelli

AS THIS HOLY DOOR closes, the sense of God’s mercy in our lives does not become closed off from us. With these words of encouragement, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe closed St Mary’s Cathedral Jubilee Holy Door of Mercy on Sunday, 13 November, at the end of a Mass which brought into focus the most important aspects of the Jubilee Year. Attended by more than 600 people, the Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Costelloe and concelebrated by Dean of the Cathedral, Monsignor Michael Keating, Assistant Priests Father Jeffey Casabuena, Fr Conor Steadman and Fr Brennan Sia (MC). The Archbishop was assisted by Deacon Bruce Talbot. In his homily, the Archbishop reflected on the meaning of this extraordinary year by highlighting those areas where the Church has called its people to be more attentive. The first of these was stated by Pope Francis in December 2015 when he said that “Jesus Christ is the face of the Father’s mercy.” The Archbishop explained that if our constant teaching as a Church is that we, who are the Church, are meant to be the living presence of Jesus in our world, we are then “called through our commitment to, and communion with Jesus, to be the face of the Father’s mercy in our own time and place.” The Archbishop warned that the mystery of God’s mercy, forgiveness and compassion


Remain open to God’s mercy, says Archbishop Costelloe

Archbishop Timothy Costelloe closes St Mary’s Cathedral Jubilee Holy Door of Mercy in accordance with instructions from Pope Francis that all Holy Doors be closed a week before the close of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. PHOTO: RON TAN

Edition #108

can be both deeply encouraging and very unsettling. “If we don’t know personally how much we need the mercy of God in our own lives, I would suspect that it is because we don’t actually know ourselves very well. Pope Francis is famous for many things but one of them is his answer to the question put to him soon after he was elected: Pope Francis, who are you? “His reply is in one way a standard Christian response to such a question but in another way a remarkable insight into Pope Francis’s own self-understanding. ‘I am’ he said, ‘a sinner upon whom God has looked with mercy’.” [sic] Archbishop Costelloe invited those present to dwell on their own answer to this question, underscoring that in the Gospel tradition, Jesus Christ only brings hope to those who recognise their own desperate need for the divine gift of mercy. He concluded by unpacking his earlier statement of being the face of the Father’s mercy. The key to embracing this call, he explained, is to be found in the mercy we show others. “This will require generosity of spirit, largeness of heart and constant compassionate patience. It will require us all to engage in what Pope Francis speaks about so often: the art of accompanying each other on our journey of faith,” Archbishop Costelloe said, before stressing the importance of being in communion with others. Full Text available at



Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Auxiliary Bishop of Perth and Chairman of LifeLink, Donald Sproxton, led the special Liturgical Service for the annual PHOTO: RON TAN Christmas Appeal for LifeLink at St Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, 10 November.

Moved with compassion for the suffering of others By Marco Ceccarelli

It was with a strong encouragement to engage our compassion, our generosity and our love for Christ in His suffering brothers and sisters that Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe outlined the plans for his annual Christmas Appeal for LifeLink. His address was made alongside Perth Auxiliary Bishop and LifeLink Chairman, Donald Sproxton, during a liturgical service at St Mary’s Cathedral on 10 November attended by more than 160 priests and parish representatives from across the Archdiocese. The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink will be officially launched in parishes throughout the Archdiocese this weekend, 19-20 November. IN HIS ADDRESS, Archbishop Costelloe laid emphasis on the two ways in which the needs and responsibilities of the Church have generally been spoken about throughout the relatively short life of the Catholic Church in the 21st century.

TOP: In his address, Archbishop Costelloe focused on two ways in which Pope Francis and Pope John Paul II have spoken about the needs and responsibilities of the Church in the 21st century. ABOVE: Fremantle Parish appeal representatives Marlene Dulard from Fremantle Parish and Joan Swindells joined Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton for refreshments following the Liturgical Launch. PHOTOS: : RON TAN

The first is reflected in his Christmas Appeal for LifeLink theme and refers to Pope Francis’ call for the

modern Church to become a healer of people’s wounds and a warmer of people’s hearts. This was the focus of a

letter the Archbishop sent to all parishioners on the weekend of 12-13 November in which he asked the faithful, and anyone else willing to contribute, to stop before those who are in need and, like the Good Samaritan, help in any way possible. Archbishop Costelloe will make a personal appeal to parishioners via a prerecorded message which he has requested be screened after each Mass in all parishes this weekend. One of the many LifeLink supported agencies, The Shopfront, is the focus of the Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal this year. The Shopfront is a drop-in and referral centre offering support and friendship to people experiencing difficulties dealing with homelessness, financial stress, hunger, depression, loneliness, addiction and violence. To help ‘heal the wounds and warm the hearts’ of people in need this Christmas you can donate securely online at Full Text available at



COLOURFUL DRESS, lively traditions and beautiful languages filled St Mary’s Cathedral on Friday, 11 November, as the Archdiocese of Perth celebrated its second annual Multicultural Mass. Held for the first time last year, the Mass honours the rich cultural diversity within the Archdiocese, and the common faith which unites us as members of the Perth Catholic community. Celebrant for the occasion, Archbishop Timothy Costelloe, was joined by the Vicar for Migrants, Father Benedict Lee, who concelebrated alongside Fr Brennan Sia (MC) and Deacon Bruce Talbot. The chaplains to each of the Perth migrant communities were also in attendance, along with the Indonesian, African and Tamil community choirs and a violinist from the Korean community, who provided powerful music throughout the evening. Members of the Indonesian and Croatian communities read the First and Second Readings, while members of the Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Indonesian, Malay and Burmese communities embraced the multicultural nature of the Mass by reading the Universal Prayers in their mother tongues. The Presentation of the Gifts was also a vibrant affair, with dancers from the African community adding a special touch to proceedings. A dd r e s s i n g t he 4 0 0 - st ron g congregation during his homily, Archbishop Costelloe said the Catholic Church in Australia was in many ways characterised by its multicultural nature. “We are being called to show in practice what the Catholic Church, as a true community of disciples of Jesus, should look like as a multicultural Christian community in a multicultural society,” he said. “This of course is not just the task of the bishops, or the priests or the teachers in our schools. This is the task of every single one of us who wants to claim his or her place in the community of the Church. What is this calling us to?” To help the congregation reflect on this challenge, the Archbishop then

Archbishop Costelloe joined guests for refreshments after the Multicultural Mass. He is pictured here with an African family. Members of the Indonesian community choir sing during the Archdiocese of Perth’s annual Multicultural Mass. Dancers from the African community add a special touch to the Presentation of PHOTOS: RON TAN the Gifts during the Archdiocese of Perth’s annual Multicultural Mass.

recalled the words of Saint Paul. In one of his letters, St Paul spoke about the variety of gifts given to the Church by the one Holy Spirit of God, referring to the different roles people play in the life of the Church. “St Paul urges the community to recognise the gifts which others bring, rejoice in those gifts, receive them with joy, and at the same time generously share their own gifts with each other,” Archbishop Costelloe said. “In a multicultural Christian community like the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, we might say the same about the many gifts of faith and spirituality which each culture and people bring.” The Archbishop concluded by saying that while there is beauty and richness

and the presence of God’s Holy Spirit in every culture, there is only one culture against which everything else should be measured: the Gospel culture, or divine culture. “This is our challenge: to allow the Gospel to question us about our attitudes, our practices, our presuppositions and our plans,” he said. “Are we walking in the footsteps of the Good Shepherd? Are we keeping our eyes fixed on Christ? Are we doing our best to be His faithful disciples? This is the culture we need in our Church and in our society today.” Full Text available at


A celebratory cake was cut by Fr Murphy to celebrate his achievements




FIFTY YEARS in Australia, 60 years in religious life and 80 years alive! – join me for my 2016 trifecta. This could be read on the invitation which Father Laurence Murphy SDS sent out to friends and family earlier this year to announce the celebrations which took place on Sunday, 9 October at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Nollamara. The Irish-born Salvatorian is a well-known, long-serving priest within the Archdiocese of Perth, having arrived in 1966 to serve within four parishes and to work extensively with youth in both Catholics schools and parishes. Beginning with a Mass celebrated by Fr Murphy and concelebrated by Salvatorian British Provincial, Fr Alex McAlister; Perth Vicar General, Fr Peter Whitely; Vicar for Clergy, Fr Brian McKenna, Fr Stephen Cooney OPraem and other Archdiocesan clergy, the day’s celebrations paid homage to the beauty of religious life, the importance of the ministry of priesthood and to an eventful life lived in

Irish dancing featured among the celebrations for Fr Laurence Murphy’s trifecta on Sunday, 9 October. Unwilling to simply watch, Fr Murphy joined in the dancing. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Fr Laurence Murphy recently celebrated his 2016 trifecta: 50 years PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI in Australia, 60 years in religious life and 80 years alive.

the service of others. In his homily, Fr McAlister reflected with insight on Fr Murphy’s use of the term “trifecta,” which can be used to describe a type of bet, especially on horse races, in which the bettor selects the first three finishers in exact order, and which can also be used to describe a situation in which three elements come together at the same time. “I assume that it is this last definition to which Fr Murphy’s invitation refers,” Fr McAlister

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said. “But maybe there is also something of the first in it too, because committing oneself to religious life and emigrating to another country are both a bit like a bet,” he added. “But I suppose, too, a birth is also a bit of a bet, but this time it is a bet made by God that what He has made will turn out well and ultimately give glory to Him. “Yes, God makes a good investment, He knows what the starting material is, that bundle of flesh which is a

new baby, but then He throws in the unknown element of our own free will and it is this that makes this new life a real gamble.” Fr McAlister went on to say that in Fr Murphy’s case these three gambles of new life, commitment to God in a religious order and migration to a new country, had undoubtedly paid off. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese

FRI, 18 - SUN, 20 NOV RETREAT- OUR RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE Annual Retreat of the Secular Franciscan Order lead by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey live-in/ live-out 18-20 November, St Catherine’s House of Hospitality Tuart Hill. Six talks covering “Listening to Holy Scripture”, “Jesus Crucified”, “Blessed are the Pure of Heart” and “Our Vocation in the Church and the World”. Mass and reconciliation. All welcome. Bookings; David au 0400 061 106. FRI, 18 NOV QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH - PILGRIMAGE INFORMATION NIGHT Only 8 places left for the exciting Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land including Jordan, 5-20 May 2017. Come and join us for an information night presented by a native who lives now in Perth on Friday, 18 November, 6.30pm at Queen of the Apostles Parish, 55 Tudor Ave, Riverton. Further info; Mary Mclean 0400 553 140 visit www.christianpilgrimage.

Theologian and Columban Missionary will give a talk entitled Bringing Laudato Si to Life – From Vision to Action, on Saturday 19 November, 9.45am for 10am start at the Redemptorist Monastery Retreat Centre, 190 Vincent Street, North Perth. This will be followed by morning tea. Further info: au or 08 9421 5221. SUN, 20 NOV DISCIPLES OF JESUS HEALING SERVICE An opportunity to receive prayer for healing, Sunday 20 November, 3pm at Pearsall Hocking Community Centre, 125 Willespie Drive, Pearsall. Further info: 0411 641 245. ILLUMINATIONS

A concert to shine a light on acts of mercy in our community. Music by Morten Lauridsen, Ave Maria, O Magnum Mysterium, Lux Aeterna featuring Lux et Veritas, Camerata 1685, conducted by Jangoo Chapkana. Sunday 20 November, 2.30-3.30pm, St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth. Uplifting music for chorade and orchestra celebrating the final day of the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year of Mercy. Ticket $35, concession $25. For tickets SAT, 19 NOV w w w.merc BRINGING LAUDATO illuminations. Further SI TO LIFE – FROM info: 08 9340 7261 or VISION TO ACTION illuminations@mercycare. Fr Sean McDonagh, Irish Eco-


EDITION #108 | 17 November 2016

TAIZÉ MEDITATIVE PRAYER You are invited to join the South Perth Taizé praying community, St Joseph’s Chapel, 16 York St, South Perth, Sunday, 20 November, 7-8pm (Chapel doors open 6.30pm). Theme: Praying for all those who have died especially our families and those who have died in tragic circumstances. Please bring a small torch, and a small plate to share for supper. Please note this is the final prayer in the style of Taize for 2016. There will be no Taize Style Prayer during 2017 in the Sisters of St Joseph Chapel South Perth. Taize Prayer will recommence in March 2018. Further info: Sr Maree Riddler rsj, 0414 683 926, FRI, 25 NOV PRAYING OUR EXPERIENCES – GROWING AWARENESS OF GOD IN MY EVERYDAY This focused prayer time is assisted with talks on a theme, followed by personal time in the chapel or garden. Optional sharing of our faith with others on the journey adds to the richness of this prayer time. Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (Parking in York Street). Friday, 25 November, morning session 10.3012noon and evening session 6.30-8pm. RSVP essential by 23 November. Theme: Advent-hopeful hearts and

actions. A reflection on our participation in being people of 'good news'. Further info: 08 9334 0999, lmccarthy@ SUN, 27 NOV 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS SCHOENSTATT SHRINE, ARMADALE The Schoenstatt Movement in Western Australia will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Blessing and Opening of our Shrine in Armadale, Sunday 27 November, 3pm at 9 Talus Drive, Armadale. As it is such an important milestone in the life of our Shrine we would be pleased if you could be part of our celebrations by your presence at the offering of Holy Mass by Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton. All are welcome. Further info: or Sr Elizabeth 08 9399 2349. FUNDRAISING - LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor will be fundraising with a boot sale, food plus music on Sunday, 27 November 10am-4pm at 2 Rawlins Street, Glendalough. There are limited car lots/spaces at $20. To register, contact 08 9443 3155 or ms.perth@lsp. by 13 November. CHRISTMAS COMMUNITY SINGING A relaxing, fun-filled afternoon of singing as we

approach the Christmas season, featuring popular carols and special Christmas and Advent chants sung in the Cathedral and accompanied by enthusiastic community orchestra ‘The Dorkestra’, choir, and, of course, the Cathedral's 106 year-old magnificent Dodd pipe organ. Includes a sing-along version of Handel’s rousing Hallelujah Chorus. Admission $15 and $12 concession, Sunday, 27 November, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth 2-4pm. Raffle and Miss Maud afternoon tea during interval. Free, limited parking available in the Cathedral grounds. Further info: Jacinta 08 9223 13.

more. The conference engages with life’s big questions and the issues of modern day living. 7-11 December for young people aged 16-25. If you would like to attend or help a young person attend this amazing conference no matter how small the contribution is, please contact CYM 08 9422 7912 or THU, 8 DEC THE ROAD TO BETHELHEM 2016 The Road to Bethlehem Advent Liturgy is based on the traditional English Ceremony of Nine Lessons and Carols. The readings are from the Old and New Testaments that narrate the events of Christian salvation – from the Prophecy of the Messiah to the birth of our Saviour and beyond. It is a wonderful evening of music, readings and sacred art in preparation for Christmas. Come on the Road to Bethlehem with all the family! Thursday 8 December, 7-8pm, St Thomas the Apostle Church, 2 College Road Claremont. Supper will follow. A donation towards the Music Ministry in the Parish is appreciated. Further info: Claremont Parish Office 08 9384 0598.

MON, 5 DEC EMMANUEL CENTRE – CHRISTMAS PARTY You are invited to Emmanuel Centre’s Christmas Party, Monday 5 December, 11-2pm, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Programme includes, Christmas Carols followed by shared lunch. Please bring finger food to share. As Saturday 3rd of December is the International Day of People with Disability, we, are going to take up this theme and celebrate it together in the one party. RSVP by 2 December 2016. Further info: 08 9328 8113, TTY9328 THU, 15 DEC 9571, SMS 0401 016 399 or FINDING A PLACE: A emmanuelcentre@westnet. CHRISTMAS REFELCTION IN WORD AND MUSIC Join us, Thursday 15 December, MON, 7 - SUN, 11 DEC 7pm at The Basilica of St EMBRACE THE GRACE 2016 Patrick, Fremantle for a Embrace the Grace 2016 - captivating and beautiful “Who am I – We can only truly evening of sacred music, discover ourselves through the readings and congregational discovery of God.” The largest carols to highlight the meaning Catholic Youth Conference of the Christmas gospel in our in Western Australia, in the world today. Music from Evasurrounds of beautiful New Marie Middleton (soprano), Norcia. There will be 5 days of Christopher Waddell (bass), dynamic speakers, music, fun Paul Wright (violin), Tracey activities, drama, prayer, and Harris (trumpet), Dominic


EDITION #108 | 17 November 2016

Perissinotto (organ) and The Basilica Choir. Proceeds go to Catholic Mission projects supporting refugees and asylum seekers. Tickets: $30, concession $20, 12 and under free. For booking visit www., 08 9422 7933 or WED, 16 - THU, 18 DEC BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. 16-18 December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse, beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info: and bookings: Guesthouse Manager, 08 9654 8018 or guesthouse@newnorcia. HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE 2-22 January 2017, five nights Jordan, 14 nights Israel; 4 & 5 star hotels, all meals, admissions, guides, tipping and Emirates flights incl. $7820; three day Dubai/Abu Dhabi extension $1050. Chaplain: Fr Tim Deeter. Further info: 08 9271 5253 or casapgf@iinet.

PRAISE HEALING AND BIBLE TEACHING Every Wednesday, 7.30– 9.30pm. Flame Ministries, Lion of Judah Catholic Charismatic Prayer Fellowship. Holy Rosary Parish Hall, 46 Thomas Street, Nedlands. Further info: fmi@ or www. htm. 2016 ARCHDIOCESE OF PERTH - ADVENT PROGRAMME ADVENT A SEASON OF EXPECTATION AND HOPE • Reflection on the Sunday Readings of Advent • Art and Environment Suggestions • Music for the Advent and Christmas Seasons • Children's Advent Activities • Second Rite of Reconciliation • Universal Prayer • Prayers for Lighting the Advent Wreath All Material may be reproduced. Available October 2016. Printed Copy: $35.00 Electronic Copy: $30.00 Email your order to: cfl@ Further info: Geraldine Schivardi, 08 9207 3350. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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