The eRecord Edition #106 - 3 November 2017

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Edition #106

3 November 2016

Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton with St Francis of Assisi parishioners on the occasion of the parish’s 60th anniversary.


ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI IN MAID VALE PROUD TO SHOWCASE 60 YEARS OF HISTORY painted and donated for the raffle draw by parishioner Tom Hogg, made its way to the walls of the newly opened and blessed Piety Shop after it was won and donated to the parish by Caroline D’Cruz. During the festivities which ensued, Bishop Sproxton became acquainted with parishioners before cutting the special 60th anniversary cake.

Caroline Smith

A TRUE SENSE OF PRIDE and gratitude for what God has done with St Francis of Assisi Church in Maida Vale could be sensed on Sunday, 23 October as scores of current and former parishioners celebrated the parish’s 60th Anniversary. Attendees were honoured to have Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton preside over the special Mass and appreciate a carefully constructed photo exhibition covering the parish’s 60 years. Bishop Sproxton, who was assisted during the Mass by Parish Priest, Father Francis Ly, and Permanent Deacon, Trevor Lyra, commended the parish for its rich history and referred to founding parish priest, Fr Dario Brunetti as an exceptionally talented individual not just in his ministry but as a culinary chef. The special event was also characterised by the efforts of a number of parishioners who showed their love for the

History of St Francis of Assis Parish – Maida Vale

TOP: Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton blesses the 60th anniversary history books at the special Mass on 23 October next to Parish Priest, Francis Ly, and Permanent Deacon Trevor Lyra. ABOVE: Parishioner of St Francis of Assisi in Maida Vale and talented artist, Tom Hogg, shows Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton his painting “The Grotto of St Francis of Assisi” at PHOTO: SUPPLIED the 60-year-anniversary of the parish on 23 October 2016.

parish through gifts, donations and hard work. A book of the parish’s history, compiled by parishioner Philomena Theseira, was blessed by Bishop Sproxton and certificates of

appreciation for building the new Piety Shop were handed to parishioners Joe Kaciuba and Maurice Castelli. A beautiful painting entitled Grotto of St Francis of Assisi,

While the very first mass in what was then known as The Chapel of St Francis of Assisi was celebrated by Fr Francis Ryan on 18 June 1950, the Parish of Maida Vale was born on 23 October 1956 and was initially led by Fr Dario Brunetti. After much fundraising, a larger chapel was built and was blessed by Archbishop Redmond Prendiville on 11 August 1957. Information courtesy of Philomena Theseira Full Text available at


Approximately 600 people, including a number of youth, attended the Why Be Catholic conference in Balcatta.


Theology of family draws many to ‘Why Be Catholic?’ conference Caroline Smith

PRACTICAL THEOLOGY, family meals and spiritual combat were some of the themes discussed in the recent ‘Why Be Catholic?’ conference in Perth, with approximately 600 people attending the three-day event. The con ference wa s held at St Lawrence and Mary Immaculate Church in Balcatta from 20 to 22 October, and featured US-based priest Father Leo Patalinghug as guest speaker. Fr Patalinghug – who was born in the Philippines and raised in Baltimore, USA – is known as ‘a breakdancing, board-breaking, bread-breaking priest’ who has appeared on a number of TV shows in the US, and who draws on his experience as a former chef, drama teacher and martial artist to teach aspects of theology. He is also a member of the Voluntas Dei community, which is a Secular Institute of Pontifical Rite. Speaking on the first day of the conference, Fr Pat alinghug int roduced attendees to his ‘Grace Before Meals’ movement,

which emph a si se s t he importance of communal meals in strengthening families and relationships. Over the three days, he also explored topics such as the meaning of the Eucharist, and the use of Mass Media for evangelisation. The conference included local presenters such as Perth Auxiliar y Bishop Donald Sproxton, Willetton parish Assistant Priest, Fr Christian Irdi, and high school religious education teacher and public speaker, Stephen Spiteri. Dur ing a speech he delivered on 21 October, Bishop Sproxton reflected on the Jubilee Year of Mercy and on Pope Francis’ call for Christians to become involved in promoting peace and understanding. “Pope Francis, like many of us, is aware of the change in attitudes of people in all our societies, where we see the increase of anger, violence, revenge and the lack of forgiveness,” he said. “The Holy Father has realised that when you look back into history, key moments can be observed when nations adopted their ideal of mercy to redefine and progress in their societies.”

LEFT: Practical theology, family meals and spiritual combat were some themes of the recent ‘Why Be Catholic?’ conference in Perth, where US priest Fr Leo Patalinghug was a guest speaker. RIGHT: Perth Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton was one of the local speakers at the Why Be PHOTO: SUPPLIED Catholic conference last month.

Bishop Sproxton named South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, created by Nelson Mandela, as one such moment, saying that it showed how important it was for the new nation to pursue justice, but also reconciliation between the many communities within the country. “He [Nelson Mandela] saw that if South Africa was to move forward with

confidence into a new future of democracy with a new Constitution, a process was required that was not punitive,” Bishop Sproxton said. Why Be Catholic organiser Dr Michael Chong said that for him, the youth-focused session on Friday night was a highlight of the conference. Full Text available at



Max Agapitos (top right) took part in a service-learning experience in Kenya in 2014. He is here pictured with Notre Dame graduate, Isobel Best.

THE UNIVERSITY of Notre Dame Australia has secured close to $100,000 in funding to support overseas learning opportunities for students in 2017, through the Australian Government’s Endeavour Mobility Grants scheme. The recent announcement by the Federal Minister for Education, Senator Simon Birmingham, takes Notre Dame’s total government funding for international student learning opportunities in 2017 to $402,700. The Endeavour Mobility Grants encourage Australian students to experience the academic, social and cultural life of other countries and, in turn, provide international students with learning opportunities in Australia. It also seeks to strengthen institutional relationships with overseas providers through collaboration and student exchange. In September, it was confirmed that Notre Dame would receive $310,200 from the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade’s New Colombo Plan to support immersion experiences in the Indo-

Pacific Region for close to 100 students. The Endeavour Mobility Grants will support student participation in the following projects in 2017: • Study Abroad placements in France (Catholic University of Lyon) and in Canada (King’s University College) for a semester; • a clinical immersion experience for students of the School of Medicine, Sydney, with the Calauan community in the Philippines; • a clinical immersion experience for students of the School of Medicine, Fremantle, to complete their fourth- year medical electives in the Asia-Pacific region in countries such as the Cook Islands, India, Nepal, Thailand and Vanuatu; and • a service-learning immersion in Kenya for students from the Schools of Arts & Sciences, Education and Medicine on the Sydney Campus, earning credit towards the Logos Programme.


Education graduate, Max Agapitos, took part in the immersion trip to Kenya during his time at Notre Dame. He described it as an “emotional experience” which gave him the humility to look at home life in a different way. “I learnt so much and am now motivated to give back to both the Kenyan people and my own community in my professional years,” Max said. Professor Peta Sanderson, Pro Vice Chancellor of International and Research, says Notre Dame is committed to providing a quality learning experience for all students with a curriculum grounded in hands-on practice. For more information about Notre Dame’s the short-ter m mobility programs, including those supported by the Endeavour Mobility Grants and the New Colombo Plan, as well as Study Abroad options, please visit www. Full Text available at


Christine Camacho from Catholic Super presenting the ‘Ganges Team’ - staff who support individuals living in one of Identitywa’s shared homes.


IdentityWA highlights progress at awards night QUALITY SERVICES and enhancing stakeholder engagement were the focus of Identitywa’s 2016 Annual Review and Staff Awards Night, held on Thursday, 20 October. Identitywa Board Chair Graeme Mander and Treasurer Linda Walsh addressed the gathering to deliver their reports for the 2015-2016 financial year. They were followed by Chief Executive Officer Marina Re, who spoke of how the organisation was well positioned, given the current trials of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the WA NDIS. “We are keen to move forward with clear direction from the Australian and Western Australian government on the rollout and future of the NDIS in this

State,” Ms Re said. “As active participants in the trials, we have been pleased to meet many new individuals and families who are now accessing our services. “This includes new families from former Disability Service Commission transition houses as well as others who are in receipt of individual plans and funding for the first time.” Ms Re also emphasised the importance of Identitywa partnering with other organisations such as the Fremantle Family Support Network led by St Patrick’s Community Services and Centacare Employment and Training WA, an Archdiocesan not-for-profit, registered training organisation. “Working collaboratively with other

THE eRECORD is produced by the

agencies and networking are important strategies in achieving good outcomes for vulnerable families,” she said. Ms Re concluded her presentation by thanking Catholic Super for generously sponsoring the event, and acknowledged the support of the Archdiocese of Perth, Lotterywest and the dedication of Identitywa’s staff. “The commitment and enthusiasm of our staff have been instrumental in the significant growth of Identitywa over the past year. I am, as always, grateful for their total dedication to the achieving the best outcomes for the people we support and their families,” Ms Re said. Full Text available at

JAMIE O’BRIEN Communications Manager/Editor FEBY PLANDO Production Officer MARCO CECCARELLI Journalist CAROLINE SMITH Journalist 21 Victoria Square, Perth WA 6000 | Ph: 9220 5900

RACHEL CURRY Journalist DANIELE FOTI-CUZZOLA Video Journalist BIBIANA KWARAMBA Administration Officer


PANORAMA What's happening around the Archdiocese FRI, 4 NOV THE WALKER TRIO Join us under the stars for a celebration of all things family! The superbly talented trio of Jessica Gethin, Ray Walker and Sophie Curtis will perform an eclectic mix of well-loved classical to swinging jazz, Irish ballads and contemporary favourites at the Romancing the Stone Gardens, Maida Vale, Thursday, 4 November, 7pm. Bring a picnic and a rug to keep warm in case of a chilly evening. Proceeds to Catholic Mission projects supporting children’s education in Cambodia. Tickets: www.trybooking. com/NFXL, 08 9422 7933 or SATS, 5 & 12 NOV CATHOLIC WORSHIP BOOK II This series of workshops will focus on how to use this new musical resource within the context of your parish and/ or school. The new hymnal is divided into three parts. The first workshop will teach the Service music and the second workshop will teach the hymns relating to the Seasons and the Feasts. Saturday 5 November & Saturday 12 November, 10.30-12.30pm at Centre for Liturgy, 28 Marda Way, Nollamara. Registration close 1 November 2016. Further info: 08 9207 3350. SUN, 6 NOV DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS Divine Mercy devotions will be held on 6 November, 1.30pm at St Francis Xaviers Church, 25 Windsor Street, East Perth. Deacon Trevor Lyra will talk on All Saints and Holy Souls. The holy hour will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy prayers and Benediction. Veneration of the relic of 1

EDITION #106 | 3 November 2016

Saint Faustina Kowalska and fellowship afterwards in the hall. Further info: Julia Murphy 08 9457 7771. SUN, 6 NOV LAUNCH - NEW NORTHERN AREA DISCIPLES OF JESUS COVENANT COMMUNITY The Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community will launch a new Northern Area Community on Sunday, 6 November, 3pm, Pearsall Hocking Community Centre, 125 Willespie Drive, Pearsall. Further info; Mario 0411 641 245 or www. MONS, 7 - 21 NOV THE STORIES OF GENESIS Every Monday, 7.30-8.15pm, Online. This short, userfriendly online Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Rev. Dr Charles Waddell, explores the stories of Genesis. These are stories of creation, sin, murder, idolatry, floods and new beginnings, of Divine promises fulfilled, family rivalry, love, exile and reunion. They help tell us who we are and who our God is. Cost: $15. Further info: or to register, visit, cfe@, or 08 9241 5221. TUE, 8 NOV THE TALLIS SCHOLARS The world renowned Tallis Scholars will be performing one concert only in Perth as part of their upcoming Australian tour, Tuesday, 8 November, 7.30pm St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. Described by the New York Times as ‘the rock stars of Renaissance vocal music’, the Tallis Scholars have established themselves as the most authoritative and eminent interpreters of Renaissance sacred music throughout the world, resetting the bar for a cappella music. Tickets available at premier. aspx?sh=TALLISSC16&v=SMP. Further info: Jacinta 08 9223 1377. TUES, 8 - 22 NOV THREE EVENINGS WITH ELIZABETH OF THE TRINITY 8-8.30pm, Online. Is Elizabeth of the Trinity (soon to be “St Elizabeth”) simply some kind of spiritual wonder-woman we can admire from afar: prayerful from childhood, a nun at 21, and then a holy death at age 26? Or does Elizabeth offer compelling Gospel insights that are relevant to everyone? Join in this short, user-friendly online Centre for Faith Enrichment course, presented by Dr Michelle Jones, and find out! Cost: $15. Further info: or to register, visit www., cfe@perthcatholic., or 08 9241 5221. WED, 9 NOV TALK – MEANING OF AND SYMBOLS IN ARTWORK DR ANGELA McCARTHY There will be a talk about the meaning of, and symbols in, artwork presented by Dr Angela McCarthy, lecturer at the University of Notre Dame Australia, 9 November at 6pm St Mary’s Cathedral. The talk will be followed by light refreshments; a $5 donation is suggested. RSVP: Odhran O’Brien odhran. or 0415 104 889. CHAPLETS OF THE DIVINE MERCY A beautiful, prayerful, sung devotion held at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Dean Road Bateman, on the second Wednesday of each month commencing at 7.30 pm. The next devotion will be on 9 November. It will be accompanied by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. If you have not attended previously, why don’t

you come along and participate in this uplifting experience? All are welcome. Further info: George Lopez 08 9310 9493 or 0419 910 039. WED, 9 NOV SAFEGUARDING PROTECTIVE BEHAVIOURS PARENT WORKSHOP The Perth Catholic Archdiocese Safeguarding Project is child focused and informed by a fundamental belief that children have the right to physical and psychological safety at all times. The Safeguarding Project will hold a Safeguarding Protective Behaviours Workshop on Wednesday 9 November, 10-1pm at Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Camberwell Street, East Victoria Park. This workshop is an adult training session and is not suitable for children to attend. Cost: free. RSVP by 7 November to Robyn O’Byrne, robynobyrneisaddsp@; or Maria Mansour mariamansour6@ Further info: 08 9221 7763, safeguarding@ COUNCIL OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS WA Inc. Commemoration of Kristallnacht in the presence of Her Excellency the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia. 7.30pm, Perth Synagogue, Freedman Road, corner Plantation Street, Menora. Presenter: Shirley Atlas, Teacher of Jewish History, Carmel School, Spiritual resistance during the Shoah? All welcome. Further info: ccjwa@ WED, 9 - SAT, 19 NOV NATIONAL PILGRIMAGE – FOOTSTEPS OF MARY MACKILLOP The Sisters of St Joseph, in their Sesquicentenary Year, invite all to join them in this Pilgrimage,

as together we explore and deepen our own relationship with God, through the story of our Australian Saint, Mary MacKillop. Enjoy 10 days of sharing a journey - starting in Melbourne, continuing through Victoria, South Australia including Penola, Adelaide and finishing in Sydney. Price ex Perth $3430 twin share pp. Further info or registration, Annie Bond RSJ; 02 8912 4818 or MMP_NationalPilgrimage@ FRI, 11 - SUN, 13 NOV THE COMING OF THE LORD - RETREAT Advent is a time of gathering, anticipation for the birth of the Saviour in our history, in our hearts and in our future. Come and spend some time in conversation and prayer exploring the significance of this joyous time for our lives and our world. Presented by Jill O’Brien SGS. Recommended cost: $260. Further info: New Norcia Institute for Benedictine Studies, Dr Carmel Posa SGS, 08 9654 8371, carmel.posa@; Jill O’Brien, jill.obrien@newnorcia. SAT, 12 NOV MULTICULTURAL MASS & PRAYER FOR REFUGEES The Episcopal Vicar of Migrants warmly invites you to celebrate the Multicultural Mass as one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Friday 11 November, 7pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth. Presider will be Archbishop Costelloe SDB. Everyone is invited to come in their National Dress. SAT, 12 - SUN, 13 NOV VOCATIONS REFLECTION WEEKEND DAYS – SALVATORIAN FATHERS Vocation Reflection Days are designed to help young men decide what direction their future will take. In Christian life, there are three vocations: marriage, single life and priesthood/religious life. The Salvatorian Fathers will hold Reflection Weekend Days to help young men (18-35 years) find their way in life by deepening 2

EDITION #106 | 3 November 2016

their faith, learning more about the Salvatorian Order and developing new friendships with other young men. The reflection weekend starts at 2.10pm, Saturday, 12 November finishing at 1pm, Sunday, 13 November, at Salvatorian Community House, 2 Caledonia Ave, Currambine. There will be time for prayer, spiritual development and social activities. Further info: or to register: or 08 9304 2904, 0488 111 574, Fr Greg Skulski SDS. WED, 16 NOV SPRING PRAYER DAY Wednesday, 16 November, 10-1pm, Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South Perth. (9.30am morning tea and lunch provided). Theme: "I have come that you may have life...". Cost: donation. RSVP essential by Thursday, 10 November for catering purposes to Laura 08 9334 0999, Imccarthy@sosjwa. FRI, 18 - SUN, 20 NOV RETREAT- OUR RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE Annual Retreat of the Secular Franciscan Order lead by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey livein/ live-out 18-20 November, St Catherine’s House of Hospitality Tuart Hill. Six talks covering “Listening to Holy Scripture”, “Jesus Crucified”, “Blessed are the Pure of Heart” and “Our Vocation in the Church and the World”. Mass and reconciliation. All welcome. Bookings; David 0400 061 106. FRI, 18 NOV QUEEN OF APOSTLES PARISH - PILGRIMAGE INFORMATION NIGHT Only 8 places left for the exciting Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land including Jordan, 5-20 May 2017. Come and join us for an information night presented by a native who lives now in Perth on Friday, 18 November, 6.30pm at Queen of the Apostles Parish, 55 Tudor Ave, Riverton. Further info; Mary Mclean 0400 553 140 visit

www.christianpilgrimage. SUN, 20 NOV ILLUMINATIONS A concert to shine a light on acts of mercy in our community. Music by Morten Lauridsen, Ave Maria, O Magnum Mysterium, Lux Aeterna featuring Lux et Veritas, Camerata 1685, conducted by Jangoo Chapkana. Sunday 20 November, 2.303.30pm, St Mary’s Cathedral, Victoria Square, Perth. Uplifting music for chorade and orchestra celebrating the final day of the Catholic Church’s Jubilee Year of Mercy. Ticket $35, concession $25. For tickets w w w. m e r c yc a r e.c o m . a u / illuminations. Further info: 08 9340 7261 or illuminations@ BRINGING LAUDATO SI TO LIFE – FROM VISION TO ACTION Fr Sean Mcdonagh, Irish EcoTheologian and Columban Missionary will give a talk on Bringing Laudato Si to life – from vision to action, on Saturday 20 November 9.45am for 10am start at the Redemptorist Monastery, Retreat Centre, 190 Vincent Street, North Perth. This will be followed by morning tea. RSVP by 16 November to Centre for Faith Enrichment, cfe@ or 08 9421 5221. SUN, 20 NOV TAIZÉ MEDITATIVE PRAYER You are invited to join the South Perth Taizé praying community, St Joseph’s Chapel, 16 York St, South Perth, Sunday, 20 November, 7-8pm (Chapel doors open 6.30pm). Theme: Praying for all those who have died especially our families and those who have died in tragic circumstances. Please bring a small torch, and a small plate to share for supper. Please note this is the final prayer in the style of Taize for 2016. There will be no Taize Style Prayer during 2017 in the Sisters of St Joseph Chapel South Perth. Taize Prayer will recommence in March 2018. Further info: Sr Maree Riddler rsj, 0414 683 926, SUN, 27 NOV FUNDRAISING - LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor will be fundraising with a boot sale, food plus music on Sunday, 27 November 10am-4pm at 2 Rawlins Street, Glendalough. There are limited car lots/spaces at $20. To register, contact 08 9443 3155 or au by 13 November. SUN, 27 NOV CHRISTMAS COMMUNITY SINGING A relaxing, fun-filled afternoon of singing as we approach the Christmas season, featuring popular carols and special Christmas and Advent chants sung in the Cathedral and accompanied by enthusiastic community orchestra ‘The Dorkestra’, choir, and, of course, the Cathedral's 106 year-old magnificent Dodd pipe organ. Includes a sing-along version of Handel’s rousing Hallelujah Chorus. Admission $15 and $12 concession, Sunday, 27 November, St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth 2-4pm. Raffle and Miss Maud afternoon tea during interval. Free, limited parking available in the Cathedral grounds. Further info: Jacinta 08 9223 1377. SUBSCRIBE TO THE eRECORD Local news from across our parishes, agencies, schools and organisations can be delivered weekly directly to your inbox via The eRecord. It contains the latest news, events and photos from the Archdiocese. Parishes receive a PDF copy of the e-newsletter to print off and distribute for those who don’t have or don’t use email. Subscribe to the e-newsletter by sending details to communications@

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