The eRecord Edition #93 - 04 August 2016

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04 August 2016

Edition #93


“WORLD YOUTH Day begins today and continues tomorrow, in your homes, since that is where Jesus wants to meet you from now on.” With these words Pope Francis addressed more than 1.5 million young people at the closing World Youth Day Mass, held at Krakow’s Campus Misericordiae, on 31 July. The Mass brings an end to Pope Francis’ five day visit to Poland – a trip which saw the Pontiff visit the site of the former Nazi death camp at Auschwitz, travel to Poland’s most revered shrine, the Jasna Gora at Czestochowa, and attend the World Youth Day gatherings. Reflecting on the Gospel story of Zacchaeus, an infamous tax collector who, due to his short stature, climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus, Pope Francis made various analogies between the obstacles that prevented Zacchaeus

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe with youth from Perth who were in Poland, together with Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, for the 2016 World Youth Day with Pope Francis. PHOTO: CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY, PERTH

from seeing Jesus and those that today do not allow young people to fully live their faith. In one of many exhortations urging young people to fearlessly receive Jesus Christ in their lives, Pope Francis emphatically told the youth to not “be afraid to say ‘yes’ to him with all your heart,

to respond generously and to follow him! Don’t let your soul grow numb, but aim for the goal of a beautiful love which also demands sacrifice. "When it comes to Jesus, we cannot sit around waiting with arms folded; he offers us life. We can't respond by

thinking about it or 'texting' a few words," the Pope told young people, thousands of whom had spent the night camping at an area dubbed the Field of Mercy. Full Text available at

PERTH CONTINGENT LEAVES POLAND WITH FULL HEARTS MORE THAN 180 Western Australians were in Krakow for the World Youth Day and meeting with Pope Francis. The Perth group, which travelled to Rome and Turin before making its way to Poland, was later joined by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, both of whom cel-

ebrated a Holy Hour and Mass with the pilgrims at Our Lady of Mercy Parafia Rzymskokatolicka NMP Matki Miłosierdzia in Warsaw on Friday, 22 July. The Perth contingent was also privileged to participate Days in the Dioceses, a series of pre-gathering events that includes catechesis, network-

ing, prayer and worship. Taking place in the week prior to the main WYD event, every diocese in the country hosts pilgrims in an effort to show them the richness of the local Church and welcome them through hospitality. For many of the pilgrims, their highlight was staying with their host families and

spending time with the young volunteers from the parish. Jonathan Kavanagh, a first time WYD pilgrim, stated that one of the highlights of his time in Poland was getting to know the various host families and the loving volunteers. “We really bonded like we’ve Continue on page 2 1

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known each other for a very long time. “It was sad to leave because in such a short amount of time we got to know them really well. It was really difficult to say farewell,” he added. The group will be making its way back to Perth this week.

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe with Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton and youth from across the Archdiocese during the 2016 World Youth Day celebrations in Krakow, Poland. PHOTO: GEORGIA MCCANN

REVIEWING THE POPE’S VISIT TO KRAKOW Although bustling locations such as Campus Misercordiae and Blonia Park are empty now in Krakow, the echoes of Pope Francis encouraging young people to take risks, to be courageous and to rise from one’s comfortable sofa and leave a mark on life can still be heard.

Irene McCormack College honours former Principal By Caroline Smith

Butler’s Irene McCormack Catholic College looked back on its early history last month, with the opening of a sports and performing arts facility – the Paul Rafter Centre – named in honour of its foundation Principal. The new centre was inaugurated with a blessing by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, who celebrated an opening Mass on 30 June, and with the attendance of current Principal, Robert Marshall, as well as students and parents from the college. Mr Rafter was also present and delivered a speech to attendees detailing his 13 years as principal at the college. He described the humble beginnings of the college, recounting the mere 30 enrolments in 2001, limited pool of staff available and scarce resources. “I was appointed in mid-2001 when there was no school building, no name, no uniform, no vision, no policies,” he said. “We had temporary residence in a 900-square-metre warehouse with concrete floor and no ceiling, and my desk was in a real estate office next door. “I used local papers to advertise evening meetings in community halls in the hope of creating interest. Many

Former Principal, Paul Rafter, addressed the school community of Irene McCormack Catholic College on 30 June at the opening of a multi-use facility named in his honour. PHOTO: CAROLINE SMITH

nights, there would be as few as three parents attend but, gradually, over a six-month period, we managed to attract 37 kids and three staff,” Mr Rafter said. Mr Rafter went on to speak about the school’s eventual growth in sometimes challenging circumstances – including the presence of the odd snake from nearby sand dunes – and how the school managed to gain a foothold in the Butler community. “The challenges were many: firstly, establishing a Catholic college in a

highly competitive area (there were already three non-Catholic schools in the area), building of some facility every year for the first ten years, and creating a school curriculum and facilities for 100 kids; then re-imagining, re-defining and adjusting every aspect of the school, including buildings and resources every year,” he said. “Now, after 15 years, there are 1,000 students.” Full Text available at


The Pope arrived in the land of his predecessor, St John Paul II, with a message of mercy and hope in a time that has unfortunately seen much terror and violence. He had moments of solemnity and silence, particularly throughout his visit to the Auschwitz concentration camp and prayer time in the cell of St Maximillian Kolbe. The Pope also had an emotional moment during his visit to the Black Madonna of Czestochowa. With this, however, also came moments of joy at seeing thousands upon thousands of young people from around the world cheering for him and willing to receive his message. According to Vatican Radio correspondent Lydia O’Kane, what was clearly evident in Krakow in the final moments of the World Youth Day was that the youth were ready and willing for the challenge. Ms O’Kane reported that the young

Youth during the vigil celebration at the 2016 World Youth Day on 30 July. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Bishop Don Sproxton accompanied a group of some 100 youth from Perth. PHOTO: CYM

people she saw wanted to show people back in their own countries that it’s OK to stand up and express one’s faith with pride. They want to show, O’Kane reports, that there is a cheerful aspect to the Church

and that they want to let it shine through just like here at World Youth Day.

Full Text available at

AUSTRALIAN BISHOPS LAUNCH YEAR OF YOUTH TO CELEBRATE 10 YEARS SINCE WORLD YOUTH DAY 2008 THE 2008 World Youth Day in Sydney changed the landscape of youth ministry nationally, the Australian Catholic Bishops have said as they launched the 2017 Year of Youth.

The Year of Youth will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the 2008 World Youth Day and highlight how the Australian Church continues to tell the stories of faith in its local ministry. Launched last week Tuesday 26 July in Krakow, Poland, together with 3,000 Australian young people who gathered for the opening celebrations of the 2016 World Youth Day in Poland, the event was attended by half of all Australian Bishops with special guest, His Excellency Paul Wojciechowski, the Australian Ambassador to Poland. Hosted at the Mercy Centre in Tauron Arena, Krakow, the theme of the two-hour gathering was ‘Blessed are the Merciful’ and included music, catechesis and testimonials. Speaking about the Year of Youth, Australian Catholic Bishops Delegate for Youth, Bishop Mark Edwards said the years of preparation leading up to World Youth Day 2008 have changed the landscape of youth ministry leaving a lasting impression on the Church. “Local youth ministries have grown and diversified,” Bishop Edwards said. “The number of youth ministers has increased along with dioc-

Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe with representatives from Perth at the Australian Catholic Youth Festival held in Adelaide, December 3 to 5, 2015. PHOTO: DANIEL HOPPER/ACBC

esan support structures,” he said. Director of the Australian Catholic Bishops Office for Youth, Malcolm Hart, said the Year of Youth will utilise the anniversary of WYD 2008 to highlight the impact a concerted effort and focus on young people having in the life of the Church. “The Australian bishops have established a three year cycle of events to support and sustain youth ministry into the future,” Mr Hart explained. Commencing the Year of Youth in Sydney,

the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in December 2017 will be the largest national gathering of the Catholic Church in Australia with an expected attendance of 15,000.

Full Text available at



In 2006, 14 men were ordained to the Permanent Diaconate for the Archdiocese of Perth. A decade on, the Deacons talk to The eRecord about how their work as Deacons has inspired them. FULFILLING THE role of Permanent Deacons has, for Greg Lowe and Aaron Peters, been a significantly rewarding experience that has seen them grow in faith by serving Perth’s Catholic community. Pe r m a n e n t D e a c on s are men – married or single – who are called to be ordained ministers of the Church, undertaking a spiritual role in the Archdiocese at a specific parish or location. Deacons can preach, celebrate baptisms, marriages, conduct Communion Services and other liturgical celebrations such as funeral services but are unable to celebrate Mass, anoint the sick or give absolution. For Deacon Lowe, who is based at Innaloo/Karrinyup Parish and is currently Man ager of A ran more Catholic College’s New Arrivals Centre, the past 10 years have been as fulfilling as they have been enlightening. With a demanding job that requires helping overseas students, many of whom are refugees, be prepared for mainstream Australian secondary schools, Deacon

The 14 candidates for the Permanent Diaconate present themselves before then Perth Archbishop Barry Hickey, 29 June 2006. The eRecord is this month celebrating the 10th anniversary of their ordination.

Lowe is ever more reliant on his faith for support and inspiration. “My faith journey since my ordination has been one of learning to let God take over more and more in my life and to trust that providence is always at work for my spiritual good and the good of others,” Deacon Lowe said. “Learning this, I expect, is a lesson that every person of goodwill towards God and others encounters. Yet while many people learn this quickly and deeply, others, including myself, take a while longer to put it into daily practice!” Aware of the challenges faced by refugee children, particularly the trauma of feeling displaced and the loss of a sense of identity that accompanies this, Deacon Lowe spoke of the value and importance of his work.

THE eRECORD is produced by the

“Working with refugee children and their families or guardians has been very fulfilling as well as challenging. There are so many needs that require addressing and this is what makes the work so meaningful because you are dealing with people at their most vulnerable. They have lost everything except their lives. “On arrival in Australia they experience themselves as ‘strangers in a foreign land’. It is a bewildering time and all the while they are trying to come to terms with what has happened to them and who they now are. Aranmore College has such a supportive staff together with our Cultural Liaison Officer, Marta Elia, that we are able to work effectively with the various agencies to create goals for the families, enabling the children and the adults to discover a sense of purpose.”


Aside from continuing his work as an ordained minister of religion, Deacon Lowe looks to the area of adult faith as a place where he may continue to contribute. “There are many baptised and unbaptised people wanting God in their daily lives. Many are not sure if God is real or rather why God doesn't seem to be alive to them in their everyday comings and goings. “There are many reasons for this, but since God is so real for some people, I am sure it can be a reality in a great many other people's lives as well. Adult catechesis is one way to enable this to occur,” Deacon Lowe said.

Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PL ANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist RACHEL CURRY Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

CHRISTINE JAQUES Proofreader BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer

PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese THU, 4 AUG

ANNUAL WAAPA CONCERT The Annual WAAPA Concert will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral Thursday, 4 August, 7.309.30pm. This has also become an annual ‘fixture’ in the Cathedral – always a great occasion when we host the young WAAPA students and their lecturers (some of which take part in the actual performance). For tickets 08 9370 6636. SUN, 7 AUG HOLY HOUR OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS Praying that the Lord will grant us generosity to respond courageously to His call to become the person He is calling us to be, is everyone’s sacred duty. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, let us all redouble our efforts in asking the Lord of the harvest to send more labourers to His harvest. Therefore, you are all invited to join His Grace Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB for A Holy Hour of Prayer for Vocations, Sunday, 7 August, 3pm, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. The Holy Hour will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Spiritual Reflections and Benediction. Further info: Fr Jean-Noël Marie, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Perth, 08 9220 5901 or vocations@perthcatholic. SUN, 7 AUGUST THE SCHOENSTATT MOVEMENT Join us for an Introduction to Schoenstatt and the Covenant of Love, Sunday,


EDITION #93 | 04 August 2016

7 August, 2pm at The Schoenstatt Shrine, 9 Talus Dr, Armadale. Further info: Sister M Elizabeth 08 9299 2349. SUN, 7 AUGUST DIVINE M E RC Y DEVOTIONS The first Sunday devotions to the Divine Mercy will be on Sunday, 7 August, 1.303pm at St Frances Xavier Church, 25 Windsor St, East Perth. The program is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, holy Rosary, Confession, Divine Mercy Prayers, Benediction and Veneration of the relic of St Faustina Kowalska. Fellowship in hall afterwards. Further info: Julia or June Murphy 08 9457 7771. 9-23 AUGUST LIVING THE CHRISTIAN MORAL LIFE Every Tuesday 7.308.15pm, Online – live and interactive! This short, user-friendly, online Centre for Faith Enrichment course presented by Rev Dr Charles Waddell looks at what it means to form our character in order to live as authentic disciples of Jesus. Topics to be covered include the virtues, conscience, and moral decision-making. Cost: $15. For more information or to register, visit au, au, or 08 9241 5221. WED, 10 AUGUST MIRACLE PRAYERS The next Miracle Prayer healing service will be held on Wednesday, 10 August, 7.30pm, 67 Howe St, Osborne Park.

Fr Doug Harris will be speaking about ancestral/ generational healing. All welcome. Further info: Michelle 0404 028 298 or miracleprayersperth. 11–25 AUG THE MYSTERY OF GOD AND SUFFERING Every Thursday 7.308.15pm, Online – live and interactive! If God is good and loving, why is there so much suffering in the world – and in our own lives? Why do prayers seem to go unanswered? This short, user-friendly online Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Rev Dr Charles Waddell, will try to grapple with these ageless and ever-new questions. Cost: $15. For more information or to register, visit au, au, or 08 9241 5221. 11 AUG–1 SEP RADICAL AMAZEMENT Eve r y T h u r s d ay 10am-12pm, Newman Siena Centre, Doubleview. Join us as we explore in bookclubstyle Radical Amazement by Judy Cannato. This book explores the marvels of creation in the light of faith. This Centre for Faith Enrichment program is facilitated by Sr Shelley Barlow RNDM. Cost: $30 – includes copy of book. For more information or to register, visit au, au, or 08 9241 5221. FRI, 12 AUG GOVERNOR’S PRAYER BREAKFAST You are warmly invited

to the 2016 Governor’s Prayer Breakfast, Friday, 12 August, 7.15am for 7.30am, Crown Perth Grand Ballroom, Great Eastern Hwy, Burswood. Patron, Her Excellency The Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC. Tickets: $60 individual tickets (seated at tables of 10). To register visit or 0435 095 077. SAT, 13 AUGUST ANNUAL MARRIAGE DAY MASS The Archdiocese of Perth will this year celebrate the Annual Marriage Day Mass on Saturday, 13 August, 10am St Mary’s Cathedral. All couples and families are welcome. The Mass is an important way that our Archdiocese recognises and celebrates the important contribution that marriage makes to the Church and wider community. This special occasion is for all who are married or support marriage. Couples who are celebrating significant milestone anniversaries (25, 30, 40, 50, 60 or even 70 years) can receive a commemorative certificate bestowing a special blessing from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe and Bishop Don Sproxton. Further info: Catholic Marriage and Fertility Services 08 9241 5000 or enrol.cmfs@ All details must be received before 9 August. SAT, 13 AUG MEN’S BREAKFAST AND TALK ON PERPETUAL EUCHARIST ADORATION A Men’s Breakfast and talk on Perpetual Eucharist

Adoration, led by Fr Doug Harris will be held on Saturday, 13 August, 9am at St Bernadette’s Church, 49 Jugan St, Mt Hawthorn. All welcome. Registration essential for catering purposes 08 9444 6131 or glendalough@perthcatholic. by 8 August. SAT, 13 AUGUST CELEBRATIING 150 YEARS FOUNDATION – SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH OF THE SACRED HEART The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart invite all relatives, associates, friends and past pupils to celebrate 150 years of their Foundation as The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, to say thank you for all you have given to us and God’s faithfulness. Dr Michele Connolly RSJ from the Catholic Institute of Sydney will lecture on The Mission of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark: Invitation into my mission as a disciple of Jesus. La Salle College, 5 La Salle Ave, Middle Swan, Saturday, 13 August, 9am cuppa for 10.15am-3pm. Refreshments and lunch provided. For public transport, take the Midland line from Perth, or Transperth buses to Midland Station and please indicate when you RSVP. Transport provided between 9-9.45am. RSVP essential, Laura 08 9334 0999 or laura. 14 AUG ST MARY’S GUILDFORD – CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Former students of St Mary’s Primary School, past and present parishioners of St Mary’s Parish, are cordially invited to a school reunion and to the celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the current church (19362016). Sunday, 14 August, 9.30am, St Mary’s Church, 21 James St, Guildford. Celebrations will start with Mass celebrated by Emeritus Archbishop Hickey followed by a social gathering and 2

EDITION #93 | 04 August 2016

morning tea in the parish hall. Further info and RSVP: Cheryl Harris (nee Morley) 08 9378 1909/0417 923 417; Jim McCarthy 08 9274 4498/0400 151 076; Emmanuel Calleja 08 9379 2012/0405 974 432. SUN, 14 AUG 2016 CATHEDRAL CONCERT SERIES – CONCERT 2 Sing the Classics!!’ Sunday 14 August, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth 2-4pm. A variety of sing-a-long concert of wellloved hymns, spirituals and motets sung by the Cathedral Choir accompanied by string ensemble and the Cathedral‘s Dodd pipe organ. Features favourites such as Mozart’s Eine kleine nachtmusik’ Amazing Grace, Rivers of Babylon — and lots more !! Light Miss Maud refreshments served during interval in the Cathedral Parish Centre and adjoining courtyard. For tickets, visit FRI, 19 AUGUST QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH - PILGRIMAGE INFORMATION NIGHT Queen of Apostles Parish, Riverton and Christian Pilgrimage will hold a pilgrimage information night to Jordan and the Holy Land scheduled for 5-20 May 2017. The session will be held on Friday, 19 August, 6.30pm at Epiphany Centre, 50 Fifth Ave, Rossmoyne. For registration, Randa 0431 125 533 or randa@ FRI, 26 AUGUST SPECTACULAR HOUR FOR SHEEN CONCERT Presented by Fulton J Sheen Society Inc, Friday, 26 August, Gibney Hall Trinity College, East Perth, 7.30pm. Featuring Jeremy Ryan, Tenor (finalist for The Voice). Christina Trus-Browniing, Monica Brierley-Hay and Christopher Waddell – Baritone. Cost $30 including supper, concession for seniors and students.

Further info and bookings, Daniel Tobin 08 92918224 or sheensociety@globaldial. com. 26-27 AUGUST SENT TO PREACH THE GOSPEL OF MERCY: 800TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DOMINICAN ORDER Friday, 26 August 7-8.30pm, and Saturday, 27 August, 9am-3.30pm, St Cecilia’s Parish Centre, cnr Grantham St and Kenmore Cr, Floreat. The keynote speakers for the conference are Fr Brian J Pierce OP and Dr Margaret Scharf OP. Topics to be covered include Dominic and his times; Pope Francis and the Mercy of Jesus; Dominic, the Dominicans and mercy; and Dominican echoes in our times. Opportunities like this only come around once every 800 years! Cost: $50. For more information or to register, visit au,, or 08 9241 5221. 26-28 AUGUST B E N E D I C T I N E EXPERIENCE WEEKEND Benedictine Spirituality is more readily experienced than defined. 26-28 August; other weekends available in October and December at the New Norcia Monastery Guesthouse. Beginning with Vespers at 6.30pm on Friday, concluding after lunch on Sunday, the weekend will provide the opportunity to enter fully into the monastic rhythm and balance of prayer, work, Lectio Divina, hospitality, and community life. There will be opportunities to ponder the riches of the scriptures and monastic literature, both in group discussions and personal silence and solitude, bringing from the ‘storeroom, things both new and old’. Suggested donation: $250 (for those who can afford it), includes accommodation, meals and entry into the Museum and Art Gallery. Further info and bookings: Guesthouse

Manager, 08 9654 8018 or g u e s th o u s e @ n ew n o r c i a . 26 AUG-4 NOV D I S C O V E R I N G RESTORATIVE JUSTICE TOGETHER This second offering of the Discovering Restorative Justice Together is an initiative of the Archdiocese of Perth in this Year of Mercy. Restorative Justice is a way of building relationships in any setting - families, parishes, workplaces etc. When we are harmed or we do harm, relationships are damaged. Learning how this harm can be addressed in such a way that we do not need to carry that hurt for the rest of our lives can be a long process. This course will help us to get started on that journey, restoring “right relationships” with others and with God, and giving us the opportunity to explore a new way of relating to people. The sessions will be held at the Catholic Pastoral Centre, 40A Mary St, Highgate over four Fridays, once a month commencing 26 August then 30 September, 21 October and 4 November, 9am-12.30pm. Cost free. All welcome. Registrations required, places are limited. Further info: Claire Chew agency. au or 08 6104 3600. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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