The eRecord Edition #12 - 18 December 2014

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18 December 2014

Your news from across the Archdiocese of Perth

Edition #12

Archbishop’s message of peace for Christmas By Archbishop Costelloe THIS CHRISTMAS marks the one hundredth anniversary of a remarkable event at the start of the First World War. It is reported that German, British and French troops laid down their weapons and began to exchange seasonal greetings and songs with the diggers in the opposing trenches. These soldiers walked across to their opposite numbers bearing gifts, exchanging food and souvenirs, playing soccer games together, joining in carol singing and even having joint burial services. This very moving account points to the extraordinary power of the Christmas story to touch the human heart at the deepest level, even in the midst of great suffering, brutality, and when in direct opposition to one another. Christmas seems to draw out of us our real humanity. It invites us again to be our best selves. If it was so one hundred years ago on the battlefields of Europe, it can still concretely happen for us today here in our own beautiful corner of the world and in every part of the globe. We are told that the Christmas carol Silent Night or Stille Nacht was sung that Christmas night between the troops. The miracle of this event was precisely that the guns fell silent and it was indeed a silent and peaceful night, punctuated only by religious songs and the cries of “Happy Christmas”. EDITION #12 | 18 DECEMBER 2014

Archbshop Timothy Costelloe SDB filmed his Christmas message at St Mary’s Cathedral and is accessable online through Vimeo or the Archdiocesan Facebook page. PHOTO: MILLER LOKANATA

One common greeting would have been “Peace on earth, goodwill towards men”, which seems to capture the hope of Christmas very well. It is worth remembering, though, that the angels are reported to have said

to be bringers of peace and goodwill to others. If we want our lives and our world to be marked by peace and goodwill, then it is up to us to do something practical about it. Although an everyday task, Christmas

If we want our world to be marked by peace and goodwill, then it is up to us to do something practical about it. “Peace on earth to people with whom God is pleased”. The first greeting – “goodwill towards men” – reminds us that, through Jesus taking on flesh among us, God offers us his gift of peace through a person and in this way extends his goodwill and loving kindness to us. It also hints that we, in our turn, are called to imitate Jesus and

offers us a special opportunity to recommit ourselves to being people of peace. And after all, who really wants to be a bringer of discord and disharmony? I see this practical peacebuilding being lived out in our midst following the recent siege that transpired in Sydney’s Martin Place. The hashtag, #illridewithyou,

born out of one Australian’s commitment to another to move beyond division, judgement and intolerance, speaks of a deliberate decision by one person to reach out beyond fear and opposition and to build confidence and unity with a neighbour. The second translation – “peace on earth to people with whom God is pleased” – reminds us that the great blessing of peace is the fruit of a life lived in openness, and with gratitude, to God for His goodness to us. St Augustine once reminded us that our hearts are always restless until we find our rest in God. Living our lives in fidelity to God is the way to this peace which only He can give. Full Text available at

Heart and Mind, the joy of Christmas 2014 By Bishop Bianchini THE GOSPEL is the Good News of Jesus Christ. In fact, I have heard it put more beautifully and powerfully as the Good News which is Jesus Christ. Now Pope Francis has highlighted through his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (and even more by his life), that there is joy in the Gospel - and that the Gospel brings joy. This joy began with Christmas. It was there right at the beginning of the Incarnation of the Son of God as Jesus Christ. The Annunciation, the communication of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, was indeed a joyful message. “Rejoice so highly favoured” (Lk 1:28) was the beginning

Bishop Justin Bianchini, pictured in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, speaks on joy in his Christmas message. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

of this world-changing message and event. The visit of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth was the occasion of immense joy. It brought joy to John the Baptist, “For the moment your greeting reached my

ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy” (Lk 1:44). This describes simply yet dramatically the joy and excitement experienced when someone truly encounters Jesus. No doubt this was true for Elizabeth

as it was for John the Baptist. Mary then bursts into a joyful prayer and praise of God which begins with, “My soul proclaims to the greatness of the Lord and my Spirit exults in God my Saviour…” (Lk 1:47). The Son of God brought indescribable joy to her as she welcomed the great privilege of becoming His mother. At Jesus’ Bethlehem birth, the angels joyfully sang, “Glory to God in the highest and peace to people who enjoy his favour” (Lk 2:14). Why? It was because one of the angels had just announced, “...I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Full Text available at

We must share the Christmas peace we enjoy with the world By Bishop Holohan RECENTLY, I joined a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. My purpose was to further deepen my personal relationship with Jesus. I sought to reflect on all the ways He revealed the depths of this love for me - and for you – and in those places where he revealed this love. Each of the holy sites where Jesus was conceived, born, lived, died and rose again gave either new insights or deepened insights I had already received. One was the ‘Field of the Shepherds’ where they heard the angels proclaim [Luke 2:14]: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth, peace for those God favours. ‘Who are those whom God favours, and so EDITION #12 | 18 DECEMBER 2014

gives peace?’ Those who accept the personal relationship God offers all through Jesus Christ! These are Jesus’ disciples today. Do I enjoy God’s favour? The more we learn from media about our world to-

people’ start ‘inside your own selves’ [James 4:1-2]. Many today seek respite from inner stresses and conflicts through drugs and other addictions. Others are so busy that they may or may not feel the physical stresses caused by deeper stresses.

The New Testament Letter of James reminds us that ‘wars and battles between people start inside our own selves’ [James 4:1-2] day, the more we may well wonder: ‘has there ever been a greater need for peace?’ There is turmoil between nations; within societies; between people and within families. The New Testament Letter of James reminds us that ‘wars and battles between

Jesus came to offer His own peace to everyone who hears His Gospel (or ‘good news’). As He said: ‘My own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give’ [John 14:27]. This peace is always a byproduct of accepting Jesus’ power in our lives.

Christmas is a time to ask ourselves questions like: ‘to what extent does inner peace and freedom from inner stresses and conflicts reveal that I enjoy God’s favour?’ We need to be honest with ourselves for none of us has exhausted his or her personal relationship with Jesus. The Christian mission of peace As Christians, we cannot simply be concerned about our own peace. Jesus’ final command was to ‘proclaim the Gospel’ to all [Mark 16:15]. Christmas peace is an essential part of this Gospel. Full Text available at

This day a light will shine on us By Bishop Saunders THEY SAY you shouldn’t eavesdrop on other peoples’ conversations in case you don’t like what you hear! Recently, I was in an airport lounge and couldn’t help but hear a business executive talking on her mobile, an experience everyone else in the vicinity seemed to share. She was complaining to a willing listener at the other end of the phone about her busy life and how stressed she was. And she added, just to make the point: “… and

now to top it off, it won’t be long before Christmas will be rearing its ugly head”. I was astounded, shocked, in fact. I had never heard the sacred event of Christ-

thought, all of a sudden it was driven home to me just how strong secular views have become in our society. I wondered too about that person and what misery

We owe it to ourselves to see beyond the efforts of the commercial world that seeks to secularise Christmas. mas referred to in such a manner and I moved to another part of the lounge, saddened by the bitterness of the words. As I sat down, deep in

has possessed her life to the point where the drudgery of work had taken over and had become an end in itself. Finally, resentment was now very much entrenched

in a mantle of sadness. Surely God never intended us to live like that! Perhaps part of the marvel of Christmas is that it is a counter-sign to a culture like ours that is in serious transition, in turmoil, in fact. In the wonderful story of Christmas, as told in Scripture, there is so much for us to take on board. Christmas pageants capture some of the drama and the charm of this blessed season of joy and hope. Full Text available at

The Shopfront holds joyful Christmas party By Marco Ceccarelli A CROWD of more than 400 hundred visitors filled The Rise recreation centre in Maylands on Saturday 13 December for the 2014 Shopfront Christmas party. Guests were invited to share an appetizing meal together, served by the numerous friendly Shopfront volunteers, to the tune of live Christmas Carols played by a remarkably talented band. One of the guests, named Brian Gooley, was particularly grateful for the work that The Shopfront does, stating that “it is amazing to be part of all this. “I am immensely enjoying the event and, to be honest, it feels like family,” Mr Gooley said. “This is a terrific resource which has offered me support when I had difficulties with my housing.” After lunch the arrival of Santa Clause was an-

Hundreds of people who attended the Shopfront Christmas party was greeted by Shopfront volunteers who served them their shared meal. PHOTO: MARCO CECCARELLI

nounced to the delight of expectant guest, particularly the children. Santa Clause arrived and handed out various bags of gifts to all those present, giving guests the opportunity to sit on his lap, take photos and for those who

wished to do so, exchange a few words. Individuals from the local community, businesses and schools donate gifts and food, as well as their time, to help on this day. The role and function of Shopfront WA, an agency of

the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Perth, Western Australia, is to relieve poverty and suffering in an environment that offers practical assistance. Full Text available at EDITION #12 | 18 DECEMBER 2014

Mayford says goodbye after milestone career By Jamie O’Brien NOT MANY teachers can say they have taught at one school for more than 30 years. Mercy College teacher Mayford Godfrey is one of those rare persons. The 68-year-old father of seven children and grandfather of nine has this week retired from full-time teaching, saying he became a teacher because he wanted to join a profession that was well regarded. Originally from Bangalore, India, “Mr Godfrey”, as he was commonly known, taught in the area of science, biology and chemistry – but says he has also taught maths, English, social studies, health and the occasional relief Religious Education class. He started teaching in 1975 at the age of 29, following his completion of a Bachelor of Science from Madras University. Following his migration to Australia, Mr Godfrey undertook further studies including a post-graduate Diploma of Science and a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Western Australia. For Mr Godfrey, being involved in the development of young minds and inspiring them to achieve their dreams and goals has been a highlight of his career. “I’ll definitely miss the enthusiastic students who all talk at once, their cheerful faces, harmless mischief, hilarious answers and eagerness to do everything else but school work,” Mr Godfrey said.

Mercy College teacher Mayford Godfrey this week retired after more than 30 years of service. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

“I’ll also miss my excellent, dedicated colleagues on teaching staff and their comradeship, as well as the spirit of Mercy College which is second to none.” Mr Godfrey was also well known for his involvement in various other tasks around Mercy College, which included chairing several committees, serving as Year Head amd Department Head. Mr Godfrey plans to savour his retirement before contemplating his next move. Below, fellow colleague Rick High shared his thoughts on working with Mr Godfrey during the teacher assembly held to honour Mr Godfrey. “The measure of any

teacher’s contribution to a school is the legacy he or she has left behind. I could share many anecdotes with you as Mayford has been at Mercy for over 30 years. I have too many senior moments now and my long-term memory is shot to ribbons – so no anecdotes. Mayford came to us from St Joseph’s in Northam. At Mercy, Mayford established an Air Training Corps Cadet Unit which subsequently morphed into the Bushrangers. In the early years, we had graduation ceremonies for Year 12 which began with an evening Mass followed by a graduation dinner. When Mayford was Year 12 Head of Year, he split those two elements because more em-

The e-Record is produced by the Archdiocese of Perth Communication and Media Office 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900 | Email:

phasis was being placed on the dinner. To dignify the graduation ceremony, Mayford introduced gowns and sashes for the graduates. He even forced staff to wear academic gowns, but thank God not mortar boards. Sadly, some of that gloss has now gone, but don’t our graduates look resplendent as they excitedly and proudly wear their gowns at graduation. Under former Principal Barry Harvey, Mayford sought and was given the role of Public Relations on top of his other duties. It was Mayford who introduced student scholarships and chaired the selection committee for many years. Mayford initiated the formation of an ex-student Alumni Association and tried to attend as many reunions as he could. I am always impressed with the way he is so warmly greeted by his past students. Finally, in the last two years of service at Mercy, Mayford initiated an ExStaff Association that was agreed to by Tony Curry and had its first meeting earlier this year. Len Barrett is the first convenor. On behalf of Mercy College, thank you for all your dedication and enormous contribution over the years. Editor’s Note - From a former student, Thank You, Mr Godfrey, for all your hard work, tireless efforts and positive spirit. Full Text available at


What’s happening around the Archdiocese FRIDAY, 19 DECEMBER Praying our experiences The Sisters of St Joseph will hold their focused prayer time looking at Christmas and the gift of Jesus on Friday, 19 December from 10.30am12 noon at Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York St, South Perth. Arrive early for morning tea. Session is repeated 6.30–8pm. This focused prayer time is followed by personal time in the chapel/garden. Parking is free. Further info: RSVP Secretary on 08 9334 0999, au. MONDAY, 29 DECEMBER 2014 Annual Racing Mass The Festival of Perth Racing Summer Carnival commenced 22 November and is highlighted by the Perth Cup on Thursday, 1 January 2015. Perth Racing has scheduled this year’s Racing Mass on Monday, 29 December, to be celebrated by Mgr Tim Corcoran in the Committee Room, 2nd Floor Grandstand, Ascot Racecourse, 71 Grandstand Rd, Ascot at 6.30pm. All racing members and the general public at large are invited to attend the Mass, which will be followed by light refreshments. Parking is available in members’ number one carpark off Grandstand Rd from 5.30pm. Further info and to RSVP for catering purposes: Catherine McNutt 08 9277 0727 and cmcnutt@ SATURDAY, 24 – MONDAY, 26 JANUARY 2015 Inner Healing Retreat (Live-In) 8.30am at Epiphany Retreat Centre, 50 Fifth Ave, Rossmoyne. Come and experience His merciful love and forgiveness through His Word and Sacraments. Be healed, anointed, renewed and transformed. The retreat is led by the Vincentian Fathers. Enq and registration: Lin 0419 041 188/08 9286 1238 or vincentiansperth@ or website: SUNDAY, 11 JANUARY 2015 Croatian Community Thanksgiving Mass St Anne’s Croatian Community in Perth will hold their annual Thanksgiving Mass on Sunday, 11 January at 2pm in St Mary’s Cathedral. Further info: Fr Nikola Cabraja 08 9335 4485. MONDAY, 12 THURSDAY, 15 JANUARY 2015 Marist Youth Festival Sydney is getting ready to host an exciting national gathering of young Catholics on 12-15 January 2015. The main events of the Marist Youth Festival will take place at the Australian Technology Park, Sydney, around the theme, JUST living: Hearts without Borders. #MYF15 features EDITION #12 | 18 DECEMBER 2014

inspiring guest speakers, challenging and meaningful workshops, and vibrant prayer and worship. It brings together Marist Year 12 students and Catholic young adults (18-25). Further info and registration: www. SUNDAY, 18 JANUARY 2015 Support of St Francis Xavier Cathedral, Geraldton A fundraising afternoon tea party in support of Geraldton’s renovation and conservation of the Monsignor Hawes-designed and heritage-listed cathedral will be held on Sunday, 18 January at 6 Lilian Rd, Maida Vale from 2.30-4.30pm. A donation of $50 per person is requested to participate in this enjoyable afternoon. Bishop Justin Bianchini will be in attendance to welcome all guests to this special event. Please do consider supporting this worthy cause. Further info: Ben Bianchini 08 9367 9204 to secure your invitation. Numbers are limited. SATURDAY, 21 FEBRUARY 2015 With Burning Hearts The 2015 Liturgy Conference of the Archdiocese of Perth takes place on Saturday, 21 February from 9am-4.15pm at John XXIII College, Mooro Dr, Mt Claremont. Cost is $15 per person. BYO lunch, with morning and afternoon tea/coffee provided. Keynote Addresses will be given by Sr Margaret Scharf OP (Full, Conscious and Active: the Church Participates in the Sacred Liturgy) and Dr Angela McCarthy (Liturgy and the Arts). Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ Children’s Liturgy of the Word Workshop This workshop on Saturday, 21 February from 9.30-11.30am at the Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Cost is $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ THURSDAY, 5 MARCH 2015 Catholic Man Breakfast Series The Hon Tim Fischer AC will be the keynote speaker at the first Catholic Man Breakfast Series event for 2015 on Thursday, 5 March between 7-9am at the Duxton Hotel, Perth. Tim was Deputy Prime Minister in the Howard Government from 1996–99, and served as the first Rome-resident Australian Ambassador to the Holy See from 2009–12, an experience he describes in his book Holy See, Unholy me: 1000 Days in Rome released in 2013.

TUESDAY, 10 MARCH 2015 Parish Altar Server Co-ordinator Training This training on Tuesday, 10 March from 9.30-11.30am at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre, 50 Ovens Rd, Thornlie prepares and supports those involved in presenting the Good News to children in a way that they can best get to know Jesus. Cost is $10 per person. Registrations are essential. Further info and to register: Centre for Liturgy registrations.cfl@ MONDAY, 23 THURSDAY, 26 MARCH 2015 Catholic Earthcare Catholic Earthcare Australia’s sustainability initiative ASSISI (A Strategic Systems-based Integrated Sustainability Initiative) will host an intensive formation program to deepen understanding and experience of ‘ecological conversion’ through creative engagement with contemporary social technologies and processes for transformation. The purpose is to help leaders within organisations to attain the understanding and resources to form learning communities for sustainability in their own context. The program is from 3pm on 23 March until 2pm on 26 March at the Maryknoll Centre, Blackmans Bay (Hobart), Tasmania. Cost is $880 (or $792 GST exempt when sponsored by a Catholic organisation), which includes accommodation, catering, participation in all workshops and support materials. Further info and registration: admin@ before 5 February. FRIDAY, 1 - TUESDAY, 5 MAY 2015 Teresa 2015: A woman for our times A conference to celebrate the 500th birthday of St Teresa of Avila and to seek her spiritual wisdom for today. 1-3 May 2015 at Infant Jesus Parish, Morley. Keynote speakers Bishop David Walker and Fr Greg Burke OCD. Further info: Infant Jesus Parish: 08 9276 8500, ijparish@carmelite. com or Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation: 08 9241 5221, MONDAY, 18 MAY – WEDNESDAY, 20 MAY 2015 2nd National Catholic Mission Conference Mission: one heart many voices 2015 is the theme of the second national conference run and sponsored by Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious of Australia with the full endorsement of the ACBC. Keynote speaker will be Fr Stephen Bevans SVD from Chicago. It will be held

at the SMC Conference Centre, 66 Goulbourn St, Sydney from 18-20 May 2015. Its purpose is to empower, affirm, enable, encourage and inspire agencies, parishes, congregations and all aspects of the Church with a scriptural and theological vision of mission while offering a platform to hear the many and varied voices that exist among us. Further info: www. THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH Auslan Cafe 9.30am at the Emmanuel Centre, 25 Windsor St, Perth. Mass next door at St Francis Xavier Parish with PowerPoint and Auslan Interpreter. Followed by classes at 10.30am; classes and lunch are free. You will learn the language to help communicate with profoundly deaf people. Enq: Barbara 08 9328 8113 or emmanuelcentre@westnet.

GENERAL ADVENT PROGRAM The 2014 Advent program Shaped by the Hand of God will be ready for delivery in November 2014. This includes a set of four master sheets for the four Sundays of Advent which may be photocopied. Each master sheet includes: Reflection on the Sunday Reading and Discussion Notes, Art and Environment Suggestions, Music for the Advent and Christmas Seasons, Children’s Advent Activities, Second Rite of Reconciliation, Universal Prayer, Prayers for Lighting the Advent Wreath. Cost is $35 via post, $30 via email. Further info and to order: contact Geraldine on 08 9207 3350 or fax on 08 9349 0362 or registrations.cfl@perthcatholic. THE ADVENT JOURNEY Advent is a time of waiting and of preparation for the birth of the Saviour. It is a time to recognise the arrival of the Redeemer in the same way that we each came into the world – as a small, defenceless infant. To read more about this season in the Liturgical calendar, you may wish to go to the Catholic Australia website, and click on the Sacraments and Liturgy button, where you will find some background which might aid further understanding of this period in Church life. TRUTH, JUSTICE AND HEALING COUNCIL Members of the Truth Justice and Healing Council will meet next week with parishioners and the broader community in Griffith to talk about the Royal Commission into child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church’s reform agenda. “Everyone in the Catholic Church has some

responsibility for ensuring the Church leadership takes a very different approach to dealing with child sexual abuse than it has in the past,” said CEO Frank Sullivan. E-RECORD PROMOTIONAL POSTERS The Communications and Media Office has commenced distributing promotional posters to all schools and parishes for the new e-Record. Please display these posters on your noticeboard, in the front entrance, in the front office or in student classrooms to encourage all interested parishioners, students and teachers to sign up. Further info: Jamie O’Brien via email at or contact 08 9220 5900. E-RECORD NEWSLETTER UPDATE Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations is now being delivered directly to your inbox via the new e-Record e-newsletter. The e-Record is distributed on a weekly basis and contains all the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese of Perth. Parishes will also receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter which they can print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Individuals can subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending their details to subscribe@perthcatholic. Further info: contact Editor, Jamie O’Brien on 08 9220 5900 or MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS The Adult Cenacle meets with the specific intention of praying for priests on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at St Bernadette’s Church, Jugan St, Glendalough and on the 4th Tuesday at All Saints Church, Greenwood. 10.30am Rosary followed by Mass and then a time of fellowship. The Youth Cenacle for those aged 18 to 40s meets at St Bernadette’s on Jugan St, Glendalough on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month with the Rosary at 8pm followed by catechesis by various priests as guest speakers (confessions available during Rosary meditations). Various social activities follow. All are welcome. Further info: Adele Coyne M) 0434 08 4184, E) or E) CREATION AND ANZAC ONLINE RESOURCES The Columban Centre for Peace, Ecology and Justice has two things that Catholics in Perth might find of interest: A Catholic Season of Creation – Sundays of September (or any other month) with a specific focus for each Sunday: # 1 – Forest; # 2 – Land; # 3 – Wilderness; and # 4 – Rivers; and The Way of Peace – ANZAC Centenary Edition 1915–2015, launched on 4 October 2014, Feast of St Francis of Assisi. Resource can be downloaded at after launch date. Further info: Ash Prasad EDITION #12 | 18 DECEMBER 2014

02 9352 8021 or pej.cmi@columban. INTRODUCING THE JUSTICE, ECOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE (JEDO) The Justice, Ecology and Development Office (JEDO) replaced the Catholic Social Justice Council (CSJC) in January 2014, with new Director Carol Mitchell taking on the role from the end of February. The Office moved from the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Highgate to the Newman Siena Centre in Doubleview in midMarch. JEDO Director Carol Mitchell said: “We welcome your inclusion and participation in our ‘call to action’. As Pope Francis stated: ‘Let us try a little harder to take the first step and to become involved’”. People or agencies can be added to the JEDO mailing list by contacting: admin.jedo@ Further info: go to CATHOLIC LIBRARY’S BOOK OF THE WEEK 12 Days of Christmas Prayer: Scripture and Stories to Celebrate the Season (Adams Media, Editor). Ring in this joyous season with a lovely selection of uplifting holiday stories and prayers. 12 Days of Christmas Prayer offers reflections on how the Christmas spirit brightens our lives during this merry time. The e-book is available for access by members of the Catholic Library of Western Australia at the following link: http:// FullRecord.aspx?p=816456. (Joining the Catholic Library in Leederville is free. To join as a member, please complete and submit the online membership form at http://form. HOUSE / PET SITTING REQUIRED I am seeking accommodation any time after 31 January 2015. I am a 55 plus woman and work full time for an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. I would really appreciate hearing from you should you be going away at any time throughout the year and would like to consider me to take the best of care of your home and precious pet/s. I have experience, references and WACOT Criminal Check. I can be contacted on 0428 378 517. Suzanne SPECIAL PILGRIMAGE Departing Perth on Emirates Airlines, 4 May 2015, returning Perth 27 May (early hours). Visiting Lourdes, Fatima (for 13) May. San Sebastian de Garabandal. Santiago de Capostela. Rome. (Optional Castelpetroso) Medjugorje and Split. Spiritual Director Rev Fr T. Bogoni. Cost $6,999 which includes all flights, Air France, Air Portugal and Croatian Airlines. All airport taxes which may be subject to change). Transfers, luxury coach travel, excellent accommodation, all with ensuite facilities. Bed/breakfast/ evening meals. Guide 24/7. Visiting five countries for this unbelievable

price of $6,999. Bookings now open. Enq: Eileen 0407 471 256 or ACCESSING MASS VIRTUALLY For those unable to access the Mass in person, there are presently five different ways to daily access the Mass online. These are via: • Mass-on-Demand https://www. – from St Mary’s, North Sydney: morning Mass daily, anytime during the day • Mass Online au/parishes/dsp-default. cfm?loadref=354 – from Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral, Waitara, every day at 9.30am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Channel 10, Sunday, 6am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Channel 11, Sunday, 5.30am (AEST) • Mass for You at Home Aurora Community Channel (Channel 183 on many digital networks), 7 days a week, 10am (AEST) CUTS TO OVERSEAS AID Australian aid transforms millions of lives every year. The aid budget is reportedly in danger of further cuts by Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann in addition to nearly $8 billion of recent cuts. The Campaigns Team of Caritas, and those responsible for social justice in the Perth Archdiocese, want Australia’s overseas aid program protected from further cuts and are requesting that leaders do not turn our country’s back on the poor this Christmas. Suggested ways of making your voice heard: 1-Minute Action - Sign the petition to Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer Joe Hockey and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann; 2-Minute Action - Phone the office of Joe Hockey 02 9929 9822 and/or Mathias Cormann 08 9325 4227, simply and politely stating you do not support any further cuts to the aid budget and expect the Government to keep its promise to maintain aid at its current level. Further info: Caritas 02 8306 3400, 1800 024 413, caritas@caritas. Prepare for Christmas this year using Caritas Australia’s 2014 Advent Calendar

This year, Caritas Australia’s Advent Calendar features stories which highlight our 50-year journey of working with vulnerable communities

around the world. It uses the symbol of the Advent wreath to help you Learn, Pray and Act daily with and for Caritas Australia’s partners around the world. Caritas Australia’s 2014 Advent Calendar is available as an iPhone and Android app, as an online web calendar, and as an interactive PowerPoint for primary school students and families with young children. Join us as we use the Advent Wreath to learn, pray and act for a more just and fair world – a world full of hope, peace, joy, love and light – this Christmas. Advent begins on 30 November, so visit au/advent to view and download the calendar today! COMMEMORATIVE EDITIONS OF THE RECORD The fourth Commemorative Editions of The Record newspaper is released this week and will be made available in parishes at the cost of $2 per copy. It covers 1995 to 2014. If you know of anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the first, second or third editions, please ask them to contact Jamie O’Brien, 08 9220 5900 or editor@

REFLECTIONS ARCHBISHOP COSTELLOE ON OBLIGATORY CELIBACY One of the many profoundly disturbing aspects of the current Royal Commission is its discovery of the extent and prevalence of sexual abuse of minors across so many institutions, both religious and otherwise, in our country. As I follow this tragic story, I am seeing more clearly that the problem of sexual abuse is not really about celibacy at all, but about a distorted sexuality and an unconscionable misuse of authority and power. It is not the celibate lifestyle as such, but rather who chooses it and why, and how well prepared they are to live it fruitfully. That is the real issue. Both within the Catholic Church and more widely we must be brave enough to identify the real causes of the scourge of sexual abuse, no matter how uncomfortable this might be. It would be a great shame, and a betrayal of past, current and future generations of young people, if we allowed ourselves to let other questions about the practice of compulsory celibacy for clergy in the Catholic Church lead us to think that abandoning this particular tradition in the Church would somehow solve the problem. What we need is an honest, objective and informed discussion about this question and its possible relationship to child sexual abuse, free of any preconceptions or ideological bias. (‘Opinion’, page 26 of The West Australian – 16 December 2014.)

PANORAMA Please email all information by Friday, 5pm to

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